15 Be .Wamti Exceedtog by over 47.040 MOIRE 2,0Q0 FAIB Adls THE COMBINED GAIN of the other two Omaha papers for this same period m the first ten months of 1916 than in same period of 1915. THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1916. (Gate I 1 150 aV. (FOR RENT HOUSES North. DECEMBER 1, All modern l-room bouse, aewly decorated, hardwood floors up aud downstair, full cement basement, Bond furnace. 8808 Burt. Apply H. B. Bojrlea. Douglas las, or Harney a... NBW cottace 1tb three larre rooms, sewer, tas and water. 1010 Charles St. Bee D. L. Thomas, en nee mag. 7-ROOM modern toouse; full basement; nnlehed attic. 1111 Bapie mu ster 4476. ltlt GRANT 8T. T-r., conm.. modern, 125. T. F. HajLMRam Bids', Pout. t40t 6-ROOM house, newly decorated, $18. ?18 N. 33d St. Tel. warney .... SEVEN-ROOM cottage, modern, except heat mi N. zetn gu 5724 N. S8TH Ave.- rooms, all modern. DOUg. ..... South. 709 Georgia avenue. It rooms, modern, I6. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. Pout, n it. 101 Omaha Natl. Bank Bids. OROOM new bungalow, all on one floor, all modern, with small garage. MO. 1811 - 86th Ave. Red 1881. 83 Rn ITT MR s-roem house, strictly mod em. 11th and Arbor. Tslephone Har; 8868 NEW 7-r. home. Cathedral district, close to car. wngnt at ieoury. " FOR RENT Reasonable; t rooms, gsa and water. 1T08 Bo. 18th. 1880 8. 10TH 8 rooms, modern except heat. 818-80. Miscellaneous, WE HAVE WHAT TOU WANT. HOUSES AND ' COTTAGES, ; PARTLI MODERN. 8-r 8401 Parker St. $18. 8-r., 811 Martha St., 118.50. MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. S-r.,. 2804 Saratoga St, reduced to 111.' -r 2818 No. S7th St (for colored), 111. -r 283! So. 8th St, 112.80. STRICTLY MODERN. 8-r 8807 No. 80th St, 188. , 8-r., 118 So. 44th St. 186. 8-r 4118 Farnam, $38. l-r '1814 Laird, with garage, $85. 8-r., 1323 So. 8th, $40. .,. 7-r., 4612 So. SJd, $26. 7- r., 816 So. SSth (brand new), $86. 8- r., 1848 Charles, with garage, $21. ; $-r 2608 Dewey Ave. (ctoae In), lw. " r6-r 203 Bo. 80th (strictly - modern flat close In), $36. WB HAVE OTHERS. SEE OTJR COM PLETE LIST BEFORE RENTING. : PORTER & SHOTWELL, 203 So. 17th St DoW MI. HOUSES AND FLATS FOR RENT.' V 4,00--r-r., 1822 dTarit; strwt, modern ex cept heat. g.oo 5-r., 384 North 20th rtwet, modern except heat, " ' ' 5,00 8-r., 1S07 Locust treet, modern. 0.00 8-r., 1TO3 Pratt itreet, modern. ' O.oo 10-r., 214 South 30th street, modern. 2.50 -r fi30 Park avenue, modern flat. OO-i-j-r,, 8423 L.aurei avenue, new, muu- era, stucco bungalow. 00 7-r., 3621. California gtreet, new and modern,, very desirable. 0 t-r. Apt, 37th and Jacknon treet, Harold, No. 3. 00 g-r.;t 147 North 32d avenue, modern, OfilORGEJ 'AND' COMPANY, '" Phoije, Dounlaa 7B6. 902 OHy Nat, Ban J , Building. t , 2518 Seward St., 7-r., all mod. Hew house. 2 3514 Seward St., 6-r., all mod. new house 14 1834 N. Hist, St., -r mod. ex. heat W 1609 Lothrop St., ft, rms., all mod...... 17 1508 Ohio St., 6 rmu., part mod... v.... 18 2603 Chicago St., 3 rms., part mod.,., t . B1RKETT ft COMPANY, 423 Bee Bldg. Dougian t33. WE want more houses and apartments to rent. The fact that we have practically cleaned out our big list la conclusive proof of the efficiency ot our rental, service. ..If you want to keep your places rented see Payne ,ft Slater Co., ."Omaha's Rental Men, 61 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 1010. ' i ' - i- ' The Bee carried 47,840 MORE PAID Want Ads tint II months of 1816 than same period 1811. This figure EXCEEDS THE COM. LINED GAIN of the other two Omaha papers by OVER 30,001 PAID ADS. Re-son: Better Results. Better Ratal. i COTTAGE. BARGAIN. . . , , 830 South 23d St Dandy 6-room cottage, all on one floor, modern except heat east front, easy walking distance. .Special rate, I16.S0. PAYNE & SLATER CO., -616 Omaha Nat'l Bank. Phone Dong. 1018. $12.80 3-r., mod. ex. heat 818 N. 16th St $38 l-r mod. bungalow, 623 s. jttn et. H. A. WOLF, 514 Ware Blk. Dong. 8068. 7 nooMS. modern. 3002 Mason. $26.. . 6-room house, 1720 N; 26th, only $12. mi ... .1... ln-Mlnv ..ft JOHN W. ROBBINS, 180i FARNAM 8T. , HOUSES FOR RENT. CREIOH, SONS CO. BED BLDG. DODO. 811. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. FOR RENT -Ap'U and FUta West IDAUA , NEW AND BEAUTIFUIi JTJST THE APARTMENT YOU'VE -BEEN WAITING FOR NOW COMPLETE One of the beat apartment houaea In v the qity, high class and up-to-date, ready tor occupancy; equipped with Huxphy-In-a-Door beds in dressing rooms and built-in chiffonier; kitchens include built in cabinets, elevated oven ranges, refrig erators Iced from rear; large living rooms with bsii'.