THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: NOVEMBER 19. 1916, 5 A FREE DISPENSARY W1LLBE OPENED Institution for Treatment of Children's Teeth Backed by Prominent Omahans. Allies Able to Liberate Terri tory, But Cannot Avert People's Slavery. DENTISTS DONATE SERVICE ENGLISH VIEW OF MATTES During the first week of the new year the Omaha Free Dental Dispen sary for Children will be added to the city's public institutions. The man agement of the Brandcis stores has donated commodious quarters on the seventh floor of the Brandeis building for an indefinite period. These public spirited men appreciate that one of the problems of theday in the cities is the care of children's teeth and they realize that defective teeth corrected in youth makes for better citizens, and better citizens make a better com munity, and a better community is what these men want to help build. The incorporators of the Omaha Free Dental Dispensary for Children will be: Dr. H. A. Nelson, Dr. V. F. Whitcomb, Dr. W. A. Cox, Dr. Blaine Truesdell, Dr. M. H. Dunham, Dr. P. T. Barber, Dr. W. L. Shearer. Dr. J. C Soukop, Judge W. A. Day, Everett Buckingham, Louis A. Nash. Thomas J. Quinlan, Rome Miller, Dr. F. J. Despechcr and Dr. A. O. Hunt. Societies Take Up Project. This project had its inception at a joint meeting of the Odontologies! and Tri-City societies last April, when a committee was appointed to start a free dental dispensary in Omaha. The committee succeeded in enlisting eighty-four dentists, who have agreed to give one-half day each a month to the dispensary work. ' The) Board of Education will co operate through its staff of examining nurses, of which Charlotte Townsend is the head. Miss Townsend has been appointed chairman of the investigat ing committee of the free dispensary work. The school nurses will advice parents of all defects observed in the teeth of their children and the dis pensary will be offered without charge to those who wish to avail themselves of this opportunity. No charge will be made for dental servjee or materials. Parochial and public schools will be given the same consideration. Under Municipal Patronage. In some cities free dental dispen saries are maintained under municipal patronage, while in other cities pri vate citizens have endowed such in stitutions, as in the case of the East man dispensary at Rochester. N. Y. Dental examinations of children are now being made in 240 cities of this country and educators are outspoken in stating that many instances of backwardness have been traced to de fective teeth. Marked improvement has been noted in children who have been relieved of defects in their teeth. Many infectious diseases have been traced to defective teeth, which in fected tonsils and other parts of the body. The men who are backing the Oma ha Free Dental Dispensary for Chil dren have for tl.cir ultimate aim the establishment of a permanent insti tution to be used as a free dental dis pensary. In the meanwhile the space donated by the Brandeis stores will be used. Need Is Known. A free dental dispensary for chil dren was started last January in the fVeiirhton Dental colleec on tight rmth street. For several months school nurses accompanied groups of children to this college, where den tists volunteered their services. Much good was done, but the work was nec essarily limited. The experiences of nurses and dentists at that time showed conclusively the need of a free dental dtsDensarv in Omaha. The start has been made and the institution will be opened during the first week of the new year. Omaha children will be given clean and sound teeth. New Union Pacific Bridge Open Soon Work on the Union Pacific's new bridge over the river here has prog ressed so rapidly that it is asserted that not later than December 15 the tracks from the old bridge will be cut over, after which the spans of the new bridge will be used. In getting the new bridge ready for unobstructed use, the approaches will have to be built and this is going to take some time. Ihcy will be much wider than those to the old structure and will be of a permanent character. However, by cutting over the tracks onto the spans, the new bridge will be used even while work on the ap proaches is being carried on. New Wyoming Town Has Real Mushroom Growth General