THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1916. 11 i FOR RENT HOUSES South. 'OS GocrrLi svanua. 1 rooms, raodsra, S. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO- Pour iTlt. 10H Omaha NatL Bank Bids. FOB Firs-room cot tale, 33t 3. 11th, (as. water, toilet HASTINGS HETDBN, Hit Har. Ty. U Miscellaneous. W HAVE WHAT TOU WANT, HOUSES AND COTTAGES. ' PARTLY MODERN. I-R. 0 Bsratofs St; (choice eottua, triotly modern In every rsspoct ex cept heat), reduced to M STRICTLY MODERN. S-R. in So. 44th St! ory choice oun . salow, nrst-class rssldeuos dlatrlot) , ,. .$36.90 -H tm No. nth 8t; (choice bunas- low with tarae 131. M l-H. (111 ramam St! (food detached house In orst-elsss residence district) ., ....111. 90 T-R- MOS No. lth St; (Tory dealrable detached bouss In flint-class reeldeooe district) 130.90 I-R. Mil So. ltd St; (a ood brick dwelling, close to the business cen ts of South Omaha.... 121.00 I-R oil So. Hth St; (brand now brick dwelling), close In 131.99 I-R. 1D4I Charles St; (with garage, bar- Cain) 13109 t-K. 2601 Dewey Ave.; (good brick dwell ing, very close In. well arranged for keeping roomers) .141. 99 IT-ATS. STRICTLY MODERN. ' I-R. 301 8c 30th 8t 121.00 1 HAVE OTHERS. SEE OUR COM PLETE LIST BEFORE RENTING. PORTER 4j SHOTWELL, 101 So. 17th St. Dong. 1911. FOR RENT. 7 rooms, with steeping; porch and sun room, mantel and grate, hardwood finish, polished floors, tiled bath room and ev ery convenience,- Including garage, excep tionally fine view; qulst neighborhood, - 119. - r J. H. DtTMONT CO.. 411-11 Koellae Bids. Phone Doug. 0. The Boa emrrtsd 17,119 MORE PAID Want Ads first 19 months of 1019 than sam period Ills. This figure EXCEEDS THE COM BINED OAIN of the other two Omaha oaoars by OVER 10.009 PAID ADS. Bstter Results, Batter Hates. -ROOM house, strictly mod...., 139.99 l-room flat strictly mod...,, 11.99 19-room flat, strictly mod ,. 11.09 TOLAND d TRUMBULL, 441 Bee Bldg. Doug. 1797. HOUSES FOR RENT. - CREIQH, SONS CO. 191 BEE BLDG. DOUG. Ms. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments and Houses. Apartments. ' NEW . ' ' MELROSE ONLY ONE LEFT Which Is a 4-r. apt with built-in bed. small dressing room and butlt-ln ehtf ' fouler; nicely decorated; good location; ' verv choice: oak and white enamel finish. mirror doors, Individual porch, beautiful lighting fixtures, curtain ana overurape rods. Located on northwest corner 33d ' and California, right on direct car line to city. Will show apartment la oar, or Janitor can show you tnrougn. OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGENCY HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1114 Harney. Tyler 19. SPLENDID, NEW FURNISHED TRAVERTON , , FIREPROOF. 24TH AND LAN DON COURT. Catflrtnir to .people of refined tastes. Aptrtment U completely equipped for housekeeping: up to aate ana con.loru.nie. v TRAVER BROS., Tel. Doug. 6886. 706 Omaha Nat. Bank. . . Or Call Web. 483ft. FURNISHED or unfnrnlafaed apt.. 2. '1 4 rooms; 24th and Parnam, or 26th and H&rnejr, $89 up. Ernest Sweet. D. 1472. FOR RENT Ap'ts and Fiats West. FOR RENT Dundee five-room apartment. for .tf. - W. L. BELBY '4 SONS. " v DOUOLAS 1510. North. MOST modern; up-to-date brick flat In city. Hot water heat, 2621 Caai St.: D. 691, Utvrner JI0J. -. South. i.. REAJL, RENTAL BARGAIN. 4 nice large roomi, heated apartment, 603 8. ma. close in, warning aisiance, This Include heat, water .and janitor service. No car rare.. BiNAi' iza.uu aumi, i D7. 60 win. HASTINGS A HETDEN. 614 Har. Ty. 50. fl-ROOM modern flat, choice location, 131 ; 8. Ctth St., $22.60, water free. Web. 31 to or Web. 2640. - -. Miscellaneous ARE YOU YOUR OWN JANITOR? There's ne need to be. Rent a cosy flat In .the , . '' CARLTLE. 626 South lftth Sti s . - Four rooms and tile bath -on second floor, the most desirable of all. Here you have no car fare: $35 summer; $42.60 winter. - THIS ROOT, 3 2d and Pacific Sta, -Five rooms and tile bath, exceptional ly large living room with fireplace, on- west aide park car. lo n&t rate. PAYNE & SLATER CO., 611 Omaha Nat. Bldg. Dooglaa 1016. M6.0U Ml & 10th St., b-r., flat. aU modem 17.691117 ClarK St, -r. flat J 3 5.0 0411 N, 16th St., -r. flat, $21.60 243t Davenport St. 8-i. all mod. $36.00 6 8. lUh St- 6-r.. all modern ftangaiorw. H. A, WOJF, 614 Ware BVook. Douglas 804$, SOMETHING DIFFERENT . Living room, dining room with beam ceiltnn on first floors three rood sized . bAdrooms, v delightful sun room and fine tile bath on aeoond floor; has never been occupied, now wall paper, new gas stove, new .refrigerator, everything spotlessly clean. Heat and water furnished. $66 flat rate. PAYNE & SLATER CO., 616 Omaha r$at Bldg. Doug. 1014. VERY DESIRABLE. C-r. flat, strictly mod., and in a good location, fine oondltlon, water paid, ONLY 923. SO. HASTINGS A HEYDEN, 614 Har. Ty. 69. ESTA BROOK Apartment, $26. G. P. 8TEBBINS, 1610 Chicago. ROOM flat for rent, $26 per month; close In. Phone Doug. 162. I AND 4-RM. Apts., The Sterling. . Tract Co. D. 1161. FOR RENT Buiinew Pr'p'ty Stores 111 a 16th, basement; steam heat.. 130.00 SOT 8. 