-tn bookcases, French doors; sun parlors with tile floor; plate rail In dining room; decorations in best taste; oak and white enamel finish; elaborate lighting fixtures; curtain and overdrape rods; wall safes; vacuum cleaning system; latest plumbing fixtures; garbage Incinerators; gas drier In laundry; beautiful lawn. Location, 115-17 N. 33d. There are two four room apartments with 6-room accom modation, and two t-room accommodations left. Make your choice today. Agent will show you through. 1 Omaha's Largest Rental Agency. ' HASTINGS ft HVYDEN, 1614 Harney. Tyler 60. EIGHT-ROOM modern brick flat In line con dition, 2713 Jackson St. Inquire Wal. 3084. AND 4-RM. Apts., The Sterling. First Trust, Co. D. 116L THREE dandy rooms, part modern, close in. ill t-none weoster 2378. ' South, 6-ROOM modern apartment at 420 8. Sbth Ave. Private basement, heat and Jani tor service. 40. BENSON & MYERS CO., 424 Omaha Nat, Bank Bldg. . MiscelUneoue. -SOLID COMFORT : Brand new 0 rooms and " sun parlor, neam ceiling In dining room, tlw ht, new wall paper, new gas stove, new re frigerator, everything spotlessly clean. Heat, water and Jn.nl tor service furnished. PAYNE A SLATER CO., t 416 Omaha Nat'l Bldg. Phone Doug. 1018. t-ROOM flat for rent, 2S per month, close In. Phone Dour;, 162. FOR RENT Business Pry ty Stores' FOR SALE OR RENT A new store room 35x80 feet, fire proof, located on Main . street In Greybull, Wyo. For particulars address Leek Box 11, Qreybull, Wyo. STORE-ROOM sTt 180T Farnam St T. F. Hall, 433 Ramge. I. 7406. MODERN store, 14th St., near pos toff Ice; low rent Q. P. Btebbtng. Offices and Desk Room. DESIRABLE studio location In Wead Bldg. 18th and Farnam, and in Baldrlge Bldg., 30tn and Farnam; rental reasonable. F. D. WEAD. Wead Bldg. DESIRABLE office rooms In the remodeled Crounse block, IIS N. 16tb St (opposite postofflen). 110 to 116 per month. Conrad ' Young, are JBranaeis Tneater. iJoug. CHOICE office space. Balrd Bldg., 17th and 30 $40 ..I. FOR RENT Buine Pr'p'ty Miscellaneous. - 428 S. 1STH AVE., $1$. 880) Leavenworth, $17.80. 4184 Hamilton, and 4 Irvine rooms, $80. 1)11 Cumtnt, $31.81. Z808 Cumins, offlca and yard and scales, suitable for eoal and feed store. $40. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO.. Tyler 1688. 888 Rose Bldf. BRAND hew, strlotly up-to-the-mlnote tar ages In the rear of St. Qoorso Apartments, . 81st Ave. and Dodga. Prices. $4 and $8 a month. See us. PATNS & SLATER CO., $18 Omaha Nat'l Bid,. WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Houses and Flats. WANTED Listing on cottages or houses to rant or sell on easy payments. Have oua. tamers waiting. Inquire 418 Karbach Block. Douglas $407. GALLAGHER 4 NELSON will look after your rentals. 141 Brandels Bldg. Doug. 8881. Furnished Houses and Flats. WANTED Furnished, heated, S, or 4-room apartment or good rurnisneo nousei uioeti In. J. A. Rumford. Douglas 898. Miscellaneous WANTED Houses, stores and apartments tor our rental department. N. P. Dodge ft Co., Harney St. at 16th. Telephone Doug. 888. MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN COTTT nRBPROOP WAREHOUSE. Packing, storage and mov rag. Ill N. Utb St. Phone Douglas 184. TdETROPOLITAN van and STORAGE CO. rjarefnl attention given to orders for . moving, paaklng or storage. Office at Ray mond Furniture Co., 1618 and 1616 How ard 8t Phone D. 1684. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for houaehotd goods and pianos, moving; packing and shipping. OMASA VAN AMD STORAGE CO., Ill S. Uth St Douglas lilt. Globe Van and Storage Co. - For real moTtng wnw. try us. Large 8 -horse padded vans. Storage, $3 month. Satisfaction guaranteed. We move you ' QUICKER. CHEAPER AND SAFER. Phon Tyler 2B0 or Douglas 4331. FIDELITY sramcB FREE v Phone Douglas 2S8 for eomplete, list ot vacant houses and apart- ments. Also for storage, moTlng lfth and Jackson Sts. ard . Van and two men. $1.16 per hour. Van and Storan Co.. Moving. Packing. Storage and ahlpplng. Phone Doug. 1481. T r Pi7T?Fl Express and Moving. 0. J. REjCjXJ packing and storage. 1807 Farnam St ' Douglas 1841. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West .Field Club a Special Bargain Practically new 7-room house, center hall with large living room on one side, fireplace at the end, dining room and kitchen on the opposite side on firet floor. Oarage connected with the bouse. Second floor has large sleeping porch off stair way landing and three nice bedrooms fin ished In white enamel, with mahogany doors, nice bath.1 Full basement, furnace .heat.' Oak floors throughout oak finish downstairs. 