THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: NOVEMBER 2t. 1916. 6 D GRAIN AND PRODUCE Traders Sell Samples Freely ' and Cash Wheat Market Shows Improvement. BETTER GRADES IK DEMAND ' Omaha, Novsmbaf. U, Wit. i. .! markst T Hit iraas m m . ahowad lmnrom.nt J7 ana white tne mariw w. - . . iradrra w.r not ov.r-niloai to bold tr samples an ! ""' '"' . , Th. .nd for th. blt.r Corn recolpu ' tainy hfr';St '"JT! only noa.o - r w , t OVJc and tlw whit. an mliaa oorn of th. Mm. .ro ""' tor Th.r. w. a lainr a " So. 1 oat. sola tor Mo and th. poorest sam ples raiure from Sltc to HK. appeared to bo In eicelleot demand nd th. hoik of th. samples ware dPd of at .toady prieia th. No. I ..lllnf for 1.M and th. No. I rad. at II fl Th. barler reeelpta were comparatively llfht and thla market was quoted an- Clearance were: Wheat and floor Meal to 4(1.000 buahel.; corn, .0W buahola. oata, 101.000 euanels. Liverpool close: Wheat anchamedl oorn. Ipmd hljher. .....a. fl-rlmarr wbnt reeelpta were .(.' bushels and 1,S.,W Wutola arstnst receipt, of I.I0M00 bushels and shrpments of 4.101.000 h Primary corn receipt were 1,100.000 bush .1. and .hlpment. 364.000 bushels, eielnsl receipts of OSO.000 biuhala and shipments of 4:,000 lest year, Primary oata reeelpta 040.000 bpnn I. and OM.000 bushels, etelnst receipts of 040.000 bushels and of 1,441,000 buhela but yoar. CARLOt' RECEIPT. li 111 111 411 111 00 II II ill 1 41 II Chloafo Minneapolis , Duluth . Omaha ....,...... Kanau City Winnipeg MM Then, salea worn reported today: Wheal No. 1 hard winter, t jar, '; No. I hard winter. I ram, MJi ''', '": I cam. 11.70ml cart. 11.71. ".. I hard winter. 1 om (dark). 11.14: 1 car, 11.71 I cam, 11.77 1.: I care, $1.77: 4 l-i cara, 11.74, J eara 11.71. No. 4 hard winter, I ear., II 7.7l r. 11.74: ear Il.tJ. fcrnpl. hard wlnwr. 1 car. 11.71: 1 .car, "'J 1 .print". 1 car. 11.17. No. I mlkod dnroin. I earn, 11.10. No. 4 durum, 1-0 car, 11.70. Lmpls durum, H oar, 11.10. Ho. I mld. I car (dark), II. la. No. I sailed, I ears. "i&urWi. N.. . . h cn lLUal lH . - lit- Bar layNo' oV 1 car, U. Nfc 1 "corn-N.. I whit.: 1 oar. 10 Kt. whit.: 4 eara, 10 Hoi 1 car. 10o. Nft , I white: I eara, I0o. No. I yellow: I earn lotto. No. I mlieds I cam, 10c No. I mlied: I I I cam. lie. : , Oata No. 1 white: I car, Me. whiu: t cam, 14(40. No. 4 whlt.1 """, H14C. "ample whlt.1 I earn, 14c: 1-1 ear, ,rJ.h,Pri.cVLwh..i:N......r. No. I hard. 1.TI1.7I: No 4 hard. 11.7l1.7l: ll.ll III: No. I aprtnf. I1.744I1.M, durum, 1.7ll.ll: No I durum. 11.77 1.71. Corn. No. while, Jo.e: No. white, loeooo: No. 4 white, lli,0o: No. I white, IKJIOo; No. I white. Illle: No. I yellow, 10. Me: No. I yellow. HH! ; No 4 yellow. IlietOc; No. I yellow, IIK0II4.C: No. I yeMoW, II : No. 1 mlied, 0M: No I mfted, IIVI0IOC: No. 4 mUed. HHt) ltu.e: No. I muod, none; No. I mlaed, 17 c. Oat.: NO.1 white, 14 lie; .tan dard. IIVjOyMKe: No. I white, 4SHo; No 4 white. 14I4C. Barley: Malllm, I1.0IB1.I0; No. 1 feed, Bye: No. S, I"H4W1.'. No. 1 ,I1.411.41M. . .-v., . QhiU wmtm. ; A beartak aantlment prevailed ataln to day In wheat and the market, while It opened ateady, declined e a low point of II u en May and atared around tnlj mark ntll th. cloM. Th. local pit crowd w.a very quiet today and then waa not much trading up to noon. Corn opened .toady and flulokly followed the dwltne In wheat, but. Independently of the weaknea. In wheal, eora waa bealiah and cloned around the low point of the duet. we. a aympathetle market and whtl. It held within a narrow ranee waa ruled by th. action of oorn and wheat and aloaed a fraction lower. - Tea. 11114 111 UK 1 1 M II - Cblcage eloalna prleea, rsmahed The Be. by Logan A Bryan, .took and grain brokere. Ill South Sixteenth street, O ma hat High. I l.ow.1 Cloee. I fee Art. vht. Deo. May July Corn. Dec May July Oata Dee. Hay July Pork. Jen. May Lard. Jan. May RIM. Jan. May 1 "! I II 1 1 71 I II II 11 II 1 57 . 11 " II II II U II II 11 It 14 IT 14 II 171 1 H 1 14 m la it 1011' 011 ii ii ii IS Met 17 011 ii lV. II 10! ... ,11 IT It 17 4t II It It II 14 IS 14 10 117 It 117 41 1 H 14 6l CHICAGO UBiUN ANd PROVISIONS, Wheat TmktM Trth VtwmwH 8wte w : lUMtrti 4 KniW Tlk. Ohlcaxo, Nov. I-. Propti of an em brgo on food ktvep wheat prleM on th 1 down rad tUy. The mark.t oloaad htsavjf e to lo net lowar, with Dim. at i.H maA May at $1.11 to U.MH. Corn lost a ahal to and oata c t ri4Ho. Provtalona aained ."c to 3e. Tha downward Btaitt ban as soon as both tttartjrd and was quickly smphastwd by advices from Washltivton that a sharp execute straff I appeared certain. It waa pointed out, howvr. that buylnv on thu part of hoiwea with Inllmat aa board rtjim hma developed todsy during docllnas. Wheat oontinued low tnrousnout tns sos slon and made quits burdensome at times pwlrtu to rather aafren-lve ahort selllntf. (ToinpaVattvs strenfth In Liverpool attraeteo attvntlon nut was more irtan onset w pro- nounofd weakntM at Winnipeg. Rains In Argnnllna and signa of enlarged receipts l.eie eountcd against tn buns in corn, Rumors of export sales