THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14. 1916. LIVE STOCK MARKET Desirable Fat Cattle Steady, Feeders Strong Fat Lambs Are Fully Steady. HOGS FIVE TO TEN LOWER Omaha, Kowmber II. Itl. it.i.ti rratrie. Hon. S1icp. Kstltnata Monday...... T.:o T.Mt !. Kama day last WMk... t.MO 1,437 11.120 Ram I wfctj. ao..ll.l ' . Stmt day S wka, ao. . 1M04 4.724 19.674 Kama day 4 wki I.T4T SI.S 8me day laat year. ..10,376 MM U.liZ mA HUnMitinn flf llva atock at lh ITnlnn fllnrk vard. Omaha, Nb., for twenty-four hour ending at I o'clock p. 3i., N'ovamtMr 11, 1114: RBCEIPT8 CARLOADS. Cattl. Hon. neep. n r . r., M. t St. P. .. I 11 . MlMourl Pacific .. 14 f Union Part fie .111 i A N. W., eaat.. II 1 C. N. W.. weet.. M 451 I 4 C, St. P.. M. ft O. 17 4 14 r, n. ft Q. wt.. 14 16 , 7 C . R. I. ft P., at. II S ... Jlltnot lntrml.... 14 I t Chi. Ut. West....... 7 . i .. .. Total wrlpti ..17 114V 10 . I DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hoiri. Sheep, l.tll 4.117 , 1.160 1.011 r Morrli ft O. Swift ft Co. ........ - Cudahy rat-kin Co.- Armour ft C. . ... .. Rchwarts -ft-Co. .... J. W. Murphy Mniroln Parkin r Co.., Cudahy, from K. C. W. H. Vanaaut Co, . . II III ft Son P. B. Iitwli ........ Hunt on ft Co. ....... .1.. R. Root ft C. .... J. H Bulla .......... ).. P. Hull Rooontoek Bros. . ... , F. Q. Xl)OfC .... .. Wortholmor ft Devon. H. F. Hamilton .... flu I It van Bros. ....... ' rhritl ....... .... i Hfjrulni Hurfman ............ Roth , .... Myera maavborr Baker, Jonea ft Smith Banner Bros. John Harvey nnla ft jrranct . Kline , Janaen ft Langren.... Pat O'Day Hunlnfar ft Oliver ... Other buyer ,,,.., .. (41 1,114 1,141 117 1.701 .1,171 1.03 MM 104 761 ft 14 ' 7 226 162 IT 64 ' 144 106 44 106 411 in 17 lT 17 II 4 1 . : 4 ' 71 64 110 (6 161 ;I1 71 6t 1,149 TnUl 199 MM 11.049 Cattle Receipt of cattle thla morning wero light, being Bmaller than laet woek'a moderate run, and only about half aa largo a on moat repent Monday. Th unravor able report from other oiling points made the trade rather Blow, buyers being in clined to await developments before filling orders. There was. however, a very fair de mand for good kilt ere, tow Muff s well as tiffaf it-ear, ana stocK coming unaer imi head commanded about steady prices, Some pretty good heavy cattle sold up as high aa 410.S5. leas desirable kinds were very low, with the feeling weak. Feeders were I light supply, and as there was some little Inquiry the market was generally a little stronger than last week'a -close so far as the other grades were eon corned. The market closed fairly active and fully steady on killer In spite of the big break reported at aouie other point, Quotations on rattle: (Jood to choice cernfrds, 910.90411. 9; fair to good corn frd. II. 60) 10.00; cdkimon to fair oomfeds. IS. 604J1.I0; fancy heavy graasera, l.604 10.04; good' to choice grass beeves, 97.764 1.69; fair to good grass beeves, 14.7601, 76: common to fal; 96.76tf4.76; good to choice hlt, 94.1047.15; good to choice raws. ..&91.Mt fair to good cows, 16.7604.69; cvminon to fair cows, 94.166.60; good t fholre feedera, 97,6401.00; fair to good feeders, 96.164)7.60; common to fair feed ers. 96-00466.76; good to choice stockers, 97.6068.00; stock heifer. 