THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: NOVEMBER 26, ltflb. 12 A FOND FOR FRENCH. WAR ORPHANS HELP New Rational Society Set on Foot in New Tork With Definite Purpose in View. ODS DEBT TO FRANCE With an organization remarkable (or its completeness, considering the very short time that has elapsed since its inception, the "American Society for the Relief of French War Or. phani" has opened permanent head quarters in the Equitable building, 120 Broadway, New York City. The deeds of Lafayette and Rochambeau and their gallant sol Aim are chronicled in American his tory and form some of the brightest pages. I he debt ot America to France for its generosity, which Washington declared "must inspire every citizen of the states with senti ments of the most unalterable grati tude," has never been repaid. It is v possible that it never will be, but the Exigencies of the terrible war that for more than two years has been de- . vastating Europe will enable Ameri cans, out of their prosperity and abundance, to show, in a measure, their "unalterable gratitude." Orphans in Plenty, There are already in France more than 200,000 children made fatherless by the war and in extreme need of help. The French government, over burdened by the enormous expense of carrying on the war, is unable to make, a sufficient allowance for the proper maintenance of these war or phans. Its stupendous burden will, long after the war, preclude the pos sibility of adequate aid to the families of dead and incapacitated soldiers, and it is hoped and confidently be lieved that Americans will cheerfully share the burden, by giving, each ac cording to his means, enough to care ' for ana educate the orphans of France and enable them to become self-supporting. The American society will have a nation-wide membership, and will co operate with existing relief societies in the United States and in France wherever it is found possible. No ef fort will be made to bring French or phans to this country, or to create new agencies for their care in France. It will work, in such a manner that a personal sympathetic connection will be established between the donors of funds in this country and the needy orphana of France. Division of Membership. Membership in the American so ciety is divided into four classes founders, who will pay $500 or more a year; benefactors, who will con tribute $250 annually; sustaining members, who will give $100 a year, and contributing members, who will ' contribute less than $100 per annum. Contributions in any amount which nth ftnnnri mav ara.ftt tv ertv. will ha '.solicited from the general public. AH .expenses of administration and op- viauuii will wuinc uj tiuiuriuuiiuiiB made by the . members .for that specific purpose, and one-hundred cents of every, dollar .donated by the , public wjll be WSed (or the purpose of relieving the nnans M rmcr. ; .w. land Directors. - ' Offid The active ficers of the society are: William 1 Outline, president; James Stillmafl vice oresident: I. rierpont , Morgan,' vice president; Thomas Cochran, treasurer; Reginald H. Giles, assistant treasurer; Clyde A. Pratt, general manager, and Snowden A. Fahnostock, secretary. The honorary vice presidents are: Edward Douglass White, chief justice of the United States; John Cardinal Farley, archbishop of New York; Right Rev. David H. Greer, bishop of New York; William G. Sharp, am bassador to the French . republic; JoseDh H. Choate. former amhanxadnr to Great Britain; Robert Bacon, . former ambassador to the French re public; Myron T.' Herrick,' former ambassador to the French renublie: Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, presi dent of Columbia university; Dr. John Grier Hibben, president of Princeton university, and Dr. John H. r in icy, commissioner ot education of the state of New York. The directors of the society are: George F. Baker, jr.; James M. Beck, S. Reading Bertron, Cornelius - N. Bliss, jr.; James Byrne, Thomas L. Chadbourne, jr.; Thomas Cochran. R. Hilton Cutting, - Charles . Stewart . uavison, fcugene Delano, Daniel Gug genheim, William "D,, Guthrie, Alex ander J. Hemphill, . Adrian Iselin, ueorge urant Mason, Charles T. Mathews, Ambrose Monell, J. Pier pont Morgan, Victor Morawetz, Dwight W. Morrow, Otis A. Mygatt, Seward Prosser, Percy . A. - Rocke feller, Sylvanus L. Schoonmaker, John W. Simpson, Charles . Steele, Tames Stillman. lwia A . fitimam. Willard D. Straight, Henry M. Til ford, Edward Tuck, Frank A. Vander- "P or.P. w- Wickers,ham and At Donations