Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 25, 1916, Image 1

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    You are as close to
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VOL. XL VI NO. 138.
0- TralM. it Hotall.
Mtwt Stands, at.. It.
Agreement Sighed by Confer
ence at Atlantic City Pro
viding for Withdrawal
of Pershing's Men.
American Soldiers Will Leave
Soil . of 1 Revolution-Torn
Land in Forty Days.
Atlantic City, N. J., Nov. 24. A
protocol providing for the withdraw
al of the American troops in Mexico
and 'for the patrol of the border was
signed by members of the Mexican
American joint commission thys after-
The adjournment was taken to al
low Alberto J. Fani of the Mexican
commission to go to Mexico to place
before Carranza a copy of the pro
posals for an international border
agreement made by the Americans.
Mr. Fani expects to leave for New
Ynrfc late toHav. in 1 start -thn inr
The adjournment for two weeks re
quested by the Mexican representa-
tives of the Mexican-American joint
commission dealing 'with the border
problem was granted today by the
American commissioners.
Carranza Must See It
When the Mexican-American joint
commission met today, Carranza's
representatives "insisted they must be
given an opportunity to refer to their
government a full account of the pro
posals made by the American com
mission after Secretary of Interior
Lane,- chairman of the commission,
had secured from President Wilson
his approval of the plan.. They are
unwilling to sign the agreement as it
stands, however, even after certain
modifications had been made, unless
sanctioned ,by Carranza, to whom it
was planned that Alberto J. Fani, one
of the commissioners, should render
a report in person. -
Mr. Fani made preparations for
y leaving today , for Quecetaro, where
the first chief is now attending the
congress assembled to draft a new
constitution.. It is understood that
i-uis vaorera, cnairman or me com
. mission, will remain in the United
States until the joint commission re
convenes. - It is understood that the
MaviMn- nmm!isinnar. ttatrL. riAan
convinced that the agreement should
be signed, but that they do not care
-tasstimethe responsibility.
Within Forty Day. f , . h
The protocol signed provides for
the ; withdrawal of the American
troops commanded by General Persh
. ing within forty days, of the date bf
its final approval unless by that time
the conditions in northern Mexico
have become such that the American
-border is endangered by bandits.
The control of the border has been
left to the respective armies of the
two governments, each to patrol its
' own side. The question of co-operation
on the border is left to the com
manding officers of the two armies on
the border.
Incorporated in the written agree
ment was the admonition to the Mexi
cans that this government would re
serve the right to pursue across the
j border into Mexico any bandit force
f that had crossed the international
boundary line into the United States.
Antomnhilfi fkifis
Over Embankment
Mitchell, ' S. D., .Nov. 24. Harry
Hinders, son of a farmer near this
city, was probably fatally injured last
night when the automobile which he
was driving plunged over an em
bankment near here. The lights of
the machine went out while climbing
a hill. One of the, levers of the car
punctured Hinder's skull.
The Weather
Fof Nebraska Fair, t-tslnff temperature.
Temperature t Omaha Yesterday.
Hour. Deg.
5 a. m 26
6 a. m..--, 25
7 a. m, 26
8 a. m 26
9 a. m 2
10 a. m 26
11 a. m 28
12 m 30
1 p. m... 32
Zp.m.... 22
3 p. rit 33
4 p. m , 32
6 p. m 22
8 p. m 32
7 p. ra 31
Ip.m 30
Comparative Loral Xenard.
Highest yeaterday... 33 64 61
Lowest yesterday,... 24 44 37
Mean temperature.. 28 (4 49
Precipitation , 00 .00 ; .00
I 3
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at uauha since 'March i,
and compared with the past two years:
Normal temperature 24
Deficiency for the day..... '...'. 6
Total excess since March 1 264
Normal precipitation ... ,02 Inch
Deficiency for the day 02 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1. .1)1.07 inches
Deficiency since March 1 12. 16 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1911. 1.48 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1214. 3.81 Inches
Beporta from Btatlone at IP.M.
Station and State Temp. High- Raln
of Weather, Ip.m. est. fall-
Cheyenne, clear . ... 30 84
Davenport, clear 24
Denver, clear 26
Dee Moines, clear 28
Dodffe City, clear v 30
Lander, clear 16
North Platte, part cloudy. 34
Omaha, clear 21
Pueblo, clear 32
i Rapid City, clear 30
Salt Like City, clear 36
Santa Fe, clear 30
'Sheridan, clear 14
. Sioux City,, clear. 2
Valentine, clear ......... 32
T" Ucdnltee traoe of precipitation.
