Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1916, SOCIETY, Image 18

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    4 B
EnurM at Oauha poatafltaa aacond-alaaa rnattar.
By Crrirr
per month.
Pally aaa 8awlar
Bally wttaoat Sunday
- Evening and Sunday 4M.......
Kvyyiinc witnw.1 Sunday '
Sunday B amy.... -
M Botfea at chant '( addraaa ar Irwultty in da
limy W Oauha Bm. Ciraalatioa Irapaitraaot.
By Man
Bar year
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... .
,.. .
... .
mtt ay draft, nami or .natal rdr. Only -" atainna
taka hi naymrat of .mall aeaaaau. Perann.1
mat an Omaha and asatarn aaahaaaa. t ataeawa.
Omaha TV B Building.
Ssoth Omaha.M, N atraat.
Comcfl Blufla 14 Mart, Main itrart.
Llneou (2 Lftlla BuUdlair.
Ckicuo 111 Pavpk'a Gaa Balldrat.
- Naw Vark Boon MI, 2M t'lflk ayenaav
L Unia Naw Bank af daaiitl
':- WaahinftMr 7t Fourtwatk atraat, N. W.
Addraat eommuniaatioaa raiatiat to aaara and aaHnmtal
Mattar t Oauaa Baa, Editorial Daaartauat.
53,818 Daily Sunday 80,252
Dirirht WUHama, eireaiaUx aj.aar of Th Baa
Pabliaktaw aompaay. balni duly iworn. aaya that tka cirealatioa for tka moatk al Oatobar, waa
M.I II daily, and M,tM Sunday.
. DWIQHT WILUAK8, CaraabtkM Manacar.
Subscribed in ny praaanoe and tatora to aafora ava
tkia ta day af Kovanbar. lll.
C. W. CARLSON, Natary PoMIa.
; Karl I of AuitrU hand, the hyphen the lateat
i ' knockout. .
.. - Unfortunately it ii impoisible to hive either
light or light debatej without heat
When American duty yield, to Mexican len
iibilitics, pride of power bows to pride of bluff,
. There ii real danger that the quality of the
thanks nay be severely deteriorated by the high
coat of the Thanksgiving dinner. -
' ' It may be gathered from Chihuahua, reports
that General Trevino, against his will, regards
, Pancho Villa as an offensively live member.
' Three of the principal nations st wsr express
willingness to join the League to Enforce Peace
after the war. If eventually, why not aowr
Seeing! that nothing else brings us voluntary
water rate reductions, specisl elections on bond
issues and referendums should be ordered oftener.
. The lata Hiram Maxim easily became the pre
mier gunman of hit era. He never fooled with
.muzzles of eis guns and, passed away as natnr
intended. . : t '
r 'it looks as if all the law-abiding as well as
' all the law-defying railroads are in on the Adam
son law injunctions which' ought to take the
, curse off of it
Here and abroad mere man moaopolfaea the
designing and construction of feminine fashions.
No other profession affords a clearer view of
man's superfine nerve.
A dispositon to obey the voters' hooch mani
fest! itself to , the food commissioner's o&es.
Now and then a jobholder lets the light sink
in without a second operation.
Omaha a City of Home Owners.
Many communities lay claim to the distinction
of being "a city of homes." The title confers no
particular honor. Every community necessarily
is a community of homes, be it city, town or vil
lage. The title falls short of conveying the mean
ing intended. "A city of home owners" accur
ately expresses the intent and leaves no loop
holes for miiunderstanding.
Omaha, more distinctively than any commun
ity hitherto claiming the title, is "a city of home
ownera." The records of the municipal water of
fice, recently printed in The Bee, places Omaha
at or near the top of the list of American cites
pre-eminent for home ownership. A proportion
of fifty-six homes out of every 100 served by the
water office are owned by the occupants. From
1900 to 1910 the gain in home ownership reported
in the federal census corresponds with the in
crease in the last six years and confirms the ac
curacy of local record.
