HE BEEr OMAHA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1916. APPONYI PREDICTS EARLY END OF WAR Statesman Thinks Peace nego tiations Will Open Soon as Eonm'ania is Crushed. ' PEEMIEES LESS 7 BITTER Berlin, "Mt. 13. (Via London, Nov. Ii Delayed.) The opening of peace negotiations may perhaps be ex pected with fair prospect! of tocceti in the course of the coming winter, ac cording to Count Albert Apponyi, vet eran Hungarian leader and former Hungarian premier, Count Apponyi, who is visiting Germany to deliver two addressee on Hungarian history, expressed his viewt in an interview given to a correapondent of the As sociated Press in which he discussed the general European situation. Finish of Roumania Near. ' .We cannot expect," he said, "to see peace negotiations opened within the next few weeks while the Roumanian campaign is still undecided. However, I regard our chances for success there as excellent and once Roumania is crushed I think both sides will he willing to consider the question of Jieace. Roumania was the, entente's sst card and is proving a losing one. We are massing a big army against the Roumanians and f think that the end will come, shortly. "Of course, our progress ' on the, Transylvanian front is a bit slow, ow ing to the great difficulties of the country and' particularly to the defi ciency in rearward communications. These communications are, far poorer than in the west, or even in Galicia and Roumania. However, the entry of Roumania into the war has in many respects been really advantageous to . - ' Chancellor Lets Exacting. To illustrate what he regards as the improving chances for peace negotia tions,' Count Apponyi referred to re cent speeches of statesmen in the op posing camps. "Not Lloyd George, of course," he interjected parenthetically, "but such at-Lord Grey and Chancel lor, von Bethmann-Hpllweg, for ex ample." He suggested a comparison between the utterances of these lead ers a year ago and at present. Then," he said, "their respective standpoints were as far apart as the poles, but now, although, there are still wide differ ences between them, they have most appreciably drawn nearer.; The joy has been eliminated from the British pronouncements and the agitation for annexation it dwindling in Germany." . "Chancellor von Bethmann-Holl-tweg,"4ie went on, "haa pointed out in this latest speech that he haa never, ktemanded the annexation of Belgium, tiuch instances as these show, in my opinion,. that there are now no really inseparable obstacles to the opening of a discussion on future peace. Of course the kingdom of Poland must stand, but I believe Russia can be brought to reconcile herself to this situation. ' Wilson May Mediate. J Count Apponyi was asked if he thoutrht the imoulse to start oesce dis cusstons could come from within' the camps of the warring f, powers v tn whether ah outside impetus, in tne form of a tender of sood offices from a neutral personage or oowre would be necessary. He replied that he saw no reason why neutral mediation should sot be welcomed when the op nortune' moment to .which he had re ferred ; should arrive and added -that he knew no reason -why President Wilson should not be acceptable as an intermedial?. ; , ;.: ? "We feel, of course," he said, "that President Wilson has not treated us fairly and that he has departed from the way of strict neutrality. But, even though one does not like a person that is, no reason for rejecting his services' when these may be useful' The Hungarian statesman believes that the war should not only 'end be cause of what he regards as the futil ity of further hostilities, but because of his exoressed conviction as to the menace of Russia. He declared that the western, states of Europe must band themselves together for defense against Russia, which country he characterized as the great menace to the future peace of Europe and the 'v world. 1 In his opinion France's efforts to regain Alsace-Lorraine are doomed to failure and the renublic mav as well reconcile itself to peaceful and friendly relations with its eastern neighbors. He holds that Great Britain has made an abortive effort to crush Germany as a trade rival by anneal to arms, but that there is noth ins essential in the character of the three nations to prevent their union as friends. 