Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1916, SOCIETY, Image 14

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    2 B
is Going On
in Society Circles
Betrothal Announcement.
Mrs. Jessie Watt announces the en
gagement and approaching marriage
of her daughter, Miss Edna McClaud.
and Mr. Jay Carl Evans of Omaha.
The wedding wilt take place this
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Young of
Council Bluffs announce the engage
ment of their daughter, Hazel Edyth,
to Mr. W. Edward Evans Of Red Oak,
la. The wedding will take place in
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Johnson an
nounce the engagement of their
daughter, Eva Ann, to Mr. Walter
James Whitaker of St. Louis, lhe
marriage will be a quiet home cere
mony on Thanksgiving day. The
young people will maketheir home in
St Louis.
Mr. and Mrs. James Ware of Blair
announce the engagement of their
daughter, Margaret, to Mr. William
Waltemath of North Platte. The
wedding will take place November 28.
After a short wedding trip the young
couple will make their home in North
Matte, Neb.
Foot Ball Prom.
Tuesday evening, November 28, the
annual foot ball prom will be given
by the University Mixers' club in
honor of the Creighton foot ball team.
The affair this year will be held at
Keep's academy and a novel deco
rating scheme will be used. The vari
ous fraternities in the university will
assist the club in the matter of dec
orating the corners of the hall. The
entire foot ball squad, led by Coaches
Mills and Howard, will be present
during the evening. Coach Mills will
led the grand march.
Campfire Girls Sale.
Girls of the Koda-Wicaca Camp
fire circle, whose leader is Miss Nell
Ryan, will give a Christmss sale at
the Young Women's Christian asso
ciation on December 7, 8 ahd 9. The
proceeds of the sale will help to de
fray camp expenses next summer and
will allow the girls to do some charit
able work at Christmas time., Fancy
work and art work will be on sale
and on the last day home cooking
ana candy, jne twelve girls of the
group have been working diligently
all fall in order to make their sale a
' On the Calendar,
The Trinity Parish Aid society will
meet Wednesdsy at 10:30 with Mrs.
. J. J. Sullivan, 328 South Twenty-sev-
cmn street.
' Mrs. Charles Bruenig will entertain
the W. W. club at 1 o'clock luncheon
at her home Wednesday. Covers will
be laid for fifteen. -.
: Invitations, have been extended to
tne younger (lancing set to attend a
novelty dancing party" in the ball
room of the Hotel Rome Friday even
i ing. . Chaperones for the occasion
' will be:
Mmwi ana Mesdamea
J. 8. Klpfal, ... w. A Smith, ,-' '(" ,
K. N. How.. ,;. , H Q. Mini. I-
H. 1. Bohlfferle, ' " i
Mrs. Milton Dodds will be hostess
I of the J. F. W. club Thursday after
noon at her, home., w,. ....
Mr. Merrill's Lectures.
Mrs, Anthony Merrill of Chicago
will begin her course of lectures on
Current Events Saturday, December
2, at the Blackstone. .There will be
only one a week, three before Christ
mas and three after, all of them on
Saturday mornings. , '
Mtti-Mack Wedding Date.
The marriage of Miss Norma Mack
of Buffalo, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Mack, and Philip Met of this
city ia set for January 17 and will be
' large church wedding in Buffalo,
followed by a reception and dance at
the twentieth Century club. Miss
Gertrude Metz, sister of the groom,
will be one of the bridal attmriant.
and C. E. Mete, his cousin, will also'J
be of the wedding party. Mr. Metal
' n win go to japan on their
wedding trip.
Informal Orpheum Party.
The Misses Adah Klopp and Edna
Bartlctt will give an informal Or
pheum party Monday afternoon for
Miss Eva Johnson, a bride of the
month. Included in the list of guests
win dc:
allaaea j
Misses .
Mildred Bennett,
Kala Haaoeoli.
Falla City, Nab.)
Ruth Hana. :
A. K. Hall,
, Hva Johnaen, r
1 Kdna Baanatt,
' OUve Ferguson.
