Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 25, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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, Cy
Juvenile Fiction.
Burgess. New York. Frederick
Blokes Co. S1.2S.
"Don't be a Goop!" The ill-man
nered but fascinating O-heads of Mr.
Burgess have served as nursery look
ing-glasses for a good many years.
Here are 254 goops each "caught in
the act." This biggest of all the
goop books includes a few of the best
verses Mr. Burgess has published be
fore with a great number of new
WATER BABIE8. Br Charlea Ktae-aler.
The HacMillan Co. New Tork. tl.tO.
This is one of the golden books
that is nartieularlv delnrhtful to Chi I
rlren between the ages of 6 and 12.
The text has been edited with notes
and an introduction by Clifton John
son, some ot tne icienunc digres
sions have been omitted, and it is
believed that this is the most readable
edition for young people ever pub.
CI.AU8. Br Frances Hodgson Burnett.
New Tork. Harper Broe. ai.ufl.
) A Christmas story for very small
boys in which every reader is the
hero ot a big adventure, lnis tasci
natine little books is written bv the
authoV oi "Little Lord Fauntleroy"
and is printed in such a way that if
intended as a eitt tor a small boy
there is room on the pages for his
own name to. be inserted, making the
adventure, annfv to him as his verV
own. Something new in the way of
a Christmas story and one tnat will
surely appeal to every little boy.
. ler. New York City. The Century Co.
11.00. .
A collection of a dozen stones for
bovs and cirls of fairy tale age. bach
, story is complete in itself, but familiar
scenes and old acquaintances met pre-
,- viously m the book turn up now ana
arain. Youne people will find Mr.
Bradley's new book a treasure box as
wen as a wonaer dox oi aeugni.
Amy Brook. Boaton. Lotbrop, Leo &
Bhepard Company. 11.00.
Dorothy Dainty, whose' name is a
household word, has here her first ex
perience as a pupil in a public school,
a striking change from the exclusive
n.,.t Maccfc whtrh she and her
happy little friends have attended. Her
sensible parents Deneve tnai Doro
thy should learn to meet people from
other homes. Dorothy with her gen
tle tacr:fits easily into her new sur
roundings, with no lack of fun and
ay William Djron fdiuupu. uvo.uu.
T-nthrnn. At Sheoard Company. 12.00.
- This is intended to be the funda
mental book in the library of boys
and girls between 12 and 18, and it
deserves its place in interest, fullness
and worth. This book wisely, safely
and at the same time entertainingly
-'provides what young people long to
be told if only it be done capably and
pleasingly. The book is produced in
a stvle worthy of its really great con
Oosse. Philadelphia. J. B. Llppencott
& Co. I1.J5. ,.
What! Is the war to be mixed up
with fairies? It looks that way. But
it is really a collection 6f fairy tales,
one each being from the jiations
known as the allies, with the excep
tion of (Roumania, which joined the
allies after the book had gone to
' press. The hook is attractively bound
and- the print is exceptionally clear
and black.' Fairy tales, as we all
know, never pall on the "young idea.'
, Benson Knlpe and Alden Arthur Knlpe.
New York. The MacMillan Company.
That a little girl can serve her coun
try in time of trouble quite as hero
ically as the boys and men of the
family is the thought underlying this
stirring story. Polly Trotter's brother
and father help the colonists in their
fight for freedom and Polly, for a
while, bewails the fact that because
she is a girl there is nothing; she can
do. Her error in thinking this way
and the splendid way in which she
aids the cause comprise as interesting
a story of revolutionary days as "The
Maid of 76," by the same author.
" ' Miscellaneous.
A. Simmons. New York. Fleming H.
Revell Oompanr. $1.00.
There are big questions dealt with
in this notable and timely book. Re
ligion answers them in the affirma
tive physical science, apparently, in
the negative. This work employs the
findings of science to show that sci
ence and religion are really in har
mony, and that all the known facts of
nature are in accord with the funda
mental postulates of' religion.
OF THE REPUBLIC. By Florence Howe
- Hall. New York Hall. New York. Har
per ft Brothers. 60 eenta.
How the song which set a nation
: singing, and roused its patriotism to
Avhite- heat, came to be written and
how it has lived is told by the daugh
ter of Julia Ward Hdwe, who wrote
the Battle HymnKThe frontispiece is
a fine clear-cut illustration of Julia
; Ward Howe.
Dean Howells. New York. Harper e
'. Brothers. 12.00.,
V Here, at last, William Dean How
' ells has written down as an important
'contribution of American literature
"".I... rt W.e 't(f ,,n tft
.the time he went abroad as United
jStates consul. And not only the faots,
Hiut the early impressions and numer
ous influences which went to mold
'. the man and the writer.
