Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 14, 1916, Page 9, Image 9

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tri 1 r -t i 1 i i r-u ill n,.,.. TO n ? i - 1
Mittens and Gloves Called Into
Use to Get in Shape for
Kansas Game.
v -
:' (From a Buff Correspondon't.)
Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 13. (Special
Telegram.) Mittens and gloves were
called into use by the Husker foot
ball squad, which tonight resumed
' practice for the heavy name aarainst
Kansas university next Saturday af-
iernoon.Aii ot the crippled tluskers
wereout and put up the best game
against the freshmen seen this year.
All of the linesmen wore mittens, but
even that protection could not suffice
to drive away the chill. The varsity
drove through for five touchdowns
and held the first-year men score
less.'. v"J
Vic Halligan, who watched the
Jayhawkers in action .last Saturday,,
icia Kansas naa one ot the best
earns in recent years.
Central High Meets
Sioux Falls Next
The Central High School foot ball
team will spend this week preparing
for the Sioux Falls game here next
There .is talk now of a post-season
game jbetween Lincoln. High and
Omaha High to definitely settle upon
a state champion. This will depend
somewhat upon the game between
Lincoln High and Beatrice High next
Saturday. If Lincoln should win this
game the championship will still be
unsettled. If Beatrice should prove
the winner, comparative scores would
favor Omaha, since it defeated Bea
trice week ago, and the .Omaha
players concede Beatrice a chance at
turning the trick. ; , i . ;
Although Omaha was outplayed in
the first half of both the Lincoln and
Beatrice games, it did not enter the
two games in the same spirit. In the
Beatrice . game Omaha looked
throughout, likei winner. The team
entered the Lincoln game in a nerv
ous state and threw away several
good chances to score in the second
half, when clearly outplaying its
jTW If a post-season game is arranged,
it will probably be played in Omaha,
and during December the weather
would probably be no more disagree
able tnan tnat encountered at. Lin
coln last Saturday. s " '
Lincoln Bowlers Fall
Before Omaha Tive
In a special match game between
Omaha and Lincoln teams last night.
. 1 T . 1 n ' ' .
2,583.' The score: '
,.t, . . LINCOLN.
' . lat M. M. Total
Milken 163 ll ill ot
Bub. .... 167 164 171 411
Reropke. n 1st 1(1 116 416
Oates ..... 1 1(7 Ml 644
Bukl , 161 III 117 667
Total! .147 1(6 S71 MU
j, J t OMAHA.
' . lat 14. 14. Total
I.eara ......... 201 180 107 660
Toman JOS 168 147 ' 608
J. JftTOBh 181 180 148 604
Weaka ....... 163 167 181 648
Huntington 181 i3 118 611
Totajg 131 107 834 S,t2
Annual Banquet of
Luxus Team Is Held
- The annual banquet for the Luxub
base ball team was held at the Faxton
hotel Sunday. It was some ban
quet. Johnny Dennison, manager of
the club, was master of ceremonies,
and Johnny conclusively Droved that
he is still batting .300 iu the banquet
league. ; ine leea couidnt be beat,
nd Johnny's cabaret talent furnished
three hours of entertainment . that
"never dragged a moment. J. J. Isaac
son, president of the Omaha Amateur
Base Ball association, acted as toast
master. . ;
' Hard Times Ahead,
The adored daughter waa sad. ' '
"Fathsr," aha said, "what haa coma ov
you? . Since 1 can remember 1 never had a
wish you ware hot anxious to gratify, and
you even uiUolpated my wanta and handed
ma money for all aorta of things that I
hadn't even thought of. But now 1 have to
aak yon for every oent I need, and you
growl and grunt and aak If I think you are
made of money, and you rail at a woman'a
estravagance and Invariably 'aak me what
on earth 1 did with that last check or dol
lar or half dollar you gave mo. It la very
. .atrange. Don't you love ma any more.
"My dear Ethel," her father anawered, "I
love you aa much aa ever. But you are Boon
to be married, and I am trying gradually
1 to prepare you for.. the change." New York
- for CfciMrca1 Coach.
ob nnnot use anything totter for your
ehlld'i oouvh uid cold than Dr. Klof'i
New PiaooTeir. Contain nothlnf harmful.
Guarantee, M arvfflata. 60c A4v,
&tcoLLr-ir) j I
1 I OT ViOLLV-nr I i I I ' i a -II I "mi TOU v .
-set 1UU HFRP m
Foot Ball Scores
Carleton, 21; Hamlin, T. -North
Dakota Aie, IS; Fffo, T.