Manager Walters of the Northwestern has gone to Wyoming to investigate the rich oil strike that is reported to have been made at Glenrock, on the company line a short distance from Douglas. Report comes to the Northwestern headquarters that the oil strike at Glenrock is causing a stampede from the other oil fields of Wyoming and that a town has sprung up in the night, so to speak. Ten days ago there were not to exceed a dozen buildings and fifty to sixtv neonle there. Now it is said that the town has a population of 700 or 800 people and that more than seventy-five build ings are in course of construction. At this town people are scattered over the townsitc, living in tents and board shacks hastily erected. Wymann's Clever Fingers Get Him Into Trouble Carl Wymann of Dunlap, la., charged with passing worthless checks to the value of $100 on local saloonkeepers, was arraigned in po lice court and secured a continuance of hearing until Monday. A saloon keeper near headquarters is holding more than $50 worth of the bad paper. Must Teach Chimneys How to Smoke Lawfully Six proprietors of downtown estab lishments were arranged before Judge Foster, charged with violating the smoke ordinance of the city. They agreed to comply with the regulations of the smoke- inspector on assurance that the city and county buildings would do likewise. Lord Cecil Says Deportation Will Make Kingdom of Belgium a Desert London, Nov. 18. In a statement made to The Associated Press today, Lord Robert Cecil, minister for war trade, uttered a vigorous protest against Germany's deportation of Bel gians and declared that the people of ) ranee and hiigland, no less than the people of Belgium, "hope that Ameri can public opinion will show itself, not only in a few days or weeks of protests and criticisms, but in steady pressure upon the invaders of Belgium to conduct the war against the soldiers of the allies in the trenches and not against the helpless civilians whom they have m their power. Lord Kobcrt reviewed the measures taken by the entente allies to provide for the Belgians and characterized as "a lie" what he termed -Germany's at tempt to lustily its action by saying that England was responsible for un employment in Belgium. Proposals Ignored. Three times during the last year," Lord Robert continued, "we have pro posed to the Germans a definite scheme whereby the exports of licl- North Part of Ditch Ordered Constructed The Board of County Supervisors yesterday ordered the construction of the north six and three-quarter miles of the Mosquito creek drainage ditch, extending from the county line to the vicinity of Underwood. Bids were called for to be opened uecemDer y at 2 o'clock p. m. All bids must be filed on or before noon of that day. The work is to be begun within ninety days of award of contract and to be fully completed in one year. The engineer's estimate of the cost of the work is approximately $50,000. It will straighten the tortuous chan nel of Mosquito creek, prevent over flows and make available for tilling large areas of the richest farm- land in the world. With the exception of the Milwaukee railroad all of 'the claims for damage have been pretty well cleared up. the railroad has ap nealcd to the district court and asks about $21,000 more than was awarded by the commissioners. The completion of the ditch will compel similar work on the remain der of the channel to its outlet into the Missouri river southeast of the citv. This will add at least $100,- 000 more to the cost, making it the most extensive and expensive drain age ditch enterprise yet undertaken in the county. Fine Arts Society- Has Borglum Bronze One massive bronze, "The Gentle Closing of Two Lives," by Solon Borglum, stands in the lobby of the Hotel Fojitenclle instead of in the ball room, where it belongs with the rest of its sister and brother bronzes included in the Fine Arts society ex hibit which opens tonight. Not be cause the exhibition committee wants it there, however, but because the size and shape of a Borglum bronze was not considered when (he Fonte- nellc freight elevators were in the making. It seemed as though the celebrated sculpture would have to be left out in the cold when it was discovered that the freight elevator could not accommodate its 800 pounds. Where