18th St; good brick.. '. 30.00 JOHN N. FRENZKR, Douglas 664. STORE ROOM at 1807 Parnam, St, T. F. Hall, 433 Ramga. D. 7406. " MODERN store, 16th SL, near poatofflce; low rent. Q. P. StebMna. Offices and Desk Room. DESIRABLE studio location In Wead Bldg., 18th apd Farnam, and in Baldrige Bldg., 20th and Farnam; rental reasonable, , ( F. D. WEAD. Wead Bldg. DESIRABLE office rooms In the remodeled Cronnse block. 111 N. IStb St (opposite postoffice), $10 to $16 per month. Conrad Young, 322 Brandela Theater. Dong. 1671. CHOICE office space. Baird Bldg., 17th and Douglas. McCague Inv, Co, WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Houses and Flats. WHAT have you for rent In the way a of four, five and six-room modern up-to-date apartments? Prefer ence will be given to those in bet ter districts .of the ctfy. Want to deal direct with ojmers. No J agents. Telephone Douglas 1016. WANTED Listing on cottages or nouses to rent or tell on easy payments. Have eus- - tomers waiting. Inquira 411 Karbaob Block. Douglas $407. GALLAGHER A NELSON will look after your rentals. 144 Brandels Bldg. Doug.. Ull. REAL ESTATE B'new Pr'pty INCOME property near Ford plant. 16th St Owner, Harney 3364. . MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Packing, atarsge and mov ing, ill N. 11th BC Phone Douslaa 194. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO. Careral attention given to orders to, moving, packing or storage. Offlcs at Ray mond Furniture Co., 1611 and 1111 How ard St. Phone D. HU. ' FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving; packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. , I9 S. llth St Douglas 4141. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real moving semes try us. Largs f-horss padded vans. Storage, II month. Satisfaction guaranteed. We move you QUICKER, CHEAPER AND SAFER. Phono Tyler 210 or Douglas 4211. FIDELITY FREE Phone Dong Las 266 for complete list of vacant houses and apart ments. Also for storage, moving. lth and Jackson nta. Maggard- . TlmBT Storage and shipping. Phone Doug. 14- T P PTTFn Express and Moving. packing and storage. HOT rarnam St REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. DESIRABLE NEW HOME CATHEDRAL DISTRICT Owner will consider 6-room cottage or bungalow as part payment. Thts Is a 7 room, 1 -story, modern home, having a large living room, fireplace, attractive dining room with built-in, buffet, con venient kitchen and 4 good bedrooms with oak finished ooors; beat of construction. Price $6,500. Easy terms, GEORGE & COMPANY, Phone D. 761. 192 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. BEAUTIFUL HOME. ' w have for sala on very easy terms a splendid residence at 111 N. lid St. This bouss has sight rooms, all In fins con dition. The lot Is 10x141. I' is In a very ' deslrabls neighborhood and the pries Is certainly low. . ALFRED THOMAS. . 101 First Nstlonsl Bsnk Bldg. DANDY NEW STUCCO HOUSE 4304 DODGE STREET. Brand new six-room home, beautifully deoorated, strictly modern In every detail, oak finish downstairs, white enamel up; oak floors throughout! choice south front; paving all paid. Price 4,800. Terms to suit. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701-2 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Douglas 1474. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT l-room, I baths, nearly new; big discount, only 11.119. See It. IZ8 w. tn avs. till LINCOLN BLVD 11 -room bouss, strictly modern, with hoi water usal Douglas Ull. North. ' v 2706 Dorcas Street v Only $225 Cash, Bal. $18 per mo. Price, $2,100 ' A brand new gas range goes with this fine 4 -room home. Thts house only been built 4 years and In the finest condition. Tit. full cemented basement, electric lights, gas, toilet, "cement walks around house; chicken house and large chicken yard, fenced tight. CalJ Tyler 6W ana ask for Mr. Giesmg. ' Hastings & Heyden, in Harrey at. "COTTAGE BARGAIN 2622 Bristol St. v -6-r.$2,400 - : This house has rooms on first fleor and 1 room finished in attic: is rooaern. .nnnt f nin. v Liot 40x184, oaved street niar car line and school. Can be han lii. nn I60 cash, balance $20 a month. This Is a good chance to get a home and I' stop paying rent. it us snow it 10 you. ' . Porter & Shotwell, Bole Agents, ' 2ft2 So- 17th St. Phone D. 613. A brartd new. 5 -room house, all on one flnnr and modern, with guaranteed furnace, will be sold at a sacrifice for $2,160, The monthly payments are small. The neigh borhood is the best. It will pay you to see this place before laying In coal. Call Doug. 3628.. ' ' ONLY $100 CASH, $15 MONTHLY, (NORTH.) Can sell you a nice little cottage, either a' a nome or an investment.. . a goon rooms, nice lot, with paving paid. EDWARD F. WILLIAMS CO., p 420. $01 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg, ONLY u.m - B rooms, all modern but heat, with a big lot, 60x136, on which are shade and fruit trees. This place la not far from the car, le close to stores and schools and can be bought ror zu per men in. jau uoug. 3628. h ' VERY SPECIAL BARGAIN. t&. 