Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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    3 A
Sale of Beautiful Laees
, AH Half-Price and Less
WE HAVE PURCHASED from S. Steinfeld & Co.
of New York City, these Laces from the Brook 4. Wil
son Co. that are surpassingly beautiful.
They comprise Gold and Silver Lace Flouncing, 18 inches
wide, embroidered in heavy patterns on fine cotton nets.
Fancy Colored Embroidered Net Top Flouncings, novelty de
signs on fine white net. ,
Silk Chantilly Flouncings Dp to IS inches wide in white,
cream and black.
36-inch Wash Blondes, in white and cream.
Black Silk Dress Nets, 40 inches wide.
The Laces that are most favored by Fashion this season, and
Gold and Silver Lara Flouncinii, 18 inches wide; em-'
broidered in heavy patterns on fine cotton nets. .
Fancy Colored Embroidered Net Top Flouncing , nov
elty denims on fine white net
Silk Chantilly FTouncinx, white, cream, and black;
to 18 inches wide
36-Inch Wash Blond, white, and cream
Black Silk Dress Nets, 40 inches wide j
Cold and Silvor Laeo Flouncing, worked on silk and'
fine cotton nets, 12, 18 and 24 inches wide
Silk Chantilly Laca Flouncing, white, cream and
black. Up to 24 inches wide
Fine Shadow Allovar Laces, white, and cream: 36
inches wide
Silk Chantilly Draw Net, black and navy; 40 inches
wide -
Imported. Venise Allover Lace, 18 inches wide
Oriental Net Top Lace Edgw, white, and cream;
Venise edged patterns; collar widths; worth to
60c, yard 25c
All-Linen Cluny Lac, white and ecru, op to 5 inches
wide; worth 25c and 35c; on sale, yard 19c
Fine Shadow Lac Edge,' white and cream. Collar-
Net Top Lac, white, cream, and ecru
All-Linen Cluny
Gold and Silver-Run Lac Edfe, on silk maline nets
Silk Maline Lace Edge, for collars and dress trim
mings ,
Fancy Wah Lace, all widths '
Filet Vii, Edges and Insertion
French and German Val
Plain and Dotted Footings ......
Edged Beading Val ,
Fin Torchon and Imitation Clunv.
Main Floor. '
Worth to
50c Fancy Turkish Towels, 35c
This is a timely suggestion for Christmas. Full bleached towels
with pretty colorings of blue, pink, orange; also plain white
hemmed ends. Double thread, extra heavy.
49c Damask, 39c
Full bleached, in the mercer
ized make. All pretty patterns.
Launders like linen, 64 inches
69c Padding, 49c 1
The heavy fleeced kind to
protect your table . 54 inches
wide. Main Floor.
10c Wash Cloths, 5c
Turkish Wash Cloths, fancy
Extra Special
$2.00 Towel Sets, $1.25
These sets include One Large
Size Towel, One Guest Size and
Wash Cloth to match, in colors
of blue or pink.
ii' AaTirira
II m m -m
W 1 1 1 be
here until
Wednesday night
A complete display
of all the parapher
nalia that goes to
make a full outfit is
shown here and
Picked Scouts
demonstrate how a
full fledged scout ac
complishes things.
On Monday, Tues
day and Wednesday
Camp will be open
and demonstrations
going on.
In a 16th Street Win
dow all day Monday
Scouts will demon
strate. Third Floor.
u i. - ,uuj
'in mm ma wm v. -"M&.niMd ma k cm mm m ivv
. Anderson's
Fairy Tales
will be told here on Mon
day by the Story Telling
MissCora Morris
going to
even another
YES She Is
be with us
Daily from 2:15 to 3:15, and
4 to 5, and on Saturday at
10:30 and 3:30.
Second Floor.
Women's Spat Pumps and Spats
These are very fashionable this season, and worn
by all the well-dressed women. 1 , ;
We have just received a large shipment of Dull
Kid, Dull (Jali and .Patent Pumps. These, are made plain,
to be worn with spats. Louis wood heels and light soles.
Two Styles at $.95 'Two Styles at $6.00
y Large assortment of Spats, in colors, White, Fawn,
Taupe, Dawn, Gray, Chamois, Burnt Ivory, Black and
White Striped. '
$1.98, , $2,48, , $3.00 $3.48
Shoe Department Main Floor.
holi day
comes on
For the Thanksgiving
time we have prepared for
you full and complete
stocks of everything but
the edibles to make of
your feast day a com
plete success.
Last-minute suggestions
abound in this store, and
the woman who ia, puz
zled, or who has the
slightest idea that she
has overlooked something
should take a last-minute
shopping tour through the
Then when Turkey,
Cranberry Sauce, Pump
kin Pie and a)l the boun
ties which Nature yields
for us to make of this
Thanksgiving season a
feast time shall have dis
appeared Christmas'
That greatest day of all
the year, will with winged
feet be coming on apace.
