l A THE OMAHA 1 SUNDAY BEE: NOVEMBER 26, 1916. CLEARING HOUSE FOR WAH WIDOWS General Booth of Salvation Army Fosters Soheme for Their Transportation. DOMINIONS HELP MOVE . 1erreapDnanee f The AaMelate Preee. : London, Nov. 10. A scheme which has been nnder consideration for some time by the Salvation Army i now complete for transferring Brit ish widows with their families to the overseas dominions and to increase facilities for the migration of other women desiring to go to dominions when the war is over, and the abnor mal demand for female labor is ex hausted. . , In a recent issue of the War Cry General Booth intimates that a fund of $1,000,000 should be raised, and $.160,000 has already been subscribed. The public trustee has agreed to set as treasurer of the fund, and the sum asked for should secure the settle ment of 5.000 widows and 10.000 children. The work, which requires careful and gradual preparation on tli is side, as well as in the dominions, for the proper settlement of the fami lies. . would be conducted . over a period of five years. Close co-operation between the Salvation Army and the dominion governments is already assured, sev eral of the states having already come forward with offers of active support, and special representatives are being dispatched to the colonies at once. -: ' Aid Worthy Widow. ' General Booth points out that un der the scheme, worthy widows living in oppressive" or unsatisfactory en vironments can be transferred, free of cost to " themselves, to progressive overseas communities where there is more elbow room for the energetic and enterprising, and where she will be fortified while making her way, in the knowledge that she haa the weight of the Salvation Army at her back. He sums up the Army's undertak ing on, behalf-of the women as fol lows: "The Army will not advise anyone to migrate or become responsible for the migration of anyone who may not conform with the standards of suitability it haa set up through its long experience with migration. . . i Jobs Ready lor Tbem. ' Th Army will provide for the re ception and secure positions in given localities prior to sailing for all whom it may select for overseas settlement under this scheme. "The Army undertakes the super inteadenee by its own officers or re sponsible persons of the families mi gratfd -for four years, er until such time; as the progress of the new settlers- imlicatee that such guardianship can tedispensed with. "lip die event of failure' to aueeeed in her new environment after four years' trial, a contingency regarded as remote and exceptional, the Army will bring back the widow to this country." ., ; : ' i General Booth claims that the re sponsibilities thus, voluntarily under- WTNS 8TATE PBIZE 70S YOUNG MUSICIANS. 1 1 Olga Eitner, Omaha's talented young violinist, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Eitner, won first hon or in the contest" for young profes sional musicians held it the Temple theater in Lincoln Friday. The con test is the second national one of the kind sponsored by the National Fed eration of Musical clubs. The jury was composed of the leading vio linists of Lincoln. ' As winner in this contest, Olga Eitner will represent Nebraska at the district contest to be held in Little Rock, Ark., in February.'. taken on behalf of the women reach farther and are more comprehensive than anything required by state regulation or anything that might be attempted by any other organization. .I,, i n Infected Cattle in K. O. From Nebraska Topeka, Kan., Nov. 25. A carload of' cattle infected with the foot and mouth disease has been received at Kansas City from Nebraska and is being held there, according to a re port of Coy. Capper made tonight, by J. R. Koontz,. general freight agent of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railway. Mr. Koontz stated his company had been notified not td make any shipment from the stock yards in either Kansas City or at Joseph, Mo., to points in Kansas or Missouri by officials of the two atates. Exceptional piano bargains this week at A Hospe Co., 407 W. Broad way. Easy payments. Persistence la the Cardinal Virtue jnjdjrejtisin. jY,,,, , ,!mi tm. Dr. Bradbury a Saft Dtntist 95 MILLION PEOPLE in tha United State havt one or wrs decayed teeth. A fsJUoaa phyttdan has said that de cayed teeth cause more harm to tha human race than alcohol. Then are but one-sixth of all these people who ghra sufficient thought to their teeth or visit the dentist regularly. Therefore 75,000, 000 people do nothing mora than have a tooth extracted when it aches, consequently the ' salad aad body of these people, through de cayed teeth and diseased gums, are much mora than 60 under par. These statements and figure art absolute .facta and wall worth your personal considera tion. ' ; ' : I asa her to toll yea aad help you. Ringjrp Douglas 1759 and make ah ap pointment You can find out what is neees- ary, even though you may not be quite ready to have anything done. Examinations are free. Send for booklet en "Unusual Dentistry." f DR. BRADBURY, Dentist " ." 