THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: NOVEMBER 19, 19k 3-D FOR RENT Ap'ts and Flat Miscellaneous. DOWN-TOWN FLAT. 714 SOUTH 16TH ST. t room. In good condition, brand nr plumbing In bath room. Special winter rate. PAYNE & SLATER CO., 1 Omaha National Bldg. VERY DESIRABLE. (room fiat, strictly modern, and tn a gooa tocauon, one condition, water paid, ONLY $23.50. HASTINGS & HE TP EN, 1614 Har. Tjr. 50. f-ROOM flat (or rent, 125 par month; cloat in. f none uoug, itz. FOR RENT Butinew PrVty Stores- STORES. I1T.10 New., mod. store, 14S9 8. 16th St. $20.00 Store and basement, 1410 N. 24th. 9129.00 Corner store and high basement in Carleton Hotel Bldg., 16th and How ard Sta. H. A. WOLF, 14 Ware Blk. Doug. 9069. ti. E. CORNER 49th and Cuming-Sts. atore and ahelvlng; 4 rooms and bath tn rear: aood brtck and cemented cellar, and barn; will rent cheap to good ten ant. S. E. corner 16th and Corby, good cor ner store, good street and close to trana 1 for point. Good lease to the right parly. P. J. TKBBKNS CO., t05 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Thonc D. !l2. 1753 and 175 Leavenworth, each $30. 1420 Capltot Ave, $30. 1433 Capitol Ave, $26. FIRST TRUST COMPANY, T. 1161. 303 So. 13th. FINE room, 714 So. 16th St. Will put In first class condition for good tenant. Spe cial rate. PAYNE & SLATER CO., B16 Omaha Nat Bldg. STORE ROOM at 1807 Farnam St. T. K. Hall. 433 Ramge. D. 7406. MODERN atore, 16th St., near posloffice; low rent. O. P. stebbina. HA LP of well located store building for rent. Phone Doug. B90ff. Offices and Desk Room. DESIRABLE studio location in Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam, and tn Baidrige Bldg.. 20th and Farnam; rental reasonable. F. D. WE AD. Wead Bldg WE AD BLDG., 18th and Frnsi,. Ml. Several very desirable suits of room." unliable for studios or 'office,. F. D Wead, 310 S. INth St. DESIRABLE office rooms tn the remodeled Crounee blork, 119 N. Kith St. (opposite postofflce), Sin to lift per month. Conrad Young, 328 Brandeia Theater. Doug. 1671. DESK ROOM, telephone, etc., 19. Address Box 832 5 ,B ee. CHOICE office space. Baird Bldg., 17th and . Douglas. McCague lnv. Co FOR RENT Office and warehouse apace with trackage. 914 Farnam St. Miscellaneous. STORAGE ROOM. S.300 square fret of storage room In rear of 1409-11 Harney St. Will runt all or part. CITY TRUST COMPANY, 16th and Harney Sts. Ph(ie Doug. 7S9. A FINE LARGE BARNfor rent Vt tll $! 36th St.; has 2 targe, roomy slalls, room for wagons or carriages, harness closet, hay loft, electric lights, etc.; can be un-d as a garage; only Si per month to good tenant. Call Harney 2204. BRAND NEW, strictly up-to-the-minute, garages in the rear of St. George Apart -menta, 31st Ave. and Dodge. Prices $4 and $5 a month. See us. PAYNE & SLATER CO.. 616 Omaha Nat. Bldg. FOR RENT Surburban FOR RENT Chicken ranch, at 60th und Hickory, over 2 acres. Call Harney 3944. WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Houses and Flats. WANTED Listing on cottagea or houara to rent or sell on easy payments. Have cus tomers watting. Inquire 413 Karbacb Block. Douglaa 3407. GALLAGHER NELSON . will look after your rentals. 644 Brandels Bldg. Doug. 33S2. j Busing Property. MOrJERN store, 16th St.. near postofflce; low rent. G. P. Stebbtns. Miscellaneous. WANTED Houses, stores and apartment? for our rental department. N. P. Dodge & Co., Harney St. at 15th. Telephone- Doug. 829. MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Packing, storage and mov ing. 21t N. 11th St Phono Douglaa 394. METROPOLITAN VAN' AND STORAGE CO. Careful attention given to orders for moving, packing or storage. Office at Ray mond Furniture Co., 1M3 and 1616 How ard St. Phone D. 5624. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving; packing and shipping. , OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 102 S. 18th St. Douglaa 4161. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real moving aervrce try us. Large 1-horse padded vans. Storage, $1 month. Satisfaction guaranteed. We move you QUICKER. CHEAPER AND SAFER, phone Tyler 230 or Douglas 4338. SERVICE Phone Douglaa 288 for complete Hat of vacant houses and apart ments. Also for storage, moving. 16th and Jackson Sts. Maggard- v,."f"pVhorB' Van and Storage Co., Moving. Packing. 8toragend shipping. Phone Doug. 1496. J' TT7,"J?:r Express and Moving. . J 1jjJ-S packing and atorage. 1107 Farnam St. Douglaa 0246. