J THE BEE: OMAHA, 10 NOVEMBER 1916. i t i Want-Ad Rates CASH WITH ORDEH. - If pr word.... each InssftloB w Set aolld no dttpltr.) AAe PaMmnhed or fUt In THanlay StTla. tn per line...... on lira. lo per )fn thro, consoeutl.. time. (Count tli word to tn llaal -m ARflR BATM Iff par lino , on tint. To pr Ittt. throo consecothre tlmo. (Count lie words to tbo uno.1 Special BatMl ' Warm a n il D ni-K I . ndl to per Itno three eoneecutlr. tlmto (Count til wordo to th. llno.1 FOREIGN ADVERTISING UNI115B AQENTS OR HELP WANTKD CLABBl arr.Tinvit lo ar word ono tlmo Itto per word throo oonmeutlvo time. HO AD TAKEN FOR IMS THAN A TOTAL OF Mo OR I.KS THAN 100 A DAT. CARD OF THANKS, DRATH AND TV- NEKAL NOTICES. Me rr lino eorh Inwrtlo (Minimum charts (V oenu.) IIONTHLT RATS FOR STANDING ADS (No ohnnto of COPT Allowed.) Ono Itno K '1 Two lines or mora per lino ll.lt (Count alt wordo to too llno.i (Contract rataa sa ajplloalloa.) THB am will not be responsible (or mora than ono fneorreet Inoortlon ot an aaver tlttement flMered for mora then ono tlmo. ADVERTISERS ohould retain reeelpta (Ivan B7 The Bee In payment tor Wanto Ada, as no miot.Ke ean no reetiiiea wunwu. LTSB THE Tni,KPHfN14 If you cannot con- vantontly bring or sent to your ads. Ask for a Want-Ad Taker, and you will ro oolT tho him food service aa whoa oo llrartnf your ad at the office., PHON8 TTLKR 1000. ' WANT-AD rm.tJlfNS CLOBH. BVtmiNO EDITIONS lt:M M. MORNINO EDITIONS (:( P. K. MOVIE PROGRAM Comal orferhrs of the beH Motlea ra The tore li (Owsiael Dally.) Downtown. FARNAIf, 1411 FARNAM LEW FIELDS, In" -THB MAN WHO STOOD 8TIU.' and OTHER PICTURES. FRINCKSS, Ut7-1( POUOLAS Ic Frossnted Hera For-(o t "THK TEST 5-ree . Tntroduclnf Charles Frohman's Broad way star, JANE ORBT. North. A DIAMOND. T 2TU AND LAKE i MARY PICKFOftD, in "A PUEBLO I.EOKND" . "ONLY A ROHR." v ORAND, TiTH'AND BINNBT ORMI HAWI.ET, In - "WHEN LOVE LEADS" ' '"' l'r1 roX FEATURE. birPOUROME, 11TI1 AND CUMINO EDWIN 8TEVINS In "THE YELLOW MENACE." AC To j'RE ioTHROP, ItTH AND iOTHROP ONE GOOD PICTURE v vi aOOn' JOMBDIES, NEW STAR, SIIHR. AVE. AND LOCUST v "LIBERTY?" No. 4 "BREAKINO INTO SOCIETY" " V.-J ANIMATED WEEKLY. South. APOIXO, J1TH AND LEAVENWORTH CI.EO BRINK LET and WALLACE REKD, ,ln "THE HOUSE OF GOLDEN WINDOWS' and OOOU COMEDY. BOULEVARD, IID AND LEAVENWORTH 1 THEDA BARA; in r ., rHKR. DOUBLE LIFE" ' . Q00P t'OMEDT. ' EOHLFF, . Jltt LEAVENWORTH LIONEL BARBTMORB, ORACB VALENTINE, In "DORIAN'S DIVORCE." ' West CLIFTON, y . UTH AND Bl'RDETTE ELLA HALL In "THE LOVE GIRL." A ilUNDSB, I18T AND UNDERWOOD BERTHA KALISCIl A . tn ' "AMBITION. fiONROE, FAilNAM "SAVINS THE FAMILY NAME": with MART McLAREN. '"' ' OMAHA, 40TH AND DOIXJE MOLLIS KINO, In "THE SUMMER GIRL" ALSO A SCENIC PICTURE. South Side. PHKUM, , J4TII ANDM "PILLARS OF SOCIETY" "WHEN CLUBS WERE TRUMPS" . HENRY WALTHALL. DEATHS ft FUNERAL NOTICES. AIANDERSON Rebokah S., widow ot tho late Qeneral Charles F, Manderson, No vember 14. Funorai trow rsstdsnos. lit 8. lath St. Friday, at S o'clock. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. " BOFFT A JOHNSTON. smbaTmers "iaTfuT ' noral dlroctora 711 8. nth, Tyler 1171. U K BURKET A SON KaeraFdiwtora arid mbj meri. netLea Yen worin. Her. II. TlULSB A RIEPKN. undeftak.rTaniim: balmora Hi S. Hth St. Douglae ills. -. FLORISTS. . l BEST QUALITY1 CUT FLOWERS or planta Art Combinations shipped ovory "; whore, Eaeollent asrvloa to our ouetom , ors la past years rooommends. HESS a SWOBODA. 14It Farnam St., Don. 1101. TaBUEST ASSORTMENTot(reshnowera7 delivered or shipped anywhsre. L HEN PERSON. II Farnam St. Doug. 'u ar ieelearmon 1114 DenytM. Doug. 1844. lRKBIr.owr8hop!41S & 11th. D. 10. V DONA 01 f U 8 lT HltlVC BAlV. rioriat. 1104 F&ritftn L t7U9i, BIRTHS AND DEATHS Births Allen E, and Frances Jotiai, 46S4 Boulh Twenty -fourth, dir.; NlchoUi O. and Vronlta Winn. SSOfl South Fnurtflfinth, boy; Edward and Kathartnt Jarkton, 3111 Rur dattc, trl; William and Nancy Plummvr, 12 North Twenty-third, vlrli Joitjph and trttia Bcalvo. 1204 ffouth Plftettnth. jlrl. Iaath June Harnett, 43 years, 14 North Twenly-llrit; Rn M. Fannatt, I day, 6014 Sooth Twenty-third; Ruth H. V (encamp, montha, 4bM Bunletta; Oaorv X.-Holmstedt, C ya, 401S South Twenty-, ev-nvh; Mar Btaatny, 44 yaara, 410 South Twanty-aixih: Agatha Uchrlng, 77 yeara. South Twenty -ninth. Permits lo wed have Ihmb hwued to th TO A nn Nam and Realdane. Otuapp Campai na, Omaha. ..... Maria Cava, Omaha Wladyalaw. Badnari Omaha... Anlftla Fit Omajia Robert R. Booth, Nebraska City,. ; Vera V. Johnaoa, Nebraska City. William E. Bnvtand. Omaha...... Myrtla llariio, Omaha,,., Coml. iw Lund grew, Omaha. Elln U Nelaon. Omaha.,.,..,..,. Age. ... 31 ... Jl ,., IT ...S "'V ..... SI over si .ever II .; BUILDWG PERMITS ' A- Theodore, "4f64 HarnVyr fratii dwell" lug, 13.00ft; A. theodora, 4S2 North Twen-ty-nlntli, frame dwelling, 42,509; B. fS. Price, 3414 Charlta, frama dwelling. 12.400; Morris Parking company, Twenty-eovonth , lad y, briik aad eoocreta, factory, IX. ,009 LOST-FOUND-REWARDS IK you luo anything and will advartla It hr, yoo will surely racover It If found by an honest person. Remarkable noov Ties are brought about ovary day through mis column. THIS LAW People who And tout ar ticles are Interested In knowing that the state Uw Is atrlct tn requiring them to seek the owner through advertisement and otherwise, and that a falure to do o. If same can be proven, involves se rious penalty. OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS 8TRBBT RAILWAY COMPANT. Persons having lost soma article would do wall to call up the office of the Omaha Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether thwy left It la the atreetcar. Many .articles each Hay are turned la and the company la anxious te restore them te the rightful owners, Call Tyle 440. TOJND a sanitary Soda Fountain: QUEEN'S PHARMACY. 