1 ' - . . -, In respect to Russia, however, on the other hand. Lount ADDonvi de- clared that the organization of the country contains the germs ot war and that it is compelled by the very essence of its being to attempt to ex 4end its domination at evsry oppor. tunity over the nations with which it , it m contact. ."Once this war is finished," he said. "Europe will probably have at least twentv-hve or thirty years ot peace until the generation which has passed through this conflict has departed from the stage. This should give time and onoortunity to a wise and far-see ing diplomacy by which the western states of Europe can arrange for pro tection against the disturbing element in the east. . ' - Count Apponyi says that his views are snared by all leading Hungarians, and, with the possible exception of certain Slavonic elements in Austria, are also held by the leaders in thst country. ' Governorship of : Arizona in Dpubt Phoenix, Ariz., Nov. IS. The identity of Arizona's next governor still is in doubt. At democratic head' quarters today it was said Governor Hunt was leading by seventeen votes. The republicans claimed Thomas Campbell's election by a plurality of as least 160. The official count will begin next Monday. On the face of the unofficial returns, with twelve precincts missing, Campbell today hart a lead of 1J8 votes. toot-tea Colon are Poogcana. Internal throat anil chaat troubles pro- duo Inrtajtimatloa. To reddec lnflamma (ton. Ioohcii -eooeRf doctroy cold germa, UH ir Klnf'i Km Ilaovry. All drttgglata- n. t., trearickson ana wire r lunge ' Into an Irrigation Ditch Full of Ice Though he drove his car mto an Irrigation ditch in Colorado, smashed through the ice and abandoned the car in four feet of ice and water, H. E. Frelrickson it back in Omaha healthy and haoov. Mrs. rrcuriiKaiMi, who was With this week. It was on Monday that they were hurled into the irrigation ditch. They were driving thirty miles art hour on a graded road with a big irrigation ditch on either side. Another car was approaching and also two men on horseback. Fredrickson sought to turn out and found to his HEARING OF 'MASTER . SPY' ISP0STP0NED Arraignment of Graves . De layed Until Prince Gets Per- mit to Testify. v her husband in this adventure, is re-! dismay that his steering gear was cuperating at the home of her par ents in rremont, nursing a scratcnea nose, a scarred lip and other facial bruises, i "If we hadn't left Denver ton a Fri day," said Mr. Fredrickson, "we would have heen anient out i am always lucky when I start snything on Fri day. That's why I started for Omaha on Friday." The hrearlcKsons encountered much bad weather and therefore did not get out of Colorado by Monday of broken. He kicked his heel upon the brake and rammed down the emer gency, but the car leaped the em bankment and crashed into the ice, slush and water, so deep that the water flooded the body of the car and the Fredricksont got their feet wet and their heads bumped and scarred. Farmers working in the beet fields 'hitched thirty horses and mules to the car before they could pull it out. The Fredricksons left the car. for repairs and came in on the train. IRISH BETTER OFF DESPITE UPRISING Even Dublin Women Make Good Wages in Shell- . Making Factories. LORD MAYOR EXPLAINS :orrtDMne or Tha AaaocMKi PrM.) Dublin, Ireland, Nov., 1. The Dub lin correspondent of The Associated Press has interviewed the, Right Hon. fames Gallagher, lord mayor of Dub lin, in reference to the statements which have been made regarding a supposed exceptional state of distress in the city due to the April rebellion, and its suppression. J Ihe lord mayoft sain: -we are absolutely .better off this year than last year, notwithstanding the rebel lion. Then is, as far as I can see, no exceptional distress at all. There is, the contrary, a good deal of money coming into the city for sep aration allowances for the dependents of the men, most of (Jiem of the work ing classes, who joined the army. In formation obtained from various traders in the city enable me to say that trade is at good if not better than it was twelve months