Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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Dr. Earl Farnsworth at Grand
Island Runs on Thief
in Road.
Grand Island. Neb.. Nov. !8. Spe
cial Telegram.) Dr. Earl Fansworth
last night, while on a drive to the
country on professional business,
came across a car that was lodged
in a rut. He stopped to ask the man
working about the car if he could
be -of any assisance and received an
abrupt negative in reply. Deeming
it strange he dismounted and again
offered his assistance. More blunty
still was he told that the mired one
aid not car for any hep. ,
" Finds Brother'! Property.
The car look familiar to the doctor.
A closer inspection was made. Within
Dr. Earl Farnsworth saw and seized
the medicine case of his brother. Dr.
Albert Farnsworth. Hhe charged
tne man with the theft of the lodged
car. ordered him 10 get into his and
tne man started to do so, but made
a Sudden lunge, jumped over a wire
fence and was away. The 'car had
been stolen from tn front of a theater
Five HnlHimi in Nityhe .
Five holdups were reported in the
city last night, two on one and the
same individual, a night employe of
tne union racitic yards. Other vic
tims were George Bishop, loss $10;
lonaucior uave roung, i, and the
'fire Brothers, no booty. Though in
somewnat amerent guise the holdnp
man .ii believed to be the same one
at work here some weeks ago,,. The
M&king a Muckle of Mickle
Readers of The Bee Who Do Not Agree
y an nis uomesiic Economy Plans Dis
cuss His Dietary and Comment on His
Personality in Plain Terms.
police have-no clue. . t..
' "...;.. , - , ... . , . , .
Notes From Beatrice'
j And Gage County
Beatrice, Keb., Nov, ,18. (Special.)
At a meeting of the Gage County
Crop Improvement association yes
terday, 0. it- Liebers, who has been
farm demonstrator for Gage county
for the last, four years, tendered hit
resignation.' to take effect December
1,-when he will enter the employ of
a railroad agricultural agent, L. B.
Riste, who has been assisting Mr.
Liebers here, has been named as his
Harry S. Friday and Miss Grace
DUKKS. DOin OI tniS CI1V. wrr mar.
ried at Lincoln yesterday, and after
5 a brief visit in Omaha with 'friends.
will return to Beatrice to make their
tt home. i
The directors of the Gage County
Farmers' institute held a meeting
Thursday and AriAA tn hnlri !,.
nual institute in Beatrice on Feb
.... ... 7 ...J Q Iftlf
"P'7 aim 0,171, .
August Mischnick of the Cottlan'l
vrainitv naa purchased twelve head
ofrHolstein milch cowa for which he
paid i,vuu.
University Extension Work
; Is Under Way in Holland
.... ..,.,,,. ,,,,, AUDriilil nw.
The Haffu.' Nrrhrr l.nrl. kin in
' The UnivrrKltV-Vtnainti Urn..........
has taken root ia Holland and The
Hague ja the. form '0f " Volks," or
r university, 'which proposes
to throw open thef . .doors of higher
education to the slenderest purse.
1 his movement early made its way
... """...' ana nas sunsequently
spread widely in Europe, . The idea
has been in the mioda of Dutchmen
for a quarter-of, a century, and to
borne extent put into practice, hut it
ucnmic ana concrete form
. when th firal nut,., "Vail."
. . 'V." ( univer
sity began' its courses in the capital,
.n.icm.m m . iu. j n institu
tion proved a big success and the war
brought it yet more students, for
many of those thrown out of, employ
ment entered the university. V. '
The Hague has no followed Am
sterdam s example, and just inaugu
rated its Peoples university. Seven
teen hundred; students have already
been enrolled. ......
War More Than Doubles
Glasgow Man's Estate
Edinburgh. Scotland, Nov. , l.A
striking illustration of the increase in
yalue of shipping since 1914 ia given
in a will contest now before the Edin
burgh courts. The estate involved ia
that of John Gaff, a Glasgow ship
owner, who died in December, 1914.
