Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 14, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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Omaha Woman's Club Hears
Miss Peck Tell of Cinema's -
Good Effect.
"Movies are the greatest help in
bringing about prohibition. Wherever
a movie house has been opened in a
block where there is a saloon, patron
age at the saloon has fallen off 30 to
60 per cent," asserts Miss Mary Gray
Peck of the better films com'
mittee of the General Federation of
Woman's Clubs, who spoke at the
Omaha Woman's club Monday. Miss
Peck is touring the country to pro-
mote better films for children. Miss
Peck studied at Cambridge in Eng
land and was professor of English at
the University of Michigan. She is
active in the National Drama league
and chairman of the speakers' bureau
in the New York suffraee camoaien
"A questionnaire sent out to chiefs
of police brought out the unbiased
opinion that a movie house was the
greatest competition for the corner
saloon. Cheapness is the virtue of
the movies. As long as the price of
the tickets stays around the price of
a drink, the saloon has the first rival
who ever competed with it and beat
It. - !
Insulting Scenes.
"White slave or birth control
dramas are the greatest thorn in the
tlesh ot all who are working for good
movies, said Miss reck, ihe pro
moters of such films would never fill
a moving picture house did they not
resort to spectacular advertising." The
public does not want its sense of de
cency outraged, she said.
No Censorship.
Miss Peck is opposed to censorship
of films. "Federal censorship has
proved ineffectual in practice and is
dangerous in its tendency. It will re
press one phase ot national expres
sion," she says.
"Moving picture actors have revived
the art of facial expression and pan
tomime. Movies have taken expensive,
spectacular productions out of the
province of spoken drama. Intimate
studies of life the staee must adhere
to." These are the two great contribu
tions ot the film to the spoken drama,
according to Miss Peck. :
. Classic Dramas.
Miss Peck advocates special film
features for children, the films to be
shown at special children's hours.
Adults in great numbers are attracted
theaters where they are shown, Miss
Peck says. Miss Peck spoke under
the auspices of the educational com
mittee, headed by Mrs. W. S. Knight.
Works of Borglum to Be
Shown Here This Week
Guczon Borglum's works which,
with those of Solon, will be shown
in Omaha the latter part of the week,
are a Lincoln head and a Lincoln
seated; a fragment, "Mares of Dio-
medes, the big work of which is in
the Metropolitan museum in New
York; another work, "Wonderment
ot Motherhood; heads ot Ueneral
Sheridan, General Bolivia and Ruskin;
one Phyllas and two masks "I Have
Piped," of which little is known by
those in charge of the exhibit.
A number of these works were ex
hibited at the Panama-Pacific exhi
bition; some at Buffalo and others
are now being shown in Chicago.
Chancellor Avery Will
1 . Talk to Manufacturers
Chancellor Samuel Avery is to be
one of the SDeakers at the convention
of the Nebraska Manufacturers' as
sociation, to be held in Omaha No
vember 21 and 22. The Fontenelle
hotel is to be headquarters. Dr, E.
E. Pratt, chief of the bureau of for
eign and domestic commerce, is to be
here to speak, as is also James A.
Emery, counsel for the National
Manufacturers' association. The
Omaha Manufacturers' association
and the Commercial club are to en
tertain the delegates jointly at the
Hotel Fontenelle the evening of No
vember 21.
First Christian Church
Will Hear. Ex-Convict
The Baraca class of the First Chris
tian church will hear Lieutenant M.
. Swartzkopensky, former bodyguard to
the czar of Russia and escaped Sibe
rian convict) tell of his escapades Fri
day night. The lieutenant has lec
tured before universities and churches
throughout the country.
