8 D THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: NOVEMBER 19, 1916. GRAIN ANDPRODOCE ,. Weak Futures Deaden Cash Market Despite Heavy Re - ceipts Sellers Wary. CORN TRADE IS VERY DULL Omaha, November 18, 15U. Th receipt! of all rr&tna wvra quite ; heavy today, but on account of the vatic nesa In th futures the trade In the local cash market wu very quiet. The- buyers were willing; enough to take the sample v me prevailing market prlres, but th1 , Mtlers were of the opinion that they 'could , make more by holdinr ove until Monday. The wheat market was very weak at ir to . c rawer, tne wo. z narfl roll) at ij.7 1.90, and the No. hard selling- generally at -n. wua a nw samples going at ?i.7 61. 7t. The demand for the lower grades of hard wheat was not very rood, but the milling . , demand for durum wheat was fairly active ai mticn lower prices. The corn market was very dull and the bulk of the receipts, which totaled 74 cars, were carried over. The sales of this cereal were extremely light and at noon there had been tialy five cars of corn reported sold, 3 ears of No. S mlied going at tc and 2 vara of No. 3 yellow selling at 103c. The sellers were not satlnfied with tho twice offered, the buyers bidding from' 20 to 3ts lower. oft most of tho sample. The matt market was modsl'y active, but ruled from Hp to e lower Iti sympa thy with wheat and corn. The cash demand was pretty good at the prevailing prices and the bulk of the sam ples, which graded No. I white, sold at hic. while the better grsdes sold at bic, Ay was also bearish and sold about le off. -while barley was rather quiet and ruled from lo to Us lower. Clearances were: Wheat and Ooulr equal to 75,000 bu.; oats, 141,000 bu. Liverpool close: Wheat, Id lower to d higher: corn, steady to Id higher. Primary wheat receipts were 1,200,000 bu. and shipments 1,367,000 bu., against receipt of MftS.OOR bu. and shipments of 2,763,000 " bu: last year. Primary corn receipts were (E4t000 bu. and shipments 27,O0O bu., against receipts of JIJS.qoo bu. and shipments of 233,000 bu. . , last year. ! Primary oats receipt were IO2.000 bu, and shipments 1.017,000 bu., against receipts of I 964,000 bu, and shipments of 1,370,000 bu. last year. CARLOT RETBIPTS. , Wheat Corn, Oats. rniecgo 40 Minneapolis .. 31ft Dulnth Omaha ..a....,.....,, l3 Kansas City is Mt. Louis t3 Winnipeg ..84$ 388 174 74 . 18 SI These sales were reported today: Wheat No. 1 hard winter, l car, $1.10. o. i DArd winter, 7 cars, 1.I0; 1 car, ti.jn; i ears, si.iv. no. a para winter, 1 car, 11.71; 1 car, $1.70 : 4 cars, 11.7; 1 car, si.??, no, nara winter, i oar, l,7, Rample hard winter, 3-5 car, 11.71; 1 car, sirs; i ear, 11.17. No. z spring, 1 car. I1.U0. No. 1 durum, t cars, i,0. No, 3 mixed, 1 ear, 91.13, No. 1 mixed durum. 1 oar, sine, ' . ft f ft No. t, 1 car, 11.434. BarleyNo. 3, 1 car, $1.16. No. 4, 1 car, $10. Rejected, 1 car, tic. Corn No. 1 white: 1 oar, fie. No. 4 wnne: 1 car, aso, wo 1 yellow: I cars, 2c; 1 car, ItHo; T cars, lie. No. 4 yel low: 1 oar, 00c ; S cam, Oe. No. 2 mixed: I ear, to Vic. No. I mixed: I cars, tic; iMa, wo- mixea: 1 car (old), le. Sample mixed: 1 ear, 80 Mc, nets Standard; I cars, 64r. No. 3 white: 17 cars. iic. No. 4 whlfe: 8 $-6 oars, Hiic wunpio wane i i oar, e4oi 1 car, 13 He. ; Omsha Cssh Prices -Wheat : No, t hard, I1.7JHCP1.S0: No. S hard, 3l.77Htfl.70; No. 4 hard, $l7401.7; No. 3 springy $1,889 Ml; No. 3 spring l,?7fr j.si; NO. 3 du rum, $17I(1.$S; No. I durum, $i,71.84. t'om: Ntt 3 white, liesic; No. white, ofl-fic; No, 4 whlto, MfliV; No. I white, MtjOc; No. whlto, 74filHe,' No, 1 yellow,' 8891214c; No. 3 yellow-, ll 3e; No. 4 yellow, 8 ty-OOc ; No. 6 yellow, 88 ftHc; No, 8 yellow, H tpntu; No. 3 mixed tllyftlHc; No. 3 mixed, 081; No, 4 tnlxed, I8tt$8tte: No. I mixed. Rtp8c; NO, I mixed, I? 0AR c. Outs No. $ white. 44ftf6c: srandard. HUM fi4e; No. 3 white, HfcfrMSr, No, 4 white. &8fc9&4. Harley; Malting. $104f 1.10; $1.43 01.44; No. 3, 11.4241.4)1. Omaha Faturea Local range of options A rt. L Open. High. U)w. Close, tei- Wht ' T T " T Tec. -1 78 1 Tl 177 1 77 180H May 1 I34 I 83 179 1 79 184 July 1 61 'A X H 143 1 43 108 Corn. Dee.' 8HG 89 88 , 9ft i May 901191 91 90 : $0 91 July ... o 90 ro k $o t , Oots, t IHC, . R4 64 4 " 64644 MT I i9 M &8 : MM 09 Chicago closing prices, furnished Tho Bee by Logan ft Bryan, stock and grain brokers, 318 Bouth Sixteenth street, Omaha; Art. Open, i High. ( Low. Close. iTesT Wh I "T f J Dee. 18$ 1 83 177 1 7$ 182 May 1 87 1 87 183 . 1 84 188' July 1 It 1 61 184 1 bS 1&8 Corn. v Pec, 930 93 83 .. 9! 94 'May 98 96 94 94 98 July 96 tft $4 94 98 Oats. I . Deo. 570 67 88 g 67 May .ll 1 80 81061 $1 Pork. Jan. 3f 37 2T 27 38 TO 3$ 83 37 36 May 31 IT 37 IT 24 87 S 80 27 26 l,ard. Jan. 13 16 18 16 ID 83 16 10 16 17 May It 16 1 16 16 87 16. 90 14 20 Itlbs. Jan. 14 43 14 43 14 17 14 8$ 14 4E1 'May j 14 64 14 68 14 80 14 43 14 80 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS, ' Whs Trons Further n Ahaenoe of Buying by fbrwtgiwra. Chlnago, Nov. 18 Virtual cessation of foreign buying effected a set back today In tho. value of wheat. Prices closed heavy. 