ThiS BriE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1916. ' Nebraska County Officers Elected for the. Years 1916 -17 While this compilation is nearly accurate as can be made, it ia appreciated that arrora in initials or (palling of names may have resulted from inaccuraciaa in trans million. Readers who nota arrora will confer a favor by ' i rc porting tha aama to The Baa editorial department. COIKTT. Aileme, Haatias .. . Aatetope, Nelleh ,., Arlhar, Arthur . . . Banner, HerrUhur Blaine, Brevreter .. Altten ...F. A. Doten..., ...I. E. Taah.... ...Robert Ford.... ...J. H. Barr ...E. J. Everett... ...O. A. Ireland... ...1. T. MeCaaky. ..'.A. J. Beeaon... Box nntte, Alllaece , , Rnjrd, Butte lireera. Almtwerth Buffale, Kearney . , . ' hurt, Tekamah .... Butler, UavIS Cltjr , fan. riattareonMl Cedar, Hartlnrtea ,.W. T. Cliaee, Imperial ,, i. U Chenr, Valentine Cheyenne. Sidney .... rlny. Clay Center Ciiminc. Weal Point . . Cutter, Broken Bow ... ' Colfax, Srhnyler ....... Unkota, Itakata City .... Uarea. Chadrea Ilewaon, Lexlnrtoa ..... level. OhnppeU ........ IXxoa, JNmee .......... Under, Fremont ....... ttourlaa, Omaha Handy, Benkelmaa . . . rHlntere, Geneva Franklin, Btflomlaaton . Frontier, gteeevllle .., Farnaa, Bearer Cliy .. (lege, Beatrice .... Oarneltt, Harwell Garden, Oahkoeh ...... (.on per, Klwooa ........ ttmnt. Hraanle Greeley, Ureeler Center Ball, Urand laavnd .... HamMce, Aarere ..... Barlaa, Alma Ilnyee, Hayee Center Hitrhoark. Treatoa .... Bolt, O'nelll . Frank . C. F. Jonn ...Lewla ...N. D. Ford ...Adolph Flala. .. ...8. W. Meklmey. ...E. M. nuiUery.. ....I. I. Mley ....laaaa WoM F. D. Waldo Bryea N. F. W. R. ,.....,.,..Thomae E. P. Pyte W. O. Butler ., I. A. O'Keefe... George 8. Todd.. ........... A. W. Ottmaer..., J....O. O. Lome..... , , . .John MeCawley . . Jeaae U Hcott .. ... U. MnUen ... ..Fred ,.B. B. ..I. W. ,.N, T. ,,V. t. Hooker, Mullen .W. E. Howard, at. Paul 4 ...R. A. defferaan, Falrhury : L. I. ' Jeltaaon, Tecaeieoh '. ...J Uvlngaton Kearney, Mlnden ....... ' Kletk, Orellale Rcya Paha, nprlngvlew . Kimball, Kimball Knox, Crater Laneaater, Lincoln ...... Lincoln, North Plana. . .'. . latgna, tiaatly i., I.OUP. Taylor ,.. Mrl'hereon. Tryon ,..., Medusa, MatUaon Merrick, rentral City .... Morrill, Bridgeport Nemaha, Aubura .,...,,' elK-e, Fullcrtoa Nnckolla, Nelaon Otoe, Nebreabe City Pawnee, Paweea City .... Perklaa, Uranl , , , Phelne, Hetdrege Piaree, Fierce Plana, Columbus ' Pelk, Owteola .,.. Red Willow, MeCeok .... Klchardaon, Falla City ... U W. ,.C. 1m ...,.B. t, Htack..,. .....M. 8. MaDuBee. .....Ed JeCrera A. H. kteulevllle. ,....F. (I. Hawxby ,,.,.0. F. Roblnaon. .....C. D. Brown..., .,,..A. A. Blaehop. ., D. W. NrlU ... T. W. Hull .... L. C. ,.U. T. .John Glbho. ... .F. H. Ball ..Frank Colfer.... .John Wiltte .F.N. Morgan (B) Bock, Kallae, Wllher : Narpy, PaplUloa ..... Mauadere, Wahea .., , Heella Blaa. Uarlnf : He ward. Reward ' ' Mtcridan, RttahTtlle ..' Mhrrntan, Loup City 4 Hloux, Uarrlaea ntent'tn, btanton ' Thayer, Hebron .... J Thnmtte, Thedford ... Tburetuu, Pender ..... Valley, Ord c . Waahlagtoa. Blair ... Waiae. Wayne ...... W abater, Bed dead . Wheeler, Uartlelt ... York, lark .......... .J. I. M. .J. .A. X 8. ,'.,.. H. L. ......B. O. ......C. A. ...,..B. & P, F. .a. a, MRS, DODGE DIES 0F HEART FAILURE Widow of Pioneer Council Bluff 1 Buinen Man Diet at Age of 78 Years. FOLOWS LONG ; ILLNESS Mrs. Susanua Cab' Dodge, widow of the late N. P. Dodge, died tt her home t 244 Fifth avenue. Council Bluffs, Tuesday night at midnight, after several months' illness from heart trouble. She was 78 years of ;-age, ... 1 ' ' ' ' '!