Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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2 A
Wire Tappers, Believed to Be
Former Mabray Mikers,
Swindle Farmer.
From a 8Uff CorrsspoMlrnt.)
De Moines, la.. Nov. 18. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Wire tappers, be
lieved to be members of die former
Maybray gang, successfully swindled
John Swanson, a wealthy farmer of
Huron, S. U., out of $7,000 in a fake
broker office in Des Moines, Wed
nesday. Swanson reported the matter to the
police Friday night. Efforts to keep
the affair quiet failed. The police are
ooking for three men suspects in the
Mr. Swanson was approached by a
man in Omaha a few days ago who
represented himsef to be a rich farmer
from Centerville, la. The two be
came close friends and took in the
sights around the Nebraska metro
polis together. Finally they met a
third man, who informed them of a
"sure thing" in Del Moines.
The new acuaintance knew of a
place where beta could be place on
horse races all over the country. It
was known as the Des Moines horse
race exchange, he said. He war go
ing to Des Moines to place a. few
bets. He told Swanson and his com
panion he had cleaned up a tidy sum
a few days begore at the exchange.
Swanson and the Centerville man
came to Des Moines with the
stranger. In an office room they first
bought wheat and sold out at a profit
and then bet on fake races,
Typhus Fever at Fort Madison.
Five cases of typhus fever-were re
ported to the State Board of Health
today from Fort Madison. This dread
disease, which it sometimes known
as ship fever, is said to have been
brought to Fort Madison by a Mex
ican. The State Board of Health has
arranged to send a man down to Fort
Madison at once. All of the cases have
been quarantined, the Fort Madison
authorities report The most rigid
measures will be enforced to keep
the disease from spreading. This is
one of the diseases which has been
prevalent in the armies of Europe
and which the American authorities
have been on the alert to keep out
of this country. It is thought that it
may have gotten into Mexico through
immigration from the European war
zone and from Mexico thus come
into the United States. This is the
first time in the history of the state,
according to Dr. Summer, secretary
of the State Board of Health, that
such disease baa entered Iowa.
On receiving the news today Dr.
Summer at once went into, consulta
tion with .Governor Clarke regarding
measures which might be adopted to
prevent its further spread in the
state. :
' Butte makers May Meet Here.
The next annual meeting of the
National Creamery Buttermakers' as
sociation may be held in Des Moines.
W. B. Barney, state! 'dairy and food
Kpmmiasioner, who returned today
from nfmneapolis, where he has been
attending the annual meeting of this
organization, invited it to come here.
The invitation has been taken under
advisement by the executive commit'
tee. Milwaukee and Columbus, O., are
after it. -
Logan Goes to Border.
: General Guy E. Logan left yester
day for the border for an official in
spection of the Iowa National Guard.
This ii the first opportunity the state
adjutant general has had since mob'
ilization to inspect the troops on the
border. For many weeks after the de
parture ot the troops he was kept
busy in attending to the numerous
details in regard to the troops. .
Supreme Court Judges File."
William Theophilua of Davenport,
unsuccessful candidate for supreme
judge, expended $4,820.90 on his cam
paign, so his expense account shows.
He received in contributions $1,360.
Horace E. Deemer spent $1,220.83.
His statement shows no receipts. W.
D. Evans spent $626.98 and had no
receipts. Horace M. Havner of Ma
rengo, elected attorney general, spent
$350. Sant Kirkpatrick of Ottumwa,
democratic candidate for congress in
the Sixth district, spent $315.60. John
C. Pryor of Council Bluffs, demo
cratic candidate for congress in the
Ninth district, expended $652.84.
Thomas Guthrie, elected judge in Polk
county, spent $158.25. :
Russians Bring
Down a Zeppelin
Petrograd, Nov. 18. (Via London.)
-Russian troops near Srany, south
east of Ptnsk, have brought down a
large Zeppelin airship. The crew of
sixteen was captured.
soti talks on Rudyard Kipling and
J,' ""'"W 5.
I ifM
?rof Stockton Axson.
Works of Art Are
Seen in Trenches
Of the War Zone
'nrrrsr-nndni8 of TheAssnclatrd Prajw.)