17 Years to Omaha. ' 21-22 Woodmen of the World Building. Phone D. 1766. 14th aad Faraasa 3U, Omasa. Hour 6 to l Sundays, 10 to 12. STATE HAS CHANCE TO HEME GUARD friends of State Soldiers Will Be Afforded Opportunity This Winter." " UP TO THE LEGISLATURE (From a Staff Correcponamt.) Lincoln, Nov. 23. (Special.) Friends of the National Guard of this state are wondering whether the com ing aession of the legislature will be as derelict in its duty toward the guard as was the session of two years sgo where the house committee on finance sought to cripple the guard by cutting its appropriation fifty per cent from the apportionment of the previous session.. Had it not been for the business judgment of the senate which held out for a long while, the guard would have' been badly crip pled, but by hrit work and much compromising Mhe upper body was able to hold the house to the former appropriation, and the bill went through. What would 'have happened when the president made his call for troops last summer had the appropriation been cut in two as the house recom mended, is hard to tell, for with the amount that was appropriated the Nebraska troops were sadly handi capped and forced to live after reach ins the border under adverse circum stances because Nebraska solons were too economical to vote funds to prop erly equip the guard under a call such as canre six months ago and were compelled to sleep in tents on the hard ground while other state troops were able to hoy lumber to lay floor and cot for the boys to sleep upon. Must Be Generous. With the new national defense act of June 3, 1916, the legislature of Ne braska will be compelled to be more generous with its military organiza tion or the organization will have to go out of business. When the boys come marching home again, they will not be mustered out of the service as the case of the Spanish-American war, but will still be in the federal and state service, under the command of the governor, while within the borders of the state and if the re quirements of the War department-are met, the money appropriated under the reserve act will be given to the state, but if not the state, wilj get nothing. Pay of the Men. Under the new act officers and en listed men will be paid by the govern ment on the peace service plan. A captain will be paid $500 a year, and the same amount to other officers over the rank. First lieutenants will receive $240 a year and second lieu tenants $200. Each enlisted man will receive 25 per cent of the amount now paid to soldiers of the regular army, but he must attend not less than forty-eight regular drills during the year. This is oneo f the. things the mem bers of the guard have been contend ing for many years. Under the old system neither officers . or enlisted men received any pay whatever, ex cept for the time they were i camp at the anual state guard camp. In many instances the allowance made by the state for armory rental did not neorly pay for a building used for an armory, ..and for the storage of equipment, and . the men were compelled to go down into their own pockets to make up the deficiency. Under such a system there was lit tle incentive for the verage man to enter the guard or remain in it after learning of the handicap men were up against who would have liked toi have given some of their time to military training and service of the state.' May Help Out. With the war department of the government relieving this situation, thus enabling those who care to en ter military service to do so without the former loss financially, the state can now take hold of the matter and put the guard of Nebraska on a footing and efficiency it has never known before by making an appro priation which, will to some extet make up for the lack of apprecia tion shown in the years that have gone by. Loses Money as He Counts His Roll on Street Corner While G. C. Connors, Rcm'son, la., was standing at Fourteenth street and Capitol avenue counting his money a man brushed by him, snatched $25 from his hand and made his escape. ART AND INDUSTRY GO HANDJN HAND Dr. Haney Talks Art to the Member of the Commer cial Club. GET DOWN TO BUSINESS Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Success. It is time to begin a serious study of art in this country, according to Dr. James P. Haney, director of art in