16,750. Want an offer. i D. V. Sholes Co., 811 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Dong. 40. NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW : HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT Large living room, dining room, kitchen, two bed rooms and bath, all on one floor; oak finish and oak floors; built-in book cases; large attic; full basement; lot (0x131, south front, on paved street. One ' block from park, SCOTT & HILL CO., Doug. 1001. Ground Floor MeCague Bldg. 76X88, with i houses, southwest corner 25th Ave. and Podge, for JB.ooo, ) , W, H. OATBS, 647 Omaha Nat, Bk. Bldg. - D. 1294. WBST FARNAM DISTRICT -room. I baths, nearly new; big discount, only ll.lfts. See It SIS N. 88th Ave. LIST property with us today. We may sell It tomorrow. Inter-State Realty Co., Dong. 1618 LINCOLN BLVD 11 -room house. strictly modern, with hot water heat. . Douglas Ull. 1 North. , i NEW BUNGALOW. , ' A five-room, strictly modern bungalow, with bath. It Is finished in oak, up-to-date, built-in features and lighting fix tures; -full basement, large attic Located at 112! North 26th SL Price, ts.UQ; sy NORRIS & NORRIS, 400 Bee Building. Phone Doug. 470. NEARLY new bungalow of 6 rooms, oak finish throughout; built In effects, On car line, owner leaving city, will take any reasonable offer; come out and look this over, 4464 Bedford Ave. KOUNTZE PLACE restricted district resl dence for sale. A. V. Knlest, 616 N. 18th. FOR SALE OR TRADE -rm. modern house, reasonable. . Call Colfax H6. South. BUNGALOW BARGAIN Small Cash Payment . : Balance Monthly, Like Rent. Located within walking distance. Brand new (-room and sun room, all on one floor; Very complete and ready for oc cupancy; strictly all modern, with oak finish, bookcase, colonnade opening be tween living room and dining; handy kitchen with pantry; full cemented base ment with guaranteed furnace' and laundry place; a well built house and priced right, located at 1210 8. 35th Ave. (on the Cross Town car line). For fur ther information call owner, Red 1181. bli Paxton Block. A REAL BARGAIN IF TAKEN AT ONCE. WALKING DISTANCE TO DEPOTS AND WHOLESALE ; ; '. . DISTRICT. 131S South 8th St, 7 rooms, strictly modern, built about 4 years; lot 60x120 feet; paved street, paving all paid; two blocks from Farnam car, Price reduced 1800. . .- , Anyone wanting a home conveniently located to the depots and wholesale dis trict and close to good car Una can buy one of the best bargains offered at this time. Party leaving the city and wants to sell at once. v. HIATT COMPANY, , 346 Omaha National Bank. Tyler 00. FIELD, CLUB. Modern two-story home; living room across entire front; vestibule, dining room, kitchen, butler's pantry and refrig erator room ; three bedrooms, sun room and bath on 2d floor. Floored attic on 3d. House almost new; garage; lot 62x128. Choice of Field Club district lfe.2tt0.00. Owner. Box K362, Omaha Bee REAL ESTATE IMPROVED South. FOUR new apartments. Income 11.800 a year: for quick deal 81,500. A. O. Jensen, J308 S. Jlst. .. Miscellaneous. NEW FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. Thoroughly modern; hardwood floors;' corner lot, 64x128; additional ground oan be had for gardening; sidewalk, sewer, water and gas; close in and a bargain at $2,360; $160 cash required. SHULER & CARY, 204 Keelius BMg. - Phone D. 674. BUY NEW. All building material Is going up. We have several brand new bun pa lows of 6-r and bath; oak finish, strictly modern; choice lots; prices. (MOO to $8,200, terms. $106 to $300 cash, balance monthly or will take lot as first payment. Let us how you some bargains. RASP BROS., 108 MeCague Bldg. J Doug. 1663. HOUSES WANTED. WB HAVE BUTBRB FOR HOMB8 WORTH TH MONET IN ALL PARTS OF THK CITY. L18T TOUR PROPERTY WITH US FO RESULTS. O'NEILL'S REAL B8TATB A INS. AONCT Brandels Theater Bldg. Tyler 1084. INVESTMENTS. INSURANCE $400 Income on prtee, $2,600, being S houses, 6 rooms each, near high school and Cralghton college. Also & and 6-room bungalows, $200 down, and two J -room, $06 down, balance monthly. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO NEW bungalow; also t-i. and gardening; your terms and price; In v. with $400, rent. S nouses coat, fj.ovuj. ?j,duv. u, ivi, FIVE rooms, new, oak finish, fully deco rated, all modern, etc., $2,760; $200 see a, balanoe monthly, Colfax 1UK. REAL ESTATE Unimproved North. A.FTBR looking at MIN'NB LUSA. 300 dif ferent buyers decided that It eras the best proposition on the market and they . backed their Judgment by biflna lots. IF TOU will come out today you will understand why others are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO., Ht- Omaha Nat. Bk, Bldg. Tyler 187, CUMING STREET. ; In order to close an estate, I offer at a very low price 44 or 22 feet near 29th St. You cannot lose on this proposition. See me for price and terms. C, A. GRIM MEL, 849 Om. Nat'l Bk. Bldg. OWNEJR must se.i east front lot on Fonts nolle Blvd., in Clatrmont WW sell tt sacrifice price It 'taken at onoo. Call Douglas 1722. ' Sooth. ACRES SOUTH. Improved and unimproved in one to ten acre tracts, on or near Bellevue oar line. Best of school facilities. C. R. COMBS, Phono Doug.. 3910. B09 Brandels Theater., Miscellaneous. SO-FT. LOT, $102.: Fine lots-to select from, $1 cash; SOo Week. Box 8181, Bee. BARGAINS IN RESIDENCE LOTS. Block east Ft. Omaha, east front, 1400. East Dundee, paved St, corner, $780. Fontenelle Blvd., comer,' I860. . i GBOROBO. WALLACE, -8 1 4 Keeltne Bldg. REAL ESTATE Suburban Benson. Fine, High Location , 1.7 Acres Benson Acres Priced for Quick Sale Near macadam road; east and south slope; lays fine; all in alfalfa. . Easy terras. Hastings & Heyden, 1614 Harney St, ' - START TOUR HOME IN BENSON 1 BUY THIS LOT. I1J9.00 down snd $10.00 per month; price $800,00; slit; 60x128; located on Locust SL, between Clark and Burnham, not far from school and car line. Ooo, R Wright, Be office. Omaha. Dundee. DUNDKB BAB GAIN. DON'T PASS THIS UP. 7 -room, brand new home In Dundee, within one-half block of street car line; living room running the full length of house with fireplace and bookcase; 4 ' bedrooms, Including combination sleeping room and sun room upstairs, and tile . bath; oak floors and oak finish down stairs and white enamel ind oak floors upstairs. On paved street, paving paid. If sold at . once owner willing to take just what house and lot cost to be built. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. 637 Omaha Nat. Bank Bid. Dong. 1781. Florence. NE rHA WAY has 8, 4, 8, 10 and l38-acr lmpr. tracts for city property. Flo. 189. South Side, (.ROOM residence. South Side. Ii ; HQ oasb. balance $16 par month. Dong. Ull. South Side. WEIR CREST GARDEN V This beautiful garden tract Is near th Interurban car line. 600 feet long and 242 feet wide. Reasonable price and terms. H. H. HARPER & COMPANY, 1013-14 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Telephone Douglas 2696. REAL ESTATE Investment Best Buy on 'Harney Street For a very few days we can offer 70x120 on Harney St., near 34th, with Improve ments, rental at $2,fi40 a year. The price Is $40,000; mortgage, $26,000, at i per cent, and It takes $14,000 cash to handle. Thin property is located in line for a quick and substantial increase In value, and in the meantime the rentals pay ? safe re turn on the investment. Quick action required if you want this.; Glover & Spain, Douglas 3M8. 81,-20 City National. SEE US , FOR INVESTMENT AND SPECULATIVE PROPERTY. At P. TUKET & SON. Phone Dou. 808. 1607-8 W, Q. W. Bldg. FOR HA LB. Doubl. brisk St. Louis flat, wltbtn roar Dtocks of 18th and Hantay; eloso la; bar. sin prlca. , CALKINS al CO.. Ooualaa 1118. Cltr National Docrsasa. investment: . Corner, clos. In, two houaas, annual rant 1710. Prlca, 16,600. a v. BostwicK a sow. 100 Be. Bids, Trior lilt. REAL ESTATJt WW. COLFAX. Kvsltna Blda iKraa. FARM LAND WANTED WANTED Karma and unimproved farm, fruit and stock lands. Consolidated Farm Agency, Idarbrldge Bldg., New York. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Real Estate, Lands, Etc HAVK" twolOo-acrsTranuS and one lU-aari farm, eastern Nebraska, to trade tor olty property, ARCH BR REALTY CO. 880 Brandels Bldg. WANT $30,800 to $80,000 stock general merrhsndise ; will exchange for same $18,000 to 88MOO 8 per cent income property and spot cash for balance. Write for particulars. Box 481, Kullerton, Neb. A t t-ROOM rooming house for sale or ex change for equity In lots or house and lot, or good oar; good location. Call Doug las 6895 after 8 p m. HARRISON county, Iowa, 80 scree, $12,000. Saunders county, Neb., 180 acres, $US,600. Will take Omaha property part payment JOHISKN. FKKNZER, over 111 Bo. 18th. WE have some good homes and rental prop erties for Neb. or la. land. Bdward f. Williams Co., Omaha Nafl Bank Bldg Ranch specialist, sell or trade ranches for city Property B. Franta. $78 Brandsls Bldg. OOOD lot, dMlrVl"elocaUon, will take used ' Ford ss part payment. Webster 4348. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED 4, 5 and -roomed houses that can be sold for $100 cash; balanoe $18 per month; give complete description first letter. W FARNAM SMITH & CO.. 1820 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1014. ; WB have buyers for your property INTKR-STATK REALTY CO.. Mt-80 City Nat'l Bldg. Doug. 8881. WANTED Listings of real estate In Omaha for sale. N. P. Dodge A Co., Harney BL, at 16th. Telephone Doug. 888. 