POLICE SUSPECT i HOLDUP IS MYTH Boone villo VoutS Says He Was ; Gagged, Bound and Bobbed of Cash. 7EDEKAL OFFICERS DOUBT (Fffim a Surf Cerwpoadnt. ; Des Moines, It., Nov. 20. (Spe cial.) Police today ire holding John G. Taylor, 20 yean old, assistant postmaster at Booneville.tfor federal officers, while authorities investigate" the boy's story that he was bound, gagged and robbed of $300 as he was locking up the postoffice several ' nights ago. I Taylor was found with his hands I -tied and a gag in his mouth about 1 8 o'clock in evening. He said that I-as he was locking the door he was ' .seized from behind. The robbers, he declares, took $300 from the post office. According to the police, federal of 1 ficials believe the. holdup -story was used to cover an alleged shortage in the postoffice. , . , Cosson Denies Wilkerson Claim. ... j Attorney General Cosson said to '.day that any claim that he has writ ten to Senator Frank F. Jones of Villisca to the effect that he would not investigate the Moore murder ease any further was absolutely false. He declared he had never in a letter or in any other manner indicatedto Jones or anyone else that he wenild not fully investigate the case. In the slander suit of W. F. Wilkerson, now being tried at Red Oak, in which Sena tor Jones is suing Detective Wilker con tor slander, a witness by the nnic f George Winters, a atocic buyer in Villisca, stated on the witness stand that at the famous meeting in the pas ture which was addressed by Wilker son,. the detective read from what purported to be a letter the follow ing: "Dear Senator: As far as I am personally concerned this case will not be investigated . any further. George H. Cosson." The detective claimed that this was what the at torney general wrote to Senator Jones. Attorney General Cosson said today that Wilkerson was hired by him for a time on the Moore case, but because of his demanding an in crease in pay and the manner he was conducting the investigations, he hsd W'ilkersou drop the work. Cosson was later asked to investigate Wil kerson by Senator Jones., '. Liquor Cases at Fort Madison, Attorney General Cosson has re ceived word from his assistant. Earl M. Steer, who lias been prosecuting liquor cases at Fort Madison, that the grand jury there has returned indict ments against sixteen defendants for liquor nuisances and against two de fendants for gambling nuisances. "This includes all we had cases against whose names we had, except one woman whose husband is serving a sentence from the federal court for bootlegging," says the message. This man was also indicted by the grand jury. "It also includes the gambling joint the state agents found and another one whose reputation was shown, 1 but did not ask for an in dorsement. It includes every place where liquor was bought by the state agents." 1 Executives to Cut : The Democratic Pie . - . v The executive committee of the democratic, county central eommittee will have charge of the distribution of pie. . Announcement has been nude that the bulk of the new ap pointments will not be made until next month, probably about Christ mas time. The suggestion has been made that the democrats have a Christmas tree. ; Jerry M. Fiagerald, assessor-elect, will retain Frank MahOney and W, G. Counsman, these men, being fa miliar with the work of the assessor's office. .. , . " As previously announced, M. L. Endres, the new treasurer, will ap point Otto J. Bauman as( chief deputy, and in all probability will appoint G. Fred Elsasser to a good position. Mr, Elsasser former'y served as county treasurer. . . Boy's Body Floats I Half Mile Under Ice Sioux Falls, S. D., Nov. 20. (Spe cial.) Ludwig Sveum, aged 16, son of a fawner living near Baltic, was the first victim of the season of skating on .thin ice. He was drowned in the Big Sioux river, while skating, near his father's farm. He went skating lone, and when he did not return J iter some hours, a search was made or him. A hole in the ice, where -fce had broken through, waa found. and after some difficulty the body was recovered from the lodgment under the ice at a point about half I mile down the river from the point wnere he broke through. 