Brief City News Platinum Woddlaf llnti-Edholm. 1 ' , Hara Boot Print It Now Beaoon Frees. Lirhtlns Fixtures BurCMMlarmndil Co. Divorce U Granted -Mahlon L. Ely hu been granted a decree In divorce court from Lura Ely. The defendant la liven ouatody of a daughter, Lura Fay Ely. New foetal Clerks Starting No vember II three new postal clerks will be added to the permanent list at the Sostomce. They are: Alphonse J. :ann, Emil E. Humlicek, and James J. O'Donnell. . Frank Johnson Improving Frank 3. Johnson, who has been In the Wise Memorial hospital several weeks for an operation. Is reported to be rap Idly recovering. He will be able to go home Inside of another week. Carey Career, 14th aa take, Web. III. Harney Street Ixt Bold Hastings A Heyden sold the northwest corner of Thlrtv-thlrd and Harney streets. nmety-flve feet south front on Harney and 103 feet east front on Thirty-third street, to Florence C. Falee for an In vestment This property was formerly the home of Robert Roaenswelg and later owned by F. W. glabaugh. The consideration was close to 110,000. Two Seek bankruptcy Alleging that she ts the head of the family since her husband was Injured several years ago by a Chicago & Northwest ern train, Mrs. Paraschlva Sallatean of the South Side has filed a petition In bankruptcy In the United States dis trict court. Sheisays her liabilities are II, 627.(5 and assets l80. Elijah W. Sanders, a cook, has also tiled a pe tition for bankruptcy. His liabilities are listed at 1724.00 and assets $109.50. To Build Addition to Storage House A new fireproof addition la to be built to the storage house ot the American Transfer company at 1114 Dodge street In the spring. Fred Busch, president of the company, has puronasea anomer lot ox iwsmy-iwo feet front Just west of his present that he expects to build In the spring. The ground fomerly belonged to the Illinois Central Railway company. Busch paid $0,000 for It Fine Fireplace Goods Sunderland. More High Marks Given to Girls in Commerce School " " 1 -1 - i v Girls are the better icholars at the Hiffh School of Commerce, according to the honor roll of the m id-term i marks announced by Principal Adama at an assembly yesterday afternoon. On the list were the names -of forty? one girls and fourteen boys. Four firls, Lucene Baldwin. Gladys Larson, ildred Sandberg and Angeline Tauchen, received high honors with all A,. , To be on the roll a student must re ceive at least three A's.'no mark be low B and must not be tardy once. In addition to the four who received high honors, the following were on the list: ; BOTS. . " William Albert Clifford Bogus Edgar Brommer Elmer Cuiick Harold Hauflalrt Edward Hoarltnd Mi Hon Herbrick Mimlt AOler Aline Anderson Vivian Baldwin Agnc Bart Anna Blank 1 Vra Bradford Mildred Brown ..' Anna Burt Mabal Carlaon Margarvt CrlU Lora Clark Q Art rude Coontr LUltan Ford Lah Prank Beasts Friedman Beaale Ooooh Mary Gorman Xtta Oroaaman Jloreno Janaen Jn Korak William Lambert Lloyd McKlroy Wilbur Olaon Charle Rahn : Lo Ryan j Cbarlei Serpan GIRLS. ' Bthl Johnson Mabl Johnaon Norma Kopp Sertrude Levin atherlne MoOaba Marfuerlt Mayan Beatrice Olaon . Rosa Pascal ' i OIb Paulsen -- . Mae feterson ' Stella Petersen Luelle ft Id way ,:, Helen Rose Thelma Smith v If arte Snyder Ellen Stllllnv Amelia Wells - Made! In Toula Asserts He Is Chief Of Police, But Copper -Disagrees With Him Impersonating the chief of police of Omaha proved an unfortunate experi ment for a person calling himself Abe Darwin, who announced Buffalo, N. Y., as hit home, last' night, Darwin was telling a farmer from Iowa who he was when Patrolman Graham horned on the conversation. The self , styled police chief ordered the patrol man to go on an walk his beat The cop retorted with a blow of his club and later accompanied Darwin to jail. , Was M. P. Responsible ' Por Death of Smith? Was the Missouri Pacific railroad responsible for the death of Frank W. Smith, a locomotive engineer, who was shot and killed by Ezra A. Koontz, in the company's railroad yards on January 27, 1912? The question will probably be de cided in the case of Nellie A. Smith, administratrix of the estate of her husband, against the Missouri Pac cific, the widow of the engineer ask ing $50,000 damages. Koontz was tried for the killing of Smith, but was adjudged insane, be ing sent to the state insane asylum at Norfolk. A couple of years