- '; ' ', Mr. Dodge suffered her first at tack of heart tailure last Marcn, shortly after the death of her hus band's brother, the late General Grenville M. Dodge. She was taken to Chicago, where she spent the sum mer, unuer expert mcuitai aiicuuuii. Her condition became ' worse after her return' home. ; f i Mrs. Dodge was born at St. Louis October 20, 18J& When 10 years old she went to Fort Madison, la., to live with her uncle. In the fall of 1868 she came to Cduncil Bluffs, where she remained ever since, with the ex ception of a few years spent st Grin nell' and Andover. where her chil dren received their education. She married N. P. Dodge in Council Bluffs September 22. 1864. . Mrs. Dodge owned several business properties in Council Blurts. She is survived by four children' N. P, Dodge and Mrs. Edgar H. Scott of Omaha, John Lockwood Dodge of Wilson, Wyo., and Miss . Caroline Louise Dodge of Council Bluffs. ., Emperor Francis Joseph Dies at the Age of 86 Years (Continued trace Pas One.) Dec. 2, th 68th anniversary of the emperor a ascension to the throne, bo tar as is known here. Arcnauke Charles is still at the front in com mand of the army. Sacrament Administered. , ' London, Nov. 21. A Geneva, dis patch, forwarded to Reuters by way of Amsterdam, c-uotes the Katolische Zeitung as saying the sacrament was administered to Emperor Francis Jo seph on Saturday. Takes Cold Ten Days Ago. Paris, Nov. 22. The death of Em peror Francis Joseph of Austria was caused by a cold which the aged mon arch caught while walking in Schoen brunn park ten days ago. with the king of Bavaria, according; to s Zur ich dispatch to the Parisien. The cold developed into pneumonia of the right lung. When it was realised yes- ' terday that the emperor's condition was serious, his daughter, Arcn duchess Marie Valerie, and his nephews, the Archdukes Charles Francis, heir apparent, and Joseph Frederick, were summoned to the bedside. Washington, Nov. 12. Messages of The Omnia That Daea Kot Affect Head. flttoeuae of Ite tonic and laxative effect. Laanlive Bromo Oulttlne tan be taken br auyttna without oauotng nervouancaa nor Hutting In the head. There la only one "ttretno uulnme." n. w. uhovk'h aigon ture ia on boa. tec ATertleement. ' COIIKTT JCDGE COUNT CLERK HHERIFT. TRKAHt'RER. ATTORNEY. fllBVF.YOB. DIPT. HCHOCM.S. .... Joha Haider C H. Hedeea (KI..W. A. Cele (R) H. C. Heverler H) Uoa 0. root (!.. t'. A. Hearterell R)Marr Kwiaoa (I)) 1. I. Inrram P. H. Peteraoa (R).L. Bennett (U) liar Therntoa (R1..L. E. JifWM (K).M'. 1- (tuple B)..C. A. Merhman (I O. D. VVIIIIaiae O. F. relllaan (II) B. V. Meager IB). .A. i. gtaplee (R) . . . P. R. Helliiraa (To be appointed) ... thee. Herdlna (B) " M. I. Saafte C. I). Puae (BI....P. O'Vradr (!).... J. B. Helrlta D)..W. While ) Jeeepn IMIrael Minnie laraoa R . A WUllam Turner.... D. C. Kerrle (KI...B. 8. Xeet (D) G. C. Walera (B)..(None elected.) ...J. Maedervllle (D).A. BehauebUa B ...J. H. MeCllntleh (R)Otto Anderaon R).R. D. Hntehlnaoa ,.W. J. Donahue D) F. at. Slllek D).,.H. C. Joheeen (B) ...W. C. Monnta (11I..C. M. Cox (l( V. W. Irlah (... X. Baaye (R B. E. Knlf-nt (Bl. Opal Cuaaen (D) ...I. Rlrhardeon (R) N. Hradetreet r)..F. A. Putnam (I)).. A. H. Tlnele Oil... (To be nppolnted) . .Zoael Hlontner (I)) ...It. M. Herre (R)...l. M. Reed (R)....F. H. Finney (B)..B. H. Burrltt (D) . ,1 P. Barnea (R)..Lenna Morrla (B) . ..