Very few cities of the country reach the 50 per"
cent score of home owners. By far the greater
number are under 40 per cent Omaha's record
of 56 per cent of home owners is gratifyng evi
dence of progress in the right direction. It dem
onstrates by visible proof the industry and thrift
of the people arid their confidence in the future
of the city. No other development equals home
ownership in its appeal to home seekers, and Oma
ha's distinction in that respect cannot' be em
phasized too much or tqo often.
Steering for the Breakers.
At the coming session of the Federated Coun
cil of Churches a commission wilt report on the
desirability of closer control of the work of evan
gelists. It will advocate the placing of "Billy"
Sunday and others who work along similar lines
under the strict government of the denomination
with which they hold affiliation, and charge that
denomination Svith responsibility for the work.
The "free will offering" is especially to be repre
hended, and it is suggested that a determined
salary be paid to all evangelists who are recog
nized as such. This effort to assert ecclesiastical
authority will be an invitation to more of an up
heaval in the religious life of the country than
the advent of the greatest revivalist of modern
times. As a matter of recorded history, all sweep
ing reforms in religion have come from just such
attempta to restrain the activity of preachers who
have felt the call. Savonarola, Luther, Wyckliffe,
John Knox, John Wesley, all those whose voices
preached the gospel and called the sinner to
repentance and made a great mark on the course
of Christianity in. the days of the Reformation,
did so in defiance of church authority. In this
country Alexander Campbell led a few followers
away from the Presbyterian church, and one of
the greatest of present day denominational or
ganization is the result Many great preachers
have found themselves unable to abide sectarian
restraints, and more wilt The actual business
side of the church should be on a strictly business
basis, but it will be very difficult to bring its
moral, ethical and spiritual manifestations tinder
strict regulation. The succesor to "Billy" Sun
day will not be a hired man. '
A speaker before the national aiwjinblige of
hotel men urge the establishment of "chair
!' of gastronomy in every state university. , Teach
I 'em how to eat or how to cook? t
J The total vote of Nebraska in the recant elec
tion exceeds 302,000, which is over 25,000 more
i ' than in any preceding election. Take it from na
!' .that Nebraska's population most be inerarastsg at
good stiff rate. '
i , Professional critics of Panama canal show
wise discretion in tnajntainiog sircirce since Mare-Jnr
General Goethals spoke. The force of
i tboroogh Imowiedge based on practical experi
f : . eace Shatters the props of long distance theorists.
, Bat why should a law enforcement league wait
tBStft the pxcdubiliott aurjendiuciit hw iMim opciav
tree? And why should it confine ita activities to
the prohibition law when we bare to many other
law already flagrantly observed in, the breech?
" ' '
And now Mayor Bryan of Lincoln wants ha
eity to go into the business csf laying pavements
en nnnicipal account without intervening' contrac
tors. Based on Omaha's experience with contract
- paving, the city, at any rate, coold not do orach
Public D tardea and CondMoot el Labor.
One of the too frequently neglected factors in
relations between the public and pasbiic service
corpcrationa, that of hoars, wages and conditions
of labor, is the (object of a very tutoeatiug re
port to the National Municipal leagee at its an
nul meeting at Springfield, Mass. The question
"wis taken p in its broadest sense, and cofAiioered
in its general bearings aa well aa in ha detailed
application. ' From the public's side, it was de
termined that service to patrons most be continu
ous, and furnished at as low a charge al is con
sistent with other factors. The company's tide
requires the certainty of reasonable return on
J money invested. To the workmen most be made
! ' sure remunerative wagea, and hours and condi-
l tiont of employment that are fair. . ,
I The possibility of disturbance of eqiiflibrhrm
i by reason of this triangular relation is ever pres
! ent. To avoid this, the committee advocates de
? priving the employee of the right to strike as
t the only way to "insure continnity of service. To
compensate for this restriction, the employes
I should have protection written in the franchise,
; under which reasonable wages and conditions will
f be made certain. Settlement of unavoidable dis-
! putes is to be attained through arbitration. The
1 simplicity of the plan would recommend it, were
t it not for ita failure to give full weight to the
; human element In order that ample protection
might be assured the workers against the desire
i for low-priced service on the one hand and In
creasing dividends on the other, regulations proof
against public indifference and private neglect
must be adopted.
