Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 16, 1916, Page 6, Image 6

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Bntand at Omaha poatoftla aa mara-alaaa mtfr.
Br Carrier
par month
.. ., .
Br Hall
,.. 4.M
,.. tt
,.. 4.H
... Ml
ftath and Sunday.......
Dally wltboat Sunday...
loeaiag ana Sunday....
Eooatn without Sunday,
Stmaav Baa mniw
Dally and Bandar Baa, tkraa years In advance, 11
Band aotlaa of ahanaa of addiw or Irrorolarity la da
llrair to Omaha Baa, Circulation Dapartaiaat. .
BataH or draft, noma r eeatal ardor. Onlr l-aoa lUmpa
takoa la eeymcnt of anall aeoouate. Panonal aheek;,
aaeaai on Omaha and aaatara axchanaa. not aaoaHoS,
Bmaha Tha Bo Building.
loot Omaha 1IU N itroat
OouarU Blaffa U North Mala traofc
ilaoole ill Little Building.
Culeago 111 Faopla'a Caa Building. '
Now Tork Room Ml, tit Fifth arairaa.
' It. Law III Now Bank of Commaraa.
. Waaalnstae Til FoBrtaanth itroat. N. W.
address oommanloaUona relating to nawa and editorial
atattar t Omaha Boa, Editorial Daaortmant.
1 53,818 Daily Sunday 50,282
Dwifht William, (Irealatlon manaftr of Th
Fahllahint aomoany, barns duly iwora, aara that th
arms ctraulattoa for th moath at Oataaar, lilt, wa
Mil dallr. and it.2tl Sunday.
DWIOHT WILLIAMS. Circulation Manager.
Baeeerlbad in my aroaane and woni t balora ata
tai 4th day of Naranhar, lilt. "
. , . C. W. CAMJOH, MoUsy Fahll.
Subscribers leaving th city temporarily
thnM have Th Baa auilad to thesa. Ad-
she will be aaantam aa ! ariulrl
None loo toon to commence your early Christ
mi shopping, f .,. .
Stilt, it il hard to understand why any bandit
should pick out Missouri Pacific train for hn
holdup operations. . ' -
- some consolation anyway 11.
braska election return, flow aa they are, do not
hold th alow record. , .': '
The war laurel of wheat and corn are In
danger. King Cotton ihowi amazing apetd in
the race for big money. , . ,
Credit the author of the "poor food amend
ment" with the. wise discretion of refraining from
offering hii 'explanation."
AH tht railroada aeeta to he. coming in on the
anti-Adamaon law litigation. Muit be another
"gentleman' agreement!" ; , ' '
Champ Clark' hurried daih to Waihington
failed to avt frankfurter. The hound dog
it in dinger of being canned. - t
f h cJnW(dlffrencet between last week' tlecj
tion reporttand current war bulletin il hat thi
former reached a quick finiih. :
A price uplift in the tobacco market il prom
lied by the manufactureri. . What' the aniwer?
Smoke tea or hand Lady Nicotine the mitten,
' Count Apponyi, the Hungarian iutemin, pre
dict! an early end of the war. Here' hoping he'
a true prophetl But still we art ill from Mil
Otirl. ' ' i f " ' , .. ; (
The latest ipurt 'in submarine tinkinn indi
cate purpose to advance the freedom of the
eaa by giving object lenoni on the peril of
navigation, -,
"When in doubt," y prominent (urgeon,
"use the Vnife and open up the Interior.' The ad
vice limplifie the work of thoie who delight in
political eutopiy. " .
Railroad banker are ruled out of the clan
entitled to railroad paisei by the Interstate Com
merce commission. As a joy-killer the federal
body thows aggravating speed. . ;-, :
tit a word, Mayor Jim' plan .to celebrate the
advent of the New Year ii to take the lid off be
fore I o'clock Saturday night and keep it off un
' tit after X o'clock Monday morning. 5 .
A glow of hope ringa the proipect of an early
settlement of the Belt line grade crossing dis
pute. The chief difference between the present
and paat glow of hope i that the last glow it
usually the belt.