At the date of his death his property
t2J.S2,CTuy V!ut? ,t "J'Khtly over
a-wu.uuu. The division of the estate
was nrvFn1 k
r, "j iiKhmuii among
the heirs and it was stated at the
final hearing in . th. ... .1...
value of the property had increaaed
eitWtner that J . a . T
unit urvoira 10 iCgftl
wrMiigiuigio over 1,WU,UW.
Welcome to Hit Weevils.
Red Oak. la., ov. 18. To the
fcditor of The Bee: I have just fin
ished read in r Mr YIL-UV
in Ihe Bee on cheap living, and I
to ask nun a lew questions.
How in it that tip I,. ,1......
eat meat? Surely he has forgotten the
mtc son nesn 01 the weevils in that
"horse oatmeal." My dear man, please
do not forget another time to mention
their fattening qualities for the hu
man system.
Why does hp rat at nin ..
stingy person as he must be. why does
he endure lha ivh. nA ..... n- u:.
----- ..... bhu uii ma
teeth? Why does he eat at all?
And finally, is his wife an angel?
certainlv hone w 9 annA ru.;
women, for if not she certainly ha a
Hiiro, t nie nvino- u.iili , ,
Here's congratulations for his dear
a . VV,,lt PIe"t memories
they will have in after years of a kind
lather's indulgence.
There is onp ihinor T r r.,..a
and that tliai ir vi;,i.i :.t..
such food for his family while he him
self takes his meal mil II I Il,r,,.l,i
start out to reduce the high cost of
livinir. 1 should rprt!l,. nn, k.: 1...
subjecting my children to the ravages
uisc.y ny sany such paramount
ttghtwadidnes. If 1 did, I wouldn't
be fool cnoua-h tn ttl it
it? Perhaps, when Nebraska goes dry,
the family can have more to eat.
He will finH :i u. 1,.,. ...... 1 . .
. . " "" wcsi in
telligence at all, that such fare is high
cost of living, high cost of health and
intelhffenr 1 U,. u
cilv ivill nnL .1.:. t ,
ri." . 1 1 """') o on
Lhristmas day give them one square
nr.,.-, n uiauusiriU KtADtR
About Mlckle's Family Relatiens.
Yutan. ' fph Vn.. 10 t- .
' h rf '.Tne,.B: I have just fin-
i n i V T ' "y iisue,
and as anything and everything that
"""' " "ie opposite ot the present
hirh cost nf xiaii... . 1. 1.
and if Mr. M. is not simply "a joke "
I am ready to profit, so far at possible,
ium ma suggestions.
Rut ' ,
.cjuiiiig hi me pros-
P m'! '"PP'y'11'' .yelf and family
with enough food to eat at $1.96 a
week. I would like to ask the gentle
man, through your columns, a few
J""""1", wnicn, tnougn they may not
bear directly upon the question, yet I
I sine iic win not rertise to answer
";u,,lll mm nis reply will greatly
".I me 10 determine whether I shall
try to emulate him or not. Question
u a total abstainer, a mod
erate drinker df intoxicating liquors
or do you occasionally take a few days
off from your work to enjoy a vaca-
luviucinaiiy. iaKe on what is
termed a "gentlemanly jag?" 1 am
sure vnn are nnt ,ul. u-.. -..11
,., ' 7 , inc. tdll a
booze lighter, for if you were you
cou (I not be putting money in the
At present 1 should be perfectly
conient to have my wife do the buy
1,117 fn, f.u:i.. I ' . .'
.w. u. Kiiiny, Knowing, as 1 do,
that she conies in with better results
for less money than I usually bring
1 his is, however, not so in your case
Vou are the boss and your family
has become iispH tn ilmi ..,. 1
. , 1 ..ait, diiu
are seemtnorlv cii.i;.
Another question: Do you spend
mw.m ui yuur evenings at home and
enjoy your family's company? Do
they share equally with you in such
as your table affords, or do you oc
casionally step into a restaurant or
up to a free-lunch counter for some
thing extra?
