Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 15, 1916, Page 12, Image 12

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Cattle Steady and Active Fat
Sheep and Lambs Strong
to Ten Higher,
. Omaha. Nov. 14, 1111.
Raralnta w.ra; Catlla. Hon. Sheas.
nirfplal Monday ...... Mil 8.8H 11.78!
Kalimala Tuaadar ...1MW 11.108 18.000
Twa riava Ihla waek ..18.818 20.UT 88.781
. Two daya laat wk . .IJ.IS4 11.744 10.040
Rama daya I wka. W0.IT.I77 14.888 41.744
gam. daya I wka. a to 17.144 12.7(1 17,711
Mama daya 4 wka. aa-o.34.180 7.020 88.161
Bame day. laat yaar ,.11,111 1,128 41,7
Rrwtpta and dtspnsttlon of llva atork at
tha rnloa Hlork Yards, umana. tor xwsmy
-four houra andlns; aC 1 p. m, yeatardarl,
C. II. St. V. 7 1
tVatiash ...... ... . 4 ''- 1 I - ..
Mlftfcourl Parlflo .' 8 t ' '.. I
i:nlon Partrio IS 20 23
f 41 N. W aaat I H , 11
('. N. W wast 71 4i 14 1
O.. St P.. M. a O.r 12 13 13
C. R 4) .. aaat 10 I I
0., B. waat 110 JS 11
C R. 1. P., aaat.,.. 17 0 1
I'.. -R. I. P., waat 4
Illlnota tvntral 10 . ..
Chicago Uraat Wsalarn 4 X .
Total ramlpta 303 171 01 1
C'attlo. Hog.
Morris at tra. ,
Hwlft Jk Company. .
Cudahy Packing Co
Armour s Co
Sitiwarta sV Co....
J. w. Murphy..
Lincoln Packing Co...
Mo Omaha Pack. Co..'
rlcnnlng A Ollvar
W. H. Vanaant Co....
Bnlun. Vansant at L..
Hilt ac Hon
F. B. Iwla...
J. H. Root Co
... 3ft
1. H. Bulla
I. P. Hum
f. 0. Kellogg
Worthclmcr a Devon.
H. P. Hamilton..
ttiilllvan Hrna
' Kolhachlld Krcha...
'Mo. Kan. Calf Co..
Chrlnlla .......
Hindus ,
Roth ".. .......
Kakar ,
llannar Rroa. . .....y. .
John Harvey . ... M, .
Jcnaen at Luagreit....
' 70
. 200
. 11
v II
. It
. 1
. 00
; in
. 00
. 121
Ulnar buyers.
- Total!. 1,701 12,011 13,826
Cattle Rerelpt were liberal for a Tues
day, being eonsldetably heavier than yes
terday. For the two days receipts amount
to IS.Cll head, being the largest sine two
weeks ago and about the sam as a year
ago. There was a good demand for killing
stock and trade on all desirable kinds was
active and folly steady. Most of the offer
ings changed hands In good seaaon In the
morning. Pretty decent heavy beeves sold
up to $10.10. Blockers and feeders were
In fair request, desirable kind remaining
about steady.
Quotations on cattle: Oood to choice
oornfeds, $10.00911.10; fair to good corn;,
leds, $8,60910.00; common to fair corn feds",
$.&09$.t, fancy haavy (raaaers, ft. 109
10.00; good to chota grass beeves, $7,769
8,60; fair to gfrod irrasa beeves, $f.7B97.T6:
common to fal; $I.Tt9.7i; good to choice
heifprs. t0.109T,tft, good to choice ows,
$8.1.087,91 fair to good cows, $6.7I0MO;
rommon to fslr cows, $4. $696. 10; food to
.cholca feeders. $7.$09$.00; fair to food
feeders, $8,1101,(0: common to fair feed-
rs. $.009J,7: good to cholee stocks rs,
$7.t098.0; stock heifers, .0097.1B: stock
rows. $K. 0098.00; stock ealves, $0.0001.00;
- veni calves. $$.oe01O.Ov; beef bulla. $6,800
Representative sales:
No. Av. Fr. No. '. Av. Pr.
- 1?.....,.10I $ 10 : II, 1111 II
is. ......141$ u et
17iteers.. 711 $7 10 Istetri, tit $7 IE
3$ steers. . til 1 oo lOoows... 171 I ft
Hogs This morning shipping demand
: was urgent, and a number of outside or
ders were filled at, prices that were firm
with yesterday's best time, or strong to as
much as Ic higher than the average. A
lop of $t.SB was paid on this early trade.
Packers failed Jo follow the shipper lead.
They rofused to tven make bids as long as
outxldera were buying, and after shipping
orders were all filled, killers cams out with
s910o lawer bids.
Represents llva sales
No. A v.
8h. Pr.
No. AV,
8b. Pr.
... $t 9ft
: t I
240 0 00
40 t 70
. ..) t 0
SI . ,168
74, fc217
23.. 291
fit. .$11
... $ 21
200 t 6S
..: $ oo '
101. .17
71, ,227
15. .141
7., Ill
KhMp The fat lamb trade was another
strong actlvs affair from the very out
set, white before the close a too many
sales were mads that were easily 10c
htgher. Packers tried hard to hold tops
down to yesterday's evsl, but when the
beet lambs sold they established new fall
high marks. Two oars brought $Jl. 7B, the
day's lop, and ether reached $11.70, while
aalea as high as $11.80 were fairly numer
ous. Hbeep shared th advance, a compara
tively limited run selling strong to 10c
higher. Beat ewes sold si high as $7,819
7.70. setting new records tor this Urns of
year. -
The feeder .markst, which, owln to lack
of supplies, has been Just a nominal affair
for a week or more, was pretty well up
piled, about ten loads Ming an offer. Al
most none of these had sold up to midday,
however, buyers and sellers being unable
to agree on prices. The prices traders
were quoting on feeders today showed that,
since a week ago the market hoe moved
up quite a llttlef though there has been
little here to show the advance, A load
of light feeding lamba sold lata yesterday
at $10. IS, and traders were quoting $10.40
for something real desirable Moday, This
means that the markst Is not far from 0c
alcove the early part of last week. Feeding
twos have alM moved up, and are now
i uo i able as high as $0.00, some reaching
$9 00 yesterday. Breeders are still In de
mand, but almost none are coming. Que
bum-h fit stuff went for breeding pur-
to gOOL
1 today.