ago he was paroled to his brother at Kan sas City, Mo., where he is residing at the present time. . ' Smith and Koontz were fellow en gineers, said to have been the best of friends. ..The former was prepar ing to go out on his run, from Omaha to Falls City, Neb., when Koontz shot him. It is set forth in the pe tition that Koontz at the time be lieved his wife unfaithful and that Smith was responsible. . , The case had a hearing in the United States district court, but the attorneys for the plaintiff later de cided to bring it before the local dis trict court The petition maintains that Smith s death was brought about by the negligence of the railroad company in having an insane man n its employ. Yeggs Try Twice To Blow Mill Safe Yeggs tried twice with two charges of nitroglycerin to blow the safe in the West Lawn mills at an early morning hour, but were frightened away before they got any loot. Resi dents who live near say they heard two distinct explosions between the hours of 2 and 3 o'clock. ; Deputy Sheriff Hogan found 'the rear door of the building jimmied in. Police think the job is the work of professionals. ... ""sea K4ltor rMi. Atchison, Kan., Nn. II. J. w. Column. SH2."Si,1l?.wr.,!a "ln editor of the . Qlobe, died htra today, aged f, FIREMEN FIRST IN HEARTS OF FAIR Other Escorts Are Wall Flow, en on Occasion of the Annual Ball. EVENT IS HUGE SUCCESS Percy and Clarence and Harold and a good many other perfectly nice young men, stood around the corners of the Auditorium last night, gloom ily lamenting their 'fate, while Mickey and Patsy and Eddie, the boys who wear bright red suspenders, were in high feather. It was the occasion of the eighth annual ball given by the Omaha Me tropolitan Fire Department's Relief association. Over 1,200 couples were on the floor and when George Green and his military musicians turned in the general alarm that set all the merry throng a-reeling in their hose. Fire laddies were never more in de mand, unless it was at a fire. No Chance for Others. It teemed as if, Percy and Ferdie and Ethelbert and all the other dear boys just couldn't get a girl to dance with. But the lads in the blue uni forms and brass buttons had 'em in plenty and to spare, in tact, they were all cluttered up with femininity. It started out with a one-step to the tune of "Everbody Loves a Lover," it looked as if everybody (speaking from the viewpoint of Percy and Ferdie), loved the firemen. Along about 1 o'clock it got to be such tough sledding for the civilian swains, that Chief Salter was cor nered and applications by the score for jobs as fire-eating demons were thrust upon him. Even George Powers, the mail car rier (with emphasis on 'the'), found himself hard put until Clyde Dunn, who was busy in the box office, loaned him u couple of girls. . Most Successful of All, From every angle, the annual dance was a pronounced success. According to Walter Foran, the affair, which was the most successful of any of the so cial functions eer sponsored by the Omaha fire department, will net close to $1,800 for the relief fund. Commis sioner Withnell end Chief Salter helped promote the event and were aided ,by Battalion Heads John W. Simpson ana Martin uineen. uthers to help were: Oeorits 0. Crafr ' Chanel Cos John W. HaflbursH Rdwsrd Sohmldt John Coyle Charles Sutherland 1 John F. McKale Clyde Dunn Samuel R. Faulkner Julius LarMn Walter Forsrt Nels Anderaon Robert Oliver - Fred Qtrnandt Ssau Gardner , John Bnsel J. Xj. Waverln . Raymond DIcKaon , Edward Ryan ' ? Wlniam Strempl Jullue Donnermeyer Samuel Crowley William Hyland Charlea Xaufhold Charlea Hyatt Patrick MoEIHsott Joseph Sandon - Robert Dunlap Navfn R. Blahop Thomaa Tobln - ' Edward Bayduk ' Philip Miller Bdward Puda Frank Boroviak John T. Mope Daniel O'Connor Oeorse I. Rumel William Hartnett Thomaa Srlok Homer Howea Thomaa Hhandy ' Joseph Oatllsar ' Walter Applaton Christian Clausen, Oeorse Oatee Emit Novak . . William Cohot , John Fleher .'- John Pollaok . , ! 