THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 21. 1916. Nebraska OFFICIAL VOTE EXCEPT DOUGLAS Returns from Other Ninety Two Counties Qive Wilson 30,817 Plurality. DRY NET MAJORITY 29,442 (From a Staff Correspondent.) : Lincpln, Nov. 20. (Special Tele gran.) With all counties in with the exception of Douglas, the official count gives Wilson 30,817 plurality; prohibition, 39,943; Hitchcock, 7,508; Neville, 2,311; Howard, 13,628; Pool, 21,713; Smith, 14,859; Hall, 19,854; Clemmons, 1,732; Reed, 14,898; Shum way, 5,310; Wilson, 10,150. On the judicial election Morrissey for chief justice receives 10,528 ma jority and Cornish for associate jus tice gets 6,249 over Barnes, the fourth man, with Dean second with 4,246 and Sedgwick with 3,159. Including Douglas Unofficial. Official returns from all the state except Douglas county and Douglas county unofficial give the following results: Wilson .7. . .168.100 Huahts fll7.034 Bernion '" Hanly ' Wilson's plurality 41.066 Wilton's majority SI. 017 UNITED STATES SENATE. I Hitchcock 142.SSS Kennedy 130,402 Hitchcock's plurality 11.SB1 FOR GOVERNOR. Neville 142,63 Sutton 136,767 Nevllle'i plurality ,. 6.877 - STATE SUPERINTENDENT. Clemmons, ..T". ISMS' Thomal '. 132.340 Clemmons' majority 1.638 Charles W. Pool, democratic candi date for re-election as secretary of state, received the largest majority of any state candidate, 29,190. Vote Without Douglas. Without Douglas the total vote cast at sthe election was 259,751 and the highest number of votes cast for any office was on governor with a total of 249,720, the lowest on attor ney general where 240,262 votes were cast. The prohibition amendment received a total of 223,429 votes, while the food amendment received . but 166,792. The vote of democratic presidential electors ran from 134,031 for Bau mann down to 132,808 for Requartte. Republican electors ran from 103,214 for Richards to 102,293 for Carroll. Armstrong on the progressive ticket for elector, the only one not with drawing, received 589 votes. Carroll, who did not have the progressive en dorsement on the republican ticket, was the low man because of such action, Johnston, being the lowest republican elector with the pro gressive endorsement, receiving 102, 445 votes. Socialist electors ran from 5,386 to 5,209, while prohibition electors ran from 2,598 to 2,468. , Rest of the Ticket. - On the rest of the ticket the vote ran as follows with Douglas omitted: Senator Hitchcock, , 121,204; Kennedy, 113,796. Majority. 7,608. Governor Neville, 121,337; Sntton, llt, 038. Majority, 2,311. Lieutenant Governor Howard, 122,848; Ssumway, 108,720. Majority. 13,628. Secretary of State Pool. 127,483; Walt, 106,786. Majority, 21.713. State Auditor Smith, 121,830; Harsh. 106,871. Majority, 14,869. Treasurer Hall.- 126,735; Reynolds, 106, 081. Majority, 19,864. 1 State Superintendent Clemmons, . -114,-640; Thomas, 116,272. Thomas' majority, 1,732. Attorney General Reed, 124,120; Devoe, 109,222. Majority, 14,888. Land Commissioner Shumway, 117,341; Beckman, 112,031. Majority, 6,810. Railway Commissioner Wilson, 122,786; Clarke, 112,636. Majority, 10,110. Resents State University Hall. 124,692: Landls, 110,708; Seymour, 108,691; Basaett, 8,863. Hall's majority, 21,101; Landla' ma jority, 6.117. Chief Justice Supreme Court Morrissey, 107.093; Fawcett, 96,566. Majority. 10,528. Associate Justice Cornish, 100,801; Dean, 98,798; Sedgwick, 97,711; Barnes, 94,662; Martin, 91,843; Hastings, 88,661. Majorities over Barnea (fourth man): Cornish, 6,249; Sean, 4,246: Sedcwlck, 3,169. Congressional Ticket On the congressional selection the vote follows: FIRST DISTRICT.' Magulre, John (Dem. and P. I.) 16,894 Reavla, C. F. (Rep. and Prog.) 21,021 Abel, Glen H (Soc.) 7J92 Reavls' plurality, 4,127. SECOND DISTRICT. (Douglas county not included In returns received.) Lobeck. Charles O. (Dem.) 2,867 Baker, Ben S. (Rep.) , 2,169 Porter, O. C. (Soc.) 133 THIRD DISTRICT. Stephens, Dan V. (Dem. and P. D... 28,055 Warner, Wm. P. (Rep. and Prog.). .. .26,641 Woodcock, J. M. (Soc.) 748 Stephens' plurality, 2,614. i FOURTH DISTRIC. Stark. Wm. L. (Dem. and P. I.) 18,798 Sloan, Chas. H. (Rep. and Prog.). ...24,064 Itner, John (Soc.) 680 Sloan's plurality, 6,256, FIFTH DISTRICT. Shallenberger, A. C. (Dem. and P. I.). 