French Front, Nov. 10. An expo
sition of "Art at the Front," com
posed of the creations of soldiers of
the French army, now on view at
Compiegnc, includes contributions
from every branch otthe service.
Pictures in oils and water colors,
colored crayons and pencil, charcoal
and burnt- wood are displayed side
by side with statuettes carved out of
chalk or soft stone or modelled in
plaster, colored to represent nature.
Metal objects made of shell cases,
hammered in beautiful designs, to
form flower holders and lamps, and
splinters of steel shells made into pa
per weights and ink stands: rifle
cartridges transformed into pen and
pencil holders, paper cutters, thim
bles and other useful things: fuses
made into finger and napkin rings,
fancy work baskets fashioned out of
the long wicker cases in which load
ed projectiles for the big' guns are
conveyed to the firing lines all give
evidence that art goes together with
Many of the pictures exhibit a
strengthwhich can never be found in
any academical salon. They all rep
resent objects of actuality, as seen by
the men themselves, and reproduced
in such a way as to bring home to
those who see them the conditions
under whjch the soldiers live in face
of the enemy. There is no idealism
of fantasy in the men's work all is
realism. This, however, does not pre
vent many of the artists from nor-
traying humor in its broadest sense,
for the' soldier in the field is verv
keen on the comic side, and some of
cne caricatures are excellent.
Telephoning in' Sweden
Is Difficult Job Now
( of Tha Assorlat.d Prass.)
Stockholm, Oct. ?. Although the
last Riksdag increased from four to
nearly seven millions crowns, the
usual appropriation for new telephone
lines, the traffic has again causht uo
with and overtaken the existing facili
ties, and the officials in charge of
telephones and telegraphs are work
ing out a plan calling for the installa
tion oi a great number ot new trunk-
lines in the coming vear. The oer
centage of yearly increase of demands
on the lines is steadily growing great
er. It was 5.9 oer cent in 1012.1913
rose to 7.3 the following year, to 7.5
in 1014-1915, and exceeded the last
named figure in 1915-1916. Users of
the long distance lines', partcularly be
tween Stockholm and MalmO, com
plain that they frequently have to
wan two noura lor a clear wire.
A Oo4 Isaluttaa.
"Are thsra any desparadQaa In theas
Crtcf" ask.d th National Guardsman who
d recently arrtvad In Arlsona.
"Bursty ther. ara," answered tha abllglni
soda water dispenser. "Do you see that (el
low at tha other end of tha counter anjoytns
"Well, he hasn't eot his malce-un on new.
of oouraa. but when hs'a made up he looks
so fierce that a movlna Dloture concern In
California paya htm tSOO a week tor hi
aervloes. inicago oai.
John Lee Webster, President of
i Friends of Art Association,
Pleased With Work.
Jnlin Lee Webster, president of the
Friends of Art association, is greatly
pleased with the strides being made
by the organization in the matter of
attracting the attention of noted ar
tists to Omaha as a coming art-
center. The Fine Arts' exhibit, which
opens at the Hotel Fonenelle tonight
at 7 o'clock and continues for ten
days, is made up of paintings from the
brush of contemporary artists recog
nized as standing at the head of their
Already the association with a
membership of more than 200, all
wealthy men of the city, is amply
financed for the next live years and
the only difficulty nqw seems to be
to secure a suitable place in which
to hang the pictures secured. Up to
this time the pictures acquired by the
association have been hung in one
of the rooms of the public library
building, but the available space there
is limited and if pictures are to be
acquired, rooms elsewhere must be
secured in the not far distant future.
Soeaking of some of the things that
the Friends of Art has accomplished
recently, President Webster said;
la Securing Recognition.
"The Friends of Art association is
rapidly becoming recognized as an or
ganization worthy of attention. Its
late purchase of the painting by Jules
Breton, gave it a reputation among
artists and art dealers throughout the
"Mr. Ainslee of New York, has
lately written a letter in which he
states: 'I take pleasure in presenting
to your art association with my com
pliments, the painting by Frank C.
