Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1916, SOCIETY, Image 18

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' Has tp Build Plaster Manikin in
Mounting Skins of the
Larger Animals.
Washington, Nov. 18 Of the 300,-
000 nr more oforJe who visit the am
mal -rhihiu nf the National museum
annually, it is doubtful if many of
!' them know that skins of the larger
mammals are mounted "manikins" of
reinforced nUstcr. and not on COV'
'ered wooden forms, or, as of old,
. simply stuffed with excelsior, cotton,
hair or sawdust.
Nowadays taxidermists are sculp
tors and not upholsterers. All mod-
em taxidermists in their treatment of
the larger mammals at least and par
ticularlv those of the National mu
seum, who were among the pioneers
in this art, construct life-sized hollow
. nlaster fieures which prove not only
light and durable, but far more realis
tic than those produced oy tne oiaer
After the skin has been cleaned and
tanned, it is turned over to the taxi
dermist together with the skull, and
whatever other bones may have been
preserved. Sometimes he has no bones
' or live material to study, but has to
measure the skin and calculate his
dimensions as best he can, relying on
(" life casts, photographs or field meas-
urements and notes made bv the col-
lector, and his own ksowledge of
. anatomy. If he is not familiar with
the animal to be mounted, the museum
taxidermist studies the live animal at
' the National Zoological park, when
. possible, and then modeli clay minia
tures, often trying out several poses,
one of which is selected and approved
.' by the zoologists. He then begins his
' full-sized clay model. -
Some taxidermists believe in utiliz
,.,ing certain bones, particularly the
skull, leg bones and the backbone, in
building a frame work for a model,
. while others measure the bones and
snake the frame work out of iron rods
' and pieces of board. In any event, a
4 rough frame work is constructed, with
either iron rods or bones, and to this
the modeling clay is applied. The taxi
dermist now works much as does a
sculptor, adding clay here and remov-
ing it there, smoothing out the junc
' hires, until he rounds out an anato-
mical model. Great care is taken to
. reproduce accurately all joint, mus
cles and hollows.
Having completed hit clay model,
he is now ready to construct the
mould around it. This mould is cast
. of plaster-of-pari, and constructed in
- aeveral sections, each one. reinforced
with rods to keep it from warping or
falling apart. In making the figure of
a Virginia deer, for example, a mould
of from twelve to fourteen pieces an
inch in thickness, would be utilized in
the museum shops. The main section,
, or foundation, of this mould covers all
' the underparts of the animal's body,
and the inside of the legs. Other pieces
' form the outside of each leg, still oth
ers its back, the top of its neck and
head, and eventually the whole animal
,jis boxed in. In the construction of the
separate pieces, strips of tin, or thin
walls of clay, are placed along the in
tersections, which are trimmed on the
.bevel and oiled before the adjoining
'sections are cast.' The plaster is ap
plied in the ordinary, manner, about
an inch' thick, and when it is thor
oughly set, the separations are opened,
and the pieces are taken off the clay
- model, which is destroyed. The inside
of each piece is retouched where nec
essary with- fresh plaster, and
. smoothed up on the edges, until they
; tit together.
The next steo is the makfhtr of the
"manikin" on the inside of the mould'
I just completed. It is not cast solid,
or in one piece, but built up in thin
sections, one each on every piece of
the mould, its outer lines conforming
exactly with those of its mould. Be
ginning for example, with a section of
the back mould, the museum taxider
mist cuts out a piece of sheeting to fit
the section, pasting it into the mould
-with flour or glue, so that it fits into
, every impression, which is necessary,
' since the inside will eventually be the
outside of'the finished form. In the
manufacture of figures of smooth
haired animals requiring a smooth ex
terior, heavy sheeting is employed, but
; in some' of the long-haired animals,
such as the bear, coarse burlap may
be used. A thin wash of plaster is
put on tne first layer of cloth and then
two sections of burlap immersed in
plaster are applied, resulting in a thin
shell from a quarter to three-eighths
of an inch in thickness. Sometimes
wire-cloth is used in the place of bur
lap. This process is followed in mak-
ing each piece of the figure. When all
re set, the newly made sections of the
- figure are moistened to dissolve the
paste or glue mentioned' above, and
removed from the moulds.