, i. sheep and lamba: lamba,
., $h.$O011-Zj lambs, fair
ill. B0; lambs, leedera, $1.38
tgs. good to choice, $8,800
j, fair to good, $7.6001.80;
vearlinas: riders, I7.OO0T.OO; wethera. fair
to choice, $7. 0008. IB; ewea, good to choice.
$7 2607.70; ewes, fair to good, $0.2097.10;
ewes, plain to culle, $4.0000.70; ewes, feed
ing. $4 6001.00; ewes, breeder?, all agsa.
Representative saies:
327 native feeding Is nibs.,..
68 clipped feeder lambs. - .
311 fed lambn , . ,
100 fed lambs :I, ...
fd tembe
ill fed lamba ...
270 Idaho yearllnga
304 Idaho feeding yearlings..
38 CUllB
tit Idaho feeding yearlings..
Av. IT.
02 10 40
SO 10 21
70 11 00
70 11 26
77 11 60
76 11 40
74 $ to
IA 00
70 7
41 7B
Cattle. CaaettlfOt Hogs, Weak; Shsep,
- Weak. . .. ,. t
Clilcago, Nov. 14, Oat tl- Receipts, 13,
ft0 tiMd; market unsettled; native beef.!
- h xofrn.OA: western ttperi, 10.00010.26; I
' atockers and feeders, $4.7607.00; cows and
hrirr-, S.76frt.B; ralvea. $8.600,48.26.
v llxtgit Kecelpti. 44,000, head; f markeT
-weuli. 10c undt-r yesterday's average; bulk
of salcft. $; light. $8.7801.00;
'mixed. It 16010.11; heavy. It. 669116;
- ri'4n. iK.ori pis. .liVi.w, i
tiu kt wak; native, $7.7501 00; owes,
-4.t&; lambs, $t.009H-O.
Htos City Ilea Stack Marital. '
Hlous City, Nov. 14. Cattle Receipts.
- hd; market unchanged; beef steers,
- t.Q04it.76: butchers. $6.6007.60: can n re.
H.v0t.2i; atockers and feeders, 1 4.00
70: calves, $6.0096.60; bull, stags, etc..
$5.0000.60; feeding cows and heifers. $4.16
.' 07.25. ..... . - ,
I osa Receipts, t.000 head; market Sr
to 1n lower; I itch t. .2&0.46; heavy. $0,66
ftg ftO; pigs, $7.60; bulk of sales. t.40fi
,(. "9.7. ' -
Nhu and Lam be Receipts. 2,000 head;
tnarket steady to Ktlgbtly btghor; wethers,
HUB; ewes. $7.00 07. SB; lambs, lt.BO011.4O.
St, Laals Uvt MtaC.'-''
H. Iuls, Mo,, Nov. 14. b attle Ret-eJpU
.00 head; market, higher; native beef
(rtcfrt, $7.60011.60: yearling steers and
he'fTK, ti.aOft I1.1B; cows.v r,.tO07,76;
X.04 krm and feeders. $6,10 0 7.60; prltili
uthrB eleere, $4.vO0O.uO: uw aad heir-
ara, Il.0fltr7.70: prime yearling aleera and
Rslfars, $7,(091.00: native calvea. l.00tj
11.00. , . . ..
Hogs ftecelpta, 17.300 head; market.
hlihor: llihta. S0.KO10.U: plg. 14.7(0
1.00: mixed and butchcra. 10.3(410.30: good
haavy, $10. 10414. JO: bulk of aalea. 88.S04J '
Sheep and Lamhe Receipts, 1.000 head;
market, atrong: lamba. 17.80011.7,; ewea,
ll.7t07.OO; yearlings. Il.00l.2(. '
Cltr Uva Mtoek Market.
Kanaaa City, Nov. 11. Cattle Receipt!,
11.000 head; market ateady and active:
prime fed eteera, I10.00411.40; dreaaed boef
steers, I7.t0f0.7i: wstero aleera, 96. (00
10.00; cowa, I4.(047.7(; heifera. 85.800
10.00; atoekera and feeders, 9(.2(07.7(;
bulla. 1(0004. 3(; calvea. 44.10010.60.
Hoge Recelpta, 20,000 head: market
lower; bulk of aalea, 11.(000. 96; heavy,
90.7 ( 0 10.00; packers and butchers, 91.700
III; light, 9l.2i0l.ll; plga. 7.70l.!i.
Sheep and Lamba Receipts, 4.000 head;
market higher: lambs, 111.1(011.10;. year-
ewea, 17.0007.71. "
Uva (Hook In Sight.
Receipts of llva stock at th five principal
weatarn markets yeeterday:
Cattle. Hogs. Shaep.
Kansaa City .,....,'.21.000 ..000 4.000
Chlrago ...,,,,,,...13.000 41.000 . 20.000
Omaha ,..,.10,000 11,300 13.000
St. Louis 1.100 . 17.300 1. 000
SlollI City 1,000 1.000 1.000
Totals ............41. 400 104,400 40,100
tt. loncph Uw Ntoek Market.
ffl. Joseph. Nov.: 1. Cattle Receipt!,
J, 600 heed; market ateady to 10a lower:
ffteere. l.MHIO.Gp; rows and helfen, $4.60
ffio.on; ratven, f.PQ0 u.fto. , -
Kogeeelptii, 17.000 head: belt etendy.
othern lower; (op, f J 0.09; bulk of sate!.
Hheep and laam be Receipts. 2,700 head:
market 10c to 1 fin higher; lamba, 111.369
11, St; ewei. I7.S6 ) T.Tt.
Botter No. 1 creamery, in cartons
tutu, S7c; No. 1, 26c. '
Cheese quotations by UrlaU A Co.:
Cheese Imported Bwles. 86c: domestic
Swiss, 42c; block Swiss, 32c;; twin cheese.
Z7c; triplets, Z7e; daisies, J7cj young
America, ztc; miuc Isabel nrick, 27c: llm
berger, 20c; New Tork white, 37c; Roque
fort, 08c.
Oysters; "King Cole" Chesapeake Stand
ards, fsl. $1.48. "King Cole" Selects, gal.
$1.76. "King Pole" Northern Btandsrds,
gal, $1.06, "King Colo" Selects, gal. $1.00.
"King Cole" Counts, $2,1(7, Blua Points,
per 100, $1.26.
Celery: California Mammoth, per dos.
Fish: Cattish, per lb. 18o; Trout, per lb.