(i. K. Baaae (1)).... B. Funk, (!.... J. W. Itevenaoa (D)A. B. Tollefeon (R)E. H. Moray D)..K. LangkUn (D) ...F. O. Lundatxom..Raa HUnHeld (D)..F. U Cook 01)... ft. Bhoadee Wm. Conealr W. T. Foncher ...M. J. Brouae (I)..J. J. Weat (R) P. A. Tomek (I)). .A. V. Tbomaa '(D). (Nona elerted.) ...Oma Cady (R) ...F. J. Lift noli (It) C. D. tlnlntoa (B)..HIka Trllerb (D).iA. U. Cole (B) F. Pattereon (D)...B. Marquardt IB) ...H. C. Beatly (B) I). E. MrFaddea (D)F. W. Uarnhart (B)D. F. Croaek (B)..J. I). C. ttmlth (IDE. grlnrerta (R) .0. E. MeCaUum (O)E. Hlna (B) Allen Grant (D)...P. W. Heott (B)... A. Cunningham (B)Addle Dpanaier (D) Bryant.. Bender. Flaher, lr.,..A. B. Oreene (R)..C. H. Haha Cbammra.,..F. N. Blaweoa (U).c. I. Hlttoa 11. Itaan Rmrat Friarh (D).P. o. Boanlfleia (ll)Ainert urelfl (D)...v. 1m Mewart l)erTald.. H. Ilraida nil A. O. Mexloa ..R. E. nalera (B) . .J. V. WUaoa B) . . . .M. 8. Eddy (U)...F. Kelley (D) Van Antwerp (B) . . T. C. Crimea I . W. H. Fletcher (R)J. F. Batunek (O).O. W. Henitb (I))..B. F. FarreU (D) .E. F. Vrana F. 0. Voiltance (D) ..Oeorae Wllklna (R)Oeo. Cain (R) J. S. Baeoa (B1...0. w. Ltarar (Dj.L. N. Hmlth (BI...W. E. Voaa (R) ... ..R, U. Kmltb (D)..Vt CanHeld (IH...L. ti. Cartwrixht. . . E. I. Crltea (D)...F. I. Woolrlnftoa..Edna Blnker (R... ..U. A. Robertaon (D)F. A. Bealoa (l))..W. A. craauall (B).N. M. York (B1....B. C. Beatty (K)..l. C. Bloom (B) ,.C. V. Browa (B)..A. Feteraon (R)....H. Epperaoa U))....(Ta be appointed.) .8. W. Terry (B) ..Bella F. Brawn (B) Falea A. N. rorter (R)...A. H. Maakell (D) . .O. A. Butler (R) C. A. Klnaabary (D) (To be appointed). . .'Ray C. Chaaa Wlndrrateln W. K. Bare (!.... V. C. Condlt (B).. F. H.Banalem i, C. Cook (nt ... W. M. Sandera (R).J. M. MaUen (B) Crawford ..Frank Dewey (R)..MIba Clark (BI....M. L. Rndrea (D)..o. A. Harney (tr)..L. K. Atlanta (B)..T. i. Keenan (II) Hamilton. ...F. Woodward (R).jC. V. Mcuoantle ). B. Logan (R) ..C. A. RatellS (IIL.Ira Lamb (I ....Una Rleharda (l) Fulton. .....W. H. Hlaler (UI..C i, Kama (B)...l Donlathrope (R).John Caraby (R)..H. A. Ulna (D)... .Lillian Ureen (B) Robertaon. O. Murkrl (D) . . . . R. F. Walker (D)..EmU Helaon (D)...C. B. 8laaenka .A. U. Wllllama (R)C. A. Hudaoa F. E. Vaa Cleave. . .X. F. Coinage (B).N. MeMurraa (D)..U. E. almon (B)...l. 8. B) (1. W. Fletcher (R .('. M. Burn ham (B)F. W. Aeton (B)...A. Anderaon (1D...F. W. Meeamare (D)J. L. Herahey B).T. Trauerrleht (D) .E. Tunnlcllira (D)..F. M. Hay (8) Clyde Harden (O..0ny Laverty (I))... (To be appointed.). Florence Alderman II. C. Melvm (R) . . . . Walter Clerk (B) . . R. 8. Lareock (B) . H. J. Cartla (D) . . .H. A. Mark (D) . . . .Nellie 0. Strand (B) ,W. X neynolda (U)B. L. Bragg (BI...J. H. Furrow (D).O, E. Boaarth (B),J. E. Chambera R)F. W. Montgomery , Ham Bllchlr (R)... Albert Meteaif (B).C. O. Jonea (R) ...A.D.Fetterman.... C. K. WhIU T. A. Frya (D) .P. H. Carrlgan (U)J. L. Oallagher (1W. 0. Towner 'II) J. P. Boler (I)). ...P. A. Franeoli (R).M. Tracy (I)) .1. K. Lyle (B) ....Cua llevare (u)..,.0. E. Newman (R)WUilam Baler (D..H. W. Klbby (B).. Dorothea Kolla (D) JelTera J. i. Klumb (B)....J. E. Howard (D)..F. L. Mrf'arty D).C. L. Whitney (D).o. Berggren (B)...A. 8. Nelaon (R) Weltner A. 8hoemaker (B).O. A. Hlarkey (B)... I. K. Blehmond (BIO. W. Percy (BI...A. Hofmeyer (D)..F. E. White (D) Betty (B) i. W. Alexander IBM. K. Weal (B) doe. M. Croaby (B)M. F. Waaaon (B)..J. 8. Ferrler (R)...H. O. Blxler (B).. donra ...Bruce V amine (U.I.. I. Darny (DJ...O. P. Klmon, !.). 1. V. BateUIT (D)..V. O. Ureen (D)..VIdaB.Iay (D) Melon P. K Kellry (D)..P. W. Dully (D1...B. OalUghet (D).,,H. S. Bayla (D)....M. F.Norton D)..,..M. B. MlUer (D) Bnwcra. ... , Hoggart.. Natamaa., D. F. lay (D) 8. 