Penfold, "The Ferry at Longpre. '
"This is a very large canvas rep
resenting a lady rowing a boat across
the ferry. The' background is an ex
tensive landscape with the light and
shade that comes from an evening
sunset. The Friends of Art associa
tion has accepted the gift and the
painting has been hung in the public
"Mr. Ainslee has also, at his own
expense, sent to the association a
very valuable painting by Pierre Jean
Clays, with the request that it be
hung temporarily with our collection.
This painting represents two sailing
vessels in the harbor at Antwerp.
"Pierre Jean Clays is a "Belgian of
quite a reputation. He is a Chevalier
of the Legion of Honor of' France and
has received the "Order of Leopold"
in Belgium. His paintings have been
selling in Europe at several thousand
dollars each and one of them sold
in New York for $3,550. The one
which Mr. Ainslee has requested our
association to hang in our collection
is considered a very good example of
this artist's work and it will soon be
placed in a window at Burgess-Nash
store for temporary public exhibition."
An Inspiring Letter Written by a
Patriotic American
The war in Europe has touched us
lightly; but it seemed a few weeks
ago that we too should soon be
fighting, though in another war. Our
mothers were asked to give their sons
to guard the Mexican border, and
if needs be to fight. How did they
answer? Here is the letter of one
mother whose two sons wished to go:
"I am not the kind of a woman to
hold either of you back from the call
of your country. To1 my mind there
is no higher honor than a soldier's
duty faithfully performed; and even
though my heart might break with
the sorrow of giving you two up, I
should hang my head in shame if
either of you proved unworthy.
"So if you find that the honorable
thing to do is to share in your com
pany's duty, do it, my boy, with a
free heart. There is nothing finer,
braver or truer in the life of a man
than to follow your flag when your
country is in danger, and no mother
is worthy the honor of having borne
a son who would hold him in a
coward's or a shirker's place."
Such a letter as that should put
courage into a man of straw, and in
all ages all good women have written
or said the same thing, although not
always so beautifully or with such
dignity. Richard Lovelace addressed
his noble couplet to his sweetheart,
but highminded women have always
addressed it to their men:
"I could not love thee, dear, so
Loved I not honor more."
Youth's Companion.
Persistence Is the Cardinal Virtue
in Advertising.
Public Favors New Govern
ment, But Stormy Session
Seems to Be Outlook.
(Correspondence of The Associated Press.)
Buenos Aires, Nov. 1. The first
radical government in the history of
the Argentine, which took office on
October 12, has begun its six years'
term under favorable auspices, so far
as public opinion is concerned, but in
other respects under rather depres
sive conditions. The prolonged
drouth, relieved only by light show
ers in parti, has caused serious ap
prehension regarding crops and the
finances of the country are by no
means encouraging.
The new government, furthermore,
will be compelled to conclude or
quash much ambitious legislation
which was initiated by the recent ad
ministration. Among the schemes
left pending are a sound money bill,
an intermediate school education bill
and a pension measure for railroad
and civil service employes. All of
these measures are highly conten
tious and the new government may
have difficulty in disposing of them
to the satisfaction of the public.
During the change of government
just effected the cordial relations ex
isting between Argentina and her
neighbors were demonstrated by spe
cial embassies from the surrounding
states. Numerous speeches indicated
a firm resolve to maintain and
strengthen the bonds of friendship.
Relations with Uruguay have as
sumed a particularly favorable posi
tion, because the long standing con
troversy with the Argentine in regard
to the island of the Upper Uruguay
river has been disposed of. A treaty
between the two countries has just
been signed and ratified. Jurisdic
tion has been decided by the position
of the islands with regard to the cen
ter of the i navigable channel. This
natural settlement of an old question
has given general satisfaction in
South America, the adoption of the
modern conception in regard to river
frontiers having established a prece
dent by which it is believed identical
questions may be settled.