' 'miCL'LTURAL i.u.40MIC8. Br Ed
, win 11. Nourse. Chicago. The Unlversttr
, )', Si. 75.
'Carefully edited selections with
original introductions. A text and
1 ook of readings in one volume. Se
lections from numerous ' specialists
impart vitality to the volume. Con
crete cases furnish an abundance of
convincing details, intimate personal
viewpoints and wealth of actual ex
perience. "CHK NEW MAP Or' AFRICA. By Herbert
'. Adams Gibbons. New York City. The
'. Century Company. J2.00.
jThis new book does for Africa
What the author's immensely suc
cessful "The New Map of Europe"
did for the continent that is, it gives
the history, especially on the diplo
matic side, of the crucial years from
1899 to the great war as, they af
fected Africa. Necessarily the" author
also glances at African affairs before
1899, as far back as 1850, and consid
ers the future ot tnat rich and coveted
continent. "The New Map of Africa"
covers a field as yet untouched, in
compact form, in anv language.
THE POSSIBLE PbACtal. By Roland Hug
lna. New Tork City. The Century Co.
This book is a penetrating study of
world politics. It combines a cool ana
disillusioning analysis of the interna
tional situation with an ardent con
viction that oermanent peace is the
goal toward which mankind should
strive. The book is neither pro-ally or
pro-German. The writer is not only
a pacifist but a warm advocate oi pre
Barstow. New York City. The Century
Company. S.1.00.
After a preliminary chapter on
"How a Statue Is Made," the author
traces the story of sculpture through
the Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Medie
val, Renaissance and Modern (classi
cal, romantic and realistic) schools,
He outlines the principal classic
mvths embodied in Oreek sculpture
he characterizes the individual work
of the chief sculptors of the world.
with brief biographies in each case,
and wherever possible describes the
social and historical conditions out of
which they arose. The book contains
enougn anecdotal matter to maintain
the interest of vouneer readers, and
is particularly full in its treatment of
outstanding individual works.
O. and C.'Merrlsm company, opringneio.
Mass. IS. 00.
Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, in
thin Daner. seal binding, while de
signed to be the successor of the
earlier collegiates, is in no sense a
revision of these editions, but is based
uDon and- abrideed from Webster's
New International Dictionary. Thei
new book contains 1,248 pages . and
1,700 illustrations. Never before in a
book of this size has so large a vo
cabulary been included, the total
number of words and phrases num
bering more than 100,000. In the se
lectiofPof this large vocabulary and
the information to be given under
each entrv the editors had- in mind
the needs of the everyday user of
Enslish. such as the letter writer ana
the advertising man, as well as the
students in college and university,
and sousht to record answers to
such questions as would be likely to
come uo in their worn, especially
those pertaining to the proper forms
of irregular verbs, ttegrees ot com
oarison of adjectives and adverbs, use
of prepositions, the exact and effec
tive choice ot words and the like.
This compact and elegant little vol
ume also contains various supple
mental vocabularies. It is so light,
so handy, so well printed that it is
a real pleasure to use it. It is just
the volume for the home or office, or
a lady's writing desk, a gentleman's
table or a tourist s satchel.
TOOLS. By Milton Ooldamlth. New Tork.
Sully & Kletntelch. 11.00.
This book practically covers the en
tire field of toys and useful articles of
furniture, the directions being given
in a clear, concise manner, so that the
youngest boy can readily understand
and follow them. Many of the ar
ticles described, with the aid of in
expensive wood and material, can be
reproduced in a practical and simple
way. 1
.-Persistence Is the Cardinal Virtue
in Advertising.
Browning. King
& Company
How about you
cold weather
wardrobe? Is ..
your underwear
stock adequate?
Have you warm
gloves, muffler.
winter cap?
Take an inventory
and look over
these few items.
Union Suits
$1.00 to $16.50
For Dress
. For Auto
For Street
Lined or Unlined
$1.15 Up
Sleeping Garments '
Pajamas -Night
$1.00 to $6.00
$1.00 Up
Winter Caps
$1.00 to 925.00
Browning, King
& Company
tSooad Floor.)
Stamped Pillow Cases SOc, Bsc, 75c
54-ioeh Stamped Lunch Cloths 12.X5 and $3.78
60c Night Gowns.... , 39k-
Six Skeins SUk Twist Sc
Silk Bath Cordj Sets go.
CANDY'Special Saturday
Ar.,.1.' Food Taffy, all
flavors; regular 20c.