The various pieces are now fitted to
gether and cemented with more plas
ter, the seams being backed up from
the inside by pieces of burlap dipped
in plaster. As the assembling proceeds
braces of wood are olaced within (nr
i reinforcement. AH the pieces are fas-
xenea togetner, except a small section,
i usually on top of one hip, left for a
hand hole, through whirh the l..t
piece is fixed, and air is admitted for
drying out. A wire tail wrapped in
ncmp is maae ana lastened inside
through this opening. Considerable
. retouching and a coat of shellac are
necessary before the skin is put on' and
stuck last with glue or shellac. All
skins are poisoned to keep out insects
With hornless animals, the skin of
the head is simply pulled over the
assembled form and sewed neatly
where it is cut, but when the horns
are included, they are left attached to
the crown of the skull, which is sawed
. off and slipped through a "Y" cut hi
the skin of the head, where it is at
tached by screws to a block of wood
set in the top of the head.
All cuts and seams are now sewed
together, and the hoofs or claws ar
modeled or filled out with clay where
they join the legs. Glass eyes are also
set into their sockets with clay, so
that they may be manipulated and
fixed in the proper line of vision. The
anjmal is complete now, except that
the skin must be made to fit snugly,
especially in the hollows. This is done
'by tacking it down with strips of card
board, or pieces of rope, which are
Kit inert until the skin is stuck.
. After drying out, the hair is care
fully combed and brushed, especially
vcr the seams. Certain narts of the
nose, mouth, eyelids and hoofs are re
touched with wax. and colored or
stained to match. Presently the taxi
, , dermist has finished and has produced
wnai appears to dc a real animal. .
ifri 'I'll ' "it dmWWh'-
m Vk W fir 1 -
v. y ft i Jrss. ,v
HerceJes '
AHAe Brand i
"The Penalty of Sin." a modern
drama, bv Edmund Francis Hackett,
-is the attraction at Boyd's theater for
the six days beginning Sunday, .No
vember 19. .In this Lois Craven is in
volved in a murder mystery, when
Robert Borglum. who thinks that
money can buy everything, is found
dead in his rooms. The slight clews
found point to a woman and Mrs.
Craven is placed under arrest. It vis
in trvinsr to clear herself ot the
charge that the story is worked out.
It opens about in the middle of events
and through the succeeding three acts
th mn harlrwnrri arm then
(nriMrfl frnm rh nrtinr nf hpffinninir
The presenting company includes
Mabel Montgomery, Lillian Lee An
derson, Frances Woodbury, Maude
Williams, Harry Cowan, William
Mortimer," Eugene Frazier, Frank
Hersome. lack Walsh and others.
there will be the usual matinees on
Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurs
day and Friday, ,y
'The Heart of Dixie" which will be
the attraction at Boyd's theater for
four days beginning Sunday, Novem
ber 26, is a comedy drama of the
Southland, and is declared to sound
a big deep human note. A carefully
selected company . memoes uons
Hardv. Ethel Wichman, -Catherine
Campbell, Dorothy. Hays, Charlotte
t Tj. J .C.ll. I.,m
L.IIUUM, MIOIU Mtuai.i., jv.v.t.v
Bruner, William Friend, Peter Ros-
sar, Robert Hdgerton ana Lawrence
Atkinson. An enjoyable feature of the
performance is the singing and danc
ing Ol inc uriuca ill me yiau intnii
scene. The usual matinees will be
8'ven. ' ' .
Maud Allan, who was announced
with her company at the Boyd thea
ter for ThanksKivinsr day. has met
with an accident that necessitates can
celling the engagement. She is now
laid up with a badly sprained foot
and wilt not be able to dance for
some weeks. Her engagement at the
Bovd theater has been postponed to
a date to be announced later..