3 GO Will bay modern home at 2638 Dav enport St.; worth $3,000; family Illness reanon ror selling. JOHN W. ROB BINS. 1R0S FARNAM ST. NEW BUNGALOW. A five-room, strictly modern bungalow, with bath. It la finished In oak, up-to-date, built-in features and lighting fix tures; full basement, large attic. Located at 1923 North 24th St Price, $8,160; easy terras. NORRIS & NORRIS. ' 400 Bee Building. Phone Doug. 4271. KOUKTZK PLACE restricted district resi dence for sale. A V. Knieet, 8616 N. 18th. FOR SALE 3 acres Improved. Col. 1646. South. WALKING-DISTANCE TO DEPOTS AND WHOLESALE - DISTRICT. 1315 South 8th St; 7 rooms, strictly modern, built about 4 yea-re; lot 60x120 ' feet; paved street, paring all paid; two blocks from Farnam car. Price reduced $800. . Anyone wanting a home conveniently located to the depots and wholesale dis trict and close to good oar line can buy one of the beet bargains offered at thin time. Party leaving the city and wants to sell at once, ' HIATT COMPANY, ' 248 Omaha National Bank. Tyler 60. NEW 6-ROOM BUNGALOW Very essr terms. 1210 R. llth Avs. Red nil. . Miscellaneous. $1,500 ' ' 5-ROOM COTTAGE. All modern exceDt heat: new manle floors; good barn and .chicken house; close to car, school and stores. Tou should see mis, it looks good. Easy terms. ; SCOTT AND HILL CO., Doug,. 100. Ground Floor McCague Bldg. LIVING ROOM. 12x18. Brand new, strictly madern. up-to-date bungalow, 6 large living- rooms, mostly nnisnea in oaa; east iront lot. 2 bike, to car; aek to see this. Price only $3,260, -jerro or 101 laaeu as urst payment. ' f : , -,y RASP BROS., 106 McCague Bldg. Doug. 166;;. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Miscellaneous. HOUSES WANTl'D. WB HAVE BUT ERS FOR HOMES WORTH THE HONET IN AI.L PARTS OK THE CITY. LIST TOUR PROPERTT WITH US FO RESULTS. O'NEILL'S REAL ESTATE INa AOrtCT.. Brandela Theater Bldg. Tyler 1914. INVESTMENTS. INSURANCE 1409 Inoome on price, 12,109, being I houses. rooms each, near high school and Crelghton college; Also I and 6-room bungalows, 1100 down, and two l-room. III down, baianoo monthly. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO. NEW bungalow; also l-t. and gardening: your terms sna prloe; inv. witn ttce, rent. I houses (fist cost 11.100). K.I0S. D. 111! FIVE rooms, new, oak finish, fully deoo rawit an mtrasirn, viu.. wh balance monthly. Colfax lUl. REAL ESTATE Unimproved West WEST FARNAM LOT BARGAIN. " Nice lying west front lot on 14th St., between Dodge and Davenport, 48x1 jri. One of the cheapest lots In. this part of town. Block and a half to Farnam car and Presbyterian church. $1,360, subject to paving. . D. V. ' SHOLES CO., 16 City NatL Bank Bldg. Doug. i. LARGE 60-FOOT LOTS $100 to $166. ONE DOLLAR DOWN. FIFTY CENTS PER WEEK. One block to car line; newly pa street by the property; In city limits. REAL BARGAINS SHULER A CARY, r 204 Xeellne Bldg. Phone D. 6074. North. AFTER looking at M1NNB LUSA, 800 dif ferent buyers aeciaeu mat it was me nest proposition on the market and they backed their judgment by buying lots. IF YOU will come out today you will understand why others are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO.. Tyler 167, 742 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg.' OWNER must se.l east front lot on Fonte- nelle Blvd.. m Clatrmont Will sell at acrlftoe pries If taken at once. Call Douglas IK1 : South. ACRES SOUTH. ' Improved and unimproved In ons to ten-acre tracts, on or near Belle vue oar line. Best of school facilities. C. R. COMBS, . Phooe Doug. 3J16. 801 Brandels Theater. Miscellaneous. VACANT LOTS, MR. BUILDKR. READ THIS:" .- M0ST SETTLE ESTATE. W have luet listed 15 flret-cless lots that can be sold for 76 per cent of the actual value. S 44-foot lots on corner of Boul evard and Maaon St., facing the , Boulevard, that can be sold for $900 each. S lots cn 36th Ave. and Maaon, 43 foot frontnge, $1,100 apiece, r s lots at SOth and Vinton. Hake us an offer. 1 corner lot, northeast corner of Sth and Castelar SU., $1,100. We will submit any reasonable offer on any or all of these lots. These lots Can only be .handled for strictly cash, but owner Is willing to discount considerably for the cash. PAYNE INVESTMENT COIiPANY, 637 OMAHA NaT. BK- BLDQ P. 1781. .