BRINGING UP FATHER Mt' OODNESV HOW UtNt,nMe NOO ARE RECORD OF TEAMS IN THRBIG. GAMES Three Big Oonteits Saturday . Will Show Something of - i Line on Btrenfftb. HOW PLATED , XN PAST Today'- garnet will , furnish , the rlcwert for the moat umptuou mel that foot ball fan have enjoyed off (he gridiron this season. Northwest ern nd Ohio State will battle for the Western Conference title at Columbus, whits the Yale-Harvard clash it New Haven and the Army-Navy fcame in New York will furnish the east with i a Jouble-barreled kttractioti. Harvard Yale. . , Since 188J, : the - year numerical scoring was established, Yale has won seventeen' games'and Harvard 8, with four scoreless tie Yate'a big gest score against Harvard was 48 to 0, in 1884, while 41 to 0, in th game last year represer-ti the Crimson's score against the Slis. The records of the two teams, for this season are . at follows: ' "'' ' ' .' . HARVARD. Harvard Harvard Harvard Harvard harvard Harvard Harvard . Harvard jColby tMt, .. s 'ill ...: Bate. Turu North Carolina Maes. Aggie.. Cornell Virginia ..... Princeton .... ... s ...47 ...IS ...II ... Harvard Crown lotale: Harvard, mi opponMita, IS. TALK, . ' ' .H' Tch.. .A.......S1 Tala ,.....t.....1s . -1- . . ,t . . ... It Vlrlnliw. Waah. and aff..r.l Valo ............. Tale ......... Colgat. Brown ' .... r.i. ......tOlPftooatoa Weat Pointi, v Annapolia. f i s The Army and Navy started their i gridiron row in 1890. Since the ini tial battle in that yea: the Army has downed the Navy in ten contests, and the Navy has nin victor'ea toita credit In 190S the teams played a 6 to 6 tie game. During the last three rears the .Navy haa been, a toft op ponent for the Array, tht cadeta run ning away with the thr games and scoring fifty-six points to nine points for the middies. Thia teaton, the Navy has met defeat twice, while the Army team will march on the Polo grounds . with a clean tlate of victories. The season's records of the two teams: ... WST POINT, . ........ Illbanoa Valley...., 0 Army !!7.'.'.....liWah. and Lea Army ...lTHuly Croat .., Army .... MjTrlnlty Army .Vllla Nova ... ' Army ....... 10 Notre Peine .. lArmy .'i.C... HlMalne Army UBprlnfl.l ... Total.! Army, lit! opponent!. IS , r :!,. . V WAVY, v .-j! , Navy Navy Navy ' Navy Navy Navy fcavy Navy ....... "trMcktnron II joeonretown .......1 it alary tana aii VIHahurah ...... .1! Weet Virginia. 17 ueorgta . . Waah. and i'lLeo!'"!" ...... 0 N. C Aggie. Navy Vllla piova. Tntaia: Navy. Ill i . eoDonanta, SO. . Northwestern vt. Chio State. A new Western Conference champion will reign after Saturday's game be- tween the Buckeye- and the Evanaton warriors. Those " two elevens have furnished the- big" surprise in western foot ball this sealon, for heretofore Kither outfit ;m been on Speaking . - ;. k . .t,Blnninniliin Tha far. orda show that Ohio State has had ' Northweatern'a number for the last iliree years, having won three succes sive victories by big scores. .Records lor the present season : OHIO STATU ' ' olil tat lltOhlo Wealeyan...,. S ' MbU, tlate IXSIOberlln I . ilo State. I llllnola ,lo State ltWI.onaln .....,..11 nhla Ktat 4fllndtana ... 