Two special feature acts are to be
given at the Orpheum this week. First
musical comedy, "Nursery i-and,
is to be offered by Bert Kalmar and
characters, such as Bo Peep, Littlel
Boy Blue, Jack and Jill and Mother
Hubbard, with pretty songs and clever
dances, will be elements of this pro
duction. Of great interest will be
the expert swimming and diving of
Odiva, who comes with her school of
trained sea lions. Her unusual per
formance is given in a glass tank
filled with clear water, and her feats
will be exhibited in a manner calcu
lated to astonish audiences. The sea
lions do tricks of exceptional sort.
Williard, regarded as a physical
phenomena, demonstrates the control
of involuntary muscles. By his own
efforts he has added two and a halt
inches to his stature. "The Wife
Saver" is a one-act comedV to be
presented by(Frank!yn Ardell. 'The
humorist-violinist, Trovato, produces
both good music and hearty laughter.
Helene Davis is to present eleven
minutes of daintiness called "Past and
Present, especially designed for her
by A. Seymour Brown. "Helping
Hubby is a juggling skit to be con
tributed by Pielert and Scofield. Pic
turesque Normandy will be one of the
features of the Orpheum Travel
Weekly, whose motion pictures will
also show fascinating glimpses of
French Indo-China.
v s
Phyllis. Neilson-Terry, a niece of
Ellen Terry, has been booked for a
tour of the Orpheum circuit and will
be seen here for the week of No
vember 26. On the program for the
same week is another Orpheum fea
ture attraction, "Honor "Thy Chil
dren." a travesty, in which a son and
daughter ineffectually try to run a
The Chicago English Opera com
pany will appear in this city on No
vember 23, 24 and 25. The Chicago
English Opera company consists of
sixty members and its own orchestra
of especially selected instrumentalists.
The company carries three carloads of
scenery and baggage. The repertoirs
includes "Lohengrin," "Aida," "Car
men , Valkyrie. "II Trovatore,"
"Cavalleria Rusticana". and. "Cleopa
tra," presented entirely in the English
language. The cast includes Madame
Mercedes Dalmada.who will appear in
the Wagnerian and dramatic soprano
roles; lime. Dahnada comes from the
Cumin j It
Royal Opera house,' Covent Garden,
and from Oscar Hammerstein's Lon
don Opera house. Other prima donnas
are Mine. .Florentine, St. Clair and
Miss Mildred Frohman.' The contral
tos include Madame Anita Sutherland,
the famous Chilian singer, who comes
with the .highest credentials; Miss
Haseltine, jvho has been specially en
gaged to sing "Carmen, lived for
two years with Mme. Calve and
studied the role under the great diva's
personal -direction; Miss Ruth Mar
shall Dye is another artist who will
be heard in contralto roles, The list
of tenors includes Mr. Heigh Jack
son, one of the great Wagnerian tenors
of the present day; Mr. Ernest Davies,
Americas most brilliant lyric tenor.
and Mr. G, McDonald, who recently
was heard in dramatic roles at La
Scala, Milan. The list of baritones
and basses is headed by Mr. Arthur
Dea'ne; Mr. J. Ellenhorn, Russian bar
itone. Mr. Charles Gerol, American
basso. Another basso worthy of spe
cial mention is Mr. Edward H. John
stone. A large and well trained chorus
is carried by the company. New and
complete ' scenery, properties and
wardrobe are traveled for each opera.
On Thursday i evening "Lohengrin"
will be sung, on Friday "Aida" is to
be given; at the matinee on Saturday
a double bill, "Cavalleria Rusticana
and "Cleopatra," and on Saturday
evening "II Trovatore."