The members of the class plan a
series of Friday night talks, of which
the Russian soldier's visit will be the
first; A motion picture machine will
be installed this week to lend addi
tional interest to educational and trav
elog addresses. ' v
Mike Hynock Dies from
Shot Received in Brawl
Mike Hynock, the Austrian laborer,
shot in a brawl in front of his board
ing house, 1216 South Thirteenth
street, Saturday evening, died Monday
in the St Joseph's hospital. The man
believed to have done the shooting so
far has not been apprehended by the
police. One of the bullets punctured
Hynock s abdomen, and shattered his
Daughters of Israel to
v Hold Dance for New Home
Daughters of Israel Aid society will
hold a dance in the Auditorium the
evening of February 11. The pro
ceeds will be devoted to paying for
the Jewish Old People's Home, now
in process of building at Twenty-fifth
and Howard streets. They expect the
home to be completed January 15,
but its formal opening will be post
poned until after the dance. -
How Two Wives Got Free
From Their Husbands
Two Omaha spouses celebrated the
week-end by obtaining divorce de
crees from their husbands.
Bessie Lusk was freed from Harri
son Lusk on grounds of nonsupport.
Cruelty was the charge against
George Nesemyer by Lizzie Nese
oyer, who was granted a decree. i
Jacob Fried Says He Was
Snared by the Whole Ven
ger Family.
It's up to a jury in Judge Day's
court whether Jacob Fried, 314 North
Twenty-fifth street, a tinner, is en
titled to $10,000 for alleged alienation
of his wife's affections. Mr. and Mrs.
Max Venger of Genoa, Neb., the
father-in-law and mother-in-law,
respectively, of the plaintiff, are
named as the defendants. Judging
from the opening testimony on the
part of Fried, the case might be
termed the-tale of the timorous tinner
and the ambitious father-in-law. Fried
alleges that the Venger, family pre
vailed upon him to marry the daugh
ter and then slipped him the double
X, which maneuver, he figures, is
worth at least 10,000 iron men.
Fried lived in Omaha several years.
Venger is a merchant said to be a
very prosperous one in the town of
Man a Social Animal.
Fried testified that it was while
tinning away on a job in the Indian
school town that he became ac
quainted with the father of his future
wife. He said that after Venger as
certained that he was from Omaha,
single and of the same race as the
Venger family Jewish the Genoa
merchant invited him to his home.
Venger, according to the story told
in court by Fried, advised the latter
that it was not good for man to live
alone, mentioning his daughter as a
very eligible prospect in the marry
ing line, ihe Omaha man claims he
didn't want to get married and had no
intentions of doing so. That friends
were prevailed upon to influence him
(tried), with the result that Elizabeth
Venger, the merchant's, daughter,
eventually visited him in Omaha in
his sister's home, was Dart of plain
tiff's testimony.
Saw "Biggest Shows."
Fried answered in the affirmative
when attorneys queried him as to
whether the courtship was carried on
in Omaha while his prospective bride
was visiting him. "I took her to
shows," Fried declared. "What kind
of shows, movies?" an attorney inter
rogated. , "No, sir, the biggest shows
in town," the tinner shot back.
' Anyway, Fried and the Venger girl
were married. The plaintiff asserts
she left him May IS of this year. He
asserts it was the fault of her par
ents. The Vengers maintain that it
was all his own doings.
Seeks Big Sum for ;
Landing On His Head
The case of William Livingston.
former brakeman of the Omaha rail
road, for damages of $50,000 against
that road is being tried before Judee
Woodrough of the United States dis
trict court. In the petition, William
Livingston alleges that he fell on the
steDS of a cab in 1902, striking his
head in such a manner that his entire
nervous system has been impaired.
Omaha s Melting Pot Boils Briskly
When Sixty-Five Appear for Papers
Cosmopolitan Array Stands Be
fore Judge and Get Full
Standing Under Your
Uncle Samuel.
Omaha's melting pot boiled briskly
on the first day of the week, when
sixty-five applicants for their second
citizenship papers appeared before
Judge Sears and were given their
legal standings as full-fledged sub
jects of Uncle Sam.
Dr. Percival Lowell,
Astronomer, is Dead
Flagtsaff, Ariz., Nov. 13. Dr. Per
cival Lowell, founder and director of
the Lowell Obseratory here and' an
astronomer of international reputa
tion, died here last night from a stroke
of apoplexy suffered yesterday morn
ing. - - -
Dr. Lowell apparently was in good
health when he arrived here recently
from a lecture trip. For ten years
much of Dr. Lowell's effort had been
devoted to study of the planet Mars.