34&o net lower, with December at $1,780 3.78 an dMay at 1.38ti.84. Corn un lshed lPlc down, oats off 4yo to Or and provisions off by 1208Oe. ATiparnntly no export amies of wheat wer : made, barring $50,000 bushels at Baltimore. The absence of foreign demand gave tho bears " an advantage and was emphasised by assertions that India would have export able wurptua of 100.O09.009 bushels, Re v newed dlscuaston of a poulble foodHtuff cm bargo by this country tended further to handicap the bulls. Rain In the southern half ot Argentina counted allso against the buying side. December delivery of wheat waa espe dally weak, going at one time at about 4c discount under the May option. There was word from the seaboard that in some cases ex pert era had been resellers of wheat, pre aumajiiy on account of trouble in obtaining veasel space for immediate shipments. Rains in Argentina tended to put 'corn prices on the down grade. Chances of en larged domestic receipts formed another element of depression. Palling oft In ar rivals gave relative strength to oats. Ex port call Tor oats continued. Provisions were boarishly affected by the fall In the value of coarse grains, Some not was also taken of a decline in Liver : pool quotations on lard. ,- Cash Prices Wheat: No. 3 red, $1.31; No. 3 red, $1.77; No. 3 hard. $1.84; No' 3 hard. $1.88. Corn:, No. 3 yellow, mum !Ii!.0' 1 ye,,ow' No. 4 white 4M6c Oats: No. 3 white, Wte57ci atanuard.'7S7e. Rye: No. a" $1740 Barley, tOcfrtl.Xfl. Seeds: Timothy, $8,264 6.36; stover, $11,00416.00. Provisions: Pork. $88.60; lard. 818.67 ribs, $14,00414.76. Butter Higher; creamery, 36tf40o. , Kggs Higher; receipts, 2.849 eases' firsts, 39M9c; ordinary firsts, 370S8o' i at mark, oaies Included, IS8c. Potatoes Receipts. 40 cam; unchanged. Pom try A live, lower; fowls, 16c; springs, 1Cl ' - Banaas City nemt Market. Kansas City, Mo.. Nov, 18. Wheat No ! hard. $1.8201. 86; No. 3 red, $1.73 01.62: DfMmber. $1.74; May, $1,79 i.orn -No. 2 mixed, 96097c; white, 8499c; No. 3 yellow, 37 fcer,49069o: Mav. lLaiiu' No. 3 Decern- wnlt 67,iJ; No. 8 mixed. Hutier Creamery, 36oi Brats, 32c; seo Bda, 31e; packing, 30c Wrsta, 37a, - ' ' ; - Poultry Hens, J6c; roosters, tSc; broil -ers, aic, , f - i. Uverpeol Craln Market. Uverpool, Nov. 18. Wheat Spot No. 3 &inruJi N- 1 Manitoba 16s 3d; No. 1. 14a; No. i, lb 6d. 7 , Corn Spot, Amertcaa mixed, new, ijg. , " 1 " X- Metal Market. . Ke York, Nov. 18 Metals Copper has Shown continued firmness during the last ak and one of the larger agencies reports that they have now booked practically their enure production lor the first Half or 101 Today's quotations for electrolytic ransed from about 33u. to 33c for tho first quarter and from 3lc to 33c for the second and third ituarters, while supplies available for nearby le liberies were scarce and prices nominal. iron was firm but unchanged. : -OMAHA CKMERAL MARKET. Quotation of the Day onVarious Lemdlng ummodltle. New York. Nov. 18. Flour Barely steady. vvrtest spot, weak; No. I durum, 83.13 No. t-, hard, $1.87; No. 1. northern, Puluth, $3.08; No. 1, northern, Manitoba, $2.07 fe, r. o. b.. New York. Com Spot, easy; No. I yellow, $1.13Vi c. 1. r., New vork; November shipment. Oats Spot, steady; standard, 62ft62SiC Hay Firm; No. 1, $!.104jf l.'ljl; No. 1 OS; No' 3. 96c; shopping, 804985c. Mops Hteadr; state, common to choice. 1918, fiOc; J916, 8fiM2; Pacific Coast. 1918, 12(fc; 1916 9ft 12r. Hides Firm: RogoU, 44Vi3'45c; Central America, 4l0414c " Leather Firm; hemlock first, b2c', ondH, 60c. Provisions Pork, unsettled; mess, $31.00 frIZ. 00; family. $32.0034.00; short clear. $29.00031.00. Beef, quiet; mess, $28.00 tjf23.60; family, $2.60&37.00. lrd, weak middle west I17.OOW17.10. Tallow Quiet; city, 11c; country. 1042 izr; special, lle. Butter Hteady; receipts 8.877 tubs creamery, 4114042c. Hugs Strong; receipts. 8.974 ease; fresh gathered, extra fine, 474Rc; extra firsts. 4494QC; nrnut, 4ltf43c; seconds, 37 40c. Cheese Firm; receipts, 1.3&6 boxes: state frenh npeclsls, 24()2ic; state average tam-y, 23 e 24c. Poultry Live firm; chickens 20c; fowls, 17 4fr 1 8e ; turkeys, 20 ft 22c. rrnned quiet ; chickens, lOtySlc; fowls, HVttyZZit; turkeys, 1S4T30C, OMAHA CENBKAL GARRET. Butter No, 1 creamery, lo cartons tubs. 3Tc; No. 9, 3&c, Cheese quotations by ITrtau A Co.; Cheese Imported -Bwls, 86c: domestic swim, 4zc; diock Hwias, xzc;; twin cheese, 37 r ; irtpieis, i if ; uuies. 87c ; young America, fc; niuo IaHWii oriCK, 27c; tlm berger, 26c; New York white, 27c: Roauo- fort, &r. Oysters; "King Cole" Chesaneake Htni. trds, gat $1.45. "King Cole" Selects, gal, 31.76. "King Cole" Northern Standard. gal. $!.