THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: NOVEMBER 19, 15116. T B i MUSIC Song Birds of the San Carlo Company By HENRIETTA M. REES. G M V X V I ANDSRI'Rr, I h:is tef t us. With the page ,3 1 torn across, the melody innmsnea. the dissonances and harmonies unresolved, he has koiic from this life. Uaung it as he would not have left any composition he ever" wrote. The shock and tragedy of it spread ever widening circles over the surface of our usually tranquil existence, and cast a gloom wherever the music and activity or jollity of this cheery little man were known. He was a thorough musician, and held a high place in Omaha's musical life, yet the very points in his character which made his music so worth while were the ones which accentuated the difficul ties of life for him. Intensely idealis tic, the real was bound to be a dis appointment in comparison. Yet it was this very idealism which fired his creative ability, and helped him to he able to translate, into tones the ' beautiful ideas it brought to him and which gave his compositions worth over and above their technical expres sion. It was this idealism which in spired him to his greatest efforts in composition or in teaching, . which made hint so appreciative of talent for its own sake, and so untiring in his efforts to attain those heights he saw before him. Kednly sensitive to appre ciatin or neglect, through this same idealism, he often experienced dis couragement or disappointment when people or circumstances did not come up to his high expectations of them. For the best and greatest music he had an unbounded enthusiasm, and he was' widely conversant with the finest literature of all forms and periods of the art. He greatly valued the classics, but would have none of the modern compositions except that in which he 'could- find genuine and sustained merit, permitting the use of nothing but the best in his teaching. He knew music well not only from an aesthetic but from a practical side, and whether bis buoyant sense of humor found ex pression in a comic song with as much-umor iiv the music as in the words, : or "whether in serious mood, he composed for voice or instrument, the music was always well written, i with an ease and mastery qf its gram mar which permitted of freedom and cleverness in expression. But now he has gone, and the theme of his life will not recur again in Time's great symphony. And though we'll have no more bright tones awakened by his touch, no more new compositions from his pen, the influence of his high ideals in music and the impress of them through his work will long remain. Practically all of the professional musicians of Oma ha turned out for his funeral, and many are the friends and music lov ers who will miss him. One cannot pick up a musical maga zine nowadays without seeing more and more about Community Singing. The idea haj spread like wildfire all through the cities and towns of the United States and some of them are' holding "sings" every week, not only ' for the pleasure of each week's sing- , ing. but also working toward a great j rousing Christmas "sing" as a sort of holiday celebration, and with ev- I ery week s rehearsal by everyone in the community who can attend the I songs are bound to go better and I better in preparation for this great ! event. In climates where an outdoor celebration is impracticable, but where a large municipal auditorium is handy, this affords opportunity for a great manifestation of holiday spirit and good will, and there is no more natural expression for exuber ant spirits as singing nor anvthing which makes the participants eel as joyous in the bargain. The first of the series of concerts to be given at the Metropolitan club house this season, under the manage ment of Miss Kfvclyn McCaffrey, will take place this afternoon at 4 o'clock, when Oscar Seagle, baritone, will be presented in song recital. Mr. Seagle comes wartnly recommended by the eastern critics, who agreed in their praise of his artistic singing. They speak of the natural beauty of his voice, bis technical excellence, his ! liction and his artistic interpretation. VV. J. Henderson of the New York Sun considers him "one of the best cauipped and most delightful recital singers now before the public." and Mr. Krehhiel of the New York Trib une, who is often called the dean of American critics, says of him: "He is nearest, of all in artistic kinship to Mine. Sembricb. His performance is quite beyond praise." His pro gram is as follows: i. Kri lu L'n Bull,, hi Msl)frH Vrdl Dolt-e Hmur. imdalu Dli. . Kratiiivaco liavalll Noa Premiers Amours Comlti( da .lurondp N'tcoln-Isnuard Chanson a bolr . Seventeenth Century French It. , Lamento Provpncale .Palaallhe i:ialr de l.une Saule 3ernient d'Amour Webber Vol Nocturnea Oretchanlnow Imento Chopin Avant la Bataille .'