tended to avert any mrilcat dfcHne. however. Oats eased oil with other eoreais. Htaher ouotatlona on hogs lifted provts Ions. PortM-eata were that hog receipts next , tvrek would show a falling off as compared with a year aao. Cash prtces WhaatKt. I red. I1.I9H; No. t red. nominal; No. a hard. H-H; No. S Imrd. nominal. v0rn No. X yellow, .!: No. 4 T ow; taaic: no. 4 wmi. i4tte. Uat .No. 3 white, nQltt:i standard. bi tf .it. nyo-.No. i, 1.41. llarley cct S7. Rlmolhy seed-tl.260K.IS. f lover Md-U.eyl.4t. ' Pork $38.60. . lrd 1 75. . " , iaia--14.Stl4.78. " , MIMNRAPOUS fiRAIN MAItKVT. Mtnneapohs, Minn,, Nov. II. Wheats De em be r. II. l-lt; Hay, I.M01.t4. Cash: Nu. 1 hard, 11.10 fl, 11 ; No. t northern, liali.tyM; ho, i nonnern, Com No. I yellow, 119100. a te No. t white, 14040. rioui Unchanged. . , Uratt-n.totlSB.M. 1 " Heed Kiax, 2.7K , .... BUbsm tlty OsBeral Marltel. ' Art. r Open- 1 High, t Low. Close. o. 1 II 1 tt 1171 tl M.y I II t II lit 1 It July 141 in t II lll 1 41 Corn. t Dee. II II II II May m0 ! July 11 11 ' Oata Dec. - II 14 $4 May II II ! Kanaas City, Nov. 24 Wheat No. f hard, i.8vi.(,: No. t rod. 1.741.U; bectm lKr. Hay. fl.lH.. Com Na 1 mixed. 13 9 93 fee; Ko. I white. IIHOOle; No. yellow, I40I4HO; Decem ber, Olo: May, llti. Oata No. I white. i7H0i7ic: No. 3 mlied, 104)170. NBW YORK GENERAL MABKET. linilm Ontawaaber Adraaeee of Op eel ec Market. New Tork. Not. II. flour quiet. Wheat a pot eaay; No. 1 durum!. 11.14: No. hard, 11.01 ; No. 1 northern Du luth. 13.11 i No. 1 Northern Manitoba, 11.11 f. o. h. New Tork. Corn apet eaay; No. 3 yellow, $1.10 0. f.. New Tork, 10 day .hlpment. Leather Arm: hemlock flmta, 17c; aeeooda, lac. Lard firm; middle wait, 117 16017. 10. Hay Steay; No. 1,; No. 1, $1.01; No. 3, llo; .hlpplni, lotyltc Hope flteedy; out., common to chance, 1011. 4i4IOc; 1011, Ityloc; Facile coaat, 1111. 11911c; 1111, telle. Hide. drm; Bogota, 444tc; Central America, 44c. Prortalono Pork, eteady: meee, 131.I0O 1100; family. III DO K OI; .pot, clear, II.00OI1.00. Beef. Areh e meee, lilOOd) 11.10; family, Ili.l0t37.00. Lard, weak; middle weal, 111.00(117.21, Tallow ant.; city, lie: nominal; country. lltllo; apeclal, llc. BHutter Market .Lady; receipt., 4.371 tuba. Creamery. 11 SO tic; flmta, 310 41c; eeconde, 37t)lle. Egga Market firm; rec.lpta. 4.311 caaea: freah extra Una, 4lt60c: xtm flrete, 47t4l; omta, 410410, eeconde. lit) 13c. Cheeee Market Arm: reeelpta, III pound.; tete freah .peclala, 14t14c; do aver age fancy, tlel4c. Poultry, live market weak; chicken., 17 917o; fowae, 14017c: turkey, llqlllc; rueaaou; market arm; eniekana.; (ewla, llt)ll; turkeya, 11011. OMAHA GENERAL MABKET. Better No, 1 creamery, Is carton, or tuba. 40c; No. 1, lie. Chorea quotation, by Orlau A Cq.: Cheeae Imported 8wlaa, tie; domestic aw tee, 4to; block flwbej, llo; twin chee... 170; triplet., 17e; dalalea, 17c; young America, 27e; Blue lbel brick, I7e; llm berter, Ito; Now Tork whit., 17c; Roque fort, lie. Celery: California Mammoth, per dog. lie Fl.h: Catfleh, par lb., 17e; Trout, per lb., lie; fell Salmon, per lb., 14c; Red Ralmon, per lb., lie; Halibut, per lb., lie: Herring, per lb. Te: Black Baea, per lb. 17010c; Bullbeaj, dreaaed, per In. lie; Carp, dreeaed. per lb. Ic: Tile rieh. per lb. 10c; Red Snapper, per lb. lie; Block Cod. per lb. Hoi Hundah. per lb. 7o; Cropptea, par In, tci Ploundem, per In. lie; Bfnelta, per lb. lie; Selkirk White, per lb. lie; Pike, per lb., 11011c: Pickerel, per lb., Ic; Smoked Whlt.flah, per lb., lie; Kippered Haltnoa, per lb., lie: Peeled Shrimp, per gal., 1 71: Head lee. Shrimp, per gal., $1.31. Wholesale prleea of beef cute; No. 1 ribe. llo; No. 1, 14c; No. I, lie. No. 1 lotne. lie; No. I. 17c; No. I. 13c; No. 1 chuck.. 11 c: No. I. Itc; No. I. lo No. 1 rounda, lie; No. 1, 13e; No. I, lie; No, I platoa. into. No. I, 1001 No. 1. Ito. Poultry Uver "Spring, all rime, lle: hana, 4 log. and up, 14 o; bona, md.r 4 lha., lle: old cot. llc; ducka, r. P. fat, 14c; geeaa, t. T. fat. lie; turkey., I lee. and ever, lie; under 1 Ina., 14e; each, lie; pigeone, per doaon, lie. Poultry Dreeaed: Turkeya, dry picked. No. 1, hong and yeuns tome, Ito; eld tome, 33e: turkey. No. 3, lc; ducka No. 1; lie; ducka No. I, 13c; fecoe No. 1, llo; eld cox, 11 & Other poultry at market price. Fruit and vegetable prleea furnished by Olllnaky Fruit Co. Oranges Vala lie, llos. Ills, $4.11 beg; Tela, Ilia, $1.11 boa; Vala, HO., It.M hex; Vala,, 171a, Ilia 11.71 box; Vela, 300.. 311a, 310a, 11.10 box. Florida. Has. $1.71 box; Florida. Ilea, 14.11 bos; Florida, 171a, lots, Ilia lite. 14.11 bos. Navel.. Its Itts, Ilia, 14.71 box; Navels, 140a 11.00 box;, other ateea, $1.11 box. Lereona faney, inoe, Itts, box; eholce, iota, lota, 14 00 box. Omperrolt, lis, 14.01 box; 4)., 14.11 bos; 14a, 14.71 box: 14a, 10s, tie, 11.10 box. Ore pea, Emperor crate; $4.71 keg. Malagae, extra cholee, 17.00 keg, fancy, kes; extra fanoy, ll.Ot keg. Applea, Va Tork Impertale, 11.10 bhl.i Me. Pip. pins, $4.11; n. R. Jonathan.. 