&. "King Colo1' Selects, gal. $1,90. "King Cole" Counts, 82.16. Blui Point.. per ivii, ei.fo. celery: caiitornia Mammoth. ' ner dos. ivc. Fish: Catfish, por lb. 18c; Trout, oer lb. 16c; fall Halmon. por lb. 12c; Red Salmon, per lb. 13c; Halibut, per lb, 17o: Hen-Ins-. per lb, 7c; Blsxk Bass, per lb. 17020c; Bullheads, dressed, per lb, 16c; Carp, orensea, per id. vc; tho Finn, per lb. 10c Kett Hnapper, per id. ibc; Black Cod, per lb, 10c; Sunflsh, per lb. 7c; Croppies, per lb. 9c; Flounders, per lb. 11c; Smelts, per id. jsc; neiKirK w nue, per id. isc; Pike, per lb. lO011c;Plckerel, per lb. 8c; Smoked Whlteflsh, per lb. 16e; Kippered Salmon, per id. isr; feeiea nnrimp, per gal. 31.7D Headless Shrimp, per gal. $1.36. Wholesale prices of beef cuts: No. 1 Ribs, 18c; No. 2 Hlbs, 14c; No. 3 Ribs. tic no. i lioins, 23c; no. s Loins, l7o No. 3 Loins, 13c; No. 1 Chucks, llo; no, b unucas, o; no. unucKg, "o No. 1 Rounds. 18c: No, 3 Rounds. 13Un No. t Rounds, lie; No 1 Plates, Ue; No. . :ues, luiia; no. s nates, ivc. Poultry Live: Springs, all sixes, 18c: hens, 4 lbs. and up, lb., 16c; hens, under 4 lbs. ,- per lb., 13c; roosters, llo; ducks, i. i. i 4o; geese, I. r. rat, lie; turkeys. 4 lbs, and over, lb., He; turkeys, undcrM ins,, j4c guineas, eacn, aoc; pigeons, per do 86c. Dressed: Turkeys, dry picked, No, 1 hens and young tome, lb., 24c; old toms, lie; turkeys, no. 3, He: ducks, No. 1. I6c; ducks, No, 4, 12c; geese, No. 1, ivtc; oia cox, liKC Fruit and vegetable pries furnished by vmnsuy run t;o, Oranges Vals 96s, 100s, 324s, $4.60 box; Vale, 138S, $6.26 box; Vals, 160s, $6.60 box; Vals,, 176s, 288s $6.76 box: Vals, 300s, 216s, 360s, $tj.00 box. Florida, 120a, U.,76 box; Florida, 16a, $4.00 box; Florida, 17s, 300b, 216s, 360s, $4.26 box. Navels, 80s 100s, 126s, $4.76 box; Navels, 160s, $6.00 box; Navels, other slues, $6.26 box. Lemoni, fancy, 300s, 360si $6.60 box; Choice, 800s, 860s, $0.00 box. ftrapefntlt, 38s, $4.00 boa; 46s, 04.26 box; 04S, I4.T0 box; 04 s, 80s, 9ft, 3.00 box i rapes, Kmperors, 2.60 crate: kegs, $4.76 kog, klalagaa, extra choice, $7.00 keg, fancy, 87, bo Meg; extra rancy, I". 00 keg. Apples, Va York Imperials, $6.00 bbls. ; Mo. Rip. Pins $6.00 bbls,; R. It. Jonathans, 170s, smaller, $1.76 box; Blue Ribbon Jonathons, larger, $2.00 box; 17 fin, smaller, $1.86 box. vegetables Potatoes, $1.80 bu.; sweet potatoes, Virginias, $4.80 bbl.) hampers, i.76 nmp. . unions, Spanish, s.oo orate red, - ye 1 lew, 4o, lb. v Tomatoes, $2.26 lug, cocumberg, 2,Ri,. doz. Cabbsg, 3o lb. Hutabsgoeg, 3Ve lb. Turnips, carrots, 3c in. celery, Michigan, toe dos.; California, flflo dos.; In rough, $6.00 crate. Cranberries, cape cou, ss.oe dim,! noses, 83. 36 box. Jersey $9.60 bbl. Belle and Cherry. $9.00 nui. wcim oufc'f, tiowes, ai siu.ttv DDI, Cocoanuts, $7,66 sack; dosen, $1.00 doxen. Miscellaneous Peanuts, No. 1 raw, lb. 6c; roast,, lb., 9c; Jumbo, raw, lb., ftoijunv 88.76; figs, case, $1.00; No. 1 KnglUn wal bo, roasted, 16, 100! Drom, dates, oast, nula, lb., 18 o. toffee Market. New York, Nov, 18. Tho market for rnf. fee futures showed renewed steadiness this morning on further scattering eoverlna and moderate demand from Wall street or cotlon-trsde sources. The opening was S 6 points, higher and the active months sold about 7 to 9 points above last night's closing figures during tho middle of the morning, wttn May touchlna- 8.40c and July 8.65c. while December sold un to 8.29c. The otose Was within a point or two of tho best on most positions, showing a net ad' vance of 4 to 6 mints. Sates. Including swuenes irom t'eopmoer to later months, 88,000 . bugs, Nottmbsr, 8.16c; December, 8,tc: January, 8.24c: February, 3.31o: March, 8.40O;" April: ' 8.46os. Mas'. 8.61o: June, 8.67c; July, 6.83c; August, 8.68c; September, 8.t8o; October, .78, Spot coffee quiet; Rio 7s. 9Uc: Santos 4s. 10c. Coat and -freight offers were de layed, but Indications were said to point to about an unchanged market. The of ficial ' cables reported an advance of 36 to 60 rets in tho Santos futures, with marit.ts otherwise unchanged. Rio cleared 12,000. bags for New York. ' . , 'St. Lenta Grain Market. ' " St. touls. Mo Nov. 18. Wheat No. x $1.8601. 89; No. 3 hard. $1.3401:li D. oember. $1,79; May, $1.82, i:orn o. x. wtti no. 2 white, gi.ftxu December, 98c; May, 94094a. vais jno. a. in c; no, 2 white. Horn . sal; December, 66c; May, 60c. I Omaha Hny Market. Market firmer on alt grades of nralrle hay and alfalfa. Receipts are light and prices somewnai nigner on ail arrades. De. maud continues good. Prairie Hay Choice upland. S11.001S AA No. 1, 310.00010.60; No. 8, 3k.60CF9.6A; No. 8, 8G.6f(f 7,&0; midland, No. 1, 810.00010,00 No. 3. $7.6009.00; lowland. No. 1. 88 . &0M 7.60; No. 9, $4.6006.60; No. 3, $3.&O04,6O. Alfs.1 fa Choice, $17.00: No. 1. 31&.0OA 16.00: standard, tlS.60fll4.ftO; No. 3, $10.6.) 012.80: No, 3, 99.60010.60. Straw Oat, I6.6O07.OO: wheat. J.vsdi. $.00. Minneapolis (train Market. Minneapolis, Nov, 18. Wheat December $1.88 01.86; May, $1.89. Caah: No. 1 hard, $1.9O01.93; No. 1, northern $1.881. 88. CornNo. 3 yellow, 91092c. Oats No. 8 white, 54H54ic. Flax tfeed, $3.89 03.78. ' rionr Fancy patents 10c lower; ounifl at $10.16; second elears 36c higher; quoted at $6.75, Other grades unchanged. iianey icw i . is. S ye $1.4601.48. .v 1 ran $87.00028.00. Cotton Market. . New York, Nov, 18. Cotton Vutnru opened firm ; December, 36.16c ; January 20.21c; March, 96.4lo; May, 30.67c: July. 2.70e. i Cotton futures closed firm: December. 20,62c; January. 20.67c; March. 