' If the democratic national committee it really
in the bole $300,000, the problem of railing the
money (nay be solved quickly by a 3 per cent
riktoff on the betting pot. Flush democrat! can
afford to peel their rolls.
So Chairman Vance McCorniick lends con
gratulation! on "the splendid vindication of your
enetorial count by re-election." Vindication of
fighting the preiident while Bryan was in the
. cabinet? Or vindication of coat-tail-hanging after
Bryan made hii exit?. Which? .
Must Relocate Reserve Banks
-Cantata Journal (dam.)-
i ; Omaha and th Reierve Bank. '
All who believe a seriou mistake was made
when the Federal Reserve bank for this district
was located in Kansas City, instead of in Omaha,
will find interesting reading in the article we
reprint on thia page from the Chicago Journal,
which is a staunch democratic paper and cannot
be charged with partisan prejudice in denouncing
the distribution of the reserve banks as "unfair."
The Journal says without equivocation that
the Kansas City bank could be moved to Omaha.
True, it couples this declaration with its advocacy
of a plan to add three more reserve banks to the
total number to make fifteen in alt but that does
not condition its conclusion thai the bank in
Kamai City doei not belong there and should
by rights be in Omaha.
Although all the effort originally put forth
to assert our claim failed at the time, subsequent
events have plainly justified our contention. Jt
is clear now that the reserve banks are not prop
erly distributed in their present locations to
answer the purpose. To keep two banks in the
one tte of Missouri is inexcusable. If the num
ber is not to be increased, the banks should be
re-distributed. Jf more are to be, added, Omaha
sorely should come in for one of them. If the
number were to be reduced, then Omaha should
at least have a branch bank under the jurisdic
tion of Chicago instead of Kansas City.
The Journal calls upon congress to begin at
once the task of perfecting the federal reserve
act. If congress tackles the job. Omaha must
seek consideration there. ,
British Blacklist to Stand. '
The language of the note from Viscount Grey,
conveying the reply of the British cabinet to the
protest sent from Washington some month ago,
leave little reason for thinking any change will
be made in the British blacklist policy or that the
nameKof any American firm will be expunged
from the lit because of objection from Wash
ington to the principle. Great Britain very frankly
say that control of the seas will be administered
according to the view of the British ministry.
,The blacklist is put out a weapon of war, and
a luch will be uicd. Polite expreuion do not
conceal the purpose. ; ,.
The principle involved may be municipal as
is set up, by the British note, but the effect of its
application reaches , far beyond the British citi
zens who are thus commanded, and through them
takes hold on the people of the world, 1 It is there-
t I . . n T - .a l.i f
lure m inicrcai 10 an. an cuing inc action OI
Lord Russell at the time of the civil war-m the
United States, Viscount Grey, is begging the
question. The analogy (ought doe not exist
Lord Russell asked hi countrymen to refrain
from a trade that, wa specific in Its nature and
did not suggest to them th desirability of with
drawing from "relations with representatiy of
the southern confederacy, wherever found, or re
fusal to trade with their sympathisers In any
country. The British blacklist Is world-wide in
It aobtication. and bv adootina th orinclole of
nationally rather than domicile to diitinguiih ene
mies, the London cabinet will Include within it
proscription a very large number of American
who muit feel the result of the boycott in their
buiiness. . , V,
Thii note bringi home to the United State
just a little more directly condition! Germany
found Irksome, and which led tp the demand for
"i ieat. itthe lun." It must finally be aettled if
the commerce of the word is to be subject to
British dictation, even if the latter be supported
by a pledge that control will be administered in
the interest of humanity, or if humanity is to
have something to say about conditions of life
and intercourse between peoples.
v . , Modesty 1 Hi Motto. - ,
" From the senator' own persons! newspaper
organ and inspired political champion we take
the following post-election outburst!