171a .mailer, 11.71 box; Blue Ribbon Jonathans, larger. box: 171s. smaller, 11.11 box. Vegetable. Petaloea, bu.; sweet petetoea, Virginian, $4.10 bbl.: hamper.. $1.71 hamp, Onlona, Spanish. $100 cmte; red, vellew 4e lb. Tomatoea, $3.31 lug. Cueumbera, $3.01 dog. Cabbage, tc lb. Rutabegoea, 3e lb, Turnlpa, oarrots, 3c lb. Celery, Michigan, 4tc doe, California, te doa. ; la rough, 11.11 orate. Cranberries, Cape eod. 11.00 bbl.; boxes, 11.11 box. J.mey, 11.10 bbl. Belle and Cherry II 00 bbl. Bell. Bugle, Howee, at 110.11 bbL Ceeeenuta, $ sack; dosea, $l.$t dosen. Mlwi.llan.eaa yeanuta. no, i raw. 10 tot roeac, lb,, to; Jumbo, raw, lb., lo; Jum 11.71; flga, eaaa, No. 1 EnglUB wal- reaated, lb. lie Urom. eatea. ease. aula, lb. II c . ' St, Leels Omin Market. St, Louie, Nov. II. Wheat No. I 11.110 1.17: No. I hard, $1.14 0 1.11 v December, $1.71: Mey, $1.11. Cora No. I, Ito: No. t white. 17c: D camber. 110! May, li01ic. oata no. l, omc; no. i whit, aomiaui; December, llc; May, lte. " Uteepeet Oral Market.. Liverpool. Nov. II. Wheat Spot No. 1 Manitoba,, lis; No. a. an ateck; No. I, new, lie ld. , Cora Beet Amarrcaa mlxeo, saw, lis aq. Ooffe Marhei, New Tork. Nov. 6.Coffe The renewal of near months liquidation eaused a sfur thar decline In the market for coffee futures her today, with December oon tracts sell ing off to T.ttc, or abogt 14 points under the high level of the week. The general list opened at unchanged prices to a decline of I points, and eased off during the morn ing In the absence of any Important support witn Hay selling err to i.ifo and July to l.lle. Rumors of an easier tone tn th eoat and freight market may have had some Influence in th lata trading, and th cloee was at the lowest point of the day, at a net decline of T to IS points. Bales, bags; November and Peeamber, 7. tie; January, I, lie: March. 1 . 4c; Aorll. I.lfto: May. 1.17c : June, l.41t; July, I.Sfto; August Bep- .emoer, i.seo; uciooer, s.cse. spot, auii km 7. t"o: Hantos 4s. isuo: offers of very well described Santos Is were reported In the cost and freight mar ket at 1 c. ido la and 4s at 10o. London credits. Kaasaa City Live Stack Market. Kanaas City. Mo.. Nov. 11. Cattle Re- c.lpta, 1,000 head; mark.t at.ady; prim, ted ateera, Ilt.it011.7l; dreeaed beef .toers, lf.IO01t.ll; weatara stesra, 11.10011.31; cowa, 14.7101.10; heifers, 11.00010. 36; stocke-ra and feeders. 16.3607.76; bulla, 11.31 07. oe; oalvee, li.torju.oo. rtoga Keoeipia, 1,000 noae: market high er: bulk of .alas, 11.11010.00; heavy, 010.10; Darker, and butcher., light. 11.40 01.10; plxe, I7.I601.6I. Sheen and La re be Reeelpta 1.001 head: mark.t eteady; lambs. 111. 10011.11; year llnga. w.lnera, 17.IO0l.6t: ewe.. IOHS0I.I1! stackers and feeder., 010.10. - Metal Market, New Tork. Nov. 16. Metals A continued good demand from both foreign and domes tic source, has boon reported In the oopper merk.t during the (eat week and very little motet in oirerea ror nearoy .moment, quo tation, tor deliveries ot electrolytic during the fleet quarter ranged from about 113.10 to 111.60 today, while dealer. w.r. aeklng from set... to ssi.eo Tor second quarter, and from to lti.ll for third quarter. Iron waa unchanged. : New Tork. Nov. II. There waa continued selling pressure In th. market for sugar fuluree today and closing price, were I to I point, net lower, Influenced by th. .aal.r reeling in tne apet market Bales were II.. lot tone. December, 14.71: March, 13.11 May, 14.11! July, 14.11. Raw sugar, eaay ealea, 10,400 bags Peruviana; molasses, 16.01 centrifugal, II. II; refined, (tails fine gran, ulaled, . . Cotton Market, New Tork, Nov. 11, Cotton Futures opened firm; December.; January, lO4l0tt.77e; March. Il.tto; May, ll.ic; juiy, sv.eso. Cotton futures closed Irm: December. ItlTo; January, 11.17c: March, ll.lto; May, te.sie; jniy. xi.iec spot steady; mid dllng uplands, 10.14c. No ealea OU as Savannah, Oe., Nov. 11. Turpentine, mer ket steady, toe, .ales none; receipts. It 111 bbla : thlpmenta. Ill: stock, 11,113. Rosin. Market Arm; ealea, 1,431; reeelpta. 1,111; ehlpmsnta, 441; .lock, 17,431. Quote: A B C D B, 411; F. 1.111 37Jo: O, t.tle: H. t.4O0l.41V.el I, 4(60414: K, 4 44; M. 4.l7tt0l.?tc; N, 1.140411c; WO,; WW, 7.30. Dry (leads Market. New Tork, Nov. II. Cotton toode were firm and yarna tended higher today. The wool Induatrr was disturbed by the com. mandertng of Australian wools by the gov ernment. Knit goods buying waa leas fe- verl.h. but th. demand waa general. Buy. lap. and llp.n. were Inn. ' Klrta Butter' Market.1 ' I- ' Blgin. III., Nov. 31. Butter Sales were twealy-flve tubs at 43 esnla. UVE STOCK MARKET Good Cattle Steady and Other Easier for Week All Kinds Sheep Are Higher. HOGS 20c TO 25o HIGHER OMAHA, November 31, 1111. Receipt, were: Cattle. Hog.. Sheep. Official Monday 11.4111 11.411 1 111 Official Toeeday 1,001 11,003 11,771 Official Wedneaday... 