Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 16, 1916, Page 10, Image 10

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Dr. Stewart'i Proteges Begin
to Show Real Class in Their
' ' " Gridiron Ram&ei. 1
Sport Calendar Today
tincoln, Nov. 15. (Special.) The
first practice under favorable weather
condition this afternoon brought a
general speeding up of the Husken
in preparation for the game with the
University of Kansas next Saturday
afternoon. Dr. Stewart took his
hours and a half, hictuding fifty min
utes of hard scrimmage against the
freshmen. v
The Husker mentor did not indi
cate whether he was satisfied with
. the showing of bis pupils. The Husk
ers displayed more fight than at any
time in the last three weeks aira a gam
Automobile- Vanderbllt Cup raw at Santa
Monica,, C'al. . : r
Foot Ball Cltarfri entlere against Clem
son college at Orangeburg , ft. C. Friend
nnlvfrnltr against Houthwestern college at
Wichita, Kan.
novinr Battllnr lvtaslcy oirnlnat Carl
Morris, fifteen ronnris, at Ktiotms City. Jim
Flynn against Joe Honda, fifteen rounds, at
Denver. . . . -
Ames Preparing
To Entertain 15,000
Foot Ball Rooters
Ames, Ia Nov. 15. (Special.)
Carpenters were put to work yester
day beneath the concrete stands build
ing wooden sectins. which will com
plete a circle of stands around the
foot ball gridiron. The new bleachers
will be put around the ends. Director
Williams says his ticket office will
keep the carpenters 3,000 seats ahead
of the sales in the gymnasium office,
so that he will have on the morning
of the game 3,000 seats for fans .who
- . , , , , ... . , Ul UtV U,UW Kail IUI 111 ,iV
buried the freshmen-with a series of wj come m at the ast minute with
out previous reservations.
The weather prophets are the scien
tists most in demand on this campus
noted for its scientists, right 'now.
The gymnasium ticket office has been
taking counsel with the weather prog
nostics since "Saturday's frigid storm,
in which the Morningside game was
played, seeking symptoms of a re
turn to Indian summer. The south
wind this morning had a most cheer
ing effect and Director Williams pre
dicted ideal climatic conditions by
Saturday. The condition of the roads
will determine how close V the 15,
000 mark the crowd will approach, for
scores of- motor parties fyrni all over
the state have plans tor the game.
Director Kelloes' of Iowa U re
ported to Ames that his batch of 800
seats is going rapidly. Two sporting
goods houses in Des Moines have re
ceived 44(1 chairs for the game, and
this morning a Fort Dodge alumnus
of the state university ordered 100
tickets for a party he will bring.
The coaches gave their regular
Monday night lecture to the team,
after a signal drill out on the froxen
arctic field. Scrimmage may not start
today on account of the ice. The
lineup Ames will send against Iowa is
a problem in which convalescence of
cripples will have the say in solving.
The sick men are coining around, but
can they get in form?
5 Dobson Injured,
More hard luck visited the Husker
squad during the short scrimmage
last night. Paul Dobson, whose punt
ing has been a material factor in the
Nebraska game, was thrown heavily
andbadly bruised during the scrim
mage. Dobson will be in shape for
the Saturday game, although not ill
the topnotch condition expected. f
The Husker squad is much put otrt
bv the attitude shown by Missouri
Valley scribes in charging the Ne
braska warriors with chestiness. The
members of the team resent the in-
-icrence contained in several press ac
counts that the isio eleven is living
on the reputation of the past four
seasons antintend to show next Sat
urday there is no question .where the
championship of the Missouri Valley
conference rightfully belongs, '
Develop Open Play,
f Dr, Stdwart continued his drill on
pen plays and the team is rapidly
developing an offense which will be
more formidable than any flashed by
the Huskera so far this season. Gar
diner and Captain Corey will probab
ly start the jrame next Saturday at
ends, with Shaw and Cameron at
tackles, Moser back at center, Caley,
Cook, Dobson and Riddel! in the
backf ield. .-" This combination has oro-
duced better results than any so far
this season and all of the men are in
better condition than before any
game. - i .