1. Duttoa R)...C. M. Bemebey (R)(To be appointed) . W. B. Beyer (B)..J. H. Oarnett (B).. S. P. Baheaaky (D)W. V. Atwood (B)C. A. (tulle ().... Charlea Uobry (D).L. E. Laraon D)...U. C. Baker (D) C. O. Manilla (BI..J. O. Bawlea 1). B. Cropaey (B)..E. A. Wunder (D).,(Nona elected.) ....Henry Abrama (D) Karl Knhlmaa (D).B. H. Iljlmee (!).. B. i. Nlbba (B) ...F. B. Kaffranck (DjB. C. Oore (F)....U C. Kuater (D) Hague A. H. Bromaa (B).C. A. Wllaoa ..C. E. Cunalnxham.C. E. Nlchola (R)..F. E. Anderaon BI...W. A Herman (R) L. A. Dene P. C. County ......Katharine Feather ,.. M. Wyotl L M. White (B1...F. Hopleton (B)....W. C. Ichoetter (D)Forraat Laor (D)..N. 8. Bruce (D) ...Geo. 4. Kuach (D) ..E.U. Bellow ,..M. C. Atnoe IO)..... E. Forellng (B). laaaa Bouah (B ..(To be appointed) . . E. D. Drake (B) . . . Rachel McElrey (D) ,,D. C. Laird ..O. ,W. Draper (B)..C. B. Hart (H)....I. W. Kggen (D)..B. H. retorron (B)C. A. NlppeU (B)..A. 8. Stlnaon (D) ..Ralph Wuaoa .A. Buthenand (D) .L. A. Bimmona (D).Wm. Albera (B).,,F. Feteraon (D)..,. Arthur Edgren ....Minnie Knetta (D) ..George E. French., A. 8. Allen (B)....A.J. Hallabnry (R..8. M. touder (R)..P. B. Halllgan (B).R. I.. Cochran (D).Alleen Gaunt (R) ,.F. B. Hogebttom ..John Armour (U)..Ed H. Potter (D)...Wn. A. McCain... (None elerted) .... David Hantaan (D) Alice C. Hill (B).. Capp (B) D. II. cneeeman (U)rv. tieimaump t).x. w. iioooier in) ttrvute maw r. j&. uolaon (at)..Eu)tn Wlralg (D) .Chaa. A. Italy (K).Cort Caah (K) L. E. Pyaer (R)....(Ta be appointed.) . (Nona elected.) ...O. A. Johneon R) ,D. T. Modaon (R)..C. 8. nmllh IB).... J. B. Dulpbey (D).M. 1). Taylor (B)..X. L. Huntley (B).N. A. Houael (D) . W. H. Bilge (D).,,C. E. CUrk (B)....Bow B. Cox1 (D) . E. Boat (R) B. W. Brnaoa (B) . .MeCutchean (D) Z. H. donee (!.... Wm. I. Dyeen ID. Mabel d.dohnaon (BK. W. McDonald (D)R. H. Willie (B)..E. F. KeUey (D).. C. O. Know ID). ...A. R. Bogera (B),.Earl Conner (I...E. Armalrong (B) 0. Stevenaon (D)..Beaale Anderaon (B) .(,'. B. Dean (R).,,.G. E. Peteraon (B).F. G. Frame (It)... J. L Clarke (ttt.., A. B. Ellawnrth (D)C. Baldrlga (D) ,W. C. HaU (BI....C. C. lain (I)).... P. A. Peteraon (E).D. a. Blmntr (D)..E. B. Latvia (B) ... Clyde Lehman (B).. .0. 8terenaon...'..,.Ed Flacher (B)....F. B. Booa (B) W. F. Moran (D),.Chal. Shannon (D). Charier Rpeedle (D) . H. W. Heott(B).., J. C. MeCluag (B).J. D. Albright (M).F. A. Barton (B... D. Howe E. A. Hammond (B) .J. M. Baker (II). ..O. A. Ollphant M. 8. Keller B. F. Heatlnge V. Carothera Belle Molloway Barr ....Frank Falk (B)...l. H. Anderaon (BIU. O. Brlnaell (R)..A. J. Sharer (D)...Q.D. Galloway (R).. Alice gwanaon (D) Kelley ......Frank Mohmutn (R)Ueorge W. H. Bender (D)..Mark Burke - (D)..D. B. roller . .Barney Hofer. . . 1.. A. Fitch ,,0. o. Marab (B). .. M. opann (at).. . J. B. Leonard (Mm., i. M. Kernel (D)..H. A. Oreer Wheat,,., ...Emeat Buff (B),.,.Chaa. Hatter Donate J, B. Hlaea (S)....l. lemptaiea Da La matte a. J. H. Ferguaoa ().T. H. Koealg NarwaU..,.. J. B Bo bene (D)..L. B. lalmaa (I)).. J. M. Caldar (D...L. U. McKiulp (B)Bax Darlas B) . . . . w. H. Brokaw D).. Dorr.,......M, E. Olllcaple (D).R. M. Brace (B)...B. H. Hawaii (R)..A. C. Planta (R)..8. H. Footer (B) . . .Summers (B) Hmlta U B. Polakl L. A. WUIIamt (B).D. C. Grow (B).,.L. L. Stephana ,..E. B. Coming L. H. Currier Schnurr 0. O. Warm (D)....0. W. H1U (B) F. W, Meyer (U)...F. 8. Baker (B)....F. M. Hall . (B) . . . .Vlnnle NeweU (D) Harrlaan B. A. Young (B) ..Bert PUta .....Blaaveit .'