i 3 B THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEK: NOVEMBER 19, 1916 Council Bluffs Social Notes Last Sunday Nmorning Rev. D. I. Hower officiated at the marriage of Miss Leeta Roach and Mr. Henry Verpooten. The ceremony occurred at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Nettie Brown. After a short wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Verpooten will be at home to their friends at 626 Mynstcr street. Monday .Mrs. A. A. Dorn and Mrs, L. G. Merrill of Neola spent the day with Mrs. R. S Palmer, and were spe cial guests at the; meeting of the mu sic and drama department of the Council Bluffs Woman's club, held at Mrs. Palmer's that afternoon. Mrs. H. A. Bellinger left Tuesday for Indianapolis, Ind., as Iowa dele gate to the national convention of the Women's Christian Temperance union, November 16 to 23. Mrs. R. S. Palmer entertained the music and drama department of the f'ftitnril Rlnff Wnman's rlnh 4nndav afternoon. Miss Winifred LeaK acted as leader. The program opened with a piano solo, a McDowell num ber, by Miss Florence Senior. For an encore she gave an arrangement of Stephan Foster's "Old Black Joe," and later in the program she gave a read ing. "The First Call." Mrs. A. B. Sinherd briefly reviewed the play. "The Servant in the House," reading! several selections from it. A double number, two songs by William Haw ley. "A June Marigras" and "The Song that My Heart's Singing," was charm ingly rendered by Mrs. John Vitam vas. Miss Fern Baker told something of the life of Brackett, the writer of church music, and played several of his hymns. Mrs. George E. Walker gave a sketch of the life of George B. Nevin, the composer, and Miss Edith Wright gave his popular song, "The Rosary," as a vfolin solo. A piano solo by Mrs. Edith Wright completed the program. Mrs. G. S. Ackerman of Portland, Ore., was the guest of honor at a 1 o'clock luncheon given by Mrs. Fred Sheeley Tuesday. Other guests were Mrs. Frank Drummy of Omaha, Mrs. Chester Wilson of Fremont, Neb.; Mrs. C. T. Haynes of Kokomo, Ind.; Mrs. Fred Witherspoon and Mrs. A. T. Hitchcock. Tuesday afternoon the Atlas club held a postponed meeting at the home of Mrs. F. T. True. The study of Turkey in Asia was continued. An ex cellent paper on "Armenia Yester day. Today and Tomorrow" was given by Mrs. J. T. Hamilton. Mrs. R. H. Bloomer told of Mount Ararat and read selections of Armenian verse. The next regular meeting of the dub will be held November 28. The Ideal club met Tuesday after noon at the home of Mrs. B. S. Ter williger. The program opened with a discussion of current events, led by Mrs. Will Pyper and Mrs. W. A. Southard. The study of Poland, in connection with the study of the Slav peonies, occupied the afternoon. Mrs. Freeman Reed told df the national characteristics of the Polish people. Mrs. George Davis gave a very enter taining and instructive sketch of Tadeusz Kosciuszkb, the real Thad deus of Warsaw. "The Rise of Polish Nationality and Its Decline" was dis cussed by Mrs. M. B. Moon. The study of Poland will be continued at the meeting next Tuesday at Mrs. Terwilliger's. Tuesday afternoon Mrs. A. W. Ty ler entertained the members of the Tuesday History club at a 1 o'clock luncheon. Mrs. Fainter Knox, Mrs. C. G. Saunders and Mrs. J, C Pryor were the assistant hostesses. Covers were laid for sixteen at one long table, decorated with chrysanthemums. The afternoon's entertainment consisted of an informal program, the most at tractive feature being several songs sung by Mrs. D. J. Adams of Omaha. November 28 the club will hold its regular meeting with Mrs. J. J. Spin dler. The annual election of officers was the most important event at the meet ing of the Garden club at the home of Mrs. F. H. Hill Tuesday afternoon. The result: President, Mrs. F. W. Dean: vice president, Mrs. John G. Woodward; secretary, Mrs. Henry Cutler; treasurer, Mrs. Angeline Brinsmaid. Instead of the usual pa pers, the meeting was turned into an experience meeting, each member tell ing of her mistakes and failures in floriculture during the last year.thus making even mistakes profitable to the other members. The club will hold one more meeting before disbanding for the season. November 29 Miss Rice will be the hostess. The