THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1916, 7 Brief City News Harry rMtaaa WxMta EJfcolm. Hot Boot IMeS la New Beaeao. Free UchtlBf Fixtures Burgg Ormpden Co. Carer's Cm. Ktk end Lake. Wed. Hi. fined One Hundred Lottie Flnne gn, 119 North Ninth street, in ar raigned in police court charged with keeping a disorderly house. She was fined 100 and costs. Several inmates were given small tines. Dentists Incorporate Drs. Mach and Mach have filed articles of In corporation with the county clerk. Dr. John Mach, Dr. Milton Mach and Dr. Kenneth McMartln, a dentist, are the Incorporators. The capital stock Is $6,000. Judge Woodrongh Better Judge Woodrough ot the United States dis trict court, who injured his left hand while sawing wood Monday morning and which became infected as a re sult, is rapidly recovering from the In Jury at his home. St- Andrews Boys Meet St. An drew's Boys' club met at the home of Kenneth Gevman. 2414 North Forty- fifth street, Wednesday evening. Ed win Gray, president or tne ciuo, reaa e. miner on "The First Silk Culture." All members were present. The next meeting is wttn itanaau rnipps, Patrick avenue. Not In Holcluo Mrs. H. O. Fried rlchs, wife of the manager of the piano department of A. Hospe, was the Omaha woman on the Missouri Pacific train which was held up in Kansas, and not Mrs. H. O. Fred ericks. Mrs. Fredericks was In Omaha at the time, but similarity of the names caused the error. - Walts for Recount "Bob" Druese. dow is watting for a recount in Cali fornia and several other places in the country before he pays his eleeuon bet ot S5 to his office girl, Miss Marie Spell man, whose political judgment on the relative strength ot Hughes and Wilson was better than his. Every morning Miss Spellman asks her em ployer to pay up, and as regularly he sidesteps on the matter ot 4 possible recount. Fine Fireplace Goods Sunderland. Sold Several Times The piece of property a half block west of the Omaha club, which has Just been sold by Payne & Slater to the Prairie Life Insurance company, has now ohanged hands for the fourth time In the last year. It was originally the property of Mrs. Gertrude T. Bdney. An old frame house I on the ground. Since it got Into the market a year ago it has changed hands four times and has made good money on each transfer. It is 66x131 feet. Wants Pay Alter Discharge James W. Graoe, 23 Helen apartments, for merly connected with the Love-Haskell company. Insurance, has filed suit with the clerk of the district court, asking for a $1,350 Judgment trom the company for ha alleged breaking of an oral contract Mr. Grace states that he made an crvl contract with A. J. Love by which l-.j was to receive a salary of 3,ouo a year ana a eot. yearly bonus. The plaintiff complains that he was discharged from his position. Buford Proves To Be Some Persuader Little Harry, Buford, patrol chauf feur at central police station, rivalled Billy Sunday in effectivenesj yester day, when lie preached a heart-to-heart sermon to Richard Bennett, porter at the B. F. Goodrich Rubber company. The rubber company re ported the theft of several hundred dollars' worth of merchandise and a valuable watch stolen from the desk of an employe. Buford came in to make a purchase, while detectives were on the way up, and he was told about it. Suspicion was directed toward Ben nett, and Buford questioned him and learned that he had been gambling. The sermon commenced immediately, and soon Bennett confessed to steal ing the watch and told where he had pawned it. He stood pat on the theft of the merchandise, however. By the time the detectives came, he was will ing to accompany the officers to the pawnshop, where the watch was sub sequently found. . Bennett was arraigned in police court and sentenced to thirty days in the workhouse. Unable to Tell Who Put Bullet in Jaw How Eric Fredrickson of Archer, Neb., came to be shot through the fleshy part of his jaw last night is a mystery which even he cannot solve, he says, He walked into a cigar store at 1402 Farnam street last night and asked for a doctor. When Police Surgeon Kully came, he exhibited a small caliber bul let hole in his cheek. He says he was standing in front of a saloon near the