Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 16, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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vuo aeponer uuiers wun
Dana and Later Becomes
Good Vegetable Peddler.
; - By A. R. GROH.
, A young reporter was ent out once
to write up balloon'a'sceiuion. He
returned in a couple of hours and told
the city editor there was nothing to
."Why not?" asked the city editor.
"Well," said the. reporter, "they
didn't have any balloon 'ascension.
The fellow went up with the mayor
and the chief of police and when he
got up about a hundred feet the wind
ran the balloon against the Methodist
church steeple and tore it all to pieces.
Two of the men fell down and were
killed right away and the mayor was
still hanging on to the top . of the
steeple when I left, and they didn't
know how to get him down."
It is said the young reporter in after
life became a successful vegetable
peddler. .-
wnai is wewsf -.-.
This brings us to the question, What
is newsr Mews is anvthintr that is
of interest to the public. Accidents,
deaths, marriages,; births, successful
enterprises pi men or failures, inno
vations, things strange, out-of-the-ordinary.
: . .-'.
Dana, the editor of the New York
Sun, once illustrated put-of-the-ordin-ary
news, v'.'
If a dog runs out and bites a man,"
he said, "it may be news and it may
not be, depending on who the man is
ana now badly he is bitten. But if
man runs out and bites a dog it
news, no matter who the man is." ' '
Effect of Distance. ,
The importance of a piece of news
m any given locality depends upon
the distance of that locality from the
W th
place wnere the news happens. I re-
member reading in the London Times
about the Umaha tornado. It was I
piece about four inches long: and aim-
ply stated that 1,000 people had been
killed. If that tornado had struck
.London it would have had columns of
, space, even in the august "Times.
News varies in importance also ac
cording to the prominence of the per
sons involved. If a tramp is killed Jn
a wreck the public isn't as much in
terested in it as if a well known citi-
zen is killed in a wreck. , - , '. ,
yf Mystery is a great element in mak
S in fir news of interest became it stim
ulates the primitive emotion .of curi
osity. For example, the kidnapping
i oi cuuie vuaany.
The news value of what happens Is
governed also by the number of .peo
ple who are interested in it. The fifty
mempers 01 some club would be in
terested toee a full, detailed report
of the club's meetings, but the news
paper's other 99,950 readers would
have no interest in such a detailed re
port. Therefore only the most impor-
iam icaiurcs or me club meeting are
- mentioned. ' .
In short, th nura ,'a mr.lmA U:i..
' to meet tie desires and demands of
tne greatest number.
Dying Man Makes
Own Funeral Plans
Mike Hynock, 1216 South Thir
teenth street, an Austrian, was shot
by a Serb, L. Milech, according to
the verdict returned by a coroner's
. jury ' this morning. Hynock, after
being shot in a qu.--rel over the war,
asserted he was positive- he would
die and completed his own funeral ar
rangements .an hour before he passed
Celebrate Anniversary
In Most Uniniifi Manner
- Uncle Sam's gold pieces of the $2.50
aenomination are being passed out
to customers by the Nebraska Cloth
ing company, the occasion being the
fourth anniversary of the Greater
jveoraska. A three-day celebration
ot tne event is announced for Thurs
day, Friday and Saturday. ,
ihe men's clothing section, the
women s apparel department and
other departments are - directed by
spctiausia ui ineir respective lines.
It is announced that the clothinir
department this season offers $100,-
wv worm more or overcoats alone
than heretofore, another entire floor
having been remodeled into a sales
room to adequately show this great
The main i floor, 'devoted to great
selections of men's shirts, hats, men's
and womens shoes and kindred lines,
is one of the largest rooms in the west
...u:-u X j. . ..
ui wmiu mrmsning goods are SOlu.
The women's wearing apparel and
millinery sections located on -' the
third floor specialize in correct outer
apparel tor women and misses.
opeaKins: ot tneir idea in civmor
away gold pieces, John A. Swanson
Said: We wantrH r lin rr on
eciation of public patronage in a
way mat no man or woman could
misunderstand. . ,
Wheat and Corn Prices
Both Take a Slight Drop
LoweK prices and light receipts
ten tne story ot the Omaha grain
market for the day. Wheat receipts
were fifty-four carloads and prices
were ott 1 to 3 cents, sales being
ui4uc an j, uic way ociween . S1.8J
and $1.91 per bushel.