1 Onvrnor Boy la of Nava.4 Mid at Ren linaunt! . "Visitor to Reno pareahra fit ones that rrna oeautirui eiiy la aomathliig trig-far Md mora irnpomm mat, a dlforre colon. i "Thy who attack Reno with atruao of wtat Kind art? liko tha tramp, "A vary dirty and dIMpldatad tramp waa up o a rnargo or rnaalnc a bartend or all rmind a barroom With a biff knifa, " 'What tint did roa aay 1 ehaaed your lb trampt Iron tha dock domaadod of at " K(kM o'clock la tha morning,' tha bar- fended replied. ' There, gent aald the 4ramp, aeratcV In a; hla dlahaveled crop of whlakora. Thara, that ahowra what a liar ho la, for at S ciarit every morn in , winter and summer, reauiau- u nocawors, I iaaa my Daw to,' 2 niipaa4 rawdao. Financial Reveraa Betas; rejected by att ; would you call a rottrod horseman an 4 apart? , v ' Bm are rtry bright whan they'rs Jilt op." " It s alt very wall to be breesy, bat dea't ar iuii m nm miT. Ha nl be a wr who wow id dog an fiber's footsteps. - Air ractlea are froq aea ty built with gld brtrxa." r It la wall to have grit whoa you are out lor ine auei. - We've never see a crahwr fight, bat we've aeon a ship spar. "The- man who Is continually setting Into m now woman i neoesaartiy aaaka a good To t'ara a Cold la One Day. Take LAX ATI V BROMO QIIIN1NH Teh. lata. DmgKUia refund money if (t fnlla to eura. E, W. OROVR'0 BtgoaUtre fa aa each Woman Breaks All American Long Distance Records in Aeroplane New Yor, Nov. 20 The record breaking aeroplane riigiii of Ruth Law, begun yesterday in . Chicago, terminated at Governor'a Island here at 9:40 a, nv today after stops at lior- nejl and .Binghamton, N; Y.v ine final 152; miles from Binghamton to this city was covered this morning in two hours and twenty minutes and the entire journey, 8j2 miles in an air line, in actual fl lying time of nine hours and one minute. In making their official announce ment that the American non-stop cross-country record was won by Miss Law. as well as the world record in that classification for women and the second best world record for men and women. Aero club officers ex pressed surprise at the difficulties with which she had to contend in making the flight. A special point was made of the fact that she ire-, auentiv nad to oid ner macnine tn order to make the gasoline run down intOk. the carburetor from the tanks, which are placed too low to feed auto matically when the supply ebbs past a certain pbint. "The airplane used to make this record-breaking flight," their state ment read, "was the small loop-the-loop biplane with the propeller in the rear, wnicn she had bunt especially for herself.'; She . wanted this type, where the seat is in front without protection from the elements, she said, because it affords a wider range of vision while flying. The machine was equipped with a 100-horse power motor and gasoline tanks, holding fifty-three gallons. These tanks, being much lower than the motor, feed the motor in the normal way until two thirds of the gas has been consumed. after which it was necessary for Miss Law to t4p the machine from time to. time to fill the carburetor." The statement quoted Miss Law as saying, that as she aproached New York her gasoline supply was getting scf low that "even the feeding by dipping was getting less effective. She said she was getting ready to land in the city streets if necessary. The distance by which Miss Law bettered Carlstrom's American rec ord was given by the club as 138 miles, the distance covered today from Binghamton to New York at 152 miles, plus about twenty miles added by ig zags and the time was given as two hours, fourteen minutes and thirty-five seconds. r Twenty Bombs -Found On Sugar . Laden Steamship New York, Nov. 20. Twenty un- exploded bombs were found in the sugar cargo of the American steam ship Sarma upon its arrival at Cher bourg, France, after s voyage starting from New York on September 2,; during which the vessel caught fire from a cause unknown, according to rourtn Mate wybrance ot the Sarma, who arrived here today on the Ameri can line steamship New York from Liverpool. , Sugar made up the bulk of the car goes of the Sarnia and the barge Avondale, which it had id tow upon leaving New York. The fire at aea was extinguished without serious dam age, Wybrance said, and the two ves sels put in at Havre. It is not until they reached Cherbourg that the sugar was unloaded. The Sarnia before the war was a Hamburg-American steamship, and since being transferred to American registry was cleared from New York by J. H. Winchester & Co, shipping brokers, and was owned by the Hud son Bay company. The Sugar wasv consigned to the French government by A. H. Lamborn & Co:. New York sugar brokers. Ashes of Hillstrom ! 