Special,' lb .13t
35c Nut Caramels, home
made arid assorted
flavors; per lb.... 232
rt.u-LirinriJTjnrtf " ""'"""'" " "a
Let Us Help You Select That Suit or Overcoat You Are
Certairijy Going to Want for the Thanksgiving Vacation
You'll always be thankful if you do, because we'll certainly show you a
Hart. Schaf fner & Marx Suit or Overcoat
fit; I A
i aw mm
I Ml V l'ff
which means that you and all your friends will be pleased with your looks, and the splendid all
wool or silk and wool fabrics, the fine tailoring and finish means service, which could not help
but satisfy the most particular.
Every Suit or Overcoat We Sell is Guaranteed
Schaf fner & Marx and other high-grade makes: fine worsteds
and cassimeres, in a wide range of new fall patterns; all sizes.
On sale Saturday. All new fall merchandise, at
, Other Splendid Suit Values Priced to $40
Hundreds of handsome coats, in plain colors and
mixtures; all styles, including the popular new
Chesterfield models; every coat hand tailored,
with satin sleeve and serge body
lining; plenty of pinch back styles,
at ;
A choice lot of Hart Schaffner & Marx Coats,
made to sell to $35.00, in all this season's popu
lar models and fabrics; the greatest
overcoat values shown in Omaha
this season
Other Splendid Overcoat Values Shown to $60
Savings in Drug Section
25c bottle Jersen'a Ben- SS bottle Sal Hepitlca 19c
loin and Almond Cream, 86e Fahrenheit House
,9e Thermometers 2Sc
26e bottle White Pine 25c bottle Peroxide of
Comb Cure 19c Hydrogen ...15c
$1.50 Auto or General rntd Perfume Alomii-
Uousework Chamois, 9Sc ers t .49c, T9e, 96c
1 Oe bars Dr. Samon'a o $150 Fountain Syringe.
Castile Soap 6c 2-qt. rd rubber 79c
50c box Jap Roae Pow- $160 IjR Trefie or;
der with one 25c ,arCld Aiurea Powdef 95c
Cream free, all for... 39c . . ... .
a, l. ... . 25c 4-oa. bottles Arotnatio
25e box Woodbury Face Cajtor 0il se,led , lftc
Powder for 19c . ...
e .,. oi . i i 60e bottle Hinds Al-
25c bottle Sloan's Llni- moni Cnim .38c
ment for 19c , . .
i i i . 50e jar Dasrirett'l and
I qt Parafin. Oil, for Ramadell'a Cream. .. .39c
general housework. . .25c , ,
$1 bottle Woodworth'e Tuba Pebeeo Tooth
"Frosted" Violet Toilet p"te u--Me
Water 69e 2 fie bottle Dr. Hinkle'i
26c Handy Pocket Rouge Can cars Tablet IBc
Book, all shades 10c 10c Shoe Shinola 7c
60e box Madam IsebeH's Colgate's Shaving Soap -
Face Powder SOc cup site 5c
$1 bottle Lydia Ptnkham's 4 10c ban Peroxide Soap
Compound 79c for 25c
$1 Safety Raaora, for 4 10c rolls Crept Toilet
Xmaa presents ...... .fe9c Paper . . , y 25c
Bring the Boys Saturday
" Come into our Boys' Department and see
. where you may save money in buying the
boy his Outfit here.
Boys'-Norfolk Suits (two pairs of trousers), all
elegantly tailored and perfect fitting. N Made from
good, serviceable fabrics; a very large line to choose
from; sizes 6 to 18 years. Also Boys' Overcoats in
convertible and velvet-collar styles; good,
warm, serviceable garments; tailored to yi,95
fit; sizes 2H to 14 years; suits and over-
coats made to sell lor up to $7.60, Spe. Sat t
Other Suits and Overcoats priced up to $10.00
Boys' All-Wool Mackinaws or Skate Coats, good,
warm, double-breasted coats; good high collars; all
good patterns; sizes 6 to 18 years, at
83.95 t. $10.00
A line we feature for Saturday, at $8.95
Saturday Special in
Corset and Sweater Sections
Second Floor. Front Room
Children's Toques, in all colors, spe
cial, at i..... 50
Knit Scarf Sets, in cardinal, rose,
Kelley, Copenhagen and many other
colors, at. . v . . .$1.50 nd $1.75
Boys' Sweaters, in gray, navy and
brown; sizes 24 to 36, l50. $1.98
Ladies' White All-Woof Sweaters;
slightly soiled. Saturday at. .$2.25
$3.00 and $4.00 Corsets in pink or
white; medium bust, long skirt, six
supporters; nicely trimmed. Satur
day, at ....$1.49
75c Brassiere, fastening front or
back; embroidery or lace trimmed,
at i.. ........50c4
Boys' Flannel Blouses, 6 to 14 years. .59
Trimmed Hats Must Go!