Dr. Lowell's home was in Boston,
where he was born March 3, 1855,
but he came here at certain seasons
for his studies at the observatory he
established here in 1894 because of
the clearness of the atmosphere.
Dr. Lowell graduated from Harvard
universitjr when he was 21 years old,
and later degrees were conferred him
by Clark university and Amherst col
lege. Several astronomical expeditions
were organized by him. Among them
were an eclipse expedition to Tripoli
in 1900 and an expedition to the
Andes mountains to photograph Mars
in 1907. For ten years prior to 1893
he made a number of trips to Japan.
In 1902 he was appointed nonresident
professor of astronomy of the Massa
chusetts Institute of Technology. He
was the author of many works on
astronomical subjects and a contribu
tor to scientific publications. ,
Nighty Clad Guests
" Race Into Street
A small fire in a bakery in the Reio
hotel building, Sixteenth and Cuming
streets, early in morning frightened I
a number of scantily-clad guests into
running to the street. The only dam
age of consequence will probably be
the colds the hotel folk get by their
flight. ' '
Mighty Hunters Stub Their
Toes On a Big Snowstorm
Charles.' Fred and Arthur Metz.
"Dad" Weaver,, Gua Renze and Har
vey Colvin have returned from a
hunting trip at Metz Ranch, near
Valentine. They brought home a few
ducks and report running into the
teeth of a storm, which sent them
hurryinfe back to the home folks and
dear old Farnam street
It was a cosmopolitan array of on-the-verge-of-Americans
that crowded
into the court room of the presiding
judge. Many different flags had they
and their forefathers lived under, but
now, to a man, they were ready to
cast their lot under the Stars and
Fair-haired Swedes and stolid Nor
wegians brushed elbows with bulky
Russians and matter-of-fact Teutons;
Americanized Englishmen, dreamy
looking Frenchmen and a goodly
sprinkling of Roumanians, Bulgarians,
Italians and other peoples were there,
too, to have their hyphens removed
by the legal scalpel of Judge Sears.
Wheat and Corn Are
Both Up Few Cents
.- -
With a comparatively weak market
during the last days of last week the
Omaha demand for all kinds of grain
was good and prices .were higher.
Wheat was up one to two cents and
corn two to three cents from Satur
day. Omaha wheat receipts were 152 car
loads, selling at $1.83(1.90.
Corn sold at 9698 cents per bushel,
with receipts of 50 carloads. The ad
vance in corn was during the first
hour of the session and indications
pointed again to dollar corn. Prices,
however, sagged off and the market
closed with purchases being made at
close to the low point of the day.
Oats were strong and cents
higher, selling at 55455 cents per
bushel. The receipts were 25 carloads.
Storage Grain Far ;
Above Last Year
Although shipments continue enop
mous, the grain stocks in storage in
Omaha elevators remain largely in
excess of the corresponding period of
one year ago. Figures of the inspec
tion department of the Omaha Grain
exchange show the following bushels
of each kind of grain now in the
elevators: ,
-,V- ' Now. YearAso.
Whmt ..1,411,000 728,000
Corn , 42,000 ;
0.11 1.113,000 101,000
H ISO, 000 ,,' 61,000
B.rley 17,000 14.000
The increase is 1,998,000 bushels,
the greatest increase being in oats,
with wheat second. x
Inquest on Death
Of S. Landsberg
A coroner's jury yesterday found
Sigmund Landsberg, composer, who
was found dead from a bullet wound,
in his studio in the Lyric building,
Saturday, ended his own life. No rea
son for the suicide was discovered by
the jury. Prof. W. E. Chambers was
the only witness to offer any testi
mony that was not in the hands of the
authorities when the inquest started.
He testified that Landsberg had
spoken to him of financial troubles
and that he was soon to be married.
Lillian McEldon Will Mot Go
Homo with Father, Court
Little Lillian McEldon, 7 years .old,
fair-haired and scarcely old enough
to realize that the joy she caused in
one family was but the same amount
of sorrow in the lives of the mem
bers of another household, will re
main with her grandmother.
