Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 21, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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Strictures of Kearns and Miller
Are Called Erroneous, Un
warranted and Unfair.
Washington, Nov. 19. Sharp lan
guage is employed by Major General
George V. Goethals, governor of the
I'anama Canal Zone, in replying to
published criticisms of the big water
way, which he charges have seriously
affected its commercial rating. In his
annual report, made public by the
War department, the governor de
dares that the earth movements
which have frequently interrupted
traffic through the canal finally will
be overcome for all time.
General Goethals goes into a
lengthy review of the geological prob
lems which have been encountered, of
the steps taken to overcome such ob
stacles and the measure of success at
tained. So far as the Culebra cut is
concerned, he says, the worst is over,
the intervals between movements are
becoming greater and the quantities
of material less."
i The report replies to the published
statements of Prof. Benjamin LeRoy
Miller of Lehigh university and for
mer Senator Thomas Kearns ot utan.
The charges made in each case. Gen
eral Goethals brands as "erroneous,
unwarranted and unfair." It is shown
in the report that during a part of
the fiscal year, mo, during wnicn tne
canal was opened, 411 vessels passed
from the Atlantic to the Pacific and
376 in the other direction. Of all
these, only ninety-one were engaged
in the American coastwise trade.
To total cargo tonnage handled
was 3,140,046, as against 4,969,792 for
the preceding year, although the
waterway was in operation for only
five months last year. Commenting
upon the reduction in coastwise traf
fis shown, however, the report says
it was due principally to the scarcity'
of ships for foreign trade which drew
American coasting vessels into that
service. -
Difficulties of the present system of
levying tolls are recited and General
Goethals again recommends that leg
islation be sought making the earning
caoacitv of a ship the basis upon
which charges shall be computed. He
points out that $2,399,830 were col
lected in tolls during mo. ma tne
so-called Panama canal rules applied
in measuring the ships, he adds, this
sum would have been increased by
approximately $4UU,UUU.
Million and a Half
Bushels Increase
r Grain stocks in Omaha warehouses
"continue to be large, but the surplus
3s something like 1,000,000 bushels
less than one week ago, when the in
voice was made. During the last week
.large quantities of wheat have gone
out, some having been sent to the
anills, but more having been sold for
In bushels the grain stocks in stor
age now and at the corresponding
jlate of last year: :s
New. Last Tear.
Wheat 1,123.000 112,000
'Corn 41.000 177,000
,I)U .2,014.000 852.000
Kye 17 000 82.000
Garley 18,000 18,000
J Totals . , 3,580,000 1,051,000
? The increase over this date of last
year is lv639,000 bushels.
Prices of Sandwiches
Advance in Omaha
Prices of sandwiches for those de
siring light lunches have gone up in
Omaha in many places. In some of
the small lunch rooms where they for
merly put out a sandwich for a nickel
the price has been raised to 10 cents.
In some others where the price was
formerly 10 cents and where there
was a little more irleat in the sand
wich the price has been advanced to
IS cents.
Lured from Homes,
Two Women Eepent
The two women who were lured
to Omaha last week bv the blandish.
ments of two San Francisco traveling
men, arc Deing carea ror at tne Work
ingmen's hotel, Thirteenth and Capi
tol avenue, until they receive the
money from relatives to return home.
Their children - are with them. The
two traveling men have not been lo
cated. Expert Testimony in Big
Suit in Federal Court
Expert testimony was introduced
in the case of William Livingstone,
who is suing the Omaha railroad com
pany for $50,000 damages, which he
asserts he received in 1902, when he
Jetl and injured his head on the steps
of a railroad engine. The testimony
was in the form of skiograph plates
showing how the bone tissue of the
skull had been removed as a result
of the accident. Dr. Johnson of the
I'niversity of Nebraska College of
Medicine testified that the injury
might have caused the plaintiff to
wander about in a demented condi
tion and otherwise affect his mind.
The case is being tried before Judge
Woodrough of the United States
district court.