, Qladya Goodman,
, taals Harie,
w, J. Monataan,
W. L. Wilcox,
I La Cercle d Langage. , .
f Another group of Omaha people
. interested in aiding the war sufferers
of Europe has organized La Cercle de
I Langage, The meetings are devoted
, to i the practice of French and Span-
ish and the proceeds of the mem-
i bership tee will be sent to some of
". the needy refugees abroad.
! . Rosalba Dancing Club. - '
!. An announcement of interest to
, . dancers is the reorganization of the
The word Chrysanthemum
comes from the Greek meaning
"Golden Flower" ahd is well
named, for no flowers which
adorn the year arc so handsome
and varied as these visitors of
the fall. : Our selection was
never to large, white and yel
low and pink, dozens of var
ieties and sizes. They will all
nod you a welcome when you
call whether you , take them
home or not ?
Our chrysanthemums are
hardy and fresh cut and will
brighten your table for many
days. '
John H. Bath
'tk Crful Florist"
1604 Farnam St, Omaha.
- Paona Douflai 3000.
Jfiss Har$areDow3
popular Rosalba Dancing club, which
will give its first dancing party
Thanksgiving evening at Turpin s
Dancing- academv. The officers elect
ed by, the club are: Mr. John Carna
by, president; Miss Mabel McDer
mott, vice president: Miss Alma
Monn, secretary, and Mr. T. J.
Lecliner, treasurer.
Anniversary Surprise.
Mr. and Mrs. John Schmidt were
surprised Wednesday evening at their
nome m nonor oi tncir twenty-eighth
wedding anniversary. Those invited
MtjHftra. and UeidimiR
Otto Hrucjrr. Paul Anfrrmann,
Ctrl ton Uarry, Otto ZoHlnr.
Frank Hhlvnly.
Klinor UlllUnn,
licrmMn Schmidt,
of Hprlngrield. '
Dorothj KlNtler.
Rudolph KUtl.r,
Otto Hohmldt,
Blala Koallar.
Uanrarat OMliam,
William Matt.
Kmll Schmidt,
Raymond Schmidt.
Metropolitan Concert.
Music lovers are olannins to at
tend the recital of Oscar Saegle, bari
tone, at the Metropolitan club rooms
this afternoon at 4 o'clock. Among
the well-known matrons who will at
tend are Mesdamcs Moshier Colpet-
ler, w. j. rove, u v. Lroloot, H. ri.
Fish, H. G. Kranr and Ralph Peters.
Gallery Talk at Exhibit.
,Dr. James I'arton Haney of New
York, who Kives two lectures for the
Omaha Society of Fine Arts this
week, has consented to give a gallery
talk Thursday morning at 10 o'clock.
in vumictiion wun me rine Arts ex
hibit "of contemporary paintings and
sculpture. ! 'The i talk will be ooen to
the public for a small admission fee.'
Friday Night Dancing Club.
The Friday Night Dancing club
gave their regular weekly party Fri
day evening at Druid hall with over
sixty-five coudIcs oresent. The nov.
elty feature of the evening was a spe
cial "promenade one step," invented
by Mr. Fred Levine, but not as yet
adopted by the National Association
of Dancing Instructors.
1 he club s next party will be given
Friday evening at Druid hall and will
be a "hard times party." with the
members who recently backed the G.
O. P. ticket as guests of honor.
Ukelele Party.
Miss Luella Allen cave a ukelele
party in her studios Saturday after
noon for the younger set. The girls
all brought their ukeletes and a pro
gram of Hawaiian music was given.
miss Alien was assisted by Miss
Marian Kuhn and Miss ' Gertrude
Mete. The list included:
MMuaa Mlaaaa
Oprothr Balbach, Dorothy Juriaon,
Malan Arkina. Marl. Navlll..
Joaophloa William. Dorothy AdktM.
Mildred liooadaa, Dorothy Wilcox,
laattl Smith, Catlurlaa Gardner.