7.101 11,111 1.111 Official Thuradey 1.134 1.3 13.101 Official Friday 3,440 17.104 1,000 Ketlmate Saturday ... lit 1.710 SIX days this week...41,IBI 71.171 14,131 Same d.y. laat week., 43.311 14.113 71.141 Kama day. I wks ago..!M6l 45.177 17.041 Heme days I wka ago.41,411 41.071 I3,0 Same days 4 wks. ago.ii,7l 8I.IH 11.140 Same days laat year.. 33.317 33.331 44.401 Reeelpta and dlspoeltlon of live slock at th. Union Stock yard., Omaha, Neb., for twenty-foor hoor. ending at I o'clock p. m November 31, 1111. , RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle Hogs. SheapH'r a. C, If. 1 It. P. ... 1 Wabash 1 Mlaaouii Paclflo 1 Union Pacific 1 ! C. B. Si Q., ea.t . . 1 . C, B. aV Q., went ..3 II .. C. N. W.. ea.t 31 .. C. N. W west .. 10 .. C, St P., H. 40...1I C, R. I. P., eaat ..1 II .. C, R. I. Ji P., "Ml . . 1 I Illlnola C.ntral 3 Chicago Ot. West Total reeelpta SI HI ' ' DISPOSITION. Cattlt. Hoe. Sheep. Morris Co Bwlft and company 3441 Cndahy Packing company . . . 3110 Armour A Co 177 3111 ... Schwata Co Ill J. W. Murphy .......... ... JOII Total 11.711 Cattle There were no cattle of any count on aalo thla morning, but for the week reeelpta emount lo 41,141 head, being ll.Ott heed larger than a year ago. The market on good beef steers t fully steady with the close of laat week, but half-fat oornfed. and common grsaaera are .lew to lower, -flood rang. gran, baef la generally steady with laat week, sack entile being preferred by pecker, lo the warmed up comfeda. . , . Cow. and heifers from th. stalk Held, and farms have ..nd off a little Ull. week, but good range stock baa continued about steady. Oood to cholee stock caiu. ano iwm have remained aboul stationary all week, the supply of such cattl. being light On the other hand, common to medium grades nave been gradually working a little lower, being .low to weak every day. Quotations on cattlet Good to choice oorn fed beer.., 10.71011. 00; good to choice weighty beeves, l.tO01O.!i; fair to good cornfed beeves, 11.1001.10; common to fair cornfed beeves, II. 40 01. 10: good to choice grass beeves. 17. 7101. to; fair to good graaa beeves, 11.7607.71; common to fair graaa beeves, 11.7101.76; good to choice heifer., 11.1007.10; good to cholc. cowa, 11.6007.31; fair to good cows, 11.7101.10; common to fair oowe, II.I60I.T1; good to choice feed ere. I7.10OI.00; fair to good f.eders, 14.760; common tn fair feeders, 10.00 01.71; mA .h.lM etAokers. IT. 1001. 00: Stock heifers,; slock cows, li.OO0J.IO: stock calves, 14.00 01. 00; veal calvea, 11.00 010.00; beef bulla stags, etc..; Bologna bulla, 11.0006.60. Hogs Hog receipts were tolerably liberal for a Saturder, some lit cars, or 1,700 head, being reported In. The totel .for the week Is ths largest ,lnce March, the six daysj supply Is probably the largut ever recorded In eny similar period during tbe month of November, arrivals having been 71,171 head. Thla Is nearly 11,000 larger than a woek ago, 14.000 greater than two week ago, and more than thre. time, as heavy a. lor th. corresponding period lost year. The market this morning was a runaway affair and was v.ry much Ilk. the trade e week ago yesterday, Despite the fact that upplles have been so heavy all week, all buyers still wanted hogs, and badly, too. It seemed, for the market after opening large ly Ito higher enntlnued te Improve,, a good .hare of the offerings selling as much an lie higher, with scattering sales Ol ina "Si" and butcher kinds showing advances ot 30c and even a quarter. Mov.mmt waa very active, and a very good olearance waa made before l:lt. In other words, there were sales all the . from letlfrn hlaher to e quarter higher. and lb. general market was pretty close lo Ito higher, uuik or me aaie. w.e mu. a. a.Kekasl. with .ev.ral load, up to 110.00. and a Up of 110.01. There waa a eprtnkltng of the very light .tuff at II 10 and under. Compared with a Wee ago price, are on the avorag. IO0S!e higher. Lights were way out of tine en laat week', close and were hit pretty hard .arly this week, so a great many of them do not show a. much of an upturn as la quoted, but on tha other hand a great many butchers and heavies are more than a quarter up. Present prices era th. hlgbeat sine, a month ago, and are without precedent et thla season of the year. Today's top, for Instance, la exactly 13.06 higher than was ever paid In November up to thle year. Representative aaiw: No. Av. ..Ill II. .171 IT. .171 71. ,101 II. .101 8h. Pr. . ,.. II 60 ,.. 1 70 It I 10 ... I 10 lit it to I No Ar. 31.. Ill SI..I0I II.. 113 41.. 141 Bh. Pr. ... II 16 ... t 16 II Tl 110 I 16 ... It 06 71.. 