16.000716; stock rows, 96.MO.; atock calves, 94.004)9.00; veil oalvea, 99.44019.99 beef bulls, 16.690 9.69. i Representative salts: BRBP STBBRS, , No; Av. Pr. No. A v. Pr. 1. ..... 709 6 69 I....... 964 6 69 I.. 918 9 16 9....... 719 T 30....... 163 7 76 11. t. ....111ft 4i . .....mi i 40 si.,.., ..nil 19 711 IS WESTERNS. ' George SchweersNeb. 19ten.l!70 19 16 . . F. P. Mills Neb. I4stser..f909.. 1 19' 27 steert.,1939 COLORADO. 24 cows.. 1411 111- JlcoWS,. T9 40 9 09 f 10 I 46 Hogs The market opened fairly atttve and about 6c lower than last week' close. Small declines weeb reported at other points, and the few shipping orders that were here, aa well as some of the more urgent packing orders, were filled In good season at a nicael reduction Sellers on their part cut loose fairly readily wherever they could get bid that were no more than lo down, as part of the packer buyers were holding back, while the few bids- they- did make were at sharply lower figures. After these early orders, which were almost sntlrely for butcher weight or heavy hogs, had been filled the marked slowed down, and from that time on weakened steadily and a good many sales were as much as, 6019a lower, while on lights It was largely a 19o or more lower affair. Light hogs showed the most of last week'a up turn and consequently were expected to fall the hardest when the reaction, came. Some stuff weighing up towards 169 pounds and of desirable quality sold early along with the weightier grades, but wherever it wis possible buyer left out anything that did not have some weight and quit a col lection of light and underweights was still In the pens after the heavies had all changed hands. For 140 to 119-pound kinds It was stow enough, and concessions of 10c or mors had to be made, but It was en ahoats weighing under 199 that tha worst of the lump felL Buch of these as were sold went at sharp reductions, while many sellers found themselves unable to get offers that wero anywhere near last week' price. - Representative sales: No. Av. Bh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 102..164 44 99 61 - II. Ill 0 91 99.. 214 44 9 91 19., 161 119 I 79 19. .124 ..-4 74 12,, 7I 100 110 ' - Pica - UK. M ... 1 10 U. .197 I 00 Sheep The smallest Monday run of sheep and lambs here sines the latter part of July was in today, only about fifty-five cars, or 11.106 head, being reported In. This U 9,909 smaller than last week, 1,009 short of two weeks ago, and only a little more than half ae large as for the corresponding Monday last year. Chicago wired a supply of 49,999, and .on early messages expected that under the pressure of such a heavy run prices would break sharply. Here the market waa about tn 1 by same condition that It was at the close of last week, supplies being hardly uo to packing requirements, and lamb move, ment started early at good steady prices. Bulk of the good lambs sold upwards from 9H-49, with several loads as high as 911.99, the new fall record esUbJUhed at the close of last week, Fat sheep were not very plentiful and, like the lambs, bulk of them moved early, Prices were strong and on paper looked a little hts-har. Some of the beat ewes brought "'". jaiiw price selling high mark for the season, and, for