The prize in one of the hottest
guardianship legal fights ever waged
in a local court, the McEldon child,
in whose life tragedy has played an
important part in the last year, was
Tiuddled up in a chair next to her
grandmother, Mrs. Mary Mynster of
Council Bluffs, when Judge Wakeley
fof the district court handed down the
Mother Was Killed.
The child has lived with her grand
parents in the Bluffs almost since her
birth. Her mother, the laic Mrs.
Thomas Swift, who was killed when
an automobile party plunged into the
Missouri river several months ago,
and her father, Byron McEldon, were
divorced. The father married again
and after his former wife's tragic
death he started legal proceedings to
get possession of his daughter. The
grandmother and the Mynster family
fought the case and made every legal
effort in their successful efforts to
keep the little girl.
Taking of testimony was concluded
Saturday and attorneys presented
their arguments Monday morning. In
returning a verdict for the defendants
in the afternoon Judge Wakeley
ruled that Lillian's best interest would
be served by staying with Grand
mother Mynster. The girl's father is
a traveling man.
When she heard the verdict, Lillian
walked smartly up to the bench and
thanked Judge Wakeley for his de
cision. Federal Examiner
" Here On Rate Case
The hearing of the Omaha Grain
exchange against the Rock Island
railroad for discriminating against
Omaha and Council Bluffs in the mat
ter of grain shipments over Kansas
City to points in Texas, Arkansas,
Oklahoma, Louisiana and New Mexi
co is being heard before George N,
Brown, examiner for the Interstate
Commerce commission, at the federal
The case of the Fairmont Creamery
company against the Santa, Fe rail
road for discriminating . against
Omaha hi favor of Kansas City in the
matter of oil shipments from Okla
homa is also being heard.
Fall On Slippery Walk
Breaks Harger's Right Arm
Lee Harger, 4719 North Nineteenth
street, fell on the slippery pavement
at twentieth and Ames avenue and
sustained a fractured right arm. He
received medical attention at the
hands of Dr. Charles Shook and was
taken to St. Joseph hospital,
Poultry Show Will
Be Breeders' Mecca
The third annual poultry show, giv
en under the auspices of the Greater
Omaha Poultry association, will be
held at the Auditorium Thanksgiving
week, from November 27 to Decem
ber 2. The University of Nebraska
Agricultural college is co-operating
with the association and has prom- '
ised to send a number of exhibits.
Hundreds of exhibitors from all over
the country have signified their in
tention of entering birds. '
The executive committee of the as- .
sociation consists of S. E. Munger,
W. E. Baeher, T. F. Sturgess, H. L.
McCoy, J. W. Welsh, David Cole, H.
O. Edwards and Raymond Foster.
-AND ONLY $1280
But only for just a
few days more at
$1280. On and after
Dec. 1, $1350. Like
a good horse, a 7-pas-senger
6-30 Chalmers
is "light on its feet."
Weighs only 3005,
which means econo-
, ' f ."V,' '
, .. ' Vi - -'.. .
my plus. Quality
(All Prices f. o. b. Detroit)
Doesn't stain
on the
This one point proves the purity of
Little Cigars, which come to you with
an entirely new appeal.'
The appeal of the harmony between
the wrapper and the filler.
The appeal of economy, because
of no breakage.
The appeal of satisfaction such as
, you never enjoyed before..
I II ffn In foil-lined package. Thi means
, J I Ul perfect protection. A nickel proves it
The American Tobacco Company
'T7 m
R. W. CRAIG, Inc.
Phone Doug. 7888. 2512-14 Farnam St
You Can Leave
Omaha at 4:30 P. M. today
, Be in Kansas City at 11 :00 tonight
In Dallas and Fort Worth at noon tomorrow
In Austin; 6:00 P. M.J San Antonio, 8:30 P. M. -No
other service like if
Let u$ tell you about it. ' '
Connections from Kansas City
11:25 P. M. M., K. & T., "Texas Special."
11 :30 P. M. Friaco Lines, "Meteor."
11 :35 P. M. Kansas City Southern, "Gulf Special."
"Kansas City-St. Louis
From Omaha, 4:30 P. M. ;
Other Southern
Train. t
9:15 A. M.
. IOiSS P. M.
16th nd F.rn.m
D. 1238 D. 3S80