22,686 Barton, SilaV R. (Rep.).; 18,293 Elliott, W. C. (Soc.) 1,062 Shallenberger's plurality, 4,393. SIXTH DISTRICT. McDermott. E. B. (Dem. and P. I.). .22,317 Kinkald, Moses P. (Rep. and Prog.) . .23,559 Canrlght. John (Soc.) 2,171 Stebblns, Lucien (by petition) 474 Klnkald's plurality, 11,242. Vote in Douglas. The total vote in Douglas county was 42,934, according to official fig ures compiled by Harley G. Moor head, election commissioner. There were 38,141 ballots cast in Greater Omaha. On the prohibition amendment there were 14,888 "yes" votes and 25, 389 "no." The "wet" majority in Douglas county was 10,501. The majority for prohibition in the entire state was 29,442. A man about town wagered $500 that the "wet" majority would not be as much as 11,000. A couple of more men about town put up $250 each and grabbed the bet, thinking it was "grapes." Official figures show that the first man had the right "dope." Sale of Liquor Ordered Stopped in Drug Stores Beatrice, Neb., Nov. 20. (Special Telegram.) fn order that Beatrice may be kept strictly dry, Mayor Saunders issued an order this even ing, ordering all drug stores in the city to stop the sale of intoxicating liquors. Dangerous Bronchial Cough. Dr. King's New Discovery will give quick relief In bronchial Irritation and bronchial asthma: allays inflammation, eases sors spots. All druggists. AdvsrtlsemenL ONE OF SOLON BORGLUM'S TRIUMPHS "The Rough Rider," a statue of Captain "Bucky" O'Neil of Colonel Roose velt's regiment, made for Phoenix, Ariz. Replica on exhibi tion at the Omaha Fine Arts Society show now. HXfJ h 4 Wrr A steady stream of art lovers viewed the Fine Arts society exhibit of contemporary paintings and sculp tures of Gutzon and Solon Borglum at the Hotel Fontenelle for the free exhibit Sunday. Following the pop ular concert at the Auditorium for the Associated Charities benefit, the gal lery was crowded. The Borglum bronzes prove the special drawing card, since this is the first opportunity most Omahans have had to view the works which have made these two native sons famous. ThesLincoln seated figure and the head of Lincoln are prime favorites. Children flocke(t to the exhibit in great numbers and proved themselves keenly observant art critics. One young Omahan, son of a ma tron prominent in the art society, studied the seated Lincoln intently, noting the tall hat which reposes by the side of the martyred president "Mother, I'm trying to imagine that hat on Lincoln and I'm wondering if it would just fit him. It looks rather too large," was his comment. Mother dutifully explained that in the '60s hats were not worn to fit so precisely as nowadays. Members of the exhibition commit tee who puzzled their brains over what a bronze "Bolivia" might -be when the advance list of the sculp tures were sent by the Borglum broth ers were set at rest when the statue was unpacked and disclosed a figure of the dashing General Bolivar, for whom the , South American country was named.' "But 'Bolivia' it was in Gutzon Bo'rglum's own handwriting and so we had 'Bolivia' printed on the cata logue," said Mrs. Warren BlackwelL Father Is Trying To Get Son Out of Canadian Army (Prom a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, Nov. 20. (Special.) At torney General Willis E. Reed has had his attention called to the fact that Louis G. Hoveland, an American citizen, has been pressed into the mili tary service of Canada and will soon be sent to France with other recruits for the British army. In a letter received by the attor ney general this morning from the father of the young man. G. B. Hove land, who for many years was a busi ness man at Newman Grove, but who now resides at Eddyville, Mr. Hove land says his son went to Alberta, Canada, about two years ago to visit his sister who resided there with her husband. He went to work for his brother-in-law and has lived there ever since. He claims he is still an American citizen, but the Canadian authorities have pressed him into service anyway. Attorney General Reed will take the matter up at once with the au thorities at Washington through Sen ator Hitchcock, who is a member of the senate committee on foreign rela tions. Plattsmouth Saloon Men Will Enter Other Lines Plattsmouth, Neb., Nov. 20. (Spe cial.) Plattsmouth has seven saloons at this time and sinee the election which will put Nebraska dry after May 1 next year, those engaged in the traffic have been casting about them glances for other lines. One firm has determined to engage in the drygoods lines and will carry ladies' furnishings, including tailored suits, and cloaks. Another man has decided to establish a book bindery here, a line which