Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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    3 A
1,000 Yards, Fine
All-Wool Challies
In light and dark grounds. Stripes,
dots, buds, scrolls, etc. All new
1916 patterns; 27 Inches wide.
Hosiery Bargains
Women's Lisle Hose, also fleece and
wool; all sizes 25
Children's Wool and Heavy Cotton
Hosiery, double heels and toes,
pair 25
Main Floor.
Kegular 69c values, QQ.
An Annual Event of Very Great Importance
Main Floor.
i t cm cm cm xxw pm fmtM rv cm tr fm cm cm iml la tm cm ua ia .c. s cm ia tm tr-r w ; ,
Dress Blouses
of Georgette Crepe
Beautiful con
ceptions for after
noon and dress oc
casions. Wonderful
new models in all
the new colors
White, Flesh, Chartreuse, Rose,
Burgundy, Green, Beige, Gray,
Brown, Navy, Purple and Maize
Every woman will be delighted with these blouses.
Hand beaded and beautifully embroidered models.
$5.00 to $25.00
Blouse Shop, Second Floor.
T0CKS are complete now in the Linen Store for the great
Thanksgiving occasion.
Back of this sale is the wonderful buying power of this great store. Linens,
as you undoubtedly know, have risen to prohibitive prices, owing to the
difficulty of importing them from abroad and the scarcity ot labor to pro
duce them.
The business of this great Store is to help our customers over the
difficult places, and in this instance, we are proud to say that our foresight will
enable you to buy Linens here for this Thanksgiving season that will actually put
back money into your pockets. The prices today and the prices we quote here
are so radically different, that every woman will immediately appreciate the
economy importance of this offering. s
"The Sewing Machine of Today"
Most Efficient in the World
INVENTIVE genius has brought to
this Machine such unrivalled points
of perfection, that it stands high
above all others for speed, ease of ac
tion, volume of output and absence of
fatigue by the operator.
SEWING MACHINE it must be possessed of
virtues no other has and because many promi
nent doctors have endorsed the "Free" unreservedly, it has found
its way into hundreds and hundreds of homes where no other
machine goes.
You Can Buy the "Free" for a
First Payment of $1.00 and $1 .00
a Week Thereafter.
We allow you
to apply as first payment
on the "Free."
It may be a trifle early .
To suggest a Christmas gift but what
gift could you make that would be more
acceptable than this Wonderful Sewing
Headquarters for repairing of all makes of Machines, and Supplies,
such as Needles, Oils, Belts, etc. lowest prices.
Several slightly used machines of other makes, $5 to $35.
Each machine in perfect repair and guaranteed.
Third Floor.
59c Damask, 39c
72-inch Damask, made of
fine quality mercerized
yam. Patterns copied from
nigh class linens. A spe
cial, yard 39
$1.35 All-Linen Damask, 99c
Full bleached, all-linen, ex
tra quality, superior finish
satin Damask, 2 yards wide.
Specially priced, yard . . . .99
Extra Special
$2.00 Damask, $1.50
A'i-linen, very fine, satin
finished, high class
Double Damatk, all in
very elaborate patterns;
72 inches wide; yard.. $1.50
24-inch Napkins to
Match, per dozen $4.50
I2V2C Napkins, 10c
Hemmed, ready for use';
made of fine quality mer
cerized damask; size, 18x18
inches. Special for this sale,
each 10
$3.50 Napkins, $2.98
All-linen, Full Bleached,
22-inch Napkins, made of
Irish damask ; vefy pretty
patterns; no cloths to
match ; dozen S2.9S
, $2.50 Cloths, $1.98
All-linen, Full Bleached
Table Cloths, made of
fine quality Irish dam
ask; luncheon size. A
rapge of pretty pat
terns ....$1.98
$6.00 Scalloped Sets, $4.98
These sets comprise one
round scalloped Cloth
with six Napkins to
match; pretty patterns;
neatly boxed; per set. .$4.98
1 Special
$1.25 Round Cloths, 89c
Made of fine quality damask;
scalloped. - . .
$7.50 Hemstitched Sets,
All-linen, Hemstitched
Cloths and 12 Hem
stitched Napkins to
match; regulation size;
special, set .$5.98
$5.00 Cloths, $3.98
All-linen, made of a heavy
Irish damask; round de
signs; full bleached;
each $3.98
$7.50 Round Scalloped
Cloths, $4.98
Made of a fine quality
Austrian damask, in an
assortment of pretty pat
terns; 81-in. size; very
special, each $4.98
$3.50 Table Cloths, $2.98
Full bleached, all-linen;
made of a fine quality
Irish damask, in a range
of pretty patterns ; in the
8-10 size; while this lot
lasts, eacji $2.98
Table Pads, $1.98
45-inch Asbestos Table
Pads, this size only.