"The only conclusion to be drawn i that
throughout the west large numbers of pro
gressives supported Wilson, but voted for few
other democratic candidates. The president
was stronger than his party. , Nebraska i
apparently an exception to this rule. But in
nearly all other atatea it wa th president's
personal strength that carried the day."
In other words, the blushing senstor modestly
admits that in Nebraska it was not President Wit
son who saved the day for the democrats, but it
was the popularity and atrength of Senator Hitch
cock that saved th president The fact that the
senator's majority of six years ago was cut nearly
iu half and that he rod astride "the wet bar'!," of
course has nothing to do with the case, any more
than the fact that Wilson ha polled some 20,000
more votes in Nebraska thi year than he did
four years ago. According to the Hitchcock or
gan, Nebraska is the exception to the rule and,
were it not for Hitchcock, Wilson would have
been in this state in the alao-ran class. .
Great is our senator and modesty is his motto.
The War's Cost in Money
1 Utararr Dl ,
If the European war lasts a full three years,
until next August, as seems to some experts not
unlikely, it will have cost three times as much as
the Napoleonic war, the American civil war, the
Franco-Prussian war, the Boer war and the
Russo-Japanese war combined. At least such is
the estimate of the Mechanics and Metals Na
tional bank of New York in its recentbooklet on
"War Loans and War Finance"; by careful cal
culation it figures that $75,000,000,000 will be spent
for direct military purposes during the three full
years. This, by the way, may be compared with
the recent estimate of Count von Roedern, sec
retary of the imperial German treasury, putting
the total cost of the war to date, for all belliger
ents, at $59,500,000,000. The New York banking
authority gets his three-year cost by adding to the
cost of $17,500,000,000 for the first year snd $28,
000,000,000 for the second, an estimated $30,000,
000,000 for the third.
. The total, w; are reminded, "will represent a
sum twice as large as Jh total indebtedness of
every nation in the world, ss that debt stood in
1914. . It will represent an amount seven times
greater than the combined deposits of all the
7,600 national banks in the United States, and
also seven' times greater than the world'a supply
of minted gold. Jt will represent an amount suffi
cient to have built and equipped railroads equal
to five times the number now operating in the
United Statea. It will represent an amount that
would have paid for 200 such projects as the
Panama canal; that would have extended railway
and steamship tines into every corner of the
earth; that would have provided schools and
teachers for every child living today; that would
have eliminated savagery; that would have en
dowed science to the devotion of its efforts to im
prove the living conditions of all mankind.
"And yet the military cost is not all.- There
is- to be considered the outright destruction,
speaking in terms of tangible wealth, of cities,
railways, ships,, factories, warehouses, bridges,
roads and agricultural values destruction that
for given months would require figures of further
thousands of millions, were such destruction read
ily calculable. There is the loss of that percent
age of Europe's manhood maimed and destroyed.'
There is the loss of production in occupied terri
tories, the decrease in stocks of food, metal' and
other materials, the derangement of the machin
ery of distribution. : v
' "There is the outright loss of property which
25,000,000 soldieri and many other millions of
people would have created had they not been en
listed to fight or otherwise to contribute their
skill and energy to the pursuit of war. There is
the loss represented by the devoting of people'
savings to the buying of guns, shells and the vast
paraphernalia of war's equipment; saving that
otherwise would have found a way to the con
struction of permanent things. There is th very
real economic loss on account of the aggregation
of suffering and misery of whole bodies of peo
ple, like those of Belgium, Poland and Servia,
made at timea to wander homeless through de
vastated' lands. There is the eventual cost of
pensions." . , ,
The direct military cost of the war Is distri
buted as follows in "War Loans and War Fi
Britain .........
Ruaaia ....... i .
Balcian A larhla
Dallr Coat
One of the tasks for the next session of con
gress is a revision of the federal reserve act, to
secure better reserve facilities for some districts
now slighted and a fairer distribution of these
banking centers. The present arrangement was
admittedly a compromise, and never a satisfactory
one. Now that the general features of the act
have psoved so splendid, l is time to smooth out
such taults as were unavoidable at the beginning.