14th and Howard. LOST From wagon Monday, package ad dressed UN ton Darnngi-nitabia re warn; return American Express. COLLIE puppy, lost, strayed or stolen, Monday renins;. Reward. S. IflJ, LOST Oold rim spectacles, with string; and rubber band attached. Call Harney sioi. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture and Household Goods. LA ROE hard coal "stove, $4; also one for delivered. Have furnace. Colfax SS04. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity; con ten te of oeautituuy rurnunea nouse practically new. Sell all or part Investigate, T. 9148 J. BUT a Little Olant Ironing table. It gives Absolute satisfaction. The Manufacturing Co., Omaha. Little Olant STOVES, furniture, rugs, bedding and linen .of all kinds. Open till I b. n Doigon, mi h. atn Bt. STOVES. ALtTlciNPS. See Ul first. Prloei right. City rurnilure Co., 107 s. 14th. Loyal Fumltore Co.. 12S N. 14th St. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity; 4 rooms of rurnlture; practically new; will sell all or part; reasonable. 1111 Chicago Bt. NEW Radiant Home hard coal burner. Cell fjouax ?flj tor information. LA ROE bateburnar for bale cheap. 37 (in. Pianos and Musical Instruments. FOR SALE A new King perf-cto mode cornet, win sell for 184 u sold at once. Address Box 8209. Bee. PIANO plyer or oran, (( Tel. Har. 47 U Jewelry, Diamonds and Watches. BRODRBOAARD'S "Lucky Wsddlnf Rings" aiistn ana voufias Bta. Billiards and Pocket Tables. FOR SALE BILLIARD TABLES. Brand new, carom and pooket, with complete outnt, sis.i Moonu-nana taniss at re duoed prices; bowllnf alloys and auppllas; saay payments. Clfar stores, druf, dell catessen and eoda fountain fixturoju-TKB UKUNBWlCK-BALKU-COLLBNDflH CO., 407. 4 South 10th St. BARBER shop and pool hall. Will sell pool tables separately, Lanf, nam St. Red 73(0. 1(07 Far. Cameras and Kodaks. Ill BUYS food Promo camera and acces sories, inciuainf learner case, worth 2t. II Helen Apts. Tel. Douglas OOfl. Machinerr and Eniines. .NEW AND SECOND-HAND MOTORST EXPERT ELECTRICIANS AND MACHINISTS, V LB BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS, 111-10 S. llth St.. Omaha. FOR SALE (-horsepower tasolln online, nrsceiass oonauion, western Wheeled Scraper Co., tl4 Farnam St. BOILERS, steam, steotrio (as engines, pipes. gross wrsoklng Co., KM Cumins. Printing and Office Supplie Oct our prices on Job prlntlnc. II. S. PTO. CO., BKEBLDO. DOUO. 1171. COMMERCIAL Duplicating Co., also public mono, riwnt for prices, veugiaa .SOX. 140 Paxton Blk. WATKK8-BARNHART Pt(. O. Co., quality priniina t.n, vou. sue. ,z, B. utn St. JTjrrwwrlters snd Supplies. NEW machines sold the' sam aa rant $1 per neaia see us oeiora you OUT or rent. Shipped any place on ton days' Irea trial. Butte Typewriter Eaohanao, 114 s. lltn Omaha, Nob. BEMINQTONS, Monarcha and Smith oBsT Premiers for rentt sent anywhera. R.m Infton Typewriter Company. D. 11(4, TTPEWRITERS oold, rented and repaired. jiem an uuvor 'ryp.wnt.r, . I month, for II. Central Tfpewrllluf Xiohanfe, 1001 Farnam. WE BUY, sell and uchanf. typewriters. Ouarantoed tpyewrlters, 110.00 up. Writ, for 11.1. Midland S,.. Bo. Bldf. SAVE 10 per cent ou your typewriter sup- yueo. mil siiotano vo., lyoufiaa S141. Sewing Machineo. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, sell needlea and parts f all sewing machines. MICHEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., I " Hth knd Harney Sta Doug. 18i . M iicellaneout. " KCfVNS FOR SALE One hundred pounds thin shell selected pecans, forty dollars. Same quantity, run of orchard, twenty- five dollars, Smaller Quantities same pric per pouna, we pay express. it emu with orders. Simpson Simpson. New port. Ark. ' Who's setting the pace now? In the first ten months of 1114 ' THE RES gainej 47.440 paid Ada. .EXCEEDING the COMBINED GAIN of the other two Omaha papers for same 14,004 PAID ADS. Good Results, Qood Ha tea Good Service. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelving, ic, n m our, svu. vmsna rixiure m Supply Co.. 4t4-i4.ll a llth. Doua. 17 n OMAHA PILLOW CO, Full and hair mat- trosses made over in new ticks at half the price of new onea. Phon4 ua for sample of ticking. Mall orders filled. HOT Cuming St Douglaa I44T ALEX JETTES LIQUOR HOUSE, a nt tvwii . u aim Amu imm. Bottled In bond whisky, 46 o, 41,44, 11.14, full quart . UT high standard of quality will be main tainea; e quarts woia renteoeiie whisky, 8.34; bottled In bond. Henry Pollock, mall order house. Doug. 7148. . U1-U4 N. ISth St .-. Home-made grape wine. t2$ PER GALLON. Sunklst port, full quart, 10 coats. ' Old Taylor whisky, full quart. II cent CACKLET BROS. ELECTRIC waahtnf. machine, food as new; also peony puina. varieties. Phono Flor ence 140. . FO R SALE Second-hand furnace and lady's bicycle. Call 44C0 Farnam. DRY KINDLING WOOD ACME BOX COMPANY. HARNEY llll. , WANTED TO BUY GUTTMAN Pays HI heat Prices for Vurnlturak. Sum Ciothes,Ptanoa, Office Furniture, Trunks, Shoes. 'Douglas SIT1. Res., Webster 4X04. DESKS DESKS DESKS ' New desks, used desks, bought , sold. raaeu. j. neea. 1197 ITarnai J F, N K I N S py Wltieat prloafor clothes, shoes, trunks. etc. Red S3IT. Reo., Douglas 1031. OMAHA Metal A RubberVCo. w,ant baled mixed paper. . Will pay good prloe. UOU. 2438. DIAMONDS, 'W'ffi.'.f'- HOLMES pays your price for second-hand clott.ee. shoes ana bate, weoeter ie. ANNOUNCEMENTS Your mont convenient Printer, THE PRINTINO HOUSE OP MAUER. I'hope Douf. 7744. 1st Farnam St. DRODEQ AARD'S "LuKy Waddlnf Rlafa" at 14th and DotAtlas Sis. . AUTOMOBILE a torn xe; dry and clean. 11.(0 per month. Keys Bros., Council Bluffs, la Accordion Plcatini. ACCORDION Side. Knife, Uux Pleatlnf, Cov; Buttons, Hemstltchlnf. Nob. Pleatlnf A Button Co . 