Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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The Omaha Sunday- Bee
VOL. XL VI NO. 23.
Machine of Lewis Jacksoif Col
lides With Telephone Pole
and Thrown Against
Lemonade Vendor, Spectator
and Moving Picture
Man Dead.
Santa Monica, Cal., Nov. 18. Four
persons were killed, one a woman,
and two were injured today in the
seventh annual International Grand
Prize automobile road race. The event
was won by Johnny Aitken, driving as
relief for Howard Wilcox. Wilcox
was declared official winner and the
new average speed record of 85.55
miles an hour for the 403.208 miles of
the course will stand in Wilcox' name.
Titken's time, credited to Wilcox, was
The winners of the first, second and
third places all averaged better time
than the former Grand Prize record
of 77.22 miles, made two years ago on
the same course by-Eddie Pullen.
Those Finishing After Aitken.
Those finishing after Aitken, their
times and average speeds, were:
Looper, second, 4:4ts:5y; average,
third, 5:09:38; average,
Roads, fourth; time not announced.
Rickenbachcr, driving for Weigh
man, who withdrew, and Cole were'
nagged while running.
Lewis Jackson, a Los Angele6
driver, on his thirteenth lap swerved
into one of the palm trees lininff the
course and caused the death of him
self and three others and the injury
of two.
The dead:
HAROLD EDGERTON. Los Anrli.. ,r.
LEWIS-JACKSON, Lm Armeies, driver.
L. B. JENKINS, motion picture camera
The injured:
John Ohlanda, Los Angeles, Jackson's
J. S. Hannigan, Los Angeles, spectator.
Uproots Tree.
Jackson's car uprooted the 'ftfst
palm tree it struck, overturned a
lemonade stand, killing the woman in
charge, crushed Jenkins against a sec
ond palm tree, which was broken off
short, im$fv.xtvmvr't
third tree. In this wreckage Jackson
was crushed and his body nearly
severed. His mechanician, John Ghi
anda, was thrown out and escaped
dangerous injuries. Edgerton was
struck by flying parts of the wrecked
car. He and Jenkins died an 'hour
after they were taken to a hospital.
Hannigan also was struck by parts
of the wrecked machine. He and
Ghianda will recover.
West Point Pioneer
Dies at Scottsbluff
West Point, Neb., Nov. 18. (Spe
cial.) Jeremiah D. Romig, one of the
oldest and pest-known citizens of
West Point, died at Scottsbluff last
( night, at the age of 68. He was visit
ing at the home of his daughter Mrs
Howard High, and died after a short
illness. Mr. Romig wasva city coun
cilman from the Second ward. He
came to West Point in 1870. He
leaves a widow, two sons and four
daughters; also a brother and two sis
ters at West Point. He was for twenty-six
years custodian of the public
schools here and was a man of high
character. Funeral services will be
held Monday under Masonic auspices.
Mr. Romig was prominent in the
ranks of the Sons of Veterans.
Requisition Issued
For Return of Ristas
fFrom a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Nov. 18. (Special.)
Governor Morehead today issued a
requisition on the governor of Illinois,
asking for the return to Douglas
county of a man giving his name as
Dusan Ristas, who recently prevailed
upon Eli Migel of Omaha to loan
him $2,500 so he could purchase a car
of mules, take them to Chicago and
sell them.v After the sale, he would
return to Omaha and pay back the
noney Dorrowed,
Mr. Migel has never seen the man
.since and he wants his money and
has been informedX that Ristas is
jjnaer arrest in ( hi.
The Weather
For Nenraka Fair; not much ch..., i
Temperature afr Omaha Yesterday.
a. m.
1 . ITl.
1 a. m.
1 p. in .
2 p. m. .
3 p. m. .
A p. m. .
a p. m .
p. ra . .
7 p. m . .
Comparative liocal Record.
1916. 1915. 1914. 1913.