' Kansas to Use Pass, '
; The Jayhawker rooters are show
ing a tot of confidence, and from the
: Lawrece camp comes the news that
Ua . T 1. 1 ...... .-II.. . . -
defeat the Husker. Coach Olcott
bases his hopes on the splendid show
ing which the Jayhawkera have made
with the forward pass. Olcott al
ways was well satisfied with the de
fensive play of his team and now that
he has developed an offense; he feels
that it will be a comparatively easy
trick to turn." ' .'.:. ' '
. Kansas is due to arrive in Lincoln
early, Saturday morning on a special
train over the Union Pacific Olcott
may change his plans and bring his
Sauad to Lincoln Frirlav nnnn in nr.
der to allow his players a chance lot
a workout nere. - i . , i
- Rooters Mold Back. -Nebraska
rooters are displaying
some hesitancy in betting their
money probably due to the fact that
the last garhe in which the Huskers
played the Nebraska play was far
from satisfactory. Kansas students
are demanding odds, but Nebraskans
regard it as an even bet and no
money will be placed except on this
basis. -
Athletic Manager Reed, just back
from a short honeymoon trip, reports
- the sale of seats is going big. Reed
expects a capacity crowd for the
Kansas game and the advance sales
seem to justify his prediction. The
Nebraska manager was married to
Miss Florence Angle, of this city, a
member of the Kappa Alpha Theta
sorority, and one of the most popu
lar girls in the university. ,.
Plan la to Promote Interest in
Auto Racing Through
out Country.
Chicago, Nov. 15. Managers of
practically every important , automo
bile speedway in the country met in
Chicago today ' and organized the
American Speedway's association.
The plan is to have automobile racing
teams campaign on the circuit each
season and to promote public interest
in automobile racing throughout the
country, t ., ; ' ;
ihe olncers elected were: "
President: Harrv 8. ftarkneas Af' Nnw
York; tote, president: James A. Allison
Indianapolis: secretary: T. B. Meyers
of Indianapolis. ...
Hoard of Oovarnors. Claw A. two-mile
speedway: Jamre A. Alllaon of Indian
apolls, Harry B. Harkness of New York.
H. 8. Lehmann of Cincinnati and D. F.
Rold of Chi'-aso. Claaa B. speedway lees
than 'two mlla: C, W. Johnson of Union-
town Pa.; F. A. Parklna of Provldonre.
R. I., and Samuel Orloff of Dei Moines,
Executive Committee: T. H. Meyrrs'of
lndtanapolla: I, F. Raid of Chloafo,- and
Marry 8. Harkness of Now Tork.
Cop Tells Leslie
Mann How to Walk
' Leslie Mann,' member of the Bos
toiyBraves when they won the world's
series in : 1914 and now connected
with the Chicago Cubs, may be able
to cut the bases in the big leagues,
but he can't cut the corners in Omaha.
Getting off -a street car at Sixteenth
and Farnam .streets he was almost
pinched when he persisted in jay
walking across the corner. . Only af
ter he was ' threatened with arrest
would he retrace his steps and walk
around the corner as the cop ordered.
Special Train to
"Lincoln for Game
With the Jayhawk
A special train will run from Omaha
to Lincoln Saturday for the accom
modation of Omaha foot ball en
thusiasts who wish to attend the
annual Nebraska-Kansas game on
that day. The special will leave
Omaha at 12:15, arriving in Lincoln
in ample time for the game and re
turning to Omaha at 5:30, immediate
ly after the conflict.
" A big assembly of local fans are
expected to go to Lincoln for Jlie
event. ' Home-coming day will be
celebrated and all the old grads who
can go are eagerly anticipating the
event. -.
A block of 350 seats were turned
over to the Omaha alumni by Guy
Reed and they have been placed on
sale at the Beaton Drug Co.