Church Club's Party. '
The Baracas and Philatheas of
Hanscom Park church entertained at
a harvest home party in the church
panors l nursuay evening, lhe deco
rations of cornstalks and chrysanthe
mums made a fitting setting for the
unique Puritan costumes. The eve-
. SoS
5,1 ,. p
l A' J
v -
ning was spent at games and stunts
Those present were:
Messrs. arm Mendami
Rohh Klmrnel
. c. Sholeii
I.ydla Zahn
Kreda Brrcky
Olive Bratn
Krnma El In worth
OwrtnifJ'; KJIaworlh
Ol'tinti P'akn
Illa ftf nbrrjr
Kltawtwlh KriHfl
WMrRtifTlte Scott
JfRtinttP Wilaion
MatraTart Ne!non
Afma Falrrhiid
Cecil Ward
Ry Red
Ted Wlllard
O. M. Kxniey
Howard Tremaln
Will 1 1. (thrum
f. M. Brown
Florence A fur
Mtna Antl.sdt'l
Hrln Bf Ht
Matrtha lloniflhif
enroling HomlluB
Rnth ParirldRo
MtTtrudfr Pfniffor
Klfttnor KtaJlard
Hfln fiton
Florenf Thompnon
Mary Virtue
VAdIkh Virtue
MHrarft Wyerman
Kuih WlnRard
Fy Chile
H, A. Oooilrnan
8. A. Harrln
M, A. lMTium
Hpurreon Irlaun
Gnorgo Rnthfry
W. H. WrKrhtfton
fJiralt lrw
Harry Nelaon
Card Party.
The members of St. James' Or
phanage Sewing c)uh will give a card
party for the hcneiit of the orphans
at St. Mary Magdalene's hall, Nine
teenth and Dodge streets, Tuesday
evening, November 28. at 8 o'clock.
Twenty pries will be offered.
Don't Worry Club.
Mrs. Louis lid en entertained the
members of the Don't Worry club at
her home Thursday afternoon. Mrs.
Jack Davis was a guest of the club.
The next meeting will be held with
Mrs. F. A. Meyers, December 14. The
club members are:
Bert tfller,
K. A. Meyer,
(Edward Ketttll,
Jne Bauer.
C. H. RulTtntrton,
h. B. M enlace r,
Meadames -John
Harry Johneon.
F. U Barber.
Lioula Kden,
Rimer Joneti.
Ralpb CLeary.
Franco-Belgian Relief Bridge.
Plans for the bridge party to be
given Saturday, December 2, at the
Blackstone for the fund with which to
buy supplies for the work of the Franco-Belgian
society, are coming along
nicely and many beautiful prizes have
already been donated. The tickets
will be ready for sale within a day or
In the two weeks since the opening
of their down town work room, the
rranco-Belgian society has accom
plished a snlendid amount nf wnrki
Mrs. O. C. Redick, who has charge of
the packing and sending of the sup
plies made by the society, has several
thousand compresses and 500 band
ages awaiting shipment to New York,
whence they will be forwarded
abroad. 1
Language Clubs Meet.
The language clubs of the Univer
sity of Omaha met last Friday and
Saturday evenings. The French so
ciety met at the home of Miss Alice
Hogg. Everything connected with
the party was carried out in French
style. The invitations, programs and
greetings were given in French. Noth
ing but French was spoken during the
whole evening and French games
were played. Miss Hogg's idea in
promoting such gatherings is to make
the study of French more popular
and interesting.
, The German club, which is spon
sored by Dr. Seibcrt, met at the home
of its president, Miss Fern Gilbert.
Everything connected with the party
was done in German style. After
greetings were, exchanged a German
game, "Ringlem Ringlein Du Muss
Wandlein," was played. A short busi
ness meeting was followed by German
songs and German refreshments.
Euterpean Dancing Club.
The Euterpean Subscription Danc
ing club gave an informal dancing,
party at the Hanscom park pavillion
Friday evening. ' Thirty-five guests
were present. , .
Past Festivities.
Miss Grace Berg, entertained at
luncheon Wednesday at the Henshaw
hotel in honor of Miss Lois Moon,
who leaves the end of this month to
spend the winter in California. - Cov
ers were laid for!
Mlaaaa Miaaen "
Lota Moon, Rlala PJerrou, ' '
Bthat Foyle.
