Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 10, Image 10

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FACTURERS Chief of Bureau
of Foreign and Domestic com
merce spaalu here this week.
Room Advertisers
Exclusive Attention to Affairs
Talk Legislation and Mak
Plans for the National Con-
vention in September.
Chancellor Day and Prank Cof
fey Will Also Address Ne
braska Manufacturers.
Concerning Themselves Only
Will Be Guiding Policy.
10 A
The Omaha Real Estate board is
going to attend to its own business
after this.
That is, by a report of the execu
tive committee adopted at the last
meeting, Jhe general policy was es
tablished of discussing real estate
matters alone in the meetings hence
forth, and leaving other public ques
tions to be handled by the organiza
tions, boards and commissioners espe
cially organized for that purpose.
The report was submitted by Harry
A. Tukey, Edward R. Benson and
Harry A. Wolf, The report went into
considerable detail and provoked not
a little heated discussion. There was
some talk of gag rule, and of an at
tempt to shut off all debate on any
question of such subjects as electric
light ordinances, and gas franchises,
but the report carried just the same.
Alternative Mentioned.
W. T. Graham wanted to leave the
matter in the hands of the members
as to whether they wanted to discuss
a given subject at a time when it
should come up. VI am willing to
trust in the good judgment of these
members," he said, "as to whether we
should discuss a subject or not."
"Jt is merely a matter of establish
ing a general policy ," insisted Tukey,
"not that we arc bound absolutely by
Charles Grimmc! wanted to know
what subjects discussed in the past
or likely to be discussed in the fu
ture were especially obnoxious to the
committee. "I'd like to have the
committeemen us what it is getting
E. R. Benson said he had been stay
ing away from real estate meetings
for a long time because they did not
discuss things of interest or profit to
him, and because he could put in his
time more profitably in the office at
that hour.
Reason for Absence.
C. C. Georae declared this open dis
cussion was bringing to the surface
the reasons why many nad been stay
ing away, and that it ought to be
taken as a lesson to the board to get
down to business in the future and
discuss real estate matters. He de
clared himself in favor of the report.
So, with some variations, revisions,
amendments and modifications, it was
finally adopted. The principal points
are as follows:
The committee believes that the board Is
organised primarily (or the consideration of
real estate questions, and that for some
yea re pant It hea unconsciously grown Into
a nog live rather than a constructive body.
A great many Questions are brought up
for discussion outside of the real estate
business and questions In fact that should
be considered by the other civic bodies of
the city, of which Individually most of us
are members, and we believe this board
should not take Imme on anything foreign
to the real estate business and that the
other questions should be taken up by the
memberi of the civic bodies that are formed
primarily lo consider general question
" ' Watrh ttM lAWt.' '
Legislative Work The committee recom
mends that the president appoint a commit
tee to watch new bills Introduced Into the
the bureau which Issue the bills, and that
all bills Introduced affecting real estate
buslneae be reported on by thla committee,
and further that this committee should re
port the need of whatever new laws, If any.
' are required to advance the welfare of the
real estate business. -; -
- Taxation The tax fcommittee should be
appointed to study tax questions In general
and thla committee should report at fre
quent intervals to the board regarding gen-
eral questions of taxation and principles
thereof far the education of the members.
The baste value, however, of taxation la a
quadrennial assessment of property which
has just been made and before the next
Sour years come around the board should
be In such position that they can materially
a nalst the assessor In obtaining a fair n4
equitable valuation af rami estate. ,
, City Planning The city planning prob
lem hi at preseat In the hands of a com
petent planning board, whoae chairman Is
one ef our members, and we believe the In
terests of the city will be well taken care
f and that the chairman of the planning
boaroV should report te the real estate board
at frequent Intervals the progress of the
work. . ''-..
Get Mew Industries.
New Industries This ta a question which
the Commercial elub is making a very live
Issue and another on of sur members Is
chairman of this committee. We believe he
should call Upon this board for active as
sistance, for it Is far abetter to co-operate
with on active committee like this than to
attempt Independent work. We would es
pecially like a report from him as to the
housing question for working men. We be
lieve It la possible to secure trackage at very
reasonable prices In Omaha and that there
Is a large amount of same te be had,
Street Htgne This is one ef the minor
and Inexpensive questions, but in alt a very
Important one, as It will be one of the first
steps t enable the visitor to know Omaha,
and we recommend that a committee be
appointed to eee the city commissioners
asking that steps be Immediately taken to
xnara all street coiners. . - r
Better Appraisements.