Highest yesterday ... 68 41 38 ' 63
loweat yeHterday .... 31 .16 8 Sfi
Mpan temperature ..44 38 2a 60
rreclpUatfon .00 .00 T T
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal:
Normal temperature 38
Kxcenn for the day g
Total fxceBB since March 1 266
Normal precipitation .03 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1. ... 16.93 inr hen
Ieftienry since March 1 ... J ... 12.13 Inches
Iteilflency lor cor. period, 1.32 Inch
Deficiency for cor. period. 1914.. 3.66 Inches
T Indicates trace or precipitation.
L. A. WELSH, Meteorologist.
Nebraska Newspaper Organi
zation Will Charge Hon
orary Members More.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln. Nov. 18 (Snnia!
Members of the Nebraska Press ta
sociation meeting here today to fin
ish up the business part of the meet
ing adjourned from last summer,
when a trip was taken to the north
western part of the state, began their
session at the Commercial club to
day and at noon were given a lunch
by the club. The program consisted
of a' paper by Anna A". Hunt of the
Ponca Advocate, which in her ab
sence was read by E. R. Purccll.
Another paper on "Different Kinds
of Advertising," by C. H. Kuhl of
the Leigh World, was read by Ross
Hammond in the absence of the
"Are Nebraska Newspapers Meet
ing Their Opportunities," was the
subject of an address by W. R. Wat
son of Omaha, which was followed by
an address by G. L. Caswell, did sec
retary of the Iowa Press association.
Lieutenant Governor-elect Edgar
Howard introduced a resolution en
dorsing a school of journalism at the
state university.
New Plan Adopted.
After a red hat discussion this aft
ernoon, members of the Press asso
ciation were able to adopt a reorgani
zation scheme, which in the future
will provide for a paid secretary and
increase the dues to active members
to an amount to be set by the execu
tive board, which will be from $5
to $10.
The membership fee will be $1 Snd
honorary members $5, to which will
be added $2 for social features.
Active members must be editors,
proprietors or business managers of
papers and honorary membership
goes to reporters and other small
fry, who are not classed as legiti
mate newspapermen.
Hardin Veterans
Boom Farrington
For Commander
Iowa City, la., Nov. 18. (Special.)
The Hardin Couty Veteran associa
tion is boosting James L. Farring
ton of this city for the office of com
mander of the Department of Iowa,
Grand Army of the Republic. Far
rington is well known in many parts
of the state through his prominence
in the Iowa Implement Dealers' as
sentation. He is a membefTafMTie"
Charles Payne post, of this city and
has been active in Grand Army circles
of the city, county and state for many
years. He was a private for three
years in the civil war, enlisting in
1862 in Company B of the 126th Ili
nois infantry. He has been promi
nent in civic affairs here for many
years and is wel qualified for the
office to which his comrades are urg-'
ing his election.
German Women Work
In All Lines of Trade
Correspondence of The Associated Press. )
Berlin, Nov. 10. According to the
official municipal insurance bureaus,
the number of women now employed
industrially has advanced to 47.5 per
cent of all workers, as against 20.6
?er cent a little over thirty years ago.
t rose from 24.5 per cent, in 1907,
an average year, to 36.3, in 1914; to
42.2. in 1915, and to 47.5, in 1916.
Whereas the number of women
now at work almost exactly equals
the number of men, in some indus
tries female help far outweighs nu
merically male help. This is especi
ally the case in the textile and the
paper industries, though the excess
of women employed seems in no
manner to have lessened the number
of women who are now offering their
Governor-Elect Neville
Calls Upon Morehead
(Prom a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Nov. 18. (Special.) Governor-elect
Neville called at the state
house and paid his compliments to
Governor Morehead.
Lincoln Steffens to Lecture
On Mexico for Press Club
Noted Magazine Writer and
Newspaper Man Will Nar
rate His Personal
Lincoln Steffens, noted journalist,
who has spent the greater part of
two years in Mexico, wintering at
Vera Cruz and at Mexico City, is
to lecture under the auspices of the
Omaha Press club at the Young
Men's Christian association audita
rium Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock.