7 hle Slau. lCaea I Totale: Ohm State, 111; pponenta. U. NORTHWESTERN. rthreatm ,..!Lak. Foreat. ..leiChlcago .... ...40Uraka ....... ... Iilndlana ...... ...SOjlowa ....... ' Sorthweetern .. N'ortbweatern .. n.tharaatai-a NorthweatBrn N'orthvuatera .............II S opponent. .l. ..SI Purdue Total.: Norlhwaetera, 144; . Yankees Will Have Biggest ( Ball Park in Whole Country Chicago, Nov. 24. Newt that the New York American league base ball . club hat laid plans to built the great 4 rst base ball park in the country, with , a double-decked grandstand to hold ' .'S.OOO and bleachers and pavilions to ) make a total capacity of 50,000 per sons, was given out nere tonight by 15. B. Johnson, pretident of the Amer ( vaai league. ' ' vjv--- .loran and Fulton Will Fight Ten Rounds on December 22 , New York, Nov. 24. Frank Moran i uid Fred Fulton were matched 'here v today for a ten-round heavyweight ; bout at St. Paul, Mihn.. on December 11. Moran was guaranteed $5,000 with a privilege of 2$ per cent, and if either nun scores a knockout he will get ' $1,000 additional., , DONT YOU a - - TO FEEL WELL? 1 Foot Ball Games Today , . r .." CENTRAL WJBflT. . At Colambtu Northweitcrn n. Ohio itt. At ChlrtKe Ulnncaota Ti. Chloaio. At Madlion llllnola va. Wliconiln. At Lafayatta Indiana va. Purdaa. At Iowa City -Nahraaka va. Iowa, At Fort Smith Oklahoma va. Arkanaaa. At Motro Dama Alma . Notra Datna. At Paorla Sureka va. Bradlty, At Cart haga llllnola Collaga ra. Car thaff. At Oraancaatla Laka Foraat va. Da Pauw. At Richmond Wilmington va. Barlham. Al Tfrra Haut a Winona Affglaa va. Roia Poly. At Wariatta Wabaah vi, Marlatta. At Clavoland Hiram va. Caaa. J At OambUr WMtartt Raaarva va. Ken van. .. . a x EAST. At Naw Haven Harvard va. Tala, At New Tork Navy v. Army. At Waahinaton Buoknall va. Oaorga- towa. 1 At Nw Tork Naw -Tork unlvanlty vt. Columbia. At liavarford flwarthmora vi. , Uavar ford. At Woroaatar Holy Crow va. worceitar At Baltlmora Johni Hopklna vnlvariltr va. Johna Hopklna college). At Btaon iuaiayetta va, ianigu. At Bmmataburg Hi, St. Mary'a oollaga va. Qettayburg. At Naw Bruniwlok Dlckton vt. Rat-1 gtra. - - I At Sprlngttald Maaaaehuaatta Agglaa va. I flprlngftald Y. M. C. A. . I ' At Sollngfgrova Iebanon Valtay oellega ; va. Suiquahanna unlveralty. i . At Phlladclphtar-Wat Virginia WtaUyan va. PennaTylvanla, At Washington, Pa. Chattanooga va. I Waahlngton nd Jeffaraott. ...... - ;-,: v SOUTH. I At Morgantown. Va, Cathollo untvar-1 ilty va. Wat Virginia. I At Richmond. Va. Randolph -If aooa vt. i Hampdan-Bldnay. i FAK WKB T. ' j I At Whlttlar Qofildantal collaga va. Whit-1 Uar. , 1 At Corvallla Unlvaralty of Ortgon va. Oregon Agglaa. At Laramta Colorado Agglaa va. Wyo ming Agglaa. , i At Tticaou Naw llaxloe va. Arliona. .ga unlvaralty. . ..m i -i. . :- . Lincoln Wesleyan 'f Romps Oyer Kansas ; Wesleyan Eleven tincoln! Nov. 24. (Special Tele gram.) Nebraska Wesleyan romped all over Kansas Wesleyan, 91 to 0, in tneir connicc sr. . univcr.ux riatc, Friday afternoon. It was homecom ing day at Nebraska Wesleyan. Three touchdowns were made In the first quarter, three in the second, two in the third and four in the fourth Wesleyan did not present Its strongest lineup, Cozier, the star half back, being out of the game because of injuries. hTe team was composed almost entirely of substitutes. Culbert soh, ' Williams, Carman and Gentry were the main factora of Weslevan't offensive. The whole team played stellar ball and their showing en couraged the bopes of the Wesleyan sunnorters that the Coyotes would defeat York in their Thanksgiving dav contest. ' Kasas-Wesleyan, was able to make downs only twice in the entire con test. The strong Wesleyan line could not be penetrated, plays were broken up before they were ... started. The lineup: WKMLKTAN. . KANSAS. Kahm ........... L-a!. William. ,. . .,.1..T. Kroae .L.O. Hughe. ' (o.). C- Bucknar ........R-Q. Oantry R.T. Orov. ,..,R.1&. Cv.lbert.on- Q. Hudeon L.H. UR......... Bowman UT.........BIOI. tO.I L..O...... Boho. maker C. ....... Auppenthal RO...... Bhank R.T Ne.mlth R.B ralm.r y. ...,......, cum I..H K.rr R.H.......I.. Cannon Carman R-H. Blodiett F.B.I if.B, ........ Uaakln. - Refer..: Towla, Unlvaralty of Nebraska. Umpire! Hantaan. Unlv Watty of Nebraska. Head linesman: Joiwe. SubntltuteWea leyan Tesh: P. Coal.r. Slooum. O.den, Carr and Payne. Kaneae: lneh and Bowman. Nebraska Central Wins ' With Ease From Cotner Central City, Neb., Nov. 24. (Spe cial 'Telegram.) Nebraska Central college defeated Cotner today, 20 to 0. The Quakers got their scoring ma chine working in the second half scor ing at will. I he. Cotner players, fresh from their victory at Hastings, were in good form .in the first quarter, but soon succumbed. For Cotner, Parmenter and Strain featured; for for Nebraska City col lege, Grieve, Bennett, Engle and the Hanson brothers. Today's victory was the seventh this season for the home team, hav ing won every game of their schedule but the 7 to 0 game with York. The lineup NKH, CBN. COLLEOEPoi. COTNBR Vtf. Johnton E. N'vwmtn 1 T. iUT. .,......,,Moor Mof f It . . J ohm ton ,u a. ii a Ribb C ... ....PurmenUor Q. P. Hanioa.a.R. O. Bnoett - R. T.i Put stent R. S. Grlvvtj 4. Enil U H. Finch R.H. R. O. ..Vi'orthn R.T. , Brltt Q. 8trmln I. H. .Murphy R. H. (.H.Nwmin F.a ...... .....Mum R. HkiUMa F. B. acorn . .....SOiSort). ... Touchdown 3rlv finfl. t fol; from touchdown, Bnglt, I. 8utMi Btrnti for Newman; Orlv for Puckett, O. Hinnn tor Finck. PuetnU.for Uoftlt, Ullwn lor R. Hanion. For Colntr Nlrhol tor Hayes, Chrbty for Newman. Offlctalsv Huh. Nobraaka unlvaralty. Rafaraa, Swan U'cilayan. Um pira Clayton wan haadlinaaman. Deffmt fr Storm JUka. . ' Storm Iattk, In., Not. fSporlal Tla gram.) Playing with n quartarback who would not an tar the Una of aorlmnmiio ba -cauaa of a dlnlocated nhuultler. HIouk Cttv High aacondl rnfvatad Btorni Lak High to day, 6 to . Bloux Ctty ufd nothlnir but trait tit Una luni with Una htfia. Two Rtorm Laka rosulara wra out of th famv va account of their urvdita. ........ -.v . -. - THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 25, l&lo. Copyright, ltlS. International News Barries, , I'M Ci0M6 TO 1 luv; sV THE CLOQ , TONKJHT I HAVE A 600 TINE- CRIMSON RELIES ON SWEETSER This i Sweeter, Harvard's fast tackle, who it expected by the son of Har vard to bring disaster to the Yale line. R t ' ? If - vJy ;- J if ' 4m . t$Tr' h i A ,'v. va- ;Z i A i? SWEET SER OPJIARVARD Grand Island Collegians Beat Hastings Eleven '' Grand Island, Neb., Nov. 24. (Special Telegram.) Grand island college defeated Hastings college, 35 to 0, today. Hastings kicked to Grand Island, wfio rushed ; down towards the goal until the two-yard mark, where they were held. Hastings punted out of bounds. ' Holts soon made a thirty-yard run for a touchdown on .. forward pass from Lowrey. . Lowrey kicked goal. After some see-sawing Grand Island ran the ball to. the Hastings' fifteen-yard line. On a forward pass, Lowrey to Buechler, the latter scored the second touchdown. Lowrey kicked goal. The remainder of the half was a see-saw, Grand Island leading. In the second half Hastings lost the ball on downs, and Goldenstein was Sushed over the line on straight foot all for a touchdown. Lowrey kicked goal. Grand Island kicked again and after several exchanges Lowrey went for a touchdown on a straight run. Low rey kicked goal. Grand Island kicked again and Goldenstein soon smashed the line for another touchdown. Low rey kicked goal. The lineup: GRAND ISLAND. HASTINGS. Holts ..It Ft E Cook R.T Dunlap Buechler .... Hahn O. T.ft....... Reed. Button. Walker John Lasher Lowrey (e.)