Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 12, Image 12

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    Tlfe OMAEA SlifNDAY BEE: NOVEMBER 19, 1916.
12 A
Women Are v
Doing in the World
"After Prohibition What?" is the
subject of a program arranged by
Mrs. Draper Smith for the political
and social science department. Omaha
Woman's club, on Monday. The subject-will
be discussed from several
angles. Elmer E. Thomas will speak
on "The 1916 Victory and Outlook
lor National Prohibition"; Matthew
A. Hall on "The Enforcement" and
George T. Morton, "A Social Substi
tute." Reports from standing com
mittees will be given during the busi
ness session.
. Scenes from Shakespeare's "Othel
lo," "As You Like It," and Portia's
mercy speech in "The Merchant of
Venice" will be given by the oratory
department Tuesday morning at 10
o'clock in the Metropolitan club
The Bible lesson of the current
topics department Tuesday afternoon
will be on "The Sins of David and
His Repentance." The special current
topics subject for discussion will be
"Nitrate Fields in South America,"
which offer great opportunities for.
Following this meeting, at 4 o'clock
will be the gathering of the philoso
phy and ethics department. Mrs. J.
F. Burgess will review the book
"Timidity and How to Overcome It,"
by the Japanese author, Yoritmo
Tashi. Department members visited
""' the telephone company Friday after
noon, where the efficiency efforts of
the company were explained.
Thursday morning at 10 o'clock the
art department meets to study Italian
art. Mrs. J. B. Adams, leader of the
program, will talk on Ghirlandjo and
i'erugino, the first great master of
the Umbrian school. Mrs. G. C.
Bonner will have Sandro Botticelli
as her subject.
The music department meeting,
which regularly comes Thursday
afternoon, will be postponed until
Monday morning, November 27, at
' 10 o'clock, at which time Thomas J.
Kelly will give a lecture on some mu
sical topic. Mr. Kelly is an Omahan
who is winning much favor for his
' splendid work with the Civic Music
association in Chicago, conducting
immense choruses at the municipal
pier there.
. : The Thanksgiving sunshine box,
generally filled by members of the
home economics department, with the
assistance of Mrs. C. H. Towhsend,
will he omitted this year because of
the illness of the Sunshine club's
president. v
Benson Woman's Christian Tem
perance union will meet at the home
$f Mrs. E. C. Fuller Friday. This
will be a mothers' meeting to which
clothing for the needy will be brought
for distribution, ,
' Benson Woman's club will have a
guest day Thursday at the dub rooms
in the city hall tor an address on
"Sex Hygiene" by Dr. Mattie Li Ar
thur. The address will be .followed
by a "question box," led by Mrs. J.
W. Welch.
The B. L. S. club of Benson held a
cardparty Thursday at the home of
Mrs? R. C Wilson. The. prize win
ners were Mesdanies ' Amos Henely,
William Morrisy of Benson and Mrs.
John Browning. ;
i "David ' Penstephen," by Richard
Price, will be studied by the Dundee
Woman's club, under the leadership
of Mrs. J. F. Ferguson, Wednesday
afternoon, at the home of Mrs. J. W.
Marshell. Mrs. W. T. Johnson and
Miss Olive Ferguson will assist in
.presenting the subject Mrs. Joe Roth
will give current events.
Educational Issues will be discussed
by the Clio Study club members this
atternoon at the home of Miss Lillian
Cherniss in Council Bluffs. Miss
Marie Gordon will talk on "Kinder
garten Ideal in Education;". Miss
Dorothea Abraham, "Playground
Movement," and Miss Fannie Gro-
dinsky on Vocational Guidance.
A Thanksgiving program will be
, arranged by Mrs. J. D. Ringer for
Chapter M of the P. E. O. sister
hood when it meets Saturday with
Mrs. C. W. Sears and Miss Jessie
auti as nostesses.
, Miss Jessie Towne will interpret
the text of Shakespeare's "King
Lear" for Mu Sigma club members,
Wednesday morning at 9: JO o'clock,
at the home of Mrs. George Platner,
iii South .hirty-sixth street. Mrs.
