Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1916, SOCIETY, Image 16

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    2 B
is Going On
in Society Circles
Seriea nf Lecture!.
Mrs. Anthony Merrill of Chicago,
Who has given two series oi lectures
to the women of Omaha in seasons
past, will arrive Saturday morning in
time to deliver her first lecture for
this year at the Blackstone at 10
oclock. Her stioieci win oe v-ur-rent
Events and Literary Reviews."
The work of "predigesting" literary
news and current events ana inter.
nrrtin? for the busv society woman
is becoming a great field. Such lec
tures are interesting ana nigniy in
structive. It is this work to which
Mrs. Harry Payne of Brooklyn, who
visited her cousin, Mrs. Charles T.
Kountze, the middle of last June, is
devoting her time. Mrs. Merrill's sec
ond lecture will be given Friday, De
cember 8, and her third, luesday,
December 12.
Mrs. Merrill during her stay In
Omaha will visit relatives, Mrs. C. E.
Martin and Mrs. E. Wakeley, and
renew acquaintance with many old
Foot Ball Prom.
Keep's- dancing academy will be
the scene of a 'pretty dancing party
on Tuesday evening. The occasion
will be the annual foot ball prom
given by the University Mixer club in
" honor of the Creighton football team.
The hall will resemble a foot ball
field with illuminated goal posts. The
four corners of the hall will be dec
orated by the fraternities Xi Psi Phi,
Delta Sigma Delta, Phi Chi and
Gamma Eta Gamma, and in the
lounging room Phi Beta Pi and Delta
Theta Phi will be represented. The
chaperones will be: Dr. J. R. Clem
ens, Dr. J. A. Graham, Dr. and Mrs.
E. H Breuning; Messrs. and Mes
dames Paul Martin and W. C. Fraser.
Betrothal Announcements.
Mr. James A. Keller of Council
Bluffs announces the engagement of
his daughter. Eldora. to Mr. Frederick
Kohl of Walnut, la. The marriage will
take place about January 1.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dudley an
nounce the engagement and approach
ing marriage on Thanksgiving day of
their daughter, Grace Marie, to Mr.
George Milton Scott. Both young peo
ple are well known in local church
circles. A surprise party in honor of
Miss Dudley was given by Mayme
Mummer Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. "Ernest Meyer an
nounce the engagement of their
daughter, Tibe Haiel, to Mr. Jacob
Blank. No date has been set for Xht
wedding. The announcement was
made Saturday on the bride-elect's
Friday Night Dancing Club.
The Friday Night Dancing club
gave its hard times party Friday
evening at Druid hall- with fifty-five
couples present. Among the worst
victims of the high cost of living were
Mr. and Mrs. "Gunnysack" Gordon.
littl"Danny" Murphy" and "Simple
Simon ' Conley. During the evening
several unique stunts were staged. .
The club'a next party will be given
Friday evening, December 2, at Druid
hall, when it is rumored that Mr.
George Garner will put on bis latest
creation, the Firefly walu. , -
Wedding Thanksgiving Day..
The marriage of Miss Gladys E.
Elliott, daughter of Mri M. A. Elliott,
formerly of Kansas City, and Mr.
Paul Bradley, son of Mr. and Mrs.
G. L. Bradley of Omaha, will take
place at Lawrence, Kan on Thanks
giving day. After i brief wedding
trip, the young couple will nuke their
home in Omaha.
Miss Elliott is an Alpha Delta Pi
sorority member from the University
of Kansas and has been teaching in
the university at Lawrence. Mr. Brad
ley went to school at Amei after
graduating from Central High. He
is a Delto Tau Delta fraternity
brother. '
Mr. Bradley and his parents leave
for Lawrence Wednesday.
Bellevue Girls Attend Game.
A party of Bcllevue college young
women, chaperoned by Coach and
Mrs. Faye E. Benjamin, accompanied
the foot ball team on Its trip to Doane
Friday. The party left iu a special
car at 9:30 Friday for Crete and
reached Doane at 2:30 Saturday
morning. Before the' game the voung
women visited the girls' dormitory
at Doane and were informally re
ceived by the girls of that school. One
of their number, Miss Anna JJuck,
stayed over in Crete as a guest at the
home-coming banquet which Doane
alumni, held Friday evening. The
young women included in the party
Chapman Smwr tamaa Dartdaaa ,
Barnle. Nehlof.lrit Ruth Stokaa
Marruarlla Dlddock MaA.1 8n,rt.r
fcdna riehur Marjorl. Darldaaa
Anna Buc
Thanksgiving Guest.
. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd M. Smith wilt
nave as their Thanksgiving guests Mr.
and Mrs. Asa Shiverick of Cleveland,
formerly of.Omaha, and Mrs. Charles
Shiverick. Mr. and Mrs. Smith will
entertain at dinner at the Omaha club
Wednesday evening for their guests.
Card Party for Orphanage.
For the benefit of the orphans of
,V,m" 0rPnan!18. the members
of St. James Orphanage Sewing club
are giving a card party Tuesday eve
ning at St. Mary Magdalene's hall,
Nineteenth, . and Dodge streets.
Twenty priies will be giyen.
Children's Party.
One of the first children's parties
t0.H ,irB in the new Blackstone
will be Mra. H. R. Bowen's lunch
eon and dancing party for her small
eon, Raymond, Friday afternoon:
About sixty children have been in
vited for luncheon, which will be fol-
Santa Combs is Ifl
ready for you N
with an abundant
supply for
On a Visit to
-Asa m; '
" ' "'-'ii
r if it (, i i . r,-y.K
I ikjJlilr-, t ? li
mVm&M -u " )))
lowed by dancing and games in the
big ballroom.
Wedding Announcement.
Mr. and Mrs. James fhinney an
nounce the marriage of their daugh
ter, Hazel Muriel, to Mr. Ernest E.
Currin, to take place at their home
in the near future. .
To Honor Miss Stenberg.
Miss Mildred Titzel gave a surprise
shower at her home Saturday evening
in honor of Miss Mabel Stenberg,
wnose marriage to. Mr, Uscar (Jlson
takes place Thursday. The rooms
were prettily decorated in pink and
Misses' Irene Moulthron, Gladys
Anderson and Jessie Moulthrop gave
readings ana musical selections, lhe
gucMs present were:-
MIMi : MtWHW ' -
Cor Jftnn, i Paulloa SowrlD,
Anna Chrlvtlnnsen, ' Betty Hdii.
Hl9ll Andrn, HllulMth Handtrwn,
l,or CultMrtMiii, ' Cftrrl Bnll,
Rdna l.toiilil, Jrattt Bllla.
Or Btenbtrg, Veda Pattock.
Hln enow, IjouIm Brown,
Oladya Andnraoa, Paulina Rrao,
Jl Moulthrop, . Iran oulthrep.
wmma nanaen. ; .- Maaai Hiannars. ..;
UttRdama Uaadamea - i 3
rtdnald Tracy. . ; d Janka.
Harry Raad, M. Kroyar. ' ;
frttt Kllkar, Foatar Sulltvaii.
Mrs. A. U stenberg entertained at
a shower at her home in honor of
Miss Mabel Stenberg on Friday eve
ning. The guests were : " ,
Mr. ana Mra. u. u. rimmoaa.
Mr. and Mr.. II. C. Clark.
Mr. and Mrs. A, 1 tMenbarf.
Mr. and Mra. P. MuUlvan.
Mr. and Mra, u, Olaaon.
Edna ftudd,
Cora Jonaa,
Nallla Barnaa.
Jala Ballla.
Mlldrod THaal,
Marian Stanbart,
Mabal Startbars.
n A. Clark. .
Tarn UaanoUy.
Oraoa Stanbare.
S). H. Rudd.
Oaoar OloavB,
Fraternity Party.
ueita sigroa ieita iraicmiiy neiu a
house party at the frat house Tues
day evening. The evening was spent
with dancing and music. . The chaper
ons were Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Shearer,
Mrs. Mulvihill and Mr. and Mrs. J. a.
Parker. Those attending were:
Mlaa-- Hiaaaa--.
Kthal Sharry.
Katknr iraran,
ljotla Qravaa,
Panllna liyan.
Traa Monarty,
INtarl Buttan,
Murla llailaDd,
Marsarat MoKray,
Kalhnrlna Bnirltah,
Marsuarlta Bavasa,
Maara. .
V. J. Mnnaa,
Hllla Roblnaon.
Haliin MrCatfery,
Clara McOaflary,
f. K. t. Tbaiton.