., Ooldensteln Taylor . ,. .. ..R.T. ..R.O. . ...c. ...L.O. ..L.T. ..LB. ..,.Q. ..L.H. ,.R.H. R.O.W. Blttner. Stein !C. ...... Taylor, Log-an L.U Stein, Fhelue L.T. ......... Pauleon L.K.. A. Brown Q ...Pottorf. W, Brown L.H Gait (o.) R.H....... Thurber If.B. F.B.. Bau.h RererM! Cody. Uaesman: aloore. Umpire: Harding. Head Ord Iop Valley Chaanno. Ord, Neb., Nov. Ss. (Special Teiee-ram.) Ord Hl.h echool foot ball team won from North Loup toilay, 87 to 7. This give. Ord th. chaiupionehlp of th. Loup valley. Beattrlo. Raaarvee Win., Be.trlce. Neb., Nov. . (Special T.le frara. Th. Beatrice Reeerve. defeated th. Adams High school .l.ven her. lod.y by the score of si to 7. Don't Wait Until Trouble Gets Chronic Drive The Poison From Your System By Taking S. S. S. Now. - ; Get it fixed in your mind that skin eruptions, S.rofula, Eczema, burning itching, skin, and nearly all . skin diseases are due entirely to impure and infected blood. If the trouble was on the outside of the skin, by simply washing and keeping it clean you could obtain relief not even ointments, lotions and salves, would be necessary. Be convinced of this and your trouble can be relieved you can be entirely restored to health. S. S. S. is a purely vegetable treat ment that you can secure from your own druRRiat it is a blood tonic that will purify your blood and cause a decided abatement of your trouble, and finally enable- your blood to make I ye ' : ' . ' ' ' 41 mm ; 1-51 i - -r-b Sport Calendar . Today fthootbiy IhtorfloUefflatn trapahootlnf ehiunplonahlnn. Maw Haven. Athlatf Eaotarn Intcreollef lata orou eountry chatnplonshlpa, at Kw Haven. Wmtcrn lnteroolleiruita c oa -country cham plonihlpa at Lai ayetta, Ind. , . - Hoceer-Harrnrd n. Yale, at New , Hn ren. t: ; ... Boxtnr Pal Moore M. Jack Sharkey. '10 round, at Naw JTerk. (leerce Alirer Ti. Walter Butler, IS raimde, at Port laud, Me. Dave Fultz Again Defies Magnates -Of Organized Ball New York, Nov. 24. That major and minor - league players in all leagues protected by the Base Ball Players' fraternity will refuse to sign their contracts unless the National association, the governing body of the -minor leagues, grants requests recently made upon it by the frater nity, was again indicated by a state ment made here today by President David Fultz of the fraternity. "The National association simply must grant these requests; that is all ti.ere is to it," said Mr. Fultz. "Wi have pledges from virtually all our players not to sign contracts unless they get word from officers of the fraternity. "I am more sure than ever that we have the majority of the players behind us on ; this issue. Since the minor league conference ignored our requests in New Orleans ! have re ceived letters from dozens of players asking that 'we sit tight.' " Fultt also said he had sent Chair man Herrmann of the National com mission copies of contracts entered into last season by Ray Keating of New York and John Henry of Wash ington. Both of these contracts had clauses exempting the club from pay ing the player's salary in the event of injury met while playing ball, Mr. Fultx declared. Your Skin you well. Fifty years ago S. S. S. was given to Buffering mankind. Dur ing this period it haa proven its re markable propertiea as a blood puri fier and tonic, and has relieved thou sands of cases of disease caused by poor or impure blood, and chronic or inherited blood diseases. You can be relieved; but you must take S. S. S. Take it if only pimples appear, for they denote bad blood, and may be followed by the sufferings from tor turing skin eruptions. Therefore be sure. - Don't take chances, don't use lotions. Get S. S. S. from your