George Damon, leader of the pro
gram, win oe assisted Dy Mrs. L. H.
Balliet and Mrs. H. D. Neelv. Each
member is privileged to bring a guest
io inis meeting. '
, Thanksgiving stories will be told
by Wyche Story Tellers' league
members Thursday at the public li
brary. Miss Edna Durland, the leader,
Will be assisted by Miss Margaret
Delpsch and Miss Georgia Cline,
Miss Jessie Towne, dean of girls at
Central High school, will talk on
"Vocational Guidance" Thursday eve
ning at 8:30 o'clock for Mckinley
auxiliary members of the B'nai B'rith.
Miss Kate A. McHugh will lead a
discussion of Pinero's "The Second
Mrs. Tanquerray" for Drama league
members Tuesday at 4 o'clock at the
public library.
Better moving picture films for
children will be discussed under the
leadership of Mrs. George E. Mickel.
Wednesday at a meeting of the Moth
ers' Culture club, following a I o'clock
luncheon at the home of .Mrs. J. C.
Buffington. Mrs. J. O: Detweiler will
. talk on the Home Progress child
study. Mrs. J. E. Carnal assists the
hostess. " .
The Society of American Widows
holds its weekly meetingTriday eve-
Ding at : at AJ6 Crounse building,
opposite postoffice. ,
At the annual meeting of the Com
mittee Women's council, an organi
zation which dates from the "Billy"
Sunday sermons in Omaha, the fol
lowing office were elected: Mrs.
David Cole, president; Mrs. M. H.
Blackwell, vice president; Mrs. F. W.
(armichael, secretary; Mrs. Flora
Hoffman, chairman lunch committee;
1 Mrs. Jerome Ap'plequist, treasurer
, lunch committee, and Mrs. G. W.
Welch, chairman reception commit
tee. There have been 12,000 individ
ual luncheons served by thirty-four
different churches of the city, togeth
er witlv the serving by the committee
women themselves. The average at
tendance has been 250 throughout
file "ear. Mrs. David Cole gave a
complete report of the council last
Tuesday when election of officers was
The Business Women a council will
be held Tuesday in the court house.
Rev. Charles E. Cobbey of the First
Christian church will be the speaker.
Ladies of St. Andrew's Episcopal
church will serve luncheon.
The Business Women's club will
present James Edward Carnal and
his pupils in selection from Felix
Mendelsshon's oratorio, FJijah,
Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock in the
Young Women's Christian association
auditorium. The students taking part
are Forest Dennis,' Miss Myrtle
Wyatt, Miss Dacy Borton, Howard
Steberg. Miss Louise Bratton, Arthur
Schwentker, J. S. Mercer, Miss Jeanne
Lee and Miss Georgtna Davis. Miss
Nora Neal is the accompanist.
Fifteen chapters of "The Last of
the Mohicans will be studied by the
West Omaha Mothers' Culture club,
Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Edward Peterson, 3910 Chicago
street. Roll call response will be quo
tations from the author, James Feni
more Cooper.
Three sectional meetings of the
Association of Collegiate Alumnae
will be held this week. The music
section will give a program on Verdi
under the leadership of Miss Hempel,
Monday at 4 o clock at the home ot
Miss Henrickson.
Miss Edith Fisher entertains the
story tellers' section Wednesday at 4
o'clock. Mrs. Vincent Hascall will
tell an American story; Mrs. W. H.
Abbott, an English, and Miss Helen
Thomas, a selected story.
Tchekov s A Marriage Proposal
will be given by the drama section,
Saturday morning at 10:45 o'clock at
the home of Miss Juliet Griffin. Mrs.
Gunner Nasburg has charge ot the
Father Livingston of Creighton un
iversity will talk on California Mis
sions, Sunday at i:M o clock to Re
search club members at St Berch
man's academy. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Kees and Mr. Clinton Miller will give
musical numbers.