the New York High schools, who spoke at the Commercial club at noon. He declares people in Amer ica have been merely playing with art. "The idea that we are able in this country to develop our educational system by ourselves." he said, "and without reference to educational sys tems elsewhere is an error. How grave this error is in industrial educa tion one can scarcely realize until one comes to study in detail the industrial preparedness of our foreign competi tors. Art education in foreign schools is a matter of serious concern. It is regarded economically as one of the most important things that the state can be interested in, (or on every hand it touches industry." "Poverty in foreign industrial art schools is hot allowed to veil genius. The boy of talent who cannot pay the school fees sees them cut in half. If he still cannot pay them, they are waived and he i accepted free. If even then 'he cannot remain and his work is full oi promise, the school pays him to attend. We call such pay ments scholarships.-Abroad they are called "stipendia." By either name they mean only one thing that the school, or rather the state, which is behind the school, regards it as to its interest to see that the student with special gift of art and ability to de sign beautiful fabrics or textiles, cer amics or jewelry is not allowed to leave without his talent being per fected. You see the question is an economic one in which the welfare of the state is seen to be best served by the training of each worker to the point of greatest efficiency. One Man Fatally, Others Dangerously Hurt m Car Wreck . ' Butte, Neb., Nov. 25. (Special Tel egram.) By the overturning of an automobile at Spencer Friday evening Bruno Boettcher was fatally injured and two. others, August Ehrlich and John Kaczor, severely hurt. Boettcher was pinned under the steering wheel and crushed internally. Ehrlich had a collarbone broken and shoulder dis located, while Kaczor escaped with bad bruises. The men were taken to the hospital, where the doc'ors pro nounced Boettcher beyond help, it is said the automobile was going at high speed when the corner was turned. P.reHtmce I the Ceroln.l Virtue In Advertising- jj . ' ' aesssM nasaa sssssbbm mmeBB-aamiBunnm ."""V. W' win -k sv -,im vasaw w i sl i . . i slw m DENTISTRY su. 9 Efficiency Reliability Economy GuarintM No Eualutiee BAILEY THE DENTIST Dr. Bailer, rVes. Or- a! Msv. 706 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. . ISte an Hereer Streets, OMM. 0r MM Da.aniiFBAUX. Sanatorium' This institution Is the only one in the central vest with teparat buildings situated in their own. ample ground, yet entirely dis tinct, and rendering it possible to classify case. The one building being fitted for and devoted to the treatment of noncontagious and non-mental diseases, no other be ing admitted; tha other Rest Cot tage being designed for and de voted to the exclusive treatment of select mental eases requiring for a time watchful car and spe cial nursing. : For Baby!s Comfort ' Warm Carriage Rotas, crochet 1 or idardowa afghans, wait aad colored- blanket f cotton ' or' all wool, U to $4J0. Infants' Silk Quilts, whit, with ' pink ar blue linings, plain or embroidered, $2.50, , I3.S0, l KM". V ' Tha Baby SlM'Thlrd-flaer . sops fit , -'VVaS j Sold in Omaha... I ' exclusively 1 Thompson-Belden Co. Fashionable Thanksgiving Apparel Distinctive and Likeable Thanksgiving is the Fall vent that corresponds with Eaater Sunday a it day when newest fashions appear on every side. , Thanksgiving, whether it prore hrisk and bright, or downright v cold and wintry, will see niost ev ery one visiting; and of all days this is the time to be well dressed. THE FUR SHOP Announces gen nine Scotch Mole and Er mine Scarf ' $37.50 to $55. . Seemingly Inexhaustible Are the Coat Stylet Cloth Coats are very fash . ionable, in Veloor, Bolivia and Broadcloths; quite correct for dress weag and priced, $19.50, $25, $35. Velvet .and (: Flush -;, Coats, trimmed with fur, are in 'great demand; Marten trimmed Coats are $59.50. Beaver, Raccoon; and Mole, $69.50 upwards. Apparel Section , ' Second Floor Dresses in the Modes Most Favored for Winter ' Serge Dresses, attractive and practical, $15 to $35. Silk Dresses, adapted from Paris originals, $25 to , $59.50. Velvet Dresses, rich and lovely, $35 to $59.60. To Freshen the Suit for Thanksgiving Day . " These blouses of Geor gette in combination of ' coral, flesh,- white, Nile' green and mountain blue, exclusive designs. ' A FIRST AID to the Happy Thanksgiving Hostess One of these delightful aprons a Thompson-Bel-den apron. Attractive p"at tern, . pretty styles, every one well made. Choose here from a complete -variety. Tkmi'SShi 