drug-e-iat. If you wish medical advice write to Medical Dept. Swift Specific Co., 3 Swift Building, Atlanta, Ua. Drawn for HMEYES HAVE : MALPRACTICE Coach Jones Fays Most Atten tion to Mental Attitude of His Men. LIGHTER THAN NEBRASKA Iowa City, la., Nov. 24. (Special Telegram.) Final practice for the Iowa Hawkeyes in preparation for the home-coming game with Ne braska was held Thursday afternoon. Today the squad merely got into foot ball togs and chased through i few signals on the gridiron. Coach Jones paid more attention to the mental at titude ot his players than he did to their foot ball knowledge., but the regulars and substitutes were light- hearted in the extreme and ready tor the game in which they hope to break the long string of Cornhusker vic tories. Tonight it is apparent that Coach Jones will start Grubb at left guard in place of Kelly and Duncan at left half. Grubb was left guard earlier in the season, but Kelly has been play ing in the position in the last two or three games. Duncan is ., in better shape- than Mendenhall to play left half. Mendenhall, not having entirely recovered from injuries which he re ceived in the Minnesaota game' four weeks ago, both men will probably be used in the game, however. Lawn in Good Condition. Captain Lawn is in the best condi tion since early in the season. His injuries having almost wholly healed up, his punting is expected to be a feature of the contest. Scott is the only Othe,r Hawkeye player on th? hospital list, but it is exnected that he will be able to. last out the fame even. uougn be if bothered with an in fected foot ' t- ' Nebraska will outweigh Iowa about eight pounds to the man when the two teams line up tomorrow on Iowa held, but Jones has been cutting down the weight of his line to give it ad ded strength, and it is now believed that weight will be much of a factor in the encouter. The Iowa line will be outweighed more than the back field. A point of interest in the game will be the fact that Captain Corey, at left, and Captain Lawn, at right end, will play opposite eachc other. Compraatively a Reed. Reed,, the Iowa left end, is out weight forty-one pounds by Riddell, but is expected to hold his own in every way.. On the eve of the game Iowa backers are asking ten points in making their bets, but Nebraska money to cover such a margin has not arrived. - Early in the week most bets were being placed at even money. ' , A monster mass meeting tonight, which the members of the team at tended, ended the preliminaries of the game. There is every indication that the tmpratures will b agreeable and the sky clear on Saturday after noon, but the field will be a little soft. . -v .-' ; Iowa lineup V ' Weight. Laun, right end .. 17. Becker, right tackle 167 Foedlrk. right guard 176 Wyland. center 170 Grubb, left guard..... loo Triplet!, left tackle Its Rood, left end 148 Jenkins, quarterback 163 Davis, right halfback 149 Duncan, left halfback - 150 Scott, . fullback 166 Grand Island High Win.. Or.nd Island. Neb.,' Nov. 24. (Special Telegram.) The Grand Island High echool todav defeated the Aurora High echool by a score of 34 to 0. The game was featured by long runs by Orand Island aa the result of fumbles and Intercepted passe., c. En gteman, Jone., Davl.. and Marsh were the main ground galn.ra. .... . Nebraska Aggie. Win. ' Norfolk. Neb.. Nov. i6.