Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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Fair anil Warmer
Vol. xlvi no. . 24.
De facto Reinforcements Ap
proaching Chihuahua City
Hurled Back by Villa's
Attempt of Bandits to Capture
State Capital Which Began
at 4 O'clock Frustrated.
El Paso, Tex., Nov. 25. A band of
approximately 150 men, mounted and
armed, was seen moving along the
Mexican bank of the Rio Grande early
today. The men were moving in the
direction of Juarez, according to
United States army officers who are
watching them closely through field
The identity of the mounted force
has not yet been established, but the
Juarez garrison commander has been
El Paso, Tex., Nov. 25. Govern
ment agents here received a report to
day that General Murguia's cavalry
column, which was' said to be ap
proaching Chihuahua City from the
south, had been driven back by Villa
cavalry, which had been left by Villa
to prevent reinforcements reaching
General Trevino, according to this un
confirmed report.
The report is said to have been re
ceived before the interruptions in the
federal telegraph wire started.
Juarez, Mex., Nov. 25. The Villa
bandits again were repulsed early to
day by the Carranza forces defending
Chihuahua City, according to a mes-
' sage received at military headquarters
here. The message said the repulse
-was even more decisive than those of
yesterday and Thursday, the bandits
being driven clear of the suburbs after
desperate efforts to penetrate to the
heart of the city and take it by storm.
Francisco Villa ana his bandit
forces resumed the attack at daybreak
todav. according: to Carranza officials.
marking the opening of the third day's
fighting in Villa's. effort to wrest the
Chihuahua capital . from General
Jacinto B. Trevino's constitutionalist
forces. Communication witn imnua.
hua Citv was still unimpaired, indi
cating the attack was directed from
the southeast and southwest of the
. Hops to Capture Villa. ;
General Murguia's, cavalry is "ad-
. vancing overland from the vicinity of
. Santa Rosalia in an effort to relieve
, General Trevino's tired troopsac
cording to General Gonzales, com
manding the Carranza garrison here.
General Murguia ordered the cavalry
to proceed by the shortest trail, leav
ing the main column at the railroad,
according to a wireless message re
ceived by General Trevino at Chihua
hua and transmitted here by tele
cranh. Carranza officers here are elated at
the prospect of Murguia's men reach
ing the scene ot tne Dattie Detore yitia
retires and express the hope that Villa
and his chiefs will be captured in the
generaldrive. .
The battle, -which opened at
o'clock this morning, still is in progress-,
but communication with the bor
der continues uninterrupted. General
Trevino, after sending a message tell
ing of tne resumption ot the lighting,
took the field in person.
No details of the attack had been
received at military headquarters up
to lu oclocK today,
Carranza Officers Killed.
El Paso, Tex, Nov. 25. Soriano
Bravo, Mexican consul, today re
ceived a message from General Ja
cinto B. Trevino, commanding at Chi
huahua City, saying Villa renewed
his attack at 4 o'clock this morning
and giving the names of the following
de facto government officers included
in the casualty list:
Killed Lieutenant Colonel Ulizes
Mier, General M. GandaraP Second
Captain Kudulpho labello and Lieu
tenant Elpidio Garza, the latter two
officers of General Trevino's staff.
Wounded Colonel Borquez.
President Wilson's
Cold Much Better
Washington, Nov. 25. President
Wilson, who cancelled his plans for
attending the Army-Navy game in
New York today because of a cold,
was better today. While he had no
engagement, Dr. C. T. Grayson, his
physician, thought lie was well
enough to take an automobile ride
this afternoon. . .
The Weather .
For Nebraska Fair and warmer.
Temperature at Omaha Venter day.
Hour. DeB,
5 A. m '34
6 a. m 84
7 a. m . 33
8 a. m t...... 32
a. m 33
10 a. m 35
11 u. m 3fi
13 m 41
1 i. m..... 43
2 P. m 46
3 P- m , 46
4 p. m,. ,.,,..,,, 47
t a. m .i. 45
I p. ru... 43
1 P. m. 4i
Comparative Local Record.
1916. 191 6. JSH. 1113.