' . -
Perry J. Kelly's latest musioal com
edy offering, "My Home Town Girl,"
with Hyanis and Mclntyre featured,
will be the attraction at the Brandeis
theater for five performances begin
ning Thanksgiving afternoon. Well
known performers in the supporting
cast are Eda von Luke, Maude Beatty,
Doris Vernon, Dorothy Reich, Roy
Purviance, Maurice Darcy and George
Hall, and a chorus of pretty singing
and dancing girls. '
"The Bird of Paradise" seen
at the Brandeis theater Sunday, De
cember 3, for four nights and Wednes
day matinee. It is by Richard Walton
Tully, who has spent years on the
peaks that start out of the warm
waters of the South Pacific. v
Jean Bedini's big novelty show,
"Puss-Puss," is at the popular Gayety
theater this week. Jean Bedini is the
Three Days Thfircrlav November It
tiiwin "IUUJ MiL Safdey
Mr. Basil Honfall, Conductor.
Thursday Evening "Lohengrin"
Friday Evening "Aida"
Saturday Matinee "Cavalleria .
! Rusticana"
Followed by "Cleopatra"
Saturday Evening "II Trovatora"
Full Chorus Special Orchestra
Entirely now production of
canory, wardrobe and propertioi
carried for each opora.
Price!- Evm'ts, a., si. tsc so,
nice. Mt.iw., $1.50. SI, 75c ud SOc
'ill J
ytt tie Cmprtss
Special benefit Performance
On this date the Freshman Clan of Nurses at 1
Wise Memorial Hospital
Have bought out the house for the performance of
"The Heart off Dixie"
The proceeds will be used in making; many needed im
provements on the Nurses' Home.
Tickets Can be bought from the nurses' committee and can be
exchanged for reserved seats Nov. 23. Tickets will be on sale at
the theater on and after the 23d 1
The nurses make an especial appeal to the citizens of
Omaha to assist them in their worthy efforts.
Admission 25c, 50c, 75c, and $1.00
CompUta Syrnpnoiiy Or
cheatr of 50, DtractJo
Ptorrtj Moataua.
, v-
. ., Application for ticket, fillad in ordar ef re
Price.. S4, 3, S3, ceipt. Make checks payable to Ckaa. A. Franke,
1,000 Seata at $1. Manaier Auditorium.
producer and has written the book,
which, by the way, has a real plot, de
signed the costumes and scenery, sug
gested the electrical effects and set
the numbers to music. In addition to
all this he found time to select twenty
of the handsomest and most talented
girls and named them his "Kitten1
chorus to go with his title "Puss
Puss." His cast of principals is
worthy, among them being besides
Jean Bedim himself, Pam Lawrence
Minni (Buddie) Harrison, MargretteJ
Kyan, rjarry Jackson, Charlie Mac,
George Brooks, Al Ricardo and Davis
and Stafford, those two famous col
ored comedians, singing their funny
song, Jn the Jail House Now. Be
dini always has a big surprise, this
year it's the "Ignatz Yitsoc troupe of
acrobats burlesquing a,, troupe of
Arabian acrobats," which will surely
be a laugh from start to finish. This
is the same kind-hearted organization
that' collected $492 during their-week
here last December and presented it
to the Omaha City Mission for char
ity usage, an action that should cause
all Omaha to feel most friendly to
ward this company. Today's matinee
starts at 3 o'clock. Ladies' matinee
daily all week begining tomorrow.
Kreisler's Wonderful Tone .
Stirs Hearts of Hearers
From all accounts no violinist since
Sarasate was in his prime has . pro
duced from his instrument a tone of
such exquisite golden beauty as that
of Fritz Kreisler, who is to give a
concert here under the auspices of
the Associated Retailers at the Audi
torium Monday evening, December 4.
It may not have the grandiloquence
of Ysaye or the excitement of Elman,
but it has a soft brilliancy all its own.