(8Declal Telegram. I In one of the hardest fought gameB played nere mis seaaon me iNeoraaaa Aggies de tested the Norfolk High school foot ball team. 1. to 12, this afternoon. Tho Aggies had considerable advantage by weight and broke through the Norfolk line for sensa tional runs. . Their lighter opponent, scored through open field work. ; Harvard Wins. Harvard. Neb.. Nov. Ss. fSneclaL. Tele gram.) Harvard played Kearney this after noon, resulting In a acore of XI to 9 In favor of Harvard. Business was suspended and a big crowd was ln attendance. OVERCOAT dayi mt han. Your health demandi an ouUr ramtnt of quality and wtlfht. Th tuita and ovareoata nada by u at $1S.OO hava put raally hich-elasa elothaa within tha reach of many nan. ' M.da to Moaaura $15.2 Made ta . ,.ure A splendid .nay of fin. suitings and overcoatings from which to aaak. lour ahoiea, .... . ..... .' Com said Look These Ova. Comer 15th and Harvey SU. prog The Bee by George McManus 7 OH! IKNOW-IT?) i.nT.N' NEAR CHRISTMAS! Foot Ball Scores Neb. Wesleyan, BO; Kan.' Wesleyaa, 0. Harvard High, 21 1 Kearney, 0. ' Ord High, i North Ixhid, 7. Nebraska Aggies, 19; Norfolk High, It. e Bat rice Reserves, SI; Adam. High, 7. Bloux City High, HMond, S Btorm lka, 0. . Orand Island High, S4; Aurora. 0. Orand Island CoUege, 45 1 Hastings, O. ' Doan. College, 41; Bellevue, 0. Wayne Normal. 14; Bnena Vlata. 18. . York High, 10; Halting. High, 0. Pierre (8. D.) High, 10: Elk Point, S. braata Central, SO; Cotner, t. " WAYNE NORMAL S BEATS BDENA VISTA Nebraskans Win Hard Fought : Battle on Home Field by. Score of 14 to 13. SOME SPECTACULAR PLATS Wayne, Neb., Nov. 24. (Special Telegram.) The Wayne State Nor mal defeated Buena Vista college on the Wayne field this afternoon, 14 to 13. "'.' ' " ' : ; Buena Vista kicked off and with Mg gains worked the ball to Wayne's ten-. yard line, but Wayne recovered and pushed its way back to within an equal distance of their goal. . Toward the end ot the first quarter Wayne lost on downs, and Chaney made a long run of thirty yards, en abling Fulton to carry the ball over the line. Goal was kicked, giving the visitors seven points. During the second half the ball was kept in Wayne's territory, and no .score was made on either side. Wayne kicked off in the third quarter and by heavy line smashing tactics Ellis, the captain, rfiiched .the ten-yard line Mid stored a touchdown a ' few minutes later. Wayne kicked goal and tied the score. . ' . However, Chaney ). made another spectacular run over the line and pushed the score to thriteen. In the fourth quarter Wayne continued breaking through the line until Mun singer got away and carried the ball across. Wayne succeeded in kicking goal the second time, which, made them one point ahead. Forward Pass Fails... - During the last few minutes of the game Buena Vista tried forward passes, but failed, and the quarter end ed with the ball in the center of the field. . . Ellis, Munsinger, Rockwell and Christensen did the heavy work for Wayne, while Fulton, and Chaney starred for Buena Vista. Not a single penalty was called dur ing the entire game. Ice lineup: WATNB. BUENA VISTA. Seriing ...C. C Stansel McDonald ......R.B. R.B.i... Boelaugh Muhm R.T. R.T Brandt Farrier R.O. R.O Troeger Ankeny L.B. L.B.. ; .' Murphy Havecost L.T. L.T. ........ Sullivan Babtn ...L.O. UG. Napuer Rockwell .......Q.B. Q.B. Chaney Munlnger F.B. P.B Crouch Christensen .....R.H. R.H Fulton (C.) Sills (C) L.H. L.H. A.. Holme. Buena Vista, maaager, H. H. Claus; coach, R. E. Preston. Wayne, coaches, John G. Gross and G. . VanMeter. Referee: D. W. Kline of Norlok. Umpire: C. A. Craw ford. Wayne, Murphy . substituted for Holmaa In second quarter. Persistence Is the Cardinal-' .Virtu. In Advertising. For Real Style and Comfort Wear WALK - Wa are sola , fita tor GROUND GRIPPE K" flurfical Shoes rCT I 'a5 Ground : I s& l Walk - Over