What I am trying to ascertain is
whether you hold your family as
good as yourself. A few men are
brought mi tn hnl(.v .-.. ..11 :.
everything, while their families are
VH..ICIS, wormy ot nothing but
'"""S" merely Keep them alive
and It wmi .nm.liM.d .1.... :i
t a . 111-1 wcrvil-
infected oatmeal has to accomplish
Please answer these questions cor
rectlv and it will i,u 1
iiwi w me long
ti k ' .hetncr vo .r ggestions
-in .1 wuiui my attennon or not.
More Farm Paper
On File Than Ever
In State History
(From a giafr CorreDondr.nt
Lincoln, Nov. 18. fSoeciaU Ac.
cording to the annual reoort nf I.ahnr
Lommissioner F. M. Coffey, now in
process of preparation, while there
has been a rUfrr n(
amonir farmers wliirt. r.n
marked, yet in the reports of the list
u! '""'images iuea given hy eighty
six of the ninety-three counties of
the state, farm mnria.( h9i, ;n
sreased year by year until with one
crcjiion tne larms ot Nebraska are
uuuer a ncavier weight than ever
Total real estate mortgages filed in
324,751, while the releases were $44!
j97.75?T Thi hn.,i ai7
than released, with a' total of $18,
727, 1 76.
Reports for the last eight years
show a SteaHv inrr.,.. in
filed and also iir the total amminto
In 1914 the amnnnr ti,vi. i,4
in anv vpar rln tn c .
mnrtizaof. fnr tnnnnnivi k.. .1 c...:f.
Hacking company, coverine their ice
plants. The record is as follows: .
ri-ar. v,imh.P . .
!? Hi.lOS IJ4,0I.372
;:V: 1 17.804 60.336.470
" V 2.50 54.311.730
,'" ' , 48.M7.IS4
J'f 20.71H H.7S6.SIS
J'!' 21.143 43.S28.098
, 11.470 105.7IO.3SS
"'' - 1,65 SS.SS4.761
Mrs. Wiseman. Blair
Pioneer, Is Dead
Airmen Pay Last
lnbute to Memorv
Of Dead Comrade
(C'orrupoDdinM at The AsMcliUd PrssO
St, Ouentin. France. Knv 1(1
While fellow airmen wheeled their i
machines ' overhead and dropped
wreaths of flowers upon his coffin,
j-icuKiiani wmtgen, next to Captain
Boelke, the most successful German
aviator flying in the west and chief
competitor of the ill-fated First
Lieutenant Itnmelmann, was borne
! hl, '' ' mil t)lce. He-had
been killed in an ir battle late in
September. . ,s ,
. Lieutenant 'Wintgeii burial waj
one of the most dramatic episodes in
the history of the little French city
which haa K.L tta All t .L.
. ,, ul n,nu Ol
drama that the war brings. It wa ,
itcnuco Dy almost evety military
person quartered in St; Quentin, and
bv a larffe .nii,KM nf :..:i:..
well. The interment was. in the local
cemetery by special wish of the dead
...... - aura mat in case ne
fell he ahnnM k K..UJ k. -
,, , u mo imr as
possible to the scene of his death.
L , ueart-renaing service in
the little evangelical , church here,
Wtntffen'a hnrtv in B klKAU I
( - . m uiabK aim wnitc
coffin smothered m floral offerings,
n-. P..:u un run carriage ana car-
. .. is inc cemetery. Behind the
coffin walked three fellow aviators,
Who with WintDan k..,. .wj
.. .....BV 1ISTV (llc
coveted order Pour le Merite Baron
Althaus, First Lieutenant Buddeke.
wha haa hn fl..i..n t .1. . ... ,
, ;v me lurxisn
army, and Lieutenant Frankl.
, ni me neaa ot the funeral proces
sion . marched an honor company.
N aar tha mffin ..... 1- i
- w . ,niKcii a closest
L e? .' .'te Lieutenant Hohen
rf ,whb was , the only witness to
Wmtgen a death, and who carried the
nililv nrdara tl. 1.. A 1 . .
on the famous aviator since the be
ginning 01 tne war.