Tueaday--Today'i Calendar of Sports
Community Center
Gymnasium Night
Schedule Given Out
Superintendent English of the
Board of Public Recreation announces
the following community center gym
nasium evening schedule for the sea
son: South Hih Monday, men; Wednesday,
. women. ; v.. ,
Central Park Monday, men; Tuesday,
Miller Park Monday, men; Wednesday,
Caatelar Tuesday, men. Thursday, wom
en. 11
DundeeTuesday, men, Thursday, woman.
Monmouth Park Tuesday, women..
West Side Wed needay, women. , r
KeUora Thursday, men. . , " " . '
On Tuesday evening at the Dundee
school an organization meeting will
be held1 in the auditorium and an ath
letic class for men in the gymnasium.
The State Board of Control has au
thorized use of the Deaf Institute for
community center activities.
Ducky Holmes Has v
Something to Say
"I wish to state for the benefit of
the amateur foot ball fans of Omaha,
that the Class B championship could
not be decided by a, game between the
Athletics and ' Nonpareil , Reserves,
because the Athletics is a Class A
team, this season, and the Nonpareil
Reserves lost to the Ducky Holmes
team by a score of 20 to 0, thereby
eliminating both teams, and giving
the Ducky Holmes, team the undis
puted championship, they not losing
a game and only playing one tie
game, 0 to 0,,with the Athletics. We
defeated the rontenelles, 19 to 6;
Dundee Woolen Mills. 13 to 7: Non
pareil Reserves, 20 to 0, and the Maz
das, to u. uus K1MM1SL,
. "Manager Duck Holmes."
Famous Haunt of the Down-and--
. Outer Run by Former Prue -
Fighter. : ;
As a relief to the frequent plaintive
recital of political flops, so lamentable
in some instances as to bring about, as
in' the civil war, the separation of
brother from brother, one is delighted
to read of another kind.
This is Hogan's "flop," the word
carrying with it the thought of throw
ing yourself with small preparatory
measures on any place of rest that can
be obtained. Ben Hogan, who estab
lished it in Chicago many years ago,
is dead. But the flop remains. Out
casts can still find a bed at Hogan's
shelter for 2 cents a night payable
strictly in advance and soup to re
pletion at a price a shade below cost.
The fact that Hogan was a prize
fighter before his conversion may
have had something to do with his
methods afterward. Prize fighters
are not without acquaintance with
battered humanity. In fact, if the
blows are received in fair fight, even
knockout becomes honorable. More
over, men of his following deal with
individuals father than with theories.
Consequently when Hogan was con
verted he went after men. Theology
may have tost an able dissector, but
the down-and-outers gained. "I
learned there was more to. serving
mankind than by giving hungry men
words," Hogan once said: "that is the
reason I started the soup mission and
the flop."
No one can ever know the good
that. Hogan did. Somewhere, doubt
less, in the line the soup -and -the
"flop" made all the difference. In his
"Pasha of . Many Tales" Captain.
Marryat tells of the Arab merchant,
about to perish in the sands of the
Sahara, saved by the crust of bread
his little child had thrust into his
pocket on leaving home. Crises of no
less moment may occur in the streets
of great cities. Hogan helped un
fortunates and at the same time pro
tected that greatest of all their re
maining possessions, self-respect. The
2 cents must be forthcoming. Even
if it were "panhandle" there was merit
in giving it up to Hogan, demanding
in return the right to "flop" as the
result of an honorable transaction
carried on between man and man.
Washington Post.
Feare Boor More Than Man.
Harry H. Fleming rnporta having Been
recently a blr mooae pureued by a bear.
wane fl.hlni with a companion In Fay
ette lake a large bull mooae auddenly
emerged from the timber, ran down to the
beach 8nd Into the water.
. RolnJ "' 'he tnooae waa a large blank
bear. The bear eeelng the men tied back
into the timber.
The mooee left the water, shook hlmeetf.
blew the water trom hla nostrils and stood
for a short time only a tew yards from the
fishermen Inspecting them. . He had an un
usually large body and a magnificent set of
horna. He walked a mile along the chore,
then vanished In the woeda, Cheyenne
Tribune. .
Strike Order Beeclneled.
SfcAlester, Okla., Nov. IS. In accordance
with the preliminary agreement of last
Saturday the district executive board of the
United Mine Workers of America late to
day reaclnded the order Issued October 11
oalllng the miners on strike, and moat el
the men have returned to the mines.