Plattsmouth never did have, and having been in that business for the greater portion of his busi ness career and knowing the busi ness thoroughly, he will no doubt suc ceed. Another one will engage in the confectionery business and will carry a line of soft drinks to sell. Another has said that he intended to operate a pool hall. Another will enter into business in Omaha and the other two have as yet not decided as to what they will do, although one will enter some line here in Plattsmouth. Notes from Beatrice ' And Gage County Beatrice, Neb., Nov. 20. (Special.) The state conference of the Young Women's Christian association will be held in Beatrice next Friday, Sat urday and Sunday. Delegates will be present from points in Iowa and Nebraska, and a number of officers of national repute will appear on the program from day to day. Louis Norton Hathaway and Miss Mildred McCuisiton, both of Hebron, were married here yesterday morn ing by Rev. C. F. Stevens. The groom is in the employ of the Lincoln Tele phone and Telegraph company at Hebron. Bishop Tihen has appointed Rev. Robert Bickert of Cambridge, Neb., as pastor of St. Joseph's Catholic church of this city to succeed Father A, Petrasch, who resigned last week on account of his health. He has gone to Mountain Grove, Mo., to spend the winter. The Burlington road Saturday paid its taxes in Gage county for the year 1916, which amounted a $31,246.80. Arthur Borson, colored, was arrest ed Saturday night at his- home on South Tenth street on the charge of bootlegging. Harry Dawson was sent to the Borson home by the police, where he purchased a pint of whisky. Thee officers then raided the place and found a quantity of whisky and ten bottles of beer. He was lodged in jail and will be given a hearing this week. Five Shots Are Fired At Farmer and Woman Beatrice, Neb., Nov. 20. (Special Telegram.) An unidentified man fired five shots af Charles B laker, a Barneston farmer, as he was riding in a top buggy last night near Barneston with a young woman. The bullets pierced the top of the buggy, but the occupants escaped unhurt. Bloodhounds were used in trying to catch the would-be assassin, but with out result. East Wing of State House Will Be Timbered Up (Prom a Staff' Correspondent.) Lincoln, Nov. 20. (Special.) The east wing of the state house will be fixed up so that there will be no dan ger of it falling down this winter, the board of educational lands and funds having authorized the state engineer, Mr. Johnson to begin at once work for the temporary relief of the situa tion. , Timbers will be placed in such a way that if the walls should fall out ward, the roof and the floors will still stand. Prominent Plattsmouth Man Dies Suddenly Plattsmouth, Neb., Nov. 20. (Spe cial.) Joseph Kuhns, the foreman of the Burlington Lumber yards, was taken seriously ill Saturday evening and died early yesterday morning. Mr. Kuhns came to Plattsmouth about nine years ago from Albuquerque and has been with the Burlington since. He was 62 years of age and a Mason and commander of the Elks lodge of this place, also a member of the Epis copal church. No arrangements for the funeral have been made. He has children in California and brothers in the eastern states. f sssnp (Qbffif hmm There is one sure, alt mtt to avoid a blotchy, pimply skin. A good or bad complexion comes from within. If you want tcJcMComplexion, a clean skin rosy cheeks and good health, your blood must be pure and the poisonous matter must be carried off. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets assist nature to remove all poisonous waste matter in the system. They act on the liver and bowels like calomel yet have no dangerous after-effects. They, are reliable safe and cannot harm are used by women folks everywhere. Constipation is nearly always the causeof allailmsntsof women. Tbe in testines must be made to do their work as nature intended in a normal way. Have color In your cheeks. Takeout ortwotabletsnightlyand note the pleas ing results. All druggists 10cind25c Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. FRANK J. RICHARDS IS FOUND GUILTY Former Lincoln Man Convicted of Attempt to Blackmail Ex-Ambassador Thompson, JUEY IS OUT TOR 21 HOURS Port Angeles, Wash., Nov. 20. The jury in the case of Frank J. Richards of Lincoln, Neb., charged with at temoted blackmail ol David E. Thompson, the Nebraska millionaire, formerly ambassador to Mexico ana Brazil, returned a verdict of guilty to day after being out twenty-one hours. Kichards was accused or tnreatenmg to publish a biograph of Thompson in the event that Thompson refused to pay him $J4,uuu, which Kicnaras al leged was due him on a partnership account. Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 20. Frank J. Richards, found guilty at Port An geles, Wash., of attempting to black mail D. ,E. Thompson, former am bassador to Mexico, was president of the Lincoln Commercial club nine months before going to Washington. He had lived in Lincoln fifteen years, managing all that time the Lincoln hotel, of which Mr. Thompson is principal owner. He has a mother and a brother living in Lincoln and a married daughter in Washington. Flush Kidneys With Salts If 1 Back Is Aching Noted authority says we eat too much meat, which dogs Kidneys. , ' J Take glass of Salts when Kidneys., hurt or Bladder bothers you. No man or woman who eats meat regularly can make a mistake by flushing the kidneys occasionally, says a well-known authority. Meat forms uric acid which excites the kid neys, they become overworked from the strain, get sluggish and fail to filter the waste and poisons from the blood, then we get sick. Nearly all rheumatism, headaches, liver trouble, nervousness, dizziness, sleepliness and urinary disorders come from sluggish kidneys. The moment you feel a dull ache in the kidneys or your back hurts or if the urine is cloudy, offensive, full of sediment, irregular of passage or attended by a sensation of scalding, stop eating meat and get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any phar macy; take a tablespoonful in a glass ui wairr uciorc urcaKiasi auu in a few days your kidneys will act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, com bined with lithia, and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate the kidneys, also to neutralize the acids in urine so it no1 longer causes irritation, thus ending bladder weak ness. Jad Salts is inexpensive and can not injure; makes' a delightful effer vescent lithia-water drink which everyone should, take now and then to keep the kidneys clean and active and the blood pure, thereby avoiding serious kidney complications. Adv. NEW POPULAR SONG WITH QUAINT IDEA CATCHY LOVE BALLAD WHICH IS LATEST CRAZE. A new unt hu Juit appeared vbieh hat no frivolous flavor to it, It teerai to chief ly appeal to the loyalty of the girl who find fat the man of her ehoie the counter part of her dad and mother. The idea is original. The mle ti partfealarly catehy. Here ii a part of the chonu eat from a copy frit received: In The Sweet Long Ago CHUKUS, jdH you bring back the oldn lore-days, the golden lm-dijs of Ions a - g o; you bring back all the old-luhioned melodies mother and dad-dy used to - kripwj the buhlul misses, the tender Cant yea bring beck kium by moonlight glow.Ob,I wUb I could find gone Although the range U only an octave, without high notes, the harmony afforde a very striking effect and brings out the voice most effectively. The aone Is said to be the ouiekest hit written in some time, having only been pub- llsbed recently. RHEUMATISM AFTER HIS DATS OUTING Hunting Trip On a Wet Day Bring Painful Results. Once upon a time Charles Mullen of Philadelphia went gunning. It wis a dismal rainy day, and long ex posure to cold and wet brought on a severe attack of rheumatism. He was confined to his home. A friend recommended Sloan s Lini ment, citing his own case as evidence of its effectiveness. Mullen bought a bottle and applied it to his aching limbs. Soon improvement was no ticed and he was able to return to business. Mr. Mullen Writes: Since that ex perience I have never been without Sloan's Liniment in the medicine chest." You will find it soothes bruises, sprains, toothache and re lieves lame back, neuralgia; in fact all external pains. At all druggists, 25c, 50c. and $1.00 a bottle. W '"a """ T TELEPHONE 2020 DOUGLAS" s "TiSS. V .illllNIHi. SETS THK PACE 'SsVfcsgr" mm. !f JK FOR CROWING .OMAHA tali Miss Cora Morris The Story Telling Lady WILL BE WITH US - all this week as well. Hundreds of little children have come to hear the wonderful stories this lady has to tell and scores of them have come back again and again The interest which this gives the child in the best literature is worth the time they spend here, aside from the entertainment they get LET YOUR CHILD come here some day this week. Sessions daily, 2:15 to 3:15 and 4:00 to 5:00 and on Saturdays at 10:30 and 3:30. Second