Thanksgiving sale price, .
each '. . $1.98-
10c Cup Toweling, 6c
Open mesh kind, 0. K.
brand; each 3
10c Huck Toweling, 6c
About 5,000 yards Semi
Bleached Cup Toweling, in
plain weave; 20 in. wide;
all desirable lengths; yard.
$5.00 Lace Tea Cloths, $2.98
These are trimmed with
deep lace all around; 54-
inch size, with drawn
work centers; very at--tractive
designs; each.. $2.98
Wonderful Madeira Values
"S0c Hand Embroidered Ma
deira Bread Trey Doilies . . 29
$1.50 Dresser Sets, $1.00
Ecah set consists of one
Embroidered Scalloped
Scarf and Pin Cushion
Top to match; pretty
colorings. A timely holi- .
day gift, neatly boxed;
$1.50 Hand Embroidered
Madeira Napkin and Hand
kerchief Cases 9S
$1.50 and $1.75 Hand
Embroidered G u s I
Towels, each $1.00
$1.25 Hand Embroidered
Madeira Centerpieces, 18
and 24-inch sizes; each.. 75
75c All-linen S e r v i n f
Cloths, with hemstitched
ends; special, each 39
49c and 59c All-linen Guest
Towels; about 25 dozen;
hemstitched ends, all linen,
guest size towels, slightly
soiled from display; while
this lot lasts , . .39
15c Hemstitched Guest
Towels, 10c
Full bleached, hemstitched
ends: made of a fine qual
ity huck, with space for
initials; special, each 10
79c Fancy Huck Toweling!,
15 and 18-inch Fancy Fig
ured Huck Toweling, all
pure linen; very desirable
' patterns; values to 79c;
special, yard 59
Fancy Huck Toweling, 20
inches wide .69
69c Table Padding, 49c
Extra heavy, double fleece
Padding, to protect your
table, 6f inches wide; yd.. 49
This Is the Last Word
In Women's Shoes
The very latest craze in Foot
wear in New York, shown in the
most exclusive shops and an
nounced as the very last word of
Dawn Gray Buck
Lace, 9-inch Boot. Made over the
new long forepart last, plain vamp,
light-welted and stitched, with
leather Louis heels. They are
white-kid trimmed, with eyelets to
This is one of the most fascinating styles we have shown
this season.
Advices direct from New York inform us that these
Boots are selling in exclusive shops at $14 a pair, we
say, $9.00 a pair. Main Floor.
m I
Base Burners
Although the price is lower than
the appearance of the stove would in
dicate, true value was never- more
emphasized than it is in this large and
beautiful specimen of stove craft.
$50.00 and $55.00
Oak Heaters, up, from ,
Carving Sets
A fine line of S-piece
"Universal" Carving
Sets, each set in a nice
silk lined box. Excellent
assortment of patterns,
at ".-....$4.98
Genuine Sanitary
"Savory" Self-Bast-ing
Roasters, in two
sizes. Monday, 69c
and 98c
A Sale of Trays
An exceptional value in
three patterns of Fancy
Trays, oval and square, in
Mahogany, Circassian
' Walnut and Mule; En
amel and Blue OQ
Bird patterns.) 1
, Saluco Aluminum Berlin Kettle ,
Heaviest and best ware, 'i Has new style cover that' 1 1 Q
prevents boiling over;' $1.40 value, at . , J 1 1 7
"' Basement.
17- -1
W& Hints
Carriage Boots Quilted and
plain, DiacK saun ana
white satin lined. To wear
in cold weather, over the
dance or opera slippers.
Keep the feet warm and
cosy. Slip on very easily
over your slippers
84.95 to $7.00
Cut-Class Flower Vase, 12
inch, floral design ; cylinder
and square shapes..$3.98
Cut-Glass Handled Nappies,
clover and cut star bot
tom $1.50
Electric Warming Pads In
dispensable in the sick
room in cold weather and
comfort for well folks when
the thermometer drops
$4.50 to $8.25
Fancy Imported Baskets
Japanese willow, brown in
color, fancy shapes. Put
your girts in them
25 to $2.00
Bath Robes for Women Of
Beacon Blankets
$2.50 to $10.00
Silk Kimonas Made of crepe
de chine, satin crepe me
teors and 'many other va
rieties; bright and charm
ing colors, at
$5. $7.50. $10 to $35
8,000 Yards of New Novelty Silks, $1.25 a Yard
Fortunate Purchase From Some of the Best Makers
$2.00 All Silk Geor
gette Crepe, 40 In
ches Wide.