41 I S paxton blk. R. 4(41. Accountants. JOHN H. CAT1IRAE A SOW ONO ChlcafO, Racine, Now Orleans. Public Accountants and Audltora. Systematlsers, Etnclency Enflacrs, -Business Counsellora Omaha Offteo, 1S(-I4 W, O. W. Bldf. ' H. L. Bray. Resident Manafer. , B, A. DWORAK. C P. A., T. O. KINNEY. (II Ramfo Bids. Phone Douf. Attorney at Law. FRANCIS MORQAN. (II Bea Douflaa 40(1. Amusements. URS. WEST; socl.ty entertainer, palmistry ana eara.; tor onfafemenui Tel. Ty. 1.(1. ANNOUNCEMENTS Bakeries. CAKES, pastry and fancy bakary foods supplied to parties,- lodge, and ontertaln ments. Z. H. Reeder. Ut N. Ulh. W. I9JT. URTUAN S NEW ENOLAND BAJCERT. 311 N. ltth ST. , BRANCHES PUBLIC MARKET 'AND HATDEN BROTHERS. "OUR MOTTO" BETTER BAKED OOODS. CET US PROVE IT. Buttons and Pleatuig. VAN ARNAH Dress Pleatlnf and ButtOB Co.. U 7 Paitoa Blk., Douc. 1100; areor. - dlon, knife, side, spaeo, box, sunburst and combination pleatlnf, hematlchlnf, ploot adflnf, plnkinf, ruchlnf, coverlnf buttona; all styles and sfsea Prlco list free. Caterers. AN EXPERIENCED CATEFUCSS. excellent coo. , epoclal attention to parties and Sun d.y dinners; prices reasonable. Har. 4160. Chiropractic Pro Johnston. Hit W. O. W. Bldf. J. IHt, Chiropractic and Spinal Adjustment Dr. Burhorn; Rose Bldg. Palmer school fraduats. Dout. 1147. Dr. Prances Dawson,, toi l Boas Bid. T. W. Dr. J. C. Lawrence. Balrd Bide. D. (4(1. Baths. STAATS INSTITUTE Ws have just opened an up-to-aato institution at 1500 Har ney St., 2d floor. If you aro troubled with rheumatism, try our baths. Wo firs electric, tub snd shower baths, sloo- trle and Swedish maMafe. Electrlo treat ment of all kinds. . Lady attendant for isaies. DR. BENDA Sulphur, steam. Jfodsrn Turkish BATHS AND MA8SAOB. Private apartments fpr ladles, with lady attend ants. M01( Farnam. Phone Douf. ((IT. BITTBNHOUSE Sanitarium! all kinds baths. m-Bis nairq nix., nth and oouflas. Brass and Iron Foundries. Paiton-Mltchell Co.. 7th and Martha Sta. Carnenters and Contractors. Lossard A Bon, 106 Capitol Avt. Tyler Kit. Cleanim and Preaslrur. SUITS pressed. 36c; cleahed and pressed, II. i-nii ureenstone. 140. H.rnor. Red 1701. Costumei. THEATRICAL fowns, full droa. suits, fort rent, sv. w.iu jonn treiaman. V. .tis. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN, 111 Neville Blk. Evld.&oe secured In all cases. Tylsr till. lirtsrsut. D.t.ctlv. Aas'n. 418 Rami. Bldf. Dancinir Academy. FIR T.TTYr? Dn! 'r- Than., Sat, USU AjU AC Su,; mat. A eve. school! Monday and Wednesday sve. D. 1441. Acaoomy lor Rent Friday Bvenlnaa. KEEP DANCING ACADEMY, ltth and Far nam; class Mon. and Prl. ovo. Assemblies Wed and Sat. eve. Private lessons. D. 7(0. Dentist.. Dr. Bradbury. No pain, on W. O. W. Bldf. Taft's DenL Rms 101 Boao Bldf. P. lilt. Dressmaklnc. ART OF DRESS CUTTINO SCHOOL. bd cents a lesson. Batlsraotlon or mon returned. 1012 K: llth St. Web. 7410. FOR STYLE, reaeonablo prion tn your fall dresses; see Atkinson Co., 1(01 Farnam. GOWNS and suits a specialty. Work fiiar anteed. Webster 4(40. BBWINO by exp. dressmaker. Harney 6077. Drcsmaklnf, reaeonablo prices. Web. (Oil. Col, worn, w'ts taby sw, by hd. WeoTif2T D-maltlnf by the day. 2104 Daven. D. 7701. Exprsmkr. Child's elothes, speo'ty, p. (PIT. Terry Drwomak't collefs, 20th and Farnam." SEWINO wanted by tho day. South 2(40. OOWNS 200 Balrd Bldf. D. 1701 Everything lor Women.' ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburt, box pleatlnf; oovertd buttona, all sues and styles, hemstltchlnf; picot .dflnf, em broidery; beadinf, braldlnf, eordlnf, eye- let out work, buttonholes, psnnanta. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO., " 100 Douflas Blk. Douflaa 1114. SWITCHES from oomblnas, II up. Dyed, too. Mrs M. Brlllhart. (II Paiton Bldf. Express CotnDanies. Anywhere 25c Web. 2104 TWIN CITT, Express Co., ' 1411 CasssT" Douglas 1717. Heavy hauling a specialty. Fixtures and Wirinsr. nTTPTtfTMflsnotrla wuhlng machlnee, J-r-U IVJVm U .jeotrio irons and readlaa lamps. 4134 Cuming St Douglaa 8614. Furnace Cleanin. BornemaTl. fur., chlm. cleaning. Exp, chimney and furnace cleaner. R. 4604. K&ir Dressing. IDEAL Hair Parlors, 30? Balrd Bids. Maul curing, toilet articles. Douglas 4144, Job Printing:. Printii GATB CITT Printing Co., high-grade print lng. 3631 N. 34th. Phone Web. 1117. Justices of the Peace. CLAIBORNE. 413 Pax ton Blk. Red H. fl T401. Notary, Public deposition, ateno. C W. BHITT, SOI Barker Block. - Masseures. Scientific massage; baths. 1131 Farnam St MAHHAOB and chiropody. 310 Balrd Bldg. Osteopaths. .PT'-Ml!!!r-.ABarMnrl 06 B11S' p. 3444. Patent AttorKeys. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Inter natlonal Patent Co., 643 Brandela. D. 4641. H, A. BTUnoia, 444 Brandela Th. D. 1444. Pianos for Rent. 43.14 per mo. A. Hoape Co.. 1513 Douglaa Roofing, ' Gravel, Tile, Tin and Composition : Applied or Repaired. . MEDLOCK ROOFING CO., We Underbid All Competitors. Patchwork Guaranteed Three Years. Phone Douglas 8341, 404 Ware Block. Reference First NattonaT Bank. 1 Rug Manufacturers, FLUFF rugs from old carpets; rag; ruga a specialty; cleaning and alterationa. Peery at-us ra. wry, im .;uminn. nea 1141, Shoe Parlors. MEN'S, WOMEN'S, SHOES Shlned, Cleaned. umana nnoa Hoapitai. 1813 Farnam. Tinners. TIN work of alt kinds, est cheerfully given. dlMSWr, Iv.t p. ln, U. B3S, Towel Supplies. OMAHA Towel Supply, 307 a. llth, D. 631. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcements and printing. Douglaa Printing Co. To4. Doug. 414. SWAPPERS' COLUMN IF TOU have anything to trade, maka up a Hill ana run n in mie ooiumn cor even dive It only costs 4ea and 4e per answer. This otter is good only In Omaha. nd excludes Real Estate, cash offers and Business rroperttes For Bale or Trade These, aa well as mall orders tor use of Swappers Column, must pay regular rate One or two answer are auflfioleat to make your trade and tho whole trans action only costs about 30p Try It ; EXCHANGES. 184 phonograph and records for dia monds (te dies' ring) or other property. 