;Want to Install Fish Pond
S In the City Hall Lobby
i City Commissioners Jardine, Hum
;mel and Withnell comprise a special
committee to determine the advisa
bility of installing an aquarium in the
'rotunda of the city hall, which is be
ing remodeled. Mr. Hummel believe
J fish pond would add to the interior
charms of the municipal building.
Court Fines Teamster
? For Cruelty to Animals
, Frank Murray, Tenth and Pierce
streets, was fined $10 and costs in
police court on a charge of cruelty
jo animals. He is a teamster.
An Your Bowel KeanlarT
i Dr. KlnejNew Lite Pills will keep bowel
Regular .and overcome constipation, relieve
endtgesUon and sick headache. 2fc. All druf
ajlaUv Advertisement.
NEW YORK'S $2,800 BABY HIPPO Commercialism per
meate everything these days, even the Central park zoologi
cal gardens, where "Congo," the $2,800 baby of "Mrs. Mur
phy" and "Caliph II" has been sold to a circus. Congo is only
one of several children, but the others have all been sold.
All told the Hippo family has brought $40,000 to the zoo.
lis a
Boys Who Stole Hallowe'en Feed .
Lose Out on Thanksgiving Dinner
It always pays to be good, boys.
You know, Abraham Lincoln said,
"Honesty is the best policy."
Now here's just an example' of how
it pays to be honest and how those
that are dishonest always "get it in
the neck."
Rev. C. W. Savidge gave a Hallo
we'en party at his church a few weeks
ago and invited a lot of poor children.
The ladies baked eight cakes, which
would have 1een plenty. But some
boys who didn't appreciate the hos
pitality thought they'd be smart and
they stole five of the cakes and took
them off and ate them.
They thought they were that much
ahead. But now see how their pun
ishment Is coming. Rev. Mr. Savidge
is going to give a Thanksgiving sup
per to 500 poor children at the Peo
ple's church Friday evening. But
those boys who stole the cakes are
not going to be there. They would
have been invited if they hadn't stol
en the cakes. ,
They don't want bad boys around
that "bite the hand that's feeding
them." So they lose out on the roast
turkey and cranberry sauce and pota
toes and celery and pumpkin pies and
cake 'and ice cream.
Oh, it's a great lesson to boys that
are tempted to steal cakes or to do
anything else that isn't honest.
Farmers Are the
Ones Making Money
"Eastern Colorado farmers were,
never as prosperous as now," asserts
R. J. Dobell of the Julesburg Grit
Advocate, who is spending a few days
in Omaha.
"Beet growers are getting $6.50 to
$7 per ton for their beets and they
are running eighteen to twenty-four
tons to the acre. Wheat is fetching
better than $1.50 per bushel and
everything that a farmer has to sell
is correspondingly high. Practically
all the -farmers ride in automobiles
and they are the ones who are mak
ing the money.
"Land through eastern Colorado is
advancing in price and settlers are
flocking into our section of the state.
In another year practically all the
cheap land will be in the hands of
actual settlers, instead of in the hands
of speculators, in in the past."
Captain Chandler Says No Air
planes Nor Dirigibles Will
Come Here Yet.
Overheated Stove Starts
Fife in Hansen Home
An overheated stove set fire to the
home of Mrs. L. Hansen, 2130 North
Twenty-eighth street, and did slight
damage before the department ex
tinguished the flames.
Companies of balloon men for the
United States army service will be
trained at Fort Omaha and sent from
here to join various artillery detach
ments in various parts of the country,
according to Captain Charles De
France Chandler, who has just ar
rived in Omaha to take charge of the
balloon school that is to be estab
lished at Fort Omaha.
Six balloons are ordered for this
balloon school, and are now being
manufactured. No airplanes are to
be used here just yet, and probably
no dirigibles, according to Captain
Chandler. The type of balloons to be
used is what is known as the captive
balloon, which is sent up and kept
tethered to earth by a rope, so that it
may be brought down by s windlass
at any time. The men in the balloon
take observations and find ranges for
the gunners in the artillery.
Captain D. H. Bower, besides Cap
tain Chandler, has been assigned to
duty at Fort Omaha. About twenty
officers can be accommodated here at
one time, and Captain Chandler says
some J50 enlisted men will be taking
instructions here.