Floor. Blankets and Comforters - At Very Modest Prices Give thought and consideration to your comfort when the thermometer drops below freezing. Pre pare now and really enjoy the Winter. The Genuine "Beacon" Bed Blankets, size 64x78 inches. In white, tan and gray. Beautiful qual ity, wool finish. Permanent nap. Neat mohair bind ing, fast color borders. Regular $2.39 quality, sale Price. Pair $1.98 All-Wool Bed Blankets, made from finest Cali fornia and Oregon wool, long, staple grade. Thor oughly woven, perfect, permanent nap. Size 66x80 inches. Beautiful plaids, plain white and grays. $7.00 values, Tuesday, pair $5.98 Best Grade Silkoline Covered Comforters, filled with white, sanitary cotton; soft and fluffy. Good weight. Hand tufted and stitched. Our regular $1.75 quality, sale price, each $1.49 , Plaid Blankets, none better made. From the Nashua and well known Beacon mills. Beautiful weight; woolnap, permanent finish. Size 66x80 inches. Blankets we rtjtail for $2.98 and $3.25. Fast colors.' Tuesday, pair $2.45 BasesMBt. Save $10 on This Range "Laurel" Cast Iron Combination Gas and Coal Ranges on Sale Tuesday, at a Saving of $10.00. These ranges cook and bake perfectly with either coal or gas. To make your Thanksgiving Dinner a success, secure a good range. Here is the best one we know of. Gas Cooking Top and Burners same size as on any family gas range. Full Size Oven, 18x18x13. Nothing to remove no tools required to change from coal or wood to gas. ) I llr J I LAWKl I fj "Summit" Laurel Gas and Coal Combination Range, full nickel trim med; white splasher on high closet. Regular price $75.00, at... go Everything in Pots and Pans and Cooking Utensils. A full guarantee of satisfaction with every, range. We sell "Caloric" Pipeless Furnaces. ' Basement. The most effi cient kitchen helps. Complete Stocks. The Great Sale of Thanksgiving Linens CONTINUES all this week. The time to pre pare for the great day is NOW. The feast and all its Appurtenances come after. Every woman is proud of her table linens and espe cially proud of them at Holiday time. We have made such thorough preparation that everyone will find complete stocks of the very best Linens that can be purchased at their respective prices. ' 59c Damask, 39c 72-Inch Damask, made of fine quality mer cerized yarn. Patterns copied from high class linens. Yard 39 $1.35 All-Linen Damask, 99c Full bleached, all-linen, extra quality, super ior finish satin Damask, 2 yards wide. Specially priced, yard 99t Special $1.25 Round Cloths, 89c Made of fine quality Damask, scalloped. An assortment of pretty patterns ; at breakfast size, 894 $1.50 Dresser Sets, 89c Each set consists of One Embroidered Scal loped Scarf and Pin Cushion Top to match. Pretty colorings. A timely holiday gift hint; neatly boxed, at 89d 15c Hemstitched Guest Towels, 10c i Full bleached, hemstitched ends; space for ( monogram or initials. Guest size only, ea., 10 Main Floor. ' In the Art Needlework Store Mrs. M. Girard is here, to give all who desire free lessons in knitting and crocheting with the Fleisher yarns. Sacond Floor. When baking with gas, heat is used twice. . ... V "Zenith" Laurel Gas II and Coal Combination "Success" Laurel Gas Range, same size and qual ity as "Summit," but plain er in finish. $65.00 values, for $55.00 Ranges, smaller in size and plainer finish ; special, at $45.00 Two New and Nobby Boots '' Havana Brown r ' and Nut Brown Kid. EIGHT and nine inches high, lace style. The Havana brown is a light turn sole, with a wood cov ered heel of same, long forepart and plain vamp. With a stylish wave top. , The nut brown is a lace boot with a light welted and stitched sole ; it has a leather Louis heel, the new long forepart and plain vamp. These shoes were , bought at the old prices before the wholesale costs began to climb and we are going to -offer them to you at tha -old price, which is, the pair $6.95 If we purchased these in open market today we could not sell . them for less than,$10 a pair you save the difference. v Main Floor. Wall Paper Specials JNOUGH Wall Paper for a 12x14x9 room, including 10 rolls wall, 6 ceiling and 18 yards border. For hatch- ? ens, bedrooms and spare rooms. Light and dark col ors. Regular $1.45 value, for entire room, only. . . .934; All Shades of Plain Oat meal Papers, with cut-out borders to match and plain ceilings. Very suitable for dining rooms, parlors and halls. Worth $4.45. Special, Tuesday, entire room for only ......$3.21 , Third Floor. ' J.