X. A. WALSH, Meteorologist.
Retirement of M. Sturmer Gen
erally Regarded as Victory
for Liberal Element.
London, Nov. 24. Alexander Tre
poS, Russian minister of railways, has
been appointed premier, according to
a Reuter dispatch from Petrograd;
The retiring premier, M. Sturmer, by
an imperial ukase has been appointed
grand chamberlain of the imperial
court, retaining his functions as a
member of the council of the empire.
Fetrograd newspapers say that the
appointment of M. Trepoff as-premier
implies the necessity that the govern
ment make a communication to Par
liament explaining the impending
problems connected with the work of
the government.
The retirement of IJremier Sturmer
and the appointment of M. Trepoff as
his successor probably are outgrowths
of what has been referred to in a
few carefully censored Petrograd dis
patches recently as a serious political
crisis. The change apparently im
plies a victory for the liberal elements
of Russia over the bureaucratic re
gime, for M. Stunner always has
been prominent in the affairs of the
Russian bureaucracy, while M. Tre
poff in fne past has engaged in a
variety of reform wor'.;.
A recent Petrograd dispatch quoted
Paul Milukoff, one of the prominent
liberal leaders, as saying an agree
ment had been reached between the
government and the Duma which was
entirely satisfactory to the represent
atives of the people, but there had
been no previous intimation that this
would result in the retirement of the
premier. In fact, a dispatch filed in
Petrograd Wednesday quoted the well
informed Russky Slovo to the effect
that M. Sturmer was convinced the
crisis had passed and that the exist
ing order would Nmain without
change for the present at least. (
Man at Spalding
Not Jean Crones, Is
Word of Detectives
Spalding, Neb., Nov. 24. (Special
Telegram.) Detective Sergeant John
F. Aiken of Chicago tonight after a
-visit to the farm of John Zahn, where
the man suspected of beyig Jean
Crones, the Chicago poisoner, was
working, declared he was not Crones.
The detective will return to Chicago
in the morning, leaving the suspect
peacefully, shucking corn, ten miles
out iu the country, as he has been all
along without being put under arrest.
' The suspect gave- his '.ftame as
Charles Lucas and said he was born
in Germany and has traveled over the
world) having been in nearly a(l its
targe cities. He said he came to the
United States in 1905. He says he
has a brother in Philadelphia.
The Chicago officers, says Marshal
W. J. Byrnes of Spalding, made care
ful measurements of the man . and
while the resemblance to Crones was
striking, still they were positive he
was not the much wanted criminal. A
member of the club, who. was well
acquainted with Crones accompanied
the detective and was equally positive
the suspect was not the man sought.
Platte Butchers
. Are Accused of
Violation 'of taw
(From a SUIT Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Nov. 24. (Special.) State
Food Commissioner C. E. Harman has
ordered the county ajtorney of Platte
county to begin at once prosecution
of Joe Luxa and Louie Smith lor the
a'leged sale of meat contrary to the
laws of the state.
It is alleged that the two men have
been selling meat from cattle which
had died of cornstalk disease, one
of the animals having been cut- up
after being found dead, and that an
other was butchered just before dying.
Six Persons Stricken
With Trichinosis
i Wallace, S. D., Nov. 24.-(Special.)
Trichinosis has appeared : in the
family of a farmer living some miles
from here and has. created alarm, al-
rthough there have thus far been no
deaths and all those affected are be
lieved to be beyond danger. Six of
the seven members of the family were
affected. The only member of the
family to thin far escape is a 1-year-old
baby. The cases are the result of
eating pork which had not been
cooked sufficiently, and the first cases
of the kind to be-reported in this ter
ritory for a number of years. Mr.
and Mrs. W. M. -Krthart were the
first members of the family to de
velop the disease, their children, with
the exception of the baby, being taken
ill in rapid succession afterward.
When the disease first developed it
was believed to be typhoid fever, but
proved to be the dreaded trichinosis.
The recovery in such cases always is
unusually slow compared with many
other diseases.
O'Brien First Man
To Cinch His Job
(From Staff Correipondent) )
Lincoln, Nov. 25. (Specials-William
J. O'Brien is the first official who
has been recognized by Keith Neville,
Nebraska's new governor, for reap
pointment. Mr. Neville visited the
state house today and announced that
Mr. O'Brien would be retained as fish
commissioner. .