H. X. Parker, the distinguished critic
of the Boston Transcript, speaking of
Kreisler s tone last winter, has this to
"Mr. KrlslerB tone Is one of exnulalte
flneneM and oftnesd, meet for the velvety
texture of the music. It la a tone of ipost
sensitive suppleness that bends to every
curve of the melody, to every lace-like fili
gree of ornament. It Iff a tone aulck with
delicate light and ahade, that make Ha
sons. Ita figuration. Its arabesque bright,
witn cnangeiui tinta ana halt tints. Tne
play of light and shadow In It is nearly end
lej. It la furthermore a tone that ran
Isolate itself like the fine and shlmmerina
thread against the background of the orches
tra, or lust) iiseu wun one or anoiner 01 ine
Instrumental voices It Is a tone that springs
to every elasticity of rhythm, that can spin
itself into the finest of transitions, gather
without break or Jar light force of a climax,
or lean up dominant out of orchestral
tumult. Above alt It la a tone that glow
wlthvthe beauty of the song that it sustains
and yVt in its own right Is so full of sensuous
loveliness that It falls halo-like upon prosaic
figuration. Even in passages for purely,
technical display it works Its charm of glow
ing and beautiful rhapsody. The ear, the
Imagination, the whole listening being, re
spond to BUch beauty of sound, weaving Its
Deautuui patterns upon me air."
Reserved seat tickets can be secured
now at burgess-Mash information
bureau.' '
"Sally in Our Alley" Is
Showing Today at Monroe
Edna Wallace Hopper, Charles J.
Ress and Muriel Ostriche will be seen
at the Monroe theater today in the
comedy-drama called "Sally in Our
Alley. With this is a Universal com
edy. Monday Robert Wilson in "The
Isle of Life." Tuesday, "The Woman's
Law," with Florence 1 Reed, and a
Pathe comedy. Wednesday Bruce
McRae and Gerda, Holmes in "The
Chain Invisible."
Gets Bad Fall While
Carrying Coal Upstairs
While carrying coal up the stairs
at 2301 Leavenworth street John
Howe, laborer, fell and received pain
ful body and head bruises. He was
taken to the St. Joseph's hospital by
the police ambulance, where it is
thoueht his injuries are serious. It
is thought that he received concus-
Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
Introduced to
America at a cost
of 500,000
thm Mutation of lh age with
Marvalotia CMtunw cre
ation) ansj color f facta
by tha groat Loon Bakat
One Night Only- AA f g
DAILY, 2:15
Kalmar & Brown
' in-
A Character Novelty
In Eltvni MinutM ef Daintiness Cslled
Orpheum Travel Weekly
Around the World with the Orpheum
Circuit's Motion Picture Photographers.
By Edmund Francis Hackett . '
NIGHTS: 25c, 35c, 50c and 75c. MATINEES: 15c and 25c
Scotch and Irish Entartainers
An Entirely Different Comedian
Three Alaskan Trained Deers.
Eccentric Acrobats
Feature Extraordinary
Immortal Story, Featuring
Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
"tour WrinMes
Is Certain! "
"One of the Easiest Things in the
World to t)o,M Says the Stage
, Queen. Vaieska Suratt.
By Vaieska Suratt.
Nobody wants to look old. And I tell
you right now you dont have to look old un
less you want to. Not after you have read
this and tried it. Thousands of women
have done it, and all without exception have
done wonders with it tq their faces. There
is no question that you can do it, just the
tame as others have. It takes a few min
utes of your time to mix at home that i
all. It costs less than the useless stuff .
you buy already prepared in the stores. You
make a cream by mixing two ounces of
eptol and one tablespoonful of glycerine in
half a pint of water, Just put it on thick
and rub it in. Do It twice a day. In a
mighty short time there'll be such a tre
mendous difference you'll think you're Uv-
g in another world. You'll look years
any case.
I have never known this to fail in
J. B. F. I really don't understand
how people will use the burners sold now
adays for removing superfluous hairs.
only way to get rid of them is by dissolv
ing them. It's a magical method. The
only thing in (his wide world that win do
it is sulfo solution. You can get it at the
drug store for one dollar. Alt you do is to
apply it to the hairs and they dissolve away,
, . .. .. . ,w j ,ku
leaving tha skin clear, smooth and white.