40-irL, All-silk Geor
gette Crepe, in most
of the desirable
shades; mostly waist
lengths; ' regular $2
grade, per yard, $1.19
Newest and most wanted Novelty Silks of the season at a price that is remarkably
db-mch Warp Prints, New Satin Stripe Taffetas, Failles, Novelty Crepe de
Chine, Monotone Checks and Plaids, Dresdens, Novelty Surahas, Serges,
Silks, etc., etc. In fact, every new weave and coloring is represented in
this immense lot.
Values from $1.75 to $2.25
At $1.25 Yard
Good News From Oar Great Velvet Department
40-inch, Imported Black Lyon's Dyed 40-inch Black Chiffon Dress Velvet, 40-inch Chiffon Dress Velvet, in
Silk Coating and Suitine Velvet: reg
ular $6.50 value; special Monday,
per yard,
soft, lustrous finish; very special,
Main Floor
all the new street shades.
Yard ,
$2.50 Imported Chif
fon Swiss Taffeta,
40-in., Imported Chif
fon Swiss Taffeta, in
all the newest street
shades; splendid
weight; soft, brilliant
finish;. regular $2.50
quality; per yard,
$1.50. ,
Drapery Specials
Doilie Luncheon Sets; fine
grade of cretonne; one set to
a yard, for 65
Cretonnes Hundreds of
pieces; for making useful
Christmas gifts. Yard
25 to 75
Tapestry Table Runners, nice
assortment $1.98
Marquisette Curtains, with
good lace edges; ivory or
ecru; pair $2.50
Quaker Lace-Edge Curtains,
special showing for Monday,
pair $3.50
Mercerized ' Portieres, with
silk edges; browns and greens.
$10 values; Monday, per
pair $7.50
Third Floor.
The Most Favored Fashions for Every Occasion
Coats, Suits, Skirts and Dresses
There isn't a more complete stock in the Middle West. And each garment has been chosen for
some particular 'mark of merit so that no matter what your purchase, you not' only benefit by the
modest price, but are sure that the style is the best that your money will buy.
; v.
Special Coat Values
At $22.5Q
A stunning lot of Smart Coats, in the new
wide flared, loose and belted backs; with
big cape and Quaker collars of fur and fur
All the good colors.
All sizes for Women and Misses.
New Coats
For Every Occasion
At $35, $49, $65
Some of the smartest coat styles of the sea
son are shown in the new arrivals, and the
fabrics are the much wanted Bolivias, Wool
and Silk Velours, Novelty Wool Fabrics, etc.
Tailored Suits, at Half -Price
$25.00 Suits : $12 50
$35.00 Suits $17.50
$49.00 Suits. $24.50
Three very striking lots values that are unprecedented.
and fabric.
Every good style, color
Tailored Skirts
$6.98 and $10.00
Many fancy and Novelty effects, in colored"
plaids, checks and stripes, in Silk, Wool Ve
lours, Gabardines, and Serges.
High girdle effects, !cirge, full pockets and
full-flared bottoms.
Party and Dancing Dresses
Dainty effects in evening colors. Nets,
Iaces, Silver and Gold Cloths, Taffetas, Crepe
Meteor, etc.
Dainty Silk Ornaments and Ribbons.
Second Floor. .
Rust-Proof Dress Clasps,
t 3J'
Rust-Proof Hooks and
Extra Strong Bone Hair
Pins, each
Inside: Skirt Belting, JOc
and ,15c grade ; .5
Real Human-Hair Nets,
3 for 26c, each... ...10
Bias Tapes, Rick Racks,
- Lingerie Tapes and
other Tapes, bolt...3H
Best Mercerized Skirt
Braid, 15c grade 3M
Stocking Feet, pair. . : .'; .5
: Scissors and Shears, ex
tra good grade, pair. .10
Wooden Button Molds, 2
dozen for. , . A 5jk
Fast-Colored Darning Cot
ton, 4 spools ;. 5
Machine Thread, black
and white, spool.... 2 H
Skirt Markers, ' Bpeciaf
each ..........10
Shell Hair Pins, spe- ,
cial, box. 3Hf
uress rorms
"Better Waf 4
Sectional Dress
Forms, adjustable
at neck, bust,
waist and hips,
alio to any height.
Each form has
extra long hips,
also arm pieces
show the exact
setting of sleeves. -These
are our
regular $10.00
forms ; on sale
Monday, for only
Mala Floor
Veils and Veilings
. The Drape Veils, in light ap-'
plique lace designs, take the
lead -in actual vogue." They
come in pretty designs, bor
ders and fur edges; shown in
most colors. Priced from
98 to $5.00
The smart Demi-Veil, with
velvet spots and delicate bor
der designs. The Blarney
Veil, with fine mesh and
small leaf and floral patterns,
is among the attractive veils.
Per yard, 59. 85. 98
Main Floor