A glance at the map will show how unfair is the
oresent dstributton. rive reserve cities. Boston
New York, Philadelphia, Richmondxand Atlanta,
are located on the Atlantic seaboard. West of
Atlanta, you must go to Dallas, Tex., before you
find another reserve bank. Cleveland, Chicago,
and Minneapolis each has a bank, but two of the
reserve cities located in the Mississippi valley are
in one. mate St., Louis and Kansas City, Mis
souri. The 'ftserve district of the latter towns
includes Kansas, Nebraska, parti of Oklahoma
and Missouri and all of Colorado.
The whole vast region west of the Missouri
river haa .only one reserve bank, that at San
Francisco. There is nd such bank in the great
Puget Sound district. There is none in the busy
mountain west. There is none at the mouth of
the Mississippi. ' ,
This condition is too unfair to be maintained
indefinitely, and the best time to right an injus
tice is now: There should be a reserve bank at
Seattle to handle the northwest coast, and another
at Denver, to take care of the mountain' region.
New Orleans should by all meana be the center
of a reserve district including Louisiana, Missis
sippi and Arkansas, ant the Kansas City bank
should be moved to Omaha. This would give
the country three more banks than it now has,
increase the serviceability of the system, and clear
up the present inequitable arrangement,
There arc few, if any, more Important jobs
be fate congress than the perfection of the fed
eral reserve act, Let the task be begun at once.
Wireles Around th World.
The opening of wireles communication be
tween the United State and Japan is but the ex
tension of man's feeble grip on the forces of na
ture. A very few years ago the cable waa laid
under control of the United States which com
pleted the circuit of the world by covering the
Pacific, and now we find that service supple
mented by the Marconi invention, which wilt loon
be extended till it, too. wilt girdle the globe. To
all iuteti'.s it does now. TttTvalue has been doubly
demonstrated by the European war, and that its
service will expand with peace is quite easy to
believe. All of these things reduce the siie of
the world, by bringing the separated members
of (lie human family into closer physical rela
tions, snd thus facilitate the process of uniting
them in better social relations. The wireless is
but one' of a number of agencies working to the
great end of spreading the softening influences
of civilization and the consequent establishment
of peace for all tfce world. ." , ;
Intonto Allio... 170,000,000
Germany ....... f 11,000.000
Avatria 11.000.000
Turkar Bnlsaria 1,000,000
! ' '
Control AHIm.
. 14,000,000,000
141,100,000.000 lilt. I!
t t
Ft. Oa
IS. 10
146,040.000 127,760,100.040 I1IS.1S
Alt BaUll.nnU. ,1104.000,001 I76.95O.0OO.0O0
" The belligerent are obtaining- about half, of
theae huge tuma by direct loam from their own
fieople, from allied governments or peoples, or
rom the people of neutral nation. Since the
beginning of the war, it is noted, the United
States has loaned more than $1,500,000,000 to th
warring nations, , ;..-v. v :,. ;-.
The New Mother Hubbard '
Old Mother Hubbard
Went to her unitary, all-enamel, washabl
To get' her impoveriihed canine an ossicle
But when she arrived there "
For miles you could hear her (wear '
She found that the sanitary ice-box contained
but a vacuum, ' s
And ao her prize-winning, blue-ribbon
canine wa compelled, much against his wish,
to subsist on a diet consisting of a gaseous
mixture composed of one part oxygen and
four part nitrogen, and hi own imagination.
: (LMVa Bartend V.mloa.)
Cause of Car Shortage !
Now York Journal at Cammoroa.-
- With the beginning of the year, Omaha will be
wholly without representation in the membership
of the supreme court, the State Railway com
mission and equally unrepresented in the elective
offices in the state house. Not an Omaha runner
in thia last election landed a single job at Lin
coln. ; ; . -
One Wilson organ thinks the president's re
election is a triumph over a conspiracy of railway
president. Note an exception, however, for Lov
ett of the Union Pacific and Underwood of the
Erie and several others. Trust the railroads al
ways, to have representatives in both places.