Captain Chandler has been in the
aeronautic service of the United
States army for some years, having
served two years in the Philippines
and some months with General Persh
ing on the border and in Mexico.
No Turkeys in the
Thanksgiving Day
Baskets This Year
"W are not giving away any Tur
key in our Thanksgiving baskets this
year," said Mrs. G. W. Doane, secre
tary of -the Associated Charities
"Not at their present high rate. What
we are going to do is to give away
about 250 baskets, but they will con
tain only essential and staple foods
Mrs. Doane says that she could use
a large number of shoes, as calls in
this line have been very heavy since
the increased cost ot the tootwear.
Pastor Scores Severely,
Religious Hypocrites
"The martyrs were those who bore
witness to the truth as they saw it
and would not yield their beliefs even
in the face of death. It should be so
with us," Rev. Robert Leavens, Uni
tarian pastor, told his congregation
Sunday when he preached on "An
Honest Religion." Hypocrisy, he
said, was more despicable in religion
than in any other phase of life. He
urged all men to strive for the wis
dom to see the ngnt ana tne courage
to abideyby their findings.
The church meeting was held at
Turpin's hall, Twenty-eighth and Far
nam streets, where they will continue
to be held until the new church is
erected. Plans for the church are al
ready drawn.
City Dads Find They Have No Right
To Abridge Free Speech on Streets
Mayor Decides He Has No I grounds of public policy; that he had
reccivra many complaints ituhi uusi-
Kight to Grant Permits or
to Refuse to Let
People Talk.
JL Ui;
JlrfM llbrCtiparJon
Science Confirms the Loreo the Indians
Long before the coming of the
white man, the Seneca Indians
collected mineral 'oil from the
surface of water in pits dug in
the oil sands. A French mis
sionary visited the Western Penn
sylvania wilderness in 1627 and
was told that the crude petroleum
. thus obtained was good for rheu
matism and skin diseases. Used
internally, the Indians declared,
it killed a serpent that lived in
he intestines and caused ab
dominal pains.
Today the twentieth century
physician prescribes mineral oil as
the safest, most rational treatment
for constipation. Nuiol is the
modern version of the Indian
specific. It is not a laxative or a
purgative. Its action is to soften
the intestinal contents and so
make natural movements easy.
All druffliti carry Najol which la meeu
factored oah by the Staadard Oil Com
pany (New Jersey). Avoid anbstitutes.
Write today for booklet "The Ratisaal
Treatment el Coaadpatioa."
(New Jersey)
Bayonne ' New Jersey
What are the rights of free speech?
The city commissioners want to know
They are at sea and want somebody
to throw a lifeline.
Three members of the city legal
department perused the law books for
three hours and announced that they
could not find anything which pre
vented public speaking on the streets
of Omaha.
"I am convinced that I have no
authority to issue permits for street
speaking as I have been doing. These
permits have no legal status. It seems
to have been a custom for the mayor
to issue permits," stated Mayor Dahl-man.
The net result of the meeting of
the city commissisoncrs in committee
of the whole was to announce to all
of the world and his brother that
street sneakers mav have a free-for-
all until such time as the city council
shall have passed a regulatory ordi
nance which wlil define a one inside
of which street speaking will not be
allowed. The city attorney was di
rected to prepare such an ordinance.
"Then what shall I do?" inquired
Superintendent Kugel of the police
The commissioners took counsel
unto themselves once more and de
cided that the police department may
keep the. streets and walks open to
traffic, but cannot legally interfere
with the speakers, because that would
be interfering wtih the rights of free
Mr. Kugel thinks he is the eoat ot
the situation. It is up to him to pre
serve inviolate the sacred rights of
free speech, maintain traffic routes
for vehicles and pedestrians, main
tain order in the crowds which a'ttend
street speaking meetings and placate
merchants who complain of congested
walks in front of thcii places of business.
Mavor Dahlman suggested setting
aside Jefferson square for public
speaking, but Commissioner Hummel
tood up in all of his might and re
monstrated against invading the sa
cred precincts of that hallowed spot.