to the Frrni-tt war nr. phans fund should be sent by checks or postoffice money orders to the order of the American Society for the Relief of French War Orphans, Room 1435 and 1436, 120 Broadway, New iuik vny. Stewart Products Service - Station's Business Booms The Stewart Products. Service sta tion nt flmih. . J ' a shipment of 250 phonographs. This mi was iuiu ana wntie tne fac tory has a large production, at this time it is behind on orders. ' ' Back Of 111 K,u,.r .kn-.l. are the same men, the same means. uic aame orains ana the same facili ties that have developed the Stewart Warner Speedometer corporation, the largest automobile accessory business in the world. Stewart motor car ac cessories are- found on nra-ii-n.. "Trie Unwelcome Mother" At the Farnam Today "The Unwelcome Mother" is the title of the feature at the Farnam to day, in which Walter Law haa thr it u W1U inc IlIC ot a girl who marries a widower and tries to make Jierself a mother to his children, but they cherish the mem- iUmim Ia.. 1 If I i ... iv, .iiiviuci.- muiiuar June Caprice in ."Little Miss Happi ness." Tuesday Alice Brady in "Miss i.,: -- ...... . SEE WILL HELP RAISE DENTAL FUND. 0r F i S 1 . t" " if a Htf Rltza Freeman .To help raise $15,000 for equipment to start the new free dental clinic or dispensary, to which local dentists will donate their services, Miss Ritza Freeman, Chicago settlement worker and widely known as "the story telling lady, volunteered ner services as campaign manager. Miss freeman arrived from Chicago this morning and will start on het three-weeks' ' campaign for funds to morrow. She will address all organi zations and solicit funds from the generous-pursed. Miss Freeman is connected with Miss Mary McDow ells Chicago university settlement. Last year, she told stories each after noon in one of the local stores. Her home is in Randolph, la., though the family formerly resided in Omaha. Dr. F. F. Wnitcomb is chairman of the dentists' committee which is boosting the new dispensary. Personal Mention Of Men and Women Known in Omaha Miss Helen Clarke, who was brides maid Tuesday at the wedding of Miss Margery leall ot Chicago, goes to morrow to Minneapolis to visit Miss Marion thompson. Miss Marion rvunn and Miss uer- trude Metz will be bridesmaids at -the Metz-Mack wedding in Buffalo in January. Mrs. n. Culver, who has been visiting old friends here, left Wednes day tor Milwaukee. Mrs. John 1. Stewart of Council Bluffs left Sunday for Chicago with Miss Gibson, on her way to San An tonio, Tex., for the -winter. Her daughter. Mrs,-Wildman. remained to close their home, "1 he Gables, ' and Joins her short)?. "This will be the second winter Mrs. Stewart and Mrs. Wildman have spent in San Antonio. Mr. and Mrs. G .W. Meceath left Wednesday1 for Montana, to visit their son, fcdward, who is engaged in mining in that state. Mr. ana Mrs. u. c stapieton and little daughter, Stellita, have deferred their departure to Washington for a few days. They had planned to leave r riday, but now expect to leave Mon day for the east. . - Mrs. C r. Crowley has returned to her home from the Nicholas Senn hospital where she has been for the last four weeks. " , .-. Cerle de Lens-ace. ' Mrs. R. B. Elliott, who is forming a circle to study Spanish and trench, announces an organization committee composed of Miss Mav Riale. Mea. dames Blaine Young, J. J. F.gan, Fred Hansen, t. r. Ucspecher. William H Dox. Charles O. Pickett. Frank M. Usborne and Mrs. Alexander Pollack. Miss M. Cullen is treasurer of the circle. 1 his week s meeting will Drob ably be a tea held Wednesday at the ronteneue. Wedding at Charter Oak. ' Miss Grace M. Richards and Mr. Charles Leslie Armstrong of Water loo, la., were married Tuesday eve ning at the home of the bride's oar. ents, Mr, and Mrs. D. A. Waterhouse, at cnarter uaic, la. Kev.. tt. W. L. Mahood officiated Miss Lucille Arm strong of Dyersville was maid of honor and the bridesmaid,; Miss Edith Schelm. Mr. Fred Gehrig of Des uomes was best man. ... ' Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong left for the Pacific coast, where thev will spend their honeymoon. Later they will be at home- at Prospect Hills, Waterloo. . The bride is a musician of rare abil ity, and after finishing high school continued her musical studies in Sioux City and Umaha. . '. The out-of-town Burst InrlmlpH Mr. andMrs. James Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Armstrong, Misses Marie and Lucille Armstrong and Mrs. J. A. Miller of Dyersville, la.; Dr. and Mrs. C. Allen Snyder of Dubuque, la.; Mrs. E. E. Carty of Earlville, Mrs. J. E. Armstrong of Waterloo, Mrs. T. R.. Bell and Mrs. E. C. Herrlina- of Charles Citv. