Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 23, 1916, Page 8, Image 8

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Personal Gossip . Society Notes : Woman's Work : Household Topics
"Gin a Body Get a Bonnet"
"A Bit Liddle
for Bit Lassie"
By Nell Brinkley
ICopyrifht, 1M, International News Service
Br MELLIFICIA November 22.
A decalogue for decorators, in-
clndine five "do's" and five "don'ts,
was given to Fine Art society mem-J
: i i i-.. n I D-
iters luuay uj, - jauice biwii
Haney, director of art in New York
high schools, in his talk on the "Re
lation of Art to Home and Commu
nity Life." Dr. Haney s father was
editor of the first comic newspaper
of New York, the Picayune. His
uncle, James Parton.Ms a famous lit
erateur. Here are the "do's":1
"Solve every question in decoration
as a problem in design. ,
"The good color scheme is the
quiet color scheme.
"Comfort should be sought before
elegance. Don't go in for period fur
niture unless you have a long purse
and a long head. Mission furniture
is only good for missionaries.
- "Taste means good choosing power.
Between ornate and plain choose the
"Strive for the cheerful' note let
your house smile."
The "don'ts" are these:
"Don't maintain a family museum
or a family morgue. We amortize
bonds; why not retire wedding pres
ents in similar fashion?
"Don't patronize fakes in imitation
carving, imitation anything else; have
the real or nothing.
"Don't try to keep up with the
Jones.' A well decorated house out
lives every passing fashion.
"Don't go in for 'art' decoration,
'art' vases, lamps, etc. These are al
ways things extreme and shout their
"Qon't despair. Make a beginning
by taking that thing in your home
which has worried you most and cast
it out today. The more you cast the
higher will grow your courage."
. Luncheon (or Dr. Haney. '
Mrs. William G. Ure, president of
the Omaha Society of Fine Arts, en
tertained all past presidents of the
club at luncheon at the Hotel Fon
tcnelle today, complimentary to Dr.
James I'arton Haney of New York,
who gives two lectures and a gallery
' talk Thursday morning at 10 o'clock
for the Fine Arts society. A basket
of Killarney roses adorned the lunch
eon table, at which covers were placed
lor: .;'.,
' Mpedamee-
Albert W. Jtirerts,
William H. Uarralt,
liwrl Child..
Charles V,'. Ruftsell,
John W. (Irliritb,
Mrs. Leonard Everett of Council
Bluffs, vice president who introduced
Dr. Haney at his first lecture this
afternoon at y the Fontenelle, was
another guest t the luncheon.
Bridge Luncheon for Debutante.
Mr J. M. Metcalf entertained at
a prettify appointed bridge luncheon
at her home today for Miss Regma
Council, this season's most recent
debutante. The mahogany luncheon
table formed a beautiful picture with
its decorations of pom-pom chrysan
themums fp white and orchid which
formed a low mound in the center of
the table and were arranged o, four
corners. Covers., were laid for!
Mteaea j .Misses "1
Regina CoftneH . v Harlan Tnwte
Margaret lnw AmylJIImoro
of Cedar Rar,tda,ia. Kmlly Keller
Kilsabeth Reed - Joaephlne ennfdon
(Iraoe Alllaur lunulas White
Helen Kaslman ' ' Gertrude Mete
. Mary Van K leeek of - Mary Megealh 1 I
Potlfthkeepelol N. T. " .
Meadamee - , Meedamee
. WtlLSchnorr 0 Edward Crolibton
; ateRdamea
Arthur W. .Moorman,
Warren Blarltwell,
Arthur C. Hmlth.
Clement Chaae.
Charles T. Kountse.
Orpheum Matinee Party.
' Mrs. Jerome A. Lillie, wife of Cap
tain Lillie, now stationed on the bor
der, entertained at an Orpheum mati
nee party today for 'the wives of offi
cer! of the -Fourth and Fifth regi
ments. Since Mrs. Lillie leaves soon
to spend the winter at Llano Grande,
Tex., near, the encampment of her
husband's regiment, the affair took on
the nature of a farewell party. Those
present were:
feadxnee ' ; Heedamee
KRuard u. aletcalfe, t. r. Loush.
irvtng Todd, , " R, H'.errlrker,
H. F. rileasesr. Clifford Uardner,
ft. A. Gardner, William B. Hall,
Charles u Hurmelster,.tohn P. Poucher,
Thomas W. Jaycox, Wallace Sellers.