1 John Belater ' .. Homer Ruan - ' ' . David Duncan Patrick McMahon . Michael Quinlaa Mlohael Sheehan ; Arohle McCoy frank O'Rourka Thomas Casey . : red Llnd . Anton Snevak i Baker Cole - Edward Lynch Jonash Franett . Daniel Counsman ' John Myers Chris Hald Charles Born John Inda ' John Bohan Theodore Bernhardt James Powers . William Wasner . Oeorse Wilson Pearry Orlm Leonard Bursett Julius Larsen Engineer Johnson Booms -Good Roads Nebraska would have the best roads in the country if the plan of George E. Johnson, state engineer, matures. In a letter to the Omaha Automobile association he advocates the passing of a law at the next session of the legislature extending the authority of the present Board of Irrigation, High ways and Drainage to the supervision of all county roads connecting county seats. .The board, according to his letter, would take these roads and in the course of from four to six years build them up to such a perfection as to be the model for all city and town highways. There would be no added expense to this plan, he adds, as the members of his department could do the work without interfering with their present duties. That a much larger portion of federal money for the improve ment of Nebraska roads might be ob tained if this plan is carried through is also brought out in the letter. Commerce High School ' Dance at Auditorium The Twelfth B class of the High School of Commerce has invited all the students, alumni and teachers of the school to attend an entertainment and dance to be held at the city Audi- evening. torium next Friday afternoon and Some snort events that will he on the program are hand polo, indoor base ball, peanut and potato races and several other inter-class contests. Refreshments will be served. THE STRICTEST ATTENTION 'must b paid to -the .first evidence of week ness in the stomach, liver and bowels ,' Neglect only invites ill . ness. BE WISE IN TIME TRY HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS THEBEE:. OMAHA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER lb, 1916. NEIGHBORS MEET TO HAVEPLAY TIME Dundee Residents Meet Other on Same Level at Community Center. OLD FOLKS ENTER "GYM" Dundee residents are responsive to the community center idea as It Is be ing promoted by the Board of Public Recreation, under the direction of Superintendent English. On hun dred and fifty dwellers of Omaha's fashionable district attended S com munity center gathering in the audi torium of Dundee school yesterday evening. It was a real neighborly af fair, without any frills or furbelows. After the formal program was over, the attendants shook hands with each other and introduced one to the other. Mrs. K. J. Abbott offered a piano solo. Mrs. I, H. Arey read a humor ous selection and Miss Adeline Jones sang two numbers, accompanied by Mrs. R. K. Harris and Miss Gladys Miller on violin and piano, respec tively. , - , Chance for Exercise. John I. Neglev, supervisor of the center, announced that on every Tues day evening gymnasium classes will be held for ' boys snd men and on Thursday evenings similsr classes will be maintained for girls and women. An opportunity is offered to Dundee women who wish to reduce under capable instruction. Dundee men who find their joints growing creaky may take scientific exercise in the school house gym. It is stated that a num ber of elderlv Dundee folks intend to enter the gym clsises. Ray J. Abbott is president of the temporary community center organi zation. I. A. Linderhold is vice presl. dent and Herbert L. Martin is secretary-treasurer. Another center meet ing will be held on next Friday eve ning. ,' To Start Classes, Blanks were distributed for the pur pose of determining who will be will ing to contribute their time and tal ents during the winter to make the programs interesting and entertaining. Classes in dramatics and public speak ing will be given during the season and an amateur dramatic entertain ment also will be promoted. "East Lynne" has been suggested for this, Several have mentioned "Ten Nights in a Bar Room" as a possible produc tion. Nothing definite, however, has been done in the dramatic line, as the center is just getting started. Bellevue College Players to Present , Big Minstrel Show Bellevue college is preparing for the minstrel show that is to open the dramatic season at Bellevue on No vember 28. Rehearsals arc being held several evenings a week for the chorus and a choice series of acts is promised fot the olio. The proceeds will go to the Young Men's Christian associa- The Bellevue college orchestra will also make Its initial bow to the pub lic and win have an important part in the production. Forty-Fourth Year For Al Kelkenny Al Kelkenny, directing genius of "The Kelkenny. Four," a vaudeville act, was guest of honor at a reception