ago. More over, employment has been added, to nwino to the amount of munition work done in the city. We have five I or tix factories each employing from 100 to 600 hands. Women are earn ing very good wages, and Dublin women nave proved very adaptable in shell making. The result is that the government it able to turn out shells in Dublin and in Ireland generally, cheaper than it can do It in England. "The effect of the "rebellion,'7 said the lord mayor, "wat only temporary. certain number ot people were thrown out pf employment By the destruction of the premises in which they worked: but that temporary need was promptly met. 1 got up a tuna which amounted to 500 or 600 pounds, and the local committee which had been working for the Prince of Wales' fund in relief of war distress save me oermisston to spend from ther resource something like 2,000 pound in addition, we naa tne an vantage in distributing ot all these funds 16 the necessitous of all the machin ery used by the local relief committee. The need was only temporary, most of the people who were not employed at that time nave got employment either from their old or new employ era. Some went to tngland and se cured employment in the munitions factories:' i ' ' ' The authorities of the St. Vincent de Paul -society, who have ' closer touch with the poor in the city of Dublin than any other organization, ttll me that the number of cases on their books in the city is exactly the same today as it wat at the beginning ot uctooer last year. Germany's Income Tax Shows Less Business Berlin, Nov. l, In makiny Up the TIMOROUS TINNER PRESSES HIS SUIT Pather-in-Law Waxes Fiery on the Stand When He Tells of Efforts to Avoid Trouble. s JAKE TITTERS AT SIGHT -Max Venger, well-to-do' Genoa (Neb.) "merchant, one of the defend ants in a $10,000 alienation of affec tions suit, brought by Jacob Fried of Omaha, a timorous but persistent tin ner, who insist! that' his father-in-law "gyped" him out of his spouse's love, waxed on the witness tterv stand in Judge Estelle's court when he told of his efforts to keep' oeace hi the Fried household when a dis ruption seemed imminent. Fried, whose path crossed that of the Vengers while he wat on a: tin ning expedition in Genoa, where the Indian school is located, tittered when his father-in-law told of the court ship, the wedding and the eventual "hustup"1 in the young couple's home. The Genoa business man testified that he and his friends did all in their power to keep the voung people sail ing along smoothly on the tea of matrimony. -If anyone rocked the boat, Venger averred, it wat the son- in-law and not lie or Mrs. venger, whom the tinner would have the court separate from the price of several flivvers. . .; .. .- . : v,."s ' All Call Him Jake. .'" On the other hand lake Fried (practically alt of the witnesses call him Jake) and his attorneys are at tempting to convince,-the proverbial "twelve s-ood men and true that Ma and Pa Venger were the ones who threw sand in the harmony macnitv erv of the newtvweds' household. Take emohatically insists that when he first went to Genoa he was just a plain sort of fellow, a member in srood atandinsr in the tinners orofes lion, with not a whit of a thought toward the fair sex or matrimony in anv way. thaoe or form. He adds that he was convinced against his will by Venger that it wat not good for man to live alone and that the belle of the Venger domicile wat hit logical mate. Jake believes that he will have been properly recompensed for his flier in the matrimonial market only when the head of the Venger manor and his wife have paid quite a bale of filthy lucre the equivalent of 100 century notes, to be exact HIS BOND IS CONTINUED Washington, Nov. IS. The pre liminary hearing of Karl Armgaard Graves, self-styled international spy, charged with attempting to extort $3,000 from Countess von Bernstorff, ! wife of the German ambassador, was postponed untfl December 6, at the request of the United States attor ney's office. . - When Graves, with his lawyers, appeared before United States Com missioner Taylor, the prosecution an nounced that testimony ot Prince Hatsfeldt, counselor of the German embassy, with whom Graves deslt, was essential. The