The governor-elect visited several
departments of which he will be the
official head and talked with the men
in charge, but made no announce
ments other than the one relative to
U. S. Attorneys and Rail Rep
resentatives Decide to Make
Missouri Suit the Test of
Law's Legality,
Other Actions Brought
ners Postpono 7
After De' -
Washington, Nov. 24. Attorney
General Gregory telegraphed the gov
ernment attorneys in Kansas City to
night that he approved the plans for
expediting to the supreme court a
test case to determine the constitu
tionality of the Adamson act agreed
upon there by the government counsel
and railroad lawyers.
The case to be used as a test is that
brought by the Missouri, Oklahoma
& Gulf railroad, in which Judge Hook
of the federal court at Kansas City
decided against the government. The
transcript of the record in that case
is expected at the Department of Jus
tice tomorrow and will be promptly
filed with the supreme court.
All Other Suits Off.
Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 24. An
nouncement was made 'in Judge Pol
lock's court this afternoon that all
Adamson law litigation would be post
poned until atter December by the
supreme court, except in the case of
the Missouri, Oklahoma & Gulf, Which
was decided upon as a test case. .
History of Santa Fe Sent.
Kansas City, Kan., Nov. 23.
Defendants in the injunction suit
brought by the, Atchison, Topeka
& Santa Fe Railway company to test
the validity of the Adamson so-called
"ejght-hour law," oivtoday's docket
of the United States court for the
district of Kansas are: Fred Robert
son, the United States district attor
nej W. W. Hutton, general ichairman
of the Order of Railway 'Conductors,
representing conductors of the Santa
Fe System; W. T. Ready, general
chairman of the Santa Fe road mem
bers of the Brotherhood of Locomo
tive Engineers; W. C. Keiser, general
chairman of the Santa Fe system di
vision of the Brotherhood Firemen
and Enginemen; F. A. Hobble, vice
chairman of the Brotherhood of Rail
way Trainmen; L. C. -Brown, secre
tary of the trainmen, and W. A. Wat-
kins, secretary ot the eastern division
of the trainmen. 4,; ,;.,-"i.4; - -
The hill of complaint was filed
by Gardiner Lattirop,. Robert Dunlan,
William R. Smrth-solicitbrs for the
Santa Fe, and Walker D. Hints, of
counsel. . It asks that:
"The defendants, and each of them,
and each and all of their attorneys,
servants, agents, associates and em
ployes, and all employes in complain
ant s service, who rrtay be represented
by them, may be enjoined and re
strained, preliminary until final hear
ing and perpetually thereafter, from
in any manner instituting, Or authorin
mg or directing to be instituted, any
prosecution or proceeding or any
suit or Action under or arising or
growing out of the aforesaid act bf
congress "Adamson law," or for the
purpose of enforcing any alleged right
thereunder; and complainant prays
that the aforesaid act of congress, and
particularly Sections 1, 3, and 4
thereof be adjudged to be unconstitu
tional and void, as hereinafter claimed,
and to be held for naught, and that
complainant, its officers and agents, be
not required to observe of comply
with the same or the provisions
Affects Seven Thousand Men.
The Santa Fe system employs
1,710 engineers, 1,766 firemtn, 1,306
conductors and 2,458 bnakemen or
flagmen, a total of 7,240 employes af
fected by the Adamson law. Substan
tially all of these are members of the
defendant organizations.
. The bill of complaint includes
tables giving the present compensa
tion rates of its trainmen. It quotes
President Wilson's address to con
gress' urging the passage of a law
to prevent a strike, and it quotes the
Adamson law in full. The full title
of the law is "An act to establish an
eight-hour day for employes of car
riers engaged in interstate and foreign
commerce, and for other purposes."
The complaint insists that as "the
whole system of compensation in
train service is based on mileage be
tween terminals the mandate of the
law for a standard eight-hour day,
is impossible of fulfillment. It also
asserts that the company would be
deprived of its property without due
process of law.
The Santa Fe solicitors- have filed
similar suits in every federal court
district in which the company oper
ates trains, but the only 0nc set for
hearing is the one in Kansas, the
home state of the corporation.