30.74c; May. 20.81c; July, 30.88a. Spot ootton. quiet: middlln tmi..t. 3fl.&0e. No salea. . The cotton market todav clnad steady at an advance of 23 to 27 points on all months except Angust, -which was nomi nally w points oigner, Hugnr Market, New York. Nov, IB. Sugar The market for sugar futures was lrregulsr with nesr positions eosfer under liquidation, while dis tant deliveries were steadier on MvoFinr and a little demand from trade sources. Closing price were 4 points lower to 3 points higher. Sales. 6.380 tons. Dcm. ber, 4.88c ; January, 4.44c; March, 4.11c: May, 4.20c; July, 4.29c Raw sugar, quiet; molasses, 6.88c; oentrifuaal l.4flfc: refinH quiet; fine granulated, 7.60c." " ,' OUi and Koaln. v Savannah, Os, Nov. 18. Turpentine Firm, 46 047c; sales, 163 bbls.; receipts 29 bbls.; shipments, 287 bbls.; slock, 19.998 bbls. Rosin Firm: saels 911 bbls.: receipts, 1,687 bbls.; shipments, 367 bbls.; stork 81,940 bbls, Quotations: A. B, C, D, $4 80 E, F $6.36; O, $4.31; H, $8.40; I. K, m' $6,46; N, $6.70; WU. $6.90j WW, $7,10, LIYE STOCK MARKET Cattle Lower at Week-End, but Good Market Most of Week Sheep Improved. HOGS LOWER FOR WEEK Omaha, November 18, "1916. RecelDts were: Cattle. . 8.518 . 9.S17 . 9,725 Hogs. Sheep. orriclsl Monday 8,877 12,787 Official Tuesday , . . Official Wednesday 12,076 1?,492 12.782 17,736 i:,912 16,532 10,71 ' 14.228 "jinciai ' hurwlay .... 9,753 Official Krldny 3,931 Estimate Saturday..,'. 500 Hlx days this work .... 42,243 Hame days last week..2S,8S8 Same days 2 wks. aa-o. 42.413 7.000 ... 64,23 73.774 4&.177 67.048 49.076 82.9 36.902 88.941) Same days 3 wks. ago. 62,783 Same days 4 wks. ago. 66,987 Same days last year. .28,908 2fi,137 117.767 20,884 68,400 eseed !Plorlda,;91 potateoemg Receipts and dlenoeftton of live stock at the Union Stock Yards, Omaha, for twenty four hours ending yt-sterday: II KCKIPTn -CARLOADS. Cattle. Hogs. C.r M. A St. P Mlesouri Pacific . Union Pacific C. A N. W.( east C. A N. W., west C, St. P.. M. O 7 2 9 19 .. 6 30 t. 1 8 1 3 20 2 7 1 1 . 1 1 18 100 HEAD. Tings. 1,619 -..1.780 2,288 2,291 2P8 243 8,190 C.C., n. I- Q eant C, B. A Q., went R. 1. A P., earn, R. !. & P., went. . . , . . llllnoiH Central Chicago Great Wentern. Tola is Morris A Co. Hwfft and CnmpHny f'udahy Tacking company Armour Co. Schwartis A Co W. Murphy Total Cattle RecelofH were liirht. as unuat on a Saturday, btU for the week receipts have been quite libera), showing a largo gain over election wek. although falling a llt- pe snort or most other recent weeks. The demand during the early part of tho week was very active and the market In a good. neaitny and very satisfactory condition an viewed from a seller's standpoint. Prices, If anything, gradually firmed up until late Thursday, when the extreme close was low er, and on Friday, with buyers pretty well filled up, prlres broke sharply. Thus at the close of the week corn fed steers, espe cially those on the warmed up order, are lbWZbc lower than the c ose of net week. with range beeves around 1O016O lower and cows and heifers 16020c lower. uood Blockers and feeders Armed un dur ing the week, and although they were a little easier at the close the best y grades re sum nrm, wnue otnera are pretty generally steady. - f uu otatlons on cattle: uood to choice eornfeds, $10.00011.10; fair to good corn feds, $8.50010.00; common to fair corn feds. 86.ftO08.&o; fancy heavy graasers, $9,60 0 10.00; good to chofce crass beeves. 87.750 8.60; fur to good grass beeves, $6.7607.76; common to fat:', $5.7606.76; good to choice neirre. B.5O07.28; good to choice cows. so. oo77. so; fair to good cows, 85.7506.50 common to fair cows. $4.26 0 8.60; good tv noice redrs. 87.50a8.00: fair to t-ood reeaere, gs.7KQ7.fiO; common to fair feed ers, $8.0006.76; good to choice otockers. $7.6006,04; stock helfera, $6.0007.16 ; stock cows, 36.0004.60: stock calves. 86.0008.00 veal calves, IS.OO01O.Otf; I'sef bull, $6,600 Hogs Just an ordinary Saturday hoc run put in its annearance this momma, sun piles Of ninety-seven loads, or about 7,000 head, being the smallest of any day this week. The total fo the six days Is the largest since June. During the week 64 -383 head have been reported In, which Is v.vuo larger than last week. 15.000 heavier than two weeks aao and more than three times tne else of tho run for the corro sponding days last year. v Tne Off bulk of the hnea mo Id steady 'to So higher. Most Of the mlied and butcher kinds and heavies landed at $9 0009,76, with several loans as hls-h as'3B.no. tho too. Siuiie a string or merits so d down to 8.50, witn a Bnr!nk Una under that, and bulk of all tne saies was Quoted at 89.5008.75. iemparea witn a wek a bo. current values sre bvioc aown. I'rleee moved "steadily downward thn first four days of the week, lights suffering most up to Thursday, A big share of the break was recovered Fri day. Lights are evidently hlsher than any thing else on the close, having Improvd most in ma snarn uoturn tho last dav or two. but this cannot be taken as representative or general conditions. Packers have been trying for some time to widen the snread between the lights and heavies, and while they saw the results of their efforts wlofri out Prldsy, light hogs will undoubtedly bo nil narrifflt in the first slump. neprosentativo sales: No, AV. Bh. Pr. 70. .168 ... $9 15 No. Av. 63. .172 87. .183 80. ,222 78, .2ii8 6$.. 