It Is Not Too Early
To Enter a Plea
Right Here for ;
Early Shopping
If you will stop to con
sider what it means, not
only to yourself, but to
everyone connected with
this Christmas shopping
season, to have the great
er part of it out of the
way before the LAST MIN
UTE shall have greeted
you on every han'i, you
will heed this gentle ad
monition and profit by it.
A gift well bought is
twice bought If you pur
chase now, when stocks
are full and complete, and
do it in a leisurely man
ner, you are not only
' vastly pleased with your
purchase, but are bound
to please the recipient as
If all the anxiety and
hurry and bustle of last
minute shopping could be .
done away with, what a
manifold blessing it would
be. Let's think of our
gift making now and let
this Big Store do a big
part of the thinking for
The Store with the
Christmas Spirit.
After Dinner
and Thanksgiving
' Patronize the Candy
Department at this holi
day time the Thanksgiv
ing feast will not be com
plete without some of
these :
Our Creamy Wafers, in
all flavors Mint, Winter
green, Clove, Pistachi,
Orange, Cinnamon. All,
at, pound 29c
Fresh Salted Almonds
and Pecans, pound . . .90c
Glace Fruits and Nuts,
pound 80c
Glace Maroons, pound
Assorted, Caramels
with Nuts-and plain. Very
special, pound 25c
Our Delicious Nessel
rode Puddings, Frozen
Egg Nogg. Quart .... 75c
Neapolitan Bricks, all
packed and delivered to
all parts of the city.
Each 50c
Small Turkey Roast
Favors, filled with candy
corn. Each 10c
Large Turkey Roast,
special, each 15c
Pompeian Room
Fashion's Most Favored Silks"
Specially Priced
'$1.75 and $2.25 Silks.. $1.25
Thousands of Yards of the Newest Silks 56-Inch
Satin Taffetas, Surahs and Mescalines, in checks,
stripes, plaids, Dresden prints, Warps and floral designs.-
All the desirable colorings.
Mill Ends of Stripe Tub Silks,
Worth to $1.25, per yard, 59c
4,000' Yards of 32 and 36-Inch Stripe Tub Silks,
suitable for waists and men's shirts. A beautiful
ran go of color combinations. Lengths ranging from
1 Vi to 2i yards.
40-Inch Silk and Wool Poplin, 98c .
All the newest and most wanted street and evening
shades. Splendid weight, soft silky finish.
' 40-Inch All-Silk Lyons' Black
Coating Velvet, $4.75
A beautiful deep raven black. Extra good weight.
Regular $6.50 value, per yard, $4.75
; 36-Inch Costume Velvet, $1.59
In navy, black, brown, dark green, Copen, African
brown, and an assortment of other desirable colors.
Main Floor.
Warm Blankets for Winter Comfort
Prepare for the Cold Days to Come ,
. WINTER is not far distant days when the
thermometer will drop well below the freezing point
and when comfort will be the paramount thought
in your mind. The announcement we make of excel
lent Blankets at little prices should bring everyone
here who has a need, on Monday.
72x80-inch Genuine Wool Nap Bed Blankets, In gray, white,
and tan; extra long, fleecy nap; warm and durable. Fast, wash
able borders; regular $2.60 values, pair .1.98
Extra Heavy Fleeced Cotton Blankets, made by the Nashua
Mills; good quality; in white, tan, and gray; size 30x76 inches;
beautiful quality; mohair binding; regular $2.00 values, pair. $1.69
Wool Blankets, made from extra long staple California wool;,
all site fancy checks and plaids, also plain shades; extra winter
weight; fast woven colors; well-bound edges; our $5.60, grade,
special for Monday, pair $4.39
Sateen Covered Comforters, extra heavy, finest quality
sateen, neatly printed; filled with long staple, pure white, carded
cotton; scroll stitched; light and dark grounds; regular $2.50
grade, sale price, each .11.98
he Great Christmas Toyland
The Little Girl and' Boy Land
Will open here on Saturday next, 7,
Santa Claus Makes This $
His -Headquarters
and he has brought to this store the most wonderful stock vf toys ever
exhibited in Omaha. 1'
Games In the greatest profu
Dolls Thousands o them. sion.
1 A
Toys Of every kind and de
scription. Main Floor.
' Horses, Doll Houses, Furniture,
1 v etc, etc., etc.
Rugs for the Home
When you buy a Rug have in mind the surround
ings it will have. Because we have such a complete
color assortment and variety of designs you will have
no difficulty in getting the right rug every time.
9x12 Axminster Rugs Panels and Centers. Just
the thing for bed rooms. Regular $27.50 quality,
at .'..$13.98
9x12 Axminster Rugs, in good patterns and color
ings. Very good values Monday, at $19.98
9x12 Royal Axminster Rugs, beautiful line of color
ings and designs. , Exceptional values, at $21.98
9x12 Seamless Axminster Rugs Sandfords Beau
vis, Smith's Yonkers and Kirmans. These rugs have
sold to $35.00, special, Monday $27.50
9x12 Wilton Rugs, all perfect goods, and regularly
sold to $45.00 Very special for Monday, at. . .$37.50
Printed Linoleum, 6 feet wide. Beautiful colorings
and designs. Perfect goods, worth 60c. Monday, per
square yard ... 49c
Third Floor.