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Went. VERY CHOICE BRICK RESIDENCE WEST FARNAM DISTRICT, $25,000.00 South of Farnam St., In the heart of the miction devoted to beautiful, and cost ly homes, we offer for the first time one of the most attractive places in the dis trict Cleverly planned and splendidly well built no expense spared, no detail omitted anywhere along the line. Only a few years old and in as perfect con dition as the day It was finished. Recep tion hall, living room, music room, solar turn, dining room, butler's pantries and kitchen on first floor, four bedrooms, en ' closed and heated sleeping porch, dress ing room, tiled bath on the second floor. Extra lavatories, toilets and largo clos ets. Exceptionally fine hardwood finish and floors throughout. Tiled vestibule and porches. Dust proof storage rooms in attic. Hot water heat. Well equipped laundry and fine fruit -and vegetable eel, lars and storage space In basement. Large brick garage for several cars. Ceijicnj! drive and paved court. Large lot, 64x166. Paving and all special taxes paid. Furniture haa not been removed and you can, therefore, get a much better Idea of the fine proportion of the rooms and ar rangement than if the house were va cant. Shown by appointment only. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 16.16. 333 Rnse Bldg. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT 8 -room, 1 baths, nearly new; btg discount only 16,360. See it. I N. 38th Ave. I ill LI NCOLN BLVD 11 room boussT strictly modern, with hot water heat Douglas 1818. CIGAR girl, experience not essential. Apply lOle-M City Nat Bk. Bldg, REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. . SPECIAL BARGAIN. New stucco home for sale by owner, containing a big living room and dining room, finished In oak; a very complete kitchen and on the second floor three bed rooms, nnisned in wnue enamel, wim ma hogany finished doors. The floor are oak throughout, combination atalrwa: guaranteed high grade furnace, highest grade fixtures, hardware, etc. Thin house la worth 15,750, but for thin month prin reduced to 15,200. open today for In gpuctlon. Located at 3568 ("bus St.; or during week rail Douglss 1474. LARGE HOME CHEAP Nine rooms, fully modern, lot 66x160. large shade trees. Prtee only $3,500, with a reasonable cash payment ; balance lean man rent. ( -lose to car, surrounded by line homes. located 36th and Jackson St W. Famam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St. Tel. D. 1064. Evenings Tel. Harney 2654. 7 ROOMS. ALL MODERN. WEST; Hot, water heat, east front. Never before have we been able to offer any place that will compare with this, at this unheard of price. ' First floor finished tn osk. has fire place, garage tn rcai full lot; paving paid. One price to all, $3,260, $1.00 cash, balance terms. Call Douglas 686 for appointment. This is the first lime this has been offered and will be sold this week, TRAVER BROTHERS, 705 Omaha National Bank Rldg. BEAUTIFUL HOME. We have for aale on very easy term a splendid residence at 116 N 33d 8t. This nouse has eight rooms, all in nnt con dition The lot Is 50k 143. I Is In a very dealiaDlu neighborhood and the prtee Is crialnly low. ALFRED THOMAS. 100 First National Bank Bldg WEST FARNAM. fi-room, (strictly modern home, living room, dining room and kitchen on the first floor; 3 bedroom and bath on second floor ; built-in fireplace, garage for two cars, on paved street ; one block from Farnnm car line. Will sell on terms or discount rash. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 637 OMAHA NAT. HK, BUM!. D. 1781. 24th St., Near Douglas Bt feet with good Improvements. $400 per foot. Glover & Spain, Douglas 302. 919-20 City National. Douglas St., $7,000 Close-in corner; renlal $60 per month good value. Quick action required. Glover & Spain, Douglas 39fi2. 9 1 If-20 City National. North. VERY SPECIAL BARGAIN. $2.250 Will buy modern home at 2638 Dav enport St.; worth $3,000; family ' Illness reason for selling. JOHN W. RORHINS. 1802 FARNAM ST. BUY THIS PLACE. This Is a fine 6-room, modern, complete house you can buy for $300 cash and the balance in monlhly payments. II is near school, stores and car line. The house address is 4816 N. 31st Ave. Co this aft ernoon and see what a fine place It Is. It Is a bargain on these terms. i CREIGH. SONS & COMPANY, Douglas 200. 608 Rcc Bldg. Cuming St. $6,200 New brirk Improvements; will nit 10 pet. The best buy on the street, , Glover & Spain, Doug. 3963. 919-20 City National. Webster St., Near 20th Two 1 1)-room houses, one large barn, renting for $62.50 per month. We want Hn offer on these for quick salo thin week ; do not bother tenants. Glover & Spain, Douglas 3962. 919-20 City National. M1NNE LUSA SPECIAL. READ THIS THEN, ACT. You can buy this new h-room strictly modern. up-to-date bungalow for away lens than you can a lot and build. Owner built this for a home, and owing to change in work will sacrifice rather than rent It. P. J. TEBBENS CO., 605 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. Phone D. 2182. WORKINGMAN'S SNAP. Nice, new, 6-room bungalow, electric lights, good cellar, fine well and pump, cement walks, school handy. Will sell for $1,675, on very easy terms, to good party. 