And now we are told a party by the name of
Stone, heir of the house of Gumshoe Bill, has
hit measure taken for the vacant judgeship at St.
Louis. , Some, lively sprinting is needed to beat
Missouri to the judicial pie counter. -
In these times of high costs and high price,
which are beginning to be seriously felt by that
targe part of the people who are not profiting
by them, one of the many incidents aggravating
the situation is delay; in the distribution of
things over the railroads. Thia is attributed in
some measure to a scarcity of cars for carrying
the large volume of goods, while so many of
them are employed in feeding that abnormal part
of the foreign trade which is stimulated by the
war in Europe, But some of the leading railroad
managers are admitting that the trouble is not 10
much in a general shortage of cars as a bad
distribution of those belonging to different rail
road companies. - i
The superintendent of transportation of a
leading western road, at a hearing before Inter
state. Commerce Commissioner McChord at
Louisville the other day. said that the "apparent
shortage" was quite Small, only about 60,000 in a
total of 2.600,000 on all the lines, and that it
resulted mainly from shippers asking for more
ears than thev needed in order to make sure that
they get all they want Some of them habitually
get more than tney need, thereby depriving
others of what they call for. Whatever the cause,
the shortage could be fully met by a more effi
cient distribution of the car supply. Many tie
idle in one place while they are needed some
where else. This superintendent, Mr. W. L.
Barnes of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy,
said that that system had been forced in self
defense to hold "foreign cars" that came upon
its lines and would have to do so until there was
some better assurance of a return of its own
from other lines. While it had about 32.000 on
its system belonging to other lines, 37,000 of its
own were detained on "foreign lines." ; "
Evidence of a like state of things on other
lines was adduced before the commissioner. The
difficulty is not a lack of freight equipment, but
a bad distribution of it. a lack x( efficiency in
the methods intended to keep it moving so far
aa practicable where it la wanted, borne shippers,
especially those having exceptionally profitable
use for cars, are holding all that come their way
or that 'tney can reach until they are ready to
use them. A similar result comes from a slow
process of unloading as from keeping empty cars
idle until shippers are ready to load, and having
a surplus always oi hand while others are short.
The only" remedy seems to be an increase in
demurrage charges to shippers and receivers of
goods and of per diem charges to the roads for
holding cars idle which come under their control.
That is a matter which comes within the author
ity of the Interstate Commerce commission, and
it concerns a great deal of business besides that
directly involved in particular shipments and de
lays. All kinds of "costs" are aggravated by
lack ol etnciency in tranaportation service.
i rnnAVi
Thought Niigget for the Day.
Cheorfulneat and content are great
beautlfler and are famous preserver
of youthful looks, depend upon It
One Tear Ago Today In the War.
Buurarlan advanced within aix
mile of Prtlep.
Reported that Oreece would ask
the alllea to quit Greek toll.
Premier Aaqultn, accompanied ny
four members of hi cabinet, arrived
In Parla.
United State called on Austria
Hungary to explain linking of An
cona. .
In Omaha Thirty Xear Ago.
.Articles of Incorporation were filed
of the Omaha Baae Ball aaaoclation
with a capital of 11,000. The asso
ciation will maintain a team for th
playing- of exhibition and champion
ship game of base ball.
The young ladle of Browntl! hall
presented the drama "Eameralda."
Hong Jung, the Chinaman who wa
fined by Judge Stenburg tor disturb
ing the peace, 1 the first Chinaman
who has been oontlned In the county
jail during Jailer Miller' term of
office, covering aevan yearn.
smu Brandel of Brandon Bon
has returned from New York City.
At a maetlna- of the nastor It waa
determined to hold union thanksgiv
ing atrvlcet In th exposition building
and th Rav. Bam Jona wa re
Quoattd to praach th sermon.
xna nasi or tn union Pacinc, the
government building, B. at M. head
quarter, -postoffic and a number of
otner leading nruoture in town
floated at half mast In respect to
the memory of the late ex-President
At a aaerad concert for th benefit
of the Charleston sufferers, the Musi
cal union furnished the muaio. as
sisted by the following: Mrs, Martin
Cahn, Mr. H. Lota and Mr. Conrad
Th Spenosr Bottling works of Ue
Moines ar to b removed to Omaha
and will b permanently located here
In th iprlng. i
Till Day In History.