I Coprrteht. 11 .
latcruiiooal Mw 8-i4m
Capturei 245-Mile Douglas
to Phoenix Road
'a Bun, -.-1
Phoenix. Ariz.. Nov. 13. Huih
Miller of Phoenix late today whirled.
nig racing auiomouiie into tne scale
fair grounds, winner of the 245-mile
Douglas-to-Phoenix road race. His
time was eight hours and forty-five
minutes. Fifteen cars started.
American Lad Becomes a Demigod in
Eyei of Half a Dozen
Republics. .
One American Could have a crown
for the asking. He is the uncrowned
king of the tropics, the Cecil Rhodes
of Central America, a demigod in the
eyes of half a dozen republics.
There sits daily in an unpretentious
office at Battery place, New York, a
silent Hercules who is transforming
the American tropics from a jungle to
a fruit garden, who is creating pros
perity, health and peace where only
poverty, "disease and revolutions for
merly luxuriated, who. is busily steel
rail linking Central American repub
lics t one another as a necessary
preliminary to their union into one
powerful commonwealth and who,
also, is plodding to make it possible
to travel from New York, Chicago
or San Francisco all the way by rail
to Panama or even to Rio Janeiro.
Minor C. Keith was a Brooklyn lad
who, at 16, started in a men's fur
nishing store . on Broadway, New
York, at $3 a week, didn't care for
selling collars, socks and neckties
and quit in six months to become a
lumber surveyor." He made $3,000 in
the first year and then went into the
lumber business on his own account,
his father having followed that in
dustry. --
Before old enough to vote he was
raising cattle and hogs on a bleak,
uninhabited island called Padre Isl
and (as long as Long Island), near
the mouth of the Rio Grande. He had
looked over the country- after the
civil war and decided to seftle on this
forsaken territory; Only one other
family lived on the island.
Here young Keith trained for the
battle of life, under rough, nerve
trying circumstances, with two revol
vers never .unhitched from his belt
and with cattle thieves and other
care-free gentlemen all about him
when he crossed to Texas and the
Mexican border to buy cattle. He
rose at 4 every morning, roughed it
for sixteen hours daily, often slept
outside and prospered,
He reared and bought cattle all
over the surrounding territory to kill
tor their hide and tallow. I he beef,
not worth anything in Texas in those
days, was fed to swine I He amassed
a herd of 4,000 stock cattle and 2,000
pigs. Stock cattle were , then worth
$2.50 to $3 and steers brought $1 for
each vear of their are. (Todav. alast
we city folk pay 35 cents a pound fo
the choicest parts of such steers!)
Then something happened to
change the course of Keith's career.
His uncle, Henry Meiggs, was the
famous builder of the first railway
over the Andes and of other epochal
South American lines. Minor s eld
est brother, Henry Meiggs Keith,
had joined his uncle in Peru and had
taken over a contract from his uncle
to build a railroad in Costa Rica for
the government. One day, in 1871,
Minor received a letter from his
brother asking him to come to Costa
Minor's job was to run the com
missariat of the railway. His brother
subsequently died and the construc
tion of the railway was suspended
through the government. Also, to
make possible the money. In order
to carry out his brother's undertak
ing he reconjtracted the coast line
of the railway with the government.
Also, to make possible, the building
of the mountain section tor which the
government had not the needed $6,
000,000, he made a contract with the
Costa Rica government to settle their
external debt which had been de
faulted for thirteen years. He pro
ceeded to London and after many dif
ficulties arranged a settlement of the
debt and all arrears of interest, and
obtained $6,000,000 for the construc
tion of the railway.
The International Railways of
South America "The Pan-American
Railway" is not a mere paper rail
road. Half of it is already built. Con
nection has been made on the Pacific
side with the National Railways of
Mexico, at the Guatemala boundary.
The road runs down the Guatemala
coast and then cuts clear across the
continent to Puerto Barrios, on the
Atlantic side; this transcontinental
line is now in profitable operation,
the net earnings (or profits) in the
first four months of this year having
been $667,545. From midcontinent
the line is- being built straight
through the little republic of Salva
dor to La Union, on the Pacific. Next
It will past through Honduras and
Today's Calendar of Sports
Bench Show Opening of annuel skew ef
Among aeasiei era, patrtnig,
Base Bell Annosl meeting ef National
Association of Professional 1
Sf&nJl leagues,
at New Orleans.
Raclnr Opening of fall meeting ef fteoth-
ern Maryland Agricultural eased tl en, at
Bowie, Hd.