29c' to 69c. CmttSifMc, $1, $1.15 Apron Store, Basement The Men's Shop ; Where we show only , the latest of haberdash ery, is growing in the , favor of Omaha's best ' dressed men. , Christmas Handkerchief Assortments Are Now at Their Best Those who come early will choose from the best selection the largest in our history. Being direct importers, we are able to sell at mod erate prices. For 25c Special atteatiea is directed ta the IB-cent line, which Include hand-embroidered earners, col on, and initials. For 50c . Very select patterns In real Ma ' dalra, initial, aad hand-embroidered handkerchiefs. Exclusive Patterns In tUa ulootlon Uantifnl hnnd ambroiderad affects, from TSe t 16i also genuine Armenian Una, Real Lace, aad Madeira Handkerchiefs, from 50 to 125. Children's Handkerchiefs A particularly attractive boa of three for 85. Centers for Fancywork Taos who wish to maka their gift vary persona will like those i eoatore, at 15c, 28 aad 50c. Clove Kerchiefs la colon, with pictured corners, 50c and 75c. Choose from Five Hundred Trimmed Hats : Worth $12.50 to $25.00, for $6.50 New Street Hats New Dress Hats New Tailored Hats Imported Models Domestic Models Fur Trimmed Hats Gold and Silver Lace Hats -Alto White Hats For $6.50 Worth $12.50 to $25 This Offer Includes More Than Five" Hundred , Beautiful Trimmed Hats Which Sold r: Regularly at $12.50 to $25. .: ;', These Will Be Placed on Sale Monday for $g50 Stvles for Every ThU wiU , of Monday at 8:30 A. M. ' alt our Millinery . , . Occasion Sales Second Floor. Stylish Gloves for Present Wear Very deafa-ahl Capos and Mochaai The Cape Gloves in black, ' white,- tan, and gray, $1.50, $1.75 a pair. The Mochas in gray, tans, and black, $1.50 , and $1.75 a pair. , Export Fitters m Attendance Holiday Umbrellas A moat useful and acceptable . gift, Pura ailk or ailk and linen ooTora. Beautiful handles. CoU orad Umbrellas, fast colore, rala . proof, mad with short handle . with loop of silk or leather for tho arm. Sterling silver handle for those who wish thorn en- (raved. '' BLANKETS and COMFORTERS That Are Exactly As Represented Wool Bod . Blankets. FULL DOUBLE-BED SIZE, mad of finest long-etaple wool! fancy washable borders, welt bound edges, ' thoroughly steamed and scoured, $7 and $9 a pair. Bed Comforters, filled with fine long-staple wool, winter weight, coverings sateen and cambric, with 6-inch borders y to match. W and $7. Bedding Section, Basement The Flannel Dept. Offers Extra Values Viyella Flannel, the non-shrink-..- able, a fabric that washes per. . fectly. Handtame novelty stripes and checks, for men's " thirts, women's and children's ' blouses, dresses, etc., night gowns, etc.) 31 inehee wide) 7Se a yard. ' Embroidered Baby FlaaaeL a fine quality with handsome . broidered borders, finished with hematite hint or scnBoped, as roll prefer. Dainty- designs, 76c, SI nnd $1.25 yard. Basement . , Sale of Odd Table Cloths and Those Slightly Soiled Vi Price Monday Only 1 , Eight $10.00 2x3-yaxd Cloths, Monday, $5.00 Two $12,00 2x212-yarcl Cloths, Monday, $6.00 Three $15.00 2x3-yard Cloths, Monday, $7.50 Two $30 2x3y2-yard Cloths, Monday, $15.00 Four $17.50 2x4-yard Cloths, Monday, $8.75 One $12.00 2x3-yard Cloth, Monday, $6.00 One $20.00 2x3-yard Cloth, Monday, $10.00 One $13.50 2x3-yard Cloth, Monday, $6.75 Liaen Section, Main Floor These Colder Days Call for Warmer Underwear WOMEN'S COTTON VESTS, fin ribbed; Dutch neck, elbow sleeves) high neck, short sleeves, SO. Pants to match, ankle length, also, 60c. WOMEN'S SILK AND WOOL UNION SUITS, a fine ribbed garment) low neck, no sleeves) ankle length: very fine quality, for $2.50. OUT SIZE HOSE W carrv comolete assort ments of out sise hose your selection is practically un limited. Out Size Cotton Hose, 29c, 35c, 50c. Out Size Lisle, 39c and 50c Out Size Silk, 75c to $3.00 Unsurpassed values at these prices. Bargain Prices on Toilet Articles Almond Hand Lotion, 19c Talcum Powder, 3 for 25c Your choice of Lilax, Wisteria or Coryiopsis. New Woolens Poiret Twills, the rivals) a rich twilled fabric, in all the leading colors. Excellent for suits and coats, as it does not wear shiny; 66 inches wide, $2.50 a yard. Dress Uabardinesi a good as. K aortment of the wanted colors; used mostly for pleated dresses, $1.60 a yard. Double Faced Quiltings 1 The ideal material for crib quilts, baby sacques, robes, ' vests, etc. Can be laundered, 36 inches, $1.76 a yard. French Flannel For collars and trimming. Tho best quality, in white only. One that launders perfectly, 27-inch $1.50 a yard. The Silk Section Has a wonderful showing of all that new and desirable bi fabrics for late fall and ' . I'.trHii'.ftnr- AtlVffrUMlu , ! in Cardinal Vlrtut