Sunshine club of George A. Custer
Woman's Relief corps will be enter
tained by Mrs. J. M. Funk, 2443 North
Forty-fifth avenue, Tuesday after
noon, -
A Thanksgiving program has been
arranged by Mrs. B. L. Wonder for
the North Side circle of the Child
Conservation league when it meets
Friday at the home of Mrs. C. H.
Savidge, 3801 North Twenty-third
street. Members will bring fruit or
jellies to be contributed to local in
stitutions. Mrs. M. N, Woodward will enter
tain the Dorcas club at her home.
2565 Manderson street, 'Friday at 2
o'clock, when members come to sew
for charity.
Tennyson chapter of the Chatltau-
qua circle, will meet Monday after
noon witm MM. w. A, George, 1322
Park avenue. Roll call response will
be items about Montenegro. Mrs. C.
u.tox (MdiAtne lesson on Oermany
Between Two Wars" and Mrs. W.
Boyd Smith on German literature.
Miller Park Mothers' circle held a
business meeting at the school Wed
nesday afternoom Because of the
crowded condition of the school it
will be impossible for the circle to
give its annual Christmas dinner for
the teachers. The program of the
afternoon included remarks by Mrs.
Charles Thiem; a reading by Mrs. J.
W. Evans and music by Miss Minnie
Olver, the new music director of the
school, and Mrs, Walter G. Springer.
The next social meeting of the club
will be held at the home of one of the
members December 6.
Chapter E of the P. E. O. sister
hood will meet i hursday at 1 o clock
with Mrs. Harry Binder. Mrs. Nels
Lpdike wijl assist the hostess.
' The regular meeting of the Omaha
Woman's Christian Temperance
union will be held at 2 o'clock Wed
nesday afternoon at the Young Men's
Christian association. Friday, Omaha
union will celebrate its-fortieth anni
versary by a reception and banquet at
1 o'clock at the Hanscom Park
Methodist church. This is the oldest
union in Omaha. Mrs. James McClair
is taking reservations until Thursday.
Frances Willard Woman's Christian
Temperance union will meet Wednes
day at 2:30 in the assembly room of
the Young Woman's Christian asso
ciation. The Rev. C. . Cobbey of
the First Christian church will speak
on "After the Amendment What?"
Miss Ruth Goerue and Miss Rr
Cummins, accompanied by Miss Jes
sie waison, win sing.
The North Side Woman's Christian
temperance union will meet Wed
nesday afternoon at the home of Mrs.
G. W. Tiffey, 3608 North Thirty-first
avenue. Mrs. Gus Miller will be id
charge of the program.
The Woman's auxiliary to Episco
churches of Omaha, South Side and
Florence will hold its monthly meet
ing Friday at 2:30 o'clock at St. Bar
nabas church.
The annual "donation day" for the
Old People's home will be observed
Wednesday at the home, 2214 Wirt
street. The board of directors will
be there all day to receive dona
tions of fruit, vegetables, canned
goods and other necessities. Because
of the high price of .foodstuffs the
directorate is more than ever depend
ant on donations received at this time.
Bags have been distributed . to be
filled with foodstuffs and sent to the
Old Peoples home. Tea will be
served Wednesday by Mrs. Isaac
Douglas and a corps of girl assist
The nurses will give their annual
bazar at the Nurses Central club,
2420 Harney street, December 7 and
8. Christmas articles will be on sale
and tea and coffee will be 'served
" ' Y. W. C. A. Notes.
HIM Ada Starkweather, city Held serre.
tary, will talk on "The ltrh on thn In
alde" at th. veapar aarvU-e thta afternoon
at 4 o'clock. Special Intereat attachca to
thta aervlce, aa It la the concludlns one In
lh week or world a fellowship.
Free Blblo claaaea bea!n thla week.
ardlesa of membership. A courae In Gene,
ala'beslna Tueaday at f o'clock. A abort
courae In whtt-h the a-ibject haa not yet
ueen cnoaen opena inuratiay at a:30 o clock.