.,,0. T. McMillan ... Craw (B) .....Bey B. Ceriberg...J. T. Conway (D). Pat Doreey H. Oedraedaen W. H. BartleM (D).Wilaon Bell .....L C. Eller ...O. T. Andereen (RIM. Mehrena i, Briltoa. C. W. Beynalda (D)U. I. Porter ,..B. F. Perm .Frank HtuTer Hopkins,. ....Arma Beck (BI....J. 0. Millar condolence on the death of Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria-Hungary were nreoared at the State depart ment today-in expectation Of imme- dista official announcement trom tne American ambassador at Vienna or the Austrian charge here. ' President Wilson will send messages both to the royal family and to the Austrian charge here, while Secretary Lansing will send messages to the charge here and to the minister of foreign affairs in Vienna. Congratulations to the new mon arch will not be sent until later, when his ascension to the throne is olh eially reported. The German embassy, basing its views uoon an intimate knowledge of conditions in the dual monarchy, is certain the death of Emperor Fran cis Joseph sad the ascension of Charles Frsncis Joseph will result in renewed military activity of a most energetic character. ; The dead monarch by reason of his age and his infirmities has taken no more than a passively active part in the war plans for some months. The new ruler has been actively engaged on various fronts where the Austro Hungarian armies have been operat ing during the last two years. Count von Bernstorff, the German ambassador, feels that from an inter nal political viewpoint, the death of the Austrian emperor will not have the slightest effect on the war. In times of peace such an event might have a strong effect In war time, however, the ambassador believes the people are united for success of their arms. Furthermore, the smbssssdor feels the people ,ot the dual mon archy have been so solidified by the war that the death of their ruler will not bring about any political changes of importance. The new monarch is said to havv, well-defined ideas re- Warding peace and personally is peace ully inclined. , He is descrtbed as "a sensible man, and, therefore, in favor of peace rather than war." ADAMSON EIGHT HOUR RAIL LAIS DECLARED VOID (Continued from Page One.) ment ia that as the court construes the terms of the law, it cannot be sus tained. Since both parties have said they would not plead further, what ever the decision might be. a decree shall be entered for the piaintm, re citins; that the defendant prays snd is allowed an appeal in an open court. . ine case in wtittii .mc yiaiuim, were appointed receivers is in charge nf tha indue who is acting here. An order will be entered in that case di recting plaintiffs snd the counsel to co-operate with the Department of Justice in lodging the appeal in the innreme court bv December 4 next and in then moving for the advance ment thereof for such early hearing as that eort nay find consistent to print: also to invite counsel for all railroad companie. and others simi larly interested in the question in volved to participate in the presenta tion of the motion to advance and in the arguments on the merits as fully as though their clients were parties to this litgation. Though the, decree of the court in the case here will be final in form, yet, because of the excep tional circumstances, tne piaintuis win be directed to keep their accounts and be prepared promptly to pay their !).... C. E. Hwanaon (B).I. D. Clarke (B)...M. Laneaater (R).. C. 8. Radeilir (DI...H. Keburiaex CO.. J. C. Elliott (BI...A. H .Norrla (B)..E. B. Miller (R) (D). L. C. Taylor nehroder (D)...d. 8. Canndy (D)..L. C. Paulaoa Gaff H. J. Plyneeaer (D).M. H. Loamy.. (D). .A. J. Kraxokt (Dv..O. F. Walter (D (H). ..John Leee till M. A. MlUa, Jr. (D . . . .J. W. Null (D) J. L. Rice (D) ..DanB.Batekln (B).,0. W. Morrla (D)..B. C. Janice B) . . , d. c. Wallace (B) . . , H. D. Cnrtla (B).... J.J.CarlU. (D) ..... C. 0. Ammon (B) . . . (I))...,0. J. Xnbleek (R)..C. F. Berth (11).. ..R. B. Bte.tlilga (rttH. P. Schmidt (D) (B).,.J. P. Spearmen . ,,C. H. McCarthy (D)H. D, Fattttreon (D)n. Oramllch (D) (ut..ia. nnoeraon ini .irt. weeirann int. ,w. johneou (D)...F. E. Alder (B) (B)..A. B. Dawner (B).B. O, atiaana (R) A. B. McCaak.