He is to talk on Mexico in terms
of the United States. He has heard
both sides of the controversy in Mex
ico and the American side alio. "Such
understanding as I had of our con
dition at home," says Mr. Steffens,
"gave me the key to Mexico, before
and during the revolution there." Mr.
Steffens, it is said, does not try to
impose his views on Mexico upon
anybody. He tells a plain story
the story of the clumsy, violent,
often corrupt, hut fundamentally earn
est attempt of the Mexican people
to solve their problem, which is at
the bottom our problem, the problem
of social living.
Mr. Steffens will speak Thursday
noon before the Commercial club at
a public affairs luncheon.
Preside i.ers
,u n
, m to TaKe
Against Entente.
Report That Provisions of Act
to Be Put Into Effect
Now Untrue.
I Washington. Nov. 18. Retaliatory
I legislation to give tire president dis
cretionary powers to act against any
trade restrictions by foreign govern
ments is under consideration, Secrc-
! tary Lansing said today, but is not on
the point of being put into effect.
Reports of that nature, the secre
tary branded as absolutely untrue and
calculated to embarrass the depart
ment. Decision rests entirely with
President Wilson himself, Mr. Lan
sing said, and reports from all other
sources are entirely unauthorized.
The secretary added there was no in
dication of any immediate change.
Former Chief of
Sioux City Police
Granted New Trial
Sioux City, la., Nov. 18. George
Peierce, formerly chief of police of
Sioux City, was granted a new trial
by the supreme court of Iowa yester
day. v. '
I eierce was convicted about two
years ago in the district court . of
WoodburyVounty on the charge of
soliciting bribes from vice resorts for
The opinion, handed down by Judge
Salinger, gives' as the chief reason for
reversal the introduction of improper
evidence into the record; The de
cision holds that the defense should
have been permitted to show the real
character of certain witnesses who
testified against Peierce.
Peierce is now a resident of Omaha.
Children Burned to
Death Near Kosalie
Rosalie. Neb
Not. 18, (Special.)
The two children of Mr. and Mrs,
.of Mr.
'Leo Evans,-ageu 2" and 4-yafr, er
burned to death with the Evans'
home, seven miles east of Rosalie,
on Thursday evening. Mr. Evans is
employed by Letser Gustin, 'and they
lived in a house on, the Gustin farm,
and within a short distance of the
Gustin home place, and at about 5
o'clock ' while Mrs. Evans was pre
paring the evening meal, she left the
rtvo children to run over to 'Mr3.
Gustin's for sortie milk. The Jiome
caught fire during her absence of a
few minutes, and had progressed to
such an extent that it was impossible
to gain admitance to the building, and
the two little Evans tots were con
sumed in the fire. The baby was
burned to a crip and the other-one
was dead.
No Action on
Taken by Laundrymen
Fremont. Neb., Nov. 18. (Special.)
Fifty Nebraska laundrymen who
met here for the semi-annual conven
tion of the Nebraska Laundry Own
ers' association adjourned following a
short business session this morning.
The next' meeting will be held in April
at Omaha. No action looking toward
an increase in the prices laundrymen
will charge was taken, although the
high cost of materials used by laun
drymen was discussed.
Harry A. Jacobberger of Omaha is
president and E. C. Evans of Lincoln
is secretary-treasurer.
A banquet and ball was held Friday
evening. William M. roeftler of the
American Laundry Manufacturing as
sociation was toastmaster.
Reports showed that 85 per cent of !
the laundrymen of Nebraska are mem-
bcrs of the association and that fifty-
two of the seventy-two plants in the
state were represented at the meeting.
Lincoln Stef&xts
paPMaBarA .l ta. fri l . r " rtr fir . inui O I I f I ItWJl II im' jW 111
vmM w mmm mm
Divisions Made for Administra
tion of New Federal Grain
Standards Act.