COMPLEX It seems to me you've fooled
enough with your face. You do as I tell
you stow, my dear. Drep everything you
-i ou.j hu eiir.Mr 'a i.
are now using. Spend three minutes a day
and use this. Make it at home yourself in
a few mfnutea. Get one ounce of zlntone at
the drug store. Mix this in a pint of water
with two tableapoonfuls of glycerine, and you
have a complexion cream that beats the
world. It acta quickly. Not next year, but
next week, will see the difference. It will
bring you your dream of a beautiful com
plexion. Mica v n w w.hifi. iv.
, .. ... .
wVek ts absolutely all rtaht. nrovidrd vou
don't use soap or ordinary shampoos. Watch
out for these. The contain alkali and
hurt hair. If you want a head-wash that
will positively dissolve every bit of dan-
drulf and fatty accumulation at once, dis-
solve a teaspoonful of eggol In a half cup,
of water. Use it as a shampoo. You'll
. .
rave over H. For twenty-fljt cents you get
enough eggol for over a dosen head washes,
2:15 and 8:15
. DOUG. 494.
Aaaiateo by a School of Pacific Sao
Lion a. Fajcy Diving and Foata of
Grace, Aganty and Enduranco fat on
lmraente Class Tank. An Elaborate
Scenic Production with the Famous
Water Nymph aa tha (Central Flfiaro.
In Their Comedy Offering
Matinee, Gallery, 10c; Beat Seats, (ex
cept Saturday and Sunday). 25c.
NiffhU, 10c, 25c, SOc, 75c.
-Metropolitan Club
Z301 Harney Stmt
Famous Baritone
4 O'clock ,
r Single Tickets, $1.00
A rerjr limited number of bal
cony seats, SOc.
Season Tickets, 6 concerts, $4
Phone Douglas 4419.
Caersnrf uFflt """r Mate., lo-as-'noc.
Kitten ononis or Melodious Hewers.
Bewllderm? acray of sommes.
Positively the burlesqulest burlesaue
ever' produced. SPECIAL Ignats i
nuoc i roupe or acroDatlc cotnlques
(Flhsl Performance Friday Nlte.t
Ladles' Dime Matinee Every Week Day.
Will Go, Thai
In a few months? Why. my
dear, you can make that head of hair of
yours a tning ot marvelous oeaty in Jets
time than that. I dfd it. Thousands are ,
doing it, and you can do it. Your1 hair will
stop falling at once and begin to grow as
you never knew it to grow before, if you
will use liberally my formula made by mix
ins one ounce of beta-auinol in half ninl
of water, and a half pint of alcohol or one
pine ui oy rum instead 01 water and al
cohol. This gives you over a pint of this
wonderful hair grower cheap at the price.
MISS TEE BEE That happened to me
on dy- The druggist didn't have the beta-
quinol for making my hair formula. So I
have my gecreUry kt? . Btocl otl nand
to supply those that -cannot get the ingre-
Jient9 4 drug store. It doesn't often
flenk(1 ' SecreUry to Vaieska Suratt.
Thompson Bldg., Chicago, 111." and it will
be sent to you at once
MRS. S. 0. S. Good news for you, S. O.
S. In a lew minutes you'll get rid of black
heads by applying some powdered neroxin
on them with a sponge, and rubbing briskly.
You get the neroxin at any drug store. This
works every time.
FORMLESS Don't do it. Vacuum eups
and such things for the bust are dangerous.
Take my word for this, if anything can de-
velop the bust, this-will, a mixture of two
ounces oi.rueione, nan a cup 01 sugar, and
half a Pint of water. Of this trnkm ftr
c.h f1"1 J.. two teaspoonfuls.
Mfss .G- T- Y"- Jt face Jwder
my own face powder made specially. It is
absolutely free from chalk mesa- and fine!
there's no name for it. I know you'll say so,
too. Drug stores supply it now in white,
ind brunette, for fifty cents and it is
called "Vaieska Suratt Face Powder."
VH f