Athletlea New Hamnahire eollece-rjelbv
allege dual cross-country ran, at Pur ham.
rloxlnr Jack Brtlaon anfnst Ted Lewie.
twelve rounds, at Boston. Bob Moha against
niiiy aiisKe, tee reunde, t new york. rfoe
Rivera eemlnet ews Thomas, t treaty ronnds.
t New Orleans. Bryen Downey ngmlnst
Bnlke Kelly, sen roands, at KeneelM, wle.
rounds, t Mertevllle, K. L Roger 6'Ma.Uejr
against Bobby Grant, tea rounds, at Barber-
eon, v, .
Foot RU Cnlversltv nf Tasaa asralnst
University ef Arkansas, at Austin, Tex.
join the Nicaraguan road. The Costa
Rican system will then be reached,
and from Port Limon to the Panama
canal will be the final link on the
northern side of the "great divide."
The South American extension, Mr.
Keitn is confident, will follow.
More than 570 miles of the Interna
tional Railways are today actually operating-rand
making money; And
the daring project is daily creeping
toward completion.
"I have heard, Mr. Keith, that you
hope to bring about the union of the
five Central American republics
Guatemala, Salvador, Nicaragua,
Costa Rica and Panama. Is that
your ambition?" I asked. He gazed
into space. Then: ,
."I believe that will come. It will
be a great thing for them all. rfut
only railroads can bring it about. The
people of Costa Rica today are
strangers to the people of Nicaragua,
although their countries adjoin.
There must first be commercial and
social intercourse. The railroad will
make that possible." Leslie's
weekly. ; i ,
And the Woman' Long Lost Sister
Lived Only One Block Away.
A drama of heart gripping interest.
laid in Europe and extending over a
period of thirty yeara or longer, has
just reached its happy climax on this
side ot the Atlantic tn the meeting
of two half-sisters, one of whom has
long been searching for the other,
who never knew before that such a
relative existed.
The principals in this drama are
Mrs. Yetta Goldman, wife of a cloth
ing manufacturer, and Mrs. William
Phillips, who came here four months
ago and lives with her family within
a block of where the Goldman t re
side in Vineland, N. J.
More than torty years ago a sol
dier in Russia married a pretty village
maiden at Danaburg. A few years
later the soldier,,tindmg himseit too
f oor to support a wife, divorced her.
n the meantime a child was born and
was named Mary. The parents of the
divorced wife tools her back into
their home and later she married
asain. but the fact that the second
husband waa not her real father was
kept studiously from little Mary. The
soldier recouped his fortunes and
married again. Mis only aaugnter
was named Yetta. Thirteen years
ago she came to America and on her
departure an uncle told Yetta that
perhaps she might find a sister In
the new land.
'Her name is Mary and she comes
from Danaburg," the uncle explained
as he unfolded the strange story to
Yetta of her soldier father's earlier
romance. '
So Yetta came to America with a
new incentive to find a sister. This
strange quest continued for thirteen
years. Then the other day Mrs. Gold
man met a new ngignour on int
street. She was Mrs. Mary Phillips,
who had come from Russia fourteen
years ago and was the long sought
. . r,L:l-j1u: TJ I
Sister. rilliaucipnia nswiu. (.,
Live Stock ,1a Sight.
Receipts of live atock yesterday at the five
principal western markets:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Kansas City 11,000 ll.tAO S.100
ChlcaBO IT.000 14,000 .5,000
Omaha U0 7.100 1S.200
Moui City 7.000 1,000 S.000
St. Louis ll.S'O 1S.H0 1,100
Totals J1.100 41,600 ll.stt
Elnctrle Crank
ing, Lighting and
Ignition. ,
Storage) Batteries
Pick out some man whs nag owned a
car for several years and ask kirn what
batteries be usee.
ZOM Famam St. Omaha, Neb.
' rnone Douglas sear.
Drawn for
Petitions to Be Presented to
Government by "Strength
ot Britain" Movement. . '
(Correspondence of The Associated Press.)
London, Oct. 31. A 'petition ' it
shortly to be presented to the British
government by the "Strength of Brit
ain Movement" asking that the Brit
ish government follow the lead of the
greatest of the allies to prohibit the
sale of alcohol. This remarkable ap
peal has already been signed by 1,000
representatives of the brain power of
the nation, including leading officeri
in the army and navy, directors of mu
nitions, privy councilors, prominent
men in literature, art and music, fi
nance and industry, university and
college professors, heads of public
and secondary schools, prominent
scientist and medicalmen. : ,
The memorial claims thaWtwo
grave dangers stand before the coun
try, holding back the power of early
victory and throwing a shadow over
the vision of peace. One is the wast
ing of alcohol, the other is the im
periling of infant life. Among all the
factors of weakness these confront us
with terrible vividness and they lie
within our own control. With the
weakening power of alcohol removed
our national effort against the enemy
would' gather increased Strength;
with the increased strength and more
rapid supplies our losses in six cam
paigns would have been substantially
reduced. '
Facta Are Enumerated.