on the stage of the empress theater Monday night, following the evening Serformance. It waa his forty-fourth irthday, snd the house staff, stage crew and other actors' on the bill which ends tonight joined in the cele bration, Ray Ryan, stage electrician, was toastmaster. Kelkenny, though only 44 ears old, has been on the stage thirty-seven years, playing in every corner of the globe during that time. ROBBER HOLDS UP TRAIN FROM OMAHA Masked Bandit Enters Express No. 108 at Leavenworth and Collects $90. LEAVES WOMEN OEMS Kansas City. Mo.. Nov. IS. As the Missouri Pacific Omaha-Lincoln ex press train No. 108 was leaving Leav enworth, Kan., last night for Kansas uty, mo., a masked robber entered the rear sleeping coach, leveled a pis tol .St th in naB.AHM.-. ..J the conductor, C E. Schmitt, and ob tained $96. Eighty dollar of this was taken from th ennAn Th k..ji. then Informed his victim's that they am resume tneir seats, in ride a way with you," he said. Bids Them Bys Bye. At Intervals, as a nf th gers would shift his position, the pis- iui in iniTODDers nana would shift to cover him WhM tk., ...ti.j into the Kansas City, Kan., station me man wisned his victims a laugh- URN GRAY HAIRS Mildly mi Hnlibfully Mary T. GaMmart Gray Hair Color Restorer is the origins! preparation for safety and quickly restoring the natural color to gray, faded and bleached hair In few days. Laaves the hair claan, fluffy and natural. Fra Trial Paslnta aa4 siM oms. Tsst It a look hair. Tkls tst will pra.a aura Ihsa urtalnf wa 14 sar IB aa aavartlsmasA. WHts. Daw mad mm mmrm is isll th. arivlnal ..In- k-. Jars It tunas far. Was ft Mask, aark rasm, assaiaai srawa ar neat Wan T Hafv lar li st slas at jaw eraralst's, ar I will (III roar eraar ibast, Okrar haltatara. Bat ka- iris able te Imltata tha Vrapsratlon Itself, have isaied aar Itbals, slmast vara lot word. To ba safe and sura, ramamsar tha nama. MARY T. GOLDMAN, 1 Oaldaua Bias., St. Faul, Miaa. TODAY'S BEAUTY HELP You can keep your hair at its very best -by washing it with this simple, inexpensive shampoo, which cleanses the hair and scalp thoroughly of all the dandruff and dirt and (eaves a clean, wholesome feeling. Just use a teaspoonful of canthrox dissolved in a cup of hot water, afterwards rinsing thoroughly with clean water. One finds that the hair dries quickly and evenly, is unstreaked, bright, soft and fluffy, so fluffy in fact that it looks more abundant than it is, and so soft that arranging it becomes a pleasure. All scalp irritation will disappear and the hair will be brighter than ever before. Advertisement. Oo00 Every Niqht For ConstiDation nANDDGTH PILIsS Stri&TtiiA Sure H ing "good night," left the coach by the rear platform and disappeared through the dark mace of tracks and cars. Two women who were in the car were not molested by the robber, al though both of them' wore valuable jewelry. He refused to take watches, saying he wanted only "ready money." The bandit was about six feet tall, wearing a mackinaw, gray cap, his face masked with a white handker chief. He climbed over the back plat form of the Pullman buffet observa tion car on the rear of the train, opened the door and stepped inside. "Hands up," he ordered aa he backed up his command with a re volver. The only passengers in the car, two men and two women, shocked out of speech, obeyed. "You may be seated, ladies. I won't bother you," he aaid. Mrs. H. O. Fredericks of Omaha, wife of a sales man for a music firm, sat down, very much relieved, as she was wearing diamonds and Jewelry valued at $J,000. Mrs. Mary Gray West of Geneva, N. Y., also sat down. She, too, had on diamonds. He then lifted the pocketbooks1 of the two men passengers. He got $12 from Adolph Kroner, Kansas City, and $6 from L, F. Kleeman, Mount Washington, Mo, He then went into the dining room. He encountered C. E. Schmitt, the conductor, who had just sat down to supper. "Got any money?" asked the bandit. "No," re plied Schmitt. "Stand up." Schmitt complied. The bandit took $80 from him, which was half of his own money and half the receipts of the company. Central Warriors Ready for Sioux Falls Foot ball practice will be resumed at Central High school this afternoon, following a two-day layoff, due to the cold weather. Coach Mulligan does not intend to run the risk of having any members of his squad on the sick list just before the Sioux Falls game, which