prince, however, may not appear without permission of nit government, it may be two weeks before permission is received. The. bond of $2,000 under which Graves was released after his arrest last Saturday was continued. Graves and his lawyers planned to .eave Washington for New York during the day. Youthful Boxcar - Thieves Caught Juvenile court officers and Union Pacific detectivet have broken up a band of youthful freight car robbers which hat given the South Side police considerable trouble in the last few weekt. . ' . According to Gus Miller, probation officer, at least eighteen members of the boydom ''outlaw clan" will be given a hearing before Judge Leslie Saturday morning. The three ring leaders are being detained in! River- view nome, wnne tne otners nave been taken in hand by their respec tive parents. , . . i- . ' Authorities assert that the lads for several' weeks have systematically robbed freight cars in the South Side railroad yards and hidden the loot. consisting principally of butter, boxes qt soap and grain. Most ot the bovs. whose ases ranee from 9 to- 14 years,, go to school. Stolen cartons of butter were traced into several homes, Detective Phillips oa-the Union Pacific reported. income tax list for 1916, which is to yield the city of Berlin 45,072.981 last year, the authoritiei find that theTpbtely vegetable compound mixed wmi FAVEC2LC3 C'.EEKS Be Better LcoMnf Take Olive Tablets If your skill it yeUow complexion pallid tongue coated appetite poor Ciu have a bad tatte in your mouth- sy, no-good feeling you should take Olive Tablets, Dr. Edwards Olive Tabtets-a stltut for calomel were prepared by Dr. Edwards after 17 years of study with his patients. i ' : Dr. Edward Ulive laqiets are incomes of individuals in all clasies of taxpayers have increased, while those of firms and business houses in general have as consistently de creased.. . "' .;; (.. Tbere are 30,834 more persons with taxable incomes under 3,000 marks than in 1915, and 595 more who are taxed on incomes over 3,000 marks than there were a year ago. On the other hand there are a total of 156 less firms who will help fill the city's coffers than there were. olive oil You will know them by their olive color. ..... ''' "'" Tn have a dear, nink skin, bright eye! no pimples, a Jeelmg of buoyancy like childhood days yon must get at tne cause. IV. Edwarda Olive Tablets, act on the liver end bowels like calomel-yet bare no dangerous after effects. They start the bile and overcome con stipation. That's why millions of boxes are sold annually at 10c and 25c per box. All druggists. Take one or two nightly and note the pleasing results. 30 Years of Rheumatism Took S.S.S -Now Well Thirty years a sufferer from I blood those impurities resoon Rheumatism without relief, sible for her Rheumatism, and then finding; perfect health in S. S. S., is the experience of Mrs. Brame of Texas. Read her letter: ,...-! . ' ---.'." ' July 22, 1916. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. I suffered with Rheumatism for about thirty years, and never found a cure till I took S. S. S. 1 am now in perfect 'With and no mora nervous worry. I cannot say too much ' for what it did for me. . It is the only blood tonic in my es timation. I Will always recom- , mend it to every sufferer. I am, Respectfully, MRS. E. H. BRAME. V. 8410 Spence St,, Dallas, Texas, Mrs. Brame's case is typical of many others who have found S. S. . the only relief from Rheumatism. Mrs. Brame's happy experience will be yours if you follow her advice and take S. S. S. ' :k. -,.' ? ' i Not a Mystery. " There is nothing; mysterious about this accomplishment, Mrs. Brame only needed a rem edy that would drive out of the at the same time replenish the blood with the strength giv ing Qualities that only S. S. S, in such cases, as well as in other blood disorders, is due to the fact that the ingredients of S. S. S. are purely vegetahle and distinguished for their re storing properties. : Blood Needs Assistance. Your blood must have some thing to assist it in, sustaining your health, and S. a. S. Is fea ture's remedy for just such re quirements. Mineral drugs should be left entirely alone in treating blood diseases, as they