300 8b? Pr. ... $9 46s 40 9 65 84ft ft 65 v.v ft 72 ... I 80 7ft., 170 8 ft 60 316 ... 0 60 69,. 348 40 9 70 285 160 $ 76 PIOS. 86.. 101 7 60 68.. 118 Shoop Pat lambs moved un steadilv the nrsi lour nays or tho week, and on Thurs ays cose were rant cose in 35d4flr higher than a week ago, best kinds having touched $12,00, Other river markets also showed upturns, but Chicago, whose relative position was none too good even at the start of the wfk, hitting the bumn-s on tho midweek trade. In order to get things lined up again, packers started a bear raid nere Friday, and, as they had a liberal sun- ply to work on, 'succeeded In breaking prices 25 0 400, the market losing almost all the advance scored earlier In the week. Best lambs failed to beat $11.80, which was the top at the start or the week. All-classes of feeders are safe y nue table 36 040c higher than a week ago, the break in kilters yesterday not extending to feed ers. The rise has been continuous, best feeding lambs having -moved up from a nominal top of $10.10 or $10.16 last Friday to $10.66 yesterday, the highest price Da Id since August, and within a nickel of the yard record. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs, wd to choice, $11.40011.60: lambs, fair to good, $U.OO011.S6t lambs, feeders, $9.26 01Q.&D; yearlings, good to choice, $8,760 yearlings, fair to good. 97.7641)8.75: yearlings, feeders, $7.0008.00; wethers, fair hole 17.0008.50; ewes, rood to choice. $7. 4007. 80 ewes, fair to good, $6.6007.40; ewes, plain to culls, $4.0006.76; ewes, feed ing. l4.5Q08.2ft;- ewes, breeders, all ages, $.00$,60. ; Kansas City Live Stork Market. Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 18. CattleRe ceipts, 400 head ; market steady ; cows strong; prime fed steers, $10.26011.80; dressed beef steers, 87.50010.00; western steers. $6.60010.00; cows. $4.7608.00; heif ers, 85.60010.00; stockers and feeders. $6.9601.76; bulls, $6.00 0 6.60; calves, $6.$0 011.00. nogs Receipts, 20, two bead; market steady; bulk of sales, $9.76;- heavy, $9,760 no: packers and butchers. 89.6009.80: pigs. $8.0009.60. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. EOO head: market steady; lambs, $11.00011.85; year Unas. 68.7509.75: wethers. 87.fi0tfSB.Mi- ewes, $6.7607.76. t. Joseph Live Stock Market. Joseph, Mo.. Nov. 18. Cattle Re ceipts, 300 head; market steady; steers, $6.60 1U.Z&; rows and he tors. 24.50010.00: calves, $7.00 0 12.00. nogs Receipts, fi.&flo head; market slow and steady ; top, $9.86; bulk ot sales, $9.40 9.80. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 200 head - market steady; lambs, $11,00011.60; ewea, 0007,65. : St. Louis l.lv stock Market. St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 16 attle Receint. 400 head; market steady: native beef steers, $7.60011.50; yearling steers and heifers, $8.60011.80; j rows. $5.6007.78; stockers and feeders, $8,3007.60; prime southern steers, $8.0009.00; cows and helf- A Certain Dividehd ; Payer The Morning Star Mine of White Pine, Colorado, located on the same "contact" with the $10,000,000 Madonna, has an ore body which will probably yield not loss than 50 tons a day for the next fifteen years. Send us no money, but write for our report. , Morning Star Mines Development Company, 814 Ernost A Cramer Bldf.t : Denver, Colo. era. $4.6007.60; prime yearling steers am heifers, $7.(009.00; native calves, $6.00j 11.76. Hogs Receipts. 9,000 head ; market steady; lights, $9.1609.80: pigs, $6.5008.75; mixed and butchers. $9.00010.00; good heavy, $9.90010.00; bulk of sales, $9,350 9.90. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 300 head: market steady; lambs, $7.50 012.06; ewes, $3.7607.60; yearlings, $9.0009.2$, CHICAGO LIVB STOCK, MARKET. Cattle Market Weak, Hogs Hteady, Sheep Steady. " Chicago, Nov. 18. Cattle Receipts. 1,00 head; market weak; native beef cattle $6.76012.06; western steers, $6.60010.26: storkers and feeders, $4.7507.86; cows and net rem, f3.75 0t.5O; calves, 31.750 12-o. Hogs Receipts, 22,000 head: market steady at yesterday's average to 10c lowr; duik or sales. S9.1O0OJIO: iKht, ss.40r 9.80; mixed, $9.06010.00; heavy, $9,360 10.00; rough. $9.3609,60; pigs, $8.2608.30. Sheep snd Lambs Receipts. 2.000 head: market steady; wethers, $7.6008.66; ewes. $4.2507.60; lambs, $9.00011.60. Hloux City Uve Stock Market. Slnux City. la., Nov. 18, Cattle Receipts, 700 head. Hogs Receipts. 7.000 head; market steady; light, $9.0009.46; mixed. $9,460 9 76; heavy, $9.7509.90; bulk of sales, $9.40 09.86. Sheep and Lambs Receipts 200 head; market steady; lambe, $9.00011.06. Ijocal Stocks and Bonds. Quotations furnished by Burns, Drinker A .. 449-62 Omaha National bank building: STOCKS Bid, Asked. Cudahy Packing Co. 7 pet ofd,.104. 