176, t-dJamond, man's ring, for shotgun or good typewriter. 11,400 Cheyenne Co., Kansas, 40 -a. farm Clear, lor autoa or cigar or grocery busi ness. 18,004 house. 3 aparf mania; rent 111; mtg. 464; beet repair; full lot; for cheap western land or small store, Address OWNER, Box 8184. Bei. Omaha. WANT tin. VtrTBflT.i nvpnom Have a beautiful mahogany lamp to ex change for any kind of records. Address 8. C, 348, Bee. ADDING MACHINE Burroughs adding ma chine; perfect condition; will trade for typewriters, office furniture, pictures, or whit have vein Tin a n km nu S-TON Ford truck, 1416 model, In good condition. Inside seat, not used very long. AQaress u. J. tm, Bee, WE swap or buy kodaks r films developed i. one-aay eervioo. tvaee Koaaa muaia, Neville Blk.. Kth and Harney. A LITTLE AD In this column will bring win wnw remarnaoie exenanges. GOOD 100-lb, ice box. hard coal burner and sewing maenme tor email aafe, or what have youT Box 8. C. 484. Bee. ONE 4 -ft John Van range, perfect oondl- iion; i rorty-gaiion hot water tank, one 34-Inch gas broiler, almost new, worth up wards of 304, What have you 7 8, a 618, Bee. STEVENS' single barrel shotgun and teathtr . ii), win iraua lur von or Smith and Weason revolver, aide action. 4-Inch barrel preferred. Box 8. C. 643, Bee. ICE box, gas range and porch swing (4 loot) to swap; each aa good as new. Used less than Awo montha What hav youT Address Box 4043, Bee. ONE large site Presto -Lite, wll trade for Jiiuiua ve.B use. jok o. w ese, jsee. SWAPPERS' COLUMN WILL SWAP modern home, walking die tance, for car as part payment, or will rent for car. Tyler ' BUSINESS CHANCES DO YOU WISH TO SELL YOUR BUSINESS ANp TURN IT ' INTO CASH? Wo are buylnf all kinds of merchandise stocks In Nebraska, Iowa and surround inf territory, paytnf cash. If you want to sell out your buelneaa and f ot cash for tH without delay, writs us. flvlnf all details. No stock Is too larfe for us to handle. All correepondonco strictly confidential. OMAHA SALVAGE COMPANY, 1(0 Omaha National Bank Bldf. ' Omaha. Nebraska. IF TOU WANT TO BUT OR SELL A BUSIHCSS, IBS US PIRST. INTER-8TATB REALTY CO., ' N 424-14 City Nat Doug. 1441 HALF INTEREST IN GARAGE ' Wanted-Man with about 94,090 eapt- tai to taKenaic interest in garage in town of about 1,404, Good-paying prop osition for the right man. Capacity business; owner has more than he can handle. Well worth Investigating. Ad dress or call at 451 Castltl Hotel. Who's setting the pace now? In the first ten months of 1414 . THB BEB gained 47.440 Paid Ada. EXCEEDING the COMBINED GAIN of tne otner two Omaha paixra for ean period by more than ... , 14,004 PAID ADS. Good Results. Good Rates. Good Service. WANTED Agents throughout Iowa and Nebraska to sell SPRING OILERS for autos. Every ear needs them. Alt auto ' distributors, garages, etc., recommend them, $34.40 will handle large county. , Money refunded If can't make good. , 0. L. W. SPRING OILER CO., OMAHA. 484 Brandela Bldg. - ' FOR SALE A good Implement business; ail new stock, and doing a cash business. Now Is your chance. Write or call. W. H. Olbson, proprietor of the Farmers I tuple rnent Store, Dodge, Neb. FOR SALE General mdse. store, good, olean stock; good location. In Central Neb,; heavy trade; Invoice about 48,600. Aotirin z tjo, nee. FOR BALE Furniture and Implement busi ness, located in Neb. Address Box 404, Lincoln, Neb. FOR SALE Retail lumber and coat busi ness, located in eastern Neb. Address box sc 6, Lincoln, Neb. TO GET tn or out of business, call on GANG EST AD, i2 Bee Bldg. Doug. 44TT. OUARANTT plan ; get in or out business. All states. F. v. Knleat Bee Bldg., Omaha. MOtToN PICTURE MACHINES. New and rebuilt bargains, supplies. Omaha Film Bachacge. 104 fl. 14th St WILLIAMS, established 34 years. To buy or sell business see him. 411- McCague Bldg. Reference, U. 8. National Bank. DOWD Sal and Auction Co., Omaha, have closed out mora mdse. stocks than any other firm In U. 8. Write for terms. FOR SALE Good, clean stock of hard warer live town, central Nebraska. Good reason for selling.-.. Be quick. , Address T 367, Bee. IF TOU want to sell or buy a business or rooming house call on Busch eVBorghotf, 740 World-V -raid Bldg. Phone D. 4411. WB BUY. we sell motion picture theaters. macmnea, reature llms. Co-operative Film and Supply Co.. 310 Bromley Bldg. FOR SALE by owner, drug store, dwelling ana siock; square aea:. Aoaresa awnsr. 414 West flth Ave.. Denver, Colo. WANTED Law partner, who can take over office in a year. Addreas T 487, Bee. DOCTOR Do you want to exchange loca- lions, or nuy t writs t-pbh, b: 40-ROOM hotel for sals or trade. Douglas 7141. - Rooming Houses. FOR SALE CHEAP Rooming house goods or 19 jyoms, an meet rurnisnea; run oi roomersTkood location) eleotrlo light, gas, teanv heated ; rents cheap. Call and ln veatlgate If Interested. Phone South 1446, or come to 3614-17 N St, South Side. ROOMING HOUSES, all sixes, great bar gains, us hobo Biog. rnone Trier iit. MONET-MAKING PLACE I rooms, mod ern, fun of roomers. 404 N. 14th Bt SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLY RATE, 16c PER LINE. Day work or business ads, regular rates. . S lines on week.,... ,...30 lines on week ........41 Bach extra line lie per week. Male. JAPANESE ..young man wants Job drive with private family; experienced; good references; may consider other work for winter. Harney 384T. RELIABLE help of all kinds can bo ob tained free ot charge from Raymond's Labor Agency. 1114 Douglas. Phone D, .. 