Hats Worth $10, $12.50 and $15 ;
The Biggest Assortment of Smartest Hats That We Have Ever
Offered. Some Are New Arrivals From the East
' Gold and Silver Lace Hats Fur and Flower Trimmed' Hats
Paradise and Goura Hats White Hats
We Suggest Early Selection No C. O. D.'s or Lay-Bys
$2 to $5 Hats
All broken lines of our regu
lar stock and a large sample
line of fancy high-grade im
ported velours, in all colors, put
in this great sale. And to make
it more interesting, our com
plete stock of the season's new-'
est Balmacaan Hats. Truly
wonderful values, sure to please
all. Come early and get the pick
of the lot
Stetson Hats reign supreme.
No matter how hard competit
ors try to imitate they cannot
get (he quality and classy
shaDes of the Stetson. Our
stock of these is as complete as
any in the city. The
season's best shapes
and colors.
(Select quality)
Men's and Boys' Caps
Whether your size be 8 14 or 1,
we have them in eolora and patterni
that are Htltfartory. All the newest
weaves and ehecki, ai well as plenty
of rood blue serges and staple ker
seys, both in the popular golf and
Brighton shapes, at 50c, 91 and $10
Knit Toques are popular with both
boys and girls, as well as the grown
ups. Solid and fancy oolor combina
tions. Most all school and college
colors. Regular 76c values SOc
Specials in Neckwear
and Veiling for Saturday
Broadcloth and Goergette Sets and Separate Collars. In
all the new shapes. Special Saturday, at set $1.75
Georgette, Flannel and Organdy Collars, lace trimmed,
round and deep back; many pretty styles to select from.
Special, at each $1.25 and $1.98
A good assortment of Or
gandy and Swiss Collars
and Sets; regular prtoe 7 fie,
sale price 25c
Chiffon Veils, in all colors,
2 yards long; special, at.
aeh $1.28
Windsor Ties, in plaids and
plain colors, at, each . . . 25c
Fancy Mesh Veiling with
narrow borders, in black,
white and taupe, per yard,
at 35c
Maribou Throws, at $340 and U.7&-
Feather Boas, in black and white, at, each, $1.95 and $2.96
Three Separate Strand Switches, at $1.00
Three Separate Strand Switches, at $1.60
Three Separate Strand Switches, at $2.00
Two Separate Strand Swishes, at SOc
Thanksgiving Sale of Jewelry
Now Is ths tlms to auko Sams of your Christ
mu stations at this moaty-savln, solo of
Jswolry and Ivory. A small will hold
nythtaf until Christmas.
SPECIAL German SUvw Msah Bsgs of baby
rln, mesh, huav rsvtrsa, all newest styles and
shapes, lined and unlined! a very oicentlonal
lot; narrow new frames I3.H to 16.00 values,
Saturday, at $2M
SPECIAL French Ivory Toilet Set, I pieces,
lane comb, heavy hair brush with lone real
brlctles and larve also sprunt mirror with
trench beveled glass, all of solid ivory stock
in cloth lined gilt box. Engraved free. 18.60
and 10.00 value fe.00
SPECIAL Men's Sterling Silver and Gold Pilled
Belt Buckles, complete with high-grado Tubular
Belt. Many designs in high-grada engine turned
or hand engraving. A very popular gift for a
man. Engraving free. 12.60 value, at....fl-4t
Fine All Leather Handbags and Hand Books
in newsst shspes and sises. leather or silk lined.
A manufacturer's overstock, Exceptional values.
Choice at aas
Ivory Finish Candls Stick., complete with
candle, shade, holder and fancy Japanese irans-
parsnt shads, Choieo at.. 7So
Fine Oriental Pearl Necklaces In matched and
graduated beads, cream, white and pink shades.
Solid gold and gold filled catches. 18.60 to 16
value, at , , ,$ZM
18111 Rogers' Silverware, 26 pieces. ( knives,
forks, 6 tablespoons, I tesspoons, 1 butter knife
and 1 sugar shell, in lined chest. New Revere
pattern, warranted for 16 years' wear. Engraved
free, 19.60 value, at... $6M
Rogers R. k B. Brand Silverware, berry spoons,
gravy ladles, cold meat forks and butter knife
and sugar shell sets. Values to 11.00. Your
choice, at , aag
Gold Plated Rosarys in Ormolu gold eases, all
color cut beads with gold capped decade beads.