...Chopin III. Standrhen Schumann Schnnurht Schumann HotaehHft Brahms Wenn du. meln Debater, steigt aum Hlmmel auf Wolf IV. Ah Oiove Old Welnh John Peel Old' English Bank of the Daisies Old Irish Ballynure Ballad ..Old Irish Deep River . Burleigh .loyoua Wanders! Manuscript Horaman (Written for and dedicated to Mr. Beagle.) Mr. Henri Doertng at the piano. The first conference devoted en tirely to the discussion of Commu nity Music ever held in the west will uc ine one neia at Lincoln Saturday, November 25, under the auspices of the State Federation of Music Clubs. The conference headquarters will be at the Lincoln hotel, and the morning meeting will be held there beginning at 9:30. At this time there will be held discussion of the different phases of the work. In the afternoon fur ther discussion will be. held and a concert given by visiting musical or- (Conttnoed en Sixth Column This Pace) .sssasaan. eaaaa n i, ts' K( wf" ( JrCi 4 . Kv-::W "A V 'tA V " Fortune 6-sUo A noteworthy feature of the coming performances of the San Carlo Grand Opera company at the Auditorium will be the magnificent new scenic investiture and the splendid cos tuming. The San Carlo organization has a repertoire of some fifteen operas. Shortly after the termination of the 1915-16 tour of the company, which ended April 1 at Harrisburg, the entire equipment for these pro ductions was placed in one of New York City's largest storage ware houses. A fire which occurred in July destroyed the building and its con tents, involving the loss of the San Carlo scenic effects. It required the services of expert scenic artists a period of more than sixty days to reconstruct and paint the big pieces which now constitute the equipment of the San Carlo or ganization in this respect, while noted opera costumers of Italy were en gaged to design and furnish an en tirely new and costly wardrobe for the many productions sung by the company upon its present trans continental tour. Some idea of the Wit dit Vaccari t a ' l :,'-(. 3 -a TIJfK'.ffas-ST Jt S f?.;"; js aeT' .. iw 1 MLJLwlt90,crc 9 : magnitude of this task may be had when it is known that the following operas are being given, "La Tosca, "II Trovatore," "Carmen," "Faust," "Rigoletto," "Lucia Di Lammermoor," "Martha,". "Tales of Hoffman," "La Sonnambula," "Masked Ball," "La Traviata," "Aida," "Lohengrin," "La Gioconda" and "Cavalieria Rusticana" and "Pagliacci," given as a double bill. Three extra-length baggage cars are required, to transport this vast volume of costly material. I The local engagement of the San (Cunttniiril from Column Two Thin Vg) ganiatitms and a children's festival Al the city auditorium at which 1,000 Lincoln children will take part. In tlic evening there will he held al the auditorium an intercommunity con cert, in which several hundred singers from all parts of the state will par ticipate, i earners anu music luvcis who desire to attend will kindly send , wuid to Miss Hzl'l kinscclla. state president of Nebraska Federation of I Music Clubs, Lincoln, Neb. wtll piny a Orleff nonaU nd the Wlnntawikl Conrr!o No, ' In D miner. The next of Mrs, Kabrlikle'g monlhlr pu pil' rmiiltt wtll be hftld at Thoosophlcail hull, room 701 lire building, Frtdity sveninf, l?cemtr 1. ! Her Omaha friends arc rejoicing ; with Miss Myrtle Moses in the suc cess of her recent New York re : cital. She is the second Omaha gir1 in the last few weeks to make good ; in the great metropolis and to re : ceive mtiimis consideration from llic critics. Miis Moses has spent much - time since her removal to Chicago j in musical study, both abroad and in ; that city, and is one of the mrzzo j sopranos of the Chicago Opera com pany. This year she has spent much time in concert work, having tilled j successful engagements in the south and wrst as well as in the larger ! cities. v The Chicago operatic debut of Mis Elizabeth lAmaden took place last week when she sang the part of ha lome in Massenet's "Merodiade" with the forces of Mr. Campanini, Miss Amsden will be remembered by ; many people in Omaha. She came i to Omaha in the early '0s( about j the time that Mr. Torrcns came. She I tauffht music and was alto soloist at the First .Methodist church with Mrs. Martin Cahn. R. V. Brcckenridgc and others. According to Mr. John Mellcn. this was about the time that Rev. Frank Crane was ' pastor there. She remained here only a few vears and returned to the east. More I recently she has been a member of ! the Ronton Opera company, con trolled for many years by Mr. Rus ! sell nf that citv. and which was brok en up .soon after the opening of the European war. Newspaper comment