311 PtdS. 41,, 141 It Sheen During the laat week fat lambs have mad. galna of 10 000c. tope- being exaotty lie higher than a. week ago. Qual ity of the offerings fell off a little at midweek, but aa a general thing the lamb. are coming back good. At the clone of the week beet of the offering, aro selling at 111.11, a record mark for this time of veer, and within 30a of the best prto. over paid on iht. mark.t Medium to good kinds. and rangers, are toning uownwara irom 113.10. Monday's market waa mainly ateady. though email galna were nnted In spots, but from then on prices advanced. steadily until the bed break that hit her. Friday of last week waa more than regained. Clipped Iambs moved up right along with wooled Inds, and showed Just about the same advance. Ths top here yesterday waa 110.40, the lamba that brought It being mate, of he ones that sold at 11.11 tha w It h.fnr. The advance In old aheep waa not quite aa marked a. In lamba, though prleea moved upward suadlly, .bowing a gain of lie to aa much aa half a dollar. For thl. time of rear the feeding lamb aupply wss pretty liberal, but demand Is much heavier than It was wo or three weeks ago and the trede was active throughout at steadily advancing prleea. A feeding lamb record of 110.10 waa ttehed before th. week', close, end Friday traders quoted a top of on dealrabl. stuff. Uuotatlona en sheep and iambs: Lamba. good to choice. 111. 10011.11; lambs, fair to good, lamba. clipped, 11.100 lass; lamus, feeders. ot.7&0ll.oo; year llnga, good to choice. II.OO0I.T1; year ling, fair to good, IT.7i0l.7i; year linga. feeder., 17.0001.00; wethera,, fair to choice, I7.OOOI.7I; ewea, good to choice. 17.1001.00: awes, fair to good. II.6IO7.I0: .wee, plain to culls. 64.10 04.11; ewes. feed. lag, 14.60 0 0.10; ewea, breeders, all ages, CHICAGO 1JVR BTOCK MARKItT. Cattle, Weak! Hags, Weak I ft bee. wee. Chloago, Nov. 36 Cattle Reeelpta. 1.001 head; market weak; native beef, 14. lot) 11.01; western eteers. etockero and feeders, 14. 1097. Tt; cows and helfere,; calve, Il.00tyl2.7l. - . Hoge Receipts, 10,000 head: market weak at ic above yesterday's average: bulk of ealea, ll.itell.60; light ll.lityl.IO; mixed,; heavy, l.lltJlO.10; rough. Il.iil.ll: pigs. Il.10tyl.l0. Sheep and Lambs Reeelpta 4.0et head; market weak; wethers, ls.oog)l.t; ewes, I4.ilttl.40; lamba, II 60 1111. 84. Joseph Live Sleek Martlet. St Joseph. Nov. JI. Cattle Reeelpta. 101 head; market steady; steers, Il.7l10.i0; cows and heifers, 14 Ii4yl.ll; calvea, 12.00. Hoge--Recslpts. 1.600 head: market steady; top,; bulk, of sales. It. lit) I.M. - Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 'ltt head: market steady: lambs, 111.644)12.06: ewes, lt.tt7.Tl. , Manx City Live Sleek. ' Sioux at,, la., Nov. 11. Iloxe Receipts. 1.100; me it ls)10c higher: light. 17.710 til; mull, ll.iiOl ; heavy, M.ioa t.11. Cattle Receipts, ltt. . Sheep Reeelpta 100: market steady: ewes,, it. z; lemna, sv.rooii.o.. Stateeneat at Clearing Hoeae BaeuVe, : New Tork. Nov. 11. The statement nf the setual rendition of elearlng house banks and trust oompantee for the week .how that they hold 1,117,141 rcaera la excese of legal requirement. This Is a of 121,341,141 from laat weak. New York Meejey Itarket. Nsw Tork. Nor. 11. Mercantile Paper 1H per cent Sterling Exchange Sixty-day biila. 4.11 Uj. Commercial bill.: Sixty-day bills on banks. 11.70; sixty-day bllla, I4.T0H; ds mend. 14.71 11-14; cables, 14.74 T-lt. Silver Bar, 73c; Mexican dollars, lltic Bonds Oovernment, steady; railroad. Arm. U. 8. r. Ss, reg. lift I., j, N. un. la... 1644 do coupon ... .. K. A T. 1 4s 71 U. S. 3s. reg 100 Mo. p. con. Is. ..101 do coupon ...lOOttMont Power is., lit. U. 8. 4s. reg. ...110 N. T. C. deb. Is. .113 do coupon ...UOMN. T. City 4.. .110 Am. Is... 131 N. T., N. H. H. Am. Tel. 4 Tel. cv. 4s II l cv. 4M .107 No. Paclflo 4a... 14 Anglo-French 6e. 14 do Is 17 Atch. gen. 4s.... 14'Ors. 8. L. ref. 4s 14 B. St O. 4s 12 Pao. T. T. 6s.. 101 Beth. St ref. 6s. .102 Penn. eon. 4s..l04 Central Pee. let. 10 do gen. 4s.,.102 C. A O. cv. 4a. 03 Reading gen. 4s.. 16 C, B, Si Q. it 4s li8t L. A San. F. C. M. A St. P. ref. 4a II cv. is 101 So. Pac. cv. la-.. 104 C, R. 1. A P. Ry. do ref. 4s 13 ref. 4a a7I8o. Railway OB..10I C. A S. ref. 4a.6 Union Paclflo 4a. 11 D. ft R. O. e, 4s. 11 do cv. 4s 14 Erie gen. 4s 74U. 8. Rubber Ie..l01 don. Klec. IS...10IUU. S. Steel i 107 Ot No. 1st 4S..100W. Union 4s.. II I. C. ref. 4s 13 Oorn. of C, 1131. Ills' Int M. M. 4.. 103 'Bid. . K. C. So. ref. is II St Louis live Stock Market. St Louie, Mo., Nov, 21, Hoga Receipta, t.OOt; steady to strong. Llghta, 11.260 1.10; pigs, 17.0001.00: bulk, 11.4000.11. Cattle Receipts, 1,100; steady. Natlvea, 17.10011.60; yearling steers and helferas, 1.10011.10: cow., li.lO07.7i; .lockers and feedere, 11.3007.10; T.xaa querantlne ate.r., li. 6008.00; prim, southern beef steers, 11.00 01.00; ealvgs, 16. 00O13.00. Sheep Receipts, 600; steady. Lambs, 17.60011.10; ewes, 11.76 0 7.10; yearlings, 11.00010.00. LoDdoa Sleek Market. London. Nov. St. American securities Improved under the lend of United States Steel and closed ateady on the stock ex change here today. Silver Bar, II 3-lld per ounce. Money 4 per cent. Discount Rates Short bills, 60I per eent; three months, l06 percent Getting Ready to Boost for Funds For Brownell Hall The team, headed by George Bran deis, got the jump on its rivals in the Brownell hall $250,000 campaign, when it was. reported at yesterday'! luncheon of executive committeemen and captaini, that Mr, Brandeis' list of workers was complete and his team ready for the opening of the public movement - Serving in the capacity of lieuten ants to Mr. Brandeis, are John