60S acres, Brown county land. Neb,, to trade for general mdse. or hardware stock. Ad dress Y 688, Bee. , LIST your 8 and 8-room houses with us. WB HULL THEM. OSBORNE REALTY CO., Doug. 1474. POR SALES F. D. Wead. 810 a 18th Sft. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans, Mortgages. CITY and farm loans promptly made. Rates, 8, h and .8 per cent. Reasonable com mission. , UNITED STATES TRUST CO., ' h 81S South 17th, Omaha, Neb, S PER CENT to 8 per cent on best class olty residences Is, amounts $2,000 up; Also ' farm loans. Reasonable commissions. ' PETERS TRUST CO., 1828 Farnam St. $1,800 MORTGAGE bearing 7 per cent seml- ann. ; secured by property valued at 84.000. Talmage-Loomls In v. Co., W. O. W. Bldg. REAL ESTATE loans, $ per cent is D. B. BUCK CO., 18 Omaha Nat. Bank, t ' NO DELAY, . T. GRAHAM, OMAtA homes East Nebraska farms, ( O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1018 Omaha Nat'l. Phone Doug. 8718. FARM and city loans. B-fitfc and 8 per cent W. H. Thomas, Keollne Bldg. Doug.. 1048. 07 MONEY HARRISON A MORTON S ? 818 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. MONEY to loan on Improved farms and . ranches. We also buy good farm mort' .? gages. Kloke Inv. Co., Omaha. DON'T -PAY IN INSTALLMENTS, PAY IN 1. 8, 4 or 8 YEARS. BEST PLAN, BHQPEN A CO.. KBELINB BLDQw REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED. THOS. L. McQARRY, KE KLINE BLPO. TEL. RED 4844. t PER CENT and 6 per cent money. Tolan3 A Trumbull, 448 Bee Bldg. Douglas 6707, $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., 19th and Farnam Sts. MONEY on hand for city and farm loans. H. W. Binder, City National Bank Bldg. Nat'l Bank Bldg. GlTY and farm loans, S, $, per cent J. H. Dumont a Co.. 418 Keel In e Bldg. Abstracts of Title. tfarrp Title, Guarantee and Abstract Co., XVCII . 806 S. 17th St., ground floor. Bonded by Mass. Bonding and Ins. Co. REED ABSTRACT CO., oldest abstract of fice In Nebraska. 206 Brandels Theater. M. T. BRKNNAN. over 20 yre. exp. in Doug las Col titles. 324 Brandels Theater. MONEY TO LOAN FURNITURE, pianos, Ind. notes as security. $40 6 -mo H. H. gds., total cost, 88.60. $40' " Indorsed notes, total cost, $8,60. Smaller, larger ara'ts, proportionate rats. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY, Organised by Omaha Business Men, 433 Rose Bldg., 16th and Farnam. Ty. 666. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Iowa Lands. FINE Iowa farms, close to Omaha, all sizes, priced right. See us first. W. T. Smith Co.. 014 City Nat'l Bank Bldg.. Omaha. Florida Lands. PALM BEACH COUNTY We have the record crop truck, garden and citrus fruit land In the United States. Buy land on I easy terms from A. Parsons a Son, 601 Brandels Bdlg. Phone, Doug. 7848. Note A personally conducted excursion tt the Sunny South leaves Omaha Jan uary 2d; already some of Omaha's lead ing bustnes men have Joined us. Make your rervalloo early. Missouri Lands. SMALL MISSOURI FARM $10 cash and $6 monthly; no Interest or taxes; highly pro ductive land; close to 8 big markets. Write for photographs and full Informa tion. Munger, A-118, N. T. Life Build Kansas City, Mo. Nebraska Lands. LAST CALL IF YOU WANT , POSSESSION NEXT MARCH. NEBRASKA FARM NEAR OMAHA tftO ftores, 8 miles, from Florence, 1-8 mile from paved road. Good land, poor Improvements; about 100 acres cultivated, including 15 acres alfalfa; balance tl in hered pasture with running water. Price $110 per acrfl, $7,000 cash, balance 6 and 10 years at 6 par cent. Thle farm will produce as much per arre as hlgh-prtced farms near Omaha. The crop this dry year shows what the soil Is. We have a good tenant waiting to take It at $5 for the plow land and alfalfa and $2 for the timber. After Nov. 80 It can only be sold subject to lease for next year. This farm is cheaper than any land nar it, and we can show how It can be made worth 40 per cent more with very little expense. J. H. DUMONT & CO., 416418 Keeline J?!. Phone Douglas 890. TWOBNAPS: 80 acresT hlghly'lmprovod. Best crop-producing land for miles around; close In; $180 per acre. 160 acres 4 miles from good town; Improved; nearly all In cultivation; $100 per acre; worth $126 per acre. AO's, ISO's, 820's, sections, and large ranches all over een tral Nebraska at $1 0 to $60 per acre. Write for full information, J. W. Mo haffey, Doniphan, Neb. KIMBALL COUNTY. ' 820 acres choice land In good location. Will give clear deed for two first erops. T. H. CAMPBELL A SONS, Kimball. Neb. FOR-SALBAn extra goo 40 -aero farm, improved, 1 miles southwest of Leshara, Nfb. Write C. L. Timmons, Leshara, Neb. 6 ACRES, well Improved, two blocks to high nchool, Tecumseb, Neb. Htewart, 318 8. 