Appraisements We appreciate the amount
of good work that the recent appraisement
eemmlttee has accomplished, but we feel
that It Is a very small percentage of what
ehettld be done by our real estate board.
Far some reason there has not been sent lo
tills committee the Important values which
should have been. This Is probably due
lo the fact that the board Itself has not
gained the full confidence of the clttsens
and property owners which It should. We
believe a committee should be appointed
which would be competent to give any and
all appraisements asked of it and that the
xistence of such committee be advertised
at frequent Intervals and that the indi
vidual members refer te this committee all
the Inquiries tor such appraisements, with
the exception of those which eome from
their own clients who desire the personal
opinion ef the member te whom thejr ap
ply. In this connectlen the board Itself should
have frequent appraisements made at the
open meetings for the education of Its
In e toeing the committee, wishes to say
that It would Ilka le have the cooperation
af every member of the board and that
each member take It upon himself te work
out some detail ef the real estate business
which would be Instructive to the other
members and when called upon by the pres..
Meat for his views to freely imsart same.
w believe that should any ons class of
nasiaees lag tnat turn member Interested
la that particular line should not feel that
It 1 the thing to keep quiet about, hut
should frankly take It before the exchange
and have an open discussion en same for
the benefit of alt There Is much thla
oara nas accomplished l the past, but wi
believe the things directly connected with
, the real estate bstans. such ss cemmls
' si on and what seemed the small question
of changing advertising oa the rental prop
i tmr ana ine nse nave oone weiL tiu board
should be conducted atone the line ef a
. school for ourselves and especially for the
younger mn who are continually coming
Into the business, m order that they may
have the full benefit of the knowledge of
in e-raer mem sera.
The memberahlD of the boaxtl itMlf atuuii
be displayed more prominently and made of
mere value, investors should undntnii
that If they deal with any one member of
- in reai estate ooara iftey are absolutely nro.
tected from trickery of any kind and that
any disputes they may hav with an agent
win do laaea up witn the board and set.
tied to the satisfaction of mil miuwrnM
We recommend that the board spend consid
erable money la advertising Its membership
A movement is on foot to secure
the reduction of the fire insurance
premiums on buildings owned or man
aged by members of the national as
sociation and local associations of
Building Owners and Managers. This
was brought out by Mr. Loomis at
the last meeting of the Building Own
ers and Managers of Omaha at the
Commercial club rooms. On Novem
ber 24 a special meeting of the Omaha
association is to be held to consider
the advisability of the Omaha asso
ciation contributing toward the ex
pense of such a campaign.
In the general discussion of apart
ment house problems that followed at
the last meeting, Ernest Sweet advo
cated a law compelling builders to
provide enough land for apartment
houses to insure plenty of light, air,
grass and trees.
Co-Operative Plan.
The possibility of clubbing together
and buying supplies on a co-operative
plan was also discussed as one means
of overcoming the constantly increas
ing cost of merchandise entiring into
the management and service yf apart
ment houses. No definite action was
taken on this matter. Some wanted
to seek an apartment house law that
would permit managers to hold furni
ture for back rent, and others wanted
to start a movement to gain for apart
ment house owners and managers the
privilege of buying plumbing supplies
at wholesale prices. This latter met
general approval.
the several committees to have
charge of the local end of the na
tional convention when it comes to
Omaha in September, 1917, are:
Arrangements 1'aul W. Kuhns,
chairman,, Howard G. Loomis, Ed O.
Hamilton, Charles JJ. Armstrong,
George T. Morton.
finance Ernest Sweet, chairman;
R. C. Strehlow, F. H. Myers.
Entertainment Hugh Wallace.
chairman; L. C. Sholes, F. T. B Mar
tin, Irving' Sorenson.
Automobiles William R. McFar
land, chairman; C. D. Glover, A. T.
Elmer, Clay Thomai, George T. Por
ter, A. M. Gebelt, Harry Wolf.
Registration R. O. Babcock, chair
man; A. C. Kennedy, A. A. Reming
ton, A. B. Mason,
Publicity Edwin S. Jewell, chair
man; John Crawford, L. R. Wilson, A.
A. Allwine.
Reception-B. H. Hastings, chair
man; H. W, Potter, E. M. Slattr, L.
Pettmgill, W..G. Spain, F. D. Wead.