C. Wharton, former postmaster, Omaha, and Thomas F. Quintan, of J. L. Brandeis & Sons. Other workers whose names were announced are: Robert Burns, general luperintendent Otis Elevator company; R. Ware Hall, of the Peters Trust company; Walter T. Page, manager of the American smelting and Kenning com pany; Dean John A. Tancock, of Trinitv cathedral, and John T. Yates. sovereign clerk, Woodmen of the' World. Every captain present at yester day's meeting reported1 additions to nis part ui tnc volunteer corps, ana all expressed confidence thai the teams would be completely lined up within a few days. Luncheon meet ings of the executive committeemen and the captains will continue daily till the opening of the campaign. ' Women workers will also meet at luncheon today in the Fontenelle, to talk over plans for the campaign and to make further progress in the or ganization of the live teams, which comprise this division. ; Washing Machine ' Company Secures. Lot for a Factory D. D. Rullman, who recently came here from St Joseph to build a fac tory for the manufacture of washing machines in Omaha, yesterday closed a deal with Harrison & . Morton whereby he purchased two lots giving him 100 feel frontage on the Belt line, on the Twentieth street boulevard, about a block south of Ames avenue. Mr, Rullman expects to begin breaking ground the middle of next week for the construction of a factory with about 20,000 feet of floor, space. "We txpect to be manufacturing by the middle of January or the first of February," said Mr. Rullman. "We will employ twenty-five or thirty peo ple and will have fifteen men on the road. The factory will have a ca pacity of 100 or 125 machines a day." Cypress wood will be used in the mannfacture of the wooden machines, while a copper body machine and a galvanized machine is also to be manufactured. Much of the mill work on the wood will be done in the mills of Arkansas and Virginia before the timber is shipped here, and much of the casting will also be done in the large foundries and steel mills of the east. The assem bling will alt be done here. Woa't Open Hallol nexea. Sacramento. Cel.. Nov. 16. Further re port, from counties where eleetlonel Irp regularities were reported indicates they are not considered eertoua enough to Justify opening of the ballot boxee. Success With Chickens Depends a Great Deal on the Quality of Your Poultry Supplies . Hi After you have inspected our Exhibit at the Poultry Show, we would be pleased to have you visit our store and look over our complete stock of Poultry Supplies, including Cyphers Incubator Co. Queen Incubator Co. Pratt Food Co. C B. Andrews Co. G. E. Conkey Co. And Others. . There Are Many Ways in Which We Can Help You Increase Your Profits. Stewart Seed Store 119 North 16th Street NEW YORK STOCKS General Rise Wipes Oat Large Part of Kecent Recessional Movement. BULLS HAVE THEIR WAY New Tork. Nov. J6. Overnight develop ment, of unuaual'tmportance contributed in large measure toward the strength and ac tivity or today's market, the genera! rise wiping out a very considerable part of tbe midweek', receeelonal movement end restor ing some prominent issue., notably United Btate. Steel, to maximum level.. The amicable understanding regarding liti gation connected with the Adamson law and the adjustment of the Mexican situa tion mva Innnh. tn the bulls. Nxt to steel, coppers enjoyed speculative ravor leaders gaining I to i pin, . opening 6 point, up only a small part of which was relinquished. Utah securities, the H.rveeter Issues. Nova Scotia Steel Sulf states Steel, first pre ferred, and American Agricultural Chem ical wore among the lees prominent Issues, gaining 4 to It polnta. Halls were the only Issuee of Importance to hold back. Among .the few revereale were Bethle hem Steel, which lost II point.; Atlantic. Oulf A Went Indies, common and preferred; Maxwell Motors and Montana Power, the latter losing but a sm.ll part of the pre vloue day, spectacular rlee. Total ealea of stocks, 716,000 sharee. The bank statement fulfilled foreca.ts, an actual caah loss of more than 133,000,000 being accomplished by a further contrac tion of 111,360,000 In reeerves and reducing ths total exec to 111.162. 240, a loss in th. last three weeks of more than 166,000,000. Reserves now are at the lowest total since the midyear. Bonds were lrregulsr. Total sales, par value, 13. 130,040. United Stales bonds were unchanged on call 'during the week. Number of sales and quotations on lead ing atocka were; Sales. Hleh. Low. .Close. Am. Best Sugar... 4,400 104 106 104 American Can 1,100 14 14 43 Am. Car A Foundry '' Am. Locomotive,.. l,60t 11 11 12 Am. Smelt A Ref.. 11.100 121U 120 121 Am. Sugar Ref.... 400 111 111 H'4 Am. Tel. A Tel.... 1,100 1 28 l'v4 U7 Am. Z-, L. ft S 1,000 II 60 60 Anaconda Copper.. 21.600 101 100 101 Aicmson jov loo luii, jvi- Bald. Locomotive.. 1,700 64 64 14 Baltimore A Ohio.. 30t 11 11 16 Brook. Rapid Tree. 14 B. A S. Conner 1L400 II 48 11 Cal. Petroleum 300 26 24 24 Canadian Pacific 170 central Leather... 