- 60-FT: lot, m. i Fine Jots to Belert from, $1 cash, 60o a week,. . Box Bee, . REAL ESTATE Suburban Benson. Suburban Home' . For Sale - Thin nronertv le located In the north. west sart of city and fanes east on the .Omahi Country clubl- BJCQund. 2218. North- 66 la at. t;onsiai8 oi lu-room moucm house, heated by hot water; has electric lights and city water, Occupies a whole block of ground containing 26 lota. An abundance of beautiful trees, shrubbery and fruit; barn, chicken houses, etc. Street paved and near' nchoot and car line. Thi is worttt investigating, unbred at low price of $16,000; half cash, balance on time. Porter &' Shotwell, Solii "Agents, 202 So.' 17th St Doug. ' 501.:,. START TOTJR HOME IN BENSON! .mrr. itn ifl tffl. $l(t.oi down snd $10,611 per month; prloe $200.00; site 60il2g; located on Locnst St., between Clark and Burn bam, not far from school and car Una. Geo. R Wright Re otfke. Omaha. Dundee. DUNDEE BARGAINS. Have sightly lots and up-to-date homes for sale In the beautiful and restricted additions of DUNDEE, HAPPY HOLLOW, and EVANSTON; corns and see me be fore deciding elsewhere. C. A GRIMMEL, 84$ Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Florence NE THAW AY has S. 4. I, 20 and 186-aore Impr. tracts for city property. Flo. 321. South Side. 6-ROOM residence. South Side. II. HOI; to balance 616 per womb, pong. 1 116. Miscellaneous. SUBURBAN ACRES FOR SALE A 32-acre tract In Ralston, adjoining Seymour Lake Country Club; level garden land. - Will sell the entire tract at a bar- ' gain or In 2-acre tracts as many as are wanted, on easy monthly payments. AMERICAN SECURITY CO., 17th andJ5ouglas sts. Phone Eg. 601?,. REAL ESTATE Investments Douglas Street j $20,000v ; ': Just west of 20th. Oood brick improve ments that wlU carry the investment. Glover & Spain, Douglas 1161. 11-10 City National. SEE US FOR INVESTMENT AND SPECULATIVE PROPERTY. A. P. TUKEY & SON, Phone Doug. 108. ' U07-I W. O. W. Bldg. FOR ttALR. Doubts brick St Louis flat, within fou. blocks of llth and Harnsy; closs la; bar gain pries. TALKINS as CO.. Douglss llll. City National Bang. 'Decrease. INVESTMENT. Comer, clnso In, two houses, annual rent 1720. Price, 15,100. a P BOBTWICK SON, 100 Bss Bldg. Tylsr 1601, REAL E8TA1 E. TO, COLFAX. , 7,1 Kesllns Bldg Doug. II7S Persistence Is the Cardinal Virtue in Advertising. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED 4. i and roomed houses the. can be sold for fioo cash; balanoe fit per month; five complete description 0rst letter. W FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1120 Parnam. Tel. Doug. 1064. WE have buyers for your property. . INTKR-8TATB REALTY CO.. V 92B-30 City Nat'l Bldg. Doug, BH7. LIST yoiif property for results with USBOHNH RKALTYO.. Douglns H74. yOR SALESrF D. Wend, 810S. 'lkth StT FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Real Estate, Lands, Etc HALF section. Kimball Co., fine level land. $17.60 per acre, clear, for modern Omaha home. Dundee preferred. Level Quarter, west of Huron. 8. D,, near R. R., clear, $30 per acre; for mod ern Omaha home. OBOROK Q. WALLACE, 114 Keeline Bldg. Omaha. HAVE two 160-acre farms and one 80 -acre farm, eaatern Nebraska, to trad tor city property. ARCHER REALTY CO., Brandeis Bldg. TO exchange for ranch, new 4S fiat cerT building, rental $26,000, ahnwlng a net Income of 6 per cent on $136,000 Invest ment. For details on this property sea C. K. Antes, Lincoln, Neb. L 12-ROOM rooming house for sale or ex-1 change for equity In lots or house and lot or good oar, good location. Call Doug las 6666 after p. ra. TRADESTRADES TRADES. Farms. Cattle, Ranches. New Apart ments, Flats, etc.. ABBOTT, 4 Patterson Block. FIRST-CLASS west Iowa farm to deal for Nebraska or Colorado land. - THOMAS CAMPBELL, KB-SLINU) BLDG. yn have some good homes and rental prop erties tor neo. or la. .ana. ivawira r. Williams Co., Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. TO TRADE 100 sores In Polk county, Ne braska, for Omaha property. Ill Bran, dies Bldg. Paul Sydow. , Ranch specialist, sell or trade ranches for city property. K. Fran la, . Branaeia Hiog. FOR SALE OR TRADE 4-rootn houee and good barn. 26S0 S. 12th. Tyler 3570-w. GOOD let desirable location, will take used Ford as part payment. Webster sis. MONEY TO LOAN FURNITURE, pianos, tnd. notes as security. 140 l-mo H. H. gds., total coot, IJ St. 140 " Indorsed botes, totsl oost. 11,10. Smaller, larger am'ts, proportionals rsts, PROV1DBNT LOAN SOCIklTT, Orgsnlsod by Omaha Business Msn. ' III Ross Bldg., lttk and Tamam. Ty. Ill, FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans, Mortgages. CITT and farm loans prompy made. Rates, v. auu . yo uvu,, amwwi.i, www missloo. UNITED STATES TRUST CO.. J13 South l'thi Omaha. Neb. ' 6 PKR CENT to 6 pr uu host class city residences in amounts up ; also farm loans. Reasonable Commissions. PETERS TRUST CO., USi Farnam St. 11,500 MORTGAGE, bearing 6 per cent semt-ann. : secuiea ny iarm. i mues irom town: valued ai M.OOO. Talma ge-Loomla Tnv. Co W. O. W. Bldg. R&AL ESTATE loans. 