5550 N. 35th St. Key at office. Don't lose out on this bargain, I'.tJ. TEBBENS CO., 60fi Omaha Nat. Rk. BUlff. I'horir D. 2182. NEW BUNGALO.W. A five-room, strictly modern bungalow, with bath. It Is finished in oakf-up-to-date, built-in features and lighting fix tures; full basement, large attic. Located at 3923 North I'Uh St Price. $3,160; easy terms. NORRIS & NORRIS, 400 Bee Building. Phone Doug. 4270. FOR SALE AT A SACRIFICE. . A lit -room rooming hous located one block south of the Ames Ave. car barn, where several hundred single men are em ployd, and would appreciate a good room ing house. .T. B. ROBINSON. 412 Bee Rldg. Doug. 8097. KOUNTZE PLACE restricted district resi de ncef or jale. AV. Kniest,2B16- 18th. FOR SALE 2 acres imVoved7 Col. 1546. South. A Forced Sale 5120 Poppleton Price $2,150 $350 Cash A new 2-story home of rooms on lot 50x132 that owner refused $2,500 for three months ago Is now on the market at leas than It cost to build. Has full remented basement, electric lights, bath room, Is unfinished but plumbing ta part In. Call Tyler f0 and ask for Mr. Uieatng. This must be sold at once first como first served, so get busy. Hastings & Heyden, 1614 Harney St. ONLY $4,250 On 28th St. neHr Poppleton Ave. This is an exceptionally well built 8 -room all modern home, on paved street, with pav ing all paid. 1st floor haw large reception hall, parlor, living room, dining room and kitchen. 2d floor has 4 bedrooms and bath. Keparale bank stair from kttcfien to 2d floor, also stairway to floored attic. Large lot 50x150 ft, wilh tine shade trees. Property all clear of encumbrance. Hot air furnace with oil burner. GEORGE & COMPANY, Phone D. 756. 903 City Nat. Bk. Rldg. NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. On southeast corner 45th and Mason, all modern oak floors throughout, oak fin ish In living and dining rooms, white enamel tn bed rooms and bath. Complete with decorations, screens and lighting fix tuns. Price $3,150. Easy terms. BENSON & CARMIHAEL, 642 Paxton Blk. Doug. 1722. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED South. MODERN BRICK DWELLING FACING HANSCOM PARK 6 rooms brick garage. South f-ont on Woolworth avenu IS blocks from cither car tine. Price only $3,750. Very reasonable terms. A real bargain. Shown by ap pointment only. ARMSTRONG'-WALSH CO.. Tyler 1536. 833 Rose Bldg. HANSCOM PARK. $200 DOWN AND $30 PER MONTH fi-room strictly modern bungalow, lo cated on S. 33d Si,, one-half Mo- k f vm car line; full cement basement, hot -atcr heat; lot 53x11(0. House 3 years old Priced at $2,900. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. 537 Omaha Nat Hank Bldg. I i:?1. CLOSK-1N HOME for 2 families. with 3 kitchens; on la-ge Kit. 76i2; ft ; near 26th Ave, rhiI Wool worth. I'. I Wead. Douglas 171, Miscellaneous. SEVEN-ROOM MODERN IIOI'SE FO.Rv$3.ooO.Ot. Living room, library and dUii i In oak finish, nicely arranged. u. sleeping rooms and bath mi 2d '.U basement, cemented : soul h fmin 1 24. wilh paving p1d ; ni' I among new houses; convenient in i A good buy for some on I V. H. G A TICS. Ill" DniMh National Hunk M: DoURlaH 1281. lMer -'is' $200 DOWN. KALAWK $25 I'liK MONTH. 5-ROOM Bl'NGALOW. Nearly new, strictly modern, uk l)"ii-h. oak floors, living room and dining room, colonnade openings, built In luiokra.scs and window seats, full cement hasement. fur nace nest; lot 40x12". priced at $l',S"ii or will discount for cash. Tbl bung.ilotv In a little over a year old PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. 537 OMAHA NAT. BK. HI, !"(,. I . 17M. A HARE ilARtJAlN. New 6-room all modern bungalow, oak finish and up-to dute In every way: hand somely dfinrrt l-d and ready to moye tn and call home. Choice rust front lot, 2 blocks to car line. Price cut to (1,100. 00: $2(10 casli or good lot will make first pay ment. We also have many other bargains that it will pay you to before bu Inj;. RASP H1.0S.. OWNERS, 1"H Mi Caitue Rids. Doug. 16&3. -- - $2,80(1 .?00 CASH. .... .Inst finished, nifty new bungalow, onk finish, si .-icily modern, full basement, fur nace and plumbing guaranicd. Choice lot 50x12S. only 1 block from Ames Ave. car. Here Is tlio b"st buj In town. Don't paj rent another winter. Sec this and you will bu. it. RASP BROS.. OWNERS, 106 McCague l!!dg. v Oouif. 