Washington, Nov. 18. Piyision of
the country iiito thirty-two districts
fori -administration of the federal
gralin-standards act, which becomes
effective December 1, was announced
today by the Department of Agri
culture. Headquarters of the districts
will Tie established in the following
cities: Omaha, Oklahoma City, Den
ver, Portland (Ore.), Bostonr New
York, Buffalo, Philadelphia, Pitts
burgh, Baltimore, Jacksonville (Fla.)
Atlanta. Nashville. Louisville. Cin
cinnati, Indianapolis, Toledo, Cleve
land, Detroit, Milwaukee, Uuluth,
Minneapolis, Lineage feona (ill.;,
St. Louis, Cairo (111.), Kansas City
(Mo.), Memphis, New Orleans, Oal
veston, Fort Worth and Wichita.
The departments announcement
said that after the scheme of dis
tricts. as announced, had been tried
out it might be found necessary to
make slight alterations in boundary
lines tor the convenience ot the grain
Socialists to Hold .
Big Convention in
London This Winter
(Correspondence of The Associated Preen.)
The Hague, Netherlands, Nov. 1.
As many as fourteen different nation
al sections are being jnvited to take
part in the socialist conference of
entente countries, which is being or-
iranized bv the Socialist Interna
tionale of this city, namely, Britian,
r ranee, Italy, rortugal, Canada, Au
stralia and New Zealand. The dele
gates of the entente socialists arc
to meet in London, probably in
January next, the conference having
been called on the initiative of the
party- in F'rance. More significance
naturally attaches to the decisions
which may be arrived at than was the
case with the less influential confer
ence of neutral socialists held at
The Hague some months since.
The program, as published here,
aims at establishing common action
with a view to directing the policy
of their respective countries in the
direction of non-annexation, the guar
anteeing of the' rights of the nations
by international institutions, and the
exclusion from all economic treaties
of everything that would contain the
germs ot tresh conflicts. It will be
recalled that while the international
socialist bureau is still in touch with
the parties of the central empires as
well as of the entente countries, it
has not yet succeeded in its ultimate
object of bringing all socialist par
ties together again on a common
agreed policy in regard to the war.
It is doubtless hoped that the coming
London conference will bring the
desired goal nearer.
Farm Hand Loses Car in
Fire in Employer's Barn
Fremont, Neb., Nov. 18. (Special.)
Seven head of horses, a new Chal
mers automobile belonging to a firm
hand, a quantity of grain and hay and
several sets of harness were destroyed
when the barn at the farm of Matt
O'DtonncIl near Calon was burned
Thursday night. There was no insur
ance on the automobile, which was
owned by Dave Kurkland of Wahoo.
Mr. O'Donnell's loss is partially cov
ered by insurance.
Launching the Daughter
Nations at War Will
Tell How to Avoid It
New York, Nov. 18. European
nations now at war are expected
to send important messages on
the subject of maintaining the fu
ture peace of the world to be read
at an international dinner to be held
in this city, November 24. under
the auspices of the league to in
farct peace, it was announced to
night. The subject to be considered will
be "a program for a permanent
league of nations to become effec
tive at the close of the present
Long-Distance Wire Connects
President King With Alumni
Across Continent.
Grouped around four tables dec
orated with yellow chrysanthemums
and scarlet ribbons to represent their
colors, eighty grads and friends of
Obcrlin college, heard President King
of the Ohio school deliver an address
over the long distance telephone in
the offices of the Nebraska Telephone
company, last evening. Although
hundreds of miles away the Omaha
audience heard the talk as plainly as
if they were listening to a telephone
conversation around the corner.
Link in Long Line.
The Omaha group was but a link
of Oberlin organizations from San
Francisco to New York who heard
President King speak.
Following Mr. King's address ter
minal points along the line responded
with brief speeches. From the Oma
ha terminal' Harley Moorhead, elec
tion commissioner, spoke. He told of
the activity of the Omaha organiza
tion and of the loyalty the Omaha
grads had for their alma mater. Other
points on the circuit, who responded,
were New York, Chicago? and San
Francisco. As each member spoke
he was answered by a member of
the Obcrlin faculty.