1T0I -Lord Cornbury wa appointed
governor of New York and New Jer
sey by Queen Anne. .
1TI4 Return J. Meigs, governor of
Ohio during th war of lilt and post
master general under Presidents
Madison and Monroe, born at Middle
town, Conn. Died at Marietta, O.,
Mareh SO, '1824. .
1 77 e Fort Washington on the
Hudsod captured by the British with
1,000 prisoner and artillery. .
11 Th flrat session of th first
Diet of the Germanic confederation
began at Frankfort
184 Th independence of Cracow
was extinguished and It 'was seised
and Incorporated by Austria.
1S70 mix or Aosta elected king
of Bpein, with title of Amadeo I.
188a Loul Rial, leader of the re
bellion in the Canadian northwest,
wa executed at Regina.
1881 Revolution broke out In
Braxll. resulting In the deposition of
th mpror and proclamation of a
republic 1 ,
lata -samue F. smith, author of
'Amnio, " died In Bolton.- Born
there October II, 1808.
1807 President McKlnlev alraad
th treaty adopted, by the Universal
Postal eongraa
1111 President-elect Woodrow Wil
son and family embarked for Ber
muda lor a month's rest ,
The Day We Celebrate. . ,
Robert L. Carter, manager of the
Carter Sheet Metal works, is II years
old today. He wa born at Sparta,
111., and haa been In the sheet metal
business tn Omaha since 1817.
William P. Klrby, the new United
States senator from Arkansas, born in
Millar oounty, Ark., forty-nine year
ago today.
John H. Klrby, Texas lumber king,
who offered to raise and equip a regi
ment of Texaa riflemen at the time of
the Vera Crux Incident born in Tyler
county, Texas, flfty-six year ago to
day. .,
Rt Rev. Joseph P. Lynch, Catholic
bishop of Dallas, born at St Joseph,
Mich., forty-four year ago today.
Major General William W. Wether
spooh, U. S. A retired, former chief-of-ttaS
of the army and now commis
sioner of publlo works of New Tork
tat, , born In Washington lxty-lx
year ttgo today.
Rolll H. Zalder, lnflelder of the
Chloago National league baa ball
team, born at Auburn, Ind., twenty
nine year ago today.
James H. Starrett known aa "th
father of American swimming," born
In Philadelphia, sixty year ago today.
George H. Gouldlng, world's cham
pion walker, born In Hull, England,
thirty-three year ago today.
Timely Jottings and Remlndera.
At a hearing at Houston today 'the
elelma of that city to the location of
one of the proposed federal farm loan
bank will be presented to the Farm
Loan board.
Notable speakers ar to be heard
at a dinner to be given tonight at the
Hotel Astor, New Tork. in celebration
of th tenth anniversary- of the lay
man's mleslonary movement
Cardinal Gibbon la to preside to
day at th ceremonies of dedication
of the new house of studies of the
Oblate clergy at the Cathollo univer
sity In Washington, D. C.
1 The joint annual meeting of the
American Academy and National In
etitute of Fine Arts and Letter la to
begin It Sfaalona today In New Tork
City with William Dean Howells pre
siding. Conditions at horn and abroad
after th war ar to b discussed at
an open conference of th Efficiency
society, meeting In New Tork City
today for a three-day session.
iA dinner tn memory of the late Dr.
oatah Strong Is to be given tonight at
the Hotel Astor, New York, following
the annual meeting of the American
Institute of Social Service, which he
Storyette of the Day.
Little Gerald wa Initiated into the
beauties of grand opera. He listened
for soma time In silence, but when the
celebrated soprano waa in th middle
of her loudest solo Gerald concluded
that something ought to be don to the
eonductor of the orchestra. He said
to hi mother: '
"Why doee that mast hit at th
woman with a stick 7"
"Keep quiet," hi mother replied.