postoffice when a man came up to him and shot him, and then ran away. tie said he did not get a good enough look at his assailant to give a descrip tion. He is being detained at head quarters for investigation. Mail Carriers to Give Concert for the Charities The mail carriers' concert will he given at the Auditorium Sunday aft ernoon for the benefit of the Associat ed Charities. Beulah Dale Turner, so prano, will take part. The band con cert program will be: March From Tropic to Tropic. . .Alexander Overture echaiMplel Charles Bach Spanish Fantasia L Paloma Ynidler Orend Selection-!! Trovatore Verdi Walter-Crescent Allea Tattoo Comle Fahrbacb Intermission. March Punjab Drake Overtures silver Bell Schleppeorell Grand Fentalsa Religiose Refuge. ..Bennett Selection Lucia di Lammermoor. .Doniiettl Patrol The Blue and the IJray Dalbey National Anthem The . Star-Spangled Koysa Culls From the Wire A new panel of twenty taleitmen wr druwn at St. JoMph under order from Judno Thomas F. Ryan of the criminal court to Insure the completion, perhaps today, of the apodal venire of forty from which will be chosen a Jury to try Prose cutor Oacar p. Mc Daniel, alleged wife murderer. Pennione amount! nr to 72,000 were paid to 331 college and university professors and 137 widows of professors, during the last year by the Carnegie Foundation, ac cording to annual reports of the president and treasurer, VrS Henry S. Pritchett and Robert A. Franks, at the annual meeting ot the trustees at New York. Formation of the National Industrial Con ference board with twelve of the most Im portaot Industrial organisations of the coun try In Its membership, as a "clearing house of Information" In the proposed study of problems confronting manufacturers of the United States, was announced at Nw Tork at a meeting of the National Founders sssoclatloo, an organisation of Iron manu facturers. A. B. Cowan, district commercial superin tendent of the Western Union Telegraph company in charge of Illinois and Iowa, was appointed general manager of the Mountain division, comprising sight states, with headquarters at Denver. The now appointment will be effective December 1, Mr. Cowan will succeed W. J. Uoyd, form erly of Chicago, who asked that he be re tired after ftfty-ous years of servlcs with lb Western Unlom. DINNER REWARDS HUNT FOR MEMBERS Ninety-Five Commercial Club Hustlers Spend Day in Scout Work. GOOD HAUL THE RESULT The ninety-five men who hustled for more Commercial club members yesterday afternoon dragged them selves into the club rooms at 6:30 o'clock last night, washed up their faces and brushed their hair for the dinner. H. O. Wilhelm, captain of the crew that set out to drag in the 100 new members in a single day, headed the table and managed the evening's en tertainment. A little hot coffee, a few slices of hot bread and some good steak brought new life to the lanca comrades. Many of the men who signed up for membership during yesterday's campaign were at the tables.. Every man signed was invited to attend the dinner and get acquainted and be ini tiated. . - The band played ragtime, the col ored boys danced southern plantation clogs and the workers delivered im promptu speeches. A few weeks ago Wilhelm and his Hosts attacked the city with a view to bringing in 100 members in a three-day campaign. This time they went out determined to bring in 100 in one day. The task was almost too much for them, but they came with a good day's kill just the same. Now that the work of the various teams hustling Commercial club membership yesterday has been checked up, it is found the committee brought sixtv-seven membtrshins actually in the game bag in the eve ning of a single day's work, and that some fifteen others promised to send their checks in by mail at once. Others are contingent upon this or that so that it looks as though the 100 mark for the single day, which was the goal set, will probably be practically reached when all the results of yes terday's work are finally in. Concert at Gretna by Creighton Glee Club Last Saturday evening Prof. Henry Bock, musical director at Creighton university, and sixteen members of the Wee club went to bretna, where they helped make up a program ar ranged in honor