B. R. ffllr. .
11. w. NilHcn,
M. nabtnjrlon, M. K. Poushaity,
l J. Kr&uaa, H. F. Murphy,
F. O. RalHta. n. A. Stava.
W. J. Ilarrlnirton, W. A. Heekar,
W. R. Hranoao.
l)r. Blanlus, Lincoln. Nak.
Thanksgiving Card Party.
tne ioiumoian club will tnve a
Thanksgiving card party at its hall,
Twenty-second and Locust streets.
luesday evening. Frizes of noultrv
will be offered. The proceeds will be
t ' two things are
neceaary: Intelligent care and Newbro's Herpielde. Get a bottle today.
Guaranteed by The Herpicide Co.
Applications at the better barber shops. ' Sold Everywhere.
the Home Folks
used for the. benefit of Sacred Heart
academy, ' . . ,
Thimble Club Meet. "
The Omaha and Council Bluffs
Thimble club held their final meeting
for this year at the home of Mrs.
Max Hirsch in Council Bluffs this
week. Covers were laid for:
Maadamaa. Mwlamaa
V. X. Nalaon. W. Nalaon,
William Baylaaa, V. Kranpa,
O, W. Armour,
J. H. Bollln,
J. R. Klaar.
A. Uavara.
W. Sal bar t,
b. pogllar,
Events to Come.
Le Mars club will arrt a Thanks giv
ing dancing party at Keeps' academy
Thursday evening.
The Ladies' Golden Hill society will
give its annual ball Thanksgiving
evening at the. Metropolitan club
house. Mrs. H. M. Ferer is chair
man of the committee in charge.
The White Shrine Whist club will
meet at Masonic temple, Monday
afternoon. ,
The South Side Progressive Card
club will give a card party Monday
evening in the club rooms when the
prizes awarded will be poultry for
the Thanksgiving dinner.
Wednesday the women of the First
Presbyterian church will hold a
Thanksgiving sale of good things to
eat at their parish house adjoining
the church. f t ...
Personal Mention. . ' .
Dr, I. S, Alexander returns today
from Chicago, where he attended the
national meeting - of Phi Alpha
Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Bilz leave to
day to apend the winter in Los
Angeles, returning April 1. They will
Uavsto Aoapiea of C rg Crook,
' Womans' Raliaf Corps
AT Y..W. C AM Nov. 29 AND 30
At SilS P. M.
Hamilton Cafe
i I II mm
24th and Famam
Under Management
' Will Serve Elaborate
Thanksgiving Dinner
5:30 to 8 P. M.
Sm Manu in Wadnoaday Be
Cupid's Raids
Are Made
On the Maids
1 With the Braids
Whether done in braids or
pysche, natural fluffy hair is
a supreme satisfaction to its
owner and a source of the great
est attractiveness and personal
charm. '
To protect
that braid"
from the most
prevalent o f
all infections,
dandruff, and
to insure' its
lasting beauty,
brilliancy and
1 a x u ria n ce.
"V ,r-T- l
Male Ionise Jenlerj
stop at a number ctf western points
Mr. Leslie Putt of Omaha, after
a competitive tryout, was chosen the
tenor singer of a quartet which will
sing at the remaining Nebraska foot
ball games this season. The quar
tet accompanied the team on its trip
to Iowa Saturday,
W. r. McCune.'wbo came here
from his Colorado ranch to undergo
a surgical operation at Swedish Mis
sion hospital, is recovering nicely. He
is with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
W. McCune. ,
Birthday Dinner.
Miss Lela Ash honored Miss Flor
ence Paulison at a birthday dinner at
her home Ihursday evening. The
decorations were entirely yellow, both
placecaxds and centerpieces, and
chrysanthemums were used. A the
ater party followed. Those present
were :
FToroooa PaolkWL
Laaila Bixby
ot Naw Oriaaaa,
Mabal Hasan,
Irana Alaxanoae.
Mary MarsaUa,
Waltar Hyd
Jack Bmaaon.
yrwDM Daytan,
John Whltmora,
Emu Walna,
ClaroDoa Alakajadas,
Pleasures Past
Mrs. J. F. Giebel' entertained the
J. E. O. H. Card club at her home
Friday. Mra. Prinson of Rochester,
N Y, was the out-of-town guest Mrs.