'Sent Over World Chicago, Nov. 20. One hundred and fifty envelopea containing asfyet of Joseph Hillstrom, or "Joe Hill," as ne usually signed nimselt, were dis tributed to as many delesates to the -tenth annual convention of the Indus trial Workers of the World today. The ashes will be scattered by the delegatea and by locals of the indus trial Workers of the World, to which 450 other envelopes were mailed, ac- turuinK ig mc wisncs 01 me aeceaent who was executed in Utah for mur der. Woman Claiming to Be One Of Villa's Wives Is Dead El Paso. Tex.. Nov. 20 Mra Juana Torres de Villa, who claimed to ne tne second wtte of Francisco Villa, died recently in Guadalajara. Mtx., according to a letter received here. Mrs, Villa lived in Los An geles. Lai., after Villa took the field as a bandit, later coming here at the time of the Carrizal affair in June. She waa ordered deported, and left tor Chihuahua City. Mrs. Luut Cor ral Villa, who claima to be Villa's first wife, is now understood to be in Ha vana, Cuba. . Bibliomania Follows in ; ' "Billy" Sunday's Trail Omaha's demand for religious liter ature has increased tenfold since the "Billy" Sunday reviral. according to hiss fcdilh ioDitt, librarian. The de mand has been especial.ly great on lit erature relating to the "Book of Genesis. Another great demand has cropped out on literature pertaining to ine opera. I ne library hag a large circulating library of music but be cause of the demand on it, patrons have been limited to the use' ot cer tain selections for three days only, ; ' The) rwffor rtah. . It la doubtless trua that thara ar no mermaid In tho aaa and no Neptune with urown and flowing locks, but tha epocle of tifa that do exlel there are la m&nv wavs equally aa Interesting .as tha mythological torn. xne me nine puner run, ror it em pie. which has attracted the attention of scientists from earliest times on account of Its shrewd habit of defending Itself by Inflation. The moment It scents danvet la the form of a laraer fleh. searehtnar for a dinner, It Instantly distends Itself with water until H Becomes almost apherlcal la shape, so that an ordinary fish could swallow It. Ol rector H. C Townsend of I he Now Tork aquarium placed a few food-ataed aeup porales. In a tank which contalaad a dosoa young puffere about two Inchea in length, whlh the hungry scup attacked at ones. Instantly tha baby puffers Inflated them selves and became almost globular la form. so that tha larger fish were unable to do more thsa knock them about Ilka toy bal Ioom too large to be ewaltowed. and oa which they ooutd get no hold no matter how hard! MAKES NEW NON-STOP FLIGHT RECORD Mis Ruth Law; who on Sunday flew from Chicago to Hornell, N. Y., 590 miles in an air line, and thus established a new non-stop long-distance flight record, reached New York City yesterday. P VY I VM If II U nr ii i ii - M Sar--Jh-" tMBe. I J KUTH JAP TRADE GROWING .. , s. Under the Stimulus of the War Japan is Increasing Its Freight Commerce. MAKING RUSSIAN CLOTHES (CorrMpondenca of Tha AMoeialed Praa.) , Sydney, Australia, Aug. 30. The press nee of a series of Japanese steamers in Sydney harbor to say nothing of their calls at other com wonwealth ports attests how the foreign trade pi the Japanese empire is expanding unacr mc stimulus ui the war and how Australia is assist ing in that expansion. Japan has greatly increased its exports to Aus tralia mainly in the shape ot raw milk, cotton .Varns and other cotton products; matches hats, buttons, pot tery, toys and glassware; and in the way of imports there has been a de cided advance in raw wool, raw cot ton, rubber, iron lead, zinc and paper pulp. ,. . .. . , ' . .... ' , ' . The Nip pon Yusen Kaisha line of steamers has reinforced the fleet- ply ing between Japanese and other Asia-, tic ports and Australian' cities, and lately it has decidtd to extend that service to New Zealand. The Nip pon Yusen Kaisha maintains a regu lar mail service to Australia and in addition it runs a direct cargo service, to the commonwealth. Trad Commission. A trade commission to the Anti podes consisting of S. Ukita, consul general at Batavia; Z. Kamiya, gen eral manager of the Osaka Mercantile Steamship company, and the latter's secretary, were recently in Sydney,1 having made a tour ot Victoria, bouth Australia and West Australia. Mr. Ukita, who is acting in a special ca pacity for the Japanese government, said that the party was not confining its attention solely to the matter of exports to the commonwealth. "We ..'i.., . .lis, lbl tApvn trade from Australia to Japan is open ing up." The -west of Australia, he continued, "is not very welt known to my countrymen, itiiefty for the' reason that we have no direct steam ship service to that part of the com monwealth, but I am convinced, and my colleagues agree with me, that tnere are distinctly