He; fall Salmon, per lb. 13flj Red Salmon,
per lb. 12c; Hsllbut, per lb. itn; Herring,
per lb. 7ttc; Black Bats, per lb. 170Oc;
Bullheads, dressed, per lb. 16c; Carp,
dressed, pet lb. tc; Tile Pish, per lb. 10c;
Red Snapper, per lb. 15c; Black Cod, par
lb, 10c; Hunflnh, per lb, 7c t Croppies, per
lb, tc; Flounders, per lb. lie; Smelts, per
lb. lie; Selkirk White, per lb. 13c; Pike,
per lb. lO0IU;Plckere), per tb. c; Smoked
White fish, per lb. 16c; Kippered Salmon,
per lb, 18c; Peeled Shrimp, par gal, $1.70;
Headless Shrimp, per gal. $1,26.
Wholesale prices of beef cuts! No. 1
Ribs, Iftttu; No. t Ribs, 14c; No. I Ribs,
lie; No, 1 Loins, 2ic; No. 2 Loins, 17c;
No. I Loins, 12Vfcc; No. 1 Chucks, 11 Sic;
No, 2 Chucks, tc; No. S Chucks, c;
No. 1 Rounds, 18c; No. 3 Rounds, 13S0C-;
No. t Rounds, 11c; No 1 Plates. llo; No.
2 Plates, lOfco; No. t Plates, 10c.
PoultryLive: Soring, all sites. 10c: hens.
4 lbs, and up, 14r; hens, under 4 lbs., Uc;
roosters, 11c; ducks, full feathered, fat. lie;
geese, full feathered, fat, turkeys, 1
lbs. and over, lie; guineas, each, loo; plg-
eofis, per dos., 88c. Dressed: Turkeys, dry
picked, No. 1, young tome and hens, 28c;
old toms, 21c; turkeys, No. 2. Ho; ducks,
No, 1, 16c; ducks, No. 2, 10c, geese, No, 1,
14c, Other poultry at market price.
Fruit and vegetable prices furnished by
Olllnsky Fruit Co.
Fruit Oranges: Ms, 100s, 13s how, $4.80;
lies, box, -6,2S; lBOs, box. $6.60; 170s, 288s,
box, 11.71; 200s, 21BB. 2B0s, box $8.00.
Lemons: Pancy, box, $7.00; choice, boot,
$8.10. Grapefruit; Florida 80a, 40s bov
I. Id; Florida 4fts, bos, $0.00; Florida Oia,
80s. box, Id. 18; Apples: York Imp. V.,
bbl $4.60; Ben Davis bbl.. $.,.60; wine
saps, bbl., $4.00; Jonathans, box, $1.06; Jon
athans 102i and larger box, $1.76. drapes:
Tokays:, crate $8.S6; Bmperors crate.
$3.80; Emperors' kegs, $4.60; Malagas, ex
tra cholee. keg, $0.00; Malagaa, fancy, keg,
$7.00; Malagas, extra fancy, keg, $1.00.
Pears: Bartlslts, crate, $3.00; Kelfers, bu
Vegetables potatoes; Market prloa.
Sweet potatoes: Virginias, bbl., $4.26; hamp
ers, $1.76, Honey: Has, oa., $1.76. Cranber
ries: bbl., $8.60; boxes, $8.60 Vegotsblssi
Oslons. orate, $2.00; red or yellow, lb,, avfcn;
tomatoes, lug., $3, 00 ; oukea dos., $1.70;
cabbage, lb., io; rutabagoes lb., 2fec;
celery, Michigan, dos., 40c; Colorado dos.,
Miscellaneous Peanuts, No. 1 raw, lb.
tc; roast..; Jumbo, raw, lb.. Re; Jum
$1.71; figs, case, $1.00; No. 1 Kngllsh wal
bo, roasted, lb. 10c; Droro, dates, gbss.
nuts, lb., imc.
Coffee Market.
New York, Nov. 14. After Opening un
changed to $ points higher on scat tared
covering, the market for ooffea futures
turned easier under near months' liquida
tion and a little trade selling. December
was relatively weak, selling oft from 1.86c
to 1.1 lr, or II points net lower, while July
declined from I.OOo to 1.62c. A good deal
of the builness was In the shape of switch
ing from December to March to later
months. Houses' with New Orleans con
nection were sellers In the late trading.
The close was 7 to II points net lower.
Sales. 01,160 bags. November. 1.08c; Decem
ber, l.llo; January, 1.17c; February, 1.23c;
March. t.lOc; April, 8. 88c; May, 1.41c;
JOne, l.4o; July, 1.62c; August, I.BIo)
September, 1.13c; October, 1. 08c.
spot coffee very quiet: Rio 7s, tHc: Ban-
tos 4s,
tvftc- no tower otters were
ported In the cost and freight market, but
ii was rumored tnat Hraiiiian shippers
were accenting bids at declines.
The official cables reported no change
IP the primary markets except for ah ad
vance of 60 to 76 reis In Han to future
Klo exchange was Hd lower. Rio cleared
71,000 bags for New York.
Metal Market, .
New York, Nov, 14. Metals Lead, $7.00
07,06. Spelter, Arm; spotv Bast St. louls
delivery. $11.18011. S7 Copper, strong;
electrolytic, first quarter, $30.60032.00; sec
ond quarter, $20.60030.60. Iron, steady and
unchanged.. Tin, strong, spot, $44.UW0
44.07 4.
At London Copper: Spot. t12t 10s; fu
tures, tli 10: electrolytic, $us, Tint Spot,
CUB; futures, 1180 10s. Lead.-pO 10s. Spel
ter. 61. ri , r
K repented Apples and Dried Fruit.
New York, Nov, 14 Evaporated Apples
virm. lani-fs ii'i prime,
Dried Fruits Prunes, firm; Caltforntas,
TH0IOo; Oregons, 70imr, Apricots,
firm; oholce, U0IOc: extra choice, 100
.c; isnoy, ipi7e. Peaches, more
active; choice, extra choice, 70lc;
fancy, I08c. Raisins, strong; choice to
lancy, seeaea, iu0iQHo; seedless, 11012HO
London layers, $1.10.
Oil and Roaln. "
Savannah. Qa., Nov,' 14. Turpentlne-.
Firm; 4; sales, 2 bbls.; receipts, oat
odis.e snipmenta, ii bbis.i stock, 10,308
bbls. . -v .
RoslnF(rm: sales, 1.0BI bbls.; recelpta,
1,770 bbls.; tfhtpments, 1&B bbls.; stork 70.
ItO bbls. Quote: A, B, C. D, K, 8.30; V,
O, 11, I, $0.36; K, 637; M, $0.40; N. $0.80;
WO, $8.10; WW. $7.10.