are dangerous. S. S. S. is sold at all drug stores. Demand the genuine. Write our Medical Department full particulars about any blood trouble .you may have and you will, be fully advised regarding proper treat ment. No charge for this ser vice. Address Swift Specific Co., 160 Swift Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. v 4 ' President Wilson Sends Wireless 1 Greeting to the Emperor of Japan Washington, Nov. 15. The open ing of direct trans-Pacific wireless service between the United States and Japan through the Marconi com panyvwas signalized today with the following message , from President Wilson, to which a reply is expected during the day: 4 v ' "To His Imperial Majesty, the Em peror of Japan, at Tkio: The gov ernment and the people of the United States of America send greetings to your imperial majesty and to the people of Japan and rejoice in this triumph of science which enables the voice of America from the far west to cross the silent spaces of the world and speak to Japan in the far east, hailing the dawn of a new day. May this wonderful event confirm the TEIPER ARRAIGNED OD MURDER CHARGE Buffalo Man Accused of Shoot ing and Beating His Mother ; to Death: ' , CRIME IS x', SENSATIONAL unbroken friendship of our two na tions and give assurance of a never ending interchange of messages of good will. May the day soon come when the voice of peace, carried by these silent messengers, shall go into all the world and to the end of the world. WOODROW WILSON." Judge Woodrough Cuts r ; Hand While Sawing Wood No esses will be tried m Ittdce Woodrough's United States district court the rest of this week. While cutting a piece of wood, the saw in the judge's hand slipped with the result that he suffered a bad cut An infection set in and he is confined to his home. It is not thought the in fection will prove serious. Court was dismissed for the rest of the week and the jurors allowed to go home. - ' ' Stop Hating Broad Try "O-EAT-IT," the Rev Combination Bran Food, Folly. Baked, Ready to Eat Crisp Toasted Slices, and -Bb Free from Constipation and Indi- " t' gestica Without Medicine. Only lOo At Groocro Buffalo, N. y Nov. 15. Charged With murdering his mother by shoot ing and beating her to death at mid night, January 30 last, John Edward Teiper was brought into court for trial here today, At her home his sister, Grace, who is expected to be the chief witn"sT In the trial, lay under the care of a piiysician, her mind said still to be a blank as to events immediately preceding the, as sault it is charged Teioer made upon hor at the same time and place their; that both defense and prosecution are agreed that it will be necessary. to take Miss Teiper's evidence by deposir Hon at home. , It is said that the defense expects her evidence to support Teiper's claim that the crimes were committed by an unknown man, supposedly a negro, who attacked his mother, sister and brother, Frederic, to rob them at their automobile stood in the roadway near here. The brother also met death and Teiper is charged with his mur der, as well as with assault with in tention to kill his sister, but it is only tor the murder of the mother that he was placed on trial. - . V li ' Itttws, I Newer ' Cats "O-tATJT flam Aw fcrpJy D. Tastes! AsqrtUag LaVsTtbtW : "CP-EAT-IT" ii a in inUnitltn, fully bakml, rtadr-ts-aat, ur. dtHetout, nourUhlns bran krta4 tMd. Its eriap, taitr, toaatoS slteta kwp Indtftnlttlr made from rleh golden whoat-bran and otktr eonala. "0-EA.T-IT" takaa tht Plata of all old-atylt broad and broakfaat foods, morning-, noon and night: goad for bran, blood, norvoa and growing children, and' tnavroa froadom from onatlvttoa and Indigestion without the aid of modi- -lo or any addad axponao of Hiring. Phr aieiana heartily Moommond It For aole,' at alt groctra. 