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Snyder and daughter. name,, oi umana. Dodge Bros. Motor Car . . Gets Grand Prize at Show Dodge Brothers have been notified that the Dadge Brothers' motor ear has faen .awarded as a grand prize at the Panama-Pacific exposition to the prize winning exhibitor in the palace of machinery. . ' ' The selection was made by a .com mittee of eighteen chosen by the Ma chinery Exhibitors' association of the palace of machinery. The commit tee was unanimous in its choice after an examination of all cars selling at approximately- the same price. In making its announcement the committee said: "This decision was reached only after a most careful consideration of the merits of the many cars selling at about the same price as the Dodge Brothers' motor car, as well as the financial standing and responsibility of the manufacturers themselves." FAVORS SALARIES FUR EVANGELISTS Church Commission Will Say Some Plain Things About Sunday's Free Will Offering Plan. COUNCIL MEETS SOON St. Louis, Nov. 25. (Special.) It is learned on unquestioned authority that the commission on evangelism of the federal council of churches will say some very plain things con cerning the Rev. William A. Sunday's free, will" offering, in its report to be made to the council at its forth coming meeting in St. Louis. More than that the commission will recom mend, it is said, that all evangelists, Sunday with the others, be taken charge of by the churches themselves, according to religious bodies to which they Deiong, tneir nnances reguiaicu and supervised, and evangelists paid salaries, . The commission will tell the coun cil, it is said, that almost all profes sional evangelists have united in ex pression of a desire that they be put on an official basis, as are ministers, and money matters be taken off their hands. The commission does not state whether Sunday has himself joined in the appeal, but it is infor mally stated that he has not done so. The commission will say, it is known, that some measure ot harm is done by the Sundajr "free will" offering plan. Public criticism of it is known to be ?:eneral, and it is not mitigated by the act that Sunday gives much of it awav. It is certain that the council will adopt the recommendations of its commission. Flaws in Management Other reports to the council will show unhealthy conditions in church management. There will be presented a careful survey of the whole state of Ohio. . I hat survey will make plain, it is known, that tremendous sums of money are lost in so-called Christian work. There are places that are over-churched, and also places ' that are overlooked. In not a few places where large sums of money should be spent only very small sums are available, while in other places money is poured out and wasted. The coun cil will a)so hear that throughout the whole United States there has been very serious deterioration of family religion. Instead of the war making Americans more religious, as it has done in France and England, pros perity or other cause seems to have made, so the council will hear, inroads upon the church in the home and the home in the church. The council will hear that something must be done immediately. Conditions are : more serious in" cities of New England and the middle west, and less so in the south and on the Pacific coast. Propositions to be put up to the council include one to get into the temperance cause in behalf of work ingmen, and to take hold of the plans for the saving of human lives, espe cially in factories where machinery is run. lhe saving ot lite by all possi ble means wills however, become a part of the tasks of American churches as it has not heretofore been, if the council takes action it is expeeted to take. In -this line the council will hear from a commission of education in the public schools, the Uary and other plans. It seems the council has been in constant touch, since Europe went to war, with the churches of Germany, France and Russia, and of course England.