Dry Uoods Markst.
New York. Nov. 14. A new price list on
cotton duck will go Into - effect tomorrow
with quotations up twenty per cent from
the old Hat. New prices made on domestics
for tnr manufacturing trdatie were slxlv-
five per cent up from last years prices-
Ulnghams sold more freely today. Print
ciotahH were mo higher. .(
Sugar Market.
New Turk, not. 14. sugar Raw, easv;
centrifugal, s.osct molasses, 6.8bc; refined
steady; fine gran Hinted. 7.6O07.6Or. Sugar
rut urea were steadier under scattered sell
Ing by commission houses prompted by the
eaaier reeling in th spot market. At noon
prices were 3 to U points lower
Cot tea t'onanmpttoa iRcnwaaa.
Washington, D. C, Nov. 14. Tntton used
in the united States during October amount
ed to B6B.I4t running bake exclusive of
llnters, compared with BAO.TOS in ItlB, and
tor tne tnre months ending October II
1.84I.S0I bales compared wllh 1,401.111 i
year ago, ... , . . . .
laftrd High ta Portlaad.
Portland, Ore., Nov, 14. Portland houne
wives today pand twenty rents a tiouml m
lard, said to be the highest prlt-e evor given
for ll here. Under normal conditions lard
soia ur iweiv ana nrteen centH.
: St. Uula (iraln Markrt.
81. Louis, Nov. 14 Wheat No t red
$1.8701. tlx No. 2 hard. $1.010117; D-
cemoer,; stay,,
torn No. 3 new.- $1 02; No. 2 white.
jomitiHi; iAH.aiDfi, ttc; .May.
Data No.X, Bfi0;B; No. 1 white, noml
Light Receipts Make Slow
Market, but. Demand is
: Brisk Enough. ; '
Omaha. November Ji, ltl.
The eaah market! were rather Slow today
on account or the ngnt receipt", out mi
demand was easily atrong enough to take
care of the offerings. The wheat market,
however, was a trifle bearish ana ruiea
from stesdy to 1 e lower, with the bulk
of the offerings going at the derline. No.
2 and No. I hard wheat sold quite readily
the sslea of No. 4 and sample grada
wheat were very light.
The average price on No. s nara wneat
was $1,88. while the bulk of the No. 2 sold
around $1.0601.06, There was a good mill
ing demand for durum wneat at tower
prices, the bulk of this kind of wheat grad
ing No. 2 and selllna around l.O0l.t2.
The cash demand for corn was excellent and
the market was strong at Ho to lHc ad
vance. Tha premium for old corn Is con
siderably smaller and the bulk of' the of
fer! nee today, which were nsw corn or
jyTSod quality, sold from tflc to I7c, with
nite orn selling about fee aoove me yel
low, and about a cent above tne mixen
variety. Oats were steady, with the gen
eral run of Ramples grading No. S white
and selling 6640&64c. There wers only
a few sample of re and barley on the
floor and as a result the trade tn these
markets was rather quint, The rye market
remained practically unchanged, while bar-
lay ruled about la hiaher.
Clearances were1; Wheat and (Tour equal
to 303,000 bfc,; corn, 00,000 bu. oats, 46,000
Liverpool close: " W))eat, steady' to Hd
higher; corn, steady at- 2d htgher.
Primary wheat receipts were 1,393,000 bu.
and shipments 1,001,000 'bu.. against recelpta
of 2,228,000 bu. and shipments of 1,610,000
t. lant year. i
Primary corn receipts were ' 016,090 bu.
nd Hhlpmenta 260,000 bu., against recelpn
of 006,000 bu. mnd shipments of 300,000 bu.
last year.
rrimary oats receipts were tzo.voo pa.
and shipments 838.000 hu,, against receipts
of 1,116,000 bu. atyl shipments of. T.438,000
- Wheat.
Corn, Oats.
26t S01
21 17
30 33
Chicago . . .
Minneapolis -.
, .,368
... 74
Omaha .....
Kansas City
St. Louis ,.,
Winnipeg ...
ThesS sales were reported today: NA. 1
hard winter, I car. (l.UIti No. t hard
winter, 1 car, $l.ltt; S cars. IMS: N 2
hard winter, 1 car. $1.87; 3 cars, $1.10; 4
cars, $1.86; 1 car, $1.84 ; No. 4 hard win
ter. 1 car, $1.82; 4-6 car, $1.80; No. 1
durnm, 1 car, ll.tltt; No, I durum, 1 car,
$1.12; 1 car. $l.t0; No. 4 durum mixed, 1
car, $1.88; 3 cars, $1.85; No. 8 unmixed, 1
car, $1.16. Rye: No. 4, 1-6 car, $1.38. Bar
ley: No. 4t 1 car, $1.11. Corn; No. 8 white.
I car, 07ttc; No. 2 yellow, l ca,9TAc: I
car, t7c; 3 cars, 16 o; No. 4 yollow, 1 car,
tftc; 1 car, IStfc. No. 2 mixed, 1 oar (old),
ttc; 1 car, 17c; 1 car, lOMjc, No. I mixed,
1 ear, Oati: No. S white, 2 cars, 66c;
4 cars, BBttc
Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 hard.
$1.8801.88; No. 2 hard, $1.84401.17; No.
hard, si.80iVl.B3; No. 3 spring, 31.86 O
l.t4: No. J spring, $1.1091. 10; No. 2 durum.
$1. IO01.tif; No. I durum. $1.1101.12.
Corn: No I white, 0707 He; No. I white,
I64i0t7ttcx No. 4 white, t60Oe; No.
B white, IO0t6Vic; No. 04086c; No, 2
yellow, 7fc0t7Vc; Nai. 2 yellow, H8 4 0
t-? No. 4 yellow, t6Vs0tc: Na. B yellow,
84H0B6c; No, t yellow, O3A0t4Hc; No.
2 mixed, l6M,097c; No. 1 mixed, t609Oc;
no. 4 mixed, 9OM08o: no. s mixed, 034
0t4Hc Oats: No. white, 6605.:;
standard, 66 44 0Bc; No. I white, 660
66: No. 4 white. 66066ttc. Barley: Malt
ing, $1.0101.12; No, 1 feed, tlc0$l.Ol. Rye:
No. 2. $1.4201.43; No. S, $1.4101.42.
Omaha Futures Market. '.A
The heavy export demand' continued to
day and In spite of the fact that there
were scattered rumors of an embargo being
placed ou wneau ma local market opened
ateady. t
The traders generally are not expecting
any Immediate action by the government
on the wheat question and aa, long as the
cash article continues to command pre-
ml urn prices, wheat for future delivery
will probably hold Its high level.