Highest yenterday.... 41 67 87 4S
Lowest ycHterday 29 32 40 42
Man temperature..., 38 45, B 4$
Precipitation Cfi .00 .00 ,0T
Temperature ana precipitation departure!
from tho normal
Nnrnia temperature...' 34
Uxceru for the day 4
Tutnl oxce-M since March 1 26B
Normal precipitation 02 tneh
Uefiv'tency for the day . .02 inch
To Lit rainfall since March 1 . . . . 1 ft.OT lochf
Dvf Money ninee March 1 . .i ... .13.17 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1915. 1 . 60 lnchi'st
i'efitloiicy for, cor. poiiocl. 1914.. 3.83 Inches
LA. WfeXaH. Meteoroioglnt.
Both Parties "Lost
Money" in Campaign
New York, Nov. 25. A deficit of
$21,144 in the funds to meet the ex
penses of the republican campaign
was announced here today by Cor
nelius N. Bliss, jr, treasurer of the
republican national committee.
The treasurer's report gives total
receipts at $2,420,421, contributed
by 34,205 persons.
Apportionment of the $300,000
democratic campaign deficit among
the states has been decided upon
by Vance C. McCormick, chairman
of the democratic national com
mittee in order to speed up the
work of paying it off, h announced
here today.
Thirty-Five Sailors from Gla
cier Thrown Into San Fran
cisco Bay by Collision.
San Francisco, Nov. 25. Three
United States sailors met death here
today and half a score were injured
when a. launch carrying thirty-five
men of the supply ship Glacier's crew
was swept under the paddle blades of
the stern wheel river steamer Apache.
The dead:
All teamen carried down In the launch.
let'a mate. Glendale. Cal., Internally hurt,
out died or aubmcralon.
The relatives of all were notified
by the Navy department. Wiley's
mother. Mrs. Kita Wiley, lives at Mc
Kinney, Tex. Campbell's mother,
Mrs. Nancy Campbell, lives at Mid-
dlesboro, Ky. Daniel's father, Dave
Daniel, lives at Franklin, Texas, and
Heiberger has a sister, Mrs. Louise
Schneider, at Arvada, Colo. A pul-
motor crew trom the city tire depart
ment worked over Heiberger for two
hours with no success. He was picked
up half a mile from shore, too much
exhausted to recuperate. -i
The name of Seaman W. L. Daniel
was given out by naval authorities as
among the dead. Late in the day
Daniel, who had overstayed his leave,
appeared on the wharf. .
Seriously injured:
Fred Wrlffht, seaman, Ronton, Wain., In
ternally hurt.
Japaneae cook, ekull fractured. ,
The launch, putting off crowded
with men returning from shore leave,
was swept by the tide under the stern
wheelxot the Apache. The big steel
paddle blade sheared off the stem of
the launch, which sank like a atone,
and every man aboard fended for him
self. '1. ; - .- ..
. A fleet of small boats .was tushed
to tbetenft and began 'tricking up
men. The United States cruiser South
Dakota, at anchor on Man-o'-War
Row, a mile away, rushed its launches
to the rescue and picked up the first
body. , . ! . -
, One man, Fred Wright, was taken
to the harbor emergency hospital
All the others went to the Glacier. :
The accident occurred almost in the
path of the Trans-bay ferry boats
bringing thousands of commuters to
San Francisco from Oakland, Berke
ley and Alameda. These were first
aware of it when a little cloud of sea
going tugs and launches scattered
from the piers allotted to various tow
ing companies and clustered around
the Apache. To the fact that these
craft were so near at hand was attrib
uted the remarkably small loss of life
as contrasted with ail upset in New
York harbor some years ago.
The launch, in charge of Bob Rob
erts, coxwain, put out from the slip
between piers 14 and 16. At pier 14
lay naval water barge 25. At pier 16
was the Apach just docking. The
space between was small, but Roberts
considered it ample, and headed the
launch midway between the two big
As the launch ran out from the-protecting,
piers the tide caught, it and
swept it against the stern of the river
The Apache's wheel was reversed
and revolving slowly. Before Roberts
could twist his wheel the launch was
directly under-the great steel blade.
Berlin Hints Britannic Was
Used for Transport Work
London, Nov. 25. A virtual dis
avowal that a German submarine had
anything to do with the sinking of
the British ship Britannic in the
Aegean Sea is contained in a wireless
dispatch received today from Berlin,
which reads:
"According to the reports so far at
hand the Britannic was proceeding
from England to Saloniki. For a jour
nev in this direction trip liri,. nmni,..
of persons on board was extraordi
narily striking and justifies a strong
suspicion of the misuse of a hospital
ship for transport purposes:
"Inasmuch as the ship bore the
distinguishing marks of a hospital
ship in accordance with regulations
there can naturally be no question of
a German submarine in connection
with the sinking."