W. W. Club Meeting.
Mrs. Charlea Gruenig entertained
the member of the W. W. club at
luncheon at her home today. A cen
terpiece of chrysanthemums, roses
and carnations in delicate tints of pink
and yellow, combined with white, was
used on the table. Covers were laid
for fourteen guests. - :
Dinner at the Blackstone. '
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Stapleton will
entertain at dinner at the Blackstone
this evening in-honor of Senator and
Mrs. Gilbert M. Hitchcock. Covers
will be laid for twelve guests.
Women Golf era Meet ' ' v"
In lieu of a golf game some of the
enthusiastic women golfers of the
Field club set were entertained at a
kensington this afternoon by one of
their number. Last Saturday Mrs.
Allen Parmer, Mrs. Karl A. Lininger,
Mrs. F. W. Loving. Mrs. Walter G.
Silver and Mrs. F. J. Despecher
played on the Field club course, Mrs.
Silver playing the best game. The
golfers are eagerly anticipating the
next stats tournament, which will be
staged at the Happy Hollow club.
V-; fWT' 1
TALKS AT EXHIBIT .OF THe! ' .. tffflH X' iTf K' . . W-i ,
.' FINE ARTS S-OCIETY.: ,. ; . AM nAM V " i V IW S
" '" 1 j f") LACK velvet and sold lace' for the girl with the "Polish Countess"
Social Gossip. -
Miss Marian Funkhouser returned
Monday from art extended trip to the
, Pacific coast, most of the time spent
at Tacoma, Wash."
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Davis," Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Coad, Mrs. M. J. Coad
and Mrs. F. E. Pierce of Omaha are
guests of the Elms hotel, Excelsior
Springs, Mo. . ,
Mrs. H. S. Culver of Milwaukee,
formerly of Omaha, who has been
visiting old friends inathe city for
aome time left today for her home.
A number of social affairs are be
ing planned later in the acason for
Miss liurley of Washington, D. C
who has come to spend the winter
in umana with her cousins, Mr. and
Mrs. V. F. Gurley. ,
ur. ana jnrs. i. wood were
among the guest at a dinner party
givrti luesnay evening oy Mr. and
Mrs. E. H. Doolittle at their home in
Council Bluffs, - ... I
Miss Nell Calvin left today for a
two weeks' visit in Salt Lake City.
On her return Miss Calvin and her
mother, Mrs. W. J. Calvin, will be
honor guests at a tea given hy Mrs.
G. W. Megeath December 12.
Mrs. Ada M. Hcrtsche of Portland,
Ore., is spending the week with hci
brother, Judge Cornish, in Lincoln.
Mrs. W.,D. Uancker of Indianapo
lis, who has been visiting with Mr.
and Mrs. W. H. McHugh since be
fore the. Caldwell-Vinsonhaler wed
ding, this morning came over to be
the house guest of Judge and Mrs.
uuncan M. vinsonhaler until her re
turn to her home. - '
Mrs. David Bautn and Miss Mar
garet Greer Batrm are leaving this
evening to spend the winter in Bos
ton and New Yfrk. a
Joan Congdon French is the name
which has been given to the young
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
french of Louisville, Ky. Both Mrs.
French and the little miss are do
ing nicely.
On the Calendar,' J ,.
Mrs. W. Elstei) will entertain the
Win or Miss It club -at her home
Thursday afternoon.
the Week-bnd Dancine cub is
planning a large Thanksgiving eve
dancing party at the Fontenelle.
Dates for, later parties will be Satur
day evening, December 16; Saturday
evening, January 13, and Saturday
evening, January 27. '
ur, and Mrs. I. C. Wood are plan
ning- a pretty dinner dance for
Thanksgiving eve. The party will
take dinner at the Blackstone. fol
lowed by dancing at the Wood home.
Mrs. Paul Hern will entertain the
regular meeting of the Woman's
Home Missionary society of the First
Methodist church at her home Friday
Events of the Day. ,
The Omaha Woman's Press club
met for luncheon at the Hotel Loyal
Trinity Parish Aid society met at
10:30 this morning 'with Mrs. J. J.
Sullivan. j.
Mrs. Charles G.. Edmunds was
hostess of the Harmony Whist club
at her home this afternoon. Sixteen
members were present.
Mrs. W. R. Wilcox entertained at
luncheon at the Hotel Loyal today
in honor of Miss Eva Johnson, a
November bride. ,
Mrs. Alvin F. Johnson entertained
four tables at bridge this afternoon.
Miss Mary Burkley entertained the
members of the Friday Bridge club at
her home today. All the members
who are in town were present .;
StrJrk Special.