- Certain things the German chancellor has said in the Reichstag have been from relations with the council, and with the churches of Germany. Plans are perfected, and will be acted upon in St. Louis,, for larger work by Christian churches in America and in all European belliger ent nations immediately the war ends. The St. Louis meeting is an executive one, coining every four years, and its date is December J, continuing that week, William Jennings Bryan is to. conduct public meetings, at his own' expense, but in co-operation with the council, during the sittings of the council. For Pile Sufferers Basnate Paek- n f k K a at o a a rrnaal Pile Treat arcat Pfaw Offered Frees Prey Wa.t It Will De ter Ten, Pyramid Pile Treatment Filvea quick re let, stops Itch- I n . hlftAriln or protruding piles, hemorrhoids and all rectal troubles. In the privacy ot Xour own home, too a box at all rug-gists, a single box often cures. Free aaaiale for trial with booklet mailed free In plain wrapper. If you send us coupon below. FREE SAMPLE COUPON PYRAMID DTtTTO COMPANY, Hi Pvramld Bids., Marshall. Mloh. KlnJly sen me a Free temple of la plain wrapper. Name Street Clt... office. Hundreds of the Most Prominent People in Omaha have been cured by , DR WILLIAM CREIGHTOil MAXWELL 408-9-10 Omaha National Bank, 17th and Farnam Sta. Phone Red 4390. Hourst 9 to 12 and 2 to 5. Dr. Henry G. Mabie Here This Week Dr. Henry C Mabie, L. L. D., of Boston, lecturer in world conditions and missions, will arrive in Omaha Monday, to be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Carpenter, ur. atame is touring the colleges, universities and theological seminaries of the west. While here he will speak in the University of Omaha, the Pres byterian Theological seminary and at the Baptist Social union. First Baptist church, next Tuesday even ing. He will also soeak to the min isters -of the city Wednesday at 4 p. m., in the Young Men s Christian association auditorium. On Thurs day morning he will preach the Thanksgiving sermon in the Grace Baptist church. Dr. Mabie was close ly associated with D. L. Moody and is now a yearly attendant and in structor at Northficld. He has spent much time in Europe and Asia mak ing a careful study of world condi tions. Osborne Realty Company Reports Big Fall Sales The Osborne Realty company re ports that the fall sales have been good, bat that the demand has been greater for the small improved homes. The following sales have been made by this firm: Sli-room house at Sit . J6lh St., to W. H. Mallaad. Bli-room luoee ai SE20 Plnkaer St., to Charlna Cowaa. Seven-room stucco and frame, at S524 Plnkney St., to Anna Marah. Seven-room home at till Leavenworth 8L, to Rar Llrht, Seven-room frame and stucco at lilt Plnkney St., to It. . Blair. . Nine-room house at 1501 Georgia Ave., to H. Potera. au-room atueeo at 4301 Dodge 8t., to H. W. Pope. Six-room atueeo at 430S Dodge St., to Carl Clary. 8lx-reom houae at 1711 a 2Sth St., to Anna Coufal. Six-room bouse at S431 Webster St., to S. B. Moore. Plve-room bung-alow At S51S Plnkney St, to Henry Vlckera. rive-room bungalow at SCSI Sherman Ave., to flam Cohen. Five-room cottage at 14S4 S, Mth SL, to Oertrude Bowman. Plve-reom oottage at S(S a flat St, to Herman Meaa. Five-room cottage at 1273 Baakell, to Plorenoe Bock. Blx-room bungalow at 423S Larlmore Ave., to Stewart Dale. Kour-room bungalow; at 2714 Taylor St, to Cora VaoBoaklrk. Two lota, one In Amber Place and one In Blllaton Park, to B. K. Wlnani. -Two lota In Crelghton Helghta Addition to h, P, Kllgore. One lot la Crelghton Helghta Addition to L. Bergman. ."Tennessee's Pardner," With Fannie Ward, at the Apollo The attraction today at the Apollo is "Tennessee's Pardner," with Fannie Ward in the leading role. Fannie Ward's work is noteworthy because of the subjects in which she has ap peared. In "The Cheat" she appeared with Hayakawa, the Japanese film actor, and the two made a name for themselves that will be carried out, so far as Miss Ward is concerned, in "Tennessee's Pardner." "The Girl from 'Frisco" : -At Besse Theater Today Marian Sais and True Boardman are today at the Besse theater, South Side, in "The Girl from 'Frisco," de picting the life of the western deserts, showing many scenes in the mountain mining camps.- A drama and comedy are on the same-program. Monday Robert Edeson in "The Light that Failed." Mary Pickford Is on .Screen at the Lothrop 'The Girl of Yesterday" is the fea ture attraction at the Lothrop theater today, with Mary Pickford in the stel lar role. Tuesday, Vivian Martin in "The Stronger Love." Wednesday Edna Wallace Hopper comes in "The Perils of Divorce. . "Honor's Altar" Feature At the Dundee Theater Today Bessie Barriscale in "Honor's Al tar" at the Dundee theater today. "A Political Tramp" is the comedy. Mon day, Myrtle Gonzales in "The Secret of the Swamp" and Ora Carewe and Joseph Belmont in "Dollars and Humphreys' Seventy-seven For Grip, Influenza, Cracked Lips Cold aorei or fever blietera on tne Una are earned by an upaet itomaob from taking oold. The iwelling, the Itching, the burning, the tracked llpe, the ngir icab, broken when !?,v!,l!r., or easing, earning bleeding, the disfiguring redneei and irritation often preadlng, are controlled by Dr. Humphrey!' Twenty-nine (No. 29) used in conjunction with Seventy-ieven" at the firit stinging, tingling or aweiling of the lire. Price. 