Tne shortage on corn and the strong
cash demand for this' cereal were a bullish
factor In the oorn market, and while the
opening prices on this article were steady
the market was strong and anon advanced,''
December reaching a high point of tWo.
and May, tic. - -
Heavy selling and covering by the
longs toward the close of the session forced
sharp break In wheat, which was soon
followed by price fbsscs In the corn and
oats market. May wheat closed at $
May com closed at lltio And May oats at
Local range of options; '
Open. H!h. I Low. I Close. I Yes.
1 36
1 10
I II '
1 12 186
1 11 110
1 13
' II
Chlrago uloalng prlcea. furnlahed The Bee
by Logan 4k Bryan, atork and grain brokers.
31 B South Sixteenth street, Omaha: V
July l 64
Dec. I
May 16
July 13
Dec, 6
May 40
Art. I Oprn. i High. I Low. Close. Tes
Wht. I I 1 I 1
Deo.. 1 11 1 116 1 II lll
May 1 !. 1 14 ISO't 1 II 114
July 1 I 11 1 tlH 161 1 6t 140
Cnrn. .
Dee, M. l6tl- II
Uay (4 ;! 11
July' . 11 11 " 16 M
Dec. 5114 6 61 67 . 17 11
May III3 . IS 11 , 11 (2
Jan. 37 40 27 II IT 16 ,7 30 27 47
May 31 47 91 II 17 1227 21 27 41
Jan. II 21 II 37 II II II 30 II 10
May II II II 40 II 21 II 12 II 30
Rica. i
Jan. 14 IS 14 It 14 41 14 CO 14 13
May 14 10 14 71 14 13 14 13 14 17
Decreanlng Htocka la Kurope Tend lo Ok.
Strength tn Wheat.
Chicago. Nov. 14. Sharp price loaaea tn
wheat resulted today from Indlcatlona that
Brltlah buyers had withdrawn from the
market. The eloae was heavy at U. to
p net decline, with December' l,8fi to
Ii... and amy li.,o to ii.,i. other
itaplea, too, ahowed a aetback corn I to
3, oata to. 1I3 and provlalona. 11
to 64 eenta.
At first (ha wheat market displayed con
alderable atrength. owing to word that the
visible aupply In Kurope had decreased
1,684.000 buahete during tha week and be-
cauaa BrltUh millers were aaid to be pur
chasing flour abroad at fancy prlcea. Re
alties, reports that Brltlah ateamera had been
orderm to take hereafter arty per cent of
foodstuffs tn oargoea Instead of thirty per cent'
tended to emphaalae the prevailing tmpree
slon that European needs were urgent. Late
advlcea from Argentina, however, ware leaa
bullish than baa recently een the caae, and
this fact, operated aa a check on uptutna
tn veluca. It waa not until abaenra of aalea
to Great Brttlan attracted notice though,
that prlcea took a decided downward awing.
According to. the beat available Informa
tion, export aalea of wheat for the day were
:;' I 1 "ar 1
; rV .ia,v-
Most Modern and Sanitary Brewery in the West '
Family Trade Supplied by WM. JETTER, Distributor,
2302 N. St Telephone Dcuglas 4231. Soath 3 or 86&
n!rnont entirely to noulral rountrlef. Tht
Brltib were undentoud to fcav m tftrire
amount of wheat bought for November and
December shipment and to fee thus
poet t ion to bwbII favorable term of pur
chase for additional aupplie: Hallway traffic
difficult., counted a'o affatnat the bulls
late In the genlon. In thin connection, Buf
falo ailvlcea aaid elevators here were full,
and fTlaT Khlpmenls to .the seaboard were
Hrtouly ham per eU by the Inadequacy of
the huddIv of cam.
Corn weakened In the face of clear, cold
weather, likely to Jtrlnc about enlarged re
celpta. There aleo were reports that live
atock waa being unduly forced to sale by
the high price, of corn, and that the winter
demand for feeding would-therefore be much
diminished. Oats gavs way with corn. De
clines were retarded to some extent as
result of falling off in recelpta at country
Lower quotations on hogs pulled down
provisions. Western receipts of hogs were
a good deal more plentiful than at the
corresponding time last year.
Chlcaao Cash Prfcss Wheat: No. 2 red,
Z;, I!?; 9V:k .. .ttNmPer ot the professional element
hard. $l.lt01.$4; No. 8 hard. $Lt3.,(na houPi however, the entire 1
uorn: no. z'.yatiow, ii.vtpi.ui: ru, yci
low, $1.00401.03; No. 4 white, $1.0001.03.
Oats: No. i white. 064 68c; standard,
B,7tt0S8ttc. Rye: Nominal. Barley: IOc0
$1.27. Seeds: Timothy, I3.3t95.26; clover.
$ 1 1.00 0 1 6 00. Provisions : Pork. $21. B0;
lard. $17.10; ribs, 1 14.2149 14.75.
Butter Higher: creamery- 23H034c.
Kggs Higher; receipts, i.663 cases; firsts,
36030c; ordinary firsts, 23 0 34Hc; at mark,
eases Included, 2O016c..v
Potatoes Higher: receipts, thirty-five
cars; Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota and
Dakota white, $1.0001.76; Minnesota and
Dakota Ohlos, $1.6001.00; Washington and
Colorado white, $1.7001.20.
Poultry Alive; unchanged,
Quotations of the Day on Various Leading
Commodities.' V
New York, Nov. U. Flour Held firmly.
Wheat W pot easy; No. 1 durum. $2.27;
No. 2 hard, $2:04; No. 1 northern, Du
luth, $3.11; No. 1 northern, Manitoba.
$2.1414, t. o. b. New York. ' '
Corn Spot easy; N5. 2 yellow, $1.U,
ten-day shipment, o, I. f. New York. t
. Oatfr-s-Spnt easy; standard, 02 062 -c.
Lard Firm; middle west, $17.40017.60.
Hay Steady: No. L $1.0601.10; No. .2,
$1.00; No. 2, too; shipping, 80c.
Hops Steady; state, common to choice,
1116, 4606Oo; 1916, 11 01&c; Pacific coast,
J9J8, 13010c; 1016, t012o. (
Hides Firm; Bogota., 4414 045c; Central
America. 410414c
Leather Firm; hemlock firsts, 62c; seo-
onds, &oc. - . '
Provisions Pork, unsettled; mess, $31,00
032.00; family, $32.00034.00; short clear.