- (D)Ada Haldemaa (B) (D) .A. .Bo per (D).,,0. Blchnrdaen Hellman (D) Al berry (D) .......Oakae (B) (D).,,,0. U. OrlaTln (BI...A. M. Smith (D). E. c. Slmmona (D)0. i. Kellner (R). (D).,,.IH D. Tolca (I))....0. A. Worm (D)..C. J. Nelaon (D)...H. L. Cnahlng (By (D)....B. U. Allen (R)....H. Meneka (D)....Chrle Bohwer (BI..N. P. Lund (B (B)...W. O. Manaaen (D)F. 8. Berry ...R. jonea (B). .....Pearl Scwell (B) (D)... C. D. Roblnaon (R)J. J. Monday (D) (R),...A. A. Mate (B).. .0. Minora employes on the basis of Adam son law ahould the decree be not sus tained. ' : : Move to Unite Suits, Washington, D. C.( Nov. 22. An agreement between) the railroads and the Department' of Justice to ask the supreme co'irt to pass on the constitutionality of the Adamson act before January 1, when it takes ef fect, .appeared to be near at hand to day. ' i r ' Counsel for the Pennsylvania, New Vork Central and Burlington roads are conferring on the subject and it is said they may seek to have the suit of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, set for hearing at Kansas City tomorrow, made a test case. In that event other suits already instituted at tacking the Adamson act may be dropped. ' final decision in the matter, how ever, probably Will await word from G. C Todd and Marvin E. Under wood of the Department of Justice, who will appear in the Santa Fe case. "v '" . Government officials were greatly Interested in Judge Hook's decision holding the Adamson act unconstitu tional. At a conference held today between Attorney General Gregory and rair road attorneys tentative plsns were made to center the contest over con stitutionality of the Adamson law in one test case and expedite an early hearing in the supreme court. If perfected, the agreement would provide that the railroads would drop other suits if the law were held con stitutional and would bring no further suits while the case is pending. Both sides would work to get a final de cision before January 1, when the law becomes effective. Neither the attorneys for many large railroad systems, who were present in court, nor the government counsel present would comment on the decree. Appsrently both sides re garded the case only as a means of hastening a decision by the supreme court, which is the tmal arpiter. Sage Tea Dandy To Darken Hair Look years younger! Us the old , time Ssge Tea and Sulphur and nobody will know. You can turn gray, faded hair beau tifully dark and lustrous almost over night if you'll get a 50-cent bottle of "Wycth's Sage and Sulphur Com pound,, at any drug store. Millions of bottles of this old famous Sage Tea Recipe, improved by the addition of other ingredients, are sold annually, says a well-known druggist here, be cause it darkens the hair so naturally and evenly that no one can tell it has been applied. Those whose hair is turning gray or becoming faded have a surprise await ing them, because after one or two ap plications the grsy hair1 vanishes and your locks become luxuriantly dark and heatttifttl. ' ' .- . This is the age of youth. ' Gray haired, unattractive folks aren t wanted around, so Bret busy with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound tonight and you'll be delighted with your dark, handsome hair and your voutntui appearance wiimn a n this preparation is a toilet requisite and is-not intended for the cure, miti gation or prevention of disease. Adv. (B)..C. B. Bnrbank (R).E. Adamaon (D) (D)..U H. Bordwell (R).A. MeFadden (R) (l))..u. n. rneaeu (H).n. Mi. JiirM (it) (B) I- Bertrand (D)... Pearl O'Neal (D) C. D. Harden (B).O. C: Chadderdon (D) O. L. Uodfrey (R).Oaoar Warp (B) .1. F. Hladlk, Jr. ..Lettla Scott v. a. Jmmo m (D) A. Beamuaaen (D P. M. Bell (D) n&rttM n (D)..J. F. Bolf (D) ...,D. U. Webber (D) (B).A. B.'Thompeoa (D)Jl "t." Hoitxen mi' O. H. Overing (R)...G. L. Coon (Da (D)..A. B. podding (K)!t1 C. Lord' (B) Osceola Will Remain' ; . 