John-W. Robbins, W. T. Graham,
hred Mengedoht, J. N. Hunter, John
F. Miles, W. B. Drake, Richard
New Apartments Are
' Rented Just as Soon
; . As They Are Built
Hastings & Heyden report that
their building operations for the year
are about finished, having built the
Berkeley, the Milton, the Idalia and
sevral other apartment houses during
tne year ot luio. 1 hey report that
almost all of the apartments were
rented before the buildings were com
pleted. '
"The Melrose," at Thirty-third and
California streets, has thirteen apart
ments, consisting of seven three
room apartments and six four-room
apartments. This is an "L" shaped
building on a corner lot.
lhe Idalta," which is the most ex
pensive building they constructed
during th year, is more highly fin
ished. There are twelve apartments
besides janitor's quarters;
"lthe Milton," with twenty apart
ments, is located at .Nineteenth ave
nue and Jones streets and will be
ready December 1. All apartments
are now rented with the exception of
five. ' ,
"The Berkeley" was completed in
the middle of the summer and is en
tirely rented, consisting' of thirteen
apartments and located at the north
east corner of Nirrteenth avenue and
Jones street.
Build Costly Homes
In Lockwood Plat
" The asphalt paving for Lockwood
addition was completed this week.
This property was platted late last
spring and has developed into a high
ly improved addition.
The property lies adjacent to the
Dundee district on the high ridge to
the south between Howard and Leav
enworth streets, between Fifty-first
and Fifty-third avenues.
The ground was laid out with wjde
streets and large lots, none less than
fifty feet frontage, and many of them
seventy-five to 150 feet
The improvements have been in
stalled with an idea of permanency
and consist of a complete sewer sys
tem, a complete water system, gas
mains, wide permanent sidewalks,
combination curb and gutter, and a
three-layer heavy asphalt paving and
underground ngnt conduits, fc-lectro-lier
lamp posts, similar to the adjoin
ing Dundee district,' have been in
stalled over the entire property. Wide
panting spaces ana private recreation
narks have been provided.
According to Shuler & Cary, the
agents for the property, about two
thirds of the building sites have either
been sold or reserved up to this date,
and a number of homes are "being
piannea costing irom aiu.uuif to $lo,
uuu. une nome costing $iu,uuu is
now under construction.
Pigs and Answith
In Eoad Dilemma
M. J. Answith of Denver was the
victim ol -peculiar accident on the
Dodge street road a few miles from
Omaha. A pig crossed the road in
front of his car and, to avoid hitting
it, he ran the machine into the side
of a bank. He was thrown from his
seat to the road. The car was not
damaged, and Mr, Answith got only
slight bruises.
7 I
State Convention of Co-Operative
Grain and Live Stock
Association to Be Held.
The fourteenth annual convention
of the Nebraska Farmers' Co-opera
tive Oram and Live stock state as
sociation will meet at the Hotel Rome
November 21, 11 and 23. There will
likely be not less than 700 in attend
The convention will be addressed
by Henry T. Clarke, chairman of the
Nebraska State Railway commission,
on "What the commission can do for
the grain shipper and what it can not
do," and by Prof. H, C. Filley, rep
resenting the United States Depart
ment of Agriculture and the Univer
sity of Nebraska, whose address will
deal with the services that the uni
versity and the department can ren
der to the grain grower. J. B. Swear
ingen and J. W. Holmquist of the
Omaha Grain exchange will also ad
dress the convention.
The matter of greatest interest aside
from the addresses will be the car
famine, car distribution and a prob
able embargo on the exportation of
grain. Constructive work, having for
its object the placing ot more cars
into the equipment of the railroads,
will be taken ud. The method of dis
tribution of cars in times of shortages
will also receive attention and the
state legislature will probably be
asked to perfect the present law on
this subject.
Oppose Embargo.
Anv embargo on the exportation of
train will be onoosed. it is said, be
cause durinar the present car short
age grain dealers with their, elevators
full will be unable to avoid financial
disaster that is sure to go with the! market such an embargo
will produce.
The present grain storage law will
come up for attention and recommen
dations will be made to the legisla
ture to strengthen it. The state scale
inspection law, if it can be called a
scale inspection law. will receive at
tention. J. S. Canaday of Minden is
president and I. W. Shorthill of York
is secretary of the association.
Hastings & Heyden
Make Benson Sales
Recent acreage 9ales in Benson
Gardens and West Benson made by
Hastings & Heyden are as tollows:
Ktlirar H. Palmqulst purchased two acre
tract In West Benson for $1,600. -Robert
H. Holme purchased an acM
trart In Benson Oardene tor 00.
Mary J. H. Robinson purchased lot I,
hloelc 1. Wast Benson, for K't&.
Krtward Turner purchased a half acre.