"H Is not hitting at ner.
Juat then the soprano gave another
desrtalrtns ahrlek.
"Well, than, if he Isn't hitting at her
what I ah hollering bo fort" said
Gerald New York Times. ( ,
What Circle Cross Doe.
Grant, Neb., Nov. 16. To the Edi
tor of Th Be: Will you please settle
the following disputed Question: - If
a man places an (x) in the ring and
votes a straight ticket all tn way
through, la it legal for him to cross
over to another party ticket and vote
for soma one on that ticket? How
can this be done legally; he can't vote
for two for the came office, he has
already voted for one. I am not ques
tioning the fact that In Nebraska pre
cincts the Judges give a man oredlt for
his intentions, but I want to know the
legality of such a proceeding, in
Iowa and elsewhere they have taken
the rings off the ballot because It
caused irregularities like the above,
and if a man voted aa above, that la.
scratched for another party on an
other ticket after voting it atraignt it
wa held illegal and the vote were
thrown out as they should be, or
counted straight only. The ring should
be discarded also In Nebraska; it's a
nuisance. Please advise me soon aa
to th ltgaUty of the above question.
I am on your list and hope that even
yet error may show that Hughes haa
WOn. U. A. StiUTBK,
Note by Editor: Law counts circle
cross for all party candidates except
where individual cross in square inai
oate a different choice.
gome Tips from a Veteran.
' Omaha. Nov. 14. To the Editor of
The Bee: The Manchester Guardian
attributes Wilson' success to the in
terest that Roosevelt took. That 1 a
mistake; It was th pope. He thought
that If Hughe wa elected he would
appoint Rooeevelt secretary of war and
If he did It would be goodby Mexico.
The Catholic could not boas Hughes
as they have and will do with Wilson.
About 75 per cent of Wilson appoint
ment have been Catholics or sym
pathisers. I wrote you two or three
weeks ago that a vote for Wilson
would be a vote for Tumulty, and If
you will nee your Judgment yon will
find that I was rlgnt Another tnmg:
The saloon people claim they are pay
ing to the school some 3&u,uuu per
year and they claim that the tax levy
will be raised. Not If churches and
church holding are assessed as they
ought to be. It Is likely that an amend
ment to the constitution would have
to be made. G. B. SMITH,
ji Woostor Words of Protest, i
Silver Creek, Neb., Nov. 15. To
the Editor pf The Bee: From the
very meager newspaper reports of the
work of the State Teachers' associa
tion In Omaha, It would seem that
about the only tnmg tney aid deserv
ing public attention was to reoom
mend by unanimous vote the use of
simplified spelling In the schools as
adopted Dy the national uaucation
association, the words of whloh partic
ularly specified are, In their simplified
forma, the following:
"Tho, altho, thru, thruout thoro,
thorofare, thoroly, catalog, decalog,
oedagoc. program, prolog.
If those teachers could think of
nothing better than this to do, they
might much better have stayed at
home attending to their schools
where. In my opinion, they should
have been In any case. It Is all right
for th teacher to have their state
meeting If they wish to; ' but
they should be held, If at all, during
the summer vacation when It will not
be necessary, as la now the case, to
deprive practically all the children
In the state of a week'a study and
work. - i
This simplified ' spelling is an
abomination; but) that very fact la
a sufficient reason why teachers
more ' particularly - "educators"
who are always straining after some
thing different, should take it up.