Russian Enaineers Build
) Longest Railway Bridge
(Oorra.pona.ooa at Th. AaaaolaM prwi)
. Petrograd, Nor. l.-The longest
Bv ... ixuaaian empire nas just
been pushed to completion by Russian
railway engineers in far southeastern
Siberia. It spans the Amur river and
is over a mile and a half long. By it
Russia now has through railway con
nection with Vladivostok entirely on
its own territory, in addition to the
.j. luimmg ay a more nirect route
uuuugn jnancnuna. .-. .
! ' Evidence in Moore Case.
Fremnnl Mk W.. ia .. m .... .
iiiL . V 1" ' , , topcciai.j
What is believed to be a record for
the introduction nf . .
. . , . ."..iiiuuj in a
murder trial in Dodge county was the hearing of the case of the
. r" n """ "orman, enarged
with the nmrdr nf M.H uA 1
September 30. . Both jneivare colored
and 4II eye witnesses to, the, shooting
Z j r"'""7,"-' n restmed that
AC Shot Whn Uonr ... 1 1 t 1
pocket in a. threatening manner.
u anomer visitor at the Nor
man honre wen engaged in a scuffle as
the itsult of a q barrel over a game of
dice syhen the tragedy occurred.
5 t New Note' of Geneva.
Geneva, Neb,,., Nov.; 18--(Special.)
The business streets of Geneva will
hereafter be lighted by a number of
electroliers that are being installed
on the street corner. - ". ..
: Clyde McPherren, a former county
treasurer, has sold his home in the
city to Charles Stenton. a farmer in
the west of Fillmore county, and ex
pects to move to Montana. '
; District court will convene Novem
ber 2f
First Woman Heads
School in Berlin
(Carraapondinea el Th. Aaaaclit.4 Praaa J.
Berlin. Vnv I Tk A...
ever named as head of a municipal
utr.iii .moo! nas just Deen selected
bv the magistrate as superintendent
of the new "Girls" Middle School,"
wn'cn supports the old "Higher Girls
School of Kaun-Eupel.
Frau Goerke, who comes from
Fraustadt in Silesia and is but 3i
veara old. wis iMimmmjj .1
-. . . .MWCU lu IIIC
magistrate by a deputation which
j 1? 2 et" 01 lne "tw school
and the hitness of prospective heads
for It. She haa alraa., U.J
r I , " -"""J 'iu outtcss-
experience 111 administering
schools. Her sex. however, has up
to now been barred from such posi-
hnn. ,n tk. .nlt.l r
Thousands of Buildinas
- In Berlin Are Empty
rr in. inv ? Pa. - .l '
..... .. . , i,t,y mou-
aim imusri, w'ltn or without at
tached stores, in P.rlm nA t... .1
sixty-six stand empty as a result of
, j V' eccoraing to statistics com
piled by the statistical bureau of
l ' i'mi majority
of the empty houses are flats with
one ang lWo rooms 11) , addition to
kitchen and bath. The majority lie
in the nnrtlv aa.4 bh an...u -
of Berlin, where the poorer portion
vi me population lives.
The total number of empty build
ings now has reached 39,863, iq 1916.
Should Let His Wife Buy.
Lindsay. Neb., Nov. IS. To the
Fdilnr ni Tk n... Tt. j . .
. ,.v wonuertui
letter of A. B. Mickle to The Bee
starts out, apparently, ike the man
is, a little behind, with probably a
borrowed Mwiin., i- .u:. il..
. - - "--l'-H- u tiua letter
he elucidates for the unitiated his
womieriui ana altogether remarkable
method nf aiinnluimr kl. f..:i.. c
-rrv'( mo tailing 01
s,even with food for the niggardly,
w., ttuiuiuig to oiickic, tne muniti
cent sum of SI.96 per week, and have
himself and family content. He cer
tainly missed his calling. He ought
to be on the lecture platform get
ting his so much "per" instead of
Sou nf r m nn l!i fl..!,. k;. -..--
tradicts itself later, when he states
that his oldest girl left home as soon
a anc atanea working tor herself.