At the completion of the talks, a
number of the Omaha members, who
have friends or members of their
families attending the school, had an
opportunity to talk with them at
Oberlin. Mrs. D. A. Mathews ex
changed pleasantries with her daugh
ter Donna; Ralph Sunderland spoke
to his son Dean, about the weather;
W. Noble invited his daughter Mar
tha home for the Christmas holidays,
and F. P. Loomis had the pleasure of
talking with Miss Margurite Wright,
an Omaha girl.
Cut Loose With Cheers.
The unique reunion was further en
livened when the 1900 students of
Obcrlin college, who all had private
connection, cut loose with their col
lege cheers at appointed times.
i 'Following the exchange of pleasan
tries the guests were permitted to
hear the ocean waves from the Cliff
House of San Francisco. The meet
ing concluded with the. plaving of
"The Star Spangled Banner1' on a
graphophonc at San Francisco.
The transcontinental wire between
New York and San Francisco, with
connection at Oberlin, Omaha, Den
ver and a score of smaller points, had
over 2,500 services and :.s each mem
ber talked, every one on Ihc circuit
had little trouble in clearly under
standing what was said.
J ' Ib
Americans, Germans and Chi
nese Who Remained at Par
ral Reported Killed.
El PasevJaxiiov. I8.i-A, Chinese
refugee who arrived in Juarez late last
night on the Mexican Central pas
senger train brought a report from
Jimenez, Chihuahua, that practically
all of the foreigners in Parral had
been killed by Villa bandits.
He said those killed included the
American, German, Chinese, Hebrew,
French and Arab residents of the min
ing camp. , He also said a brother-in-law
of Theodore Hoemuller at Jimen
ez had received confirmation of the
killing of Hoemuller, German sub
ject, and his family in Parral.
The Chinese refugee added that the
general belief in Jimenez was that
Edgar Kock, German consular agent
in Parral, had been killed at Santa
Rosalia. Five Americans are known
to have reached Culiacan, Sinaloa,
from Parral.
United States government repre
sentatives here have al!o received
practically the same report front a
Chinese refugee, who arrived in
Juarez Thursday night. These r
ports agree that Villa and his ban
dits, after occupying the mining town,
ordered the foreigners killed, looted
the stores, arrested many of the na
tives and held them for ransom and
committed other depredations.
The Chinese refugee, who arrived
last night, said at least twenty
Chinese had been killed in Parral and
that fifteen Arabs, Hebrews and Syri
ans had been put to death. He did
not know the pumber of other .for
eigners who were killed, although he
said another Chinese, who fled from
Parral, had told him in Jimenez that
"all of the foreigners had been put
to death."
Mrs, Boissevain is
Slightly Better
Los Angeles, Nov. 18. Slight im
provement was reported today in the
condition of Mrs. Inez Milholland
Boissevain of New York, who was
forced to abandon her suffrage cam
paign a month ago after a collapse,
from which she has not rallied. She
was said to be in practically the same
condition as three weeks ago.
Schoolmasters Banquet
And Hear Clemmons Talk
(From t Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Nov. 18. (Special.)
About 100 people were present at
the annual banquet of the School
masters' club last night, among them
State Superintendent-elect Clemmons.
and Professor James W. Crabtree of i
Kivcr rails, Wis., former state su-1
perintendent and well-known Ne
braska educator of former years.
Prof, Crabtree was the main
speaker of the evening, but ad
dresses were delivered by George E.
Martin of Kearney, Clark Perkins,
president of the Nebraska Press as
sociation, and Editor M. A. Brown
of the Kearney Hub.
Redfield Named Warden
Of South Dakota Pen
Sioux Falls, S. D., Nov. 18. Dr.
