Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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    I A
Sunday, November 19, 1916.-
wCome and hear the Victor
Record for November.
Lattat Books in the Circulating.
Library at 2 cent a Day
Phone D. 137.
i It's Not a Bit Too Early to Begin Your Christmas Shopping
Burgess-Nash Stocks Are in Splendid Readiness and Very Complete
Let the
Seal of
Be Your
-D Seal of Quality
attached to your mer
chandise or a parcel,
lends confidence in the
character and quality of
the goods;
It is a sign a personal
guarantee that the mer
chandise shall be satis
factory, giving full
equivalent in service for
the price paid.
There is no magic in the
Seal there is nothing
in it that isn't in the
goods themselves.
The Seal has become
valuable through the
Standard of our mer
chandise and the meth
ods of doing business.
It represents a band of confi
dence between this store and
the buying public, without the
limitation of specific guar
antee, but conveying assur
ance of satisfaction as regards
quality and value and every
phase of the store's relation
with the public.
Just in time
for Thanksgiving Day
Odd Banquet Table Cloths
Underprice for Quick Disposal
THERE are but a limited number to be offered
this way, but every one is a real special value,
fine satin damask cloths, mostly large sizes, no
napkins to match, at a third underprice.
Pattern Cloths and Napkins
Fine Irish linen, heavy weight, satin finish,
snow white, assorted patterns, for round or square
Cloths, 2x2 yds $3.50 Napkins, 20x20 inch. .$3.75
Cloths, 2x2 H yd. $4.50 N.pkins, 24x24 inch.. $5.00
Cloths, 2x3 yd.... v. .$5.50
Satin Table Damask, $1.50 Yard
72-inch fine satin damask, full bleached, heavy weight,
large assortment of handsome designs, $1.50 per yard.
22x22-inch napkins to match above damask, $3.50 do?..
Burgess-Nash Co. Main Floor.
Community Par Plate Silver for the
Thanksgiving Table
ONEIDA Community Par Plate gives unequaled service
at the price. It is guaranteed for 10 years.
Butter Spreaders, set of 6,
Teaspoons, set of 6, 69c.
Table Spoons, set of 6, $1.39
Dessert Spoons, set of 6,
Dinner Knives, set of 6, $1.75
Dinner Forks, set of 6, $1.39
Gravy Ladles, each 69c.
Cold Meat Forks, each, 49c.
Berry Spoon,
each, 79c.
jT ONEIDA A of 26
( COMMUNITY ) Pieces,
Guaranteed forlOyears ,
" $5.98
Burfess-Nash Co. Main Floor.
It's doubtful, indeed, if
you'll find values to equal these
In a core or more of the season's very newest styles every one a distinctive Burgess-Nash
type suitable for wear on every occasion, at
$16.75, $24.75 and $33.75
THE coats are made full flare, semi-fitted, raised waist line and belted coata with huge cape shoulder and high but
toning collars, slash, pouch and patch pockets; novel cuffs, borders and trimmings of elegant furs. The colors are
burgundy, brown, green and navy; also black.
For quality of materials, popularity in styles, range of choice and price, it is easily the most remarkable offering
of its kind made in Omaha this season, and we realize every woman and miss who sees these coats, will bear with us in
this assertion.
Burfess-Nash Co. Second Floor.
NORTH PDI F NnvAniher 13. 1916.
My Dear Little Boys and Girls:
Christmas is coining the time is near when
I will be with you again. 1 know you are longing
to seo me and 1 am just as anxious to see you.
I have been thinking of each and every one of
you all summer long- and hare been working night
s.nd day on the prettiest toys and dolls you have
ever seen.
And I have worked so hard that my tittle fat
fingers are so sore and stiff I But Old Kris won't
disappoint you. . I've pot loads and loads of the
most wonderful things for all my little friends. All
you boys and girls who have been good and obedi
:nt to your mammas and papas will get the nicest
hings; so make up your minds, all of you. to be
oil good until 1 come. Old Kris Kringle can tell
:iit by look in 3 at your faces how good you've been.
My reindeers are big and fat and ready to take
.ne to "Burgess-Nash." where I always 4 make my
I will bring more toys this year than I did last,
because "Burgess-Nash" Toy Town will be bigger
this year and will have mora room to show my' toys,
and MY! What great fun we'll have! I've got lots
of new toys, such as you've never seen, besides all
the old favorites.