upon a gracious hotel management consented to have one pf the revolv ing front doors removed so the statue could be brought into the hotel lobby. There it will remain during the ten days of the exhibit. Harney Corner Site Brings Much Money Mrs. Harriet A. Jensen, widow of the late Dr. H. P. Jensen, has sold the property at the northwest corner of Twenty-eighth and Harney streets to the Thomas Realty company. The price paid was $22,000 cash. Dr. Jen son bought the property in 1890 for a small exchange consideration. The sale was made by C. A. Grimmel. The property is 132 feet square. Mother Asks Police to Find Her Two. Lost Sons ' Mrs. F. M. Jones of Casper, Wyn.. has asked the Omaha police to try and locate her two sons, Edward, 21, and William, 17, who came to Omaha during the last week. Mrs. Jones has been in the city for several days. gian manufacturers and even imports of raw material might he made free under the control of the Belgian re lief commission and that the commis sion might control all the funds aris ing out of the trade. To none of these proposals have we had a reply. The Germans have consistently re fused to do anything to assist the re lief commission and Belgian industrv. Instead, they have cxactet-0.000,000 francs a month from Belgium, requi sitioned every kind of machinery and raw material, seized the funds of the National bank and restricted exports. "They have drained Belgium dry and stripped it bare, and we all know this policy was deliberately calculated to create a maximum amount of un employment in order that when the proper moment arrived their slave raids might begin. "Further, the Germans justify their action on the ground that the unem ployment they themselves created had become so bad as to overstrain the resources of the poor relief. This is the most impudent thing even Ger many has said since the war began. You might think that the poor relief referred to came from Germany or from Belgium. As a matter of fact, it conies from the allies through the relief commission. This country alone in the last eighteen months has ad vanced some $50,000,000 for food and poor relief. This money goes from us freely and without conditions, ex cept that it shall be under neutral control. "It is kind of the Germans to be so anxious not to overstrain our re sources, but it is fair to ask what right the Germans have to make the charity of the world an excuse for enslaving those who receive it. The Belgians are going to Germany on no ordinary work. They arc to be caught up and crushed in the great new German ma chine for mobilizing labor. To Be Scattered Everywhere. "They will be scattered to all the towns in the remote corners of Ger many, from Silesia to Westphalia, and, once caught upon the machine, they will never return to Belgium. It is ' this grinding up of a nation piecemeal that is the most hprrible feature of the situation. "Lastly, it must be remembered that the allies can and will liberate Bel gian territory. Meanwhile, they can and will bear the burden of keeping the Belgians from starvation, but they cannot protect the Belgians from slavery; they cannot insure that when Belgium is liberated it will be a na tion and not a desert. It is only the neutrals who can do this by the exer cise of their public opinion." Lord Robert concluded with an ex pression of hope that the pressure of American public opinion would bring about this result. PRIEST OR POLICE GET FALSE CLUE "White Slave" Women with Children Accost Clergyman and Tell Weird Tale. MAN HUNT IS STILL ON Members of the police department and government secret service men have been trying to locate two women and three small children, the mothers said to have been lured by two men from San Francisco to Omaha and deserted. Investigations thus far have failed to yield material results. A priest reported to Chief Dunn that while standing at a down-town comer talking with a friend two women and three children accosted him, one of the women crying as she told of the plight of herself and com panions. The story was that two men induced the women to leave their husbands. She said they were brought to the Savoy hotel, where they were deserted. The priest gave the woman $2 and directed them to the City Mis sion, where they did not go. Steve is Stumped. Steve