The Busy Bees
UDsON I'RLhMAN, national
great deal of information on scoutery in Omaha last week. He told
the aims of scoutery, requirements for organizing, what it expected
from its members and what members gain in return. Scout law de
mands so many "fine characteristics from its followers that Busy fires,
too, will be interested in knowing what they are, I am sure, possibly
to compare them with their own virtues or shortcomings. Here is the
Scout Law:
A Scout Is Trustworthy A Scout's
honor is to be trusted. If he were to
violate his honor by telling a lie, or
by cheating, or by not doing exactly
a given task, when trusted on his
honor, he may be directed to hand
over his Scout badge.
A Scout Is Loyal He is loyal to all
to whom loyalty is due; his Scout
leader, his .tonic and parents and
country. y
A Scout Is Helpful He must be
prepared at any time to save life, help
injured persons, and share the home
duties. He must do at least one good
turn to somebody every day.
A Scout Is Friendly He is a friend
to all and a brother to every other
A Scout Is Courteous He is polite
to all, especially to women, children,
old people and the weak and helpless.
Me must not take pay lor being help
ful or courteous. '
A Scout Is Kind He is a friend to
animals. He will not kill nor hurt
any living creature needlessly, but
will strive to save and protect all
harmless inc.
A Scout Is Obedient He obeys his
parents, scout master, patrol leader,
There is still another week. Busv
for the special prize book will be considered.
Wilhelmina Auchllllltv of the Blue Side wins the orizc book this week.
Wilhelmina is only 10 years old, but
school. Honorable mention was won
Bridget Pawloski of the Blue Side.
'Little Stories
(Prize Story.)
Why Willows Droop.
By Wilhelmina Auchmuty, Aged 10
years, tola sown ininy-nrsi
Street, Omaha, Blue Side.
Lonor ano there lived a princess
named Elizabeth, supposed to be the
most beautiful person among mortals.
It was said that the princess could
not be seen outside the castle walls
because she was so beautiful.
Every morning the little princess
would take her toys out and play
under a big willow tree in the yard.
A time came when the little princ
ess did not come out and play any
more. The willow grew very sad be
cause it was lonesome for the little
Une day tne winow irec ncaru a
man say, its too oaa, out snc win
not live till morning."
The next morning the willow tree
saw two men coming out oi tne cas
tle with a big box. Following came
the king and queen and all the king s
wise men. They were all weeping.
The -willow asked Hymadryad, the
tree nymph, if he might weep too.
Hymadryad said ne mignr weep too.
So ever after the willows are known
''weeping willows.
i '
(Honorable MenfiotJ,),,
: ' i-'A Trip to Elba. " - ' -'
By Bridget Pawloski, Age 9, Farwell,
Neb,, Blue Side.
One day in summer we thought we
would go and visit around, so we
packed our clothes, then started out.
We passed Warsaw and St. Paul.
Then we had to cross a river. '
Papa said: "Shall I drive into the
rtverr but this made us scared and
we were about crying. 1 hen we went
on until we reached Elba, in the eve
ning. We played I while and then
went to bed. On Sunday we nau a
good time. We caught- chickens,
geese, ducks, cats, dogs and put them
into a pen and played we had a cir
cus, and the fowls and animals were
for wild animals. We swung on a
swing for a while and then played
school, and when we were tired of
that played store and house. After
a while we had a nice ride on a cart.
which large, black dog was pulling.
About dark we started faW home. We
were very frightened then, for we
thought papa was going to drive into
the river. When we got home we un
dressed and went to bed with tited,
lazv heads.
This is the first time I have writ
ten to this paper. I am on the Blue
side. I will close, with best regards
to all the Busy Bees, so, goodbye.
' , (Honorable Mention.)
Auto Trip to Iowa. x '
By Virginia Wiles, Aged 10 Years,
Weeping Water, Neb. Red Side.
Four weeks ago we went to Tabor.