The following facts are given con
cerning the effect of alcohol:
It hinders the army, delays muni
tions, keeps thousands of men from
war work daily, makes good workmen
second rate.
Hampers the navy, delays trans
ports, places them at the mercy of
submarines, slows down repairs and
congests docks.
. "Threatens the mercantile marine,
absorbing during the war between
60,000,000 and 70,000,000 cubic feet of
Jill v JI ' ifli
IP jE'
.' Rothenberg & Schlost. Distributors, Kansas City, Missouri. , .
Sggr', Omaha Branch 1715 Douglas Street. .XeB
The Bee by George McManus
space and retards the building of
ships. .
'Destroys food supplies. In twenty
months of war it consumes over 2,
500,000 tons of food,, with - sugar
enough to last the nation eight days,
and uses up more sugar than the
army. . ,
"Wastes our financial strength. In
the first twenty months of the war
our people spent on alcohol '300,000,-
000. J - . . I,
"Diverts the nation's strength. It
uses 500,000 workers, 1,000,000 acres
of land and 1,500,000 tons of coal
yearly. During the war it has involved
the lifting and handling on road and
rail of a weight equal to 50,000,000
tons. ;'
"Shatters our moral strength; its
temptations to women involve danger
to children and anxiety to thousand
of soldiers." 'i
The appeal goes on to say' that dur
ing the eighteen months since the
government appointed the Board of
Control its work, though successful
socially, has had little effect 'in the
great industries on which the armies
rely, and the men in the trenches are
betrayed by an enemy at home.
ti. , " ; Point to Ruiala. "
Russia and her prohibition is made
much of in the memorial which con
cludes: .
"We are no temperance reformer
as such. We stand for the great de
sire of all-good people to atrike the
mightiest blow for freedom of which
Britain is capable. ' We support the
demand for prohibition made to the
government by its own investigatora,
and by the Shipbuilders' deputation,
with not a teetotaler among them, in
March, 1911 Believing, in the prime
minister's words, that no sacrifice ia
too great when freedom and honor are
at stake,' and that rich and poor alike
should bear it, we ask the govern
ment to suspend all drink licenses
throughout the- kingdom for the
period of the war. -
"We believe golden moment has
arrived for our oountry; that, pre
pared for the sacrifice by the exam
ple of the king and Lord Kitchener,
the nation is ready for the natural
step that France and Russia have al
ready taken. The suspension of the
liquor traffic during the war, the con
version of the public houses into
homes of refreshment will quicken up
our civil and fighting populations, will
raise a new fire of resolution in our
people and will give to millions the
first opportunity they have ever had
of breaking old habits of weakness
and forming new habits of strength.
"We believe that in. this, as in all
other vital issues, there must be sym
pathy and unity of action between the
allied nations, and we appeal to the
government to be bold and trust our
people, to be strong and follow our
allies, to be worthy of the mighty des
tinies they hold in solemn trust."
How French Aviators Learn the Fly
- Ing Art on "Roller' and -;
After I had received my prelimin
ary Instruction in the construction of
Nieuport machines (fast scouting
aeroplanes of French service) and the
technique of handling them. I was out
on machine called the "roller" and
given my first instruction in steering.
The roller is simply a Nieuport
whoae winsrs have been cut down tn
such an extent that it will not rise.
except for perhaps a foot or so in a
fireat burst ot speed. It runs almost
ike a motor car. By its use one de
velops the instinct tor steering in a
straignt line and tor turning. - it ia
a I lag eMiifalt . kal4at 4S evenaaoa ek tAitaw
along the ground that to steer a real
machine in the air. The contact with
the earth is always twisting and turn
ing it in the craziest fashion. ' By the
time one has finished his course on
the roller he understands horizontal
steering and knows something about :
the management of his engine.
Perpendicular, steering, which is
more important, of course, comes
when he i promoted to a "penguin."
This i a complete machine, except
that the egine is so weak as not to
permit it to rise more than, 25 or 30
feet. On it the student aviator prac
ticea rising and descending, and es
pecially the art of landing.
Landing is the most difficult and
the most important department of ;
aviation. Half or three-quarters- of
the accidents occur because the avia
tor haa made a bad contact Ameri
can Aviator in Saturday Evening
Post. ;
Persistence Is the Cardinal Virtue
in Advertising. - . . - "