Neither will any of the other chil
dren remain after being able to get a
little work to do, nor would any
child with red blood in its system,
or can they in any way; b? blamed !
for leaving home at a tender age.J
when home, influences-, are .-needed.!
most. : . -j. , . ...
. F.aneria11v rni,nn.n, u:. . t '
i .J mb iiib icier-
ence to a bargain Id .''weevils.". Why
tu,oui. ana aig up a
bunch of angle' worms, and . pickle
them hi', brine, the Ooet would be
nothing excepting perhaps a little for
wnico .couia not possibly bring
"f wcaiy average more than
one one-hundredeth - of a cent per
'"" , -uuiting aiso Kins worms.
The letter all the way through
shows the workings of a perverted
mind, and ahnnld aa! ka L. n
nuance of, excepting that it might
"j1' aumc poor iciiow into doing
likewise. He must have his family
thoroughly cowed, to have them ap
pear content, and ought to be satis
fied tn hava Ikam pam.l.i.l. 1
""lifted at home, without the further
humiliation of appearing in public
print with the diseased machinations
ui a uisoraereu mind. Just think,
one forty-ninth of a pound of cheese
per person at one meal, less , than
one-third .of an ounce. Have your
tjiutcr weign it up tor you some
time. l- -
His idea of woman harks back to
ine mmaie ages. Practically all men
are delighted to have the burden of
buying for thehome taken off their
Shoulders hv tha imn,n u.k :..
ZT J nv.i.v,., T. IIU, 111
" per ni 01 tne cases, will manage
j. n. 1UDM.M.
Blair. Neb.. Nov lit ..;.
Mrs. Martha Wiseman, widow of the
late james f. Wiseman, died at the
familv resiHenpa at o-?c I7.:n.. ....
ning from the results of a paralytic
t . L1""" ll,c "igni oi inovem-
ner i. ane was born rat Louisville,
Kv.. October 7 IR.17 Tk. J:t.,
moved to Washington county, In-
uiaim, ana oecame one ot the most
respected and prominent families in
the COUntv. She was msrrwH tk...
james r. Wiseman, April 1, 186 Mr.
auu ivirs. wi.pman -am. tn ia.
t6n COUntv. Nehraatra turn VMr. I,..
sctti nir nn a larm iii.r in,,ih nf
Thev moved tn Rtair in 1H7A 14.
vviseman engagea. in ahe hardware
uusinesa wirn tne at a hrH.h .. I
inar out tn entpr a hin.l,inl...itU
John McQuarrte in 1882. He was
very successiu) ana retired in 1894,
only to die from an apoplectic stroke
in juiy, io. Mrs. Wiseman leaves
two daughter... . Mr. Finn C V.n
tiusen, wiie ot tne eidtor ot the Blair
Pilot, and Mt.B Carri urkn li.r.
nome w rn ner mn hop k. i......
alSO. One brother Waehinotnn Qt.....
art of Hnrtnn ICan -nH iun
Mrs. W. S. Kimbrel and Miss Mar
garet Stewart, an unmarried sister,
wno makes her home with Mrs. Kim
brel, in Woodward, Okl. The funeral
will he helrl at th famil.. ...
at 3 o clock Sunday afternoon, Rev.
t.. ivi. roreman oi tne Baptist church
officiating, assisted by Rev. J. M.
tvoKjer oi tne t-ongregational church
Liunbara and Palm In tha Bank.
".' tlrat twins, of nalh In th. hirli
PHly Sloant relief cornea at
Miee.tonlir. sst. All eniasHta. Adv.
Spoils Beauty
A Good, Sharp Appetite and Perfect
, Oigeation are the Surest Ways
to Attain and Keep the -"
Beauty of Health.
Nothlnjt will apoll th. eompl.xion, dim the
Jl i u on.a quicker than
as against 2?,809 in December. 1913.
Good-Luck Trinkets of '
Soldiers Put on Display
... . .. . -Fwiiiiun ui
novtlty which w to be opened in
Berlin, nd at whih are to be ex
hibited mmv nf Um nAA a-.l...
coing and alleged luck-bringing ob-
lectl Whirh tnMiri nn kntk m.A-m .t
. w vutu iMa ui
the conflict still wear or carry, de-
sjjiic uic iaci mat tins is tiie twen
tieth century " 1 , ..