Ia.. about fifty miles from here, in
our automobile. We had a very fine
trip there. When we got to flatts
mouth we staved there about half an
hour. Then we drove down to the
Missouri river where we got on the
ferry and crossed over to the other
side. The boat went very slowly till
we got out in the middle ot tne river,
wnere tne current was swuter. tnen
we went inore slowly again as we
neared the landing on flie opposite
side. The ferry is large enough to
hold two cars and it really seems per
fectly safe. After, crossing the river
we started on our trip that took us
throueh Pacific Junction and Ulcn
wood and finally to TaBor. We were
verv haonv to see our .friends at
Tabor and were sorry that rain began
to fall and we had to start Home
sooner than we had planned. Our
trip home was not quite as pleasant,
as the road had become very muddy
for automobile traveling. I think we
shall go again sometime. I hope to
see my story in print.
Peaches and Mickey.
By Lucile Burke, Aged 12 Years, Far
well, Neb. Blue Side.
I Mickey was a little boy. His
mother died. One day he found a
little girl named Peaches are in a safe
M ickey and Peaches are in a safe
home now. He asked her what her
name was. She was about 10 years
old, and she was lame. Mickey sold
papers. He called that girl's name
r'Lily." Then Mickey took Lily to
a farm owned by Mrs. Harding.- My
teacher's name is Miss Lingford. She
is through with that story now.
Hallowe'en Party.
By Dagmar Olsen, Age 12 Years,
Weeping Water, Neb., Blue Side.
A few of us girls had a Hallow
e'en party. We dressed up as witches
and ghosts. (1 "Vas dressed as a.
witch.) We went outdoors and
bobbed apples. It took me a long
boy scout organizer,' disseminated a
and all other duly constituted author-
A Scout Is Cheerful He smiles
whenever he can. His obedience to
orders is prompt and cheery. He
never shirks nor grumbles at hard
ships. A Scout Is Thrifty He does not
wantonly destroy property. He
works faithfully, wastes nothing, and
makes the best use of his opportun
ities. He saves his money so'that he
may pay his own way, be generous
to those in need, and ' helpful to
worthy objects. He may work for
pay. but must not receive tips for
courtesies or good tu.ns.
, A Scout Is Brave He has the
courage to face danger in spite of
fear and has to stand up for the right
against the coaxings of friends or the
jeers or- threats of enemies, and de
feat does not down him.
A Scout Is Clean He keeps clean
in body and thought, stands for clean
speech, clean sport, alean habits and
travels with a clean crowd.
A Scout Is Reverent He is rever
ent toward God. He is faithful in his
religious duties and respects the con-
viction of others in matters of custom
and religion.
Bees, in which Thankscivinir stories
she is in the Sixth grade at Windsor
by Virginia Wiles of the Red Side and
by. Little Folk:
time to get one, Then we had to
walk down the cellar backwards. It
was as dark as night down there, and
told ghost stories.
We had our pictures taken and then
went through an old, old house that
some people . believed was haunted
by a woman and that her bones were
buried there some place.
we went to the house and refresh
ments were served. We then went
home, declaring the time had gone
altogether too fast.
Unfortunate Accident.
By Ethel Kimble, Aged 13 Years, Box
80, Lreighton, Neb. Blue Side.
About three years ago I was stand
ing near the stove. I went to iumo
down and I caught the bottom of my
aress on tne teakettle, which was iull
of boiling water. It fell on my leg,
scalding it so bad that I began rub-
Ding it. ui course, tne skin was
rubbed off, making it hurt .all the
worse. Mamma and papa hurried and
took my shoe and stocking off before
they stuck to my leg. Then mamma
put some soda on my lea: so that it
Wouldn't burn so badly: I had a sore
leg tar a long time, and I had to stay
out of school for a whole month. This
is a true story and it is the first one
Nuxated Iron toj M New Age ot
Beautiful Women and Vigorous Iron Men
Say Physicians Quickly Puts Roses Into The Cheeks of Women and Most Astonishing Youth
rttw York, N. Y. Sine th remarkable
diiooverr of organic Iron, Nuxated Iron, or
"Far Nuiat," aa tha French call it. hat
taken the country V etonn. It it conaerv
atively itlraated that over five million per
oni daily are taking it in thie country alone.