This matter was brought to its pres
ent status when the mayor was asked
for permits for speakers who intend
to oppose the five-year street lighting
contract which will be submitted to
a referendum on December S. The
mayor refused the permit! on the
ness men who said they were annoyed
during the recent campaign. The
mayor publicly admitted he had no
authority to issue or retuse permits.
He said he believed it was a matter
of police regulation.
Rine Will Decide
Saloon Men's Tax
City Attorney Rinc has been in
structed by the city commissioners to
report Tuesday morning, November
28, an opinion as to the minimum li
cense fee the city can assess saloon
keepers for the period from January 1
to May 1, 1917.
Although it is unofficially under
stood that the city cannot charge less
than $1,000, the commissioners want
an opinion in writing from its legal
The commissioners discussed the
situation in an executive session.
Nothing bo robn a wormm of her 0m4
look uid attractlvfnww aa rrmy, ntnaaMril
or faded hair. And there la no man reaaotl
or aanae In tot-
Falling Hair
Really Wonderful
On retiring rub spots of dandruff and
itching with Cuticura Ointment. Next
morning shampoo with Cuticura Soap
and hot water. This cleanses the scalp
of dandruff and promotes hair health.
Sample Each Free by Mall
with 114. book on IM tin. AMrsss psn-estd:
"GinleufS. Dspt. IIV, sstaa." aaMsnawMn.
irsctlvs ' hair
than that la la
wearing VDbo.
la "Bru
it la simple and
aaar ta ass. Mo
eoma or . braah,
It Into snap
hair. It can not
ha datoetad,
not rah er was
off, acts toetaaa-,
lr. and Is abso
lutely hannlassi ;
"Brownatona" wHI firs any ahacja ilishaiV
from llrht iroldon brown to black.
Toot druaxlst sails "Brownatona or wB
aft It for yonr. A sample sad a booklet win
be mailed you vpoo receipt of 10 cants and
your order will he filled direct from our lab
oratories If yoa prefer. Meattea shade da-1
sired. ' ...
Two slaas Ito and 11 M.
drenser'B. ,
Prepared by the Kenton Pharrflacal Caw
Ml B. Plks St, CoTinaton, Ky.
Bold and euaranterd In Omaha by ffhsa
man at MoConnall Drue; Co. atoms and other
leading dealers.
Far Itching Scalp
You do not want a slow trtatmeal
(or itching scalp when hair is f along
and the dandruff germ is b'TUnt' the
hair roots. Delay tmansoo hair.
Get, at any drug store, a bottle of
lemo for 25c or $1X0 for extra lam
jitt. Use as directed, for it does the
work quickly. It kills the daridnrff
germ, nourishes the hair roots and inr
mediately stops Stchina; acaipi It is
a pure, reliable, antiseptic lirnnd, it not
greasy, is easy to use ana wiu an eiaui.
Soaps and shampoos are harmful, at
hey contain alkali. The best thing to
use for scarp irritations is zemo, for a
is safe and also inexpensive. ,.; ,.
I Tie IS. W. Bast Co., Cleveland. X , . J
Peel Off Your Freckle
To remove fraekram, b)oteh r any tma
plaxton diMwltr. tH bMt thin to do la
to rmov tha akin itaelf. Ttits ta mUy
and barmleaaly dona by tha pplkmtlo. ot
ordinary merooUaad wax. Tho wax paata
off tha defactlva ontar ikln, a llttlo ae
day, fra dually brinitov tha second laywr
of "kin to vlfw. Tha new akin la baaatl
fully oft, clear, white and younr kwklnc,
Juat procure an ounce of meroollaed wa
at any drug atora and uaa Uka cold ofaam.
Advertlaeraeut, i
Cbaap Subatttutaa eoat YOU tam pfieav
The Dentist Saysi
"Come and see me twice a
year keep them clean
and chew WRIGLErS."
This wholesome, economical
goody removes food particles
that cause decay.
It's friendly to your teeth and
gums. Good to chew on. Helps
appetite and digestion, too.
Sealed Tight
Don't forget
after every meal
Kept Right
Writs Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co.. 1629 Koner Bldg., Chicago, for th$ Sprightly Sptarmen's booh in colon. 629
n i i