Oraoa Bart.
Mrs. W. S. Cleaver and Mrs. M.
Schmitt gave a reception for the De
gree of Honor lodges of Omaha, the
South Side and Benson Tuesday aft
ernoon at the home of Mrs. Schmitt.
Decorations were m pink. Mr. Lvnn
Sackett, accompanied by Miss Edith
Tegtmeyer, sang. Mrs. Frances Bie
gelmeier presided at the punch bowl.
Young people of the Church of the
Good Shepherd gave a delightful
dancing party at Jacob's Memorial
hall Thursday evening. It was the
beginning of a series of dancing par
ties to be given during the season.
Bloomer girls of the iouth Side
Riverview bloomer team were enter
tained at i party Friday evening at
the home of Miss Hazel Hagan by
their instructor, Mr. George Frieze.
In the refreshments a base ball
scheme was carried out. Two trirls
of the Fontenelle bloomer team were
Doubly Attractive
Natural hair isilwavgattric-
jtivo but it becomes doubly so
r when it is abundant and well
cared for.
Besides being" a source of the ffreatest
a...:... i t
i. amsiimouess sua personal cuarm, nice)
clean hair is a badge of distinction. It
Vindicates habits of cleanliness and the
intelligent use ot mat best Known scalp
ituuiiuyiamc neworoa ncrpiciQO.
stops itching prevents falling hair.
Giaaniittaal y THE HTRPKlDf COMPANY,
iMtroM, Mien.
SM cents far trial tiie bottfc
AppDcatioiw at the better barker stwt.
iii'r ten rr
2Gisferian "Matters
pnesent, Miss Lillian Laux and Miss
Hattie Iverson.
Among the Visitors.
Mr. and Mrs. Elias Vail leave for
Poughkeepsie, N. Y., their future
home, today or Monday.
Miss Gurley of Washington, D. C,
arrive last week to spend the winter
with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. W. F.
Mrs. Charles Shiverick, who has
been visiting her sons in the cast for
some months, is expected back by to
day and will'be with her daughter,
Mrs. Floyd M. Smith.
Notes at Random.
Mrs. T. J. Roffers leaves todav for
New York to visit her sister, Mrs.
Latey, until Christmas.
Mrs. E. W. Nash is expected home
about the first of December.
Dean Hart of the cathedral in Den
ver spent Sunday in Omaha or his
day to New York. Dean Hart
preached Sunday morning at Trinity
cathedral and was entertained at din
ner by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barker
at the Blackstone.
Miss Emily Keller went to Mar
shalltown, la., Monday to visit Mr.
and Mrs. Dwight Denmead. .
Harry McCormick left Tuesday for
his ranch, to be gone a week or ten
Wedding Guests Leave.
Julian Thompson of Barnesvillftl
Minn., who came tor the- Caldwell
Vinsonhaler wedding, remained over
for the Connell dance, leaving Friday.
Mrs. U. J. Hill, sister of Mrs. Dun
cam Vinsonhaler,. returns to Kansas
City Monday.
Miss Mildred Butler, .the gueat of
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Webster, returns
Monday to Kansas City. Her moth
er, Mrs. J. H. Butler, who was ex
pected to come for the wedding of
miss vinsonnaier; was unaoie to
come on account of a severe cold.
Affairs of Past Week.
Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. W.
F. Baxter entertained informally for
Mrs. w. u. tsancker ot Indianapolis,
formerly of Omaha, who is the guest
of Judge and Mrs. McHueh.
Wednesday evening at the home of
Mrs. A. L. Reed five or six couples
were entertained following a dinner
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
C. Johnson. This little club includes
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs.
Keed, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barker,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kountze, Mr.
and Mrs. ). Deforest Richards, Mrs.
F. A. Nash, Ben Warren and C. W.
Personal Mention.
Rev. and Mrs. E. A. Russell of Ord,
Neb., have come to spend the winter
with their daughter, Mrs. W. B. How
ard, and Mr. Howard.
Dr. and Mrs. M. I. Gordon returned
Saturday morning from Excelsior
Springs, Mo.