Hoit aitoniahlnff reiulta are reported from
ita nae by both phyeician and laymen. So
.much to that doctora predict that we ahall
aoon nave a new age oi iar more dwuuiui,
rosy -cheeked women and vigorous iron men.
Dr. King, a New York physician and au
thor, when Interviewed on the subject, said:
"There can be no vigorous Iron men Without
iron. Pallor means anemia. Anemia means
Iron deficiency. The skin of anemic men
and women is pale. The flesh flabby. The
muscles lack tone; the brain fags and the
memory fails and often they become weak
nervous, irritable, despondent and melan
choly. When the iron goes from the blood
of women, the roses go from their cheeks.
"In the most common foods of America,
the starches, sugars, table syrups, candies,
polished rice, white bread, soda crackers,
biscuits, macaroni, spagtptti. tapioca, sago,
farina, degermtna'ted commeal, no longer ia
iron to be found., Refining processes have
removed the iron of Mother Earth from these
impoverished foods and silly methods of
home cookery, by throwing down the waste
pipe the water in which our vegetables are
cooked, are responsioie lor inomer grave
Iron loss. .
"Therefore, if you wish to preserve your
youthful vim and vigor to. a ripe old age,
you must supply the iron defciency In your
food by using some form of organic iron,
just as you would use salt when your food
has not enough salt."
Dr. Sauer, who has studied abroad in great
European medical institutions, said: "As I
have said a hundred times over, organic
iron is the greatest of all strength build erf.
If people would only throw away patent med
icines and nauseous concoctions and take
simple nuxated iron. I am convinced that the
lives of thousands of persons might be saved
who now die every year from pneumonia,
grippe, consumption, kidney, liver, heart
trouble, etc. The real and true cause which
started their disease was nothing more nor
less than a weakened condition' brought on
by a lack of iron in the blood.
"Not long ago a man came tO me Who
waa nearly half a century old and asked me
tA .iv. htm
II. U.iiMino , 1 tavsksi aatftnlntiMl to And him
n .t bm iminirT curaimiiOD iur
with the blood pressure of a boy twenty and
aa full of vigor, vim and vitality as a young
man; In fact, a young man he really was,
notwithstanding his age. The secret, he said,
was taking Iron Nuxated Iron had filled him
with renewed life. At thirty he was in
bad health: at forty-sixth he was care
worn and nearly all in. Now at Arty a
miracle of vitality and his face beaming with
the buoyancy of youth. Iron is absolutely
necessary to enable your blood to change
food into living tissue. Without it. no mat
ter how much or what you eat, your food
merely passes through you without doing
you any good. You don't get the strength
out of it. and as a consequence you become
weak, pale and aickly looking, just like a
plant trying to grow in a aoil deficient In
iron. If you are not strong or well, you owe
it to yourself to make the following test:
JTildred Jack
that I ever wrote. I hope it will be
My folks do not take The Omaha
Bee, but one of my neighbors does,
and I sometimes read the stories in
the paper. I thought I would write a
story. I hope it isn't against the rules,
because I would like to have my story
Four Little Rabbits.
By Marguerite Geiser, Aged 11 Years,
Columbus, Neb. Red Side.
Once upon a time there were four
little rabbits. Their names were Cot
tontail, Mopsy, Flopsy and their
mother. Their mother said they should
go and pick berries and not go in Mr.
Macreger's garden. Cottontail was a
naughty little rabbit. He went in Mr.
Macreger's garden first. He ate some
lettuce, then parsley and radishes.
Then Mr. Macreger saw the little rab
bit, but could not catch him. He got
caught in a gooseberry bush and his
coat got caught and he could not get
it, so he let it go. He went home and
his mother gave him some bitter tea
and sent him to bed. His mother said
he should take care or he would get
put in a pie like his father.
