Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 25, 1916, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 t
Says There Are Hundred Job
ber and Manufacturer! wno
Should Aid in Work.
About 100 jobbers and manufaetur
ers in Omahi re "pikers" in the opin
ion of the arovernina; committee
the traffic bureau of the Commercial
i-luh. That is. they are "pikers
that they haven't come into the circle
and helDed stand the expense of mak
ing the fight for the last two years
for proper freight rates in Nebraska.
No, the bureau ooes not me on
word "pikers" in addressing these 100
jobbers and manufacturers, but it will
nevertheless write them a letter. It
wants to see them come in and throw
their bit in the general pot to keep
up the fight. Clarke Coit, chairman
of the governing committee of the
traffic bureau, and E. J. McVann, man
ager of the bureau, are to address a
letter to these jobbers and point out
to them that certain jobbers and man
ufacturers in Omaha have been stand
ing all the expense of making a big
fight that is to be of benefit to all.
Lett Than Half Subscribe.
1 About fifty jobbera and manufac
turers of Omaha are subscribers to
the bureau and are thus standing the
whole expense of making this fight
There are at least ISO jobbers and
manufacturers in Omaha shipping
under class rates that should take part
in this fight, according to members
of the governing committee. The com
mittee believes h is time for a gen
eral awakening. . ...
The Nebraska rate situation Is still
in tangle and the bureau wishes to
hurry the untangling. The disposition
of the railroads, as the bureau sees
it, is to seek a readjustment of the
rate as between competing cities and
the territory) they seek to cover, to
as to put it back to somewhere near
where it used to be, since the Inter
state Commerce commission has
thrown oat the Nebraska rates of
?:enerai order No. 19. The bureau
eels the necessity of having this re
adjustment made as toon as possible,
and wishes to go to work and help in
. this readjustment .'
Women Will Take
Active Part in the
Brownell Campaign
Taking their placet hi the front
rank in the campaign to raise $250,000
for Brownell Hall, three woman cap
tains yesterday began the work of
forming teams to participate in this
important civic movement.
Mrs. Frank W. Judson will head
one team, and will nave Mrs. Joseph
Barker as her chief aide. Another
captain, Mrs. Louis S. Clarke, will be
actively assisted by Mrs. Barton Mil
lard. . ;.-- -('.- ...
Heading one of the two teams of
alumnae of Brownell Hall is Miss
Marion R. Towle, president of the
Alumnae association of the school.
Ti;t other alumnae team will consist
u- I nse who were graduated during
I f a :.icr period of BrownelPa his
t j art ;o the beginning of the pres
i i'm ry. This takes in the ad
t -liiiji tu'ons of Dr. Robert Doherty,
C Hall and those who pre-
, em in the office of principal.
. "'ilip Potter, Mrs. T. L. Ring
v a i. M rs. George Cassels Smith,
. K. iJ, Barkalow and others will
I r members of this team. ' ,
Twice as Many
For Poultry Show
AsTor Last Year
The Omaha poultry show, to be
held in the Omaha Auditorium for five
days, beginning next Tuesday, prom.
ises to break all records for number
of entries in any former Omaha show.
In fact it will likely be larger than
any poultry show west of Chicago this
Already twice as many entries have
been received as at last year'a and ad
ditional entries are coming in every
Russell Palmer, manager of the
1733 Ranch. Kearney, Neb., talked to
the local association yesterday over
the long-distance phone and advises
he is sending 136 birds. So far, this
will be the largest single entry for
this year.
Entries have been received from
twelve states Nebraska, Iowa, Mis
souri, south Dakota, Kansas, Colo
rado, Minnesota, Indiana, Ohio, Mich
igan and Massachusetts.
Entire carloads of birds are cominE
from Fremont Red Oak, la.,; Kear
ney, Falls Cty and other places.
Up to Jhursday noon Ol Khode
Island 'Reds have been entered. This
is the largest class so far.
F. L. Sewell. the renowned poultry
artist of Niles, Mich., wires that he
will be in Omaha Monday morning
and be at the show for at least three
days before leaving for the big New
York City poultry show. Visitors will
have an opportunity to see Artist
Sewell at work sketching the prize
winning birds.
The birds will reach Umaha on
Saturday and Sunday. A few will be
gin to arrive on Friday. The judging
will begin early Monday morning and
the ribbons will all be in place by
Tuesday morning when the show is
thrown open to the public. -Four
of the best poultry judges in
the country will do the judging. These
are F. H. Shellabarger, West Liberty,
la.; A. B. Shaner, Lennox, III.; Guy
Schreff, Lincoln, and Earl Smiley,
Beaver Crossing, Neb.