No Ceremonies at
London's Funeral
Oakland, Cal., Nov. 24. The fu
neral of Jack London was held here
today without religious , services of
any kindf Only immediate relatives
of the family attended. The body
was cremated and the ashes will be
buried in the family plot here. '
Harding Selects
Editor for Secretary
Sioux City, la., Nov. 24. Governor
elect W. L. Harding of Iowa today
announced that Charles E. Witt of
Shell Rock, la., publisher of the Shell
Rocks News, will, be his private sec
retary, Witt has been prominent in
politics of the Third congressional
NOT PLAYING, BUT REAL WARFARE This picture might appear as if made in the court
yard of some institution for soldiers whose minds have been enfeebled by the strain of the
great conflict. But the men are engaged in very serious business. They are about to release
toy balloons that the experts may determine the direction and strength of the higher air cur
rents before ascending.
court : M v-Vr r
Maker of Automatic Firearms
and Smokeless Powder Ex
pires at London. "
London, Nov. 24. Sir Hiram
Maxim, inventor of the automatic sys
tem of firearms, died at his home here
early this morning. .
Sir Hiram Maxim was born in San
grville, Me., on February S, 1840. He
was a descendant of English Puritans
who were among the early settlers of
Plymouth county, Massachusetts.
After a meager schooling he went to
work in a machine shop and later was
employed in the machine works of his
uncle, Levy Stevens, at Fitchburg,
Mass. At 28 he was a draftsman in
a large steamship building concern in
New York City, where he invented a
new locomotive headlight which went
-mto general use-. - He- also -dtd" mudl
to perfect automatic gas macmnes tor
lighting private houses. In 1877 he
took up the question of electricity and
was among the first to make dynamo
electric machines and electric lamps
in the United States. He took out a
great many patents on electrical ma
chinery and in 1881' was made a chev
alier of the Legion of Honor by Pres
ident Grevy of France.
The Maxim automatic gun was in
vented in 1884 in London and was im
mediately adopted by the British gov
ernment, which used it in the war with
Matabele. The gun fired 600 rounds
a minute and caused such slaughter
that Parliament seriously discussed
the question as to whether its use was
justified. Some years later Sir Hiram,
created a baronet by Queen Victoria
after having become naturalized as an
Englishman, invented the first smoke
less powder. , t
In 1894 Sir Hirmam Maxim in
vented a heavier than air flying ma
chine which raised itself from the
ground carrying a driver and passen
ger. This was nine years before the
first practicable airplane was created
by the Wright brothers. Sir Hiram's
machine Vas a ponderous affair and
broke down in its early trial. In 1915
the inventor was appointed a member
of the inventions board created by
the government to meet the needs of
the war.
Final Message
Of Francis Joseph
To His People
London, Nov. 24. A special edition
of the Weincr Zeitang has published
the following farewell words of Em
peror Francis Joseph to his people,
army and navy, according to a Vienna
dispatch to Reuter's' by way of Am
sterdam: "To my beloved peoples I express
my heartiest thanks for their loyalty
toward me and my house in happy
days as well as in times of distress.
The consciousness of this attachment
has done me good and strengthened
me in fulfilling my imperial duties.
May they continue to observe tie
same patriotic feelings toward my
"My army and navy, 1 remember
with feelings of deepest thanks for
their bravery, loyalty and devotion.
Their victories gave me joyful pride
and their unmerited mishaps painful
sorrow. The excellent spirit which
at all times has animated my army
and fleet and both my landwchrs
gives me confidence that my succes
sor can also count on them not less
than 1 did."
Mrs. Boissevain
Not Out of Danger
Los Angeles, Cal.. Nov. 24.-
No change was noticeable today in
the condition of Mrs. Inez Milholland
Boissevain of New York, who became
dangerously ill with anemia here six
weeks ago during her suffrage cam
paign, according to hospiraj reports.
She rallied from a dangerous sinking
spell last Friday niitht and sained
slightly each day, it was said, but she
is not yet" out of danger.
Thorns Says Vast Sums for Ex
tension of Traffic Facilities
Must Be Obtained.
Washington,. Nov. 24. Railroads
will need $1,250,000,000 additional cap
ital annually for the next ten or
twelve years to increase their facili
ties to handle the country's growing
commerce,. Alfred P. Thorn, counsel
fgor the railway executives' advisory
committee, told the congressional rail
road investigating committee today,
continuing his statement on behalf of
the railroads begun yesterday. About
$250,000,000 a year additional will be
required, he said, to refund maturing
indebtedness, . iA -v-. . - : '
' To attract investors. Mr. Thorn sug
gested ' that -the federal regqlatior4
snouia replace me present system oi
authority divided between 'the states
and the central government. He cited
examples of injustice "and hampering
of railroad financing caused by state
control of issues by interstate rail
roads. 4
Referring to the need of additional
railroad facilities Mr. Thomisaid:
It has been found that the wealth
of the country has been increasing
at the rate or 8 or 9 per cent a year
and the same ratio of increase has
held good as to the demand for trans
portation. As the forces which have
affected the growth and development
of the fast apparently still continue in
full operation and may be expected
to continue for the next ten or fifteen
years at least the investment in rail
road facilities to meet the large re
quirements of the future must conse
quently grow at a corresponding rate
of increase." The estimate of $1,250,
000,000 for additional transportation
facilities includes nothing tor exten
sions into new territory, he added.