5 Cal. Pack. Corp. pfd 105 1MH 97 107 100 100 88 76 62 87 100 102 106 poere A Co., pfd 98 Fairmont Creamery Co. pfd.. ..104 Oooch M. si Kle. Co., 7 pet pfd. 99t4 t.mcoin. f. r. com. v pot., bb O. A C, B. Ry. A B. pfd 60 B. St. Ry pfd 74 O. A C. B. St. Ry. com Omaha i:. L. A P. Co. pfd. Peters Mill Co. 6 pet pfd... 99 i Union Stock Yardu Co. p pet pfd.101 wmin & co pra 105 Wichita Union S. Y. 6 pet Jtock 84 BONDS Argentine Onvt. 6s, 1920 100 Armour & Co. 4a, 1931.,.,,. 93 100 93 100 100 97 Boolh-St. Isouls 6k. 1931 09 U. Am. T, A T. notes. 4Us. lam inou Chicago Ry. 1st 6s. 1927 98 udahy Pack. Co. 1st Gs. 1924. 102 lowa-Pld. Cmt. Co. 6s 1916-24 99 C. Ry. 1st 6s. 1944 ITU 98 nn-i!, n.y. isc r, OH, 19A Kg 00 Mcrch. It. L. 1st A r. 6h, 1922 98,60 99.50 O. A C. H. 8t Ry 6s. 1928 96 97 Pacific O. & K. 6b. 1942 97 Rfl Hwlft A Co. 6m, 1944 101 101U Hpfd. T. R. A P. 6s, 1 920-28. . 100 101 city of Toronto. Can. 4s, 1962 $9 90 uinn f, a i.. co. 1st 5a, 1944.. 95 96 Wilson A Co. 6s. 1941 inu mi Sioux City Tel, 6s ; 90 - 101 Statement of Clearing Hons Banks. New York, Nov. 18. The statement of th. actual condition of clearing house and trust compsnies for the week shows -that they noid 8'."97,080 reserve in excess of legal iciiuirsiiioniH. inu is a aeureaite 01 91 ft 971,170 from last week. Tho statement fol lows: Actual condition; " iwr Loans, discounts, etc.$3,448,121,000 $6,702,000 Reserve In own vaults (R) 433.942.000 22.72 .fWlfl unserve m roaerai re serve bank ....... i,790,$78,000 9,009,000 Reserve In other de- ' posltarles ........ 66,633,000 80,000 Net demand deposits 3,419,599,000 27,993,000 Net time deposits... -184,095,000 6,646,000 Circulation 30,056,000 1.001,000 rjiiren rrarnw (,S9Y,tJBU 18,871,170 Aggregate reservt. $869,364,908? Nummary of state banks and trust com panies In Greater New York not Included 111 clearing nouse statement: Incrtuu Loans, discounts, etc. .$746,244,300 $8,870,800 Specie 80,812,800 447,300 Legal tenders :. 10,113,900 s M9.900 Total deposits 962,640,000 634,900 Decrease, Ranks: Cash reserve In vault. $13,336. Trust companies: Cash reserve in vaults. New York ajoiiev Maricet. New Tork, Nov. 18. Mercantile Paper- it 4 per cent. Bterllng Exchange Sixty-day bills. ,,.(114; commercial aixiy-aay bill, on banka. ,.iui; commercial aixiy-aay Dtlla, ,4.7014 demand, I4.7GH: cables, $4,76 7-16. silver Bar, 71c; Mexican dollars, (Sc. Bonds 4Jovernmcnt, ateady; railroad, I.'. 8. r, !s, rog. 99141,. ft N. un. 4a.. 96 do coupon ... 9B4M., K. & T. 1 4 7814 U. 8. 3s. re(,d.,.lll0lia-U. P. con. 6s. ..10314 do coupon ,,.10oMont. Power 6s.. 99 U. S. 4s. recti. .110 N. Y. C. deb. 6s.lt34 do coupon ...llOVi'N. Y. City 414s. 11014 ,, o.nri.. m....i,vHi.. I., n. n. fx tt. Am. Tel. A Tel. cv. 6s 112 cv. 414s 112 No. Pacific 4s... 9414 Anglo-Krench Ss-94 do 3s 664 Atch. gen. 4s.,.. 9440re, S. L. ref. 4a. 93 H. t O. 4 92Pac. T. & T. Sa.10114 Heth. St. ref. 6s.l02Penn. con. 414s.. .10684 v entral i-ac. ,ai. vi ao gen. 414s. ..103 C. & p. cv. 414s 93 Reading gen. 4a. 9384 r. a a r. a. aa. . C. Tit. & St. P. ref. 4a cv. 6s .... 106So. Pac. cv. 6s.. 104 C. R. I. & P. Ry. do ref. 4s 9281 ref. 4s 77 So. Railway fa. .10214 C. ft 8. ref. 4. 6Unlon Pacific 4s. 90 r. n. . v. ... o. uu cv, ,s '414 Krlo gen. 4a..... 74KU. S. Rubber 68.10264 Oen. Klec. 6. . .106 V, U. S. Steel a...l07U Ot. No. 1st 414s.. 99 West. Union 414s 97 I. v. rr,. ,s v, uun. oi t;., Ti 1931.100 int. M. M. 4B..110 Bid. K. C. So. ref. 6s.. Jilt' . Dry Goods Market. New York. Nov. 18 Knit eoods for fall soin actively today at ths high prices named early In the week. Cotton a-ooda and yarns were firm. Burlaps were higher ana strungi nnena were nrm. Klgln Butter Market. Klgln, III.. Nov. 1. Butter Hlaher: 40 cents bid; no salea. (Laat week 26 centa.) Chinese Students Urge Their People to Fight u:orresponaence ot Tile Associated Press.) Peking; Oct. 4. Chinese students who are attending Taoanese univer sities have held several conferences in Japan to discuss the Japanese de mands growing out of the Chenuchia rung incident. The Peking Daily News prints tne louowing appeal to Chinese citizens framed at such a conference in Japan: "Fellow citizens, in con nection with the Chengehiatung inci dent tne Japanese have presented cruel demands, and as the fate of our fatherland is hanging in the balance, we cannot remain silent. We hereby request that popular conferences be called to urge the government not to yield to them." , If 'You WWe a DOLLAR Would you work for starva tion wages or lie idle part of the time when you could easily find profitable employment? There is only one answer. Your money represents you and your work. Is it idle Is it bringing you-only 3 or 4 I Home Builders Inc 7 s Guarantees Make your money earn more than its keep. "Home Builders does, no speculating. Share holders are secured by wort gages on new homes in Omaha nothing safer. Ask for our , "New Way" booklet, it explains 'the plan fully. :' - Home Builders. Inc. AMERICAN SECURITY CO. Fiscal Agent 17th & Douglas St, Omaha. HEW YORK STOCKS Dealings Characterized Riot of Speculation in Coppers. By XEW BETHLEHEM MARE New York, Nov. 18. Dalings instocks uuy were cnaracterlxed by a riot of spec HaUon In coppers, the principal Issues raining 2 to 6 points and In several in tarces considerably more. The advance 7 ""enaeo-oy circumstantial rumors of ...iMMir.B mergers or consolidations. New high levels were reached by Anacon da, Utah. Kennecott, Inspiration, Chlno, areems Cananea. Miami and Nevada coppers well as Chile, which rose more than 6 DOinte, with almost 11 for the 7 per cent bonds. Oranby Mining rose 12 i' points and the 6 per cent bonds 6 points. The session was noteworthy also for mVi,mn,i "t,"d bV Bethlehem Steel, at 700. and Unit Htar. n. "o"" anu similar Stocks wta k Ov.rniht a.velopm.nt,, .uch as th. turn to even U .cron the southrrn borit.r wore r(lectd In the comparative he.vlnem I?..