17th St CAN sell or exchange any lands you have to of for. C J. Canan, MeCague &ldg. Persistence Is the Cardinal Virtue in Advertising. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Wisconsin Lands, UPPRR WISCONSIN Best dairy and gen eral crop sta te In the union. Settlers wanted; lands for sale at low prlc oa easy terms; excellent lands for siock raising. Ask for booklet $6 on WL.:jnsln Central Land Grant; state acres wanted. If Interested in fruit lands, ask for book ltit on Apple Orchards. Address Land Cora mleeloner Soo Rallwav, Minneapolis. Minn. Wyoming Lands. 320 ACRES Well Improved, one mile small town. Price $6,000. Terms to suit. Owner has other business. Write. Box 82, Lost Springs. Wyo. Texas Lands. EAST TEXAS. Call or write for my free book describ ing good corn and alfalfa land In oast Texas for $38 per acre. W. 8. FRANK, 201 Neville Blk. Miscellaneous. WB SELL FARMfC CAN SELL YOURS. Absolutely no commission. Write today for our co-operative guarantee plan. In terstate Farm Exchange, 816 iUxohange Bank Bldg., Spokane, Wash. POULTRY AND PET STOCK FOR SAYjC-Brown water spaniel pups; duck retrievers, fine type; photos free. V. Randall, Atlantic, Iowa. DAMAGED screenings! $1.60 a hundred. A- W. Wagner, 801 N. iota. WHITE French poodle. Call Red 4148, Coun cil Bluffs. Horses Live Stock -Vehicles For Sale. ONE pair sound mules, 2,400 lbs.. 6 and 7 years old; price right. E. K. Moser, 8881 Farnam. Douglas 7208. . FOR SAL E Good work boras, or trade. Call Tyler 8234. . AUTOMOBILES For Sale. WILLYS-OVERLAND INC. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. Phono D. $16$. J047 Farnam SL 11816 Overland, S-peaa. 81816 Overland, 6-pass. 11814 Overland, 6 -pass. -I 1117 Overland Roadster. 11911 Hupp, 6-pess. :; ' 1 1614 Ford, 6-paas, These oars are In first Qiaos condition and at prices of $188 and up. f Cars Demonstrated. List "' furnlsbsd to out-of-town pur chasers., ' CROSSTOWN GARAGE. S16 8. 14th. t. 444$. Parts for Hnn "80." Flanders "10." Olds- mobile. Apperson, I. 11. C, truck. Kissel Ear, Oakland "80.' AUTd claringThoUse 8501 Farnam St Douila, 1118. 1818 Saxon Roadster, saortnos. 1818 Steams-Knight "I." 11,888. 1,18 Maxw.ll Tourlna, 1380. 1818 Btearns-Knlht "8," 11,858. ' Who's settlns the par. nowr ' In the first tsn months of ml ; THE BEE aalnel 47,840 Paid Ada. EXCKKDINO the COMBINED OAIN at the other two Omaha paper (or earn, period by more than , 80.000 PAID ADS. Good Results. Oood Ratoa Good Barrios. AUTO INSURANCE ' fire, Then and Uablllty at lowest rate. KII.LT. BLLIS THOMPSON, 118-14 CUT Nat. Bk, Blda. Dour 8811. DON'T throw await old Urea. We make one new tire from two old one. and save you 0 per oent 8-ln-l Vnlcanlslna Co., 1811 JDavenport8t.. Omaha. Hob, Doaalas 8814. WB will trade roi) a now Ford for your old one. . i INDUSTRIAL OARAOB CO.. 80th and Harney. Douslaa ItSL USED CARS AT REAL PRICES. C. W. FRANCIS AUTO CO., Doulas 883. ' 8818-18 Farnam St HUDSON 84 Seven passenger touring oar with detachable Berlin body. Harry O. Steel. 818 Ramge Bldg. Phono Douglas 8183 or Harney 80T8. CORD Urea for Fords, 80x3, 18.88; SOiSH. 11.88. Zwlebol Broa D. 4878. till ray nam St. S70.S. MOTOR COT 8401 Laavanworth, Repairing, Overhauling. Used Cam OUR REPAIR WORK WILL SATISFT TOO. TELL , B1NKLET. llHarney St. !i:JLL FOR SALE Ford roadster; good rendition, new tlrftB, rheap. D. 4808, 8041 Harney BL Automobiles Wanted. COUPELET body for Ford chassis, 140.00. FRANK HELBY. DOUGLAS 1810, Auto JJverw andjGaragea. EXPERT auto" repairing "service oar al ways ready." Omaha Oarage, 1010 Harney St. Tyler 688. C1ARACIE for rent at 3080 California. Phone Harney 6878. Automobiles for Hire. FORD for rent. Tou may drive It. t charge by mile, Doug. 8688, Evenings. Tyler 1881. Auto RepairingandPainting. STROM BE RO SERVICE STATION." OEOROR W. WILLIAMS, 1601 Jackson BL Carburetors my speolalty. Red 4148. Tloo reward for magneto we can't repair. Colls repaired. Baysdorfer, 810 N.18th. NEB. Auto Radiator Repair Service, and prices right. 818 S. 18th 8'. D, 7810. Motorcycles and Bicycles. HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bar. gains In used machlnea. Victor Roos, "Ths Motoroycle Man." 3708 Leavenworth. Persistence Is the Cardinal Virtue In Advertlelng. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS The United Real Estate and Trust company to Oscar A. Peterson, Manderwon street, 800 feet east of Thirty-fourth avenue, south side, 80x128 380 Fred A. Bailey to Charles W. Bailey, Arthur street, Benson, 200 feet west of Erwln svenue, north side, 60x 130 2.600 One day's rent fronrthat room, now vacant, will pay for an attractive ad f or several days in the Omah'a Bee. Mr. Addison will help you write . your ad if you Phone Tyler 1000 Today SOUTH SIDE LAD IS BORHED TO DEATH Spills Oil On His Coat, Which Catches Fire from Sparks from Stove. ONLY CHILDEEN AT HOME Ethan Allen May, 5-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. May, 362S R street, .died yesterday morning at 5 o'clock at the South Side hospital from burns iutained when his clothes caught fire before the family heating; stove Thursday afternoon. The little lad made a brave fight for life. De spite his intense pain he wal con scious to the last. The parents were not at home at the time. Two older sisters and a brother, Georgie, aged 12; Margaret, REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Annte Koykendall and b unhand to , Minnie Msrtea, Valley stmt, 1T0 f feet east of Thlrty-sswond ib.i, north side, 80H88 0f Tda L. Be hip pore! t, st a)., to John T. Senior, Browne street. 800 fest west . of Forty -third street, north lids, 60x123 . - Mary Birmingham to Minna Se ner mann and husband SeTsntesnth strest, 174 feet south of Clark street, west side, 864xHQ 1.100 Carroll R. Belden and wife to DIJ Reed. Belden, Ntohola street, 186 ' feet west of Fiftieth treet, north side, 85x188 X Mary A. Lerch and huibsvnd to Oeerte A. Sickles, Tenth strost, 18 toot south of Martha strost. west side. 88x144 1 Buik Statement. So. 8TT6, REPORT Of CONDITION OF THK MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK, at Omaha, In the Stats of Nebraska, ot the olose of BuelneM or November IT, 1118, : RKSOURCKS. , Loans and discounts ...I .1,178.146.88 Overdrafts 18.816.lt U. S. Bonds: ' ' U. 8. Bonds de posited to saonre circulation (par value) 868,000.00 . U. S. Bonds pledged to secure ,i U. 8, deposits, . (par value) ..... 10,000.00 TolalU.S. Bonds...,.,.,.. 118,000.00 Bonds, securities., etc.: Bonds other than U. S. Bonds ' pledged to secure tr postal savings do. posits .j. ...... ..887.000,00 Securities other ' than 0. B Bonds (not Including ( i.; stocks), owned, - . Unpledged 11,081.86 Total bonde, securities, ete 06,031.11 Subscription to stock of Federal Reserve Bank, less Amount unpaid 10,090.00 Value of banking house....... 1 41.008.10 Net amount due . from approved rsserro agents.. 1,0,I47.II Net amount doe - - . v: from other books and bankers ... 1,688.841.84 Exchanges for clearing boost .. 806,868. Tl Other cheeks on banks In earns city as report ing bank 4,131.14 Outside checks and other cash Hems 48,000.08. Fractional cur- , reney, nickels snd cents ..... 607.84 Notes of other National Banks, . 10,160.00 ' Federal Reserve notes 10,000.00 : Lawful ressrvo In vault and with - f Federal Reserve Bank 014,117,16 . Redemption fund with U. 8. ! Treasurer 1,600.00 4.177,048.47 Total. . , . lUitTMlMI LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid lit 600.000.00 Surplus fond t : 600,000.00 Undivided profits. 8611-868. Tl . .. Less expenses, Interest and taxes paid 10.804.78- 601.161.83 Circulating notes outstanding.. 60,000.00 Deposits;. I Due to banks and bankers ..11,141.141.11 Dividends, un paid 174.00 Individual de posits subject to check .... 8,000.410.07 Certiorates of deposit due In i less than 80 days 166,077.81 Certified checks. 140,861.88 Cashier's eheok ; t outstanding .. 164,761.81 , United Ulates deposits 71,104.04 . Postal Savings i rlepoHlts 86,677.63 Time certificate of deposit, pay able, after 30 - days or more.. 888,367.63 10,483.683.78 Total J..... 11,678.836.86 State of Nebraska, County of Douglas ss: I, F. P. Hamilton, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best ot my knowledge and belief. F. P. HAMILTON. Cashier. Subscrlbfd Rnd sworn to before mo this 33d day of November, 1816. (SRAL.) B. B. WOOD, Notary Public, Correct Attput: LUTHKR DRAKE, FRANK P. HAMILTON, G. SAM ROGERS, ' . Directors. aged 11, and Frankie, aged 8, were in the loom. Georgie tore off alt the burning clothes, but the flames had already burned the lad. Doctors Al len and Frikke were called in imme diately and ordered the boy to the hospital. Goes After Oil. "Ethan went after a gallon of coal oil at 2:30 o'clock," lfr. May, father of the boy, said. "In some way coal oil slopped over bit' overcoat and when he sat down before the heating stove to warm up on his return, sparks from the open grate set fire to his clothes. Georgie tore oS his clothes as soon as she could." f 1 Little Ethan had just started to school. Because the mother was to be away from home the children had been told to stay at home. Georgie had charge of them and sent her brother after the cc.