Beautiful Silverware for
Special Prices for Monday's Selling
The Silverware Store makes special mention
of just these few items, but the stocks are full and
complete, and every need you have can be satis
fied here at the smallest cost to you.
$3.00 Jam Jars, $1.98
Heavy Sterling Silver Tops, Sterling Spoon and Cut
Glass Jars.
Cut Glass Jam Jars with plated spoon and top, spe
cial at 50c
2-Piece Carving Sets, Sterling Silver Handle. Regu
lar $3.50 values $1.98
$3.00 Stag Carvers 3-Piece Sets, including Knife,
Fork and Steel; large 9-inch blade. Monday $1.79
Large Sterling Handle Berry Spoons, Cold Meat
Forks, Pie Knives, Sugar Shells, Cheese Scoops, To
mato Servers, Etc. $2.00 values, special ....... $1.00
Main Floor.
Women's High Grade Coats
Manufacturer's Samples
A New York manufacturer of extreme
ly high grade coats sold us his entire
sample line, consisting of such fabrics as
Bolivia, SUk Velours, Imported Wool
Velours, Duvetynes, Broadcloths, Etc.
At a price reduction that will astonish you, con
sidering the wonderful character of the garments.
Every coat is trimmed with heavy rich furs of
many different varieties, such as Natural Raccoon,
Australian Opossum, Dyed Squirrel, Skunk, Opos
sum, Hudson Seal, Near Seal, Maufflon, etc.
- They are all lined with high class fancy and plain
silk and satin linings.
$65.00 to $100.00 Values
Choice Monday, for
Other Wonderful Coats at
$18.50 and $2 Jf. 50
Bolivias, Plushes, Wool Velours, Broad
cloths, Novelties, Cheviots, Etc.
In Wine, Burgundy, Greens, Gold, Char
treuse, Navy, Copenhagen, black and
Large Fur Collars, Fur Cuffs, Fur Bor
ders, Silk Beaver Collars, Cuffs and Bor
ders, etc.
Heavy, beautiful guaranteed linings, new wide
flare around bottoms, half and full belted mod
els, large cape and Quaker collars.
Your Unrestricted .Choice of Any
Tailored Suit in Stock
At Half Price
Regardless of any former prices, you simply look at the tickets, cut the price in &1Qto&fOC
half, and that is what you pay. The prices now on the tickets are from P 1 1 V 1 OO
Second Floor. .
Handkerchiefs for Christmas Gifts
Never Fail to Please . Anyone.
WE HAVE ANTICIPATED the usual Handkerchief
holiday business by acquiring the best stocks of Hand
kerchiefs we have ever had at this season of the year
and the prices are so modest for the remarkable
character of the merchandise that it will be welt for,
you to anticipate your wants. Novelties in the way of
monogram Handkerchiefs, etc.
Real Madeira Hand-Embroidered Handkerchiefs
all linen, with fancy eyelet embroidered comers. Regular 50e
grade, each 35a
Women's Handkerchiefs, Colored and White Embroidered
Corners, in fine sheer linen, also colored hems. Double hem
stitching. ,
Point Venice and Val Lace Edges.
Hen's and Women's Pure Irish Linen, Initial Handkerchiefs,
with plain or fancy wreath designs.
Each, 25c
Children's Colored Initial Handkerchiefs, three in a picture
box, for .15c
Boys' All-Linen Handkerchiefs, with colored or white initials.
6 in box, for, each. ; 85e
, Misses' and Children's Autograph Handkerchiefs, your first
name in full on fine sheer linen. Colors or white. Regular
price, 20c; sale price, each 12Me
Women's A!' Fine Sheer Linen Handkerchiefs, with fancy
colored embroidered oriental designs. 3 in fancy box, worth
76c, for , SOc
Misses' Colored and White Silk Crepe de Chine Handkerchiefs
with double hemstitched borders. 25c quality, each 12M
Men's and Women's Plain Pure Irish Linen Handkerchiefs,
all very good quality.
Women's Initial Handkerchiefs, all linen, with fancy wreath
effecu. .Each, 12Jc.
Women's Fancy Embroidered Handkerchiefs, all linen, in col
ors or white. Some Shamrock lawns in solid colors. Many of
these handkerchiefs are traveler's samples. Worth to 25c, very
special 2H
Main Floor.
Put Your House in Order
For Thanksgiving
Pretty curtains and draperies make the home cozy
and cheerful.
Fine Voile Curtains, with heavy lace edges. 2 Vi
yards long. Thanksgiving Sale price, pair $1.98
Marquisette Curtains, beautiful range of new pat
ems. Pair $1.98 and $2.50
Lace Edge Curtains, including Filet Net, Bungalow and
Quaker Nets, ivory or ecru. Monday, pair. . . .12.98 and $3.50
Portieres, heavy mercerized, silk edge. 60 inches wide. Brown
green and mulberry. Pair $7,50
Silk Portieres, many new patterns. Nice assortment of the
new shades. Special showing, at $12.50, $15.00, $17.50
Third Floor.