that matter, a record for this time of ysar. 1 rnngs anu wetners were sunost too tesrue to mention. Ons bunch brought Bulk of the supply was Of fed lamha and, as a result, feeders were almost too et arc lo make a market The few that mere here found an early outlet, some Umbo that were on the light order, but wre a little burry, taking 94.76. A bunch of fading year lints, the first that have wwn nere in a goon wniie, landed at 98.09. Quotations On sheep Md lambs t Lamba. ftood lo choice. 111. 1111. H; Iambs fair to a-ood, II0.7S0I1.I6; lambs, feeders.' 96.760 10.VA-. yearlings, good to choice, 99.6009.26; y carl In vs. fair to good. 97.60I.6O; year Units, fcedere. 67.4006.00; wethers, fair to (hole'. t7.60tft.ab; ewes, good to rhnlre . IT 07 4i swes, fair to good, 19.2607.19; iiIhIii tu culls 94.90 6.16:ewea, feed Int., 14. & 06,7; ewes, breeders, all ages, ' Mi.00t.60. . f i',WvenUllv sales: No. v Pr. 73 fed lambs , 24 fed lambs , 122 South Ueketa lambs., K mth Dakota lambs,, ?i& fed lambs..,. lie fed ewes..V ri4 fl lambs...: : fed lamb., fi! fed lambs,..,.,.,.,., 14 culls. 7i f.d lambs..;...,...., 1126 frd lambs............ 21 fulls Ill 26 II 96 19 16 a 6n 11 96 T 60 11 4b 11 40 11 60 9 60 11 40 11 10 14 19 ..111 .. IS T7 .. 70 41 71 79 49 Moot City Utm Stock Market. Mioox City. Nov. f.CaUI Receipts. 7.U00, 190Ifrc lower; beef teera. 9 lb! It; . butcher, tfc.rt.f4.7S; cannera, 4.006.16; bulla, ata, etc., 96.40 491.16; feeding oowa and heUers. $,- 6.16. Hofo Recolpd, 1,009 head; market 6010c tower; lit ht.MM6tM0; heavy, .(0.I0; bulk of ealea, 9 6601.70. ' (Sheen and Lambe-Rerlpt, 6.004 head,: markot, ateady; ewei, 94.00(47.36; lamb.. 96.04. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle, Weak; Hogs, Weak Sheep, rvm. Chics go, Nov. 1 3. Cat tie Receipts. 97. 400 head; market weak; antiv beef, 96.99 western steers. Is. 4049 10.20: stock ers and feeders, 9. 7607. 90; cows ad heif ers. fi.sofvt.SO; calves, II. 26 0 12.00. Hogs Receipt. 64.000 head: market weak at ec to 19c above Saturday's averase duik os saiea, 91.40010.00; light, 61.804) 19.09; mlied, 99-40010.36; heavy, 19.600 iv.ze; rougn,; piss, 9f.7&08.46- nneep ana umot Heceiots. s&.ooa heed msrsec nrm; wethers, 97.7509.90; ewes,; lambs, 99-00011.96. St. LosU Llvs Stack Market. St. LOUU. NOV. IS. f!tll RMlnli 11,009 head; market lower native beef steers. 97.60011,60; yearling steers and neirera, l.& cows. t& do7 7i stockers snd feeders, 96.3007.60; prime southern steers. 96.0009.04; rows and heif ers, 94.6007.60; prime yearling steers and ii i a '"00'0i native calve, 94 900 h on Recefti ts. l J. l flfl it. m.pu.i nianer; iisnts, iv.i&t)l.l; pigs. 96.64 0 9.90 mixea ann Butchers, 99.26019.16: good neavy, 99.01019.19; bulk of sales, 99.69l Sheen and Lambs Reeelme. s flnrt market steadv: lamha it ilaaiii id- Knnama (?l(v ua um, w..i, Kansas City. Nov. it '.,ti. d.I.i.. 11,009 head: market atrtv inn iAur..l prime fed steers, 19.9Q011.69; dressed beef eioem,; western steers, 94.600 is'aa.; CW"' heifers, 14 00 M.inwm csives. ss.enfB. in en. nneep snd Lambs-.! & ma ,.a 7.?tna' ,d-p 36o higher; lambs. ".v.ii,n yearn nee. it ai .. t,,vvw.bvi mwtm. ff.VVVr.TS. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. m, Josenh. Mo.. Nov. lSi'-ttt- vmm,, J(,uw net a; market, steady to 10c higher; steers. 