7870. EXPERIENCED Colored chauffeur would like to have steady position; con do all repair; have good references.. Call Har ney 1844. ' YOUNG married man wants position doing paper hanging or painting or kalsomlning; good workman. Phone Red 4441. WANTED By man and wife, work In pri vate family, apartment or porter and maid In hotel,. Phone Webster 1314. BLOCK watchman Is open for employment Has worked In brewery, tor ten year. Address 1416 N."38th Bt POSITION wanted as chauffeur, private car or truck. Can give references. L. Thomas, phone Doug. 4142. - WORK by man and wtfs on dairy or cattle feeder's farm. State wagea. Box. lit, Douglas, Neb. TWO'yung men, 31 and 36, want posi tions, steady job preferred. CaH Doug t la 6678. EXPERIENCED colored janitor want posi tion; married. Web. 6323. MAN with team desires labor ot any kind. Call Webster 4144. Female. YOUNG, respectable Oerman lady with child, I yeara old, wlahes a position as house keeper, with widower without children; full charge In nice, respectable home Red 7814. 1604 So. 86th Ave. EXPERT typist desires permanent of temp i orary position. Will take copy work home. Assistant bookkeeper, cashier. Address Miss Olmstead. 3316 Howard. GRADUATE nurse of refinement and cheer ful disposition wishes to care for sldsrty person or couple. Address T 446, Bee. THB BEE chargeafor "Situation ade" la lower than any other form of advertising not enough to cover the oast of printing. EXPERIENCED competent stenographer de sires position; experienced In handling mail order work. Call Douglas 4046. POSITION wanted by bookkeeper experi enced In managing office and credit de partment PhoneHarney 3164. i WANTED Work by the week by reliable colored girl. Call Webster 3436. WANTED Copying and typing work by ex perienced atenograpber; charge reason able. Bog 4041. Bee. POSITION aa chambermaid or other work, coljed woman. Mr. Curtis. Web. 3344. A COLORED " lady "wanta work as general houee or chambermaid. Webster 1484. COMPETENT colored woman wanta cham bermaid work. Phone Web. 7443. Laundry and Day Work. BUNDLE washing; piece work; lac cur tains; work guaranteed. Webster 3104, COMPETENT white woman, laundry work. References. Colfax 1744. EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS want bundle washing. Webster 8941. PLAIN and fancy olothes dered. Web. 4382. carefully taun- 1ST-CLAS8 I'ndry w'k. Day w'k. Web. 4331. Bundle wash; 1st class laundress. H. 134. Colored woman wants day work. Web, 3481. DAY work ot any kind, exp. Doug. 4134. " A-l laundry wk., 42.10 day. W. fiU after 4. Day wk.. bndl. wash, stain rem'd. W. 2167. DAY work, washing and Ironing. Web. 6341, Ex. col, worn, want day work, ret. D. 4016. Wanted day work from I to 4. South I486. FOR DAY work or bundle wash. Web. 2846. Qood Indras. Bundle wash, home. Web. 1364. Laun'y wk. Call Pet, Reaa. Guar. Web. 4847. Ftm-claaa laundress w'ts day work. H. 4448. 1ST-CLASS laundry and day wk. W. 4736. FOR good laundress. Pleas call Web, '231T. Exp, washwomen want day work. Ty. 1344, DAT work wanted. Call Harney 4474. Hotels and Restaurants. RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, 1610 Davenport St - Douglaa 1464. Headquarters for hotel help. EI 1 Officet MALE Stores snd Offices. JUNIOR office clerk, young man, 18 to 14 year of age; experience not so esaenuai as the young man's general character and willingness to learn. This firm wants a young man who can develop Into more Important positions from time to time salary to start, Western Reference A Bond Asa'n, Inc. 763 Omaha National Bank Bldg. R. R. CLAIM CLERK S0. 00 STENOGRAPHER 44.04 STENO. (BEGINNER) ; 44.04 HOTEL CLERK ........ 2S Bd. and rot THE CANO AGENCY, 600 BEE BLD9. MAN, 34 to 24, who understands booklteep 4ng; one who is looking for a good future salary, to 47b. WATTS REF. CO., 440 Brandela Theater. WANTED Experienced and reliable caller for a wholesale dry good house billing room. State experience, reference and salary wanted. Address T esq, nee. AN experienced R. R. freight loss and dam age clerk Inspector; salary, 76, , Western Reference A Bond Ass'n, Ino., . 762 Omaha National Bank Bldg. STENO., 76; steno., 40; bkkpr., fi time keeper. 176: office clerk. 186. WATTS REF. CO.; 440 Brand. Thea. Professions and Trades. Drujt Positions All States CO-OPERATIVE KEF. CO. 1U16-14 City National Bank Bldg. WANTED Experienced pressfeeder. to time Keeper, Hotel rontons. ie. Salesmen and Solicitors. HIGH CLASS STOCK AND BOND SALESMAN WANTED. A middle west corporation of several years' standing, and with rapidly ex panding business, require several ex perienced aalesmen who have good ehar- sreter, who are aggressive and enthusias tic, to travel In laws, Nebraska, Kansas and Missouri. Prefer men at Aast SB year Of age, who hav had promotion or bond-selling experience, although such experience la not absolutely essential. . The positions ws have open are the earns kind a are enabling other men in our employ to earn from 16,000 to $4,000 per year, If your record will stand careful scrutiny write us, giving brief outline of experience In strictest confidence. Ad dress Box 8011, Bee. WANTED SALESMEN.. If you are a salesman of more than average ability, If you can approach peo ple and intelligently oresent fact, keep- ing In mind that our proposition requires no coloring or misrepresentation, you are the man we wartt We require above qualification and Wood referencea. Thl is a commission proposition with liberal expense advance. We hav men whoa even though they nave nao out mil previous experience, are earning from $3,000 te 16,000 per year. Write tor appointment Address Box soil, nee. READ THIS B. Fredericks made $1 this past ween selling SPRING OILERS for auto In one Nebraska county. Many agents matting to sio per day; no ex perience required. A -GOOD POSITION lor this Winter with a BteadY Ineotae. $66.00 Investment required, which Is well secured. Bank -referencea a to our re sponsibility. Dept O. N., O. L. W. SPRING u.LKH Co., Brandela Bldg., Omaha. SALESMEN to sell new line 1414 advertising oeienaarsj ians, signs, learner, oioth, cel luloid, aluminum, lead pencils, pennants, etc. Make contracts reserving you terri tory at oncV Liberal tjomnaiaslotv exclusive M. , F. flHAFER A