, The committee making the report recognizes
, its task of finality and invites discussion as to de-
. : tails for working out the plan. To this Much all
' can agree, that if accomplished it would bs sten
of real progress m the adjustment of what is now
, a decidedly urexatioua problem. '
No Decadence in Sports.
Eighty thousand spectators, filling twenty
nine miles of seats, watched a foot ball game be
tween teams representing universities whose riv
alry in athletics is an American classic, and thus
gave impressive proof of the interest sport of any
kind holds for the American people. During the
summer Interest is largely 'centered on the con
test between the professional base ball teams,
itself an evidence of the postulate, but at the tame
time millions are engaged in pursuit of that and
other forms of outdoor activity in guise of sport,
showing how devoted are our people to the full
cultivation of their bodily powers. It is recrea
tion in its best tense. While the contest between
Yale and Harvard drew the largest number of
people ever assembled to- watch a spectacle of
the land, the lesser schools and colleges through
out the land taw gatherings as important in their
way, and reference to the news columns will am
ply support the statement that no decadence in
sport is visible m America. '
. i , "
Feeding ths Panifly.
EveiMnountlng prices have brought about a
recrudescence of the discussion of what it ahould
cost to feed s family and experts in stinginess
have paraded their plans, and are being hotly as
sailed for their statements. Before proceeding
farther. The Bee would like to-suggest that the
Chicago doctor has mixed his verbs. He did not
feed a family of eight persons for five days at a
total cost of $3.81; he starved them. His 40 cents
a day is a liberal allowance for one who Jus no
more; experience has shown that men b groups,
such as the prisoners in the comity jail, can be
fed its cheaply as 20 to 30 cents a day. But no
one wul deliberately choose prison fare, and the
ambition of the citizen it to provide something
better for himself and family. If we are all to
adopt the regime set up by the Chicago doctor
for his "starvation squad," the cost of living will
soon be settled, while porterhouse steaks, mush
rooms, celery ,and similar edibles will go out of
fashion entirely. Unfortunately for these Spartan
dieticians, men abandon the fleshpots only on
the doctor's stern orders, or when no longer able
to provide themselves with, the price. Feeding
'tiki family is not going to be reduced to the terms
of how little, but will continue to be expieated
in tle old-fashioned way of how much.
"Business as Usual"
While the campaign was on, and since, for that
matter, we were assured that we' had little to
fear frVm European manufacturers after the war
is over. So far aa England is . concerned,' this
is true, for "business as usual" is a reality and not
merely a state of mind in the matter of exporta
tion to America. For example, from Nottingham
in the first three-quarters of 1916, ending with
September, the total of exports reached $9,05(7,791,
an increase over 191 S of nearly three and one-half
millions. This is for laces, cotton and wool hos
iery, cotton yarn, ailk nets and the likef" One
notable item of decrease in the list reported is that
Levers' lace machinery to the value of $44,689 was
imported in 1915, and none in 1916. The lace win
still be made in Nottingham and sold in this
country. Thus does John Bull take advantage of
our free trade policy and carry on "business as
usual." . . -
Incidentally, Omaha's promised next reduced
water rate is still to be sixteen and two-thirds per
cent higher than the 15 cent rate which Lincoln
water consumers have been enjoying all the time.