6l.60dbl0.ft0! en,. , ei.evviB-ww; caives, .one 11,36, nogs Receipts. 6.000 heed - m.u.. 89.00400.00. ' Sheep snd IambsJ-Recelnle itns h.. Jmb. U.2fi0U.79t ewes! OMAHA CENKKAL MAKKCT. ftutt,wKo. J erwattfi tuba, ITd No. t. 3to. . 1 1. ertoiM .r Chma. by tTrl.u A Co. I - i.n... imporlpd Hwl... 16. i domgatlc SwlM. ,1c; block 8rlaa, !; twin ch.i.... J7o trlpl.t., He; dalalaa. 7o; , oun( nlu uwi ariRH, 170; llni' barger. Itc; N.w Tork whit., JJo; Roqu. fort, &o. . Or.t.r: "King Cola" Ch.a.p.ak. Bt.nrt. ... "' Kln c Balacta. i.l. J.7. "Kln Col.l North.rn Ht.ndarla, .l. 11.11. "Hint Col." Salacta. 1 ,.1. Kin. coir- Counla. 12.11. Blua Points ueury: C.lKornla Mammoth, p.r do., loo. . ': C.tllah, par lb. 11c; Trout, par lb. " . niimo, D.r ID. 12.. R.n Halmnn par in. jjo; Halibut, per lb, l7Hc; Harrln.. W ..L"' ."' .., par lb. 17O30o; Rullhaada, dr.a,ad, par lb. Hci Cam. draaaail, par lb. 1c; Tlla riah, par lb. 10c; nnappar,-p.r i. jse; Bl.ok Cod, par IZ' par id. ,c; uroppi.a, p.r lb. log Flaundar., par lb. 11c; Rmelta, par ..o, nrtKira w nil., p.r ID, llOJ Flk.. e"lPlek.l, par lb. 1c; graokad WhllclUh. par lb. Ho; Klpparad Salmon, Par lb. 11c; Paalad Shrimp, par l.t. 41,11; Uaadleaa Shrimp, p.r l. Il.ll. ' Wholaaala' price, ol beef ouu:' No. I J' .ci " Bll. "Hoi Na. I Rib., lie; No. 1 Loin., lie; No. I Lolna, Utto; No. I I.oln., ll)g; No. 1'Chuoka, 1114o; No, 1 Chueka, IHo; No. Chuck.. IK. No. 1 Round., lie; Na, 1 Rounda. Hue; No, I Round.. 11c; No 1 Pl.Ua. U0; No. I Plata., lOKo; No. I Plain, l,i, ,' PouUri-Llv.i Sprln,, .11 ,!., 1,0; hen., Iba. and up, 14c; hen,, under 4 lba lUc: rooatara, lie: duoka. full f.a,h.. ... jreeae, full f.aih.r.d, ft. lou turk.yfc I Iba. and over, lie; luln..., each, 10c; pi.. na, par do.., lie. Draaaad: Tarkeya, dry p citao, no. 1, youn, torn, and h.n. 11c; old toma, lie; turkey., No. I, lie; duoka. no. 1, lu; ducka, No. I, lOe; gee. N.. 1, tie, Oth.r poultry at market price. "."iUM. prtoaa furnlahad by Qlllnaky Fruit Co. Frull Orn.o.i It., low, 1 1. (,, ,,,(,. i!"- X. "" "O". : '. Ilia. J?0"; Pnoy. box, (7.00; .hole., box, Orapafrult: Florida lla, 41. bo. I SO; FloMda 4a, boa, I4..0; riorlda tM 10.. bo.,; Applea; Tork Impa. Va... bbl.. 14.10: Ban Uavl. bhl ' a, ka. .i.. aapa, bbl., 14.00: Jonathan., box, 11,11; Jon. .than. 111. and hlr,or. boa, 11.71, Or.Du: Tokaya:, orata. 12.11; Bmparor.' orata. 11.10; ra' ken, 14.10; Ualalat, u tra cbolc., k.a. 11.00: U.I.... 7.M, MaU.aa. ..(Fa fancy, k. l.oo! V..atable. PetataM! ,u 8,"J.,S.'"'"! Vlrflnlaa, bl 14.11; hamp- !!S.'l;Ir- ,.J".V! " ,8 "- Cranbar rla.: bbl., I1.S0; box... VegvUblM: Onion., orate, 11.00; nd or y.llow, lb,. lUc; tomatou, lug.. 11.00: euka. doa,, U H ' oabbaga, lb., Io: rutabagooa lb., lu,o; celery, Michigan, dc, 40o; Colorado doi., too. sllaeallaneouawP.anut.. Mn 1 ,k S; ,0I Jnmoo, raw, lb.. e: Junv H.ill ... eaaa; 11.00; No. 1 Bnillah ..I. roaated, lb. lac: Hmm ri.tu HH nuta. lb., 111,0, , CoffM Market. '.' - - New Tork. Nbv. 11 1 .. . ' dwlln. of two or three polnta. th. cnir.. market .teadled durln. th. miai. .k. day on a little Wall street buying which " -.w.un,.u Dy a revival of rumor. March advanrad . l.o and May from 1.47o to Lite, or about l to .even point, n.t higher. Th. buying waa by no mean, active, however, and th. market later aaaed off under aoattered trade Belling and report, of .aaler freight, from H...II ... .bu. . ' - v.".. wa. n uncnangea to thra. point, higher, gel.., 11,100 bar a November, l.lle; December, 1.140; January 1.21c; Krhruar, .4o; March, l.40e; April! 