CO.. Omaha, Neb. WB need the services of 3 good men who are capeoie oi developing meiL-ln our aalea organisation. Man must be willing to go out and shew us that he has the anility to sell goods himself. Good salary. India Tea Co., 3714 Leavenworth. NEW YORK house has exceptional open- ana; ior a salesman, juust do weu grossed, good talker and have ability to present -e. first etas proposition to business and pWesslonal men. Call Immediately. See Mr, Ballard, Hotel Flatlron, 10 to 12, 1:80 to 4. WANTED A salesman: married man pre- leraoie, fie per monin, see me in person. O C. Beaman, First National Bank Bldg., Columbus, Neb, Phone 443, or Bine 174. SALESMEN A nationally known rnrnnr.. tlon has openings for four salesmen for city work; a big opportunity for good men. vh aiier w . m., tvi world-Her aid Bldg. WANTED Two young men for specialty wurtv. , inoae wno nave aaie anility and willing to rustle between now and the holi days. Apply Manager, 812 Balrd Bldg. WANTED Salesman, good . opportunity. Apply National Muslo Suppfy Co., 471$ S. 24th Bt. Omaha. 8ALESMBN Big money for business get- tmrm. ax ivti w. U. w. anag STOCK and bond aalaaman. STANDARD W. Bldsf. SEC. INV. CO.. 1417 W. WANTED Salesman for live side line for dry goons ana general stores; liberal com mission. Felt Embroidery Form Co., Dept O, Marengo. 111. Boys. EDUCATION AND HEALTH. Every ambitious boy want both. The western union xeiegrapn company wants two bright boys, who attend! night school, to deliver messages from 4 a. m. to4 p. tn. at 60 per month. Hustlers call earn more. Must have a bicycle. Only boys who will attend some kind of night school need apply, This 4s the most healthful work known ; boys have rest room, shower bath and an exclusive tailor. Chance for advancement with this company. J. L. FBRCIOT, Manager, 1st Floor W. O.' W. Bldg. Tel. D.v202. WANTED Boy for factory work. An op portunity to learn trade. Epsten Litho graphing Co., 417 8. 12th 8t Apply 6th floor. WANTED An apprentice to learn good iraae; must nave passed eighth grade. Apply Supt Bee mechanical department BOY wanted with a wheel. Bath, the Florist, 1804 Farnam, OR I BOYS, steady work, good Omaha Box Co.. East Omaha. Trade Schools. AUTO MECHANICS. 5 BARN BIG MONEY. Never Idle Big Demand Eaay to Learn by Our Methods. NATIONAL AUTO TRAINING ASS'N. 2817 N. 20th St, Omaha, fiend for Free Catalogue. " Lo OOOD MEN WANTED, learn auto work for the manv no- eltlons now open. Fine training work In auto and electric starting system. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, 2068 Farnam, Omaha Neb. '' WE WANT MEN TO LEARN THB BARBER TRADE. Few week qualify to run shop or work for others; years of apprenticeship saved by our method; we have placed graduates In leading positions everywhere; compara tively no expense; catalog mailed free, MOLBR BARBER COLLEGE, 110 &14th St, Omaha, Neb. (Established 1643.) LBARN barber trade; be Independent, more man max your expenses while learning. Wage or percentage. We won't over charge you to begin; 1403 Dodge St TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. Miscellaneous. ARMY OP TUB UNITED STATES, MEN WANTED Able-bodied 'Unmarried men under age of 46; eitlscn of United Bute er goo cnaracter and temperate habtta, , who ean apeak, read and write the Eng lish lauguag. Fer information apply to Recruiting Officer, Army Blag., 16th and Dodge Sta. Omaha, Neb. 144 N. 14th St. Lincoln, Neb.i 447 4th St. Sioux City, Iowa; 24T 4th Are.. De Motne. Iowa. The Bee carried 47,140 MORB PAID Want Ada first 10 month of 114 than same period 1416. This figure . EXCEEDS THBv COM BINED GAIN of th other two Omaha papers by OVER 30,004 PAID ADS. ' Reason: Better Results. Better Rates. DETECTIVES Be a detective; earn large ; salaries; plenty of traveling; male and remaie. write oupi, Downey, Box 1044, Providence. R. I. WANTED Namea of ambitious men, 14 to 46, wishing to become Omaha mall car riers; commence $47 month. Address T 643, Be COMMON laborer, whit or colored. Union Paclflo Store; good wagea; steady work. a at uaag at, gate, aak tor store-keeper. WANTED Toung men a railway mall clerk; 174 per month; sample examine ttoa question free. Franklin Institute) Pept 331 R. Rochter. N. Y OMAHA railway mall clerk examination coming, 174 month. Sample questions free. Writ Immediately. Franklin In stitute, Dept 231 W. Rochester, N. Y. CHICKEN pickers wanted, highest pay. longest season, best working condition, steady work. Swift A Co., 1qw Falls, la. MEN wanted to enlist In Signal Corp at . ace; reoort at Lincoln, HELP WANTE HELP WANTED MALE Miscellaneous. SHOVELERS and yard laborers wanted good wages, steady work. - Sunderland Brothers Company, 24th and Taylor Bts. SHOVELERS and yard laborers wanted good wages, steady work, Sunderland Brothers Company, 42d and Isard Sta. WANTED Chicken pickers, pay 4c for dry picking hens and springs. Aaron Poultry m jegg to., crest on, la. WANTED I AT ONCE Chicken plckera plenty of birds; good prices. W. B. Par- rott Co., Onawa, la. 1 WANTED Experienced chicken pickers; paying 4c on springs. .. Sjostrom Bros., Marcus, j a. LABORERS wanted; steady work, gqpd wages, atccaiirey Bros., 12th and Paul BIS. WANTED Experienced driver for grocery wagon. Bun-ett ft on. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. AN experienced collector for retail atoro; permanent position; .salary to start about see. . Western Reference-A Bond Ass'n, Inc., 762 Omaha National Bank Bldg. STENO. who has executive ability capable of aoing private secretary worx. rnia is i high-grade position and will pay A-l sal ary to right party. 