6 per oent. , 0ee D. B. BUCK 4 CO., 12 Omaha Natf Bank. NO U13LAY, , I. T. URAHAM. Ei-:B BLiU. OMAHA homes East Nebraska farma O KHEFE RUAX. B8TATBJ CO,, 1016 Omaha Nat'l. Phono Doug. 716. FARM and city loans, 6-6 "A and 6 uer oent. W. H. Thomas, Keeune Biag, uoug.. ie. etl WON EY HARRISON 4 MORTON O 916 Omaha Nat'l, Bank Bldg. MONEY to loan on improved farms and ranches. Wo also buy) good farm mort- gages. Kloke Inv. co,, umana. DON'T PAY IN INSTALLMENTS. PAY IN 3. I, 4 or I YEARS, BUST PLAN. 8HOPEN A CO.. KKBLtNtfl HLJJU. REAL BSTATB LOANS WANTED. THOS. L; McGARRY, KEELINE BLDG. TEL. RED 4m. 5 PER CENT and 8 per cent money. Toland & Trumbull. 448 Bee fliag. uougias 1100 to fiO.OOO made promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., leth ana rarnam nts. . MONEY on hand for city farm loans. H. W, Binder, and City National Bank Bldg. GARVIN BROS. 34S Omaha Nst'l Bant Bldg. CITT and farm, loans. I. 1, I per cent J,, H. Dument & Co., Ill Keellns Bldg. Abstracts of Title. XT aw Tide, Guarantee and Abstract Co.. XVCIJ JOS S. 17th St.. ground floor. Bonded by Mass. Bonding and Ins. Co. RKEO ABSTRACT CO., oldest abstract ot floe In Nebraska. 101 Brandels Theater. 1 FARM AND RANCH LANDS Florida Lands. . PALM BEACH COUNTY heads the poll for net profits from Its truck farms and cttrus groves, snd Is also elected the finest climate In the world. For particulars and lltsraturs apply r A. PARSON SON, Fhons Doug, 71.6. Ibl Brajidals Bldg. Iowa Lands. ' 225-Acre Iowa Farm 14 Miles North of Council BluffsLevel Rich Land 14 Mile from Station. Every foot of this land can be tilled. New house, new corn enn and granary; other buildings fair. Thts land lies eat of the big drainage ditch that prevents any of the land being wet. Some alfalfa, hay and pasture. OWNERS SAY TO SELL AT ONCE. . Anyone desiring to purchase a farm close to Omaha and Council Bluffs, where you can market your products at the highest prices, should Investigate this farm at once. We will gladly take any one In our automobile to see It . and know the price that we are offering this farm at will sell It. For further Information or terms, call or write us. Hastings & Heyden, UU Harney St. AW Phones Tyler B0. FINE Iowa farms, close to Omaha, all slzea. priced right. See us first. W. T. Smith Co.. 914 City Nat'l Bank Bldg., Omaha. Missouri Lands. SMALL MISSOURI FARM 110 cuh and IS monthly; no Interest or taxes; highly pro ductive land ; clone to 3 big markets. Write for photographs and full Informa tion. Muni or, A-llf. N. 1. Life Build - Kansas City, Mo. Nebraska Lands. 10 ACRES NORTHWEST OF BENSON. Within one-half mile of paved road; fine laying land. Has 3 acres In raspber ries, 6 acres In alfalfa, 2 acres cultivated, Will sell for 1400 per acre on very easy terms, HA8TINOS A HttVDEN, Ml 4 Harney Street. A QUICK BALK BARGAIN. 400 acres In Logan county. Neb., fenced and oross-fenced, fair Improvement, 8U acres under cultivation. 160 can be culti vated, rest Is g rasing land. Write mo for price and terms. Joseph Mlchener, Coun cil Bluffs, la. ACRUH, well Improved, two blocks high school, Tecumseh, Neb, Stewart, 216 M, 17th Ht, A HIGI1LV Improvud farm for grain rent. TOLAND & TRUMBULL. Douglas 67G-7. 4S Bee Bldg. CAN sell or exchange any lands you have to offer. C. J, Canan. McCague Bldg. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Texas Lands. EAST TEXAS. Call or write for my free book describ ing good corn and alfalfa land In east Texas for $86 per acre. W. S. FRANK. 21 Neville Bik. Wisconsin Lands, UPPER WISCONSIN Best dairy and gen eral rrop state In the unton. Battler wanted: lands for sale at low prices oi easy terms: excellent lands for stock raising. Ask for booklet 3t on Wisconsin Central Laud Urantt-atate htm wanted. If Interested In fruit lands, ask for book let on Apple Orchards. Addreae Land Com tntesloner Soo Railway. Minneapolis, Minn. Wyomini Lands. SMALL InVMtora wiU .or printed matter; prlvps and terms on Wyoming on isnu lets; warranty deed to all lots. McKlb bin. Aft.. Box IS, Fort Morgan, Colo. FARM LAND WANTED LEA8B on Nebraska ranch of from MOO to 1,000 acres, wanted by experienced eattie man. Address Box 144, Rock Port, Mo. Horses Live Stock Vehicles For Sale. FOR RALE One black home, vtands about $ hand, weight about i.2no ids. j.oom Wlles Biscuit Co., llth and Davenport Bts. YOUNG gray team for sale cheap If taken at onoe. call sam jsooie, uoug. eive. POULTRY AND PET STOCK FOR SALE Six thoroughbred bull terrier puppies, one female. Bargain at fit eacb. Call Harney 1404 evenings; FOR SALE Handitome male French poodle; fond of children; 126. Call Harney 144 evenings. DAMAGED WHEAT, 11.60 a hundred. A, W. Wagner, lot N. ina. AUTOMOBILlS ' wiixyverUnd inc. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. Phone D. till. T Farnam St B If IS Overland, tpass. J 11$ Overland, lpass. 1 114 Overland, t-paas. - 11117 Overland Roadster. 11111 Hupp, 6-pass. . 1 1S14 Ford, l-pasa. These cars are tn Brst class condition and at prices of 1131 and up. Curs Demonstrated, List furnished to out-of-town pur- c hstHflrs. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE !80 Parnam at. 1tl6 Stearns-Knight 191 Steams-Knight IflU Maxwell Tour, llll Moon Tour. ... Douglas 1310. "I" Tour.,,,. 11.100 "4" Taur l.J.t- $ 850 1.060 Who's saUvrg ths par nowt In the first en months of lflt THE BEE arsined 47,040 Paid Ada. EXCEEDING the COMBINED GAIN of the other two Oman paper tor ami period by more than . 10,000 PAID ADS. Good Results. Good Rati Good Service. ' AUTO INSURANCE Fire, Theft and Liability at lowest rates. KILLY, ELLIS ft THOMPSON, 111,-14 City Net. Bk. Bldg. Doug. lilt. Douglas 8 61. SaiO-18 Farnam St. DON'T throw away old Urea. We make one new tire from two old ones and save you 80 per cent. 1-ln-l Vulcanising Co., lftll Davenport fit., Omaha. Neb. Douglas tt II. WB will trad you a new Ford for your ola one. t INDUSTRIAL OARAOK CO.. SOth and Harney. Douglas MM. CRORSTOWN GARAGE. Sift S. X4th. D. I44S. Parts for Hup "SO," Flanders "10," Kis sel Xar, Oldsmobll, Apperson, L 11. C. truck, tc, USED CARS AT REAL PRICES. C. W. FRANCIS AUTO CO., Pouglig III. 1111-11 Farnam Bt CORD tires for Fords, llxl, M.ll; Ivsltt. 11.11. Kwlsbsl Bras. D. 4ITI. llll Far nam 8t, S-O-STSOTORCO. oKSSS 1401 Leavenworth. Used Csrs. OUB REPAIR WORK WILL SATISFT TOUT TKI.L m BINKLBT, till Karnsy St. Doug. 1141. FOR BALD My nearly new Franklin ear, Fhone Webster Ibi, Auto Lhrery and Garages. EntPERT snta rsDalrtng. "service car al ways ready." Omaha Claras,, llll Haro.r BL Tylsr lbs. - Anto Repairing and Painting. STROMBKRO BERVICB STATION, OBOROa W. WILLIAMS, 1101 Jackson Bt Carburetors my specialty. Red 4141, 1100 reward for magneto we can't repair. Colls repaired. Bayadorfer, 111 N. llth. NEB. Aoto Radiator Repair service, and prices right 111 B. llth St D. TIH. Automobiles for Hire. FORD for rent. Tou' may drive It k charge br mil. Doug. 32S. Bvaninge, Tyler U3i. Motorcycles and Bicycles. H ABLET-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bar- gains in used machines. Victor Boos, "The Uotorcrcle Man." 3701 Leavanworta. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Ernest O. Bugh el al. to Harold w nr&ham. Fourteenth atreeL 11 feet south of Pacific street, filzl.M.f 1 Arnold T. Avers and wife to Peal A. Welshana Thirty-first street, 44 ( fnnt Mouth of Jackson street, eaat . side, 601?,.. I 1 The McCague Investment company to M. C. Peters Mill company. Commer cial street. 160 feet south ot C street, east aide, MxHO 400 Beery B. Price and wife to Dora L. Mamey. southeast corner Forty- ninth and Nicholas streets, 48x1 2. . 10 Ellen C. Tyler and husband et al. to Joseph L. Duffy, southeast corner Twenty-third and Case streets, ?. 132 Joseph Barker and wife to Oostave Seecmann. Jr., Hherman avenue, 0 fat north of Webster avenue, east etde, 220x1887 ; . . . 2,000 The Union Trust company 10 turnesi m, Beale Fortieth street, 190 1-0 feet south of Dodge street, east side, 2fi a-flxlf.6..., 1,435 Retta Healey to Charles W. Martin, Redlck avenue, 89.8 feet east of Mlnne Lusa avenue, north side, 42x 120 1 Charles W. Martin and wire to Betta Healey, Redlck avenue, 176,( fret east of Mlnne Lusa avenue, north side, 44x130 r 1 Alice K. Rothery to A bra him !. Reed, Farnam street, 178 feet west of bou levard, south Ude, 140x14? Frederick A. Andersen to John Rob shaw, northwest corner Fifty-third avenue and Pierce street. 60x160,,.. Blfrinore Place com puny to'Emmett D. Lumos. Wright street, 60 feet west of Thirty-ninth street, nerth side, 50x120 1 Barker company to Stanley u. Raf fing ton, Thlrty-tflrst avenue, 126.2 south of Myrtle avenue, west side. 47.6x120 J. P. Hess and wife to Herman P. Gal lagher, Twenty-seventh ntreet, t2 feet south of Howard street, west aide. 62102 1 J. P. Hess and wife to Herman p. Gal lagher, Twenty-ievenlh street, 20 feet south of Charles street, east side, 20x97 H New Omaha Babies ' Will Be Presented ' With Certificates Health Commissioner Connell will issue certificates to parents of all babies born in Greater Omaha, which is a new idea for this city. The old olan was to record the births in large book in the health office and these reports are kept on file. The certificates which will be issued to parents will have complete family history and will be signed by the health commissioner. Dr. Connell suggests that parents might preserve these certificates in albums, number ing them serially. Such a record, he believes, would be interesting to the children in later years. BARBER, TOO, COMES DNDERCITY LAWS