Corn was off V, cent to 4J4 cents
and sold at 9496J4 cents per bushel.
Receipts were twentyfour carloads.
, Oats sold at 5555 cents per
bushel, pf-cent to H cent off. Receipts
were eighteen carloads.
President King of Oberlin .
To Talk to Alumni On 'Phone
, Oberlin alumirfliving in Omaha are
invited to the general offices of. the
telephone company for Friday even
ing when President King of Ober
lin will talk over the transcontinental
telephone wire to Oberlin men all
along the route. The different
ciations will also talk to each other.
arley Moorhead will talk for the
Omaha association and all whn
the exchange mav hear r Preirfnt
The. Mountain-Climbers , ;
I T ' i. I I
(we 60 VP W f . -. N rswmJ:
Anthracite Now Sella at $13 to
$13.60, While . Soft Coal
..'Costs Eight-Fifty.
Successful and Beaten Runners
in Late Race Tell How''
Much it Cost
Additional expense accounts filed
with Harley G. Moorhead, election
commissioner, by candidates in the
recent election both successful and
unsuccessful, show that A. L. Suttton,
defeated for governor, spent $973.
Some of the other expense accounts
filed within the last couple of days
are as followsi Felix J. McShane, de
feated for sheriff, $338; Charles. Dick
inson, unsuccessful candidate for
judge of the district court, $226.80; R.
J. Madden and James M. Fitzgerald,-
winners in the race tor ponce -magistrate,-
$148 -and $409.98, -respectively;
I." - n . CnAM,. Am4matA tri r-n-o. ...
treasurer, $339.7; jerry M. Fitzger
ald, the county assessor-elect, $350;
George C. Porter, defeated for con
gress, $23; Arthur E. Baldwin, suc
cessful candidate for judge of the
municipal court, $216.85; A. C. Harte,
defeated for county commissioner,
$225; Frank C. Best, defeated . for
county commissioner. $137.50; L. E.
Adams, successful' candidate for
county surveyor, $155; Jeff W. Bed
ford, one of the county commission
ers-elect, $275; Richard ' S. Horton,
successful candidate for public defen
der, $66; Will N. Johnson, loser, $35;
Michael Uark. the sheritt-elect. $464:
Judge Leslie, re-elected, $165.65;
Judge Troup, re-elected, $111.40.
ihe following candidates tor the
state legislature have hied expense
accounts in the last day or so;. J.
H. Bulla, successful, $156; James
Walsh, unsuccessful, $62.50; R. C.
Druesedow, unsuccessful, $59; Nels
Lundgren, unsuccessful, $40; John W.
Cooper, unsuccessful, S6.5U: I. M.
Lovely, successful. $38; J. H. Crad-
dock. successtul. XIUo: K. L. Mrehlow,
successful, $245.50; John H, Bennett,
successful, $18349.
Kugel Thinks that
All New Year Fetes
Should Be Day Early
City Commissioner Kugel. as super
intendent of the police department,
is in a quandary as to what to say
regarding the New Year s eve -festivities,
inasmuch as this event falls
on a Sundav this vear. . - ,
' A number of inquiries have reached
Mr. Kugel's' office, particularly from
hotel men, who' want to know what
to do about making New Year's eve
It has been ihe custom in the past
to "let the bars down" on" the last
evening of th year. Mr. Kugef be
lieves the celebration should be held
on Saturday evening this time. .
Eeal Estate Men
Will Devote More
;,') Time to Land Yfoxk
The Omaha Real Estate board
wants to pursue narrower lines this
year. The report of the executive
committee, which was adopted, limits
the activities and discussions of the
club largely to matters pertaining to
the real estate business, instead of
covering the whole field of civic and
political activities. The report created
a discussion that lasted over an hour.
The committee branded the" activities
of the club during the last two years
as negative rather than positive.