-.l oil All were pupils of the Corrigan school. Deputy Coroner Bernard Larkin took charge of the body. It is prob able that an inquest will be waived. Lost Work, Wife, - Reason and Now Loses Damage Suit A verdict for the defendant was returned by the jury in the United States district court in the case of William Livingstone, who was suing the,Omaha railroad for $50,000. , The jury -was out leas than two hours. The defendant claimed that because of injuries received in 1902 by bump- , ing his head against the steps of an " engine he became mentally and physi cally incapacitated and as a resulr lost his reason for long periods of -t time. He also asserts that because of his injuries his wife left him. - Omaha Anti-Suffs . Go to Washington ' Omaha delegates to the national anti-suffrage convention which opens in Washington, D. C, December 7, are the local president, Mrs. Edward ; Porter Peck; the secretary, Mrs. Wil liam Archibald Smith; Mrs. Harvey , Newbranch, Mrs, John Lee Web ster, Mrs. Helen Arion Lewis, Mrs. J. W. Griffith and Mrs, F. G. Kellogg r. of South Side. Mrs. John D. Haskell of Wakefield, ' Mrs. George Butterfield of Norfolk and Miss Maude May of Fremont will also attend. yj, More than 1,000 delegates are ex pected. ' They estimate 10,000,000 women are opposed to suffrage, for their sex. Organized five years ago, there is now an enrollment of 350,000 members, ' - New Industry Here Grows Fast to Large Proportions - Less than two years ago Sunderland' tt' Brothers' company started a new industry in Omaha, which has already grown to large volume. It is a na-, '--, tion-wide mail order business in andirons and other fireplace goods, t , Among large individual orders re- -cently received by the Sunderland company is one for complete hearth outfits for five fireplaces in new mansion at York, Pa.; a similar sale to an owner at Dayton, O., and daily shipments to patrons in the Atlantic ' and eastern states, with correspond ing results from other parts of the country. :- Sunderland Brothers carry very extensive assortment stock of fire place goods and hive become one of, the largest national distributers in that line of business. . , U. P. Stations Will Be Treated to Coat of Paint Interiors of stationa along the Union Pacific are going to be dressed '" up. The order to get busy has gone out and the city office here is due to be renovated, overhauled and redec- . orated. The Omaha office, however, may have to wait until spring before it is put in more presentable shape, n t Recently Ben Winchell, traffic di- . rector of the Harriman lines, passed over the Union Pacific, east bound from the Pacific coast. He stopped .,: off to take a look at depots on the journey. Interiors did not please him. He found too many of them dirty and begrimmed with the smoke and bad odor of ages past Reaching : m New York the order came back to do ; something and do it quick. As a re- suit the painters have more work on their hands. v ... Marathon Marvel Uses 1 ." Oranges and Hot Lemonade " A few days ago Sidney Hatch, a nationally known Marathon runner, uncovered a new set of rules for nour ishment during his all-night, record- o breaking road run from Milwaukee to Chicago. The only nourishment, either liquid " or solid, taken by Hatch during four- teen hours and fifty minutes of run ninp in which he covered 95.7 miles, was orange juice and hot lemonade. 1 He ate nothing solid between 6 '! o'clock in the evening, when he took ' three pieces of toast before his start, 'f which he made at 8 o'clock, and at -r noon the' neit day, when he ate a . chicken dinner, He made only three ,E stops, totalling altogether twenty and one-half minutes, while covering the distance, and each time drank either hot lemonade or orange juice. . - Farm is Involved in Insurance Company's Suit f, In a bill of complaint filed this morning in the clerk's office of the J United States district court the , Aetna Life linsurance company of i Hartford, Conn., is seeking to recover . $6,000 which it claims to have ad- f vaawed Mr. i and Mrs. Charles S. Starmer of Douglas county on farm ' land. The insurance company claims that the defendants made no effort ,v to pay the interest and ask for a fore- '' closure on the property. . .-! Perslstenre Is tbe . Cardinal Virtue la Ll' Advertislnf, 'r