10a, or aent prepaid on rooofeit of price. Addroaa O-Sat-It Co., ISi Studabakor Bids., Chicago, BL i. ' "0-m-II" Htket Risl Rei Bbo. PILES CURED' WITROV Flitula, Flwart ud THE Rlroilar dlMWM OUrd under ft poMti'0 ii no tmr uat u o Vi-m Rook fir ibh nd womn. Etbl KNIFE i. o. v. mtfcai no rm t uatlt onrcd, ,pmi. FclvbtihM pormonntt In Soo MntnM too yar r.LBNaNT. SfSOlALlST, ,W Ovod Block DbS UUIMS3, IuWa. Vhudswn tUPER Save $175 On A HUDSON SUPER-SIX The Hudson, Super-Six, Winner of all Worth-While ; ; u Car Records, Advances $175 December 1 Every Hudson Super-Six owner takes pride in the fact that his car is just like the Super-Sis cars which have broken all worth-while records. " A 7-paaaeng-er Super-Sis touring car went from San Francisco to New York and return in 10 days, 21 hours only 2 days longer than last spring's best one-way time. So when a Super-Six owner starts on tour he knows that he will have no diffi culty in going wherever he may want to go. .' Ho knows that no other car has over given such proof of endurance. Ho knows no stock car can excel in' speed or acceleration. . . He knows that, if ho wishes, no one can match the things Jie can do with hia Super-Six. , You, too, can own such a car and save $1 75 in its purchase if you buy before December 1st. You have only sixteen days in .which to act. Some' dealers have already sold all the cars they are to get at present prices. You' should see about it. today else you may be too late. , Note Its Rapid Strides The Super-Six invention is but a few months old. It entered a field disputed and, doubted. To day it stands as the unquestioned monarch of motordom. ; The Super-Six , invention gave more than, was claimed or sought for in other types of motors. Without adding cylinders, size or complications, . greater power, more flexibility and as proved in tests an endurance such as was unknown to mo tor cars before was obtained, -, That is why it won every1 stock car record up to 100 miles. It is why it recorded a speed, with a stock chassis, as high as 102 VJ miles per hour. It ran 1819 miles in 24 hours, exceeding the former stock car record by 52 per cent. . ' It holds the record in the Pike's Peak hill-climb the greatest hill-climbing event in all history . against 20 famous rivals. v ; , .- It won the ocean-to-ocean record San Fran cisco to" New York the most coveted American, record. Then it did what no other car ever did it turned around and went back across the con tinent in less time than any other car ever made the one-way run. . ' ' The Super-Six is the first car eyer to make the round trip against time. No other car ever estab lished such proof of endurance. , . ' It has never failed -in any test. Now all concede the Super-Six supremacy. Men bought Hudson cars more than twice as fast as we built them. And now, in its first year, the Super Six has become the largest selling car in the world with a price above $1100. More than 21,000 are now in service. -' - : t ' , Look Ahead ( Such is its first-year history. ( Now comes a time, for seyeral reasons, why fine car buyers ought to look ahead. .' . ., , t ' The car you buy now, open or enclosed, will last you for years to come. v . " , - The Super-Six next year, even more than now, will be the recognized peak-place car. Men who seek the best will have it. . ' 1 This'inotor is patented, so other cars can offer ' nothing like it. It is exclusive to Hudson. ' ' - These are facts to consider now, before the Super-Six advances. For you can save $175 by making prompt decision. ... . . ' It Will Pay to Buy Now Material prices have advanced enormously, i When wrf begin on the. December production --we ( begin with materials of higher cost. . There was no other way open to us. We should either have to skimp and reduce quality or ad- -vance the price in -keeping with the higher ma- terial costs. t! -t ( You save $175 by buying now. That is, if your , dealer has not sold all his allotment of cars of the present production., v,- - ' The Super-Six models will remain as now. The changes, if any, will be minor refinements. So if you can get a car of the present production, it means a clear saving of $175. That is worth con sidering even if you buy an open car and lay it up until spring. . ' rfcaotoa. T-saaaccigar. - Roodator. S-ooaaoagor Cahriolot, J-paaaaagar. .Stars . 14TS . IT7S .Toaraag Sodao.. I ImpMama . (PricM I. o. a. Dotr.lt- .$JOOO . I7S0 Town Cor. . . ; Town Car Londaolot. Lhmwama Londauatt. .tlTBO . 2SSO 2563-67 Farnatn Strtet. HUDSON MOTOR CAR COMPANY, DETROIT, MICHIGAN , GUY L SMITH S "ServicFirttV Phone Douglas 1970. OMAHA, NEB. mo an c