"Where ia this money or any sum
approximating it to come from?
asked Mr. Thorn. "This problem is
one of vital interest to the public be
cause on its successful solution de
pends the commercial facilities of the
country. Would it do to confront the
investor when asking for this great
investment with a situation where the
revenues of the railroads are riot sub
ject to the control of the investors,
but are fixed and limited not only bv
governmental authority, but by many J
ii,irnnrrtiti;itj1 etat ai.tlmritina in nn'l
way responsible to each other and
where the railroads cannot control
and the government cannot and does
not limit the expense account." ,
Munger Will Hear
Burlington Case
Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 24. The suit
of the Burlington railroad attacking
I the Adamson eight-hour law will be
heard in federal court here tomorrow,
before, Federal. Judge T. C. Munger.
The judge announced that, in all
probability he would not give a de
cision, in view of the ruling of Judge
Hook of Kansas City, and the fact
that the United States supreme court
may act on the case before January 1.
Three Mexican Women
Face Firing Squad
Field Headquarters American Puni
tive Expedition, Mexico, Nov. 2St
(Via Radio to Columbus, N. M., Nov,
24.) Three Mexican women were ex
ecuted by firing squads yesterday at
F.l.Valle on the ostensible charge,
preferred by Carranza adherents, that
they had attempted to kll Colonel
Gonzales Diaz, commander of the
Carranza garrison at El Valle. Papers
were said to have betn found on the
women incriminating m.
Those executed weflSMMargarita
Acosta, her sister, Maria CT.'illa, and
Marv Reis. her servant. The triple
execution was held at sunrise Wednes
day. The women faced the rifles with
out weakening. This is the first time
a trio of women has been executed in
this part of Mexico.
..t .... .1-. . ,vs...A'iMfcAAa,frV'NSJS'?fMBMfcViSPKMfrfrWiCCt II I ISM
Convention Wants Investiga
tion of Effect of Holdings '
by Speculators.
. .
Baltimore, Md., . Nov. . 24. A
prompt, rigid and full investigation
by congress of the holding of food'
stuffs and coal "for the purpose of
raising prices above the normal fate"
was urged in a resolution adopted to
day by the convention of the Ameri
can Federation of Labor. It also
asked for the appointment of s federal
commission, which should include
among its members representatives of
organised, labor, to investigate the
whole question of the high cost of
livjng, .,) : i ' if li."...
Hons was expressed that . speedy
action wouUl be taken and that the
commission a report would Include
recommendation for tne prosecution
and severe punishment of those found
guilty of inflicting upon the public Sn
unwarranted increase in'.he cost of
v tiB-.'
The necessity of placing an em
bargo, as far as our international
trade agreements will permit, on the
export of wheat and other foodstuffs
until prices return to the figures pre
vailing before the outbreak of the
European war, was also urged upon
President Wilson and congress by
the resolution.
i The tDepartment of Justice was
urged in an adopted resolution to in
stitute investigations through federal
grand juries in the larger cities of
the United States for the purpose of
obtaining evidence of alleged illegal
conspiracies to compel the psyment
of "extortionate prices t for papers
used in the printing industry."
Submarine Warfare
- Condition Is Same,
Lapsing Declares
Washington, Nov. 24. Revival of
rumors of a rcnawal of ruthless sub
marine warfare by Germany, and
consequent action by the United
bttaes were met today by the state
ment of officials here that the situ
ation, while delicate, was aboslutely
unchanged, and would be until the
United States had gathered all the
evidence on recent attacks.
The state department still is wait
ing the result of investigation, and
meanwhile officers reiterate the po
sition of the United States as laid
down in the last correspondence with
Germany is unchanged.
It was clear that severance of
diplomatic relations would follow any
violation of the pledges from Berlin.
Referring to the reoorts of an
aarming situation, Secretary Lansing
authorized this statement: '
"1 do not know the origin of stories
regarding the submarine situation,
but I have thei mpression that they
are emulating from some source m
this country."