of Father Wallace of that p'ace. A home talent play was the main feature, yet the club successfully entertained between the acts. Joseph Ostdick gave a violin solo. John Fer ris rendered a well received violin solo, while two numbers which will be used ht this year's concert, to be staged some time in February, were rendered by the club. It is planned to stage a light opera as part of this season's concert and already practice is being held each Tuesday and Saturday. YOUNG WORKERS FOR HUGHES DINE High School Students Who Backed Candidate Addressed by F. S. HowelL BE AMERICANS TOST Thirty-nint young high school Hughes workers who helped reduce the Wilson majority in Nebraska held a banquet at the Rome hotel last evening. F. S. Howell, chairman of the re publican county central committee, gave them a short talk. "I regret that the latest returns from our recent election have some what cooled the ardor of the pre-election republican spirit," "id Mr. Howell, "but a lesson Is to be learned from one of these campaigns. After the heat pi the battle has passed we settle back into an American spirit. the campaign was a partisan one where we chose our would-be stand ard bearer and followed the best fight that we could to take him to victory. we nave in this room a type ot the American citizen and when you are grown to manhood the future of the United States will rest in you. "We sometimes lose dignity in po litical discussion, but when the elec tion is over and our president is chosen it is the duty of every patri otic citizen, regardless of preference or tor whom he may have worked, to assist that president so far as it is in his power so to do. If he then does not measure up to your ideal, cross swords with the party that put mm tnere, tour years nenct. The boys showed their appreciation and republican spirit by giving Mr. Howell three cheers, followed by their high school yell, The following were in auenuance: Fred Hammell, Wsslsy Ruonet, Robert BS. Henna, Ralph Khn, Gran Porter, Weber Onlson, Edward Munvoe, Gearsa Read, Milton A. Nelson. Jamea Progestins, L. H. Green, David Robel, Tula! Parker, Norman Oarlan, Karl Kntidaan. Harold Smith, Georae Buffett, William Campbell, Willard Lamb, James Granger. Alfred Kaetman, George West, Harry Mandel. Carl Harlow, Prank Toner. Bernard Martin. Harold Smith. Julian Harrta, Charlea A. Pule, Jamea T. Lewis. Otto Nelson Jr., Henry W, Thurman, ijioat Anaeraon, entries neieon, Maurlee Street. Albert Ortgeley, Jonathan Bdwarde, Joe Brieve. Harold Herring. OF Dies From Injuries He Received Playing Foot Ball Mexico, Mo., Nov. 15. Hiram Cole, a 19-year-old student of Central col lege, Fayelte, Mo., who was injured in a foot ball game with the Missouri Military Academy team Monday, died in a hospital here tonight. Young Cole never regained consciousness from the time he was tackled and struck his head against the froien ground. WE SUE YOU NOtnSSS A REASON IH3-I5I5 Hoard St. Suggestions for the laving Boom at Our Everyday Low Prices. Get them before you buy, it will pay you. ROCKERS $7.25 $10.75 Mahogany finished rocker; lour; spring seat Mahogany Rocker, antique cane panel back, auto velour seat. Mahogany Rocker, In tan, blue and (in m p velours, back and seat lew.f O Kumed rocker like iDnstraUon, genuine (tQ TC leather, auto spring seat POe I O Davenports Overstuffed Davenports In tapes tries and velours blue, rose and mulberry. Prices $29.50, $45; $55, $61.50 Leather davenports Ilka this Illustration, superbly fcCQ 7C upholstered JOe7e0 Bed and l-e. r 1 1 uuoroids $19.75 $24.75 28.75. These are In genuine quartered oak frames, upholBtered In a durable fabric, smoothly surfaced tOQ TC In Imitation leather. The Bed Davenport here shown Pe7 O z. The most1 you can do for your teeth visit your dentist twice a year and three times a day use ir. Lyra's For The Teeth Powder Cream Band 3c stamp today for a gensroas trial package of aitbsr Dr. Lyon's Perfect Tooth Powder or D.nur Cream to L W. Ltd. Sons, lae, 577 W. 274 St, KW Terfc City Burgess-Nash Company. 