By viatar malir
THE BIG WORLD event is the death of Fran
cis Joseph, emperor, of Austro-Hunpry,
and the succession of a new ruling head of the
ancient House of Hapsburg. In this country we
look back but little over a hundred years to the
founders of our republic, while in these old world
monarchies the unbroken dypsstic lines go back
a thousand years and more and in that time have
been enveloped in hoary tradition and hard-set
rules almost impossible to break away from. The
dead potentate will have a "state" funeral with
all the dazzling trapping, fantastic mummery and
imposing ceremony that attended the burial of a
Roman emperor when Rome ruled the world in
the height of glory. Alt the old court costumes
and customs will be brought forth and the costly
cortege, with its glittering glamor, will again
overawe the populace with a deep sense of the
wide rift that separates the common mortal from
the annointed of the Lord, born into royalty by
divine right: To curtail the agony and make things
more comfortable (or the bereaved relatives and
sorrowing mourners, they could easily have an up-to-date
automobile funeral, but that would not
conform to the requirements prescribed "in im
perial tomes which set forth in detail every move
that must be made in taking the body from
Schoenbrunn, where the life of Francis Joseph
ebbed away, to the sepulchral vault where all his
ancestors are interred. As both the palace and
the imperial burial vault will be mentioned fre
quently in the cable dispatches, this brief descrip
tion of them which I once wrote,' after a personal
sightseeing visit many years ago, may be inter
esting and timely:
"As in France the historical associations of
the Bourbon monarchy cluster about Louis XIV;
so in Austria the glory of the empire is connected
with the reigns of Maria Theresa and her son,
Joseph II. It was in her time that the imperial
palace at Schoenbrunn- was erected, following the
example, set by the French sovereign at Versail
les. The Austrian palace has one advantage in
that it ia still the residence of the emperor at cer
tain periods of each year and is necessarily kept
in constant repair. Fortunatelj; we arrived at a
time when the interior was visible to the public
and followed the attendant through the various
rooms of state. It ia a beautiful building and
lavishly decorated. The interior is, I think, much
finer than anything I have seen elsewhere. The
size of the rooms and the magnificence of the
decorations impress the visitor most forcibly. The
banquet hall almost equals in grandeur the crystal
hall at Versailles in which King William of Prus
sia in 1871 was crowned emperor. Historically
the palace Is important by reason of its use by
the first Napoleon during hia Austrian campaign.
In this same building and in the very room occu
pied by the great conqueror, his son, the young
duke of Reichstadt breathed his last some twenty
odd years later and was laid to rest in the im
perial vault under the Capucin church in Vienna,
where 116 of the Hapsburg family have been in
terred. And near his sarcophagus was placed in
after years the body of that other unfortunate and
ill-fated Hapsburg, Maximilian, emperor of
Mexico, who lost his life in a vain endeavor to
satisfy the ambition of Napoleon III. The fine
picture galleries of Versailles are not repeated at
Schoenbrunn, but the latter is surrounded by a
series of gardens that leave little to be still de
sired. Also interesting are the two golden eagles,
French eagles, standing high above each gate post
of the entrance. and now retained only on account
of a binding clause to that effect in the treaty of
peace concluded three-quarters of a century ago
between Napoleon I and Francis, the last of the
'Holy Roman Emperors,' "
The "Story of the Streets," printed m The Bee
last week with the explanation why Omaha's
main thoroughfare bears the name Farnam street
instead of being called Main, street or Broadway
or Market street or Central avenue, as is true of
so many made-to-order cities, recalls that the
name of Farnam street was not always what it
now is. in my boynood it was spelled rarn
ham" street arid behind this is some peculiar his
tory. The street was named, as already told,
after a Connecticut financier, Henry Farnam,
prominently identified with the promotion and
building of the Rock Island railroad and a per
sonal friend of Enot Lowe, to whom unquestion
ably this compliment was due, and the name
appears so spelled oil the original plat according
to which Alfred D. Jones laid out the townsite.
The extra tetter "h" seems to have gotten in by
an error of carelessness by some draftsman mak
ing a new map of the city in the early 70s, be
cause I find "Farnham street" spelled with the
''h" for the .first time in the city drectory of the
year 1873 and its use in that form continued for
at least ten years. I was under the impression
that the dropping of the "h" out of Farnam street
in the '80s was merely an experiment in simplified
spelling to tave writing 'a needless letter, but it
was, in fact a reversion to the original and correct
name. I mentioned this to Lewis S. Reed, who
is now the best living encyclopedia of our early
geography, and he confirms this record. "Many
mistakes are made about other names on our
map," he said. "I have seen 'Cuming' with a
final V but the street is named after Governor
Thomas B. Cuming, and the same is true of 'Will
iam street," which has no 's,' but is named for
Colonel William Baumer, who was the surveyor
who laid out Hartman's addition, to which the
street leads. We did have a Market street too,
crossing diagonally where the jog in Twentieth
street is now found, but it was vacated and disap
peared from the man."