It was made dear that the situa
tion was unchanged.
Another Hospital
Ship is Destroyed
London. Nov. 24. The British
hospital ship Braemar Castle, of
6,280 tons gross, bound from Saloniki
to Malta with wounded, has been
mined or torpedoed in the Aegean
sea, it was officially announced today.
All on board were savea.
The disaster occured in the My
koni channel, the announcement states.
J. D. Archbold Has
Appendix Removed
New York. Nov. 24. John D. Arch
bold, president of the Standard Oil
company of New Jersey, was operated
upon tor appendicitis at ms nomc msi
night, it was learned today. His con
dition was declared today to be reassuring.
Second Attempt of Villa and'
Command to Rush the City
( Proves Failure, Says
Americans Arriving at El Paso
Say Thousand Carranzistas
Deserted in a Body.
Bulletin. ' , ,
Juarez, Mexico, Nov. 24. Military
headquarters here received a message
at 4 o'clock this afternoon from Gen
eral Trevino, sating that at that hour
the entire command of Villa was ee-
ing from Chihuahua City in all direc
tions, hotly pursued by the Carranza
columns. ' '
Juarez? Nov. 24. Villa was re-
pulsed again today and his forces
driven from their positions outside
Chihuahua City, it was announced t -military
headquarters here at 12:jJ
p. m. (mountain time) today. The
fighting has been for the possession
of the -first and second line of gov
ernment trenches, it was announced y
by Carransa officers, and resulted in
a victory for the "tie facto forces, '
. , m 1 1 . . "
it was aiiticu umciaiiy. , . . .-v
Villa and his bandits ' returned to
the scene of their apparent defeat
yesterday and renewed the attack at
9 o'clock a. m. today, General Fran
cisco Gonzales, commander ot the
Brigada Juarez, announced at noon
today. General Gonzales said he had
been in communication with Chihua
hua City constantly since early morn
ing and had had a brief conference re-'
garding military affairs during the
Carransa Officers Killed.
Chihuahua City, Mex., Nov. 23.
(Via El Paso Junction Delayed by
Military Censor.) One general, two
colonels and 100 men of the Carranza
forces were lulled during the fighting
today between Carranza troops and
Villa bandits. Four hundred men of
the Villa command are known to
have been killed and left on the battle
field.. The names of the Carranza officers
killed have been deleted by the mill-
tary censor.
, General Jacinto Trevino, in .coin-
mand of the Carranza forces, suf
fered S scalp wound. He refused to
retire to he field hospital, however,
and continued directing (lie move
ments qf his tommandi . ; '
-( Carranza Troops Desert '
Et Pso, Nov. 24. Richard Wis-
brun and American members of s .
nartv arriving here early todav from
Chihuahua, sard that 1,000 Carranza
troops had gone over to the bandits
without firing a shot. ,
Mr. and Mrs. JJickerson, Mr. and
Mrs. Dennis and another American
named Harris loarded the train at
Chihuahua, but left it and remained
behind when Carranza officers told
them that the train was certain to be
attacked and they had no chance to
reach the border, the train crew
objected to leaving and were only in
duced to make the trip upon receiv
ing $40 in gold collected by the passengers.-
' f v.- .
Other passengers were almost unani
mous in the opinion that the town
would surrender to Villa after a brief
resistance, as the entire civilian popu
lation and most ot the soldiers are
believed to be Villa sympathizers.
General Trevino Wounded
Et Paso. Tex.. Nov. 23. General
Trevino, commanding the Carranza
forces, was wounded during the tight
ina in the early afternoon, while per
sonally directing the fighting from the
vicinity of banta Kosa hill, General
Francisco Gonzales announced in
Juarez tonight after receiving a mes
sage from Chihuahua City.
General Trevino returned .to the '
city to have a acalp wound on the
nht side ot his head dressed at tne
military hospital. With a bandage
around his head he returned to his
post at field headquarters and con
tinued the direction of the Carranza
forces' firing line.
Pursuing Bandits. .
At 10 o'clock tonight military au
thorities in Chihuahua City tele- ..
graphed to General Gonzales in
Juarez that General Carlos Ozuna in
command of the Carranza cavalry
was pursuing the bandits in the
direction of Mapula and the cav
alry column was reported to be ten
miles south of Santa Rosa. t
No estimate of the number of
killed or wounded has yet been made
it wjis announced over the military
wire. Because of the darkness it was
ontlnued on Pace Two, Column Two.)
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