good prospects ot trade between Japan and that part of Australia. . All the commissioners predicted that Japanese purchases of Austral ian wool, which are already large, would increase amazingly in the fu ture, and on this point Mr. Ukita AS PROOF of your good taste take her a box of Vassar Chocolates De Luxe. No finer sweets are niade. Other Vassar Chocolates 65c per pound and up. y x ooseWTles Company OMAHA said: "At present we are manufac turing large quantities of khaki for the Russian army. At the moment this trade is largely based on war conditions, but when the conflict is ended there will be a great outlet for the same trade in China. We pur chase from Australia tiow something between BU.UUU and 1UU.UUU bales ot wool per annum. It will soon grow into between -150,000 and 200,000 bales." He was also convinced that there waa a big prospect of trade in refrig erated oeet. Christian Endeavor , Rally at Woodbine " . i - Woodbine, la., Nov. 20! (Special.) One of the most spirited Christian Endeavor rallies ever held in Harri son county was held Sere yesterday, when large delegations from Mis souri Valley, Dunlap, Logan and Mo- dale attended. Misses Lena and Bes sie Howlette and Mable Lowe and Guy Leavitt of Council Bluffs were on the program with Miss Mary B. McPherrin of Omaha, Iowa state field secretary, who presided. As a result of the rally, which included talks, songs and yells throughout the'aft ernoon, a banquet, a Christian En deavor meeting and a lantern slide lecture on the historv of Endeavor the last two attended .by, over 500 people another rally was planned to be held at Missouri Valley on Sunday, January 8. Fifty Council Bluffs young people will be invited to attend this rally, as well as the societies from Harrison county churches. .. Dewey Now Wears New Sparkler, Gift of Office WlTen an employe of County Clerk Frank Dewey asked him for the loan of his ring for a ahort while in order tnat ne mignt purchase one ot a simi lar pattern, he was little aware that he was to receive a half carat setting for the band. It was presented to him by the clerks of his office at his home Saturday evening, 4532 North Thirty ninth street. D. M. Haverly, former county clerk, made, the presentation speech. About sixty friends, including the office force nd their wives, were present ' Dmm Trnkat Lead. Plttaburah. P-. Not. 16. Clrd Kl!y. dmocrat, took Uw lead from ReproMntaUvo W. H. Colonuin, NpubllctD, In th official recount of the vote cast in the Thirtieth eonrreeelonal dletrlot here today. -Qny H. Campbell, democrat, made a net aaln of 146 over BepreaaqtaUvft A. J, Barchneld, re publican. In the recount of the vote ta Uw Thlrteecojid dleuiet. Chocolates NAVY OF AUSTRIA MAKING A RECORD Official Report Indicates De strnction of Many Vessels of Italy, England, France. SUNK IN THE ADRIATIC (rorrespondeim ot The AMOclated Preaa.) Vienna, Nov. IS. While the world Vienna, !ov. 1. While the world has watched , with chiefest interest naval developments in this war be tween Germany and England. Austria has been busily "plugging away" with its navy in the Adriatic and the Medi terranean, and has established for it self an enviable record. Recently there has been issued an official list of the war vessels of the Italians, the French and the English that have been destroyed by the Aus trians. which total no less than twen ty -ei eh t and have or had a tonnage of 85,572 tons. Something over S per cent of the rrench total tonnage in May,. 1914, has been destroyed by the Austrians, and about 10 per cent of the Italian tonnage. Ihe activity oi the Austrian navv is best shown in the following concise table, arranged according to wine and character of ship, tonnage and man ner of destruction or serious injury: rriWN:ri. Jeitn Bart, lint ahlp, 13,470 tons, destroyed by submarine. Leon. Oam bet tn. armored erulaer. 12.1.50 ton, doat rayed by tub marine, Curte, submarine, . 400 tona. destroyed by coaat artillery. Dame, torpedo boat, 760 tons, - destroyed by mine. Joule, submarine, 400 tons, destroyed by' mine. Montre, submarine, 400 tona, destroyed by artillery. Faurche, submarine, TtO Uma, destroyed by aubmarlne. Fourault, submarine, 400 tons, destroyed by aeroplane, Total of eight French Teasels, with a ton nage of 39,120 tona, or 6.6 per cent of total French tonnage In May, 1914. ITALIAN. AmnlM. armored cruiser. 10.080 tona. de stroyed by ibmartn. Gulseppe Garibaldi, armored erulaer, 7.360 tonn. diat roved by .ubmarlnef Quarto type,' small cruiser, 8,400 tons, de stroyed by submarine ' ' , Principe Umberto, auxiliary erulaer, t,962 tons, destroyed by submarine. Gitta dl Palermo, auxiliary erulaer, 3,416 tons, destroyed by aubmarlne. Turbine, torpedo boat 330 tons, destroyed by artillery. 