$28.6O0l(ttO. Beef, unsttled; mess, $33,60
Z3.&u; ramtiy, 3O.tn0S7.OO. Lrd, firm
middle west, $17.40017.50.
Tallow Firm; city, 10c;' country 19
pizc; special, line.
Butter Strong; receipts, 10,020 tuba;
creamery. Ite; creamery extras, 38 c;
11 mis, iQtiVaoo; seconds, 36036c
Kggs Firm; . receipts, 1,965; fresh gath
ered extra fine, 43045c; extra firsts, 419
42c; firsts, 28040c; seconds, 35037c.
Cheese Strong; receipts, 2,744 boxes;
state fresh specials, 84c; state fresh spe
cials, average fancy, 23Uo,
Poultry Allve firm; no I prices settled;
dressed, quiet; ohlckens, 19031c; fowls,
144032c; turkeys, 11030c.' V
.' Kansas City General Market. .
Kansas City, .Mo, Nov. 14. Wheat No.
t hard, $1.87 0i;t2; No. 2 red.;
December. $1.83; May, $1.16.
Corn No. T- mixed, t!7 He; No. 2
white. 11.00; No. 2 yellow, f809c; De,
cember, 06c; May, 04c. -
n.ia Itnh.nvoa Hn 9 wkll K7 U. l Klf
'No, 2 mixed, 56B7c.
Butter Creamery, 36c,flrsti, 324c; sec
onds, 31c; packing.. 21c.
EggsV-Firsts, We. . y. f'
Poultry Hani, 16c; roosters. 12c: broil
ers, 20c. .
Mlnneapolla fjrala Market.
Minneapolis, Minn.. Nov. 14. Wheat De
cember, 31.14: May, 11.-4!; cash, No. 1
hard. 11.18 2.01: No. 1 northern.
1.1.7; No. 1 noithern. 11.11 0
l.6. ' '
Com No. I yellow, Mllc.
. Oats No. i white, He56c.
, Flaxaeed l2.82A) ,
Flour Unchanged.
Barley 78cl. II. '
Rye ll.48ei.4l. - - j 1
Bran 126.00027.00.
Liverpool firalft Market.
1 Liverpool, Nov.' 14. Wheat Spot. No. 2
hard winter, lis Id; No. 1 northern Duluth,
15s ti: No. 1 Msnltoba, 18s; No. 2.16s Id;
No, I. 16s 6d.
Corn Spot. American mixed. new.
ils.ld. , - . J." ' . .
.. . ' '- . CltM Market.
- New York, Nov. 14. Cotton Future
opened steady: December. ll.lOc; January.
11.16c; March, 30.00c; May, 20.J0c: July.
Cotton futufsa closed firm; December,
11.07c; January, 20.02c; March, 20.11c; Uay.
I0.37c; July, I0.37tv
Spot cotton, steady; middling' uplands,
13.06c. Salea. none.
The cotton market today closed very
ateady at a net advance of 11 to 31 polnta
for the day.
Liverpool, Nov. 14. Cotton Spot, firm;
good middling; ll.lOdt middling, ll.lsd; low
middling, 11.42d. 8a lee. 1,000 bales.
, Omaha Hay Market.
Omaha. Nov. 13. Pratrla Hay-Aholre
Upland, I10.00tsll.00; No. 1, I,. 60010. 00;
No. 3, 17.0009.00; No. I. 16.0007.00. Choice
Midland, J9.6O01O.OO: No. 1, t.OO09.i
No. 2, 7.OO0I.OO; No. I. 38.0007.00:
Choice Lowland, 17.1001.60: No. 1, 88.600
7.60: No. I, 11.6001.10; No. 8, 8.OO0I.OO
8traw Choice wheat, 16,0006.60; choice
oat or rye, II. 0000.60.
Alfalfa Choice Alfalfa, 314.60011. 00; No.
1. 113.60014.00; Standard, 112.00013.00;
No, 2, 111,00 0 12.00: No. 3, tl. 60 0 10.00.
Engineer 'Johnson
Booms uooQ Roads
Nebraska would have the best roads
in the country if the plan of George
E. Johnson, state engineer, matures.
In a letter to the Omaha Automobile
association he advocates the passing
of a law at the next session of the
legislature extending the authority of
the present Board qf Irrigation, High
ways and Drainage to the supervision
of all county roads connecting county
seats. :, The boand. according to his
letter, would take these roads and inj
me course oi irora tour to six years
build theni such a perfection
as to be the model for all city and
town highways. . ' ' .
There would be no added expense
to this plan, he adds, as the members
of his department could do the work
without interfering with their present
duties. That a much larger portion
of federal money for the improve
ment of Nebraska roads might be ob
tained if this plan is carried through
is also brought ont jn the letters
Fanlstenca la tha Cardinal Virtu, (n
Advertising. : - , , t,
1 ..wr4&
new york- warn
. . u. . , .,. v
Bails Almost Only Laggards in
Day's Broad Market. -. ,
' ... : '' J.' f
New Tork. Nor. 14. Raila ware almost tha
only laggards fa today'a broad and active
market, belnv held (n check br renewal of
the threatening attitude of tha railroad
brotherhooda. A few apeclaltlea, nostly of
tha aeml-dormant variety, also dlanlaved a
reactionary tendency, particularly American
Llnaeed Issues, the. preferred losing S points
alter announcement o, tn, reatoratlon Of
?mm-di S.J!.' "M "" d
common 4 points. .s..
Trading during tha first half of the ae
Ion was marked by a aerlea of declines and
advances, which strain denoted the uncertain
In the
list roioe
brfnkly, even rails regaining much of their
ioee. inn recovery wa tea Dy unuea Biates
Steel at an extreme vain of 2 polnta to
123. with havy buy In a of motors, the
shipping shares, copper and equipments,
chief among these being New Tork Airbrake,
which made an extreme advance of 14
points on reports indicating a subetantial dla-
oursement to anarenoidera. ... .
The Imoortant new records of the dav em
braced Lackawanna Steel at tH. Atlantic,
Oulf ft West Indies at 12l Miami Copper at
43H American Writing Paper preferred at
62, Union ig aniKPaper at 128, Detroit
United Rail way, at 120 and Consolidated
Gas of Baltimore at 129. - -
Central Leather waa aaafn the weak fea
ture of the opening, adding 3 points to Its
recent reversal, at 102, but recovering to
109 and closing at a 2 net gain. The
rise In Mexicans had Its baaltf In reports of
Improvement lit tim Mexican situation.