Palimpsest Dinner
For Hitchcock to
Be at Fontenelle
The guest list will be large at the
dinner of the Palimpsest club next
Tuesday evening, when Senator and
Mrs. Hitchcock are to be the guests
of honor. The dinner will be served
at the Fontenelle.
I vise of Hope Fund
Hears Ten Thousand
First Day and Half
For the first day and a half of the
House of Hope building fund cam
paign the teams have raised a total of
$9,506.50. , :
At a meeting of the team captains
at luncheon at Hotel Fontenelle Mrs.
Eleanor Nelson's team was awarded
first place for. reporting the largest
amount for the second day, this
team's efforts yielding $908.25. :
The total of the second day's work
was $1,844.30. of which $1,041.30 was
collected by the women's teams. The
men said they realised they will have
to put on high speed or be outdis
tanced by their feminine co-workers.
Omaha W;C..T,U,:.
Is Forty Years Old
; ' - -mm mm
Its fortieth birthday Friday was
celebrated by the Omaha Woman's
Christian Temperance union at Han
scorn Park Methodist church with a
luncheon and mass meeting. Mrs.
Watson B. Smith is the oldest in
years of membership. Others who
. have done from twenty to ' thirty
years' service in the union include
the president, Mrs. N. J. McKitrick;
Mrs. David Lynn, Mrs. John Dale,
Mrs. George W. Covell and Mrs. Al
ice Minick.
Mrs. Charles W. Hayes, Mi . Edith
Shinrock, Mrs. Covell and Mrs. Min
ick gave talks as well as the follow
ing ministers: Rev. H. G. Hull, Rev.
U. G. Brown and Rev. Ira McBride.
Mohler Bags Ducks
Flying Over Texas
Word 'comes from A. L. Mohler,
former president of the Union Pa-
cine that he in at Rnrlrnnrt Tv mA
that he is having fine sport shooting
ducks. He sends word back that the
flight of ducks is good and that it
requires but a short time each day
to kill the limit. The shooting is
close tn the tnwn
Mr. Mohler will remain in Texas
until about December 10, after which
it is nmfl that I, u.;n A
North Carolina, where he will spend
.iic uaiance 01 me winter. . "
Demonstratiofi for Parents
" At the Commercial Hioh
Demonstrations jn all departments
of the High School of Commerce will
be given this evening for the parents
' of the freshmen. The visitors will be
conducted from room to room, where
they will be shown the practical side
Police Grab Suspect in '
Assault on Girl Case
Frank May, Sixteenth and Chicago
streets, has been arrested on suspi
cion of having assaulted Fannie Buan
nello, 811 North Eighteenth street,
near her home. He will remain in
jail thirty days on a vagrancy charge,
while the more serious charge is be
ing investigated.
y (By L. H. SMITH, M. D.)
In spite of the best care one takes
of oneself,' any part of the human ma
chine is liable to become out of order.
The. most important organs are the
stonSach, heart and kidneys. '
The kidneys are the scavengers and
they work day and night in separating
the poisons from the blood. Their sig
nals of distress are eaily recognized
and include such symptoms as back
ache, depressions, drowsiness, irrita
bility, headaches, dizsiness, rheumatic
twinges, dropsy, gout. ,
The very, best way to restore the
kidneys to their normal state is to
drink plenty of pure water and obtain
a small amount of An uric, which is
dispensed by most every druggist
Anuric is inexpensive and should be
taken before meals. It is much more
potent than lithia and many find that
Anuric- dissolves uric acid as water
does sugar ,
People are realising more and more
every day that the kidneys, just as do
the bowels, need to be flushed occa
sionally. The kidneys are an elimina
tive organ and are constantly work
ing, separating the poisons from the
blood. Under this continual and per
petual action they are apt to congest,
and then trouble starts. Uric acid
backs up into the system, causing
rheumatism, neuralgia, dropsy and
many other serious disturbances. It
means that you are a victim to uric
acid poisoning. . Then ask your drug
gist for Anuric, which was first dis
covered by Dr. Pierce of the Surgi
cal Institute in Buffalo, and , which
is dispensed by nearly every drug
gist in the land. Advertisement
Because it cleanses, purifies
and beautifies, while the Oint
ment soothes and heals pimples,
blackheads, etc Do not con
found these fragrant, delicate
emollients with coarsely medi
cated soaps and ointments. -
S.Htyt. tack tr wtta n-e nu Boot
brmun mtl. AddreaipoM-oard: "Gut.
cw4pur.Bortoa. tioMavflrrwMn.
Boy Scout Uniforms
And Complete Outfits
On Saturday we shall exhibit on the
Third Floor, in the Boys' Clothing Depart
ment, a tent, camp outfit and
The Official Uniforms
for the Boy Scouts of America.