The reports of ravages wrought by
locusts in arable and grazing dis-
Loses Cash Register
But Money is Safe
While G. F. David, 1711 North
Twenty-fourth street, was making
change in the back of his store,
some one entered by the front
door and stole the cash register.
tricts continue to be serious. As
usual, in periods of drouth, the in
vading insects are more voracious
and penetrate further in search of
food. The inefficiency of the locust
fighting organization a permanent
and costly one is being insisted
upon. Though the spring has set in
rather cold and variable the locusts
have already spread over the north
ern provinces and found their way to
the province of Buenos Aires in great
numbers. During the last twenty
years many systems for stamping out
this discouraging plague have been
tried, but this new invasion demon
strates fully the small value of any
scheme yet devised.
Belgians Are Deported to
Work in Munition Factories
(Correspondence of The Aaaoctated Preen.)
The Hague, Netherlands, Nov. 2.
About 2,000 unemployed in the Bel
gian city of Ghent have been deport
ed to Germany for work in munition
factories, according to news from the
frontier. A compulsory registration
of unemployed took place a few days
since, and the present labor com
pulsion is the sequel thereto. For
mer employes of various engineering
works at Ghent, who gave no heed
to the call, were seized in their beds
at night by German soldiers and
thrown into prison, it is alleged.
Other instances of the imposition
of forced labor have recently occurred
also at Bruges, Eekloo, near Ghent,
and other places. All signs indicate
that Germany is determined, so far
as possible, to utilize the considerable
available supply of Belgian labor to
make jtood the ever-increasing mili
tary drain on its own man power.
War TelearaplMra Oat "Nerves."
The scores of men who have been trained
In the last few months aa telegraphers for
Hlnsland's new army are complaining of
"nerves." Several have claimed the work la
ao trying1 they have foond themselves at
tempting to read the Morse code Into every
succession of sounds they hemr. The trot of
a horse or ths honking1 of a motor car horn,
they say, invariably spell oat some weird
messages. The drumming of the rain on the
roof, the clatter of the army service wagons
and even the nattar of maehine-gun bullets
come to the nervous telegraphera aa code
messages. Pall Hall Oasette.
Would Place Those in Europe
Beyond Beach of Suffer
ing After War.
New York, Nov. 18. Plans to make
a gigantic loan described as "one of
the largest in the history of the
world," without interest, to place the
Jews of Europe definitely beyond the
reach of suffering after the war, were
announced here tonight by Dr. Judah
L. Magnes, Who returned recently
from a tour of investigation aliroa'l,
as the official representative of the
joint distribution committee of funds
for Jewish war sufferers.
The proposal has the endorsement
of prominent Jews in New York City,
Dr. Magnes stated. It was explained
that the proposed loan is distinct iron:
the fund of $10,000,000, now beinji
raised for immediate succor of starv
ing Jews in Europe. Further details
of the plan will be revealed by Dr
Magnes at a mass meeting here on
December 21, that will be attended b.v
representative men from all parts ol
the country.
Dr. Magnes explained that only by
co-operation of Jews in the United
States, and by the setting aside of a
vast sum for purposes of rehabilita
tion, can the desired results be accom
plished. Flotation of the loan will be
along the line of the policy known
as gemiluth chasodim." meaning
"acts of loving kindness," originated
by the Jews of Russia and Poland, and
which resulted in this country in the
organization of Jewish free loan so
cieties, which lend sums of from $5
to $200 without interest and no se
curity other than an endorsement
A Paotly Memory.
Sandy Rogers waa an old station master
In Scotland. He was a pious man. but, like
many other railroad man, he was at time.-,
a little profane. Sandy attended a dinner
of the Burns society one evening and ar
rived home after midnight in a decidedly
mellow condition. He undressed himself
with some difficulty and went down on hia
knees beside the bed, where he sent forth
some Incoherent mutterlngs that awoke his
"What's the matter. Randy?" she asked.
"Are ye no feelin' wellT"
"A'm feelin' a'richt," replied Sandy, "but
a canna mind a damned word o' ma
prayers." Boston Transcript.
Four ; Years
! at 1324
r Street.
gJV . - ..eV sTaw
We Pleas
! You or
Your Money
Dr. McKenney Says:
"It it easy for anyone to quote prices, bat it is set-rice I am ad
vertising and emphasizing the prices are merely incidental and the
result of efficiency in my methods of doing business. 1 My whole
thought in every case is to make it the best that skill and good ma
terials can make it .