American Bmelltng gaining 6, with 4 for
Mexican Petroleum and iW tor Texan Com
pany. 7 , '.'
Virginia Iron. Marines. United Fruit. Crn-
Rlbte, Sloss-Sheffleld and Oulf Stales Steels
nd Ohio Uaa acotpA arrmva vatna of S in TU
point. The movement in the motor irnui,
served to dispell recent rumors of over
production In that Industry. Total sales
amounted to 1,700,000 shares. '
won os were irregular at the outset, but
strengthened later, the feature being a 4
per cent rise in American Smelter 6e. Total
sales. 'Bar value, $5,360,000. United -States
uowuun w aecunea or i per cent. .
Ing stodta were:
iiumurr oi u ana ouoiHtiona on leau.
Sales. High. Xow. Close'.
Am. Beet Sugar... 3,700 102 300 "102
American Can..... fc700 63 62 ' 62
Am. Car Foundry 10,300 70 6R. 69
Am, Locomotive..,. 12,500 93 91 93
Am. BmelV Ref,. 27,600 117 112 116
Am. Sugar Ref.. 7.400 117 116 117
Am. Tel. A Tel. .
700 1331 132 132
8,400 . 6S . 66 (7
69,200 100 93 100
4,700 105 104 104
8,500 tb 82 84
4,900 86 86 86
4.400 66 66 66
' 1.0ft A 22 Ii 21V 1 ,
Am. 2., L. A S...
Anaconda Copper. ,
Atchison .a
Bald. Ijocomotlve. .
Baltimore A Ohio..
Brook. Rapid Tran.
B. A 8. Copper.. ...
Cal. Petroleum....,
Canadian Pacific... .700 172 171. 172.
i;enirai earner...-, I4.bnn 109 102 108
Cheaapeake A Ohio 4,300 67, 66 v 67
C., M. e St. P MOO ,94 ; 92 ' ; 92
Chlrago A N. W. ....... . . . ... 126
C, R. I. A P. Ky.. 20,800 36 63 34
Chlno Copper.. ..... 13,900 67 6 67
Colo. Buel ft Iron.. 7.800 64 62 64
Corn Products Ref. 11.800 18 17 18
Crucible Steel 26,000 90 86 89
Dlfftllleni' Secyritiea 3.000 4.1 42 43
Krie l?,S0ft 36 36 J6
General Klactrlq. . .. .2,800 181 180 180 .
Great No. pfd.'.... 3,000 117 116 117 1
Great No. Ore ctfs. 2.600 43 42 43
Illinois Central. ....... .. 106
Inter. Coiu Corp... 2,200 18 18 18
InsplratlorJ Copper. 24,000 69 67. 68
Inter. Halvrster ..... 117
Int. M. 'At. pfd. ctf. 24,300 119 116 118
K. C. Southern...,. 1,490 26 ,-25 26
KenneiMtt Copper.'. 42", 100 66 65 66
Louisville A Nash.. 600 1311 132 132 .
Mex. Petroleum., m 1.600 309 105 148
Miami. Copper. ..A. 79,000 -43 -41. 43
M., K, ft T. pfd.'.. 18 r
Missouri Pacific..,,,'.1'...,. .j,.'. - 9
Montana Power... 200- 97 , 97 -99
National Lead.,... 1,600 68 66 87
Nevada Copper. ... 10,806 " 28 a :27y&7
New York Central,.. 9,600 107 10640tV
N. T.. N. H. ft H. . 3,200 69 68 68
Norfolk ft Western 6,300 141 138 139 -
Northern Pacific... 4,800 111 111 110
Pacific Mall....... 3.600 26 24 28
Pacific Tel. A Tel..' . 36 ,
Pennsylvania 3,000 67 66 66
Ray Con. Copper.. 37,600 34 y'33 24
Reading 19,700 107 '106 107
Rep. Iron ft Steel... 34,6.40 84 81 83
Shattuck Arts. Co. 7,300 33 32 32
Southern Pkclflc... 7,600 100 99 99
Southern Rallwav.. 1.400 27U 2fi , u
Studebaker Co. 13.600 127 123 127 Copper.-. 900 23 22 22
Texaa Company.... 1.100 223 222 323 :
Union Pacific. 33.400 147 146 V 147
Union Pacific pfd.i 83
U. 8. Ind. Alcohol.. 7,600 139 136 138
U. S. Steel 397.100 128 120 322
This Model
Complete With Ten
Pathe Records
Twenty .Selections .'
With the Privilege of
: -v . " ' " j,.t.
Then, if you buy, k small um down
and modest monthly payments.
The Rranswlck. phonograph Is made by
the world-fanons Bniaswlch-Balhe-Collendcr
Compaay, masters ot tine cabinet work. It Is .
a mnslral masterpiece, embodying all the fine
qualities of other, phonographs, plus dlstinc-.
tire artistic qualities of Its own. v. 1
. It Is e4iulppea) with two, sound boxes, one
for playing Pathe records, another for ether
Hear This
Daily 10 A, M.
It Bleel Bfd.,.... " IM HI 111 111 Is
Utah Copper....... 3I.S00 130 IH'4 1IIH
Wahaah nfd.B".. . 3.200 33 ta 33 2
Weatrm Union...!. 301 1,1 1014 191 a
Waatlnchouaa Elec. 7,400 I4ti (3 14
Total sales Tor the dey,1.700,uoo sharea.
Krw 'Yatk Hanay tbrtut. ' ' -
New' Tork. Nr. It Prtm. Marcalttila
Paper II, per cent.
Starring ' Bxohanga Slaty-day bills.
14.71 4 ; commercial aixty-day bills on banks.
44.70; commercial sixty-day bills, 14.734:
demand, 34.73; cablea. 14.13 7-14.
Silver Bar. 71'; Mexican dollars, 46 n.
Bonds OovarnDant, heavy . railroad.
Irregular. . (
Time . Iana Firmer; alxty and hinety
days, 31t3 per cant; all months, 1144
1 per cent.
Call Money Strong;, higheat, '24 per
oent; loweat, I per cent; ruling rate, ii
per cent; laat loan, 2 per cant; closftig bid.