In Benson Uardenn for ibO.
Mamie Vlrtor purchaaed anxacre In west
Beneon for isso.
Herbert Frits purrhaaed lot 2S, block 6.
Went Benson, for 1200.
Oust W, Tanner purchased an acre in
Beneon Harden for $H26.
. Herman B. Ochiltree purchased an acre
tract In Beneon Uarrtena for $900.
Charlea W. Heard purchased an acre tract
In Benson Hardens for 1850.
Marjorle K. Jones purchased five acres In
Benson Heights for, $2,600.
tjeomn nt. mnuuriu purcnru an aire
tract In Benson Gardens for $sS0.
Charlea K. Harland purchased 1. $8 acres
In Benaon Oardcna for $1.4&0.
Joe Phalen purchased an acre In West
Benson for $K2I. ,
Marie Hchrneder purchased three acres In
Benson Gardens for 92.600 .
Halel Nelson Grosjean purchased an acre
and two-rooin house In Benson Gardens for
Ella J. Brown purchased three and a half
acres In Richland Acrea for $MO0.
Other recent aales made by Haatlnga A
Heyden are:
A. B. Cramer purchaaed two lots on the
boulevard In Waverly Park addition for
William H. Beeman purrhaaed lots K
and M, Roanoke addition, for $600.
rharlea W. Faulknor purchased 1$14
Amee avenue for $2,100.
Morton tihrenretch purchaaed a lot In
Waverly Park for $0.
Arthur Ih Frederick purchased a lot In
Waverly Park for $776.
Homer A. Stephenson purchased lot 14,
block I, Waverly Park, for $776.
Hjalmer Nelson purchaaed lot I, block
I, Waverly Park, for $716.
To Exhibit Gym Class
Work at Brownell Hall
Under the' direction of Miss Mary
Rosevear, head-of the department of
physical training, students of Brown
ell Hall will give an exhibition of
gymnasium class work tomorrow
evening at 8 o'clock.
- Special guests on this occasion will
include parents of the girls, former
students and alumnae, and friends
and patrons of Brownell Hall. The
exhibition will comprise display of
all the features of the gymnasium
courses at the hall.
OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS, 1208-1 Douglas Si Phone Tyler 20
A delegation of sixty-five manufac
turers from Lincoln is to arrive in
Omaha November 21 to attend the
session that day of the Nebraska
Manufacturers' association conven
tion at the Hotel Fontenelle. This
will be the opening day of the two
sessions planned for the stale "asso
ciation. Dr. Ewing E. Pratt, chief of the
bureau of foreign and domestic com
merce, is to speak that afternoon at
2 o'clock. The Lincoln delegation is
especially anxious to get here for the
opening day to hear him. He is to
speak on the development of foreign
and domestic commerce and on the
industrial condition after the war.
For the Ladies.
Ladies attending the delegates will
be registered also at the secretary's
desk at the Hotel Fontenelle where
information will be given as to the
entertainment features planned for
C. D. Marr of Fremont is president
of the association. J. W. Steinhart of
Nebraska City and Omaha is vice
president. A. C. Scott of Omaha is
treasurer, and Herbert E. Gooch of
Lincoln is secretary. ,
The meeting will open formally
about 11 o'clock November 21. After
Dr. Pratt speaks in the afternoon,
Chancellor Samuel Avery of the Uni
versity of Nebraska is to speak.
Dinner and Dance.
That evening a big dinner is to be
given at the Hotel Fontenelle, with
some special .entertainment features
following, provided jointly by the
Omaha Manufacturers' association
and the Omaha Commercial club.
W. H. Young, manager of the traf
fic bureau at Fremont, is to speak,on
the morning of the second day, giving
an analysis of the present freight rate
tangle in Nebraska. George Wright
man, secretary of the Iowa Manufac
turers' association, is then to talk on
the elimination of waste in fire in
surance rates. Frank M. Coffey of
Lincoln, deputy labor commissioner,
will then talk on the compensation
law and its needs. In the afternoon
C. B. Towle, past president of the
association is to talk on the need of
greater co-operation.
Several Building
Deals Announced
During Last Week
The last week brought forth a com
pletion of the plans for the new Ath
letic club building; saw the breaking
of ground for the new Prettiest Mile
clubhouse north of Miller park;
brought forth the announcement of
plans to build an addition to the Keen
hotel, and saw' the purchase of a
tract of ground by the Omaha Coun
try club for the enlargment and ex
tention of its clubhouse.