. The seat sale has progressed brisk
ly, but there are still a few choice
seats left. It is believed a larger
delegation from Omaha .will attend
the Kansas game Saturday than at
tended the Ames combat. .,
Wesleyan Foot Ball v
" Player iDies of Typhoid
Lincoln, Nov. 15. Harold Hiirman,
who died of typhoid fever at a fra
ternity house in University' Place this
morning, is the second member of the
Nebraska Wesleyan university " ioot
ball team to die of typhoid fever in
the last ten days. Owen Steeves, a
member of the team, died at his home
in Panama, Neb., about ten days ago,
' Urn Will Play Hot Sprints.
Load, S. D., Nor. 18. (Spaclal.) Load
and Hot Sprlnga Htfh school foot ball
taams will maat on tha Lead gridiron next
Saturday afternoon. Hot Rprlnga defeated
Rapid City by a clone score aweek ago.
Lead tied Rapid City, practically, In one
of the beat fames of the season. If Lead
wlna from Hot Springs on Saturday. It- will
defend tha title In a Anal battle with Rapid
City, which will probably take place at
about Thankaslvlns time. ' v
Foley, Old Time -Ball
Player, Dies
Chicago, Nor. 15i William B.
Foley,, aged 61 years, a player in the
early days of base ball, was found
dead tonight in. the loft of his
brother's barn here. A fox terrier
was standing guard over the body.
Foley is believed to have died Sunday
night of Monday morning.
Foley is said to have begun his
career as a base ball player in 1870,
joining local organizations. Later he1
was connected with the Cincinnati
"Reds," playing third base until 1879.
He next played with he Milwaukee
club, then in the National league, and
his final service was with the Omaha
club. i ;
Low Scores Tighten
The Foot Ball Race
New York, Nov. 15. Low scores in
the foot ball games of last week
caused a tightening in the race for
both team and individual point hon
ors among the leading elevens of the
east and adjacent sections. Two
southern teams, Georgia Technical
with 366 and Vanderbilt with 308,
still head the list as premier scor
ing machines, with Pennsylvania
State, Syracuse and Michigan close
ly grouped for trailing honors. Brown,
Georgetown, Pittsburgh and Notre
Dame are-not far in the rear.
Oliphant-of the Army and Maul
betscn of Michigan are the leaders
in the struggle for individual honors,
the West Point player having ninety
six points to his credit and the Wol
verine ninety-five.
' f; -Scrlnunaaa at rbana.
Urbane. 111., Nov. IS. University of
Illinois foot ball team had a half hour's
scrimmage today and then Coach Zuppke
let them rest, not wantlnf to take any
chaneea on (he frosen around. Kraft was
back In the game. Prospects indicated a
bad field for Saturday.
Four Demands of
Base Ball Playersn
Fraternity Denied
New Orleans, La., Nov. 15.T-Four
demands of the base ball players'
fraternity involving relations of play
ers and clubs were in effect rejected
today by the National Association of
Professional Base Ball Leagues, when
the delegates in convention voted
unanimously to lay them on the table.
The demands include elimination of
contract clauses empowering clubs to
suspend withont pay after certain dis
ability periods players injured in club
service; amendment of the national
board's ruleto permit1' uncondition
ally released players to sign immedi
ately; allowing traveling expenses to
spring training camps to minor leag
uers when reported from home, and
revisions of the board's procedure in
hearing players' claims.
Bellevue Plans for '
Annual Battle With
The Doane Warriors
': vi.-5' . ' i t ':'r' '
The game with Doane on Novem
ber 24 is the one absorbing activity
at Bellevue college this week. , "On
to Doane I" cry the rotters. "On to
Doane I" cry the alumni. Coach Ben
jamin and the foot bal team are doing
their best to respond and are putting
in every minute to prepare for the
big contest of the year. ..