Simplified spelling, carried to It log
ical conclusion, mean purely pho
netic spelling, or a separate and dis
tinct character for each elementary
sound. Theoretically that la logical.
but In practice impracticable. The
fact that for a hundred years
more the form of printed word has
been fixed, and that we have hun
dreds of million of printed book
I reason enough why there should
be no change in the spelling of
words. To begin such changing
which, from th nature of the case,
could never end, ought not to be
thought of or tolerated for a mo
ment To teach our children these
new forms would be to make all
books now In our libraries seem
strange and out of the way to them
and disturb and confua their minds;
while to run up against one of them
creates In the mind or an older per
son a feeling of hatred and Intense
But what right have teachers to
Introduce or encourage such an inno
vation? None at all; and school
board should put a atop to such
work whenever It crop out as they
have full , power to do. And profes
sors, too, in the University of Ne
braska have no more rights In this
matter than have the teachers In our
public schools; and our board of re
gents should put a stop to their ac
tivities along that line.
It will be recalled : that when
Theodore Roosevelt wa president he
once ordered that this simplified
spelling should be used In the public
printing office at wasnington in ine
printing of all publlo -documents, but
that when congress convened they
made short work of htm and went
back to the regular spelling. And ao
In a similar way should our Incom
ing legislature by resolution, or
formal act put an end to all thie
simplified spelling Idiocy Insofar as
all official publications and our school
from 'the university down ar con
, Emotional Voting.
Omaha, Nov. 15. To the Editor oi
The Bee: When I expressed opposi
tion to woman suffrage two years ago
and said they were too emotional to
ba candid 'voter I wa called down
for saying that by some of th suffrag
ists, both publicly and by anonymous
letters, but the election of November
7 suatain the view.
The result in th suffrage states
shows that th women voter had
their fears and emotions worked upon
by the "he kept us out of war" cry
and they voted for Wilson, not be
cause they preferred him, but through
their fear and emotions It haa been
aid that women voter are many of
them more Intelligent than the aver
age of men voters. That I probably
nearly true, but men generally vote
acoordlng to principle and not by emo
tions, as a general thing. Had it not
been for the emotional women voters
In the mountain states It 1 more
than likely that Hughes would have
carried every on of them.
The suppression of republican vote
in the southern states and the hysten,
cai voting or women is wnat elected
Wilson. In th two state of Wes
Virginia and South Dakota, where
woman sunrage was oeaien, me men
voters strongly voted for Hughes. I
think we have had enough hysterical
voting In thia country already without
adding million of women who will
be hysterically controlled by their
whims and scares and emotion. A
my wife expresses It women can do
lots of good without mixing up In
political affairs, and In fact more
good to humanity.
Suffrage has been beaten In every
state that has voted on It In the last
four year and will continue to be
beaten right along. Better work for
the light of every republican In Mis
sissippi and South Carolina to cast
their votes aa freely as democrats cast
their vote tn Iowa and Nebraska be
fore extending 'the right of suffrage to
women. The Intolerable condition. In
the south must end.
Samoal Do yn think your rather wnld
objoot to my marrying rout .1
Sally I couldn't aar, Bammy. If ha'S
an rt hint nka ma, h woola. Pock.
"Re dtod boosns of hla wrong tbouflita.
"No! How's that!" ,
"Why, ho thought ho eonld paddlo a
oanoo," Nebraska Awgwao.
' "Tea would euppoee that th people of
tho polar roglona required very heavy food,
wouldn't yout"
"No. they aaom to prefer a light dlat; at
loeat, thoy oat oandtae." Baltimore American.
Uric Acid Poisoning!
The most eminent physician recog
nize that uric acid stored up in th
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that thi uric acid poison is present in
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perimenting and analysis at the In-,
valid' Hotel and Surgical Institute
in Buffalo, N. Y., Dr. Fierce discov
ered combination of native rem
edies that he called Anuric which
drives out the uric acid from the sys
tem, and In thi way the pain, swell
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can obtain Anuric at any drug store
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uratic salts; or under the eye in bag
in.. ... .'
It is lust a necessary to k-ep th
kidneva actine properly as to keen th
Dowel active to na tne ooay oi pois
ons. : ' . ' '-
The very best possible way to take
care of yourself Is to take a glass of
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solved with the food, picked up by
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ney, where it ha a cleansing and
Step into the drug (tore and ask
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send Dr. Pierce 10c for trial pekg.
Anuric many time, more potent
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