Beat Silvajr
Beat 22k
Cold Crown.
Haaviast Bridge
Work, paw tooth. .
Wonder Plat-- K (0 (11
worth $IS to $25.1
Hours: 8.30 A.
M. te C P. M.
ad Saturdays
, Till 8 P. M.
Not Open'
14th and Farnam St.
1324 Farnam Street
Phone Douglas 2872.
NOTICE Out-of-town patrons
can get Plata, Crowns? Bridges
ad Fillings Complete in 1 Day.
No Students.
Belding Bros. Silks
' are sold exclusively in
Omaha by this store.
Monday's display will
be worth seeing, i
Thompson dhden&Q)
A Redfern Corset
will create proper fig
ure lines and still be
$3.50 pair.
Those Who Make Selections Now Will Find Christmas Stocks Very Complete
Dainty Kimonas
From Japan
" The Store for Blouses
a makes this interesting an
nouncement with pleas
ure, believing that Oma
ha women will be en
thusiastic in their ap
proval of these Far-East
Chappe Silk Kimonas,
Crepe Kimonas, beauti
fully embroidered by
hand; a special, $1.95.
Other models, $2.95, $3.50,
They are washable.
Color are dye fast.
Sold in Omaha
Exclusively by the
The last express brought
still another new Sorosis
style in footwear. A new lace
boot, the vamp of dark gray
kid, the top light gray buck.
As pictured,
$12 a Pair.
You'll Be Proud to ,
Wear These New
Washable Kid Gloves
They are so satisfactory al
ways clean, as they wash well
with ao little trouble. The
new shades of Newport, cham
pagne, putty, and, of-course,
white, 11.75 a pair.
Cape and Mocha Gloves,
for Cold Days, $1.50, $1.75
Gray, brown, tan, or black, as
you prefer. Quite correct
for winter wear.
Expert Fitters.
Women's Pure Thread
Silk Hose $1.25 a pair
In goodness, great;
in price, small.
A very desirable number,
all pure thread silk, in black,
white and colors ; made with
a flare top and soles of lisle.
$1.25 a pair.
Leather Novelties
Suggest Many
Gift Possibilities
Shopping lists, Books
for notes, etc., Button
Bags, Needle Books,
Tie and Collar Cases,
Collar Bags, Hand
kerchief Cases, Tour
ist Writing Cases,
Traveling Cases, fit
ted with requisite iv
ory comb, brush, mir
ror and manicure ar
ticles. For a small outlay
one can select a
really delightful
gift in leather.
The Men's Shop
Complete assortments
of haberdashery at fair
Christmas Handkerchiefs
, In Most Attractive Varieties
The best selections will go
to the early buyers; great
snowdrifts of white, every
sort imaginable will greet
the first comers.
Lovely squares of Madeira
and French hand embroid
ery, from 50c to $16.
A particularly pleasing se
lection of distinctive pat
. terns, priced at 50c.
To the Right as You Eater, and Ther Are the Handkerchiefs.
Plain and initialed Handker
chiefs of pure Irish Lin
en, 15c to $1.75.
Plain and embroidered lin
en centers, 14c and 25c
Glove Handkerchiefs, a nov
elty, 15c, 25c, 50c
Children's Handkerchiefs, in
gaily decorated boxes, in
itials and colored embroid
eries, 25c a box.
The Winter Season
Will Know No Finer
Fox Furs
The most choice pelts obtainable have
been used in these newest fur fashions.
Tomorrow we will take great pleasure in
showing this comprehensive collection of lux
urious Fox Sets, which are quite a departure
from the ordinary.
Taupe Fox - - - $135 and $150 a set
Black Fox - $ 67.50 and $ 90 a set
Taupe Lynx - - - - - - $100 a set
The Fur Shop. Second Floor
Fur Coats
Individual Charm and Distinction
To view the latest offerings of Fashion
is to see this complete display. Nothing
worthy has been left out
$105 to $450
With Very Attractive Models for
$275, $285, $295 -
i llj