All day. Saturday, picked Boy Scouts will give an exhi
bition of every phase of scoutcraft, from signaling to camp
making. Mr. W. F. Schildor, Scout Matter Troop No. 1
Will tell all boys who come here all about the Scout Mole-'
See the Window Exhibit Third Floor
The Store
With 'the
Now the
Beautiful Pictures
at $1.00
Fine Subjects in Va
riety. THE BEST WAY is
to pick the Picture that
pleases you and then
have it framed the
way you think best.
These Pictures, which
we offer at $1.00 each
on Saturday cover
every style you can
think of: Colortypes
. Proof Prints, Two tone
pictures, etc. No mat
ter what you may pre
fer, you may be sure to find
it here Landscapes, Figure
Pictures, Pictures of Senti
ment, Pictures of Home Life, '
every style HERE.
Melfini Prints, T. P. Sepias,
" Colored Artotypes,
Five Hundred Subjects
And don't forget that
when yon come to have the
Picture you have chosen
framed, we will do it at a
very reasonable price, and
in a manner that will meet
with your highest approval.
Third Floor.
Candy Specials
The Old-Fashioned As
sorted Plantation Kisses,
made fresh while you wait.
Pound IB
Delicious Opera Cream
Fruit Roll, rolled in nuts.
Pound : 29
Old-Fashioned Black Wal
nut Taffy; Saturday, at per
pound 2(te
Cream Dipped Cocoanut
Balls, vanilla, strawberry
and chocolate. Pound... 15
' Delicious Maple Confec
tions Maple Caramels, Co
coa Balls, Gems and Maple
Penuchi. Special, lb...20
Pompeian Chocolate Bit
ter Sweets and Swiss Style
Milk Chocolates, nut and
. fruit centers. Pound.. .29ct
Thanksgiving '
Turkey Roasts, filled with
candy corn.. Each lOt
Large Turkey Roasts,
each 15
Thanksgiving Mottoes, lone
, dozen in box, for ,
60t, 75 and 81.00
Pompeian Room.
Greeting Cards
and Calendars
IT IS NOT a bit too
early to think about'
the Christmas Cards
and Calendars you
will require; espe
cially if you desire to
use Personal Greet
ing Cards that will
have to be engraved
or printed. Don't
wait until you are
forced to take what
you can get rather
than have a free
' Our stock of Cards
and Calendars was
never more varied or
pleasing-we would
seriously advise you
to make your selec
tion now, i
We are making a
specialty of Personal
Greeting Cards. ,
Main Floor Book
TlSpHOy (
I Dianas
i-"- ""
Greatest COM
,. g? iff" .;
A U-Piece Set, $8.98 k . ,
1 1 .Three-Piece Ivory Toilet Sets ;
" i Comb, Brush and Mirror, in beautiful leatherette
box; hinged top and satin lined. I( ;
16.00 values at... 82.98
$8.00 values, at. 83.98
$9.00 and $10 values. .. 84.98
v $3 Manicure Sets, $1.69
6-Piece ; Ivory Set, in pretty
lined box. . Regular. $3.00 values,
at 81.69
$6.50 Manicure Sets, $3.50
8-Piece Ivory Manicure "its, in
silk nlush lined, leathero, j box.
per set ................ 83.50
Samples of
French Ivory Toilet Sets
On Sale Saturday
At About Half Price
S. Langsdorf & Co. of corner Spring and
Crosby streets New York, sold us their entire
line of house and road samples.
The values are wonderful. Choose your
gifts now while stocks are complete and
when you may take advantage of these re
markably low prices.
Think of the gift buying opportunities here !
Lot 2
S-Piece Silver
Set, $1.98
$20 Ivory Toilet Seta, $10. .
1 14 pieces in fine satin lined leatherette box.
Upright Shaving Stand
' $2.00 values , .,..-81.00
. $3.00 value U.T. , .81.69
$5.00 values . , ... .... . . .82.50 "
Smoking Sets, Sewing Baskets, Lap Tablets, Com
bination Toilet and Manicure Sets. Silver Plated Toilet
ind Manicure Sets, Shaving Seta in Ivory and Silver.
Leather Rolls, in Manicure and Toilet Seta; a won
derful line, only two or three, of a kind.