Frank B. Johnson, who has been at
the Wise hospital for several weeks,
will be taken home todav.
Mrs. Mary B. Reed has leased her
House tor six months to Mr. and
Mrs. A. D. Bowen, and is at present
stopping with her daughter, Mrs.
rranx a. jonnson, and Mr. Johnson
( v
Mi I 111
until her departure for a winter in
the south.
John M. Fries of Philadelphia, who
came for the funeral of Mrs. Man
derson, is stopping at the Blackstone.
Wedding Cards:
Cards were received here last week
from Mr. Duncan Douglas of Albany
announcing the marriage of his sister,
Miss Martha Root Douglas, to
Charles Houston Wilson of New
York on Saturday, November 11, at
the Cathedral of All Saints, Albany.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson will be at home
after December 15 at 48 Central
Park South in New York.
Mr. Wilson was for manv Years a
resident of Omaha, but has made
New York his home for the last
twelve or fifteen years.
Wedding Announced.
Rudolph R. Menning and Adealia
E. Wendell were married at the
Dietz Methodist parsonage Friday.
Rev. C. N. Dawson officiated.
Social Gossip.
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Merriam left
Thursday for two months in Cali
fornia. They sent their car ahead and
exncqt to tour much of the time.
Mrs. - Barton Millard has returned
frorrf a six weeks' trip, part of the
time with Mr. and Mrs. Will Millard
and Ray Millard touring south to Hot
springs, Va., and Honda.
J. T. Stewart 2d, who is east on
business, attended the Yale-Princeton
game yesteraay.
Mrs. C. K. Martin, mother of
William E. Martin, who is at the
mcuiuuisi nospuai, win ue auic iu
return home next week.
J. H. Millard, with his daughter,
Miss Jessie Millard, and grandson,
Willard Millard, who have been en
joying a two months trip to Japan
and China, are due to land today
at Vancouver, B. C, on the Em
press of Russia, and will reach Oma"
ha within the week.
Charles, Fred and Arthur Metz
went to their ranch at Cody, Neb.,
on a hunting trip last week.
Philip Metz left Wednesday for
the east to attend the Yale-Harvard
foot ball game and to spend Thanks
giving in Buffalo with his fiancee,
Miss Norma Mack. He will also
remain east for the debut of Miss
Harriet Mack, which takes place
early in December.
W .A. rraser is east and south on
a business trip and is not expected
home until just betore thanksgiv
Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Haller will
leave for the east in a few days to
visit at her old home in Peru, Ind.
Mrs. Haller will remain with a friend
until she makes a trip to the Pacific
coast by way bf New Orleans, return
ing to Omaha in June.
Mrs. W. S. Curtis and her sister,
Miss May Wallace, are in Benson for
the winter, the latter .having taken
an apartment at 109 Gainsborough
Mrs. C. J. Greene is at the Farra-
gut apartments in Washington.
Mrs. A. J. Love spent last week in
St. Louis with her son, James, who
is at the Principia school there. She
is expected home Monday. ,
Social Items
Miss Evelyn Myer of Milford,
Neb., was the guest of her sister,
Miss Viola J. Myer, the forepart of
the week.
Orval Green spent Sunday at Her
man, Neb., visiting friends and rela
tives. Mrs. J. H. Price, who has been vis
iting her brother and family at Bran
son, la., is expected home the first of
the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wyman Woodyard
are rejoicing over the arrival of a
seven-pound daughter at their home
Sunday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Tucker and
family of Mississippi are visiting Mr.
Tucker's father and mother, Mayor
Crochet this pretty
yoke for your girl
chum. Instructions
free. Read below.
I v-u' especially dainty I
The Christmas Gift that is roost valued is the one into which
you have put your, own skill the one that shows the work of
your own bands. Kloster crochet cottons have a lasting luster.
The yokes and other pretty things you crochet with Kloster will
wear long and retain their daintiness after many laundering.