People and Events
The leader of the Dry federation of Chicago
wants $300,000 for the campaign to put the Windy
City on the waterwagoo. The job would be cheap
for ten times the sum, . '
"Billy" Sunday expects to put dear old Boston
in the dry belt at the municipal election next
month, Billy forgot hia dislike for publicity long
enough to tell the Hob what to expect
Devotees of the antique must hurry if they
would take a farewell view of tittle old New
York'e prize specimen. The last horse-drawn
street cars in the metropolis go out of business
next April.
The problem of fitting penalties for juvenile
offenses has been fairiy solved by a Lynn (Mass.)
judge. A kid of 10 addicted to throwinar stones
' was required to throw 1,000 stones at a fixed tar
get in two days.
The first thing Miss Law did after her record
flight from Chicago to New York was to powder
her face. Achievements, honors, public acclaims,
all the lures of high life yield primacy to the
feminist powder puff.
A cook employed in a minister's house at
Clairton, Pa, cheerily complied with a hobo's
request for eatables. Having padded hs belt
with good things the hobo proceeded to get gay
with the cook. It was the greatest mistake of a
misspent life. The cook swung a rolling pin and
the collison put the hobo to sleep with a cracked
skull Moral: Don't get gay with the cook, es
pecially a minister's cook.
A section of Philadelphia where social na
bobs reside objects to daily exhibits of laundry
waah in one of the backyards. The airy fluttering
of garments fresh from the tubs marred the scen
ery and wigwagged signals of husky industry in
an atmosphere of social repose, reflection and
romance. Haled into court the laundress ex-
filained she and her mother had to work for t
iving and together pulled down $60 a week. The
solemn court remarked that industry and cleanli
ness tagged with $60 per looked good to him
and should be encouraged as-an artistic addition
to airy scenery. In other words, society can af
ford to move, the laundress will not
Thought Nugget far tbe Day.
All succeed who dtwarvv tbouffh
not perhaps aa they hoped. An hon
orable defeat It bettor than a mn
victory, and no on ia really tha woraa
(or being beaten, tinteas ha toaa heart
One Year Ago Today la tbe War.
Italians captured heights northeast
of Gorizia. . - v
Earl Kitchener in Rome held con
ferences with heads of Italian govern
ment '
' Assurances as to liberty of move
ment of Allied troops demanded in
new note to Greece.
Allies prepared to fall back on
southern Serbia before combined Qsr
man and Bulbar armies.
' Hevere Hrltiith - bombardment for
four days desrtoyed German entangle
ments and parapets on western fronts.
In Onuidha Thirty Years Ago.
Miss Fannie Davenport entertained
a number of her youns friends at an
elaborate Thanksgiving dinner. Among
the participant were Clara Roth,
D wight Swobe, Oeorgte McDonald,
Harry .Warwick and Eddie Swobe.
Mrs. MoriU Meyer, assisted by Mrs.
I. S. Fisher of New York, received the
members of tha Coffee Club at her
ItwuaM. a. Tf kMfULsl A WvULy-UlirU. 'IRQ
menu was a chef d'oever of culinary
skill and each lady was given a costly
souvenir, a French bisque vase filled
with fine perfume.
A small but enjoyable luncheon
party was given at Fort Omaha by
Mrs. General Wheaton. The guests
were General and Mrs. Hawkins, Gen
eral and Mrs. Manderson, Dr. and
Mrs. Miller and Miss Kittle Miller,
Miss Brown and Lieutenant Ken lie.
Mrs. Hey brook has suffered a severe
bereavement lately in the loss of her
poodle, Bennie. Fortunately, he was
Immortalized on canvas last winter by
Mrs. Balbach so that hia outward
lineaments are preserved to hia sur
vivors even though his gentle pres
ence has forever departed.
Riot ran high in Mrs. Mumaugh's
studio owing to the return of the dis
turbing spirit Miss Schafer. High
spirits have not prevented her from
doing good work. Her . latest piece
is a landscape in a delicate color
on ground glass.
Father Dowling of Creighton col
lege, will deliver an able lecture at
Boyd's Opera House, December 9. It
is sufficient commendation to say that
the music will be under Miss Arnold's
Mr. and Mrs. Miller of Savannah,
Georgia, with their family, have come
to make Omaha their home and are
domiciled at 640 Virginia avenue. Mr.