3 WATTS REF. CO.. 240 Brand, Thea. L8TENO., $86; Steno. and Diet Opr., $76 Bteno., $60; steno, and Bkkpr., $60; Bteno, gooa at ngures, o; steno., f3&. VWATT8 REF. CQ., 840 Brandela Theater. iTENOGRAPHER and clerk; prefer young lady with some experience; S6, " Weatern Reference eV Bond Aea'n, Inc., 762 Omaha, National Bank Bldg. STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper, small of fice; salary $64. Western Reference A Bond Ans'n. Inc.; 762 Omaha National Bank Building. DICTAPHONE OPERATOR, $60. ASST. BOOKKEEPER AND STENO. , 63. THE MARTI CO., 1327 W. O. W. Bldg. WANTED Young lady to clerk In grocery store, uurret sons. Jib B. nth. Professions and Trades. WB are In need of a few good seamstresses experienced in . hand sewing on tine material. . Good pay. Apply at once to K. u. Hlatt, manager drapery work room. orchard A wiiheim Co. , WANTED Girls with common school edu cation, betwesn 18 and 83 years, to take up local and long distance telephone work. u. r. Lamport iu Douglas Bt. LADIES wanted to do art work at home spars time before holidays ; experience unnecessary; good pay. call forenoons, 3307 Bo. 12th. Household and Domestic. A GOOD, competent girl for housework In family ot J : oerman or swede - pre ferred; warm, attractive room and eaay position for right girl with good -wages. call Harney torn. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; good wages; no laundry work referencea required. Mrs. H H. j Flan, 2311 Woolworth Ave. Phone 'Har.2480. WANTED Experienced white girl for gen eral housework; private bath good wages. walnut 8I. 430 pi. 48th St WANTED -Experienced white girl for gen erai nouse worn: ; rrerences required; fam- py or i. Harney mm. rAiNXUit) Experienced colored vglrl general housework. 8617 Farnam. Harney 4044. WANTED Girl for general housework must be good, clean cook, small .family. narney WANTED A girl for general housework; reference required. Harney 4676. 128 S. ISth Ave. WlVTUn n!rt tnr ..nar.l hnue.ioorlr U B. Poets. l633,Parlc Ave. Tel. Harney 1401. COMPETENT white girl tor general house work, rnone walnut ist. GOOD white girl for general housework; small family. H. 6983. Miscellaneous. GIRLS WANTED Colored or white, Omaha Paper Block uo., 16th and Marcy. Doug. AOS. s Persistence - IsUhe Cardinal .Virtu In Advertising. PERSONAL PILES, FISTULA CURED ; Dr. B, R. Tarry cures piles, flstuia and thsr rectal disease without surgical operation. Cur guaranteed aad no money paid until cured. - Writ for book on reo- taJdlsese with testimonials. DR. BL t. TARRY, 141 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Nek Coftis or Bunions. If you are troubled with either, we will send you a package of Corn or Bunion Plaster on fifteen days' tree trial. If not satisfactory NO FAY. Foot Relief Co., Amsterdam, N. Y. THE Salvation Army Industrial home Holts your old clothing, furniture, magazines,- We collect. We distribute. Phono Doug. 4126 and our wagon will call Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge Bt ' i U T T DTT TP T? Bucceastully treated with- vui J. UAVUout a surgical operation. Call or writ Dr. Frank H. Wray, 304 Be Bldg. . MEN treated and cured by Dr. Burke, Omaha's men's specialist, at 318 Crounse Blk. opposite P. O.. east MISS "WEST Manicuring, facial and scalp treatm ts; reflried patronage invited. Con tinental Bldg, Douglas, cor. 16th, Km. H. MAB BRUGMAN, M. T. Scientific masse us baths. 208 Karbach Blk. Red 2727. EAT HOME-COOKED MEALS NEW DELICATESSEN, 1806 FARNAM. MISS L LILLY Bath and massage. 1322 Farnam St.. 3d floor. Phone Doug. 3410. MISS WILSON Bath and manicuring. No, 3 Lavidge U.K. rnone uougias 1761, Persistence ' Advertising. NOAH and Charles write to your brother. rranx ijnnsiie, at oeaiiit. waan. LUELLA WEBSTER, maskeuse, 818 Paxton Blk., 10 I. m, to I p. m. Red 2400. MISS CLARK, manicuring, 1802 at, nwiu a, .wuBiaa s i ,1, A PRIVATE maternity hot.e. 4416 N. 88th Bt rnone uoirax 3042. SCIENTIFIC maaaage, 620 Be Bldg. Phone uougias sets. MASSAGE girt wanted. Room 201, Neville Bock. MASSAGE BATHS R. 301, Neville Block. FURNACES cleaned. $1. , Central Tin Shop. Manicuring and mass. 1423 Farnam. Rm. i. MI 88 MAC Massage. Phone Doug. 8751. EDUCATIONAL - BO TLBS COIBQB. DAY SCHOOL. , f NIGHT SCHOOL. Every "day Is enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, stenotype, typewrit ing, telegraphy, civil service all commer cial and English branches. Catalogue fro. BOY LBS COLLEGE, " Douglaa 1644, 18th and Harney Sta. JACQUES BRANDEIS, graduate University of Paris', professor of Bpanlah, University of Chihuahua, Mexico; French and Span , tsh instruction: classes or private lea- eons. Address 764 Brandela Buldg., Phone Douglaa 3330. AN 8ANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. - DAY AND EVENING SCHOOLS, Second Floor Omaha National Bank Bldg., Entrance, 220. Dourla 6480. THB SCHOOL OF MODERN LANGUAGES. Class and private tnatructlona, native teach era. 3114 Lake St Phone Web. 4664. Y. M. C A. Day and Night School. Musical, Harp Limited number pupils accepted com ing season ; early application favored. Harp fur. Loretta De Lone. 404 Lrno Bid. BOURICIUS MUSIC STUDIOS. 1611 Dodge. We show the pupils how to study muslo la the right way. D. 3471. FOR RENT ROOMS , ATTENTION. ROOM HUNTERS I If jou fall to find the room yea desire among these ads, call at Tbo , Bee office for a Room List Gives complete detailed description ot va cant rooxfis In all parte of th city. If more convenient phone Th Be Want Ad Dept and give your nam and address and a list will be mailed to you at one. New list ar Issued every week. Furnished kooms. 1 EXTRA well heated turn, room in new, mod, horn, on car line and In very de sirable location; if you're looking for something nice, call Web. 4344. 1326 Sherman Ave. Party or parties must fur nish references. FOR RENT A furnished front room with alcove, suitable for two persons. With two large, closets, closs to 2 car lines; easy walking distance. Call Harney 6418. FOR RENT Steam-heated furnished room for menon!y, at the Sunshine apartments. Rates. 12.60 and np per week. Office. 