- "i'V. notably the petro- 000 ahaTea ' "lKk' e,ceelcd . A moderate contraction of loan, was nown In theactual , condition of clearlna Jn; " "rvc. decreed by a! r.h.', K''' reducing ce, reairve. !t ,0-0,000, a contraction of more than IH.000.00 In the laat fortnight. ' In. W"r. bnt """ ' tra. xrVh:zziM 1mum' Tot" c.duSnrthvS' WV' n lni".Sc. f,r".'" a"d ,'t"" " Am. Bee, ag.r... ft-; Am Sir.""' J?.Ref- 33'MI '2114 110 l"l2 Am. Tel. a, Tel Am. Z., L. s tm. inn MO 13 J 132 u iJ22 Atchison a.mTi. o.TO 104 J0314 104 Bald. locomotive.. 2,300 ior 3.(00 104 104. Hultlmnro ft Ohio.. Brook Rapid Tran. H. ft S. rnnn.r 6H 1,200 86 '4 V.soo 'ii" K.( 69 70. 2f 23 17! 172V4 11314 114 67, 6714 93 93 12714 S3 14 33 ' 71 72 6" 14 63 2214 22 91 9 Pi 44 43 f'al. Petroleum..." Canadian Pacific.., 400 23 200 175 K"11 Learner. . . 10.700 lis p.hesapeake ft Ohio B.100 68 TOO S3 u.. m. ft St. P.... Chicago ft N. w.... t. n. r jt p Ohino Copper. . . ' Coin. Fnol . r 4.100 18.300 ' 34 Corn Products Ref! niooo 23li Erf.!' 3.900 3 7,600 'miners- securities 2.300 44i 3.100 37& 'leneraf Electric!!! Great No. pfd .... Great No. Ore otfs! 37 37 8,600 18214 1811 1, 4.000 '4614 'isil "Au. Illinois Central..., I,ter. fnn r.n-n 900 10514 105 1042 Inspiration Copper! afi'ai Inter. lt.r..t.. 1.300 1 1 74 17T4 ' 7314 7414 int. M. M. prd, i M. pfd. ctfs. 12,300 iioii itiii lnS r.. i.. noutnern 300 26 u Kennecott Copper.. 143,900 6384 l.oulsvllle ft Nash ... 62 6314 134 1094 1094 A 4714 17 10 1014 914 97 Men. Petroleum.... Miami Copper. . . M., K, ft T. pfd.... Missouri Pacific Montana Power National Lead Nevada Copper Now York Central., N T.. N. H. ft H.. Norfolk ft Wei-tarn Northern Pacific... Pacific Mall Pacific Tel. ft Tel.. 6,800 11114 8,500 4814 200 200 2.400 10'4 984 2.700 334 31 14 32 1.500 107 1064 106i 700 ri 6714 5R14 3,000 140?4 14014 140U 600 1114 11114 111 600 2714 264 2614 rennayivania Ray Con. Copper... sj.joo 'jj 'j6i Ssl, Rcmdlnr 1,601) losij loS" ,11 Rep Iron ft Steel., is loo 91 ss mu Southern Pacific... Southern Railway... Studebaker Co Tennessee Copper.. Teaae Company. . . . Union Pacific Union Pacific nM . 1. 200 100 9944 99S4 2.600 "M 26T4 26W 4,500 128 1:614 128 3.000 2na" 9.ioii ... 3.100 1484 147'J 148- U. S. Ind. Alcohol V. S. Steel U. 8. Steel pfd Utah Copper Wabash pfd. "B' Weetern Union 8.1 M7V4 3.000 1.17i lie 114.200 1264 1254 126 37.300 136 12a 2.500 30 29 a JO 400 103 103 i2 6.800 66TL fiitu .m, Weatlnghousc Blec ..... w, me aay, 1,000,000 shares. Iindoa Stock Market. '? , - d1.?"?' "-rAln securities un der the lead of the steel stocks finished steady on the stock e.ch.n,. here today Bar -Wlver Sll4d per ounce. - ' Money44 percent. .si, . Discount Ratca Short Wlla, eV5i"oer cent; three months, 6 14 8 5 54 per cent ANNOUNCEMENT i- To Users and Prospective Users Motor Trucks Realizing that the use of the motor truck has become a very ; important factor in the successful and profitable operation of f the average wholesale or retail mercantile business, we have de cided to add to our present line of Buick pleasure cars, the line of motor trucks, which is, we believe, the most complete, line of trucks on the market, comprising all sizes of chassis from three quarters ton to five ton jobs, both worm and chain drive, ranging in price from $1090.00 to $3900.00 f. o. b. factory; bodies built to suit the needs of the purchaser. Exclusive Truck Builders The General Motors Truck Co. of Pontiac, Mich., are build ers of trucks exclusively. Their factory is one of the largest in the world devoted to the manufacture of nothing but trucks. Investigate Before You Invest If you are contemplating the purchase of a motor truck, we are confident you will find, upon investigation, the "G. M. C.'t most nearly adapted to your needs; and know it will prove a valu able asset to your business and a paying investment. ' Catalog sent on request. ' Nebraska Buick Auto. Co. Lincoln . v H. E. Sidles, Gen'l Mgr. Success Crowns For Man Who Like the elephant, th Miguel, a thrifty and hard-workmc SDaniard. never forgot nor never gave up his search for the man who violated his friendship and decamped with the savings of a lifetime. A more than three years' search ended in Chicago Fridav with the ar rest of Dusan Ristas on a charge of obtaining money under talse pre tenses. Ristas will be brought back to Omaha to stand trial. Requisition papers to bring Ristas back here vtere made out in County Attorney