Miller was a merchant in Georgia at
the time of the recent earthquake but
decided that a calmer location would,
be more desirable. -
This Day fa History.
1708 The famous Eddystone light
house, built in 166, waa destroyed by
a storm.
1757 Henry B. Livingston, for six
teen years an associate justice of the
supreme court of the United States,
born in New York CUy. Died in
Washington. March 19, 1823.
1783 Ninth continental . congress
assembled at Annapolis.
1838 Chicago's first newspaper, the
Chicago Democrat appeared.
1838 The legislature of the reor
ganized territory of Wisconsin met for
the first time at Madison.
1867 William Walker, the filibus
ter, landed on the Nicaraguan coast
with 400 men.
- 1813 Battle of Chattanooga or
Missionary Ridge.
1864 Falwin Booth began his fam
ous prenentment of Harold for 100
consecutive nights at the Winter Gar
den. In New York.
1806 Yokohama, the chief seaport
of Japan, was almost destroyed by fire,
888 President Arthur -attended
the unveiling of a statue of Washing
ton4 on the steps of the sub treasury
building In New York City.
1880 Nearly 800 buildings de
stroyed In great fire at Lynn, Mass.
1894 Marriage of Emperor Nicho
las II of Russia and Princess Alls of
1903 Rngtand and Germany united
to press their claims upon Venezuela.
Tbe Day We Celebrate.
Charles L. Deuel, secretary and
office manager for the McCord-Brady
company, was born November 20,
1861, at Elwood,. III.' He was for
twenty-one years In the Omaha Na
tional bank, going with tbe McCord
Brady company in 1889."
R, B. Updike of the Updike Lumber
and Coal company, is 84 years old to
day. He was born in Harvard, Neb.,
and was educated in the University of
Nebraska and in Eastman college at
Wlllard Chambers, teacher of danc
ing, was born. November 36, 1863, in
Mills county, Iowa. This Is his thir
tieth year in conducting dancing
classes, twenty-six of them being spent
here in Omaha.
George F. Engler, manager of the
Engl er-Jackson Brokerage company.
Is 33 years old today. He was born
here in Omaha and employed first
with Swift & Co., and later with the
Mel rath Brokerage company until go
ing Into business for himself in 1907.
Alexander Mardsen, foreman of the
Remington Typewriter company, is 34
years old today.
Her -Royal Highness Queen Maud
of Norway, bom in England forty
seven years ago today.
Albert R Fall, United States sena
tor from New Mexico, born at Frank
fort, Ky., fifty-five years ago today.
Sir Ralph 8. Paget recently ap
pointed British minister to Denmark,
born fifty-two years ago today.
Sir Aurel Stein, noted English ex
plorer and geographer, born in Buda
pest fifty-three years ago today.
Dr. Mary Walker, noted advocate
of women's rights and "dress reform,"
bom at Oswego, N. Y., eighty-four
years, ago today.
On C. Mornlngstar, noted profes
sional billiard player, born at Roches
ter, Ind., forty-two years ago today.
Thomas J. Sharkey, formerly prom
inent as a heavyweight pugilist, born
In Ireland, forty-three years ago today.
Storyette of the Day.
Casey had dropped In for a visit on
Callahan, and during the course of his
stay observed that Miss Callahan
spoke several times of a chafing-dish
party she had attended the evening
Now Casey agreed with Callahan
that the tatter's daughter was putting
On entirely too many airs; so, with a
view to disconcerting her, he suddenly
'An' phwat the divil is a chafing
dish?" "Chafing-dish, Casey,' said Calla
han, with a sly wink at his visitor, "a
chafing dish is a fryin' pan that's got
into society rMw York Times.
Philadelphia Ledger : The New York Toon
Hen's Christian wftoeiation baa established
a special course of training to make office
boys angelie. We expect to note strong
signs of tbe success of the undertaking
about a week before Christmas.