644 . i7tn at CALDWELL ST., 2614 Two" well furnished! rooms; private family; modern; every thing cosy. Call Webster 3480. EXCEPTIONALLY fine room; 10 minutes' walk to city; very quiet; private family. 418 8. 26th St PARK AVE., 624 Two modern rooms, sin gle or ensulte; private home; walking dis tance. 107 PARK AVE. Comfortable. home-Ilk room; walking distance. Phone Harney 6063. HEAT and light furnished, modern, up-to- uw Housekeeping rooms, very reason able. 3012 No. 14th St. FURNISHED room for two young men down town; strictly home cooking. Doug. 1741. LARGE heated furnished room, with board; large windows. Harney 1208. LARGE front room, suitable tor two, private ab, (.my, 99 weeK. 11. bRl, CHICAGO 361 In private home; Urge outn treat room with alcove; ala idM room. m LARGE south room, private home, two ' clothes closets, four windows, fireplace. Webster 116. MODERN furnished rooms, very reasonable, near nanacom park car. Harney 1764. DAVENPORT, 1411 Comfortable room for two; modem; home privileges. Steam heated rooms, $Z per wk. Also room wna Kucneneue. ugaon Hotel. o. Bluffs. FOR RENT Front room, furnished, private ui.h n qeairoq. mi tjougias, Xug. 1741. njun.L.r furnished room, suitable for 1 or iom, reasonable. , 2217 Douglas St f ONE cosy furnished pnone Harney 4717 N. 22D, 331 Cosily furnished modern room, wun or wunout Doard. L.ARGE front room. private family. Har- ney 4981. 2317 DOUOLAS Furnished room, ateam neat, not water, cioae in. ROOM with washing, German family, $1.60 per weea. ho. ZBd Bt. WORKWOMEN'S Hotel, 204 N. 11. T. 1671. Housekeeping Rooms. HERE Is a chance for a middle wealth couple who la looking for something extra fine. A suite of 2 or 3, If desired, newly turn, light housekeeping room In hew . mod. home, heated night and day ' by oil burner; room must be seen to be ap preciated. Parties must furnish high grade references. Call Web. 4364. 2236 Sherman Ave. STEAM-HEATED modern houaekeenln rooms; also steam heated ileeoina room. 814 So. 36th St.., 2417 CAPITOL AVE. Two clean modern rooms, weu heated and reasonable, fron ground floor, walking distance. D. 6449. SUITE of clean, nicely furnished, heated nouBeiteepingv rooms. -iNo children. 2402 Dodge Bt. FRONT room; kltchenet furnished com plete, for housekeeping. 2407 Capitol Ave. 8. 27TH, 404 Two light basement rooms iurnianeo. stove heat 12.60 to couple. FARNAM, 2822 Two nloo housekeeping rwma, otBctncuy, steam. gas range. TWO unfurnished rooms, )lght housekeeping, 10; heated. 418 No. 14 th St. 2628 CAPITOL A VB. Two-room gutto; jrytning mrnianea. Moaern nome. ONE nice housekeeping room;, all modern. aum jamam. narney amz. Board and Room. UNDER NEW ulftT THE PRATT :srnn!.rf r 211 S; 3STH ST. References wanted. 41 per day and up. WARM and cosily furnished room, suitable ior ono or two; excellent board; very reasonable; walking distance, 8461 Dodg St NEAR two car lines,, costly furnished room. modern, new: furnace; very reasonable. Harney 3418. ' GOOD board, modern and well heated room; private family. Harney 4708. 2716 JACKSON Pleaaant front room. Gen tlemen preferred. Board optional. - MODERN, new, pleaa tnr, home-like, home Near car. Col.. iie. baking, reasonable. GOOD board, modern and well heated room; private family. Harney 4703. ONE nice sleeping room with board for two. 8004 Farnam. Harney 3613. r Rooms Wanted. YOU PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS, CALL 1 tlBl BBitti WA.11-AU XJUit-K, aXQ Bll OUt all about th FURNISHED ROOM GUIDBL If a plan that Is hslplng many pep rant weir HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE. WTD 3,000 men and women to eat chicken dinner sun. The Dutch uuk mi Herny FOR RENTHOUSES West-- IN DUNDEE. . ' " ' Modern bungalow ot 6 large' rooms and un porch at 4801 Dodg St Present oc cupant will show this place at any Ima. $42.60 per month. BENSON A MYBltS CO., 424 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 744. ROOM $46.00. 3 baths. West Farnam dlsitiot Phons Doug. 8447. FOR FAMILIES. , $-r. Iiouse. modern ex. furnace, 4441 Farnam, 4 rooms downstair nd 4 rooms and bath upstairs, only $18. 1 HASTINGS A HEYDEN, 1614 Har. Ty. 64. FOR RENT Six-room house, modern except heat. Three-quarter basement 4004 Web ster. Inquire next dopr. EIGHT-ROOM house near High schooL G. P. ST EBB INS, 1-410 Chicago. 6 ROOMS. 1812 Willi Ave., mod. ex. furnace, close to school and In good location, $ll. HASTINGS A HEYDEN, 1614 Har. Ty. 60. North. 3404 N. 24TH ST.. 4 rooms, strictly modern; easily heated; ytt.w. 4140 Seward St, 5 rooms; bungalow. 2623 Cass St, 10 rooms; arranged for - roomers or two families. ARMSTRONG-WALSH COMPANY. Tyler 1686. 243 Rose Bldg. ROOM and reception hall, all modern, nicely decorated; if taken at ono., $8S. 3035 Frankm. call walnut 4. 117.60 7-R. MODERN, 8860 Meredith Ave. modern brick house, 14th and 1244. $22.60 S-r Corby. D. ROOM HOUSE, 2827 Franklin, vacant vacant a, JWal- ; wo v. it; pavea street; bo furnace. nut 2668. MODERN 8 -room house, 3622 Cap. Ave, Tel. D. 776, or'D. 1017. -ROOM brick, modem except heat. 111 uau tjoifax 804. 1515 GRANT ST. 7-r.. oonm., modem, (S4. T. F. H.IU 411 Ham. Bide. Doug. T40S. 1045 NO. KTH ST. (-room house. Wsb. t5. R. houee. modem, 11( No. tTth Ave.. 2(. South. ; 8-ROOM HOUSE , for rent In good repair, newly decor ated Inside and out fully modern, with new alectslo light and bath room fix tures. One block from Farnam car Un. Pleaa call at 113 So. 36th. Will be open for inspection on Sunday from I to is. . , - 1414 8. 11TH 8-roora modern except heatt , newiy aecoratea, water paid; close to depot and wholesale district, $36. 1006 8. llth 6-room, modern axcepf' heat 117. 1016 S. llth S-room, 'modern except heat, $13.60. C. B. Stuht, 421 City Natl. Dougla 437. ' 4 ROOMS. Strictly modern, ax. heat, en car line N and In good location, 2487 8. 16th, for $21. uood condition. HASTINGS A HEYDEN, 1414 Har. Ty. 44. a ! X i M m i