Maloncv. chief sleuth of the local gendarmes, looked through his periscope, but failed to locate the wo men or the men who kidnaped them in 'Frisco. Hugh Mills of the governnieift se cret service bureau is on a still hunt. The question being asked is, "Was it a case of white slavery or were the women professional beggars?" The management of the Savoy denies any knowledge of the women and children. Loses Fifty Cents, Finds Five Dollars George Savin of Benson discovered at Eleventh and Douglas streets that in some manner he nad lost a half dollar. In his search for the missing coin his eye struck something bright in the gutter and he found a five-dollar gold piece. Loses Diamond to Man With Whom He Shared Bed A. J. Rucker of Villisca. Ia is be wailing the fact that he shared his bed with a stranger at the Millard hotel Friday evening. His "hard luck" companion was gone when he awoke, as was a three-quarter carat white diamond valued at $0. The police have a good description of the thief. Brief City News Flatlaara Wedding1 lnia Edholm. Hare Boat rrfnt It Now Beacon Preaa. Llgbtliiff Fliturea Burgese-Orandan Co. Care;'. Carrier, 2th and Lake. Web. It:. Automobile Storage, clean and dry, 3.S0 per month. Key Bros., Co. muffs, la. Korp Your Money And valuables In the American Bate Utpoelt Vaults. !1 South ITlh 81., Bee Bldg. rent 11.00 lor monlha. Open from s a. in. to I. p. m. Thoughts In Colors Bur F. Miller will give a free public lecture on "Thoughts In Colors," Illustrated with stercoptieon slides of thought forms as seen by clairvoyants at Theoaophl cal hall, 701 Bee building. Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. Fine Fireplace Goods Sunderlanil. There May Be. Then again. -there may be come one w li' la keeping a correal tally of ihe number o. tlmee Iho three-cuehlon billiard title i-hang.- hand.. The Pink Freshness of Facial Beauty Pimples, Blemishes, Red Spots and Other Skin Eruptions Banished By Stuart's Calcium Wafers. They Are Wonder Workers. Sand For Ftm Trial Package. It takes but a few daja to clear the skin of pimples, blotches. liver spots, blackheads, muddy complexion and skin eruptions if you . use Stuart's Calcium Wafers. All of these troubles come from the blood and seek the skin as one of the natural outlets of the body. And if you supply your blood with the proper materials it will convert the body poisons into a harmless substance and pans off in perspiration instead of ugly accumu lations. These wafers work quick. Their ac tion is constant, as they contain the bistod purifier known to science Calcium Suit-' hide. Yoi Bkin will become as clear and pure as a rose, you will be delighted to see the wonderful change that so often takes place in just a few days. Free Trial Coupon F. A. Stuart Co., 340 Stuart Btdf., Marshall. Mich. Send me at once, by re turn mail, a free trial package of Stuart's Calcium' Wafers. Name. ...-. Street. City. . . A Tonic for Strength Winter often makes severe demands. Bad weather, ex posures and heavy food derange the system, introduce a congestion that speedily becomes catarrh and weaken bod ily strength. A good tonic, one that dispels congestion and overcomes catarrh, will carry you through these attacks if taken in time to be effective. ' PERUNA is such a tonic. Its use in colds, digestive irregularities and weakened systems has met with wonder ful success, while its regular administration has in thou sands of instances Conquered Catarrh The forty-four years it has been used by the Amer ican public has firmly established it in the confidence of the people. Its merit has won. You can we I afford to accept the verdict of time and many thousands, some of them in your own circle. Liquid or tablet whichever is more convenient for your use. Manalin is the ideal laxative and liver ionic ine only one 10 oe wumjh Peruna. Liquid or tablet the latter delicious and conven ient. THE PERUNA COMPANY Columbus, Ohio fa 4 Orchard & Wilhelm Co. 414-416-418 South 16th St. CONVINCING proof and the experience of others before them, urge young people starting in to furnish a home, to make their first purchases here. One young couple said, "The folks at home told us to go to Orchard & Wilhelm's, but we preferred to shop around. Now we are here to buy. And so we find that the satisfactory experience