26c, at all Drug Storea. TONIC TABLETS (HUMPHREYS') For the convalescent, for the weak and the weary. Price, $1.00, at all Drug Stores, or sent, C. O. S. parcel post Hnmee. atedleine" tin. 1KC William Street, New York. Sunday. Full. COLDS Piles and Fistula Cured Without Surgical Operation or Pain. No Chloroform or Ether given. Writ ten Guarantee Given in All Cases. Pay When Cured. Car Fare Paid One Way to Point Within 50 Miles of Omaha. Patients must come to the Sense." Tuesday Mae Marsh and Rob ert Harron in 1 ne Little Liar. Wednesday, "Husband and Wife," with Holbrook Blinn and Ethel Clay ton. Thanksgiving day a free Chris tian Science decture will be given. Friday Walkr Whiteside comes in "The Melting Pot." Saturday. Frank Keenan in "The Thoroughbred." French "Field of Battle for Sale" (Correeoondenee of The Antedated Preaa.) Paris, Nov. 10. "A field of battle for sale" was the unicjue heading of an advertisement in a Paris newspa per recently. The text was at fol lows: , "Twenty-five acres of land, fur rowed by German and British trench es, in the full center of the battle of the Somme, north of the Fameaux woods and southeast of Martinpuich for sale. Address, etc," "The Stronger Love Is Subject at Boulevard Vivian Martin is at the Boulevard theater today in a Paramount, "The Stronger Love." The play deals with a girl who, in order to save herself, undergoes terrible humiliation. Mon day, Joseph Kilgour in a Vitagraph, "The Turn- of (he Road." Tuesday, Earl Metcalf in "The Nation's Peril." Wednesday, Blanche Sweet in her "Public Opinion." Thursday, Valeska Suratt in "The Straight Way." What Man Want This $175 Monthy Salary? I have a small business in the heart of Omaha's business district that I will sell for $2,000 and take $1,200 cash down balance monthly pay ments. It will clear the owner 4175 to S250 monthly. Can you invest your money where It will bring such sal ary and interest on your investment? Requires one man's time nine hours each day and is an all cash business. Call the owned at Douglas 1669, or come to 326 Rose Bldg., and talk it over at once. Don't wait, this is your opportunity to get into business for yourself at a good income. Owner is leavine Omaha and" must deal at once. Sunday Phone Harney 4205. Advertisement A CADILLAC TOWN CAR r f ( '- The highest development of the coach builder's art is shown in all jVW the Cadillac enclosed models for the' iXvNvNwi I season. ' The Type 55 Cadillac Lan- WnImMkI ' k I (mi d all round utility not equaled in WrtWffiWJ I J Ml , any other closed ear on the market. aM!mV ' ne P 0Ter the rear compartment . JJ&mVwSi i I ff ' may be dropped, giving the passen- iwOMwS fi' S ! . r jr iger the open air with ample pro- 1 SflNWMM tection from the wind. Bv'J jA (uPa A handsome, serviceable car that - SJjP Vas3! may be used in all weather. Sliilttilll Cadillac , Company of Omaha. 4 i Geo. F. Retm, President. " IS jL j IB j ! ; ili ill is l mm II as r m iiainii n am iffianaaatanaaaiaaaaataaaiairlHiiMM . You can make the coming Christmas a Merrier Christmas for yourself and many others by doing your Christmas shopping Ik 1ft OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY n - Hi WHY TAKE THE JOY OUT OF LIFE when you can turn your Touring Car into a comfortable Sedan, and enjoy the pleasures of winter driving? We have in stock Winter Tops that can be attached to the following cars at a nominal cost: Ford Roadster ...$ 70.00 f. o. b. Detroit Ford Touring 77,00 f. o. b. Detroit - Chevrolet 4-90 90.00 f. o. b. Detroit Maxwell Overland 83 i Buick D45 Chalmers 6-30. . , Hudson Super-6 . . Cadillac . . .. Reo the Fifth. Winter Top Co. 2216-18 Farnam Street Omaha, Neb. Phone Douglas SS3 ; , Open AH Day Sunday DEALERS write for our agency proposition. LY IN THE SEASON IN THE WEEK IN THE DAY DO IT NOW! 115.UUI. o. d. Detroit 115.00 f. o. b, Detroit 125.00 f. o. b. Detroit 140.00 f. o. b. Detroit 160.00 f. o. b. Detroit 160.00 f. o. b. Detroit mi m m Sill! jri m t.