"White (hat ttays white-colon that last"
Free instructions for this yoke uhtdl
and 24 other latest Xmas designs hTwiii giTouFREE
our hutruction folder No. JJ illuttriting the yoke shown above and 24
other yokes and edgings 3t our latest folder No. 421 illustrating 25 pretty
designs for Xmas gifts. If your dealer cannot supply you with these fold
ers send us his name and for each of the folders enclose Ui'ce 2c tumps.
The Thread Mills Company
219 W. Adams St, Chicago, 111.
hrfsl Clffar If you are nimble to obtain Kloster from your dealer,
vpvtrlUf 7JJV1. wriMtonsdireel.enclOMna30cforthriefull-ied trtat
nulla of Kloster Contannat or Perle-cld Uc poauff-. and set tbc two latest
Polders, to.&iaud4Jl.
and Mrs. Tucker, for about ten davs
Lieutenant and Mrs. Armstrong of
Manila, V. 1., have sailed for the
United States on an extended leave
of absence. Whue in this country
tney will visit Mayor and Mrs. r.
Tucker, parents of Mrs. Armstrong.
Mrs. a. B. Letovsv and daughter
Helen, and Miss Julia Krisl were en
tertained at dinner Sunday by Mrs. A.
Kezac in umaha.
Mrs. T. C. Webster will entertain
the Ladies' Aid society of the Metho
dist church at her home on Thursday
There were numerous dinner par
ties at the dinner served by the
Ladies' Aid society of the Presby
terian church on Thursday evening,
The largest, one of twenty guests by
! Irving Allison of employes of the
rirsr. national Dank, nineteen guests
enjoyed the dinner with Miss Dollie
Morgan. Besides these large parties
there were numerous smaller ones.
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Taylor of
Crawford, Neb., have arrived to
spend the winter in Florence.
Thanksgiving day will be celebra
ted in Florence this year by a union
service of the three churches at the
Presbyterian church. The services will
be at 10 a. m. with Rev. T. C. Web
ster of the Methodist church conduct
ing the services.
William Sorric of Careywood,
Idaho, arrived in Florence Friday to
be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Dibble for a few days.
lhe Royal Neighbors of America
! camp- entertained delightfully at a
i dancing party at its hall on Thursday
evening at which over fifty couples
I were present. It was a masquerade
The Independent Order of Odd Fel-
lows Social club entertained at its
hall on Saturday evening at which
the principal features were dancing
ana progressive cards. Later m the
evening refreshments were served.
Society Notes
Miss Katherine Corey was at home
from Peru Normal school during the
teachers' convention.
Mrs. Charles O'Neil Rich has re
turned from a visit of a few weeks
in Frankfort and Lexington, Ky.
T. L. Combs is in St. Louis and
Cleveland on business.
The Ladies' Aid society of the Dun
dee Presbyterian church met Friday
with Mrs. Harry Foster.
Miss Mercedes Caughlin enter
tained at bridge last Saturday for
Miss Rose Demphy of Duluth.
Mrs. George Brandeis returned
from the east the first of the week,
after a week or two at home, she will
return to New York.
Mrs. D. L. Johnston's Bible class
met Thursday morning with Mrs. F.
W. Carmichael. It meets this week
with Mrs. W. S. Curtis.
The foundation 'for a new apartment
house is being dug at the corner of
Forty-ninth andt California streets. It
will consist of eight private houses of
six rooms each, some of which have
been rented in advance.
Miss Grace Harte, who is at the
Sargent school, Cambridge, Mass.,
has been chosen from 300 freshmen
to be the member of the . board of
student government. She has also
been named proctor.
Miss Mildred Todd entertained at
her home Wednesday and Thursday
afternoons for her guest, Miss Marian
Mathers of Greenville, Pa.
Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Stokes have' re
AJR for and Gn
36 Aft- Krdft Book Frrt
Mssr iwcmow Moon m ahcma
Isn't this
akesyour handiwork
'.specially dainty
turned from a trip to Hot Springs,
Mrs. Paul lohnson was a suest for
a day last week of Mr. and Mrs. D. L.
Johnson on her return to Indiana,
from a visit to her mother, who has
k..- Ml I l A T , -
uvvu in in urana isiana.
Officers elected Tuesday evening at
the first regular meeting of the Dun
dee community center were: Ray J.