Mr. Ultimate Consumer it you
bought' Jour coat Tuesday instead of
waiting until yesterday, you saved $1
per ton on most of the grades. .This
morning the Omaha coal dealers took
another twist at the high cost of liv
ing and before, they , quit they had
added 'the $1 per ton to those kinds
of coal that' are in rnost demand.
Omaha coal dealers assent 'that in
making the advance in price to the
consumer,- an even greater advance
has been added to their purchases' at
the mines. ' v . . -
Tuesday morning hard coal was re
tailing at $12 to $12.50 per ton aid
now the same kinds of coal sells at
$13; to $13.50. The Arkansas eoals
were caught for an advance of but 50
cents ncr ton and the bpartra that
Tuesday sold for $10.50 noy fetches
ill on large or small orders.
The greater part of the soft coals
comes from the Illinois mines.- lues-
day this coal sold at $7.50 per ton
Now it is listed at 8.u, and tne deal
ers declare that they don t care
whether or not you take it, tontend
ing that selling it at this price is
about the same as swapping dollars,
so far as a profit is concerned, v
4 ' Coke Goea Up, Too.'
Early in the season a good many of
the people took to petroleum coke as
i winter fuel, largely because d
not produce ashes. The early lorders
were filled at $10.25. Then it was
boosted 50 cents in price, followed by
another boost, and now the price has
been out no to $11.50 per ton.
Dealers assert that they are unable
to say if there will be another ad
vance, but they add that they would
not be surprised to see several before
the winter is over. 1 hey contend
that the demand for coal is unprece
dented, due almost wholly to a large
export business and the operations of
practically all the manufacturing
plants the country over, They assert
that another cause tor the advance
made at the mines and which ulti
mately hits the consumer, is due to
the shortaae in production. They in
sist that all through the coal mining
districts, although wages to miners
have been increased,' it is impossible
to get rnen. -. . -v . ..." ; - - -
Postage to Australia J,!
r Is Eight Cents, Not Two
: Postmaster l L. .. fanning : has
fa11H atttttinn In a f irrular received
. . -
from the Postoffice department of I
Washington to the effect that post
age to Australia ia 8 cents instead of
2 cents. Failure of persons to add
the proper, postage has resulted in
the return of a large number of- let
ters. : " ' - ' -
wu tedlr rupturwi Fhtl lftiri trunk
MVtrftl yrB'fo. Doctor mI4 my only
hope of euro wm n operation. Trnntm did
me no rood. ' Filly I got hold ot some-
thing that quickly and eompletely cured me.
Team have passed and the rupture has never
returned, although X am dome hard work
ae a carpenter. There was no operation, no
tout time, no troubled 1 have nothing to sell,
but wilt give, full Information about how you
may una a complete oure wiinout opera
tion. If you write to me, Eugene M. Pullen,
Carnenter. lll-G Marcellus Avenue, liana,
quen, N. J. Better out out this Viotlee and
show it to any others who are ruptured-
i mar save a ins or be iomi rod iti m
runturo and the worry and dancer of an
gperaiion. Aavemiemeni.
Twelve "Hundred Dollars ;
Raised by the Y. W, C. A.
Two or three hours work in the
campaign for funds launched by the
Young Women's Christian association
today, brought $1,264. Twenty thous
and dollars is the goal, and ten days
the time set. Mrs. Emma F. Byers
and Miss . Ada Starkweather, who
came from Minneapolis to help in
the wprk, gave talks at the noon-day
luncheon when funds were turned in
by workers.
Neglecting Your
When everybody lived outdoors kidney
diseases Were unknown. Lungs, skin and
kidneys worked together to keep the blood
fresh and pure. Nowadays the thinkers, the
writers, the store and office employees, the
housewives and other indoor workers get too
little fresh air, exercise, rest and sleep The
kidneys weaken. Backache, headache, ner-
vubhiii. rneumausm ana annary aisoraere
become daily trials. Neglect causes many a
fatal ease of firight's disease. Don't delay.
Us Doan'a Kidney PUla.