upon her debut in Chicago last Wednesday was favorable. Mr. Bo rowski of the Chicago Herald speaks of her as one qf the high lights of the presentation. The Chitfo Knirlioh Opera company will i uppear n( the BrnUi ihtater (or tbre? ; nig Mm unci HnturUsty mutt nee, November 31, : .!4 mill The opera, premnted will be I "Lohttrtn."by Wagner, Thuriday; "Alile.." hy rUI.' KrliUy: "II Trovatoro." by Verdi, 1 Httlurriuy evnlnir, with l he double bill. I 'TitvitllerlH RuMth anu," by Maiuaernl, and i "Clf-oitAlra." hy llorafall, at the Saturday ' inailTicf. j Kdlili I,. Watinner will preaent her pupil. I V.h Anne ili Kvans. tn a piano rocttal, ! nlmerl by Mli Snlome Abbot, contralto, pupil of Mm, Wolpion. at Ihe Ho h mo tier A Maeller ,,uMttrtum Krtdny evening. November "4. Rorthe Clerk will accompany litaa Ab it Mlee l''vnne will play program of oIwhIc it ntt modern compoettiona. All SalnlH' rhurr.h chntr. under the rtlrer lltii of .1 H. Slmma, wtll five a aacrort con-i-ert once overy month beginning with ihe firn( on-- next Hunday afternoon. November 26. at 4 o'clock, titvera. years ago the choir in vc mon i hly concert of aacred muelc, which were very uue.eaafnl, and the newa I that thae are to be raeumed wttl be gladly ! rpn'tvpil hy many who remember them, i Many. of the flneat eiamptea of aacred mualc 1 wtll b! preaenled, Among the aoloista will 1 bo Mlxt. I .a lira Peteraon. Alice Duval. C . i Havereloi-li, Mlsa .loculyn Charde. Mr. Henry (i. coi 1 play a violin solo. Thia choir hun won an enviable reputation for Itaelf In ho ill churrlt and maetcal clrclea. The Han Carlo Opera company, which will appear at the Omaha Auditorium In Janu ary, htia .luat completed an engagement at Ht. Loula. where it received high com mendation from both preae and public. Mian Cora fk-hwarta preaented eeveral of her puplta tn a aong recital In Hlaa Cooper recital hall, 30 Lyrtc building, Wodneaday evening.. November II. Those taking part were Mian A Mr L. Onrrett. Mrs. Joseph D. Inmmnnffcr. Mr. Allen Kinder. Htss Edtth Uoehte. Mr. Paul Oya. Mies Cora Quick, Miss Kin-1 Wondbrtdgs and Miss Margaret Woodruff. They were asslatod by Miss Helen Taylor, pianist, pupil of Jen 01 1 be' t Jones, who contributed two numbers. M'sa flchwarts accompanied. An Interesting fact connected with the program was the ap pearance nf Mr. Paul Oya. a Japans, who. Mies Hchwarts says, poasesjma sn unusual baritone voice of rich, mellow quality and good rang. Before coming to this eean try he was a student at the Royal academy st Tokto and graduated In the same el ass with Tnmakt Mlura, the little Japan so prano who sang "Madam Butterfly" with the Hoaton Opera company In Omaha last year. Carlo company, which is under the management of Mr. Lucius Pryor, will include the following operas: "Tales of Hoffman," "Lohengrin," "Martha," "Pagliacci," and "Cavalieria Rusticanna," the dates being Thurs day, Friday and Saturday (with matinee on Saturday), January 25, 26 and 27. A generously low scale of prices arranged between Mr. Pryor and the opera management makes the event one of unusal attractiveness to music students. The season tickets go on sale on Monday, November ZU. Musical Notes. Thl aTtemoon at 3:0 the letter Car rier band, under the direction of A. A. Wodemever. will give a concert at the Mu nicipal auditorium for the benefit of the Aaaodnled Charities. The hand will b as Klatetl bv Beulah Dale Turner, soprano, who will ahtg the "Ave Maria" by Barh-Oounod. with violin obligate, by Mlsa Madge West. Mrs, Klola Wood Mllllken will ac.cott.pany. The admission fee to this conrsrt si but nominal and the Mttlrs proossds go to the chjarlty. ' The ladles' society of th First Congrega tional church will preaent Frederic C. Frs mantel, tenor, with Mrs. Fremantel at the piano, in a song recital Tuesday evening, No vember 8), at 1:111, al the .church, Nine teenth and Davenport streets. The program la made up of a group of five song, by Schubert, Roger Quitter, Cyril Scott and l.nn.ion Ronald, the aria "Onawey, Awake, Beloved," by Coleridge Taylor; a group of French songs,' some of which ar novelties, and several Beethoven songs. This It Mr. Fremantei'a first recital since hi return to Omaha from Minneapolis. Mrs. Louise Xabiiskle will present tirade Lefdy Burger tn a violin recital, ana I ted by Oertrude Radinsky, soprano, pupil of Mrs. Iula Jensen Wyllc, and a violin quartet, consisting of Mrs. Zabfiskle, Flora Khukert, Myrtle Cloud and Qertrud Keeper (Flora Seara at the piano), at the North 8lde Chris tlan church. Twenty-second and Iiethpop atreeta. Tuesday evening. November II, at Dili. Among other numbers Mrs, Burger Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cox. th Misses einlse and Madge West, Messrs. Bdwin ( lark snd Will Hetherlngton wtll go t Lin coln Tuesday afternoon for an venlng con cert of chamber music and violin solos. Th Henry Cox nulntst wtll perform tb Jadas sohn quintet In C minor and Mr. Cos. will play two group of solos, on group with quintet accompaniment. New York Man to Talk at Commercial Club Friday James B. Haney of New York City, an authority on municipal art, it to speak at a Commercial club luncheon Friday, November 24. All the New Oscar Seagle Columbia i Records . New on Salt at " ' Schmoller & Mueller Piano Company : 1311-13 Farnam St. ' . ISan Carlo Grand Opera Company! THIRD RETURN ENGAGEMENT I Thursday, Friday, Saturday and AT TP.T'TOP TT TM fW A T-f A 1 I Saturday Matinee, January 25, 26, 27 -AU LJL 1 JIL U1V1 . wlvlOllrv. I Same "Dollar Season Tickets" plan as in former years, except that this year we will positively sell onlv s 2,500 "DOLLAR SEASON TICKETS" 1 Last season and season before the number of "Dollar Season Tickets" sold were practically only limited by your desire to purchase. s THIS YEAR the company and orchestra are much larger and the scenery and costumes even more lavish than on former visits, and costs considerably more money H for the productions. ' H SBUT instead of raising prices we are limiting the number of ."Dollar Season Tickets" Thus, after these 2,500 "Green Tickets" are gone, music loving Omaha will have to either pay regular prices or regale themselves with "canned music." ' s THIS AD WILL PROBABLY NOT BE PUBLISHED AGAIN And is published for the benefit of our friends and regular patrons. 1 Buy your "Dollar Season Tickets" immediately in person or by mail. This will certainly be a whirlwind ticket selling campaign, for these "Dollar Season Tickets"' are in the hands of 36 different "Opera Boosters" this minute, who have them for sale. If this ad brings out demands for more than 2,500 "Dollar Season Tickets" the orders will be filled in the rotation received, and those applying too late will have their money returned immediately. THE PLAN As in former years, the "Dollar Season Tickets" require an extra cost for reservation of seats of from 10c to 75c each opera, according to location, of sittings. BUT ALL YOU NEED TO DO NOW is to get your "DOLLAB SEASON TICKETS," which can be reserved by mail or in person on or after January 1st (one week in advance of the regular sale of seats). Thus yonaro able to hear the most wonderful of opera by the GREATEST OF ALL TRAVELING OR GANIZATIONS singing and producing the standard grand operas at a net price of from 3ic to $1.00 per seat 'per performance. THE OPERAS ' Thursday Evening, January 25 "TALES OF HOFFMAN" Friday Evening, January 2t "LOHENGRIN" Saturday Matinee, January 27 "MARTHA" Saturday Eve., Jan. 27 tiala Double Bill I'PAGLIACCI and CAVALLERIA RUSTICANA THE COMPANY The company, under the directorship of FORTUNE GALLO, includes such world-famous singers as opranos Edvicre Vaccari, Mary Kaestner, Louise Darclee, Sophie Charlebois. Mezzo Sopranos Maddalena Carreno, Stella De Mette. Tenors Manuel Salazar, Pietro Corallo, Salvatore Sciaretti. Baritones Angelo Antola, Giuseppe Battistini, Davide Silva. Basses Pietro Di Biasi, Natale Cervi, Carlo Peroni. With complete corps de ballet, chorus and grand opera orchestra. TICKETS Address all mail orders, accompanied by a check and self-addressed stamped envelope (one dollar for each season ticket), to LUCIUS PRYOR, Local Mgr., Auditorium, Omaha Or they may be secured in person from A. llospe Co. Sheet Music Dept. Green's Phar macy, Auditorium Mgr.'s Office, Second Floor Auditorium; Camp's Drug Store, Council Bluffs, la.; Mrs. J. I. Ray, Fremont, Neb.; Mr. Hilt Wescott, Plattsmouth. Neb., or from any one of dozens of our grand opera boosters. Boxes from Mrs. Alfred Sorenson. The famous musical critic- Mr. Richard Spamer in the St. Louis Globe-Democrat of Saturday morning, November 4, 1916, says: EE It may not be a gracious thing to do, but in this instance just one linotype of comparison must be indulged in. It shall EE take the form of a query: If Ellis grand opera at the Coli- seum (as instanced in Thursday night's II Trovatore) was worth a throw, what, by the same gauge, was flallo's (The San Carlo Co.) Aida worth at the Odeon Friday evening! The answer is that Ellis grand opera wasn't worth $5, and Gallo's would have been cheap at double the price. It is necessary once in a while to apply the ledger standard lo vocal art, and this is a kind of trial balance. And here we shall close the books. How Oallo manages to keep together a company like the one that began a brief sojourn at the Odeon last night is a mystery nobody can solve but himself, and he "won't tell." Mason & Hamlin Piano Used A. Hospe Co., Agents.