1653. WE have one fi-rooinrd nil modern bunga low, all on one floor, left to sell. Have sold eight this searon like this plan, brand new. ha;t A No. 1 plumbing, nil cast iron t fun. ace. We do not hcsltste to guwrantee Ibis furnace. Price $2.7f.ll, $T.OO cash, bal ance like rent. Call Douplas 6sx for ap- polnmf'nt, no trouble to idr TRAVER BROTHERS, omnhH National Bank llld HOUSES WANTED. WE HAVE HC Y Kits FOR 11 OMK3 WORTH THK MONEY IN ALL PARTS OF THK CITY. LIST' YOUR PROPERTY WITH US KU IlKSULTS. ONK1LLS RKAI. ESTATE ft INS. AUNCT., Brandeia 'I In ater Bldg. Tyler 1024. MOPKRN home. Ho. 18th St., $3,600. Bungalow n'ar Hanscom park, $3,00K. Klne home. Itcmla park, $3,700 Hard wood floors. All bargains. G. P. Steb bins, 1110 Chicago. INVESTMENTS, INSURANCE $400 Income on price, $2,500, being 3 houses, 6 room each, near high school and Cretghlon college. Also 5 and 6-room bungalows, $200 down, and two 3 -room. $95 down, balance monthly. CHAS. K. WILLIAMSON CO. NKW bungalow; alao 3-t. and gardening; your terms and price; lnv. with $400. rent I houaea (flat coat $3,500). $2,600. D 2107 FIVE room, new, oak finish, fully deco rated, all modern, etc, $2,760; $200 cash, baluiic- monthly Colfax I83K. WANT a first class rooming house in exc. for my fine seven-room house and three lots, covered with all kinds of fruits, in desirable residence part of Omaha. My equity of $2,200. Rldg and Loan aaso. mlg. of $1 ,250. A Hnap for you to eon aider. C. J. Canan, 510 McCague Bldg. REAL ESTATE Unimproved West. 50 Feet On Famam Near 26th This piece can be bought for $100 per foot leas than anything In the block. Terms. , j Glover & Spain, Douglaa J962. 919-20 Cltr National. LARUE iO-FOOT LOTS . $100 to 1166. ONE DOLLAR DON. FIFTY CBNT8 PF.R WEEK. Ono block to car lino; newly saved stroot by thn property; In city limits. RKAI, BARGAINS. HHUI.KR & CARY. 201 Krellno Bldg. Phone 1). 0074. North. OWNER mual se.l east front lotion Vont. oelle Blvd., in Clalnnoat will aMI at a c rifle, pries It taken at ooca. C.l Ueuglaa 1121. South. GOOD TRACKAGE LOT LOW PRICE Located on corner 66x132 ft. on Jones St., right tn the heart of the wholesale district. I tn usual trackage facilities. Price $11,000. For quick aale. For full particulars see. GEORGE & COMPANY, Phone p. 75(1. 102 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. ACRES SOUTH. Improved and unimproved tn one to ten -acre tracta, on or near Bellavue car line. Best of school facilities C R. COMBS. Phone Doug. .191$ 809 Brandeia Theater. Miscellaneous. LOTS TEN MINUTES BY FARNAM CAR FROM 16TH & FARNAM $700, $RI0, $10fl. 11.000, $1,100. One tenth" cash, balance monthly. Restricted residence district Fine homes all around. Paved streets, permanent walks. Water, sewers, gas. electric light, Improvements paid for. Clou" tn car line. WHY? Why spend 30 to 60 minutes getting down town each morning Why spend 30 to 60 minutes getting home each nigh! WHEN? When you can buy these os we are talking about cheaper than the 30, Bnd 40, and 60 and 60-mlnule from (own lots? Let us tell you snore about tnem. Let us shorn- them tn you. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., f yjer J5XH. .13.1 Rose Bldg. 60 PTr LOT. ' $102. Fine lota to aelect from, $1 cash, 50c a week. Box 8181, Bee. REAL ESTATE Unimproved Misccllineous. VACANT LOT SNAP Vst Karnam lot 43 ft. front on SSth St.. 123 ft on alley. located 173 feet north of Dodge St., on east side of 36th St Price $1,250. Ussy terms. 100 ft. north of Larlmore Ave., on west side of 38lh Ave., stse 60x132, worth $ff00. but owner saya sell quick at $3?h. $100 rnh balance monthly. Don't mis this 6"'keefe Real Estate Co., I'ouf. J71S. 10! Omaha Nat. nk. HUH. One Acre Only one block from paved road and car line. Has frontage on two streets with a beau tiful building site. Can be bought tor $60 on very easy terms. Call Tyler 50 and ask ror Mr. Reed. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1814 Harney St. BARGAINS IN RKSIDRNCK LOTS. Block east Ft. Omaha, east front. $400, Kaat Dundee, paved 8t, corner, $750. Ponienclle Blvd.. corner, $860. t'HCORUR O. WALLACE, 14 Keeltne Bldg. htAL tdiAl t Suburban Benson. A BARGAIN EXTRAORDINARY. Six rooms, all modern house, with four fcO-foftt lols. right In Benson, one block from car and one block from school. House in excellent repair. 