F. L. Pflaster will entertam the club
December 8.
Miss Nellie Dtmick entertained. the
P. L. C club at her home Saturday
afternoon, when the members present
Halan WUltama Dorothy WaUar
Maxlna Faaklar Haaal Ayar
Johanna Brodaraaa MUdrad Ayar
Halan Oaodall
Return to Omaha to Live.
. Dr. Nelson D. Mercer, with his wife,
and little daughter, Peggy, and his
sister, Miss Mary Mercer, arrived in
Omaha last week from England and
spent several days at the Blackstone
before opening their own home. The
Mercers have lived abroad for close
A. 0. A.
' it 'A
Jits. Tamp!, Hokmt
m hbym uor -
To such proportions has the local
Association of Collegiate Alumnae
f;rown that a regularly appointed publ
icity agent has become a necessity.
Mrs. Fhihp E. rloran is the first mem
ber named to act as newsgatherer and
disseminator of the sectional activities
of the organization. Mrs. Horan is
active in several departments of the
tne club.
Leaders of the vocational guidance
section, the newest one: those of
drama, musk and story telling, and
the social settlement section, make
their reports to Mrs. Horan, who
passes them on to the newspapers.
along with the reports of the general
The Vocation bureau m the Board
of Education rooms and the Social
Settlement, now transferred to the
South Side, are two permanent Asso
ciation of Collegiate Alumnae institu
tions. Next fall a campaign tor a
dormitory to house girl students at
the University of Nebraska will be
to five years, bat plan to remain here
Wedding Plana.
The marriage of Miss Mabel Lois
Stenberg, daughter of the late Judge
and Mra. E. M. Stenburg, to Mr.
Oscar Larold Otsen, will take place
Thanksgiving day at the bride's home,
2122 North Fifty-sixth street
News of Former Omahana.
In writing to Mrs. Ida Hanchett
of some interesting points in a series
of lectures on "Egyptology" at Yale,
Mrs. J. Gardner Haines, now of West
Haven, Conn, mentions that her
daughter, Gladys, is now teaching
French at, 'Wellesley college, while
Marion is teaching German in the
West Haven High school. Both girls
attended the local high school when
their father was associated with Nath
an Merriam in the grain business, and
later lived and studied abroad. They
i 1 S- " f
16th and Farnam Streets.
Continuing Monday, November 27 "
On Sale at Half Price
Distinctive suits, preferred because of superior workmanship, smart, individ
ual design, and&ch fabrics and furs employed. A number are handsomely
Trimmed With Hudson, or French Seal, Beaver, Mole
or other fashionable furs others are set off with velvet and still others tail
ored without trimming. All are silk Iin:d and warmly interlined.
are able linguists. A son, Risley, is
now'in Cuba. The family has many
friends here.
Stork Special.
A son was born last Sunday in An
napolis, ltd., to' Lieutenant and Mrs.
Harold R. Keller of the United
Slates navy. The baby is grandson
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Keller
of this city and great-grandson of
Mrs. George W. Doane.
Notes of Interest.
Mrs. George Thrall of Detroit ar
rived Thursday and is at the Black
stone. Mrs. Thrall was formerly of
Omaha and has many old friends here,
as well as a daughter, Mrs! Ross
,Kyde. '
Clarence Squires, son of Mr. and
Mrs. George Squires, has been
pledged to the Chi Psi. fraternity at
Cornell. Clarence will spend Thanks
giving with Mr. and Mrs. Hoxie
Clarke at Villa Belvedere, but will be
home for the Christmas vacation.
Mrs. D. B. Van Emburgh of New
York City, accompanied by her sis
ter. Miss Marguerite Ross, is ex
pected in Omaha this week enroute to
California for the winter and will stop
a few days at the Fontenelle while
visiting wfth Mrs. Van Emburgh's sis
ter, Mrs. Mary E. Van Gleson, and
other friends here.
R. L. Carter, with his daughter,
Miss Alice Carter, leaves Monday for
Chicago to spend Thanksgiving there.
They will be joined by Miss Ruth
Carter from St Mary's school at No
tre Dame, Ind. After Thanksgiving
she wilt be accompanied back to
school by her sister, who will remain
for a visit of two or three weeks.