of those cfnmprs nf this store vears aero is be- VV XIV IkSWCOlllV' VUUXUivu V v v " i i il. 1 i- 4-U-. v-n nrn hon ing repeated in ine ciiaracitx ui tuc inciiu.. dise offered to a younger generation. We stand back, of what we sell you, for we buy only what we believe in. Gate-Leg Drop-Leaf Mahogany Table To use for tea tables, light dinners, card tables. They are very decorative and we have them in both Colonial and twist leg styles. Priced $7.50 to $50 A tour through our furniture department will reveal many Gift articlesSewing tables. Book blocks,-Tea wagons, Smoking stands, Fern boxes, Nested tables, Pedestals, Ladies' desks, Music cabinets, Cellarettes, Dinner gongs, Chime clocks and so on. New Arrivals Pottery Bird Cages Italian Leathers wonHerfut Dona lello dctiin in hand modeled leathers from Holy Gift ShopS H II U. a. i. .i t - q F A Charles II Dining Room Suite in English aaaaaa. M Brown Mahogany lilrnil liDP-i r i r-m - Buffet $84 Table 60 Serving table 26 Three pes. $170 The chairs to match, with cane seat and back, each ....$10.00 The Buffet is 66 inches long, with a linen drawer extending the full width of the piece ; the separate tray for silverware is nicely finished, divided and lined ; the finish of the piece is antique mahogany high-lighted. The Dining table is a pedestal base style, with 54-inch top and 8-foot extension. , The Serving table is 40 inches wide,, with full width drawer. Golden Oak and Fumed Dining Room Furniture as well as Mahogany and Ameri can Walnut is shown on the 5th floor. We invite 'comparison. We Are More Than Well Equipped to Furnish You Rugs of Every Description. Constant shipments have been coming throughout the season and, while the selling has been greater than the ordinary, we have been able to maintain stocks that are complete in every particular. ' Brussels Seamless Rugs, 9x12 $15, $18, $22 Seamless Velvet Rugs, 9x12 $22.50, $25, $26.50 to $32.50 Axminster (seamed and seamless) 9x12 size $24.50, $30, $32 to $39. Body Brussels Rugs, 9x12 size $35 to $41.50 Choice Wilton Rugs In an abundance of patterns, sizes and colorings, including among oth ers, Bundhar Wilton, French Wiltons and Whittall Anglo-Indians and Anglo-Persians. Priced for 9x12 size, at $45, $56.50, $63.50, $75 Remnants of Printed Linoleums, q. yd. for 39c and 50c Remnants of Inlaid Linoleums, sq. yd., for. ,75c, 85c, 95c, $1 and $1.25 Our Linoleum stocks are greater in extent than similar stock in any other Omaha store. This is the logical place to make your selection. Price, square yard 55c to 175 This Acorn Range for $29.75 Guaranteed for Fir. Years It is a full size range with 16-inch oven, high warming closet, 6-hole top, enamel panel door, nickel towel ttOQ JtZ rod and stands on legs; the best stove value I f ' SOLD ON TERMS Oak Heating Stoves for $6, $8.50, $11.50 and up Perfection Oil Heaters T1 ,UM atnArA nil ItflalaN most convenient things to have in the AZ: house on a cold morning or when the t-. r fir ha heroine low. Special Price, $3.48 Leather Upholstered Easy Chair The iliustration suggests its beauty, but were you to sit In it, you would fully appreciate its lux ury. The leather is genuine Morocco with a loose scat cushion. The upholstering is over deep springs and where the wood frame is exposed it is mahogany Comes either chairs or rockers. Price, $48 6avcnporl in Morocco to match, fl26. Many styles of easy thairs in leallier front $30 up. -; ' ; ' B.f IS Cretonnes for Christmas Gifts It is wonderful the many useful Christmas gifts that can be made from these inex pensive and ef fective materials. We suggest a few Laundry and Clotbas Pillows, all shap.s and sis. Work Bats Handk.rchi.f Boxes Doili.a and Doili. Rolls Candle and Lamp Shades. From 15c to $1.50 Yard Marquisette Curtains - In ivory and ecru, hemstitched $1.00 Pair Ruffled and Hemstitched Muslin Curtains Dots and small figures $1.25 Pair. Remnants of Silk Damasks and Taffetas Suitable for Vanity Bags, New Kensington Bags, Floor Pillows and other fancy articles. . Greatly reduced in price Select Your ictrola at Orchard & Wilhelm Y You will have more styles to choose from, more woods and finishes, for ur stock is complete. .. . . A Quiet Place to try them. Easy Terms in which to make your payments. Victrola XI. .$100 Victrolas $15 to $300 -J.