Mag ney's office and Detective George W. Allen of the South Side Station has gone to the Windy City to take the prisoner into custody. Three years ago last September lli Miguel was a- resident of Omaha. Ristas was his friend he believed. One day, according to Miguel, Ristas came to him and said that he had a chance to make big money.' He wanted to buy a carload of Missouri mules at Joplin and ship them to Chi cago.' But he only had about $500, and to put across the deal would, re quire the outlay of another $2,500. Would Miguel loan him the money? Miguel said that he did and that was the last he saw of Ristas. The pursuit of Ristas became a No Rubber Nipples On the Milk Bottles (Correspondence of The Associated Press.) Berlin, Nov. 10. To make sure that as a result of the rubber shortage in Germany, infants will not have to go without rubber nipples on the milk bottle, the Bundesrat has ordered that the entire available supply within the empire, and all that are imported, shall be turned over to a specially created company that ini turn is to have charge of the equable distribu tion of this small, but necessary article. Mothers will in the future be able to procure two nipples per child un der one year of age, on presenting birth certi6cates tor prove the age of tne cnuaren, ana then will be able to buy new nipples by turningin the old ones. A maximum price of 35 pfennigs per nipple has been set for .all that are made in Germany. Sugar Supply of ' Sweden Exhausted (Correspondence of The Associated Press.) Stockholm, Sweden, Nov. 10. After November 1 no sugar is sold in Sweden except upon presentation of a sugar card. A stock-taking throughout he kingdom has shown that some method of controlline the consumption js unavoidable, and the card system, patterned on Germany's methods of regulation, was decided on. One kilogram (2.2 pounds), will be allowed per month per capita, ex cept for December, when two kilo grams will be availbale. 1 he sugar shortage has been marked for some months, and has lately assumed serious proportions. It has been hoped and expected, how ever, that this fall's sugar beet har vest would make any-stkte regulation of consumption unnecessary, but it has now been found that, including this year's production, there is avail TRUCKS v Omaha Lee -Huff, Mgr. Three Years' Search Violated Friendship mania with Miguel. He chased him from one part of the country to another; several times they were in the samev city, but Ristas somehow eluded his pursuer. Once Miguel had his man cornered in an Illinois town, but the authorities there wouldn't ar rest without a warrant from Omaha. Miguel hurried back to Omaha, pro cured the warrant and returned to Il linois, but Ristas had fled. On an other occasion the men met face to face in the mountains of Virginia. Ristas slipped from Miguel's grasp again and the chase was continued. Miguel moved to Chicago. So did Ristas. Neither man knew of the other's whereabouts, although in the western metropolis they were living less than two blocks away from each other. It's a small world after all, thought Miguel, when he chanced to run onto his quarry one day. But this time he. didn't confront him. Miguel just hur ried to a railroad station and boarded the first train for Omaha. The county attorney issued the warrant for the crime alleged to have been committed in 1913 and Miguel re turned to Chicago and had Ristas ar rested. The requisition papers was the final chapter in the chase able only about thirteen kilograms per person from now until November 1, 1917. A further result of. the sugar short age may be a forced reduction in the production of arrac punch, the so-called national drink of the Swedes. Fully a million kilograms are used for punch-making yearly. The drinker who consumes three half bottles weekly a rather mod erate consumption for- a punch drinker consumes therein as much sugar as his sugar card entitles him to buy at the grocer's. Nile Mud, Rat Hair, UUUU Ul XVUUI1 UU!OU Is Italian Uniform (Correspondence of The Associated Press.) Headquarters of the Italian Army, Oct. 3. The uniform of the Italian army is said to be both the' ugliest and the least visible of any worn in Europe. "Its wearer doesn't even make a shadow," said one visitor re cently among the party of American officials that accompanied Ambassa dor Thomas Nelson Page to the front. The color is officially described as' gray-green. An Englishman tried to convey his idea of it as follows: "Take some blue Nile mud, rub in carefully two pounds of ship rat hair, paint a roan horse with the compo sition, and then ybu will understand why the Austrians can't see the Italian soldiers in broad daylight at . fifty yards." The Italian army was among the first to make a science of the ques tion of uniform colors. It did not se lect, for instance,, the horizon, col- -ored uniform adopted more than a vear aio bv the French, because, while this is the least visible on roads and plains of a flat, open country, it would no do well in the rains and muds and among the trees of the mountains. of Sioux City S. C. Douglas, Mgr. v. Ve