Book Lovers met Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. C. D. Parmelce and the study of Victor Hugo was continued. Mrs. R. H. Nichols told of Hugo's years of exile and of his later triumphal return to Paris. The literary works of the period, the atti tude of France toward Hugo at that time and the place he occupied In his generation were ably discussed by Mrs. A. M. Jackson. Mrs. Parmelce gave a most interesting talk on music and the Russian ballet. The usual meeting will be held with Mrs. Parme lee next Wednesday. Wednesday afternoon Mrs. C. Straub gave a tea for the members of the Oakland Avenue Chapter of St. Paul's guild and their friends. The aft ernoon was very pleasantly spent and refreshments were served late in the afternoon. On Monday afternoon the regular meeting of the chapter will be held at the home of Mrs. William Koehler. Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Miller Vf Hyde avenue enter tained a few friends at cards. Three tables were filled for the game of high five and prizes for high scores were won by Mr. and Mrs. A. Schnell bacher. Mr. C, Lammert won the "cut for all," and Mrs. G. W. Baker and Mr. C. Dentler the consolation prizes. A two-course supper was served after the game. The regular meeting of the Uni versity club was held Wednesday aft ernoon at the home of Mrs. F. P. Thorton of Omaha. The subject of the afternoon s study was Mexico. Mrs. F. H. Garrett discussed "The Ancients," and Mrs. J. M. Mathews the "Life of the Mexican People." Mrs. R. S. Beaslev will be the hostess at the next meeting, which will be held November 29. Thursday afternoon Mrs. Walter Lutz entertained at bridge. The jhzc for high score was won by Mrs. Caro line Theinhardt and the consolation prize was awarded to Mrs. I., B. Kohrer. Luncheon was served by the hostess l?te in the afternoon. The Tuesday Study club held a very interesting meeting Tuesday at the home of Mrs.-Hi. W. Miller. The annual election of officers was held, with the following result: President, Mrs. George B. Miller; vice president, SHE WILL TALK SUFFRAGE TO OMAHA WOMEN. , ft Mrs. Nellie McClung, who will speak at the Blackstone hotel on Wednesday, November 29, at 4 o'clock under the auspices of the Equal Fran chise society, opens the 1918 suffrage campaign in Nebraska. Mrs. McClung is known as the foremost suffragist in Canada. To her goes a large share of the credit for the enfranchisement of the women of the three provinces, Mnaitoba, Alberta and Saskatchewan, all of which have granted equal suf frage during the last year. Mrs. Mc Clung organized the Political Equality league of Manitoba, which became the Political Educational league after the franchise was won. With the two fold object of education and legisla tion in view, the Political 'Educational league is now deep in a campaign for better laws for women and children in West Canada, giving special atten tion to the present unsatisfactory laws concerning inheritance, dower and guardianship. Besides being a suffra gist, Mrs. McClung is a writer of some note and has a husband and five children. Mrs. O. J. Mitchell: secretary, Mrs. Knutc Holmes'. "The Top and the Bottom of the United States" was the subject of an excellent paper given by Mrs. H. H. Larson. A two-course luncheon was served. The next meet ing will be with Mrs. Chris Peterson. Mrs. S. A. Beason, 212 Turley aver nue, entertained the D. G. A. D. club Thursday afternoon. The time was spent playing "500," Mrs. Beason win ning the prize for high score and Mrs. Henrietta Siberts the "cut for all." Mrs. C. L. Laonson entertained the members of the Helping Hand Ken sington club Tuesday afternoon. They spent several hours sewing for the needy families of the city. Next Tues day they will meet at the home of Mrs. M. Arthur. Benson Social Circles Messrs. Gordon Ruth and Fred Ger ber of Columbus, Neb., are spending the day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Ruth. . , . - Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Welch enter tained at dinner last Sunday in honor of Messrs. and Mesdames J. E. Wood, E. W. Norris, N. H. Tyson, E. A. McGlasson and J. T. Pickard. Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Wilcox enter tained at dinner Wednesday in honor of Miss Helen Hawes of David City. Covers were laid for twelve guests. Mrs. William Burford, will be host ess for the Methodist Ladies' Aid so ciety next Wednesday afternoon. Miss Jean Limebaugh of Omaha, a former resident here, was married last Wednesday to Mr. Andrew B. Foster of Omaha. The wedding took place at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Ray Hildreth, here. Mr. and Mrs. Foster will live in Omaha. ' The young men of the Methodist church have an organization with the following officers: President, John Calvert; vice president, Earl Babcock; secretary, Harold Berry; treasurer, Herbert Snow. Miss Maud Van Horn entertained about twenty-five young people at her home Friday evening in honor of her sixteenth birthday anniversary. The members of the Degree ' of Honor lodge gave an entertainment, with lunch following, last Wednesday evening. The program consisted of musical selections, a farce, "Hiring a Servant," and a drill given by the team, who were rigged out in fancy dress. Miss Evelyn Kelland went to Her man, Neb., last week to assist Mrs. J. Burger of Omaha in a recital at that place. Mr. Thomas . Leach of Oakdale. Neb., visited at the E. J. Crews home Thursday while on his way to spend the winter in Missouri. H. J. Kelland came down from Sioux City, where he is in newspaper work, to spend a few days of last week with Mrs. Kelland and daughter. The King's Heralds and Junior Mis sionary circle held an afternoon party at the Methodist parsonage Wednes day. About fifty children and Mrs. Medlin of Walnut Hill were present. The little folks will give "Tom Thumb's Wedding" at the church next Friday evening. Mrs. Charles Babrich of Sioux City will be the guest of her sister, Mrs. L. A. Simons, until the first of TODAY'S BEAUTY HELP You can keep your hair at its very best by washing it with tAis simple, inexpensive-shampoo, which cleanses the hair and scalp thoroughly of all the dandruff and dirt and leaves a clean, wholesome feeling: Just use a teaspoonful of canthrox dissolved in a cup of hot water, afterwards rinsing thoroughly with clean water. One finds that the hair dries quickly and evenly, is unstreaked, bright, soft and fluffy, so fluffy in fact that it looks more abundant than it is, and so soft that arranging it becomes a pleasure. All scalp irritation will disappear and the hair will be brighter than ever be fore. Advertisement She Always Seconds the Motion at Sessions of Omaha Woman' s Club "1 second the motion, Madam Pres ident!" The woman who is credited with having uttered the above formula more times than any other one mem ber in the Omaha Woman's club is Mrs. Thomas Brown, treasurer of the sociaV science, department. "Our official seconder," the other Members call her. "Whenever a motion is made, we listen for Mrs. Brown's second," said one of them. It is be cause Mrs. Brown is deeply interest ed in all iRc proceedings at the Woman's club and has her opinion formed almost immediately as to the best course of action to pursue. Mrs. Brown boasts membership in fourteen different women's organiza tions and finds time to attend meet ings of them all, besides looking after her own property interests. She is an active suffragist and church woman and a sturdy campaigner, either for suffrage, temperance or school board members. Mrs. Brown headed the Woman's club committee for the Syrian Flower day benefit which netted over $1,200. the month, when the two will leave for a trip to California. Messrs. J. W. Welsh and William Baehr are members of the committees of the annual chicken show, to be held this month. Mrs. J. T. Pickard entertained at dinner last Tuesday evening, when covers were laid for Rev. Mr. and Mrs., Anderson and daughters, and Miss Jessie Moulthrop. Mrs. Duke Pence entertained Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson of Omaha at dinner last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Coit moved from their summer home near the Country club last Thursday, and will spend the winter at the Fontenelle. The Guild served a dinner at the Presbyterian church last Monday evening for its members. About twenty were present. Mrs. J. J. Fuchs was hostess for the Aufweiderschen club at her home on last Tuesday. The women of . the Emmanuel church celebrated the second anniver sary last week by giving an entertain ment at the church, about 100 guests being present. . Mrs. S. D. Jones will be hostess for the Presbyterian Ladies' Aid so ciety on next Wednesday. Mrs. A. M. Safford of Genesco, 111., and C. E. Barron of Lincoln were guests during tie past week at the C. Stiger home. Mrs.v Hattie West, formerly Miss Hattie Esmay of Valley, was a visitor last week at the E. C. Fuller home. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. E. Rouse on last Saturday. Mr9. Ray Lawson left on Ihurs 1 f l v s JTrs Thomas Browr, day to take treatments at the Mayo! institution at Kocnesicr. The annual bazar given by the Eng lish Lutheran women will start next Wednesday and will last all day. Miss Margaret Fedde has returned to Lincoln after a few days' visit at the home of her parents. Mrs. W. A. Wilcox was hostess last week for the Blue Stocking club. West Ambler Social Activities P. J. Sturgeon came in from Alli ance Thursday with a carload of cattle for the market and spent the week end with his sister Mrs,. J. Long, and family in West Side. Mrs. Alex Niehart and two chil dren of Nebraska City spent the week with her sister, Mrs, Arthur King, and family. S. C. Campbell, formerly of East Amhlcr who has hern a' miettt here ' this week from Milford, Neb., has sold his farm there and, with his fam ily, will spend the winter in penvcr. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Armstrong announce the arrival of a son at their home on South Fifty-fourth street Monday. The Royal Neighbors will give a party anil luncheon to their husbands at their hall on Wednesday evening, November 22. M. Jonathan of South Omaha has taken the Morton homestead on Forty-sixth and Center streets for the winter. Fred Baldwin and Miss Jlarie Gor man, popular young people of West Side, were married Saturday after noon and will be at home after this week at Fifty-sixth and Mason streets. Mr. and Mrs. 1. K. Gorman have had as their week end guests A. R. Connor, a brother of Mrs. Gorman from Wesley, la , ad John Kenney of Holdrege, Xcb. Mrs. George Kidd of Eckcrman fell on the ice Sunday evening and broke her right arm. Mr. and Mrs. L. Booker of South Fifty-first street entertained at dinner Tuesday for Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ly man of North' Omaha. The Ladies' Aid society will meet at the church Thursday for their all day meeting and complete their plans for their Christmas bazar to be held December 7. Messrs. H. Stewart and J. Gilmore and their wives motored to Sioux City and spent the week end with relatives. Mrs. William Vickers. assisted by Mrs. J. Black and Mrs. F. Cockayne, entertained the West Side Christian Temperance union at their jollifica tion rally Thursday afternoon. Park Edgar and wife have hail as their guests this week his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Freet of Hen don, Conn., and his mother, Mrs. H. Edgar of Scottsbluff, Neb. Word has come this week of the marriage of Miss Rebecca Boyer. re cently of West Side, and W. M. Stew art, a ranchman of Ozone, Idaho. The bride is a sister of Messrs. Joe and John Boyer of West Side. L. T. Brown of Scottsbluff. Neb., who has been the guest of his daugh ter, Mrs. Park Edgar, in West Side the last week, left Tuesday for Ha vana. Cuba, to spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Potts of Cedar Rapids, la., have been the week end guests of his sister, Mrs. Glen Gerkin, and family. Mrs. S. F. Jonas has gone to Lin coln to spend the week with his parents. ' Miss Ada Gantz is caring for Mrs. Joseph Segar, who has recently re turned from the hospital. Mrs. S. W. Weston entertained the Towel club on Saturday. Covers were laid for Mesdames G. Hayes. N. F. Thompson, R. J. Sutton, L. T. Bul lock, A. Wiig, A. Hatfield, S. E. Kern, E. Doll, a. Policy and M. reternon. Mrs. Weston was also hostess at a theater party to the above named members on Monday night. Miss Kmma K. Miller of West Point, Neb., who attended the Teach ers' association here as county super intendent of Cuming county, was the week end guest of her sister, Mrs. Howard Miller. M. llyslop of Klmwood, Neb., was the week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur King on West Pierce street. Social Affairs of the South Side Miss Patience Kelly of Newton, la., is a guest of South Side friends. Miss Kellv is a daughter of Harry Kelly and granddaughter of Captain Kelly, well known pioneer citizen. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Madden and innily have gone to attend the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. Mad den's parents, , Miss Hattie Pierce is slightly im proved at her home following her recent illness. The Order of the Eastern Star held its regular meeting Saturday evening. The Keno club met at the Loyal hotel Friday night for their annual banquet. Mr. and Mrs.-Otto Gramlich have returned from their wedding trip and are with relatives for a short time. The Adah Kensington club of the Eastern Star met at the home of Mrs. j. M. Henry Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Edward Kohansky was the as sistant hostess. The musical department of the South Omaha Woman's club was en tertained Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. V'alter Hill. The Eagles and their families at tended the Council Bluffs Eagles' car nival in a special car Saturday even ing. The ladies of St. Agtica church held a card party in McCrann'a hall Tues day evening. 1 The ladies of the First Christian church ,met Wednesday at the home of Mrs. W. B. Routte to tie comfort ers which they have for sale. The ladies' of the West Side Inter denominational church will meet on Thursday at the church. The United Presbyterian church held a successful bazar and chrysan themum show at the church Thursday and Friday. The Home Missionary society of the First Methodist Episcopal church met at the home of Mrs. A. F. Stryker Thursday afternoon. The Ladies' auxiliary of St. Mar tin's church are planning a bazar to be held the first week in December. The men of the First Methodist Episcopal church held a get-together dinner at the church Friday evening. After dinner speeches were made by .MarKarot Fltimcrald, Viola WltllHiim, llaxcl Uarrett. Messrs. Stryker, Kiddoo, Wilson and Hughes. The original R. L. B. club enter tained at an Orpheum party, followed by supper at the Henshaw Saturday, In honor of Miss Patience Kelly, a former member of the club. Those present were: M IftMfft Helen Tyner, Marie KnlRr, Rathnr Mill.'h Patience Kelly. On Friday even the same club was entertained at the home of Miss Viola Williams at a dinner party in honor of Miss Kelly. On Friday the Birthday club was entertained at the home of Mrs. Bow ker at a 10 o'clock luncheon. All mem bers of the club were present. Mrs. Walter Dawson entertained at her home Friday afternoon. Three tables were placed tor cards. Mrs. W. A. Pruden, South Side, entertained the Willis Avenue club Tuesday. Mrs. C. E. Tabor, Willis Avenues, assisted. The table decora-, tions were large shower bouquets of yellow chrysanthemums, white pop pies and American Beauties. A dainty luncheon was served. Those present were: Meatlamefi H. Dunin. J. Lyrkholm, M. Nol.on. F. Fralry, M Iwtea Ruth Urcy, Mpadamea William Unalcker. F. Downer. l R- Tabor. ' Mlsnes Maud Forney, Ralston Social Gossip lr. and Mrs. R. T. Propst .and children returned from an auto trip to Mitchell, S. D. James Polin of Plattsinouth spent a few days here the last week. J. Brown of Omaha was here a few days before leaving for California. Bohemian Sokols' Public Exhibition The Bohemian Gymnastic society Tel Jed Sokol Tyrs, together with the ladies' department, will give a public exhibition on Sunday, Novem ber 19, at the Sokol hall, Thirteenth and Martha streets, at 2:30 p. m. The small girls will exhibit dancing step! in a circle, the boys calisthenics and gymnastic plays, larger girls will grve exhibits of calisthenics and gym nastic dances, the ladies' society cal isthenics, some with rings and some without. The boys' sokols will show some interesting and new groups with the large iron ring, also on different apparatus and plain and other calis thenics. Most of the exhibitions will be ac companied by music and a social dance will be given in the evening. &LaierFurnit Largest Furniture Sales Floors in Nebraska TheGreatBeaton Means Savings Up to 50$ And Gives You Your Choice of Immense New Stocks At Prices That Cannot Be Duplicated If you have a single furniture need, present or