G. C. Redtield of Rapid City, S. D.,
has been appointed warden of the
South Dakota penitentiary by the
State Board of Charities and Cor
rections to succeed the late 'O. S.
Swcnson. Mr. Redfield is a jncmber
of the bpard.-
Arbitrator to Fix Compensation
Based on the Cost of Pro
duction and a Fair
Trouble is Due' in Large Meas
ure to the Difficulty of Dis
London, Nov. 18 The Official Ga
zette last night published an order in
council providing new food regula
tions, which follow those which Wal
ter Kunciman, president of the Board
ot i radc. announced in .the House oi
Commons several days ago would
probably be put into effect.
An important provision is one em
powering the Board of Trade to re
quisition stocks of food on such terms,
as the Board of Trade may direct,
the amount of compensation payable
in default of an agreement as to price
to be determined by a single arbitra
tor, or who must take into considera
tion the cost of production and a
reasonable profit, but without neces
sarily considering the market price.
The provisions of the regulations
give the Board of Trade very wide
to delegate its powers with respect
to any particular article of commerce
to any other government department. -France
Prints Sugar Cards.
Pans, Nov. 18. 1 he issue of sugar
cards for the suburbs of Paris is un
der consideration by the authorities.
At Neuitly the municipality has even
taken the precaution to have a quan
tity of cards printed. The scarcity of
sugar is due not so much to the lack
of stocks as to the difficulties of dis
tribution. The delivery wagons and
horses of most wholesalers and re
tailers have been requisitioned for the
army and there is also a certain
amount of hoarding by pnivate per
sons. The grocers association has,
however, obtained the loan of five
large automobile lorries daily from
the army, which are doing much to
improve the situation.
Rome, Nov. 18. Rigid economy
throughout the world in. the consump
tion of food, in view of the deficient
crops and the extraordinary require
ments of the European armies is urged
uy inc iniernaimiiai insuiatcc vi
culture, which has made tlWJtoSl' ex
tensive report it has issued since the
war began. The institute says all na
tions are confronted with a grave sit-
It is estimated that at least 2,300,- '
000,000 bushels of wheat will be con
sumed in the year ending July 31,
1917,-and that at the end of. this period
lA .M.lfl'a nll.a nnllaa . t ...U
will have decreased to 46,000,000 bush
els. The report says it is only on
account of the fact that last year's
harvests were abundant, leaving a
balance of 350.000,000 bushels, that
there is available sufficient wheat for
the year ending with next July.
The world's surplus of five cereals
wheat, rye, barley, -oats and corn
is placed at 533,000,000 bushels. This
includes the unexportable Russian
stocks and also the stocks ot Kou
mania and Bulgaria. The surplus of
oats is placed at 166,000,000 bushels.
A scarcity of fodder is expected.
The total Russian stocks of wheat
now stored which, if military condi
tions permitted, 'would be available -for
export a-t the next harvest, arc es
timated at 300,000,000 bushels.
York Woman Seeking
, ' Trace of Her Husband
(From a Staff CorrftHpondent.)
Lincoln, Nov. 18. (Special.) Lin
coln, Mrs. Straube of York is nearly
heart broken over the loss of here
husb, and has written to Labor Cof
fey to see if he cannot assist her in
locating the absent one.
She says that Straube is a printer
and has been working on the York
Daily News. He left her some time
ago and has been told that he has
been in Omaha.
Fair First Half and Snow
Last Half of the Week
Washington, Nov. 18. Following is
the official forecast of the weather for
the plains states and the upper and
middle Mississippi valley for the com
ing week: Fair weather and moderate
temperatures will prevail during the -first
half of the "week. The weather
will become unsettled Wednesday or
Thursday and probably be followed
by local snows and rain and colder. .
The Reward
of full value.
A far greater increase in
number of Paid Want Ads
than any other Omaha
paper. ;.
"fn the 46 week.3 of 1916 as
compared with last year.
Last week s .'
v 1,197
more ,
Phone your Ad to '.:
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A competent Ad-taker will
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