A daughter was born Sunday even
ing to Dr.-and Mrs. Louis C. Swartz-
lander, -
Art for and Grt
sMwatr macmow Ncnm m afttaxA
LACK velvet and sold lace' for the girl with the "Polish Countess"
res, the soft dark eyes that we look into so often. in New York
town. "
Dark blue velvet and chinchilla and a swinging gold tassel or two
for dark blue eyes and a dashing upheld chin. , - " -
A topper with silver ribbon bands and wintry ermine like snow
drifts fallen on its brim for demure mousey mousey face and eyes.
An "Arabian Nights" head dress for night time faint gold tissue,
silver ribbon binding h down, and a half moon: straight above the place
where your nose fastens on if you have hazel eyes and an air. ,
A Tarn o' sapphire velvet and snowy fur, buttoned dtiwn over the
right eye, for the chtery,. golden-haired girl with a merry eye to look
"out from undca!"
A "Pixie" hood with glitter stones wound about and little glittering
green feathers waving from the tiptop for the girl with the piquant ,
face and childishly worn hair. x
A Chinese hat if gold, lined with gray and rose, edged with skunk
fur and pinched at the top with a bow of cloth of gold ribbon. Oh-r-and
a faded rose or two scattered careless-like. All this with the eye
of gray and the pink cheeks. " '. t.-
And, of course the same cake box hat with a chenille nubbin
at the top and a ballet-skirt veil edged all round about with the fur that
she's wearing on her frock for the girl with the cunning nose and the
prim lips and the haughty chin. NELL BRINKLEY. "
Important to "Kick" About Bad Food
By WOODS HUTCHINSON, M. D. smell good and taste good, and if it
doesn t it s somebody s lauit and gen
ii was long the fashion to jeer at
the man who iwas "finicky" about his
food, squeamish as to its cooking and
service, objecting to the hand of the
cook in his bread, thelhumb of the
waiter in his soup, exacting as to the
spotlcsaness of his napkin and table
cloth, the specklessness of his plates
and cups and spoons. But that very
fussiness, within reasonable bounds
of course, and intelligently directed,
is an "armor against Fate," a barrier
of steel against a score of serious
food diseases and infections, an assur
ance of probably at least five or even
ten more years of -lifetime, i
Alrea'dy there has been a falling oS
of at least 35, if not 50, per cent in
the frequency of dyspepsia, sour
stomach and other forms of chronic
indigestion, as well as in diarrhoea
and' dysenteries, due in part to our
enormously improved food supply;
with abundance of sugar, fresh meat,
green vegetables and fresh fruit the
whole year round. The "discovery"
of cheap sugar, with the canning and
preserving industries which it made
possible, was one of the most impor
tant events ill. human history, far
more epoch-making and beneficent
than any new form of government or
philospphy or religion.
This lessening of dyspepsia is due
in part to increased surgical skill, de
tecting and removing ulcers, smould
ering, inflamed appendixes, gall stones
and other Ethiopians in the abdomi
nal woodpile, which underlie much
chronic "stomach trouble." But
more than all to hygienic fussiness,
plain everyday "kicking," raising the
roof and refusing to eat whenever the
butter is rancid or soft, the bread
sour, the meat "gamy," the biscuits
soggy, the soup greasy, the vegetables
wilted, the milk clabbery, the fish
soft and "fishy," the hen-fruit over
ripe and fragrant, the pie crust tough
and rubbery, the cookies sawdusty.
All good food, all real food, should
erally somebody's dirtiness. 'We talk
(about a thing being "dirt cheap," but
dirt is the most expensive thing in the
world if you (at it. We may have
to eat our peck of dirt before we die
of it but the slower we .eat that
iky the longer it will take to kill us.
Better make the peck last as long
as possible. Delays are not half as
dangerous as dirt is. Nearly all dirt
contains bugs, and bugs "raise hades"
with our '-'lining." No dirty water or
milk or fly-blown food, no typhoid,
no diarrhoea, no dysentery, no colic
or cholera, cither Asiatic or home
grown, and very, very little dyspepsia,
sour stomach, biliousness, flatulence
or chronic liver troubles, including
gall stones and jaundice, which are
due to the infection of the gall blad
der by dirty food bugs, usually ty
phoid bacilli. About a third of all
dropsies, and the worst to handle,
are caused by food infections of. tlc
liver, the( other third being from
heart and kidney mischiefs, respec
tively. ,.
.Lift up your voice and "howl"
whenever you see a speck or small
suspicion of dirt anywhere in or near
your food, and you'll save or indefin
itely postpone many more and louder
lamentations by your family and
friends at your premature funeral.