Also some odd pieces, as follows: ;
Ut 1
Odd Pieces Hair Brushes, Mirrors, Cloth Brushes,
Trays, etc. Worth to $3.00. Sale price Sat. . .81.00
Talcum Jars, Trays, Hair Brushes, Puff .and Pow
der Jars, Cloth Brushes, etc. Worth to $1.00; sale
price '.50
26c and 39c Odd Pieces, special 19
13-Piece Ivory
Combina tion
Toilet and Man
icure Sets, Regu
lar price $14.00,
sale: price
Very Fine
Princess Pattern
Ivory Toilet and
Manicure Sets,
$32.00, values
Hand Painted Toilet Sets, 3 pieces, Comb,
Brush and Mirror. $2.50 values $1.00
13-Piece Ivory Toilet and Manicure Sets,
Regular $25.0q values, at. .... . . .$14.00
11-Piece Ivory Toilet and Manicure Sets,
regular price $13.00, sale price $6.98
A large variety of
L e a t h er Novelties,
and fancy Goods at
About Half Price.
S-Piece Toilet Set, $2.98
6-Piece Manicure
Set, $1.69
A Big Purchase Direct From I
THE WEATHER, except for a few days,
1 women have not as yet purchased their fi
nouncement, for here are Coats that are worll
will not even put valuations upon them, bul
shall do our best to describe them to give you
nothing in type can convey the charm otheJ
or the complete harmony of their makeuV
Women's and Misses'
At Very Unusual Gl
A manufacturer who desired to turn his surplus it
obtained the stock at such advantageous figures that
you will not even approach anywhere else.
Beautiful coats of every good quality of the seas?!
Bolivias, Plushes y Wool Velouts,: B
In W ine, , Burgundy, Greens, Gold, Chartre
Large Fur Collars, Fur Cuffs, Fur Borders
Silk Beaver Collars, Cuffs and Borders, etc.
Many Samples in the Two .
Lt i-$ 18.50
Be Prepared
Those who wish to "buy their tos now will find a won
derful line of Dolls and Toys in the Pompeian Room,
on the Main Floor.
American Dolls, all the new creations are here. The Shoenhut'a
All-Wood Dolls are a revelation in American Doll Making.
The New Non-Breakable Character Dolls in every character,
from the Dutch to the Japanese children, All here, at moderate
. prices. .
We are agents
for the, f a
moua non
a k id, Chrome
Steel, Self-,
Flyer Sleds.
Special for Saturday.
26-Inch All Ball Jointed Dolls, they open
and close their eyes. Light, dark or me
dium hair. Shoes and stockings; worth
12.60, at $1.49
22-Inch Fine Kid Body Dolls, open and
close their eyes. Fine hair wiR. .Hip jointed.
Shoea and atockings. Saturday.. .21.49
Genuine Horsman Dolls (The Kestner of
America), in a dosen different characters.
Special 98 1
Dressed Character Dolls, in pink and
blue costumes , 49
Good Solid Dolls for Ihe baby to knock
around ' 25
Pompeian Room.
Women's Pure Linen
Handkerchiefs, with long
initials in fancy wreath
Women's Plain, Fine
Sheer Linen, also Men's
Plain Linen Handker
chiefs, very good size.
Women's, Embroidered
Corners, in colors and
white. Solid and mixed
colors in stripes on Sham
rock Jinen. i
Bluebird Handkerchiefs
with corded borders.
1 Misses' Fancy Colored
Crepe de Chine Handker
chiefs, also Jap Silk, in all
. colors.
v Regular 19c i tyi
values Saturday . 1 2C
Men's and Women's Ini
tial Handkerchiefs, all
fmre linen with plain long ,
ettera and fancy wreath
effects in eyelet embroid-
ncy Embroidered
Handkerchiefs, with imita
tion colored Ma-
deira edges. Each . . . "
Main Floor. . '
Seam 1
Our person i
tunate eriort 1
types, eaclv i
' much less V .?
We wer
styles and 0' 1
ceptable and when we spread ft
0.1. c.4. j : : 4.1 I 1 r i
oaie uii ottwruay murumg, uieyr
Sizes 34 to 46; none on appal'
Samples and Survltt
Suit and Dress Blouses Also Twidjt
More Than One Hundred Styles
$3.85 and $5.0041
' And Worth $10.00 to $18.50
Dainty Georgettes, Satins, Crepe de Chine, Plaid Silks, etc-H
with dainty lace and worsted and bead embroideries; some
trimmed with large pearl buttons, others with self 'embroid
ery, others hand embroidered. Every conceivable good color,
Beige and Brown, Navy and Beige, Plum and Beige, Burgundy and
Beige, f lesh, White ana soiia colors greatest color assortment you
Second Floor. j '
ever saw.
Women's Bronze Kid Boots ,
$3.85 .
8-inch Button Style
This is a serviceable, stylish Boot, of soft Bronze
Kid, medium weight, welted and stitched soles,
Leather Louis heels, plain vamps, long foreparts a
wonderful bargain at $3.85 a pair.
Main Floor.
ut the work at this institution.