Tonsorial Artists Most Keep Nails Short and Clean and Most Not Sleep in Shop. PEICES ARE ALL FIXED, TOO By A. R. GROH. What an important profession is that of the barberl I violate no con fidence, gentlemen, in stating that our beauty is dependent largely upon the arts of the tonsorialist. And what, my fellowmen, would we do if robbed of our beauty? Ah, life would be barren, indeed. So important is this profession that it is honored by having laws govern ing it in ,the Omaha city ordinances. There are more than 200 barber shops in Omaha and three barber colleges. And the august city ordi nances lay down nineteen solemn rules to aovern them. Barber shall keep their fin err nails short and clean," commands Rule X. (Chapter IX, Revised Ordinances.) Ho person shall use a barber shop as a dormitory," exclaims Rule XIV. "Barbers shall not blow witn tneir breath anv' hairs after cutting, but must use a towel or bulb or fine hair brush, asseverates Rule IX. Moors or woodwork of barber shops must be mopped with an anti septic solution of corrosive sublimate, 1:500,; shouts Rule 1. ( ' Must Use Alcohol. Razors shall be wiped with 95 per cent alcohol before and after be ing used on any person," declares Rule IV. r . "Hair brushes must be sterilized by immersion in boiling water or by ! r . r nipping in j per cent soiuuun ui formalin." thunders Rule V. Combs must be kept and treated like brushes," asserts Rule VI. There are twelve other rules gov erning the exercise of this ancient and Honorable profession winch has Hour' sued ever since oaia taces ana snort hair came into stvle. Nor are the prices left to the whim of the tonsorial artist. Omaha men. their ceaseless quest for beauty and loveliness, are safeguarded against any possible exorbitant demand the barber mianit make and to which weak man might yield rather than run the risk ot being unbeautitul. A shave, it is written, shall not cost the shavee more than 15 cents nor-'' less than 10 cents. For one shampoo, the shampooer shall charge the shampooee not more than oi cents nor less than 15 cents. ( Fhe Cents for Curl. For curlintr a moustache there is a flat price of 5 cents, no more no less.: ror shaving a neck or tor "face steam (or hot towel), the price shall be not more than cents." In these cases the barber can charge less than a jitntv if he wishes, For "dyeing, a head of hair, not more than IT nor less than ii. dC' pending probably on what shade you cnoosc. uycinK a mousistnc comes much cheaper, not more than 35 cents nor less than 15 cents. The price of plain haircuts is also elastic, varying legally between 15 and 35 cents. ' Hair tonics may be administered between 5 and 15 cents and hair singes between 15 and 35 cents. ' '- '---v- It is every man's duty to be beau tiful and what excuse is there for any of us to neglect our looks in the nee oi inese prices r Connell Says Do ' Not Be Afraid of Using Fresh Air "Fresh air oroberly applied is the srestest panacea tor human His Health Commissioner Connell. Dr. Connell lays he is anxious to have a city of health. ' Conditions are favorable at present, he reports. , "The tendency is, as soon as the cold weather sets in, to close windows and bundle up without regard for causes and effects,'.' he said. "Don't be afraid to let fresh air into the bedroom, but, of course, do not sleep in a draught. I sleep with two windows opened nait way. ventilate living rooms often. 1 Walk in the fresh air," is the advice of the health com missioner. V Brownell Hall Girls To Entertain Fathers Fathers of Brownell Hall girls will be honor guests next Monday evening, when the students ot the hall give an exhibition of their gymnasium class work. Miss Mary Rosevear, director of physical training, will have charge of the exhibition. Courses in physi cal training at Brownell include in struction in dancing, wand and dumb' bell drill, as well as apparatus work. Other guests on this occasion in' vited bv Miss Euohemia Johnson principal of the hall, include former students and alumnae, friends and natrons of the school. following me cxiiiuuion me rar- ent-Teacher association of Brownell Hall will give a reception. Prominent in this part of the program will be Mrs. bdKar M. Morsman. jr.. and Mrs, Joseph Barker, president and vice president, respectively, of the associa tion. Rumor Bauman Will Be Endres' Chief Deputy It is rumored in the court house and city hall that Treasurer-elect Endres will appoint Otto J. Bauman chiet deputy ot tne ottice, which M Endres will take over on the first of the year. Mr. Bauman is an surance agent and has been identi fied with democratic affairs for number of years. "One Touch of Nature Makes the Whole World Kin." It's a commendable trait that when something has been of benefit to us, we want to share it with others who stand in need of the same help. It's