Boston Transcript: When Bishop Law
rence pleaded wHJi bis fellow-chnrchmen in
the Protestant Episcopal convention that
they should strive anew to reach the people
t large end not only the people "carefully
houtted." he s voicing no empty catch
word of the times. He apoke the challenge
of tbe century es H presents itself both to
bis ehurob and to all tbe Christian com
munions. And ss b pleaded tbe cause of
democracy in religion he did so with strong
emotion end fully reasoned philosophy.
New York World: In time of actual war
a way would be found to make the Rev.
Frank H. Goodchild regret bis advice to
Baptists to quit the United 8tates army.
Under conditions that may lead to war al
most any day, he should not escape rebuke
for an utterane that was at least seditious.
Baptists have no grievance against army
regulations. In the regular establishment
they are represented among the chaplains.
The National Guard regiments choose their
own spiritual guides. General Funs ton's
refusal to allow s southern Baptist preacher
to hold revivals in bis eamps was not a
denial of religious services or a discrimina
tion against s particular sect. It was a
reasonable measure of discipline,
. Chicago Herald: "Why I do not want my
boy to be a minister" ie tbe text of a strik
ing narration of the plight of certain mod
em preachers. A minister, long in the
harness, ests forth the case in The Outlook.
He speaks with fire and frankness. He
comes of a religious family, is now in good
standing, and he has filled positions of in
fluence. All this adds poignanoy to his
appeal. Here Is his reasoning: "First I
do not want my boy to be intellectually
lettered in other words;- I want him to
have the ieie. tiflc attitude and devotion to
ward truth. In tbe local ehurcb
my boy would find that an open mind and
a passionate loyalty to truth are neither
personal asset nor community desires.
The local church, although osten
sibly liberal, ia almost always under the
direct control of the conservatives and
Fort Wayne, Ind., ia to have a municipal
convention ball.
Reading, Pa, is to establish a retail milk
depot to sell milk at cost.
Lake City, Pa, with a' population of about
4,000, owns its water, light ice and cold
storage plants.
Toledo proposes tbe establishment of mu
nicipal depots for ths sale of coal, flour, po
tatoes and gasoline.
Cleveland's two public market-bouses sre
said to be the finest and best-equipped -of
their kind in the country.
Annexation proposals adopted at tbe re
cent election have increased -the area of
Detroit nearly twenty square miles.
Houston, Tex., plans to establish a munici
pal abattoir to combat the high price of
meat and to Insure proper conditions in its
handling. .
In order to permit boys to practice foot
ball and other sports at night Pittsburgh
lias installed powerful electric lights on
tbe eity playgrounds.
Recent reports show that Houston, Tex.,
Is saving 15,000 a year by maintaining a
municipal garage for the thirty-three auto
mobiles used by tbe various eity depart
ments. Clarksdale, Miss., proposes the building
of a municipal railroad to oannect the city
with the Mississippi river, as a means, to
ward giving relief from the present high
freight rates.
New Orleans plans' the erection of a civic
center building that shall contain, besides
a large convention hall, space for tbe offices
of all tbe and soeietiee that substan
tially promote tbe city's welfare.
Philadelphia Ledger: The country's wom
anhood is fortunate in finding at Washing
ton voice which will not cry in a wilder
ness, for It must win dtference at oaee as
tbe expression of what women with minds
of their own and votes of their own are
thinking on many questons that ask naw
light and leading from their point of view.
Chicago Herald: Although the first wom
an to be eboeen to congress, we may be sure
she will not be the last. She is but the
avant-courler of others. Aa woman suffrage
extends and as tbe feminine interest in poli
ties mereasee more and more members of
the sex will gradually find their way to the
hails el national legislation. Miss Rankin
has a unique responsibility in being the first
of tbe series. It will be "up to her" to show
that tbe women may make good "congress
men" after all and thus smooth the way for
future aspirants.
St Louis Globe-Democrat: Naturally. It
will involve some verbal chances in the
course of debate. A member desiring to as
sent to or to controvert something said by
the female representative of Montana, must
refer to "the lady from Montana" and not,
as of old. "the gentleman' from this, that
or tbe other state. Quoting words spoken
by a publicist of a generation ago, "we are
living, we are moving, ia a grand and awful
time." Old landmarks are being swept away.
Old terms and phrascwlogiee are going Into
the limbo of dead things.