Abbott, president; J. A. Linderkolm,
vice president, and H. L. Martin, sec-fe'afy-
There will be another meet
ing Friday evening.
A number of bachelors of Happy
Hollow club have organized a sub
scription dancing club for the winter
season, the dances to be held every
other Tuesday evening at the Dundee
Mrs. Oscir Hillis left Friday for
Chicago to visit her son, Mr. Warren
Hillis, 'whose engagement to Miss
Adelaide Scott of that city has been
Mrs. H. S. Culber of Milwaukee
was the guest the last week of Mrs.
H. A. Browne.
The Missionerv societv of the Dun
dee Presbyterian church will meet
next Friday with Mrs. Fred Elliott
"Love Never Dies," Today's
Subject at the New Star
Franklin Farnam and Ruth Stone-
house are co-stars today at the New
Star theater in a Bluebird feature,
"Love Never Dies." With this is
comedy. Monday the first episode o
.......... B nuifc gvkinv aiiu m
.... w.. . ,iuu, iiumi la gJlCBCULCU
and Tuesday the feature is "Saint,
Devil and Woman." Manager Jack
son says he has booked some excep
tionally good pictures for the entire
I h l.lrl Imm I. .., . - " : n . - .1
Ruth Roland in Pathe
Feature at the Omaha
Ruth Roland will be at the Omaha
theater today in a Pathe feature,
"The Matrimonial Martyr." With this
will be a cartoon cotnedy. Monday
"After Dark," with Alec Francis in
the steller role, and "Braver Than
the Bravest." Tuesday Marguerite
Slach is presented in "Little Lady
Eileen." A Burton Holmes Trav
elogue accompanies tnis. Wednesday
Zoe Rae, the child actress, comes in
"Gloriana," a play written for her.
"The Woman in the Case" Is
Feature of the Boulevard
Pauline Frederick will be present
ed today at the Boulevard theater
in a Paramount feature, 'The Woman
in the Case." In addition, a Burton
Holmes will be shown. Monday
Richard Buhler in a Vitagraph fea
ture, "Love's Toll." Tuesday, "For
a Woman s rair Name, starrin
Robert Edeson. Wednesday, Mar
gurite Clark in "Little Lady Eileen."
IndifeaMon Bad Breath, Boor Stomach.
If you suffer any of theao take a doae of
Or. King's New Life Pills tonight. Only 25c
All druggists. Advertisement.
Brodegaard Bros.
Cut Price Sale of
Starts Monday.
26-Piece Caroline Pattern in Ma
hogany Chost 6 knives, 6 Table
spoons, 6 Forks, 6 Teaspoons, 1
Butterknife, 1 Sugar SheH. Price
this week, t1 1
only P1 1 e O
Rogers & Bros. Set of Knives and
Forks. Price this 1C
week :. . . JOalO
Six Hollow Handle Knives and
Forks Wm. Rogers & Son's beau
tiful Hampden Pattern. Price
this week, dy
only P a I O
Six Teaspoons, Wm. Rogers &
Son's beautiful Hampden Pattern.
Price this week, d O g
only 41 ea&O
Six Dessert Spoons Wm. Rogers
Son's Beautiful Hampden Pat
tern. Price this week, J0 Of"
only aPa&aeniO
Six Tablespoons Wm. Rogers &
Son's Beautiful Hampden Pattern.
Price this week, yc
only Pt4.0
Carving Set Caroline Pattern, 3
piece set. Price this 1 y ff
week, V I aOU
Come early, select your silver
ware at this cut price sale for
Thanksgiving and Christinas, as
stock is limited. Mail orders
promptly attended to.
At the Sign of the Crown.
Up the Golden Stairs.
This institution is the only one
in the central west with separate
buildings situated in their own
ample grounds, yet entirely dis
tinct, and rendering it possible to
classify cases. The one building
being fitted for and devoted to the
treatment of non-contagious and
non-mental diseases, no others be
ing admitted; the other Rest Cot
tage being designed for and de
voted to the exclusive treatment
of select mental cases requiring
for a time watchful care and spe
cial nursing.