1,100 116 114 114 Choapeake A Ohio 100 17 17 67 C, M. A St I1..... 400 3 Chicago A N. W C, R. I. A P. Ry.. 11.100 14 Chlno Copper 4,700 70 Colo. Fuel A Iron . . 64,400 II Corn Product. Ref. 14,700 II Crucible Steel 1.100 II Distillers' Securities 1.400 41 Krle 1.100 17 General Blectrlo. Ureal No. pfd Great No. Ore ctfs. 4,100 41 II 127 14 34 61 27 46 set 61 17 1 44 37 17 110 117 46 461, 104 1114 70 71 Illinois Central Inter. Con. Corp Inspiration Copper. 12.100 73 Inter. Harveeter. . . 1.100 134 111 124 Int M. M. pfd. ctfs. 1.400 III lilt n" K..C. Southern.... 300 24 16 26 Kennecott Copper.. 11,100 61 61 61 Louisville A Nash 133 Mex. Petroleum.... 10,700 112 110 111 Miami Coooer.. e l , II , 400 11 11 11 1.601 110 107 107 V 100 II 61 61 M., it. A T. pro. . Missouri Pacific fftationai Le.d.1 Montana Power.. Nevada Copper 31 New York Central. N. Y., N. H. A H. . Norfolk A Western Northern Pacific. . . Pacific Mall Pacific Tel. Jt Tel.. Pennsylvania ...... Rav Con. Copper. . . 4,400 107 107 107 100 68 J 61 . 67 140 700 111 110 110 26 , 36 66 34 1.100 101 107 107 11.200 11 10 II Keening Ren. Iron A Steel. Shattuck Arlx. Cop. 1,600 34 3 3. 1,000 100 100 100 1,600 27 27 27 . 700 126 123 124 100 26 11 26 - 1,400 137 235 234 300 141 141 148 12 136 Houtnem ractiic. Southern Railway . Studebaker Co.... Tennessee Copper. Texas Company.., Union Pacific Union Pacific pro. U. Ind. Alcohol 11 n fttt -.418,300 1ZS 1374 lZsft U. 8. Steel pfd.,v.. v 200 111 121 121 Utah Copper... -.ryi... I, ii!... 126 Wabash pta. '..(.-. jw Western Union . , . 102 Weetlnghouse telec. 6. see .4 .3 sen Total salea for the day.-7li.000 sharea. No Turkey in the' ; ' Baskets This Year Major J. J. McCormick of the Vol unteers of America says that he will not put any turkey in the Thanks giving baskets, which his institution will give out. , , 1 : The Volunteers give out large num ber of baskets of food for the poor each Thanksgiving. Recently the Associated Charities announced that it will not put turkey in the baskets of food which it ex pects to give away, because of the high price of the fowl. In its place the Associated Charities will give about four pounds of beef. FOR SALE Furniture and Lease New Jackson Hotel ' Largest Tnaatrical Hotel IB Chieagw i : . Electric Light, Steam Heat, Hot and Cold Wster. Forty rooms with private bath; buffet, billiard room, dining room and largest cab aret on West Side. Doing a business of One Hundred and Twenty Thousand Dollars Per Year. Price, (28,000. Bent, 115,000 per year. Address. . WM. E. STEELE, Manager. eft AerSerMseine LM4 Douglas 977 , . hej.'i" GRANGE HOLDS THE FARMERGUILTLESS Poor Crop? and Increased Cost of What He Mast Bay Explains High Prices. AGAINST GRAIN EMBARGO Washington. Nov. 25. In defense of the farmer the National Grange, in annual session here, issued a state ment tonight analyzing the high cost of living, and attributing the rising prices of farm products to poor crops ana me increasing cost ot wnat tne farmer has to buy. If any embargoes are to be placed to help the situation, the statement ays, they should be on manufactured products, particularly munitions of war. Prohibition of gambling in food stuffs and provision of more storage houses, under the control of the farm ers themselves, also are suggested. Mexico Women, Said To Be Villa Spies, Shot; Die Like Men Field Headquarters, American Puni tive Expedition, Mexico, Nov. 23 (Via Radio to Columbus, N. M., Nov. 25. Margarita Acosta, one of the three women executed Wednesday morning at El Valle for alleged plotting against the life of Colonel Gonzales Diaz, chief of the Carranza garrison there, is supposed to have been in Villa's employ at that time. Letters and papers found on her, it is said, indi cated this. She is also said by the Carranza officers to have carried pa pers signed by General Trevino. Sus picions were aroused, it was said, by the woman s actions and an officer was detailed to make an investiga tion. She is said to have revealed a plot, which Carranza officers claim listed Colonel Diaz and even the in vestigating officer himself, for assas sination. The .1 Valle garrison, it was said, was to be turned over to Villa. The woman was called before Colonel Diaz Tuesday. She was fol lowed by her sister and servant, Maria Castilla and Maria Reis. A search of her person is said to have-been made and papers, a dirk and a pistol were taken from her, according to the offi cers. ; ! Early next morning the women were shot, dying bravely, the officers declares. - Eat Lunch of the Others and Are Sorry As a result of lunch stealing at the University of Omaha, two boys are so sick that they will not feel like sneaking any more . lunches for a while. These two ' students pride themselves in being able to make some freshman go hungry for a day. But this time their delight is turned to forcible gloom. This particular freshie, after having lost his lunch several times, used ipecac lavishly in his next noon meal and awaited re sults. ' As ipecac is almost tasteless and odorless, the ruse was effective. The boys were ,not seen in classes the rest of the day and have not been real well since. Heavy Hoisting E. J.DAVIS 1212FarnamSL Tel. D. 353 Investors, Attention! As money gets more plentiful good investments be come scarcer. Here is a good one, which merits your in spection. 