Boot Shop 317 South 16th Street PILES CURED WITHOUT THfcT Fistula, Ft nun and all similar diseases cured cuarantee: no Ptm Book for men and women. Dab. O. Y. OLiMBMTi BPKOIALI8X. sir Good Blo MOINfti l&wC V DOANE CRUSHES BELLEVUE ELEVEN Crete Team Wins by Score of Forty-One to Nothing. OWN GAME THROUGHOUT - Crete, Neb., Nov. 24. (Special Tel egram.) Doane won its second vic tory of the season by walloping the Bellevue aggregation to the tune of 41 to 0. The game was 'Doane's throughout, although Bellevue was strong on offense. In the first quarter Bellevue kicked to Kinney who re turned thirty yards, then Doane be gan to march up the field, and on a fake pass, Bayer made the first touch down, the ball being in play but five minutes. Kinney kicked goal. Doane kicked to Dunlap, and Bellevue started up the field, and made' an un successful try at a drop kick. On the first touchdown of the scc- Vnd quarter, McDonald broke away tor a thirty-yard run tor a touchdown and coal was kicked. Bellevue re ceived and gains by Mincer, Stewart, Schainholtz and two successful passes by Dunlap and Rac'ely brought the i. ., ! 1 ... U - . ... I 1 . 1 .. j. uau w itic twcuiy-yi u 1111c, VHly lu lose it own downs. With two minutes left to play, Jefferies went in for Kinney, and executed twenty-yard pass to Mickle. On the next down, Jefferies was tacked hard, arkl his col lar bone was broken. - First half: Doane, 14; Bellevue, 0. Mincer, received the third quarter, and returned twenty yards. Bellevue attempted several passes, two being successful, but they lost the ball on the twenty-yard line. Haylett punted to Mincer, who fumbled and King re covered going over for another touch down, goal was successful. Bellevue again received, but ' kicked out of danger. McDonlad broke away -and raced twenty yards, but was downed by Mincer. Doane punted and Belle vue attempted more passes, one being intercepted by Bayer, who went sixty five yards for a touchdown, goal was kicked. ' - - In the last quarter Doarie received, but kicked to- Evans, who replaced Mincer at quarter. Bayer intercepts another pass, going thirty-five yards to the goal. Doane failed to kick goal. Doane kicked and Bellevue made suc cessful gains, but an unsuccessful pass gave the ball to Doane on the ten yard line. Haylett punts to Bellevue, but on the second down Mickle inter-) cepted pass for thirty yards, Kinney going over for a touchdown and kick ing goaL j Stars for Doane were Bayer, Kin ney, and McDonald; for Bellevue, Mincer, Dunlap and Stewart. The lineup: ... . DOANE. : Bayer. ; ; , .L.E. BELLEVUE. ICE.. Erwln Blast C.) L.T. L.T ...-. Johna . Quatafson .... Klnnier ...... Allan .... Plcotte Stewart v.... Dunlap Schalnholts .Racely (C.) Mincer Dawson L.O. !l.o...... Krebs ........... .;C. Norrts ...R.O. Kemp R.T. King' :.. R.E. Mickle L..H. Haylett . , ...F. McDonald R.H. :i; R.G....4 R.T R.E..... L.H F R.H..... Kinney;....., Q. IQ. Ru&stltutes: ' Doane Jefferies for Kinney: Bellevue Dougherty for Plcotte, Plcotte for Dunlap, Evans for Mincer. Referee; Nlgro. Umpire: Riddell, HeadVllnesman: Brandt. War Upon Fata. : : ' " Sloan's -Liniment prepares you. for every emergency. Keep It handy It's th. great est pain killer ever discovered. At all drug, gists. 25c. Advertisement. - OVERS Here's on of the naw English I models. Comes in tan and black, I plain or fancy cloth tops. . . - $4'$8 Lata advance m Walk- E Ovar than in any othar I line. Buy now. aa all I ahoe pricaa ara going to advance. All Sizes and ' I Wldtha PHOENIX AND ONYX HOSIERY In all colors, for Man and Woman, TKTT'l M V nnaer a nosltlr. nay until oared.