future, by all means supply it now. All furniture manufacturers promise continued advances in price January 1, on top of 10 to 30 advances since July. And you can take your choice now of the entire Beaton & Laier stocks all contracted for before any advances at price reductions ranging up to 50 from the old before-the-advance prices. Opportunity knocks at your door wise folks are heeding better join them before it's too late. v Buy7 Living Room Furniture Now and Save Up to 50 plush upholstery; . . . $ai.l 0 ure Sale; A $75.00 Quoon Ann Chiffolette, in brown American wal- flJJQ 7 5 nut; sale price.. TM.Itf A $108.00 Solid Mahogany Adam Library Table, with 35x60-inch top; similar to cut; sale price . . . $69.75 A $52.00 Maaaive 48-inch, 8-foot Extension Table, quartered oaK, finished golden or waxed; sale price. IUCICI won, $39.50 $29.00 Mahogany Rocker, up holstered in tap- tA Cfi cstry; sale price""''' $161.50 Charles II Living Room Suite of three pieces davenport, chair and rocker; mahogany frame, denim up- priceT.Ba,.e... $95.00 $87.00 Solid Mahogany Adam Bookcase; ffCC AA sale price OJ.UU $50.00 Tapestry Arm Chair or 'Rocker; sale ffOC ftfi price, each tP.iJ.UU A $127.60 Large Overstuffed Pillow Arm Davenport, A-l construction throughout; hair and moss filling; very luxurious; in rich tapestry upholstery; sale $89 75 $43.50 panne sale price . $48.50 Overstuffed Arm chair, cretonne upholstery; rt,cp"ce:. $24.25 A $185.66 Overstuffed Dav enport in tapestry uphol- CT. 81,16 $75.00 A $73.50 Jacobean Cane Panel Library Table, 60 inches long; sale JJQ Jj And Scor.a of Lik Valuas A $129.50 Solid Mahogany Colo nial Buffet, 72 inches ff7Q CA long ; sale price ...... P I ?.IU Save Ud to 50 Buvinsr New Bedroom Furniture Now $125.00 Sheraton Mahogany 1 $62.50 A $125.00 Sheraton Chiffonier; unexcelled quality; sale price. . . A $557.00 Colonial Bedroom Suite Twin poster beds, extra large dresser, chiffonier and dressing table ; sale price, complete $385.00 A $340.60 Adam Bedroom Suite, in Ivory Enamel Dresser, chif fonier, twin beds, chair, rocker and night table; sale C1QC AA price, complete WUW A $110.00 Pineapple Carved Post er' Bed, in mahogany; CCC AA sale orice JJ.WW A $72.50 Triple Mirror Colonial Dressing Table, in ma- tJQ 7Z hogany; sale price Pti.lJ A $319.50 White Enamel Bedroom Suite, Twist-Post Type Bed, dresser, chiffonier, dressing table and night stand, hand decorated; sale price, fljl CQ 7C comnlete JlJi.l O A $160.00 Solid Mahogany, 54 inch, 8-foot Extension Table, jtfd.uU like cut; sale price Buy New Dining Room Furniture Now and Save Up to 50 A $45.00 Straight-Lino Mahogany Dresser, with large mir- MQ 7C ror; sale price. , $i7.lJ A $165.00 Massive Solid Mahog any 60-inch Colonial Buffet, with prr. !?:"!. $82.50 A $355.60 William and Mary Din ing Room Suite, quartered oak, finished Old English; 64-inch, 8- foot extension table, buffet, china closet, serving table, 6 chairs and arm chair; all com plete, sale price . . $265.00 An $885.00 Massive Colonial Din ing Room Suite in Solid Mahog any 72-inch buffet with mirror top, 54-inch china closet with mir ror back, 60-inch, 10-foot exten sion table, five slip-seat chairs and arm chair, leather upholstered; a wonderful suitc;sale flJC07 CA nrw.n all n nmnlptf A $126.00 Colonial China Closet, mahogany, with full plate mir- prLback.:.:alc $62.50 A $357.00 Adam Dining Room Suite in ivory enamel, with ma hogany tops; 8-foot, 54-inch exten sion table, buffet, china closet and serving table; sale (0C7 ftft price, complete PtJl.vU All Lace Curtains Discounted 25 Monday Better check over your window draperies now. You may need new ones in your living room, dining room or bedrooms and if you do here's an opportunity to save 25;'r. Beginning Monday we offer you your choice of our,cntirc stock of lace curtains at just 25 per cent less than the regular prices, which range from $1.15 to $15.00 per pair. Estimates on Draperies to Order Given Expert Attention A $195.00 Adam China Closet, in mahogany; full mirror back plate-glass shelves; sale A to. $158.60 Luxurious Morocco Leather, Loose Cushion flOC AA rm Chair; sale price. . EATON u 415-17 So.mSt. Omaha Home Furnishing Headquarters A $65.00 Solid Mahogany, Large Spinet Desk, like cut; CjjQ 1C sale price rii7.lJ