takes place next Saturday. The squad is in good shape and are anxious to pile up a big score against Sioux Falls. Although they did not win from Lincoln last Saturday, the team considers they have only them selves to blame, for they passed up numerous chances to score. Lyman Phillips, the big tackle, is considering entering the naval acade my at Annapolis, for which he took a course in a preparatory school last year. In case he leaves before the close of the season, Richard Haller will probably fill his place. CARRANZA SENDS WILSON GREETING Mexican Chieftain Congratu lates President on His Jt-'-. Election, it Is Said. ' ; . GOVERNORS TO CHIME IN Laredo, Tex., Nov. 15. General Carrancs has sent President Wilson congratulation on his re-election ,1 it was learned tonight from sources in Nuevo Laredo In close touch with of ficial affairs. .- 1 - This is to be followed by letter. 'if congratulation from the governors of every Mexican state under Carranaa control, it was stated. Official cod nrmation was not obtainable in Nuevo Laredo. Ursa this Baeomaa Easier. Aftar a taw doits of pr. Ball's Pina 'Sar Honor, Inflammation Is errcitse. you causa loss and bra&tha aaaiar. Only l&o All Snip Slata. ASvartioanwnt. ., Ptrttstsnca Ativan lalnf. la tho Cardinal Virtus TJc Burgess-Nash GoiiPAtri'. Wednesday, NovemW 15. 1916. ' everybody!? STORE" STORE NEWS FOR THURSDAY. Phone D. 137. Announcing for Thursday ant Undero rice Sale of Winter At $16.75, $24.75 and $33.75 . Distinctive Burgm-Ndsh Types exclusive in this anop, jor motoring, ajternom, ' street, travel, etc. Full flare, semi-fitted, raised waist line and belted coats with huee cape, shoulder and hieh button- pockets; novel cuffs; borders and trimmings of elegant funvThe colors intr collars: slash, nouch and notch are Burgundy, brown, green and navy, also black urtaoa-Naak Cs.- I riser. Saaawa1 Continuing for Thursday 1 , - A Special Clearaway of Our Entire Stock of , Women's High Grade Suits Reduced a Third and Even More GROUP ONE Women's attractive suits, In season's latest styles and newest and most favored materials. Formerly to $25.00, now.. J 6.75 GROUP TWO Women's suits that measure up to the Burgess-Kash standard of style, quality and workmanship. Jorrerly to $35.00, now.'. J 075 GROUP THREE Women's suits in one and two of a kind, newest styles and materials. Formerly to $50.00, now.. $2 9 75 GROUP FOUR Women's suits in exclusive one of.a kind type, fine fabrics, mostly fur trimmed. Formerly to $75.00, now. BurfM-Nth Ca.- S.eand Floor, $39.50 Madeira Doilies 15c HAND scalloped and band embroidered dollies, , the real Madeira, fine linen, assort ed daslgni. Madeira Centers, $1.25 10-inch Madeira hand scal loped and embroidered, assort ed styles, very specially priced. Lunch Set, $4.50 Madeira, 22-inch center, lix 10-inch plat doilies and six 6 Inch tumbler dolliea; fin linen, hand scalloped and embroid ered. , Guest Towels, 35c 16x24-inch par linen gaest towels, hemstitched, figured buck, fin quality. Art Linen, 79c 8-inch fin round thread art linen, anew whlta bleach, for doilies, napkins, centers and lunch cloth. rtaas-Naaal .Ca, Mala Floor. , !ol isa Here's remarkable offering for Thursday of Trimmed Millinery at $3.98 InTolving Creations that Were $5.00 to $7.50. IT'S indeed quite unusual even for this popular Down Stairs Store Millin ery Section. The hats 'are all repre sentative of the season's smartest creations in mid winter styles. Gold Laco Hats ' -' Silver Lac Hats And th Liko That were originally priced at (5.00 to $7.50, for a quick disposal Thurs day, very special, at $3.98. Barsoao.Nash Co. Dowa SUtra Stara A Gift From the Treasure Corner has certain Unique quality, which double its ' welcome, though it may be no mora than one of th new Wedgwood desk sets, or trinket boxes, or some thing of th sort found her in th treasure corner. Burfoae-Neak Co. TaW Flaar. Are you working for the Aero-Auto Sled that is to b ghrra away in our Toy Department De cember ltt? V; THE contest Is open to vry body. Anyone making a Purchase amounting to twenty iv (26c) cent in th toy or Sporting Goods Section of our store, will be entitled to on vote for himself or herself or ny individual as desired. Voting tickets will be fur nished in th Toy Section at th time of purchase. Get buay and get tha Aero Auto Sled. Get your friends to help you. ' v ; , s Burssaa-Nas ce Fourta Floor.