'EVERYBODY $TQRE" Thursday, November 16, 1916. Store New for Friday, Phone D. 137. T-, f Remnants of Silks at 29c BIG lot of short length! of si Use, 1 to 2H yards In a piece, in cluding taffetas, foulards and messalinea, wide rang of desir able colorings; were 60c to 69s the ymrd, Friday, the yard, Me. Burieee-Neaa Co. Boo. Steers Stat, CORSETS That Were $1.00, 69c OUR special number in corsets, an, allover embroidered model, medium In bust or hip length, very comfortable, two pair of hose supporters attached. Regular price $1.00, reduced to 89. Bursas a-Nash Caw Poem Statre State, $2.25 Spreads $1.79 Heavy crochet bed spreads, as sorted patterns, full double bed site, hemmed edge, snow white; Friday, only $1.7 each. . Huck Towels, 7c Bleached huck towels, medium size, good weight, plain white or with red borders; Friday, only 7e each. Battenberg Centers, 39c 24-inch battenberg center pieces, round or square, sew de signs; Friday, only, each 39c. 75c to $1.00 Scarfs, 59c Fine scarfs, 18x54-inch, lac trimmed, assorted styles, alt-over broken lota that were 76c, 86c and $1.00, at one price to close, Fri day, 89 each. Ca. Daw Stairs Start. Odd Lot of Cot ton Goods at 5c VARIOUS odd lots of all kinds of cotton goods, including 36 inch fancy printed silkalines; a most desirable lot, at, yard, Sc. Burgeaa-Naeh Co. Down Stairs Store. Two Big Specials In Blankets at 59c and $1.98 SIZE 66x80 and 70x80, fancy plaid and gray, white and tan, wool-finished, double blankets, nicely bound, with pretty borders; on sale at, pair, 11.98. Blanket at 59c Gray, white and tan single blankets, several hundred to select from, but you will find these to be such a desirable bargain that the lot cannot last all day; limit of four to each customer. We ad vise forenoon purchasing. 4 each, 59c. Bursese-Naeh Co. Down Stake Store. 39c Wool Flan nels at 18c Yard STRIPED and plain colored, 27 inch wool flannels for dresses, waists, shirts and children's gar ments; new remnants of the 39c grade; at, yard, 18c. 10c to 15c Flannels Friday, 8V2C Yard 86-inch unbleached shaker flannel I I -men IOC grout: m-1 Belt, to mono IlanneiS I cheoea frees. 27-inch 12V4c grade) at, yard ner..?? QVzc 27-inch 10c grade white baby flannel Burfess-Nssh Co. Down Stain Store. Extra Special Women's Serge Dresses Specially Underpriced, at $5.95 PRACTICAL dresses some are embroidered with beads and silk, others with novelty trimmings, all have large collar; some tailored models; we con aider them extreme values at the price, Friday, SS.95. Women's Serge Dresses at $9.95 Pretty plaited models of a good quality of serge, with col ored embroidery trimmed belts, also the fitted styles, with white flannel collars; the colors are burgundy, navy and brown, also black ; special, at $9.95. Children's Cotton Dresses, Were $1.00, Special, 79c Made long sleeves, and trimmed with red or blue ties, and buttons, black and white checks only, for ages 6 tO 14 years, Bureee-Ns Ce Oewa Steers Store. $3. Boys' Chinchilla Overcoats .45 That Are Usually $5.00 PARENTS with a boy or two to clothe will appreciate the very special overcoat value in the Down Stairs Store for Friday. , , Boys' overcoats, made of a good qual ity chinchilla in blue or gray, button-to-the-neck styles, belt or full back. Coats in sizes for ages 2V4 to 9 years, that were intended to retail at $5.00; very special for Friday, at $3.45." Bsrfeee-Neek Ce. Deem Stairs Store. The Best SHOE Values in the Down Stairs Store Friday npHREE unusually big values for Friday Women's 1 Bhoes at less than the cost of making, girls' sample shoes at one-third the regular price, boys' sample shoes that cannot be duplicated. The women s shoes in two lots Wnmn' tnin metal calf . Were to $4, Women's tan Russia calf for $1.98 $2.48 Women's black kid skin Women's patent colt Girls' Shoes to $3.50 for $2.55 The girls' samples in dull calf skin, gun metal and kid, were $3.00 and $3,50, for $2.55. Boys' Shoes to $4.00 for $2.55. The boys' samples in black calfskin, tan oil grain and kid skin, were $3.60 and $4.00, for $2.55. Burteaa-Neok Ce. Dowe Stain Store. 