If there's anything special you want, just write
me a letter, care of "Burgess-Nash," and if you are
a good child I'll see that you get it.
I'm just chuck full of love for all my little boys
and girls and hope to see every one of you when I
get to "Burgess-Nash" and if yu promise me to
be real good I'll promise you the merriest Christmas
you ever spent!
Good bye.
These Silks on Special Tables Are Spe
cially Priced for Monday at 85c,
98c, $1.25, $1.49 Yard
THE offering consists of 36-in. plain chiffon taffeta in all
shades, 40-in. plain crepe de chines in all shades, light and
dark; 36-in. plain Princess messaline; 40-in. plain silk poplin in all
shades; fancy stripe, check and plaid silks in messaline and taf
feta. Fancy crepe, plain canton crepe and many other pretty
novelties. You'll be surprised at the splendid values.
Pretty New Corduroys at 98c
Corduroy in all the favored shades for making pretty bath
robes, such as pink, light blue, lavender, gold, rose and white; 30
inches wide ; special sale price, 98c yard.
New Wash Silks, at $1.25
Just received a shipment of pretty wash silks, all in white
grounds, with neat colored stripes. Now in great demand for
making blouses. 36 inches wide; special price, $1.25 yard.
The New Wash Satins, at $1.25
Wash stain in the pretty light shades for making underwear,
such as pink, light blue and flesh; 36 inches wide; special price,
$1.25 yard.
Plain Satin, In Every Shade, $2.25
Beautiful plain satin in a rich, high lustre; the correct weave
in silk for this season' wear. We are showing1 every possible
shade for street and evening wear. An exquisite quality at $2.25
yard. "
Burgest-Nash Co. Main Floor.
A Clearaway of Tailored Suits
At prices that have been
Reduced a Third and Even More
IT'S an occasion that demands your immediate attention our entire collec
tion of distinctive suits, every one fully up to the Burgess-Nash stand
ard of style, workmanship and quality all offered at prices that have been
greatly reduced.
Are the season's newest and
most favored. Some trimmed
with Hudson seal, mole, squir
rel, chinchilla or mink.
Suits 1 Suits
Include such choice weaves as
wool velours, velvets, broad
cloths, checked velour, winter
Are the most favored, including
navy, burgundy, brown and
green ; also black.
That were
to $25
That were
to $35
That were
to $50
That were
to $75
to $150
Burys-Nah Co. Second Floer.
Dependable Furniture for Thanks
giving Spec'ly Priced Here Monday
MOST every home has the need of some extra dininsr
roorrf furniture for Thanksgiving. Here are special
values Monday:
ri ' en i
Dining Chairs
Substantially put together
leather seats.
Chairs, special at $1.95
Chairs were $3.75, at $2.25
Chairs were $4.60, at $2.95
Chairs were $5.50, at $3.95
Dining Tables
Four special values; all inter
esting. Tables, 6-foot round $ 9.85
Tables were $14.50, at. . .$11.65
Tables were $25.00, at. . .$19.50
Tables were $40.00, at. . .$29.50
Several styles and kinds.
Buffets were $28.50, at. .$20.00
Buffets were $37.50, at. .$28.50
Buffets were $45.00, at. .$36.50
Buffets were $50.00, at. .$40.00
China Cabinets
Unusual values; substantially
Cabinets were $16.50, at.
3abinets were $24.50. at.
Cabinets were 132 50 af 9.i an
Cabinets were $40.00, at. .$30.00
Buri-Nah Co. Third Fluor.
Pretty little novelties to
lay away for Christmas that
might be overlooked in the
later-on rush are in the Art
Needlework Section. (Third
McCormack sings to more
audiences than he dreams of;
often he sings from a vic
trola to patients in the vari
ous institutions, and oftener
to eager listeners in our Vic
trola Rooms. (Fourth Floor.)
Procrastination we were
taught early in life, is a dan
gerous thing. And those
who remember the teachings
of their youth will order
their holiday greeting cards
now. (Main Floor.)