'T '.JftiikZ-g vount. Seat of Polk tusceoia, iveo, ov, ti. (Special.) In the county seat election held in this county today Osceola decisively defeated Stromsburg for the removal of the court house from this place to Stromsburg. Outside Osceola pre cinct Osceola received 1207 votes, and outside of Stromsburg precinct Stromsburg received 4ii votes. Mrs. Inez Boissevain ; Improves Steadily Los Angeles, Nov 22. Slow but steady improvement has been shown by Mrs. Inez Milholland Boissevain of New York, who became critically ill with anemia here six weeks ago while on a suffrage tour.' Her ulti- mateKOTwryMikelv ff Benevolence and Business office. Hundreds of the Most Prominent People in Omaha have been cured by DR. WILLIAM CREIGHTOn MAXWELL 408-9-10 Omaha National Bank, 17th and Farnara Sts. Phone Red 4390. Hours: 9 to 12 and 2 to 5. MllllilllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIUIllHlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllliiMllllllllllllli: I BRASS SCREENS 5 ' , .FOR THE I FIREPLACE A New Big Lot of Beautiful Bras Fire Screens , : Come to See. Them , I SUNDERLAND BROS. CO. Eabra 3d Floor ; Keelme Bldg. g !iiiiiiiiiii;" vMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii HOSPITAL SHIP BOTANIC IS SUNK (Continued From Page Ooe.) vised that many submarines were op erating in the vicinity. At the time of the sinking at least 200 severely wounded men were on hoard the ship. The medical staff and the members of the crew numbered more than 500. No Americans On. New York, Nov. 22. The state ment was credited today to the Brit ish consulate in this city that Ameri can nurses and surgeons were aboard the British hospital shop Britannic, reported sunk today in the Aegean Sea, but later it was denied by the ranking ' consular official that there was any basis for the statement. Officials of the White Star line here said that they had received no word from their Liverpool office up to 1 p. m. today regarding the reported IIIIIMI Thompson Belden&G ; Women's Dressing : Sacques and Quilted Jackets for winter Mornings..... Gray eiderdown sacques, at $2.25. , Japanese silk sacques, em broidered in colors lav ender, pink, sky blue, $7.75 and $9.50. Quilted jackets, with or without sleeves, white, gray, black, $1.25, 2.75, 3.50, 3.75. Third Floor. Cape Gloves for Street Wear $1.25 An extra fine quality in white, black, tan and gray; priced $1.25. To Make : Baby's : Layettes The niost d e light ful ma terials that one will love to work with. Everything charm ingly different. C , ' Twenty-seven inch flounc ings with or without ruffles, sheer organdies and mulls, 75c to $1.75 a yard. Fancy Edges with inser tions to match, 12V.C to 45c a yard. "' Nainsook and Cambric Edges for underwear. M e d a 1 1 i o n s f or Baby Dresses, 3c to 10c each. Beadings and Ribbon Beadings, 10c to 30c a yard. ? . - in I Mi (Si I lii lit GIFT bestowed' carelessly 5J. may be carelessly scattered; but when safeguarded in the giv ing, it becomes doubly beneficial. CThe prudent management of this Company, acting as Trustee or Executor underyourw&i, would enhance thevalueqfeverybequest 1622 FARNeVH STREET Piles and Fistula Cured Without Surgical Operation or Pain. No Chloroform or Ether given. Writ ten Guarantee Given in All Cases. Pay When Cured. Car Fare Paid One Way to Point Within 50 Miles of Omaha. Patients must come to the sinking of the Britannic. The ship, they said, was turned back to them in June and officials here had not been advised that the