7f a Men's Flannel Shirts, $1.45, $1.15 jLAT collars, coat style, pockets; gray, tan, brown mixed, navy blue ; all sizes to 17 ; these are extreme values ana snouia interest any man who has need of extra-warm clothing ; Friday, $1.45 and $1.15. Men's Under Shirts, 98c Sample Under Shirts, all wool samples on the road this season, only soiled and mussed, but the price quoted is less than one-half what they would sell for if not samples; Friday, 98c. r Men's Sweater Coats Shaker knit rope stitch and made of worsted yarn, all weights to coats that weigh 28 pounds to the dozen; made with pockets and rough neck collar, also without collar, one number with white stripes around the body; prices for Fri day, men's section, Down-Stairs Store, at 13.46, $2.98, 11.69 and 98c Men's Hosiery, 15c Gray and Oxford wool and black fleece lined cotton hose; extra value, ISc. "Hickory" one-half hose, black, gray and tan, 12 Me. Burssss-Wesh Co- Down -Stairs Store. Cold Weather Needs for the Home Majestic Electric Heaters, f 3.7S Tal lin, at ...$2.50 9 Furnace scoops, D han dle, at 39c. Perfection blue flame oil heater, smokeless and odorless, 4-qt. font, spe cial, $2.95. Blued steel elbows, spe cial, 8c Laundry stoves, 2-hole, special, $2.98. Buck's Round Oak heat ers, very economical to operate, good size; spe cial, $7.50. "Alcazar" combination coal and gas range, full nickel trimmed, white enameled splasher back, complete with boiler and warming closet, special, $70.00. Blued steel stove pipe, full size, at 10c. Barfoeo-Naeb Co.. Poem-Jtalr. Store. Coal Hods , 16-inch japan ned coal hods, open, special, 19e 16-inch japan ned coal hod, with hood, spe cial, 25c. Remnants of Dress Goods 29c Short lengths of dress goods, hv eluding challis, plain weaves, suit ings, checks and stripes, lengths 1)4 to S yards, good selection of colon; were to 49c the yard, Fri day, at yard, lie . . Barfoaa-Nasa Ce. Does, Seatra Store. Women's Hose 25c WOMEN'S black cotton fleeced lined hose with split soles, full fashioned, regular made foot; special, at, pair, 25. Children's Cotton Hose, 15e Children's black cotton hose; plain or fleeced lined; seamless) Friday, at, IS. Burgoaa-Naah Co. -Dtn Stair. Store. Women's Union Suits at 50c Each WOMEN'S union suits, white cotton, law neck and sleeve less, Dutch neck and elbow sleeves, high neck and long sleeves; all an kle lengths; per suit, SOc Children's Vesta, 25c Children's plain or ribbed fleeee lined vests, sample sises only, js Burioea-rtae Co.. Door. Stairs Stare, Notion Specials 50-yard spool sawing silk; spool forSH. ..TUT. 200-yard spool machine thread, spool. 2M, Children's hose supporters, at, pair, 7c. Shopping bags, each, 10c. Novelty wash trimmings, It yard holte for a. Fancy trimming buttons, all styles and kinds, dosen, !. Steel thimbles, each la. Bone hair pins, box Be. , Kid curlers, all sizes, dosen, to. 1 Large bottle machine oil, So. Rick-Rack braid, bolt of yards, 1 t 7& Darning cotton, 4 spools S. Pearl buttons, dosen, 2 He. Scissors and shears, pair, MM. Bias tape, 12-yard bolt, for as. Tatting shuttle, eaoh 8. Safety pins, 2 cards, Be. " Wire hairpins, package, 1. ,' Men's shirt bands, each 2 He. Biarsooa-Nsaa Coy Poem atair. Stare. , DRUGS and Toilet Goods Household ammonia, 1 quart, 10, One lot toilet soaps. 10c values, 7. Urge powder puffs, special, 10. Peroxide, 20c bottle for 10. Cold cream, special, at 10. , Talcum powder, ISo size, 10. Tooth powder, special, at 10c. Bacabelli pure eastils, bar, 10. Hot water bottles, 2-quart sise, guaranteed, 11.26 kind, , Cocoanut oil soap, 7 cakes, 25. Surgeei-Wasa Co-Doerm Stair, Stesa, Val Laces at lc per Yard VAL lace Insertions, assortment of patterns; very special, Fri day, at, yard, lc. Neckwear at Is ' Odd pieces of women's neck wear that is somewhat soiled and mussed; special, Friday, at le. Sample Pieces of Laces, Nets Etc. 10c Sample pieces of laces, nets and ' embroideries, from to 1 yard long; special, Friday, at 10c. Embroideri, 5c Lot of embroidery edges and in sertions: assortment of designs; special, Friday, at 5 the yard. Handkerchiefs, 3c. Women's handkerchiefs, assort ed styles and kinds; special for Friday, each, 3c. Mufflers at 15. Mufflers for men and women, big line for selection; special, Fri day, at IS. Buraoae-Naeli Co. Down Stair. Stan. : Diamond "C" Laundry Soap, 10 Bars 24c Cudahys White Borax Naptha, 10 Bars 34c Codahy's Pearl White Soap, 10 Bars 34c Fels-Naptha Soap, 10 Bars 38c Light House Cleaner, 3 cans 10c Sani Flush, ' , ,1 1 can 17c BurfM.-Neul. Cfc Down Stein Star