Fred Busch also bought a strip of
ground adjoining his present transfer
and storage plant at 1114 Douglas
street, where he intends to build an
addition to the present establishment.
One of the largest sales of the week
was that of Chauncey J. Wiltse of
Fullerton, when he sold to Alex Beck,
the Omaha contractor, the northwest
corner of Twenty-second and Doug
las street, where Mr. Beck will prob
ably fxtrld apartments. He paid $36,
000 for the ground.
Cold Today
Warm Tomorrow
Take advantage of this
changeable weather to
have your clothes cleaned.
We cart give you very
prompt service now, while
work is slack.
By having your suits,
overcoats, jackets, waists,
dresses, etc., cleaned regu-
tarly, you will get enough ,
more wear out of them to
more than pay for the
"Good Cleaners and Dyers"
1513-15-17 Jones St.,
Phone Douglas 963.
Branch Office,
2016 Faraam St.
4708 South 24th St.,
Phono South 1283.
N. B W. pay Parc.l Pott
one way on all out-of-town
Heavy Hoisting
1212FarnamSL Tel. D. 353
2218 LEAVENWORTH St., $4.50;
thn hounekw-pinir roomi. n nuitc.
Mr. C. L. Young, 2218
Leavenworth, says: "I rent my
rooms on the first or second in
sertion of my ads in The Bee "
SOUTH 2TH, 1029 Eltzant fur
nished rooms, with or without
board; atrictly modern; also gar
age. Harney 2754.
Mrs. A. C Klotz "The Bee
always rents my rooms in two
or three insertions of an ad
vertisement." COMFORTABLE, large room, suit
able for two; $5 week. 221 Doug
las St.
"Rented my rooms in one
day." Chas. Gutta, 2216
Douglas St.
EVERYTHING homelike. Private fam
ily. Modern room, $2.60. 2ZS N.
2Sd St.
J. F. Harned, 223 N. 23d.
This ad was ordered to run one
week. Rooms ,were rented in
three days.' Thanks The Bee
for good service.
1911 DAVENPORT Clean, modern
romoa; three and one-half blocks
from postofflce; reasonable.
Mrs. Crandall says she is
well pleased with the results
The Bee brings her.
S. 86TH ST., 925 Large, nicely fur
nished room, strictly modern; good
board ; in private family ; suitable
for married couple or lady. Harney
MrsLeilie, 526 S. 36th Ave.,
believes in running a good de
scriptive ad in The Bee. She
gets results, too.
lit SO. 26TH ST. Modern single
housekeeping or sleeping rooms;
free guest. Hsrney 7417.
"Rented all my rooms from
three insertions of this ad in
The Bee." Mrs. L. Wright,
110 So. 26th Ave.
' 2 WELL furnished front rooms, mod
em; private family. &6 S. 26th
Ave. Doug. 106.
Mrs. Daisy Whisman, 559 S.
26th Ave. Rented her rooms
through The Bee and is highly
pleased with The Bee service.
ATTRACTIVE room, whiU furniture;
cretonne covering, modem home,
walking distance; serve breakfast:
everything above average; good
service. Harper 18.
weii pwd with the re-
mm. The Bee brought her to
1226 DODGE Nicely furnished apart,
menu, en suite or single. Tyler
Mrs. B. A. Brown says Bee
advertising suits her fine. It
gets results and the rate is low.
Read These Figures
During the month of October, 1916,
THE BEE published
10426, More
Room To-Rent Advertisements
than in the same month of 1915
During the first ten months of this
' year THE BEE published
76 More
Room To-Rent Advertisements than In
the same months of last year
During this same ten months'
period one of the Other two
Omaha papers ; made a very
small gain and the other took
a loss in "Rooms to Rent"
Read These Stories
. of Success
On this page are a few of the
actual ads recently run in THE
BEE that enabled the people
who inserted them to rent their
vacant rooms to secure good
tenants at a cost of only ONE
Read How. You Can
Profit Too!
You people with empty rooms fill
them. Make them pay their way.
Make them give you revenue. You're
entitled to it but you've got -to get
busy and collect it. Put your ' 'Rooms
to Rent" ad in THE BEE "and you'll
GET the extra revenue your vacant
rooms ought to give.
All you have to do is call Tyler 1000
ask for Mr. Addison, he does nothing
but take care of Room Advertise-
ments. It will only cost ONE CENT
PER WORD much lessthan the other
Omaha papers charge for the same
service and you'll rent your rooms
Act NOW!
Call Tyler 1000
wauuf nm Muia mure vaiuasie.