government had taken it over again. The Britannic, built for the Liverpool-New York trade, was never in the service. It was about ready to be turned over for its initial voyage when the war began and it was com mandeered and fitted up for hospital purposes. It was used to transport wounded and sick from the Dardanelles and it was after that campaign was aban doned by Great Britain that, it was turned back to its owners. The White Star liner Britannic was the largest vessel of the White Star fleet afloat. Built in 1914 at Belfast, it was 852 feet long, ninety-four feet t m and fifty-nine feet depth. Its length was somewhat less than that of the White Star liner Olympic, which measured 888'i feet, but the Britannic had the greater tonnage, the Olympic's being 46,300 tons as com pared with the Britannic's 47,500. OIMM ffW.! IMHI'H The Coat Question Answered In a Thousand Charming Ways Fabrics of distinc tion, fashioned by master coat makers into delightful win ter styles; tailored throughout accord ing to the Thomp son -Belden stand ard - - - $25, $29.50 $35 to $100 Women's Cotton Union Suits.... Two Styles of Special Interest A fine ribbed cotton union suit (Stretton make) low neck, no sleeves, knee or ankle lengths, 65c. "Merode" cotton union ' suits, high neck, long sleeves, ankle lengths; ertra sizes, only $1.25. Our stocks of Women's Under wear include all qualities, weights, styles, prices. Women's BlackCotton Hose for 25c a pair Medium or heavy weights, double soles, fleece lined if you pre fer, in black only, 25c a pair. tatotarel KANS CITY , VIA MISSOURI PACIFIC Leave Omaha 8:10 A. M. Arrive Kansas City 4 :05 P. M. Modern Equipment Pullman Sleeper. Chair Cars and our own unsurpassed Dining Cars (Meals a la Carte). Leave Omaha. ....2:00 P. M. y Arrive Kansas City 8:35 P. M. Observation Cafe-Parlor Car. Chair Car, etc Leave Omaha 11:15 P. M. Arrive Kansas City. 7:10 A. M. Electric Lighted. Observation Sleeper. Chair Cars, etc awajll aliaraii MM Il TeSM,eraaeeaMaieaeajeiaasaear lllTIBIaanal,1"1 1 ' ' " " " inea.ii J it gih- zy f!l - mmmtmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmamttwmmimimu imrntt Burlington Would Enjoin Any Strike Council Bluffs, Ia Nov. 22. The Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Rail road company filed in the United States district court here late yester day a suit asking that the Adamson law be declared unconstitutional arid further asking injunctions against the United States government to prevent enforcement of the law and against the members of four railway brother hoods against inaugurating strikes if the provisions of the law are disre garded by the company. The last provision has not appeared in simi lar petitions filed by other companies in courts in this vicinity. Department Orders. Waahlngton, Nov. 32. (Special Telegram.) Penaiona granted In Nebraeka: Blth Roben. Omaha, IIS; Etta M. Poe, Odall. $12. 8outh Dakota: Ellxabetb J. Coburn. $12. MMII llr'T,,T5ld Coiffure Ornaments Shell pins, combs and barrettes, studded with Rhinestones, $1.00 to $5. Also lovely plain shell ornaments. Hand-Made Novelties of Ribbon.... Offer many gift suggestions. A Orders may be placed for any J .a iL. : tj -a oi uie luiiuwingi oagB, capa, ' slippers, bows, flowers, rosettes, and dozens of equally distinc tive articles. Ribbons for tying the gift packages are here in great va . riety choose now. . Hair ribbons all popu lar shades 25c a yard. eeifc.UaWI.J.AI U Him ae a ..eie,.' aaTeMriWkl THREE TRAINS DAILY AS Direct connections in Kansas City Union Station for all points South and West. Omaha Office 1423 Farnam St. T. F. Godfrey, G. A. P. D. f Phone Douglas 104. Tickets Also at Union Station. f -