1 mm
"Mr llr Jut llH Stu.rf.
NirlT. IS i. Rt." """T '
The aol.n... k. a..... i .
UUU in abaorbed Into the kload and
....... ...... awn khiki or Ihe victim.
A b.0 oomplejion. annearaaee and
macl.tton are lb. upeeifle re.ult. B Uk
Ine Sta.rt', Tablet, th. dti.
IOB I. . Hk.fl. KM.n.l ..J . .
- . an. ine menace to
eooe look, and aood bulth removed. .."! '! ' D,.pei..ia
Free Trial Coupon
M.bJl'ST'k - ? S,u,rt Ut.
Manball, Mick., .nd me at once a free
let! " Stuart's Dyep.pil. Tb.
8traet '
CU state
Day of Thanks Is
Day of "Dress"
Dreshera Glad to Aasist inJ
r lacing "Uladnesa" Into
Turkey Dinner Clothes.
Populace Contented Dresh
era Busier Ihan Ever
. There's Every Reason to
. laive I hanks 1 his Year.
Taken all in all, these are good
times. You V. nnrl all nt no ti.
true, are paying more for the
ininga we eat, wear and live in,
but, what's the odds if prosperity
is in the air?
So why not make it a bang-up
Thankseivtne Dinnpr . t.hi.
Make it m nfonH a Hin nn, that wa.i
will he fflanl tn "Hi.., nn." nHA
inose r.n vhirh vnn nrin ;n
piii-u jfuur tnenaa, wno will also De
oresaea up.
Then. too. them'n Thni.-m
ing Service at each one of the
churches and theaters in the eve
ning, one will want to appear
areaaea up those places also.
The "dreM tin" mattA m.n k.
greatly lightened for you by
Drpflhar Pnt.hora at thai
Dry Cleaning and Dyeing plant at
-'i-'iii rarnam est. Dresner's
modest prices have convinced
manv that rlnthea iKnnU k.
cleaned and rebuilt rather than
nougnc new upon the slightest
nrnvnrnnnn vnn fniira mhn nu
' .. AVH vano nnu am
eternally yelling about the H. C. 0.
L. Hierh Cost of Living would
UO Weil 0 LB. ICe nnvnntjura nf a
savintr when vou ma malra it
in inis instance, a saving can be
maae on ciotnes; cleaning and fix
in or un thns vnu have, in.ta.i
"blowinff-in" mnnav at tha
shops, etc. (Of course if you must
nave a swagger suit of men's
clothe, marlp. rh-a.hni. Tha T:i-
at 1515 Farnam St., will be tickled
to make it up for you so that you
may nave n in plenty or time for
i nanicsgiving wear.;
RamiMna TIm.1.. t . 1
the Cleanerssnd Dyers, will clean
suits, coats, dresses, hats, gloves
and the like; they will reline
ctouies li iney need it; they will
apply velvet collars and cuffs;
thev will rlvn r.rimminflhB tn M.t.u
- . -- .- . -W UWKII
costumes; they will steam velvet
garments; they will reblock hats;
tney win cun or dye feathers;
they will clean and recondition
fun: and: lastlv.' the -will if
wish, change the entire cut and
mane up ot your old or present
Get in tniinli Tlv.haa Tk.n.
Exchange number is Tyler 845. If
' t town, sena in your work by
rarcei rosx or express atid Dresh
era Will tlBV Mrrainv nk.MM. .
( ....j,H .uwgn vuc
way, no matter what the siie of
toe joo. .
Dreshera hav ' rlnam . taw
orancnea at JJresher The Tailor,
1515 Farnam St, and at the Bran
ded and Burgess-Nash CO. stores.