40 bearing fruit trees, chicken house, garago. Owner must sell and ncll at once and lo make this sure has made a price at whirh no one could af ford to turn down tho property after ec leg. H will be our pleasure to show this or filv information concerning unit, BENSON & CARMICH AEL. (!42 PAXTON BLOCK. DOUGLAS 1752. Today Call Walnut 1530. We are building you a 2 or 3-room house on easy terms We have started a few two and three room houara with ono or two Iota each, or an ncre. These are located in Benson Uanlmn and In different sections of OmnhH, The 3-room houses will have built-in accommodations equaling 4 rooms, Phone Tvler 5ft and ask for Mr. Manvllle, HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1S14 HARNKY ST. START TOUM HOMB IN BKNSON1 BUY THIS LOT. 810.04 down end $10.00 par month; price $200 00: alxe 50l!l; treated on Locust St., between Clark and Bum ham. not far from school and car line. Qao. B Wright. Bee ofAce. Omaha. A Fine Chicken Ranch Benson New. large, 4 -room bungalow; full cel lar with outside cellar way; poultry house; four lots; now being fenced chicken ttght; one block In imvod road. Price, $2,375; $?f,ft cssh. balance like rnt. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1I4 IIARNKY ST. PIIIINK TYLBR 6(1. 5 Acres With 4-Room House If you want a good suburban home, where ytfh can grow Ihe best kind of vege table, you should look at this properly. About 3 ij acres of good, level, rich black loa in noil ; t he ha lance can be used for pasture; has running water. This ( lo ca ted northwest of Benson. This is the finest kind of land for potatoes. Will sell on payment down of $275, balanco very easy terms Prlii $2,750. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 HARNKY ST. PHONK TYLKR 80 New 5-Room Cottage With One Acre f ,ocr ted within ono block of the main street, paved road and Benson Gardens Jitney line. Has electric lights. Land Is 1 level and has the richest kind of soil. Would make an Ideal place for raising enn-Kens, nave a garden and some rruit. Only 6e carfare down-town. WIH sell on payment down of $205 and the balance about Ihe same ss rent. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1914 HARNKY ST. 5 ACRKS near Benson. 20 acres near Ir vlngton. Prices and terms reasonable, Mark M. Parmer, 2828 California Ht Dundee. DUNDEE VACANT SELECTED BARGAINS Compare tho lots described below with others you are offered similarly located tn Dundee, then compare the prices: $t,250 South front on Nicholas, just west of 61st, Paving half paid, very sightly, overlooks Happy Hollow and the boulevard. $1,400 Two lots on Hamilton, between 60th and 61st. Permanent walks, water, newer, gas, 100x136. Or will sell separately at $700 each. Good speculation If you don't want to build. $3,50075x160. F-"t front at the south west corner of Gist and Califor nia. Paving paid In full. Only a block from car. One of the high est points In Dundee. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tl- I. '.;. 333 Rose Bldg. IHNDKK BARGAIN. DON'T PASS THIS VP. 7-room, brand new homo In Dundee, within one-half block of street car line; living room running the full length of house with fireplace and bookcase; 4 bedrooms, Including combination sleeping room and sun room upstairs, and ttle bath; oak floors and oak finish down stairs and white enamel and oak floors upstairs. On paved street, paving paid. If sold at once owner willing to take just what houso and lot cost lo be built. PAYNB INVK8TMKNT COMPANY, 537 Omaha Nat Bank Bid. Doug. 1781. Florence. Fine Country Home Site On Macadam Road Only $400 Per Acre Lays north of Florence about one mile on ridge mad. Fine east front building site, elegant view; M cash, balance an nual payments. Phono Tyler 50 and ask for Mj. Manvllle. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 HARNKY ST. NRfHAWAT has 1, 4, S, 10 and lll aora 1mpr. tracta for ctty property. Flo. 338. Miscellaneous. SUBURBAN ACRES FOR SALE A 32-acre tract tn Ralston, adjoining Seymour Lake Country Club; level garden land. Will sell the entire tract at a bar gain or tn 3-acre tracts as many as are wanted, on easy monthly payments. AMERICAN SECURITY CO., 17th .nd nonslfl, His. phone fg. .011. One Acre And Brand New 2-room House Has a good cave and running water on one end of the tract. Can be bought for $1,200. $100 cash, balance easy. Call Tyler 60 and ask for Mr. Reed. HASTINGS & HEYDEN," l14 Harney St. REAL ESTATE Suburban " Miscellaneous. CHICKEN RANCHES Your opportunity to get Into business for $100 DESCRIPTION House, 4 rooms, basement, large living room, 3 bedrooms, kitchen. 10x14. with butll-in cupboard: front and rear porches, all rooms fitted with brush brass lighting fixtures. !.arge lot, a 121 foot chicken house. S00 foot chicken yard, fenced with K foot woven wire; coal ahed 8x12 ft,; all outbuildings shingle roofed; haa good sup ply of water. We are building ten of these properties. I .oca ted 4 blocks northwest of Central Park school. Same distance from Grand Avenue car; close to bvautlful Fontenelle Park. TO SEE PROPERTIES Take 43d and Grand Avenue car. Sales men will meet you at Central Park school with automobile from 1:n to 5 p. in. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1330 Famam St v Tel. Doug. 10M, Rventngs Harney 2614, South Side. I-ROOM reetdenna. South 8 tt i .At," sash balance ( per mo tb fWtut REAL ESTATE Investments A Home and An Investment INCOME $1,440 195x139 Feet Double Brick Building Occupies 58 Feet This brick building consisting of $ rooms and hath on each side. Living room, dtntng room, kitchen and butler's pantry on first flour; 3 bedrooms, hath and sun room and sleeping porch com bined on t he second floor. Two rooms on 3d floor; finished In oak throughout. Highly decorated and modern In every way. Hot water heating plant in each apartment Full basement laundry and heated double garsgc with driveway. Kant front. Located Just soul h of Har ney on 31st street. 135 feet of vacnnt ground on which ran be built more buildings, or would mskc an elegant site for nn apartmnt house. The owner of this property is leaving Hie ctty and will sell at a low figure. If you desire one of the best-built buildings in Omaha (hat Is almost new, do not fall to Investigate this. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, Thone Tsier &0. 1.14 Harney flt. CLOSE IN INVESTMENTS $14,000 A nearly new brick building, containing thrno eight-room apartments, built of the Very finest materials obtainable and fin ished In hardwood throughout These flats are ,1 oca ted on 20th St. north nf the high school and are always rented; produce $1,6:0.00 annually. We have no price on the property st the southwest corner of 19th and Davenport, comprising a terrace of five twelve-room brtck flats, but we do know that someone Is going to pick up a bargain In the above property. If bought at once. , Kastern es tate Is now being closed. We were in structed to send on the best offer wc could get No vacancies In the past twelve years; steady annual production of $3,300 per year. Call us at once for an appoint jnent to Inspect this properly. THE BYRON REED CO., Donglas 217. 212 S. 17th St. Income $1,560 Four 5-Room Flat Buildings 19th and St. Mary s Ave. This modem, almost new, brick building Is only three bl locks from Ihe business center and will make you a fine Invest ment. Owner Is nnxjnu lo sell at this lime, and an Investigation of the ron st ruction of this building makes the ex tremely low price he has placed on it ex ceptionally attractive. The ground Is R0x 80. With the steady westward movement of business this property has a wonderful future. Do not fall tn call at once and let us show you this Investment. Ask' for Mr. Benson. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1!4 IIARNHV ST. Brick Flats, 10 $15,000 Corner lot; exceptionally well built. High-grade Investment. Glover & Spain, Douglas 3942. 919-20 City National. Harney St. . $40,000 $14,QO0 will handle. Improvements that will carry the Investment Glover & Spain, Douglss 39(2. 919.20 City National. Douglas St., Near 20th $20,000 High-grade brick Improvements which will carry the Investment. Excellent value; this price for a short time only. Glover & Spain, Doug. 19(2. 919-20 City Nallonal. FARNAM ST. TIARQA IK. 95 FT. ON FARNAM HT.. NEAR 3HTH. WTU.L IMPROVE!!. RRlNtlH 10 PER CENT ON INVESTMENT. INQUIRE OTTO 8IEMSHEN, 639 UEE 111. UU DOUOLAS 3S19. FOR BALE. Double brick 81. tnils flat, witblo rous blocks at Htb and Harnay; Gloss lo; bar gain prloa. CALKINS CO.. Douglss 1319. CP. National Ban. .Decrease. INVESTMENT. Comer, close In. two bouses, annual rent 9730. Pries, 96. too. a P. BOBTWICK A SON. 1 00 Bee Bldg. Tyler Hot. KEAL EST AT t WM COLFAX, tee KeHn Hlrtg Doug 97i FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Real Estate, Land. Etc. WAN tTWTOM O B I I E E OR HOME. We have a client who will consider a nearly new automobile on a nhe bunga -low ; rooms and bath, strictly modern, all on one floor. See us at once. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., (37 OMAHA NAT. BK. ULPO. D. 1111. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE ?eal Estate, Lands, Etc, TO KXCUANC.i; FOR tlOOD lUWA OR KAST NKBRASKA FARM. 3.200 acres of rich level farm lk'ttrl fb Lincoln Co., Colo. Where crops are raised every year. This is the shallow water district no ssfld or stone. This can cut up and sold In smaller tracts at $20 an acre. Near enough lo ints. to not be fleet id by the hot winds or drouths that arc so common east of there. ' The surrounding well settled up. Lin coln. Colo., ta known as the best dry farming1 county In the stale; We can make the low price on this tract of $l.60 per acre. THIS IS A SURK BAROAIN. CALL I S CP TODAY. INTKR-8TATK RF.ALTY CO.. H2J-30 City Nat Hank. Douglaa Mt2. Walnut left. TWO-STORY BRICK STORK BClLDINO. IN tlOOD SMALL TOWN, EAST NKB,. RKNTINO FOR $35 WO. 1KN. MDSK RKLOW, I, O DC. 15 A HOY K. Will trade this business property, which Is Hear. Tor equity In residence property nearllemis Park. 1NTKR -STATIC RKAI.TY CO . 