An Omaha Experience:
F. J. Kesiel. 2218 8. SevSntitmth RL.
says: "My kidneys were weak for some time.
At first they heuan tvt et tnn ttn and f
had to pass the secretions every little while.
riniiy j, oegan to nave trouble with my
back and alio rheumatie naln In mv knai
After using Doan's Kidney Pills, my kid
neys got to acting right and the secretions
cleared up. My back became easier and the
rheumatie pains lessened." . . !
SO at all Drutf Stores
Roster.MllburnCo.Pni BurTalaNY
& Wilhelm
414-416-418 South 16th St
This Colonial
Poster Bed Is
Priced $37.50
and that is most reasonable, for
the bed is solid mahogany that has
been carefully selected. Four Inch
squares were required to make the
posts, which are gracefully turned.
At the head a wida panel Com
pletes the effect and the whol
piece ie perfectly finished
rubbed dull. Only $37.50. -
Comas ia twin or full tin,
Other Colonial Post Beds in Mahogany Finish at $19.50, $22.00,
Squ.r. Tubs Brass Bsda, boltless construction, seamless tubing and
satin finish, at $25, $29, 33 and up.
V , .' ',.
A Good Satin Finish Brass Bed as low in price as $7.75 '
Dining Room Furniture
We extend a cordial invitation to you to see the wonderful dis
play of dining room furniture shown on our 6th' floor.' ,
Order now for delivery before Thanksgiving
There Are Advantages in Selecting
Your Victrola at Orchard &
All the various styles of Vic-.
tor Victrolas in the different
woods and finishes are includ
ed in our stock. '
It ia not necessary for you to defer .
the pleasure of a Victrola in your
home until you can pay the full price,
but you can take it at once, pay a '
small amount each month and enjoy,
i( at the tame time. We sell Victrolas
on ' "' '' ..-'
s IP
Electrolysis Not
; As Bad as Reported
Some government
been in Omaha several days chasing
stray electric currents. They have
been working in the interest of the
street railway company and the
Omaha Water board, determining to
just what extent the stray currents
running off the street railway wires
injure the water and other pipes
buried in the ground in close prox
unity to the trolley li. . p x
It is asserted that the report of th
pcrt, will show that the damage
?( by electric current
.s gr'e!t'.hsX8.h1,he grOUnd' is
" great as hat been supposed The
report will also show that there i!
can be drained off. thus doing away
almost en.,rely with the danfagTto
Civil Service Eeform Depart
ment of Woman's Club Helps
, Bring Matter to Foous. ?
In connection with the establish
ment of the co-operative employment
bureau, sponsored by the federal
government, is brought, to light the
connection of an Omaha clubwoman,
Mrs. F. H. Cole, and her department,
that of civil service reform, General
Federation of Women's ' Clubs, in
bringing the jnovrnicnt to' its pres
ent status. ' '- ,
Plans of establishing the bureaus
were first made public May 24, 1916,
at a conference of Mrs. Cole's depart-,
ment at the biennial convention in"
New York, when . Commissioner.
General . A. Camminetti and . Mrs.,
Camminetti were present. Miss Kate
Waller Barrett -commented , on. .this,
in a speech made at that time. A
movement for a separate women and!
girls' division of the bureau, not in
cluded in the original plan,- was en-'
dorsed at this conference and later
put into effect, '
"Opportunities for Women in the
Federal Service" is a pamphlet issued:
by Mrs.- Cole last year, partly along-'
the line of work planned by the fed-.
eral bureau. Training for public
service has always been featured by:
the civil service reform department.
A number of local clubwomen will
be asked to meet General Camminetti
on his next, visit. . ; . " ,
Consolidation of the vocational
bureau, established last year by the
Association of Collegiate Alumnae, -with
the new federal bureau, is to
be brought to the. consideration of
the college Women,
'WH. L. HOLZMAN, Trau..
A Great Three-Day Celebration of our
A $2.50 Cold Piece Free with individual cash jCXi
nYfo j purchases of $25 or more throughout our store py .
THURSDAY,' November 16, This Greater Store Completes '
. four years of notable triumphs in value-giving, and the
achievement of unqualified supremacy in apparel-selling.