Arthur W. Wakeley, eldest son of
Lucius W. Wakeley, has been made a
member of the recently organized
brokerage and investment bankers'
firm of Paul H. Davis & Co. in Chi
cago. Young Wakeley is secretary
and a director in the company. It is
only five years since he graduated
from Cornell as a mechanical engi
neer. He makes his home in Chicago
in the family of Mrs. Anthony Mer
rill, a relative of Mrs. E. Wakeley.
Residence Changes.
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Sprague dose
then; Benson home this week and
come to the Blackstone for the win
ter. Mrs. John N. Baldwin, with her
mother, Mrs. Hoi com be, arrived
Wednesday from the east and is once
more established in her own home on
Fortieth street
Gray Montgomery, eldest son of
Mr. and Mrs. C S. Montgomery, has
returned to Omaha from Denver with
his wife and two sons and is occupy
ing the C S. Montgomery home. It
is nearly ten years since Mr. Mont
gomery went to Denver to practice
as a Christian Science healer. there.
Sof ial Goaaln,
Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Belt are ex
pected home from New York this
Mrs. J. J. Brown has returned from
Lincoln, where she spent a few days
K AsX for d Get w
U Agr Aojw Book fm '"
U.'S. National Bank
- ' t!t
Our entire stock of Tailored Suits none reserved--
for immediate clearance. A fascinat
ing: collection, all at half price.
$79.50 TAILORED SUITS. .... ,$39.75
$69.50 TAILORED SUITS. .... .$34.75
$65.00 TAILORED SUITS. . . . . .$32.50
$59.50 TAILORED SUITS. $29.75
$55.00 TAILORED SUITS $27.50
$49.50 TAILORED SUITS. .... ,$24.75
$45.00 TAILORED SUITS $22.50
$39.50 TAILORED SUITS. . . . . .$19.75
$37.50 TAILORED SUITS $18.75
$35.00 TAILORED SUITS. . ... . .$17.50,
$29,50 TAILORED SUITS. . . . .$14.75
$27.50 TAILORED SUITS $13.75
$25.00 TAILORED SUITS .$12.50
with her daughter. Mrs. Dan Latter.
ning, accompanied by Mrs. Howell's
nn. C,irlnv ( uhn will
visit Milwaukee and Chicago for two
or three weeks.
C. E. Yost returned Thursday from
New York, where he saw his daugh
ter and granddaughter, Mrs. Charles
OrTutt and' Miss Virginia OSutt, who
are at the Gotham for the winter.
Mrs. H. S. Clarke, jr and Miss
Louise Clarke have spent the week in
Chicago and are expected home to
day. Mrs. Clarke has' invited a num
ber of the young people for a dinner
dance on the evening of December 29.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wood of Salt
Lake City are the guests of Mr.
Wood's mother, Mrs. Ben Wood, un
til after Christmas. Mrs. W. H. Cran
mer of Denver, Mrs. Wood's daugh
ter, is also here for a visit.
r .
Hundrexli of Omaha men
ami woman arc iaTinf tima and
monay by taking advantage of
our treatment, -
Why don't yon?
Tli f a m u Sulphk-Chlerin
Mineral Water is delivrd in
OnabA in 5gl. Jufa. $1-60, 50c
refolded when jug im returned.
XSth aad O Stt., Sovtfc SMa.
PhoBa South S7.
OataapauiK Phyakiaa, la charfa.
Tha Beautiful
Clairmont Inn
Ball Room
For rent for dinrinr partiem, esz4
'Pardee, elab meeting, eta.
AJ! the neeeeMry reqnieftas for
, tervinc refreshmenta.
An Ideal epot for 70a and
yonr friends to spend an enjoy
able afternoon or evenina.
Phone Donates I7ts today and
Biake arrsisemenU for your next
party at the
It is not necessary to shampoo quire
so frequently if yoor hair is properly
cleansed each time by use of a really
good shampoo. The easiest to use
and quickest drying shampoo that we
can recommend to our readers may
be prepared very cheaply by dissolv
ing a tea spoonful of canthrox, obtain
ed -from yonr druggist, in a cup of
hot water. This rubbed into the
scalp creates a thick lather, soothing
and cooling in its action, as well as
beneficial to scalp and hair. After
rinsing the scalp is fresh and clean,
while the hair dries quickly and even
ry, developing a bright luster and a
soft BufBness that makes it seem very
neavy. evQvrriisemenr.
j mm