Has No More Pets.
By Mildred Rolad, Aged 13 Years,
Ainsworth, Neb.
My birthday is on November 17,
and I am in the seventh grade. I went
to a country school for the first time
this term. I live on a ranch, eleven
miles from Ainsworth, Neb. This is
my first letter to the Busy Bees.
We do not have any pets now. We
did have a dog, who was a great rat
dog. When we pointed to the
ground and said "rats" he. would be
gin to dig and smell the ground. We
have had many, dogs, but none of
Power Into the Veins of Men
Endurance of Delicate, Nervous,
Cent in Two
, . .
bow Jon you I-Vt
- - . .
ated iron three times per day after meals for
two weeks. Then test your strength again
and see how much you have gained. 1 have
seen dosens of nervous, run-down people
who were ailing all the while double their
strength and endurance and entirely rid
themselves of all symptoms of dyspepsia,
liver and other troubles in from ten to
fourteen days' time simply by taking iron
i -v - A .A tVil. tkav
had in some cases been doctoring for months
without obtaining any benefit. But don't
take the old forms of reduced iron, iron ace
tote, or tincture of ire simply to save a few
cents. The1 iron demanded by Mother Nature
for the red coloring matter in the blood of
her children is, alas I not that kind of iron.
You must take iron in a form that can be
easily absorbed and assimilated to do you
any good, It may prove worse than
!w , 1'J'JI " .Vat-"-. ...!V - ,-" ,' V. "- .!' .IS' 31
Their Qwn Page
How to Name the States
How many Busy Bees know the
order in which the thirteen original
states were settled? Judson P. Free
man of Chicago, representing the
Boy Scouts of America, is here for a
few weeks, working with the Rotary
club in the interests of the Scout
movement. At Castelar school com
munitycenter the other evening he
asked the audience the question and
then he told the following little story,
which he said would serve as a mem
ory jogger when trying td answer the
question about the thirteen -states:
"A young lady by the name of Vir
ginia went to visit friends at New
York, where she bought a new jersey.
The following morning she went to
tlicm was such a good rat dog as
that one.
I will close now. hoping to hear
from sonic of the Busy Bees;
Rescued From Indians.
By Francics Tomjack. Aged 11 years.
Ewing.'Ncb.. K. R. No. 2.'
Red Side.
Harry was a little boy. One day
he had an adventure. He was out
playing, when all at once he heard
a great noise. He looked up and saw
a great bunch of Indians at the vil
lage about half a mile away. Smoke
was coming up from every house and
the people running for their lives.
He thought the Indians were burning
the village so he ran as fast as his
little -legs could carr him to tile
next village 'to his uncle's house and
told him the Indians were comingl
His uncle tried to hold him, but he
ran on to all the houses and warned
the people of the Indians.
In about half an hour the Indians
did come, but they didn't find any
body there that they could take cap
tive. Instead they found a great
troop of soldiers, who drove them
back with such great slaughter that
they never came again.
The next morning as little Harry
was eating breakfast a package
came to him. He opened it with
trembling fingers and on opening it
he found a beautiful gold medal for
his brave deed (or such a little boy.
Harry wore the medal ail the time.
Everybody praised him for saving
their lives. The rich people even
gave him money and other presents.
Many shed tears over him and called
him their brave little hero.
Hallowe'en Party.
Leona Walter, Aged 11 Years.
Wahoo, Neb.
Blue Side.
It is quite late to be telling about
Hallowe'en, ,but as I have nothing
else to write just now I will tell you
what a good time I had at a party.
It was given by four girls. The
home where it was given was deco
rated with many things, such as bats,
cats, witches and pumpkins. The cats
and pumpkins were of all sizes from
small, ones to tall1 ones. The first
room we went into was the room
where they received guests. The
It Often Increases the Strength
"Run-Down" Folks 200 Per
Weeks' Time.
i ' u.nV on fhUt and nriztfiirhter
has won the day simply because he knew
. . m k .-j .n.u
the secret of great strength and endurance
and filled his blood with iron before he went
into the affray, while many another haatgone
down in inglorious defeat simply for the
lack of iron."