Trusted Employe Steals Gems of
Mrs. Harriman When Debts Pile Up
New Ynrlf Knr, Tt.hinrf !,.
$60,000 Harriman jewel robbery,
umugni io solution today by police
investicatnr. 1a a nt a
J I 0tujr v. f llltuui;-
aged and trusted employe, who suc
cumbed to temptation, according to
his confession whiU .,,nnl;n. .
---- at. usguii,.; .u
meet the cost of living in a fasti ion-
uic suDuru, too. expensive lor his
meant. As a rnnlr h. a nnsv
charged with grand larceny, together
with his brother, who is held on a
similar charge, accused of havrng dis
posed of part of the proceeds of the
Arthur P. Daggett, 42 years old.
and married, who was guardian of the
trust company vault where Mrs. E. 11.
Three Cold Storage Ware
houses Attacked in War
Against High Cost of
"I've Got Them; What Are You
Going to Do About It?"
Stirs Row.
Chicago, Chicago, Nov. 25. War
against the high cost of living became
militant here today with simultaneous
raids by the city health department
against three of the largest cold stor
age warehouses in the citv. The raids
werebased on a city ordinance, long
ignored, which places a restriction on
the time foods may be kent in cold
storage and were due partly, it was
said, to James wetz. a wholesaler, so-
called "egg king," who is said to be
holding 72,000,000 eggs.
"I've got them. What are vou go
ing to do about it?" was the answer
Wetz gave to investigators who
sought to discover what quantity of
loodstutts was m storage in the pres
ent time of high prices.
Millions Put Away.
The ordinance prohibits the storage
of eggs for more than ten months.
Examination showed that many mil
lions, including many stored by Wetz,
were put away in March and April.
"We will be obliged to throw these
on the market by January 21," said
Dr. John JD. Kobertson, health com
missioner, "and my advice to the peo
ple is to stop using eggs until lie be
gins to market them. I will see that
they are not held in cold storage a
minute longer than ten months, and
that when they go on the market
they are tit for consumption.
Women of the Political Equality
league adopted a resolution today de
claring that "eggs at 50c a dozen are
prohibitive" and agreeing to buy none
at that price.
Explains the Rise.
The Wgh price of eggs is the result
of general prosperity which has in
duced extraordinary consumption to
gether -with a shortage of production
according to a statement by the Chi
cago Butter and Eggs board, which
announced that it would welcome any
investigation into its manner of ar
riving at prices.
Burlington Suit ;
u To Test Eight-Hour
taw is .Continued
Lincoln, Nov. 25. The suit of the
Burlington railroad against the Adam-
son eight-hour law, set for hearing
before Federal Judge Munger here
today, was continued indefinitely,
owing to the action ot the govern
ment and the railroads regarding the
test case at Kansas City.
Food Commissioner
Reports Cases Filed
. -
Kroia Staff Cotregpondent.)
Lincoln, Nov. 25. (Special.) Food
Commissioner Harman this morning
said that the department, while mak
ing 320 prosecutions, had been suc
cessful in 309 "of them during the
present bienium. . ;
Five cases were lost, one case is still"
pending, three were dismissed and two
tailed because the defendant could not
be located. The fines by reason of
such prosecutions .."amounted to
$545.80 and the court costs $1,138 in
The most important orosecution
was that o.f a dealer in Dcwitt, who'
was arrested tor selling near beer that
was so near that it filled every want
necessary, being 4'i per cent alcohol
and in every respect just as good as
the real article. A carload was seixed
and destroyed at a loss of $800 for
the beer. $200 fine for the seller and
$200 more for the brewing company
lurnisiiing tne beverage.
Next in importance was the oros
ecution of a storage company for hav
ing in coio storage food unfit lor con
sumption. A fine of $250 was as
sessed against the company.
Station Agent is
Shot by a Bandit
Muskogee, Ok!., Nov. 25. Com-r-anded
to "put up your hands, and
do it quick," Audrey Lainc, ticket
agent at Pryor, Okl., near here,
reached for, his pistol instead and was
shot early today by a robber in the
Missouri, Kansas & Texas railwav
station at Pryor. Laine is believed
to be wounded fatally. The bandit
fled after the shootins. with an
aroused country-side in pursuit. He
obtained a small amount of money.
Harriman, widow of the railroad capi
talist, kept her jewelry, found them
one day on the floor of the safe de
posit, he told Chief Inspector Faurot
today. .