61.60 value, at BBc
SPECIAL Fine Italian Pink Shell Cameos set
In solid gold mountings; hand engraved and
eroll daslgns. Can be used as brooch or pendant
large and medium sites. Cameos ate all se
lected subjects. $12.00 to $1$ regularly. Sat- -urday,
at ..$9.50
Solid Gold Spot Pins and Dress Pin Beta, each
pair in velvet lined gift boi. hand engraved
designs, good heavy weight. $1.2$ values . . . 75c
S-pieee Ivory Manicure Set in Ivory Tray, oval
handles, good quality teal. Regular $1.26 value, .
Saturday, at ......$
French Ivory Dressing Comb, all coarse or
soars and fin teeth, extra heavy. $100 value,
Saturday, at ...,50c
Men's Gold Filled Caff Links tn many styles; .,
heavy weight, will give good wear. Bagraved
fret. 59e value, at. ... 4 , 25c
Large Fancy Hand! Ivory Manicure Pieces. ' '
Files, cutiel knives, button hooks and shoa
horns ; extra quality. One Initial la blue on
each pttc engraved fra; 60a vahia. ...... .33a
French Ivory Mirror, large sis with beveled '
glass, heavy solid stock. Engraved free 12.60
value. Choice, at $IM
Men's 1$ 81a Klgfn batches, 7 -jewel, tt.yvar .
gold filled eases, angina turned design, war
ranted, $12.00 values $7.95
Braoelet Watches with gold-filled easa and
bracelet; 20 years warranted, 10-jewel move
ments, adjusted, plain or ngraved faces. $8.60
value, at . ...,.$$.08
B Gold Filled Watchas with fin imported
movement, fancy eases, $(.00 values. Satur- v
day, at , ,.3M -
Come and make your selections early.
We will save you 25 on Toys. Our
Dolls are just as cheap as last year, and
in a great many cases cheaper. Here
are a few items which we quote to you
as special :
$3.00 Kid Body Dolls .$2.25
$2.00 Kid Body and Jointed Dolls,
at t if $1.25
$1.50 Jointed Doll's.'. .......... .98
Erector, $1.00 value 85
Erector, $2.00 value $1.69
Erector, $3.00 value $2.49
$1.50 Folding Doll Buggies 98t
Underwear and Furnishings Underpriced
Men's Warm Underwear, in Union Suits or Two
Piece Garments. We feature the Sterling and Globe
Union Suits, High Rock, Bradford and Utica two-piece
garments. We offer a specially good High 0 AA
Rock Fleeced Suit, at . . yliUU
Men's Lambs' Down Underwear, Shirts and CCa
Drawers; warm and durable, at N wvv
Men's Fleeced Underwear, also Heavy Ribbed CA.
Cotton, special, at vUC
Men's Flannel Overshirts; a full sized, well SM AC
made shirt, in blue or gray, special, at y l.&v
Men's Heavy Sweater Coats, rope stitched, shawl
collar; colors are maroon, oxford, navy and J AC
Men's Silk Mufflers, in a) variety of
gray, bpeciai, at
Men's Dress or Work Gloves, lined
or unlined; a big variety to select from,
S,ee our special work gloves and mitt,
full lined, at 50
Men's Flannelette Night Shirt, cut full
size in every way; neck size to 19. Spe
cial, at 69c
styleB. We show long, narrow reefer
with fringed ends, black and white effect,
specially priced at $1.15
Men's Silk Neckwear. Fine, big, open
end ties. Royal Persian patterns of
striking beauty; silks of unquestioned
high, quality, specially priced at...50
You'll See the Range Par Excel- D Ci 1
lent When We Show You the lCUlgC 1-ierilcU
Range Eternals, up
from S55.00
Other Steel Ranges,
up from .$25.00
Renown Black Nickel
Finish Cast Ranges, up
from $50.00
Other. Renown Cast
Ranges, up from
Cook Stoves, up
from $15.00
No. 50 Climax Foffd
Chopper for 89t
No. 51 Climax Food
Chopper for 984
No. 52 Climax Food
Chopper for... .$1.25
8-Gallon Garbage Can
for 79k
10-Gallon Garbage Can
for 89
12-Gallon Garbage Can
for .98
Lisk Roasters, up
from .........$1.75
Enamel Savory Roasters
up from....... $1.10
Steel Savory Roasters,
up from 98
Browny Roasters, up
from ...29
Perfection Oil Heaters
for ,.....$3.29