7 Cumulative Preferred Stock at 95 Netting Investors 7.37 Because we sell it direct, we, give you the broker's commission. If a limited time contract is desired, stock is par. THE BASKET STORES HAVE A FUTURE The company now hail stores in the following cities : Omaha, Lincoln, Havelock, University Place, College View, Benson and Council Bluffs, Forty in all. Note this interesting and constructive growth: The business began in March, 1908, with one smaU store: Year. No. of stores and markets. Sales for year. 1910 7 grqeery stores $175,930.00 1911 8 grocery stores and 6 markets , 287,100.90 1912 8 grocery stores and 8 markets 394,193.92 1913 12 grocery stores and 12 markets 532,842.06 1914 18 grocery stores and 18 markets , 837,497,23 1915 SO grocery stores and SO markets 1,350,862.58 1916 40 grocery stores and 37 markets (est) 1,800,000.00 In addition, this company also owns controlling interest in The Basket Stores Company of St, Joseph, Mo., a chain of 8 Btores. ni a J Our bttsincM rr tailing groceries, mtiU and ioro hardware, buy r I A rt i"K in 1ra quantitta, tuuallr cur loads of th best sellers, and so getting the lowest prices. k SELLING Cor strictly cash, absolutely no credit, no losses on ectrota. DELIVERY EXPENSE reduced to a minimum. A charge of 8c; is made VB less orders are over $6.00. .... . , . . I OUR PRICES, as a result, are much the lowest, which th torn increase the volume of business. Tbe increasing volume naturally gains us further advantages In buying. q a prTV What la safer than a strictly cash business steadily growing lArr I I I" volume T We deal in the necessaries of life, which people must sjiaa sU.1 a have every day, good times or bad. The "high cost of living" will undoubtedly drive many new customers to our stores thb winter to set the benefit of our lower prices. Tht net assets of the business exceed the preferred stock Issued more than B to 1. As this Preferred Stock Is a first lien on the net assets, it is aa unusually aafe is, vestment. It is Mt jus sable aael tax free n Nebraska. - We do not wish to sell over $20,000 of this stock at present, so investigate now. Don't put it off. Write for particulars or phone Tyler 440 and ask for A. 8. Herman or J. E. Bryan, 'or better still, call in person at the Basket Stores general offices on track age, 108 N. 9th St. Omaha. REPAIRS AND STOVES, HEATERS, FURBICES AND BOILERS PROMPT SERVICE MODERATE PRICES WATU FRONTI ANO WATCH HCATIMe ATTACHMENTS ' OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS, 1208-1 Dou.las St. Phone Tyler 20 Elgin Butter Board Under Federal Scrutiny Elgin, III., Nov. 25. Several gov ernment agents were here today to observe the proceedings of the weekly meeting of the Elgin Board of Trade. The board, which is said to fix the price of butter for a large section of the United States, has been under surveillance for several days in con nection with the inquiry into the high cost of food products being con ducted by a special federal grand jury in Chicago. For Quick Profits BUY SILVER KING Of ArilOaasV Capital $1,500,000, Shares $1 Par Famous at a producer ot rich SUvar Coppar Ores, this remark able property of 100 acres, which contain one of the beet-defined vein systems tn Ariwna, Is about vto be developed on an extensive scale, and for which purpose a complete new equipment of ma chinery and engines is now beinf installed, together with an oil flo tation plant to treat the dnmpn eomprisins; around 100,000 ton of medium grade Ores as also a vast tonnage of like values left in the Mine by the former owners. SILVER KING IS NEXT NEIGHBOR TO MAGMA (the old Silver Queen) whose ehsres have recently had a sensational rise from 116 to $66, due to the de velopment, at depth, of large high grade bodies of Copper, as will doubtless be the experience of Silver King. Silver King of Arizona Stock la listed on tha New York Cork Wire your orders at market, or get further particulars through your own Brokerany New York Stock Exchange or Curb House The Silver King of Arizona Mining Co. 42 Broadway, Now York. Permanently Established HOME BUILDERS INC Omaha, Neb. . Invest your savings in its fnaranteed 1 Preferred hares. Dividends payable January 1st and July 1st Shares issued before Jan. 1st participate in the divi sion of Surplus Profits Jan. .1st, besides they draw 7 from date of issue. . . " i You can order by mail or ' in person as many shares as Job like at $1.20 each until amiary 1st. . Authorized Capital $500, 000.00, will soon be increas- THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY Why wait till shares ad vance? You can get that increase if you order shares now. )0ME BUILDERS INC. ' AMERICAN SECURITY CO, (Fiscal Agents.) . 17th and Douflas Sta OMAHA. SUPPLIES FOR 1 1