"The opportunity presented itself
as I was in debt to the extent of $700,"
the inspector quoted Daggett as say
,ing. My salary was not a large one.
I am getting only $1,700 a year and 1
found it hard to live on that amount
and keep up with the living at I.arch
mont. I was tempted many times Io
put the jewelry back, but 1 held it for
some time waiting to see who owned
it, and when no one put in a claim that
it was lost, I decided to gel a loan on
some of it."
Who Is
Entente Declares All Forms of
Money and Credit Paper
Subject to Seizure.
' London, Nov. 248:25 p.. m. With
reference to the royal proclamation is
sued yesterday making all financial
instruments contraband, it is . 'ex
plained officially, that the .new procla
mation' is an amendment by thet en
tente governments of the one' issued
m'AprlL, Id order fo. introduce abso
lute Certainty into fiiufral financial
operations, it is declared the entente
governments frankly intend, if possi
ble, to prevent every transaction cal
culated to assist the Teutonic allies to
prosecute belligerent operations in
any part of the world. . ' ....f
The official statement adds:
"Money r the long run wins wars,
and no one who realizes the po-.ver
of money can regard our action as
cither illegitimate or unnecessary.
To give one indication of the vast
importance of this question it is cal
culated roughly that since the allies
began examining mails' to neutral
uuntries contiguous to Germany
they have stopped about 50,000,000
pounds sterling which were rjoing to
banks or persons in enemy countries
and including large numbers of sub
scriptions to enemy war loans.
"If instruments of any kind what
ever having the object of transferring
such vast quantities of money to the
enemy are not to be regarded as con
traband, it is impossible to concede
what can properly be so regarded."
The proclamation gives the follow
ing definition of what will be consid
ered contraband:.
''Gold, silver, paper money, securi
ties, negotiable instruments, checks,
drafts, orders, warrants, coupons, let
ters of credit, delegation or advice,
credit and debit notes or other docu
ments which authorize, confirm or
givs effect to the transfer of money,
credit or securities."
Nearly Two Billions
; Gold in Treasury
Of United States
Washington, Nov. 25. The great
inflow of gold into the country dur
ing the last fiscal year increased the
treasury holdings of the precious
metal to $1,803,493,935 on June -30,
last, an increase of $420,533,943 over
the previous year, according to the
United States treasurer's annual re
port, made public today. Gold im
ports were W94.O09.301 and exoorts
Money in circulat on in the United
States at the close of the fiscal year
aggregated $4,024,097,762, an increase
of $454,87G,188 over the previous year.
mere was a remarkable growth in
the gold coin and certificates in cir
culation, the increase being $388,091,-
.The government's ordinary re-
ceints. totalintr $779.664 552. mm. an
increase ot $B,18U,107 over those of
I'JIS: ordinary disbursements. $724.-
492,999 were $5,610,593 less than the
preceding year and the surplus on
ordinary transactions $55,171,554.
Provisional Greek
Regime Declares
War On Bulgaria
London, Nov. 25. The provisional
government of Greece, formed by
supporters of former Premier Veni
zelos, has formally declared war on
Bulgaria, says an Athens dispatch to
the Excliar.gc Telegraph company today.
the Price Booster? Do
DestrojT.ra Shell Town on the
East Coast jof England,
, it Is Announced.
" London,' Nov. 25. A raid' by six
German torpedo boat destroyers on
the English coast, which took place
on Thursday night, was announced
in an official statement ' today. The
raid was ineffective, according to the
statement, which declares that the six
German destroyers participating in it
steamed awayirmty,fter.'rintf a
dozen rounds, one shell striking a
small vessel but causing little damage
and no injury to the crew.
Ramsgate Is Bombarded,
Berlin, Nov. ' 25. (Via London.)
The fortified town of Ramsgate on the
English coast was bombarded by Gcr-
Unan naval vessels on Thursday night
and rnday morning, says an official
announcement issued today. The Ger
man craft sank the only hostile ves
sel, a British patrol ship, which was
encountered, the Germans returning
Safely to their base.
The statement reads: i '
"Portions of our naval forces on
Thursday night and Friday morning
advanced against the mouth of the
Thames and northern outlet of the
Downs. With the exception of an
outpost vessel which was sunk by
gunfiire, no enemy forces were "i
countered. The fortified place of
Ramsgate was subjected to-artillery
Labor Federation.