There is no accounting for
Fashion's whims this sea
son she has turned her fancy
to pearl beads. (Main
It is time for California,
and will soon be time for
Florida; in either case a new
tunk is advisable. (Fourth
A food expert says the re
turn of the old style market
basket would cheapen mar
keting. It might. At any
rate, the old style basket is
here. (Down Stairs Store.)
Initialed handkerchiefs
have the charm of personal
ity and the merit of a surer
comeback from the wash.
(Main Floor.),
i i i i i i i
A Clearaway of
AN opportunity to select
from hundreds of the
season's most beautiful pat
terns at wonderful bargains.
These are close-out prices.
They include scrims, voiles,
marquisettes and fine nets;
45 inches wide by 2 yards
long. Pair.
Curtains, were $7, at $5.25
Curtains, were $6, at $4.50
Curtains, were $5, at $3.75
Curtains, were $4, at $3.00
Curtains, were $3, at $2.25
Curtains, were $2, at $1.50
These above are only a
few of the many prices in
this clearaway offering.
Burfeia-Na.h Co. Third Floor.
House Dresses
89c and $1
u p i n
pretty and
for house
wear, of
and per
cale, light
and dark
colors, siz
es 36 to 44,
special, 89c
and $1.00.
Petticoats $1.00
Black sateen petticoats,
pleated flounces, with
rubber in the belt, all
sizes, black only, $1.00.
Burgess-Nash Co.
Down Staire Stora.
Auto Robes
Large assortment' of plush
auto robes. Attractive de
signs on first-quality plush.
Price range, $12.50 to $49.50
Comforters, $3.98
Silk-mull comforters, pure
white cotton filling, regular
ly $5.00, Monday, $3.98
Robe Blankets, $2.98
Over fifty new, attractive
designs in Beacon bath robe
blankets; the colorings are
all fast. Special, at $2.98
the set.
$2.50 Blankets, $1.89
Large double-bed size,
wool-finished blankets; gray,
white and tan; regular $2.50
values, at $1.89 the pair.
$5 Wool Blankets, $3.69
Strictly all-wool filled,
plaid blankets, size 66x80,
double-bed size. Regular
$5 value, at $3.69 the pair.
Burgess-Nash Co.
Down Staira Stora
100-Piece Dinner Set
for the Thanksgiving Table $9.50
piANCY shape in gold line
decoration ; complete serv
ice for 12 persons, special,
42-Piece Breakfast Set, $3.50
Fancy shape in gold line
and pink rosebud decoration;
complete service for 6 per
sons; special, $3.50.
8-Inch Jardinieres, at 59c
Jardinieres, brown glazes, 8-inch, in assorted shapes and
decorations, special, 59c.
Earthenware Casseroles, 39c
Oval casseroles, brown and white earthenware, 8-ineh size,
with cover, special, 39c. Co. Down Stairs Store.
New Heisey
NEW pattern in Heisey
thin, lead-blown ta
bleware, in pretty optic
Goblets, 23c each.
Saucers, Champaigns, 23c
Wines, 17c each.
Cocktail, 19c each.
Sherbets, footed, 19c.
Tumblers, 5c each.
Thin, lead-blown gob
lets in pretty grape and
Bpray cuttings, optic and
plain shapes, special, 12c
Burgess-Nash Co.
-Down-Stair. Store.
Roasters and Other Necessities for Thanksgiving
Brownie blued-steel,
covered roasters, 25c.
White enameled ob
long roasting pans, as
sorted sizes, value 48c,
at 25c.
Aluminum jelly
moulds, each, 5c.
Kitchen carvers, good
size, best quality steel
blades, 48c value, 29c.
! Savory roaster, with
I cover, self-basting,
I blued-steel, large size,
Savory roaster, with
cover, self-basting,
speckled enameled,
large size, $1.75.
"Moco" baking dish,
large size, 15c.
Pure aluminum roast
ers, with cover, small
size at $2.95i large size
at $3.50.
3-piece carving sets,
Universal make, Btag
handles, fancy - lined
box, a set, $3.50.
Paring knives, Uni
versal brand, each 10c.
Waffle irons, No. 8
size, special, 79c.
Casserole, mounted
in nickle-plated brass
frame, good size, round
or oval shape, special,
Rubber-handle steak
knife, Universal make,
special, 35c.