Pwinti ottered at 1 vir oent.
u. S. r 3s. reg. MKU 'N. an. 16
- do coupoiv..., 9t4M., K. T. 1 4a 77
U. 8. 3s. reth,.100M. P. con. 6a.. 102
L do coupon ,,.100Mont. Power ta. 99
.do cou-pon . ,.110'N. T. City 4v.Ul4
Am. Smelt. 6s. . .116 N. Y., N. H. A H. 7
Am. Tel. ft Tel. . cv. 6s ...112
cv. 4a 112No. Pacific 4s... 93
Anglo-French 6s. 95 do 3s 66
Atch. gen. 4s.. .t 94Ore. 8. L. ret. 4a. 93
B. 4 O. 4e.-.. 92UPar. T. A T. 6a. 102
Beth. St. ret 6e.l02Penn. oon. 4.s,166
Central Pac. 1st 90 do gen. 4s...l02
C. ft O. cv. 4s. 92 Reading gen. 4a. 96
C. B. A Q. jt. 4 988t. L. A San F.
C, M. ft St P. ref. 4s 81
cv. 6a 101 So. Pac. cv. to.. 104
C, R. I. ft- P. Ry. . ..' do ref. 4s 92
ref. 4s 78 So. Railway 6s. 402
C. A 8. ref. 4 86 Union Pacific 4a. 99
D. A R. O. c. 4s. 82 do cv. 4s 94
Crlo gen. 4s..... 74U. 8. Rubber 6a. 102
Gen, Electric 6s 107 U. 8. Sleel 6a, ..106
Qt. No. 1st 4s. 100 Wert, Hilon 4s 87 ;
I. C. ref. 4s.:... 92 Dom. of C 1931.100
Int. M. M. 4s.l09 Bld, f , t v I
K. C, So. ref. In. 81 ' 1
T Loeal Htoakri and Bonds. , J
- Quotations furnlahed by Burns.. Stinker
A Co., 449-S2 Omaha National -bank build
ing. Omaha, - Neb.: . ' . "v. ' i
Stocks y ld. Askedl
Cudahy Packing Co.. 7 pet pfd. 104 106 ,
California Packing Corp. pfd. . 105 106.
Deere A Co. pfd... '96: ' 97 ,
Fairmont Creamery Co. pfd... 103 107l
Gooch Mill. A Kle. Co. 7 pet pfd 99 100
Lincoln Tel. A Tel. com4 p (t 100 )
.Omaha -Council B, Ry. A B: pfd 60 6fi '
Omaha-CouncM B. St. R. pfd.. 74 i 78
OmahavCouncll B. St. R. com. 46 3 62
LOmaha B. L. A P. Co. pfd.., 82 H7 i
Peters. Mill. Co, 6 pet pfd..... 99'100l
Union Stock Yda. Co. 6s pfd.. .101 '162 .
Wilson A Co. pfd Ji...l06 .306i
Wichita U. S. Yda. 6 pet. itock'84 ' i
Bonda e . ' '
Argentine Gov't. 6s. 1920. ..... 100 100:
Armour & Co. 4s. 1931 . . , . . .l-93 .93'
Booth-St. Louis 6s. 1931...... 99 10 .
Chicago Railways 1st 6a. 1937: 96- - 97 i
Chicago Tel. 1st 6s. 1928. .... .101.26 142.24
Cudahy rack. Co. Int 6s. 1924.102
lowa i. cement Co. 6s. 1916-24- 99 100 j
Kanaaa City Ry. Int 6a. 1944.. 97
liOS Anglea Ry. V. 1st r. 6s, 1910 88 "
Merch. H. -ft L. lat A r. 5s.1922 18.64)
Omaha-Council B. 8. R. 6s. 1928 96
Pacjfte G. ft", Elect. 6s. 1942.:.. 97
'PCrkard H. C Co. 6a.. 1919. . 98
Spok. H L ft P Co Int 6s. 1919 99 .
Swift ft Co- 6s. 1944.......:., 101
City of Toronto 4a, 9H. . 89
Utah P. A L. Co. lat &s 1944. 96
Wllaort ft Co. 6m. 1941. ...... -102
Wichita Union Stock Yards 6s-101
101 Hi
London Mack Market.
London,' Nov. j 14. American 'ecilrltlea
Closed lower and Irregular after a moderate
amount of baalneas en the .stock. xcAanga
here today. - .S , . i
Silver Bar, 24 l-16d per .ounce.- ,. M
' Money 6 per cent. j?. ',, 'K
Discount Ratee Short bills.' 69S per
cent; 'three months, 66 par cent.
' ' pahk fMrrlng.
Omaha, Nov. 14. Bank cleartngafor Oma
ha today were 14,694,128.49, and for- the
1 corresponding day- laat year 22.626,017,10. '
' Bee Want Ads Produce. Results. f
' faai made more' fortantt
in . a shorter time than
gold or copper. Let us
tell yon all about tha
biggest and best prop
osition we know . ot In
i- - oil.
This company U earning more than
80 and paying 12. It is going to
announce a big dividend soon. Send for
full particulars about ' - (
. A. FERRtfN & CO. 4
" 226 S. La Salle St Suite 028, Chicago.
!r 11 a
U Mt
The World's Greatest Phonograph
makes t a sapphire ball. Jewel point and. steel
needles. Has 12-Inch turn table, tone modifier,
automatic stop. . .
-Certainly the "world's 1 pea test phono
graph," the artistic triumph of science. .
' Come and hear It play the great music of
Earope, old and new the great European art,
Ms aid year own favorite records.
Wonderful Instxtfment In the Tree
to 5 P. M. - Mnsio Department, Daily
Telephone Clerk
Becomes Member
.Of Stock Exchange
. New York, Nov. 14.-TIie removal
of class barrier to the Stock ex- .
change xvhich in the past has been ,,
considered ', rather as an exclusive
club with a limited membership, was .
emphasized today through the an
nouncement that a telephone clerK
for a Broadway brokerage firm is to
be advanced to full membership on
the board as soon as arrangements for
the purchase of the seat have beeit-
completed. This is.the second iustancu '
in two weeks of a uniformed employe
of the exchange becoming a full mem-,
be'r. One reason ascribed for the pro-
motion of employes is the heavy busi-.
ness done in securities. Messengers
and telephone clerks of long experi-
ence at once become assets to their '
firms , without a period of "breaking (
- v s . 'r 'i. . '
Not only every Hanan
Shoe,' but . every "operation
on every Bemad Shoe it
inspected by experts,
whose business it is ( to
guard zealously the Hanan
reputation. We fre proud
tobe the agents f o.r a
house that, makes such
superior shoes," 'V
v. : .-:141s FARNAMt
' ExcbniM Agwtcy
plays the celebrated Pathe retards,
largest collection of records In the
world, enabling yon to hear the
great artists of Europe, as well as
every American record made.
There Is no phonograph selection
la existence that cant be played on
the Brunswick.
7:30 to 9 P. M.