Our Store Message:
Its Furnishings are not all that go to make en
during and comfortable the Omaha home yet
there's an cUtachmerti, almost sacred, and a senti
ment that clings x after years of association with
iTnnilit'r MtrtHTm S(me ce J furniture
lit irl i'i l! 1 W y selected whichhas
if I I 7 if Ml In Kaymonds
WjhMW-Mi 90od furniture bear
ktiTJW.ttt latest and be-
come tne heirlooms
of your children.
n .1 a
a k)
The doorway to the pre
cincts of your home. The
Living Room and its fur
nishings. The accompanying picture
is an illustration differ
ing in minor details) of
a superbly overstuffed and
upholstered Davenportand
Easy Chair shown on our
first floor. It is done in
an unusual tapestry of delicate shadings in
tan, rose and green, striped as shown.
i j--- avwvv vvmunvj t VIHAIWfli ftWrii
ions. The Davenport is 82 ins. in length; theChair is roomy and
, tvutiy comjoriaoie; nas spring arms, spring back and seat.
IThe Davenport is most reasonably priced at $119.00
The Chair, a matchless value, at . $67.50
This Large Arm Rocker-
cover. . .
nmi AUCKer.
This Genuine Mahogany
Table, size (OC'7E
28x48.... ...... pZO.0
Tht. ' Bed Davenport unifold or
duofold, in aotden or fumed bak
iiame. i.ovcrcu in
Spanish imitation
leather. . . .
Wine Rooker. in rau
figured dl Q ye
tapestry, P 1 7. f O
Sewinir Rnckpra o-nl.
I den finish QQ '
wood seat, P 1 aaW.7
This Dresaer. Gulden
I Oak, 18x24 tj7 "TC
mirror u) f a I O
Matchless Values
Among Varied Pieces
- and Useful Articles
For Every Home at Everyday Low Prices
A Large Arm Chair, covered in soft pliant
leather $16.75
A Large Arm Chair, covered in fine grade of
tapestry $15.75
A Large Arm Rocker, mahogany finish, tapes
try seat $6.75
A Solid Mahogany Rocker, auto spring seat,
tapestry cover... $8.60
A Large Comfortable Rocker, fumed oak, gen-
uine leather seat and back $7.75
A High Back Solid Oak Rocker, black leather
seat $2.75
A Solid Oak Library Table, 27x38 top, fumed
or golden oak ,$5.75
A Solid Mahogany "Priscilla" Sewing ' Case
at $6.75
A Fumed Oak Smoker's Stand and Humidor
at $4.95
A Folding Card Table, leatherette or felt. $1.69
A Record Case, golden oak or fumed; "capac
ity 75 records" $6.95
A 10-Inch Brass Jardiniere .85c
A 2-Quart Double Cereal Cooker, "aluminum "
at 85c
A Fumed Oak Table Book Rack, length 18
inches $2.50
2 Lots Royal Wilton Rugs, 9x12 $42.50
3 Patterns Extra Axminster Rugs, 9x12. .$22.50
b Patterns Bigelow Wilton Rugs, size 36x63,
Mahogany Table-Top
Desk, William : and
design . . $12.95
Mahogany Library
27x48. . $10.75
This Dresser, black
walnut, 42-inch base,
24x35-inch mirror, or
0..$ 14.65
I This Triple Mirrored
Toilet Table", walnut
I at.
A Red Cedar Box, 16x42 interior measure
ment $8.75
4 Patterns Pro-Linoleums, serviceable grade,
good patterns; square yard, 39c
A Fumed Oak Buffet, 46-
inch base, mirrored
A Golden Oak Buffet. 48-
I inch base; mirrored
A Fumed Oak Buffet, 6-
! inch length (full 5 feet),
This Elegant Walnut
Bed, tfi ft a
4, -PID.O
Fumed Oak, 42 inches
round, 8-inch pedestal, 6
foot extension
$7.95, $8.95,
48-in. quartered oak top.
10-inch pedestal, 6-foot
TJii!i!,it2;inu".-t!Se..Ada.m" d"iKn' ia!,.br?,?, hogany, consisting of 10 pieces (the Chin? cihWt t
...u-..,, oimiio. mcnes m rengtn; laoie 04-inch top, 8-foot extension; Chairs in fmn r'n
I leather seat. Price (unbroken) JS I J SlJ