Re-Elects Officers
Baltimore, Nov. 25. The American
Federation of Labor today unanim
ously re-elected the following officers:
President, Samuel Gompers; first vice
president, James Duncan; second vice
president, James O'Connell; third vice
president, D. A. Hayes; fourth vice
president, Joseph F. Valentine; fifth
vice president, John R.-Alpine; sixth
vice president, H. B. Perham: seventh
vice president, William Green; treas
urer, John B. Lennon; , secretary,
Frank Morrison.
Buffalo was chosen as the meeting
place of the convention next year,
Karl I the Title of
Austrian Emperor
Washington, Nov. 25. Ambassador
Penfield at Vienna cabled the State
department today that Thursday,
November 30, had been set as the
date for the funeral of the late Em
peror Francis Joseph. The message
said the new Austro-Huugarian ruler
would be called Karl I.
Five Hundred Good Little Folks
Rewarded With Chicken Dinner
"Gee Billy ain't you
glad that
vnu va been a crood bov. .
v This was tlie general opinio:' of 500
boys and girls who crowded the Peo
ple's church last evenin at a chicken
And this was how it happened. Rev.
C. W. Savidge gave a Hallowe'en
arty at his church several weeks ago
and invited a lot of poor children. The
women baked ei-rht cakes which
would have been plenty had not bjys
stolen five of them. When T. F.
Stroud of the Stroud Manufacturing
con.pany heard of the situation he de
cided that the food children should
be rewarded for their honesty and the
bad ones punished. He gave the sup
per last night, but the bad- boys were
not invited.
And it was a supper that the little
folks relished. There was soup and
chicken and mashed potatoes and hot
1 rolls, cakes, candy and fruit,
; n
Burns Detective at Rod Oak
Gives Testimony in Dam
age Suit. ,
. Red Oak, ' la., Nov. 25. (Special
Telegram.) Detective J. N. Wilkef
son was recalled to the witness stand
this morning in the Jones-Wilkerson
$60,000 damage suit, ind In answer
to the questioning of Attorney Bee-
ion for the-plaintiff, stated -that lv
hadh practiced the profeSlfe.ll or tkw
for about ten years, that he passed
directly from law 'practice r: io" his
work as a detective. He said further
that hell ad received no pay for hii,j
work on the Villisca murder case
other than; his salary and expenses.
He stated that approximately $5,000
has been paid to the Burns agency
for their investigations of the case,
and that $2,000 is yet due the agency.
this money, ha stated, .was contri
buted by the state'of Iowa, Montgom
ery county, the estate of Joe Moore
and by private subscription.
F. V. Jones was then called to the
stand, and an attempt Was made by
the plaintiff to introduce evidence he-
fore the jury that would connect
Jones with the sending of anouoy-
mous notes received by Mrs. Alice
Willard, warning her not to talk about
the plotting she claims to have beard
on the night of the murder. After
long argument Judge Rockafellow al
lowed the evidence to come in. the
defense rested its case at 2 o'clock
this afternoon, - i- '
E. H. Landers, wtro created the big-
. .i r .1. - i. i. u
gesi Bcitaauuu ui mc vvcck wucu lie
testified yesterday -morning that he
saw a man whom he believed to be
Albert Jones enter the Moore home
pa the night of the murder, was re
called, and reiterated his statement
of yesterday.
Diet Squad Members
Are Taking on Flesh
Chicago, Nov. 25. The twelve
members of Heajth Commissioner
Robertson's "diet squad" who arc en
gaged in a two weeks' test to demon
strate that good and healthful food
can be served for .40 cents a day
despite high prices, were reported to
be in excellent condition late today
the third of the test. The combined
gain in weight announced by those
in charge was elevea pounds.
- The menu for tomorrow will be:
Hroakfait Stpwod-1 runr.. rolled oatl,
buttered toaat, poalum or coffti.
Luncheon l.amu frloueae with dumpltnffl,
Walclorf lalnd. bread and butter, tea.
lnner Nplll pea iouii. roast veal, boiled
rloe, void slaw anA bread pudding.
Little Dorothy Huber was there.
Dorothy is the little firl who has
been attending the Sunday, school for
the last three years. Dorothy can't
walk and has to be carried to Sunday
school. "Gosh, I'm glad that I've
been a good little girl." she said.
"Good things are for good little boys
and girls and I'm - good little girl,"
The supper was served by a num
ber of the larger girls who attend the
church. They were Mary Jane Stroud,
Adelaide Fogg, Cecilia Callahan,
Lucille Fair, Katherine Savidge,
Gretchen Swoboda, Etta Talbit,
Phoebe Miller, Lizzie Smart, Alice
Unanget and Besse Smith.