Office nr-De boas kin see a
dis morntn'.
Insistent Visitor Say, Til give yes a
quarter to take this card In to htm.
Office Boy Aw, shucks! He gives me
blsr wsaee for not dota' It Beaten
"How doaa young flubdub etoac, la est
Not so well."
"Why Is that?"
"He is all right enough In his stoStea bwt
he Is more than suspected of cutting toot
ball games." Louisville Courier-Journal
Aviator (home from the war en leave
And then when you are up pretty high
three or four miles, say and you look
down. It's positively sickening. It Is stu
pendous, awful. A great height ts a tear
ful thing, I fan tell you.
Lady (feelingly) Yes. I can sympathise
with you, poor boy. I feel just that way
myself when I'm od top of a etepiadder.
CtuaiUan Register.
"See that man over there T He ts a
bombast lo mutt, a windjammer nonentity,
a false' alarm and an encumbrance of the
"Would you mind writing all that down
for me?"
"Why In the worl -
"He's my husband and T should TTke
to use It on him some time." Brooklyn
Cb YoO i cam Cb Wlwic
To Bcofie FCeTt? ?
f Mr Pies
Ura. Exe My girl has left na. She aM I
had so much company there was too much
work to do.
airs. Wye That's singular. Mine has left
me. She said I had so little oenpany It
showed , I bad no social post Uoa. Best ea
During the elvtl war a earioed of waeeV
en leas arrived at a railroad atatlon to
be sent to a military hospital.
A man who was standing by rssnarkeS
to his companion : Thoee woetaa leas
are rather an eloquent protest rg-nrt
war, aren't they T
"Tea," agreed the ether msva; they as
what you might call stump speeches.
Boston Transcript
The little Brimmer boy across the street
Is forever asking questions.
"Tou had better keep stilt or something
will happen to you," his mother told him
one night. "Curiosity once killed a atv
you 1tnow."
This made so deep an Impression that
the boy was quiet for several mJmutee.
Then ho said: "Mother, what was it the
cat wanted to know T"- New Tork Times.
Clinton Scollard. in Life,
year ago I did not deem ,
Minerva e'er would be
Mere (in my very wildest dream)
Than "sister" unto me.
Z exercised my subtlest powers;
I waa now meek, now bold.
But even to the lure of flowers
She turned a shoulder cold.
I conjured every deft device
That haunts a poet's head;
Her smile suggested lemon ice
Whene'er my rhymes 1 read. -I
on tied tbe stars, each mystic sign.
And palmistry I scanned.
Thinking, tbe while, would it were mine
To hold her little hand!
No chance to win the maid escaped
The working of my brain,
So first I fond Orlando aped.
And then the moody Cane.
She still waa o hilly as the snows;
Ah, but my cane waa sad!
I sketched her tiny turned-up nose
Ail o'er my blotting-pad.
At last, through Inspiration's twist,
A radtant light I saw;
Whn 1 avowed me feminist.
Behold, a sudden thaw! ' V
Now, wheni greet her, o'er her face
I see love's rapture come.
And so I say thle year of grace
- Is my Millennium!'
Prescription Perfection
Tour doctor knows exactly what
drugs to order for your ptosaiip.
tion and expects eertain reautts
from their use.
- Tou are not giving bha er yeam
self a fair chance if yon dent havej
that prescription compounded
where you get fresh, pur ana Ba
ilable drugs.
We are careful to gxes yea enftp
tbe best at what the eesar order
ed. And besides the safety, tfcsca
la eoonomy for yon beg. -
WIN OR LOSE Tear lee VaD
wager is beet made anal peal
with a be of deikto cho
colates from tha Raxall Drag
Four Good Drag Starea.
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Tha SEMINOLE LIMITED Train, conaiating of Esquialt.
Sua Parlor Obaorralioa ami uptcxlat. Stal Pullman Cara, runs
daily tkroasbout lb. fmt.
Dine, fwncm la th. aouth and aouthaaat.
Tick.ta on aal. daily on and aftar Octob.r 15th, good returning-
until Juno lat, 1917.
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Tick.ta to otW point, at a. ma nrooortional rataa.
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