029-30 City Nat, Doug. I$2. FOR SALE Ten-acre tract, near .lackson ville, Kla.; mesh wire fence, 6-room house, fully furnished throughout; good well, some fruit trees, full line of implement!, for truck farming; 1 mile from train stop, post of tire and store. Will sell this prop erty for H.HOO. T. A, Fahy, Fremont, Neb, FARM OR MKRC HAN DISK WANTED! . Farm or merchandise wanted In ei chanae for good income property, located In live city. A $60,000 .deal. 1 have a genuine bargain. Write me, C. V. Nichnl. Clartnda, 1a 100 X i tl5 "FKKT7V4lh1ireadwaj. Council Bluffs; paid $1,100 for paving: surrounded by fine residences ; clear of encumbrance; will exchange for house In Omaha. J. B ROBINSON. HAVR two 100-acre farms and one lu-aort farm, -.astern Nebraska, to trade for city property, ARCHKR REALTY CO., 60 Rrandels Rldg $T.Yoo " BQPITY lt my 9 -room modern home to trade for farm or small house, or va cant lot in Omaha; 2d floor rents for $36 per month. Sec owner at 3210 H. 33d Ht. Douglas 720. FOR HALM OR KXCH ANOW 1 have nice 6-passenger auto, fully equipped, electric starter, I will ' rxrliango for Federal oil slock. J. 15. Worth, Lock Bog 264, Mar shatllown, la. A 12-ROOU rooming house for aale or ex change for equity tn lots or house and lot or good car; good location. Call Doug las 6H6 after p. m. WE have some good homes and rental prop- . ertles for Neb. or la. land. Kdwnrd F. Williams Co..OmshaJJat'l Bank Bldg. Ranch specialist, sell or trade ranches for city property. H. Franta, 67$ Brandels Bldg. FOR ft ALB O R T R A D E 4 - room ho use and good barn. 3520 8. 12th. Tyler 3570-W. OooD lot. desirable location, will take used Ford as part payment Webster 4241. REAL ESTATE B'nen Pr'pty BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR SALE WHOLESALE BUILDING ABOUT 28,000 SQ. FT. Five-story and basement brirk building located on Harney ear line, at northwest corner of 11th and Harney Sts. Hiram heat, freight elevator. Building now va cant, Immediate possession. For price and terms see GEORGE & COMPANY, Phono D. 7(0. 902 City Nat. Bk. Blitg. DOWN-TOWN BUSINESS PROPERTY This Is a 3-story brtck building, In tabllshed retail district, with stores b low and flats above. Tiocatrd only 1 blocks from IHIh and Harney tits. On a lot 80x1 "2 ft. All rented under lease to good tenants for $fi,410 per year. Price only $26,000, desirable terms. Pays nearly in per cent net on purchase -price. GEORGE & COMPANY, Phone D. 766. 903 City Nat. Rk. Bldg. INCOME property near Ford plant, llth St owner, Harnay aa&t SUMMER RESORTS SUM MER RKHORT IN PARK RIM ION OF M INNKSOTA FOR HALK. If you are a Rpnrtsman resd this sd over more than once, Thn gel busy; It's tho opportunity of a lifetime, For good reasons lh owners of one oj the finest summer resorts In Ihe northern woods hsa decided tn place his property on the market. This Is not one of the conventional summer resorts it's vastly different from tho ordinary run of them. Main dining room and rablna are of logs. The location Is an Inland of 24 acres in one of Minnesota's grandrst deep-water lakes. The boating and bathing are un excelled; there are bass grounds where this gamey fish Is caught In abundance, together with pike, trout, era pp lea and other varieties; tho hunting In. season Is great. Near by the Mississippi has Its source In Itasca State park, and about all there ts a scenic grandeur that fascinates the eye and ftirnlshftM a constant source of delight Hero one may Idle away a summer In Idealistic simplicity, with every appealing sport st the command of visitors. The owner wants to sell It, but would take land In North Dakota or Mon tana as part payment. Home one who would buy It and convert It Into a club property for a company of wealthy sportsmen would mnKe a lenstriks. For full particulars address J, U. CI I RYHLRR iit tioN, Lake Park, la. REAL ESTATE WANTED W ANTKD 4, 6 and B roomed houao " that can be sold for $ 1 U0 cash ; balance $ 1 $ per month; give complete description flrst letter W FARNAM SMITH & CO,, 1120 Farnam. Tel Doug.10i$. WE have a client" for a 6x"l32 ft lot, lo cated on either Farnam or Harney Bta., 26th to 3N Sts. What have you to offer? W. Farnam bmith & Co., 1320 Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 1064. WB have buyers for your property. INTKR-BTATK RtCALTY CO.. $2f-30 City Nat'1 Bldg. Doug. US 6 J. WANTKD Listings of real estate In Omaha for sale. N. P. Dodge A Co., Harney St., at i rtn. reiepnone uoug. szi, LIHT your" property for results with OSBORNE REALTY CO.. Doualaa 147. FOR SALES F. d7 Wead. 310 8. ISih Bt. FINANCIAL BANKS bought and sold confidentially. Jacob Backer, Investment Broker, bt. Paul. Minn. Real Estate. Loans, Mortgages. 