When Wesleyan, Hastings, Bellevue
and Doane were th "big four" in N
braska athletics, the Bellevue-Doane
game was the classic of Nebraska foot
ball. Iln recent years with the growth
of the state university this game has
lessened in importance, but the fact'
that it still is one of the big games
of the season is attested by the howl
that arose from Bellevue and the
Doane alumni three years ago when
the game for "that season was can
celled. Bellevue has not defeated Doane
since the historic game in the fall of
1911, when Guy Moose drop-kicked
Bellevue to victory from the thirty-eight-yard
line and Bellevue won, 3
to 0. Last year BeUevue7 held Doane
to two touchdowns when the dope
had Bellevue down for a 30 to 0 de
feat. This year Bellevaue On its rec
ord has evidently the bestc hance
for some time to win a victory over
its ancient rivals.
Two Players Injured
At Lawrence Practice
Lawrence, Kan., Nov. 15. Earl
Shinn, right end, and Henry Pal
kowsky, substitute tackle of the Uni
versity of Kansas foot ball team, were
injured in scrimmage today. Shinn
strained a tendon in hit ankle, but
may recover in time for Saturday's
game with Nebraska. Palkowsky dis
located his knee and will be out of the I
game the remainder of the season.
, Electric Crank
ing, Lighting and
Storage Batteriei
When jroa want the beat tha moat effi
cient -and you are willing to pay just a
little more to get it, come and aea ut.
2024 Farnam St. Omaha, Nab.
... Phone Douglas 3697.
-Obituary Notices.
Earl Caddock is
In .Great Demand
Among Promoters i
. Earl CaddOck, the Anita (la.) lad,
who will clash with Yousiff Hussanc
atDan,Rcardon's athletic show at the
Council Bluffs Auditorium. Thanks
giving eve, is getting to be as popular
With wrestling , promoters as Joe
Steelier was.
George Tuchey, eastern wrestling
and boxing impresario, wants to take
Earl east, Joe Levey wants to sched
ule a bout for the Kansas City fans,
Joe Coffey of Chicago wants a winter
match, Torn- O'Day would see Cad
dock tackle bantel, alias trust, at
San Francisco, and Butter Mont., and
New York City promoters have been
flirting with Earl of late. If Earl
doesnt get plenty of work this win
ter it will be his own fault.
Caddock has arrived in Omaha to
get into condition for his tangle with
Hussane the night before Thanksgiv
ing. Caddock and the Turk almost
met last February,' but a hitch oc
curred in the negotiations and it
wasn't until this fall that Rear don was
able to get the men together. Cad-
aock- win worlt out at the
Men's Christian association.'
nussane is expected to arrive vin
Uruaha in the course of a week.
Saww Keep HadVers la,. .
T&jtdlMon. wis., Nov. l, snow on the
irliflron kept the university of Wisconsin
toot ball squad Inside for Its practice today
and the apaoe In the alock pavilion was so
limited, tha- team had no sortmmaelnlr.
The auuad will leave Thursday night for
Mlnneapolla and have a light workout Frl
day afternoon on Northrop field. .
,v Young
C. U HYDE, early aetlW of Harrl- i
nan county, ex-dvputy sheriff and x
drrk of the district court, died at bla
home at Logan, la.. Tuesday morning.
Mr. Hyde Is survived by his widow,
three sons and three daughters.
bishop of Chicago synod. Reformed
Episcopal church, which he helped to
fnund, and tor fifty-six years , rector
of Christ church, Chicago, dlfd at
his home Wednesday In his eighty
first, year.
REV. A. GILSON died at his home
at . Overton, Neb., Wednesday morn-1
In- at ( o'clock, after a lingering III-
ness of a little over a year. . Heart I
trouble was the cause of death.
Mr. Cillson was one of the pioneer
ministers of this part, of the country.
There Is left to moara his wife and
lhre daughters, funtral will be
Friday in charge of the Masonic lodge
at Overton, and the Independent Or
der of odd Fellows, at Sumner. In
terment -v'U be st Sumner, Wash.'
All those terms apply to
your spiinirs when they are
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