Following the supper Rev. Mr.
Savidge told the little folks of the
evil of taking things.
"Do you know whe.e all people go
who take things that do not belong
to them?" he asked. Five hundred
little throats chorused "To 'ail."
NLA is :i
Process of Squeezing Little
Country Between Jaws of
Giant Nutcracker Pro
ceeds Rapidly.
In Meantime Von Mackensen,
on' Other Front, ForoesV
Passage of Danube.
. T nn.l.m W. 25Thf Roumanian
troops operating on the extreme left
of their line in Wallachia have extri
cated themselves alter destroying mil
lions of hundredweights in cereals, ac
cording to a wireless disnatch received
today irom Petrograd.
London, Nov. 25. The process of
squeezing Ronmania between the jaws
of the Teutonic miliury machine is
proceeding with notable rapidity.
Pushing eastward after their capture
of Craiova and the conquest cf Little
Wallachia, General von Falkenhayn's
troops have broken Roumanian re
sistance in the valley of the lower Alt
and apparently already have turned
this supposedly strong line of defense
across .western Roumania, to which
the Roumanians had retreated. , A
crossing of the Alt in this region is
reported by Berlin. ' -
- Concurrently, Field Marshal von
Mackensen, operatiu the other jaw
of the nut-cracker, has forced a pas
sage of the Danube near Zintnitza,
giving him a footing on Roumanian
soil twenty-five miles in the rear of
the Danube end of the Alt line, which
touches the river near Turnu Magu
rele. The landing at Zimnitza also
placed Von Mackensen at seventy
mites from Bucharest to the north
east.' ' ' ":' : ;
Roumanian Defenses FslL
- On the northern end of the Alt
line where the Teutonic armies have
been pressing down from. Rothen
thurm pass further inroads on . the
Roumanian, defenses have been . ef
fected, according to Berlin, which
records the capture 'of several vil
lages. The Petrograd statement ad
mits a Roumanian retreat here. On
the) frontier of .'lovadia, (he Germans
report the repulse ui Kusso-Rou-imtnitn
offensive movement in the
. i uyergyo mountains. , .- , - v
.U-rtfie Roumanian forces which were
ttperatiug .in - the Otiova region evi
dently have retreated into tho moun- .
tains northeast of Turnu Severm, as
Berlin reports Roumanian battalions
there "cut off from the main army
They are stitt makin stubborn re
sistance, the German statement says,
hut apparently they have 1io recourse
but ultimate surrender to escape an.
nihilation; d ,. -
Advance In Macedonia Halts,
. The entente adv... ;', in Macedonia
shows signs of haltin; Paris reports
further progress for the Italians west
of Monastir, but announces that gen
erally the operations have been
slowed up by rain.
The statements from London,
Paris and Berlin -gee in reporting
quiet on the Franco-Belgian front.
Alliance Complains . -Of
Telegraph Service
, (From Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Nov. 25. (Special.) A
complaint was filed with the state .'
railway commission 'this morning
coming from the commercial club of
Alliance against the Western Union
Telegraph company, alleging insuffi
ciency of the. messenger service of i
that town, it being claimed that it
takes all the way from one. hour to
three hours for the busy messenger
boy to get to the place of business
where he is wanted after a call has
been made.
The commission will take up the
matter with the company and en
deavor to have them put their mes
senger boys on a faster schedule.
Austrian Munition Makers ' '.
Earn Enormous Profits
(Corfeapondenc. ot Th. Aaeoolated Prew.)
Vienna, Nov. 8. The Austrian
Arms company for the fiscal year, of
1915-16. earned 165 per cent on its ,'
capital of ten and a half million kron
en (just over .ow.utwj. , .
The company is the sole concern in
Austria that makes rifles, s6 that it '
naturally has a market for all the
guns it can produce. In addition, it
turns out bicycles, which have had an
unprecedented market during the
present war.
The score for last week vj
1287 I
more paid want ads than
the same week of 1915,. '
The total gain for the 47 "
weeks of 1916, compared
to same period last year, v- '
51,948 V
is proof that the advertis- f' y
ing . public are pleased t
with the policy, of The "':
Omaha Bee , -.
LOWEST RATE, lc per Word ;
You are as close tof f i
The . Bee Want Ad
Dept. as your phone is
to you. ,
Phone Tyler 1000