6 Of Serving our Investors for 30 O years without a loss Is our rec ord In handling first mortgages on pro ductive Nebraska farms. Our loans run in amounts from $f00 to $26,000. We collect all Interest and principal froo of charge. KMK R INVESTMENT COMPANY. M6 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg., Omaha Neb. 6 PER CENT to 0 pc cent on best class city residences In ainounta $3,000 up ; also farm loans. Reasonable commissions. PETERS TRUST CO., 1822 Farnam Bt $4,500 MORTGAGE, bearing 7 per cent seml- ann.; secured by property valued at $12,700. Talmage-Loomls lnv. Co., W. O. W. Bldg. REAL ESTATE loans, 6 per cant Set D. K. BUCK A CO., $12 Omaha Nat Bank. NO DELAY, W. T. GRAHAM. BEE BLDG, OMAHA homes Ksat Nebraska farms. O KKBKK KKAL KB TAT K CO., 1016 Omaha Nat'l. Phono Doug. 271$. FARM and city loans, 5-5 and 6 per cent. W. U. Thomas, Keellne Bldg. Doug., IMS. REAL ESTATE Absolutely The Last Chance To Buy 1 This Option Expires December 1st and I have exclusive sale till then , but renew 90-day option at $1,500 advance. The highest, prettiest spot In Omaha's select circle for the mosl fastidious. Mr, Colpctscr has purchased the land adjoin Ing on the north and will build a $75,001. residence. The tract of land I have for sale controls 264 feat frontage on ISd Bt and 381 feet frontage on 6 ad St. and la 273 foot deep. All lays In solid body. No alley. This tract controls view all Happy Hollow, Dundee, Falracres, Ralston. Ben sun and east view to 40th S(. and Fonte nelle park. Take Dundee car, get off at Boulevard, go north to highest place be tween Happy Hollow and Country club Remember this ts an east front and $8,600.00 buys whole tract. Phone me and I will call and drlre the family out lo see It any time, Sunday, Tyler 1313. Douglss 8373. ' WILLIAM COLFAX , 703-4-9 Keellne Bldg. The Berkeley Apartments THIS FINK APARTMENT BUILDING 18 OFFERED FOR THE FIRST TIMHL This building Is on a corner lot, tin blocks from the heart of the buslnesfc center, consisting at thirteen apartments. Each apartment has a large d retains room wtth a built-in chiffonier, Murphy bed; Ice boxes that open from the outside; tile bath room floors; gas stoves; and . the arrangement of the apartment Is not .' ' excelled In any apartment house In tha , city. ' , . Income $4,299 Yearly Leases Tho rental value 'la low and will mako someone an Investment that will pay a large return on the money Invested; and Its location Is such that tho natural in crease In tho value of the land will be come greater each year. The cost of malntenanco has Been minimised, and you can make no mistake by investigating this building at onto: Someone Is going to buy a bargain. Ask for Mr. Benson. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1(14 Harnay Bt. Tyltr 19. . FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans, Mortgages, (ff MONBif HARRISON A MORTON 0 919 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. MONRY to loan on Improved farms and ranches. Wa also buy good farm mort gages. KloK. lnv. Co.. Omaha. DON'T PAT IN INSTALLM RNTt. PAY IN !. Liu t YKARS. BUST PLAN. BHOPgN CO., KKKUNIt ULIKJ. RKAL RSTATB LOANS WANTED. THOa. L. McGARRT, KRE1.1NK BLDO. TEL. RED 4944. B PKR CENT and 9 per r.nt mnnny.' Toland at Trumbull. 449 Be Bldg. Douglas 9707. II 00 to 110,009 " Promptly. V. D. YVaad, Wead Bldg.. lath ajid Karnam Sts. Real Estate, Loans, Mortgages. MONEY on" hand for city and farm loans. H. W. Binder, Clly Nallonal Bank Rldg. GARVIN BROS. 3(5 Omaha Nst l Bank Bldg. CITY and farm loans, C, 64, S par cent J. H. Dumont A Co.. 414 Keellne Bldg. Abstracts of Title. Xfnrt Title, Guarantee and Abstract Co., lYGII 30$ S. 17th St.. ground floor. Bonded by Mass. Bonding and Ins. Co. REED ABSTRACT CO.. oldest abstract of fice In Nebraska. 308 Brandels Theater. MONEY TO LOAN FURNITURE, pianos, ind. notes as security. 940 i-mo H. H. gds., total cost. $3.1.0. $40 " Indorsed notea, total cost, 2,M. Smaller, larger ain't a, propo-ttonale rata. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY, Organised by Omaha Business Men, 433 Rose Bldg.. Ulh and Farnam. Ty. $, 3g.1B,, j Horses Live Stock Vehicles CATTLE TO WINTER AND HAY TO SELL, Wo have a number of responsible cus tomers who wish cattle to winter. Good hay, good care, $1 per monrh; or good hay to sell, $3 per ton. C. E. Harden, cashier, South Fork Stalo Bank, Cham bars. Neb. For Sale. 1 BLACK HORSE, 1,600 lbs ; Concord har ness. 1 farm wagon. 2411 N. 34th St. Web, 23. FOR SALE 1 span of mules, 1 gentle pony and cart A. Me l c tier, Doug. 4-S. YOOnA gray team for sale cheap If takca at once. Call Sam wpbie. t'oug fob FRESH milk..' goats. J Box i, .Sumo Sitftft, Telephone South 4u1.