Our pride in our record is justified and we intend to celebrate
in a fitting manner. We want all the people of this com
munity to join us in an event that offers , t- ;
The Golden Opportunity of the season
-to buy wearing apparei at a saving
i v Besides the most wonderful values, the largest stockslo choose from, and
In spite of the rising market on all lines of wearing apparel, we will give
away,' as souvenirs of our Fourth Birthday United States $2.60 Gold Pieces
Free, making an unprecedented event for everybody that attends. Come, we
want you to get your share. Thursday, Friday, Saturday. V ,
Thousands upon Thousands of Men's
Suits and Overcoats, $15-$20-$25
-Values Unequaled at $20 to $35' Elsewhere. Compare.
OVERCOATS in a variety f models nsrar bs- :
f ore attsmptad sing Is and doula brsaatsd
stjrlsa ia box casts, ulitsn, nhtsrsltss sad
grsst coats. Nsvsr bsfor as many becoming
medsls and rich fabrics Scstch mixtures, plaid
back Meltons, heathsr nlxturaa, plsida, anrsr.
plaids, Meltons, Ksrssys sad Oxford Vieuaas. '
Many superbly silk Used er with yoke sad silk-,
pipsa i
SUITS In a wonderful showing of men's and
young men's brilliant styles or conservative
models. Suits in the smartest fsbrlcii nsw .
Butternut browns, regimental stripsa, Dublin
green gunmetsl grays, autumn brawn, silver
striped bluet, two-tone blue, blue gray, brown
and green flannels, silk mixtures, fency tweeds,
cheviots and the finest worsteds aver shown in
the west.
Supreme Showing World's Finest Overcoats, $30.00, $35.00, $40.00.
. No store ever made a greater demonstration ot j farsighted preparation.
Months of planning secured for us at the, old prices the most luxuriously silk
lined imported Melton, St. George Keriey and Vicuna Chesterfield Overcoats.
Fur and Fur-Lined Overcoats, $18 to $88 Men's Mackinaws, $5.00 to $15.00 f
' ' "; Boys' Mackinaws, $5.00 to $9.00 V :
$2 J0 Gold Placs Anelvertery Sauvealrt with cue eurekam el Sas.00 er SMre tkreutheut the stere. . ' .
Women's Apparel at Unequaled Prices
i Greater values and greater selections than ever before have been prepared
for our Fourth Anniversary. We invite every woman to participate in our celebra- :
tion; secure the best values obtainable and receive a $2.50 gold piece abso
lutely Free. : V ' '
Wonderful Values in COATS for Women and Misses
$14.85, $17.50, $19.50, $24.50
A guaranteed saving
COATS for every purpose, in every
conceivable style and color. All en
vveloping, voluminous coats, richly
fur-trimmed and fur-effect coats. Coats
for street, motor or' travel wear
variety unparalleled. "
Salts' genuine Sealette, Esqui
mette and Velour Coats. We sensed
the tremendous demand and se
cured values that are the wonder
of all who compare. ' You must see -these
luxurious garments, priced at
a saving of 25 to 331-3, at '
$19.50 to $79.50.
of $5.00 to $10.00
Silk and Serge Dresses.
Hundreds and hundreds of those
much-desired crepe de chine, georgette,
satin and serge dresses every new style,
every color, $9.85 to $39.50.
Children's Dresses Children's Coats
95t to $4.95 $3.95 i $9.85
$2.60 QM Ffact Aanlvvrsary aouvmlrt with cuh purchMM ( $28,00 irMrt, IhrouvhMit th (tort), -
Omaha's largest showing of Men's Underwear, Sweaters,
Gloves, Flannel and Dress Shirts, Hats, Caps, Footwear
All Women's Suits
Yes, it means just what it says -it's
the big, event - of our Fourth
Anniversary. . w 1 .
Our Entire Stock.
Of beautiful velour, chiffon velvet,
panne velvet, broadcloth, duvetyne?
wool velour, serge, gabardine, and
serge suits
$14.85 to $74150 Suits
at halt-price, Now