6 P, N,, torpedo boat ISO .tons, deatroyed by submarine. if u. a., torepao dosi, izu ions, aeairoyeo by mine. 0 P. N., torpedo boat, 120 tons, destroyed by mine. Imnetuoso. toroedo boat. 08 0 tona. de stroyed by aubmarlne. intreptdo, torpedo boat, 980 tons, oc troyed by mine. Medusa, submarine. 260 tons, destroyed by mine. Nautilus, submarine, 136 ton, deatroyed by mine. - Neretdo,- submarine, S36 tona, deatroyed by submarine. Nereldo type submarine, 235 tons, de stroyed by mine, Nereldo type submarine, 326 tons, de stroyed by artillery. Nereldo type aubmarlne, 226 tons, de stroyed by artillery. jaica. auomarine, zzs cons. Glaclnto Pulllno, aubmarlne. 34S tona. cap tured. Total of nineteen Italian ahlp, with a ton nage of 41,892 tons, or 10 per cent of the total Italian tonn-((e In May, 1014. Liverpool tyne erulaer. 4.880 tons, de stroyed by aubmarlne, . In addition to this list of warships, a large number of merchant marine vessels belonging to the three coun tries named have been destroyed, and all three of Italy's dirigible airships, the LiUa di Jesi, the Litta di rerrara and No. 3, nave been brought down by the Austrians. : Bryan Again Denies He v Will Leave Nebraska Chicago. Nov. 20. Thev drv Chi-! cago campaign opened today when W. J. Bryan addressed a meeting of! the Chicago Dry Federation. Mr. I Bryan was asked of a recurrence of the report that he was to move his home to Ashville, N. C. ! "I don t mind denymtr it again." said Mr. Bryan. "Why should anv one leave a nice dry state like Ne braska? We exepect to spend our winters in Florida and part of our summers at Ashville. but our home will remain at Lincoln. i Office Furniture Roll Top Desk a low a $27.50 The most complete line in Omaha of Office Desks, Chain, Settees, Typewriter Desks, Etc Gtobe-Wernicke Filing Out Orchard & Wilhelm Co. AN EXCEPTION. Life insurance is an exception (1) to the rule "Don't buy a thins: until you need it;" and (2) in that its cost has not increased along with practi cally everything else. If one waits untitle actually needs life insurance, he cannot then get it. Insurance com panies insure only sound lives.. Im paired lives are denied alt the stand ard policies. The percentage which companies reject is greater than their death rate percentage. If- you have no life insurance, the time to make your application is when you are in good health. While the cost of insurance has not advanced, yet the premium does increase with each year of added age. The younger the age at which a policy is taken, the smaller the premium. THE MIDWEST LIFE of Lincoln Nebraska N. Z. SNELL, President ; Guaranteed Cost Life Insurance. ! A GOOD ' Trunk, Bag or Suitcase 8held Conn From FRELING & STEINLE "CtMha'a Beat Bairvaf BvUdm." . 1603 FARNAM ST. aaasfBBB THOMPSON, BELDEN y COMPANY The Store for Blouses By arrangement with one of New York's foremost designers we are to receive each week five blouses that have proven to be the best selling numbers in Fifth Ave.' shops. Tuesday is the First of These Displays These newest models are very artistic combinations of Georgette, , with striking beaded and embroidered ef fects. We invite your viewing of these newest blouse styles. Th. Mr. Robert Nicoll, ' - Our New York representative, has returned to Omaha, bringing with him new' fashions in women's apparel. If you wish any style information consult" Mr. Nicoll. EVERY VISITOR . . . a a . a ..a a . a a a i a. . a . . L re. B . Kdf Pep-" Tico Foundation Form 7 ffir iiz'ititir'.un, YvCm WELL MADE; ACTIVE- SEATS 7; $1280 Quality runs through the 7 passenger 6-30 j Chalmers like a vein 1 of gold in a mine. That is one reason for its supreme ability in action. The price is very low ";; on this car $1280 until November 30. ... s After that $1350. iO (All Prices f. o. b. Detroit) V R. W. CRAIG, Inc. Phone Doug. 7888. Read Want Ads for ProfitUse Them for Best Results;; The prices are sur prisingly moder ate, $8.75, $9.50, $10.50, $12.50, $14.50 Stor. for Blouses Second Floor. Sateen Aprons For office and store wear these black sateen aprons are quite indis 1 pensable. Good qualjty ' sateen. Practical styles, SOc, 60c, 65c. Third Floor. Sateen Bloomers Women's black bloom ers; well made of the beat sateen, 75c. Children's sateen bloom-, ers, black; sizes 2 to 14 years,' 50c. Third Floor. 4 . a a x . a . w . . . i . . , 2512-14 Farnam St. Quality Kr ' ,- . boa. Jfte. AdveritaemeaL laey mao. ropuiar ocienoe.