Our personal squeamishnesses have
been collectively expressed in our ad
mirable and effective pure food laws.
which have made it not only unpop-
FOR MEN, 55c to 1.05
- FOR WOMEN, 80c to $2.05
, 611 South 16th StrMt.
At noon today, refresh the mouth and
cleanse the teeth with '
If. Lyiini'!
ITs-ii TU A
Powder Cream
'. '.'-. A Standard Ethical Cmtsfnc j
Sand 2c stamp lor aganarooa sample of ehhsr Dr. Lyon 'a
Perfect DsntsJ Craam Of Tooth Powder. . -.
. W. Lyoa Saas, lac, 677 W. 27th St, N. Y. City
ular, but dangerous, to sell dirt or
trash under the name of food, mouldy
wheat-in flour, creosote in hams, rot
ten tomatoes and spoiled fruit in
canned goods floor sweeping1 of
butcher shops in sausages, diseased
old cows in corned beef, gelatin made
from dead horses in jellies and jams,
and other innocent little "customs of
the trade." i .
Never was our food supply so
abundant, so pure, so wholesome
as it is today, and instead of "black
lists" of makers of impure or un
wholesome food products we have
"white-lists" and rolls of honor, with
the manufacturers falling over one
another and breaking their necks to get
their goods into them. The sanitary
conscience of the American people
has waked up and is going to stay
awake, and'all who sin-against it had
better look, out for squails. -
Cupid and the Rose
By Jan keLeu.
, Cuptd, tired of fun and pleasure,
Fell asleep one ummer day ---Near
a rose who In aomc meeaurt
Kept the blaainc sun away.
For the sun had heard of Cupid,
And he tried with glance bold ,
Juat to wi3, though It wu stupid,
If his eyes were blue or gold.
Finally Cupid waked from slejsptnr, .
Made as if to quickly rise;
Bald the rose, "A charm for keeping .
Sunlight from your bonny eyes."
"That's enough." And Cuptd lightly ,
Threw some moss into her face.
That's the way the pink moss rosebud
Came to grow around the place.
TT7 rr
vv una jx nowmy
Philadelphia's ancient convention halt has
been condemned as unsafe and further
use forbidden. A new hall to take its place
is already talked of.
Military dispatches by carrier pigeons are
inserted in a small gooseqnul about two
inehes in length. The quill is pierced close
to each end with a red-hot needle, so as not
to split it, and in the holes waxed silk
threads are inserted to affix it to the strong
eat tail feather. By attaching the message
tothis part of the bird's body its flight is
not in any way interfered with.
To Maria Dolores Estrada, a young girl
from ' Mexico, belongs the distinction of
winning the first wireless operator's liteenee
of the first class ever granted to a woman
in this country. At the age of 12 she was
a telegrapher in the employ of tha Mexican
government and for two years served on
the official staff of General Carransa. Since
last January she has been a resident of
Washington. D. C
FirtpUof ; ' '-- European
Hotel Loyal
leth and Capitol
Rooms, $1.00 and $1.50
With Bath, $1.50 and Up
Cafe the Very Best
Popular Prices
A For Get
The Original
Safe Milk
Wat InEanta, Invsllds ana OrowlDf Children.
Tba OrlfiBsl Foed-Diiak Tat AU Afss,
I sUata sflOL Melted On
la Eitract In Powdarfc
substitutes Cost YOU Sam. Price.
I if H-
; st':-
E Mobile ; . ' " f?i' ; . ;
Mobile is the keyhole, and
the M. & O. is the key to
the tropics to Cuba's tourist
wonderland; to Florida's bal
my winterclimate; to ths4c
lightfuHJulf Coast resorts. '
No matter where you are
ultimately first to
Mobile, Whether it i the first
stop or the final destination of .
your .'journey;,' you'll enjoy
every moment you spend in ;
Mobile and its nearby resorts.
Every kind of sport I-
Whatever your particular hobby may
be, you cati gratify it at Mobile golf,
tennis, fishing hunting, motoring, sail
ing, riding, driving: it's all to be found
at its best, and in the balmiest and '
softest of winter climates. , ,
Write ms today and Hk abatis oar all- -isll
or rslj sail wslsr trips to winter
' resorts. Lstsae send ion our Illustrated
. descriptive booklet oa tbe Quit Co set
and Florida sod toll sou about our
:- low-tare circle toor to Mobile. Tsaps,
Ktr West and Nswlork. Address
F. U Harris, Casual Afsnt, :
I Mobil. & Ohio Ridlroad
305 N.rth 7th St, St Louis, Mo.