the touch of Nature that makes the whole world kin the wanting to be helpful to our fellow-men. That is why people who have used Chamber lain's Cough Remedy write letters to the manufacturers about it, and ask to have them published so that others w ill know what to do under the same circumstances. Behind every one of these letters, is the warm-hearted wish of the w-iter to be of ust to some one else. Advertisement. ewelers and the Opticians to Meet Here This Winter The Nebraska Retail Jewelers' asso- , ciation and the Nebraska Optical so ciety have just agreed to hold a joint convention in Omaha in feoruary. Executive committees of both organi zations met in Onurha and went over the preliminary plans. The definite . date in February has not yet been set. The jewelry and optical jobbers ot Omaha have agreed to club together and entertain the delegates to the joint convention when they come. De tails of the entertainment are soon to be worked out by the jobbers here. Headquarters for the convention are to be at the Paxton hotel. The jewelers who attended the joint meeting of the executive committees in Omaha were Al Hastings of Ar cadia, William Weitfeld of Grand Isl and, Adolph Schlosser of Dodge, Sec retary Fanske of the jewelers, from Pierce; Secretary tillotson nt tne up- tical society, from Harvard; Max Egge of Grand Island, A. W. Ntehart if Elwood, A. S. Miller of Madison. New Industrial Plant is Opened : By Local Capital The industrial committee of the Commercial club announces the es tablishment in Omaha of the Toilet ier company. This new industry is under the active direction of Mogy Bernstein and C. K Benner, the lat ter being the patentee of the process. Tniletirr is a nowder for cleaning toilets and tiled floors. It is put up in labeled cans, and both labels and cant are made in Omaha. The factory. which starts with five men in the plant and eleven salesmen in the field, ' , . . j sis X' .U T ..U 1 IQCalCU -l Oil i.u.tu wvuy-iuu, ,.. street. In the short time it has been operating the company has placed its product in a great number of Oma ha a retail stores. South Side Lad is At Kearney at His Desire to Be Good "The Kearnev Industrial school is the place for me," quoth John Toth, 17 years old, a south siae laa, wno has given the juvenile court authori ties considerable trouble. John has been charged with breaking the law several times, and so, tiring of the street life and the frequent Clashes with the authorities, made up hit mind that the state industrial school will make a better boy of him. He was one of the boys charged with break ing into freight cars in the south sine yards. But John, at his own request, is now at Kearney and away from his associates in the Magic City. Funeral Servcies ., For Mrs, Manderson Friday Afternoon Funeral services for Mrs. Charles P. Manderson will be held from the residence. 510 South Thirty-eighth street this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. T. J. Mackay of All Saints' . church will officiate. The body will be cremated at 3:30 at Forest Lawn cemetery and the ashes buried next to General Manderson, in the family lot at Forest Lawn. 'The services at the cemetery will be private. John Fries of Philadelphia, a nephew, and Mrs. Blanche Bracken of Salt Lake City, a niece, have arrived in Omaha for the funeral. , Prof. SwenktoTalk. To Audubon Society Prof. Mvron Swenk of the Unhner- sity of Nebraska will speak to the Au dubon society Saturday evening at 8 o'clock- in the city hall council cham ber. A Century ot Missouri Kiver Birds" will be his subject Teachers have been asked to attend the lectors! regardless of membership in the so ciety. - "',! - frot. swenk is a noted student oi bird life and the Audubon folk hare scored another big feature in their educational campaign in securing him for this date. His subject wul be ot much interest to all bird lovers. Funeral of Mrs. Brome ; v Is to Be Here Saturday Word has been received is Omaha of the death of Margaret Kennedy Brome, daughter ot the late Alfred C. Kennedy of Omaha, at Worland, Wyo, She was 26 years old. The death occurred after an illness of a month following the btrth of s child. The body will be brought to Omaha for burial from the home ot her moth er, Mrs. Alfred C. Kennedy, 1024 South Thirty-second street ' The funeral will be held Saturday morn ing at 11 o'clock. Mrs. Brome is survived by her husband and four KlltUI til. 1 I ' ' Mr Brome is expected . to srrive from .Worland tonight with the body. Csnstlpatloa sad Btek BsadaelM. Or. KIM'S New Llfs PUIS will rsUsvs you ot both, elsaa out ths bowsls and maka you' (ml (Ins. Itc All urusclsta. Adv. BEE PHOTO ENGRAVINGS FOR NEWSPAPERS FINE JOB WORK Anything Etchasl en Coppor or Zinc Artists. Engravers, Electrotypars and . PhotogTapbars Be Engraving Dept., 103 Bee Big, Omaha