Dr. Schuyler C. Jacques, another New
York physician, said: "I have never before
given out any medical information or ad
vice for publication, as I ordinarily do not
believe in it. But in the case of Nuxated
Iron I feel I would be remiss in my duty not
, to mention it, I have taken
. given it to my patients with
nave taken it myseu ana
most surpris
ing ana sailSiacwjry mint,. nnu mr
who wish quickly to increane their strength,
power and endurance will find it a most re
markable and wonderfully effective rem
edy." MOTE Nuxated Iron, which is prescribed
and recommended above by physicians in
such a great variety of cases, is not a pat-
mass. After mass she went to the
butcher shop to buy a new ham. She
was not satisfied with the looks of it,
so she had the butcher cut it in two.
The ham being all right, she had the
butcher connect the cuts. She handed
the ham to Mary, the maid. That af
ternoon she went for a walk and
came to an island along the road;
passing on she saw a beautiful dell;
then, deciding to take the car, she
went north to the car line, and dis
covered it was the wrong direction
so she returned to the south car line.
When she got off the car she found
little George waiting for her. In his
anxiety to meet her he dropped his
pen on the grourM. She handed the
pen to him and went on the way."
next room was where we played
games and next was the fortune tell
ing room.
We told lots of ghost stories.
There were peanuts hidden in every
room and so we had a peanut chase.
One of the boys won the prize, which
was a big cat's head filled with candy.
Next we had the peanut race. Only
three could race, those that were go
ing to race took a knife and carried
peanuts on them to the other end of
the room. The one who could carry
the most in five times got a prize,
the same as the ofher prize.
I was dressed like a ghost and so
were many others. There was only
two witches. If would take too long
to tell all the fun we had. 1 will
answer all letters received. This is
a true story.
Election at School.
By Lucile Boryzch, Aged 12 Years,
Farwell. Neb. Blue Side.
We were playing that we were to
elect on election day, too. In our
room we all elected Wilson except
Anna Olsen, who elected Hughes. The
dry amendment vote was 2o and the
wet amendment was 18.
We had some fun. I voted for Wil
son. I thinks he is a nice man. Wc"
take Current Events, that is why I
know a little about him. I hope he
will be elected.
Likes Prize Book.
By Rosalia Hertz, Aged 12 Years, 2536
South Seventh Street, Omaha.
Red Side.
About a week ago I received my
prize book, "Angel Unawares." It is
one of the best books 1 ever read and
I want to thank you over and over
again for it. If any of the other Busy
Bees do not know what they want to
read, I would advise them to read this
book, for I am sure they would en
joy it.
Long Auto Trip.
By Edythe Somers. Aged 8 Years.
Blue Side,' Omaha.
I would like to join the Busy Bees.
This fall we took a trip in an auto.
We were about 100 miles from the
Texas state line. We had a fine
time. .Tell all the Busy Bees that
I would be glad to have them write
to me. I will answer them all.
! ent nirdlftn nor aotrot remxilr Knt n.
j which is well known to druggists and whose
... :i i v..
iron constituents are widely prescribed by
eminent physicians both in Europe and
America. Unlike the older inorganic iron
products it is easily assimilated, does not
injure the teeth, make them black, nor upset
the stomach, on the contrary, it is a most
potent remedy In nearly all forma of indi
gestion as well as for nervous, run-down con
ditions. The manufacturers have such great
confidence in nuxated iron that they offer
to forfeit $100.00 to any charitable institu
tion if they cannot take any man or woman
under CO who lacks iron and increase their
strength 200 per cent or over in four
weeks' time, provided they have no serious
organic trouble. They also offer to refund
your money if it does not at least double
your strength and endurance in ten days'
time. It is dispensed in this city by Sher
man A McConnell Drug Stores and all good
druggists. Advertisement