1.410; May, I. Ho; June, l.lle; July, 1.61c: Auguat, i.iic; September, 1.70c; Ootober. 1.7I, Spot ooHaa, Meady; Rio 7',, ,ajc- Santo. 4.. 104.O. Coat and .rlh nfr.H .had. ...ler, ranging from IS-Ho to .?' london credit.. The official cable, reported bo change in the primary market,. Santo, el.arad 131,000 baga for N.w Tork. ' Cette. Market. N.w Tork, Nov. IS. Cotton ,,... opened ateady;: December, 11,10c; January, l,.6c liarck. .,tw, way, 1,., ,c; July. 11.01c. Spot cotton ateady: .' mlddlln. nni.. ll.llo. No aalea. The OOttOB market todaV nlnmmA u ateady and from II to 7S point, abov. the ., iiun. di taai weeK. Puturea eloeed firm. n..n,H . ..V. 1 January. 11.47c; March, ll.llo: Mar. lo!oioM July, lO.OIe. , Mvarpool, Nov. tl. Cotton Spot, firm; good middling,; middling, 11.4le: low middling,; B.I.., 10,000 bale.. Includ ing 1,000 for .peculation and export. Re ceipt., 10.000 balea. , Vew Suamr M.rb... ew Tork, Nov. II Sur oantrttugal, I.Hc; molaai.a. l.lle. Riined. ateady unchanied I. 11 polnt.Wgh.r; cut loaf, Lite; cru.hed, 1.10c: mould A, Ic cube., lo; XXXX. powdeiwl. 7.11c; pow dered. 7.10c: fln. granulated, 7.10c; diamond A. 7.10c; eonfectlonere' A. t ,An. m , 1.11c, Puturea opened ateadv. hut Meed off under renewed ..lllng by eommla aloo houaM and at noon prloea were unchanged- to I polnta lower. Later several month, advanced on trade buying; .loaed Irregular, I point, higher to I point, low.r, Sal.e. 11.410 tone; December, l.lte: Janu ary, 4.14c; March, 4.21c. Metal Market. ' ' JUT I"' N- I Ml' Lead, 17.00 7.01. Bpelter: ftrma; .pot. k, jj, del very, 11 11 c Copp,,; (lrm,. trelytlc. flret quarter. to.ooe); .econd quarter. .Isl.OOty 10.00. Iron:.Plm: No. 1 northern, Ill.OOly tl.M): No. I, 34.00e:4 10 No. 1 southern, 121. 101.24. 00; No. I, 121 00 4.11.10. Tin: Strong; .pot, 141.714,44 00. At London: Spot copper, (111, lo.; futures 1121, 10.; electrolytic, U41; spot tin. 111.' f": '.u,,.5 "'- lu- '! p.i; t.r, ,00, . . ' LoBdoa Stock Market, Indon, Nov. 11 American were generally lower, with .m aerurttlea uncertain tendency on the Slock ..change her. today. S.iver Bar, 34 s-llc per ounce. , : Money pive per cent. , - ,,Pi"J?,u"1 Ri"-Short and thra. months, 5Ss per cent. Dry CMs Market. New Tork, Nov. 13. Dry tloodaf'otton goods and yarns wr firm toilay with a rising tendency, Rw silk waa firmer, but mills bought uarefuiiy in tmU lets. GRAIN AND PRODUCE All Cereals Advance on Strong Cash Market Milling: De mand Booms Durvm. C0BN EECEIPTS ABE LIGHT Omaha. November II. 1919. Th cash wheat situation was exception ally strong today and there waa a general aavance in the price ot an cereals. The strona- mill In a demand caused sharp rise In durum wheat prices, a carf no. j selling at il. 86 ana selling a new hlsh prioe record for cash wheat. The wheat market senerallr was a record breaker, the price on hard winter wheat Doing about lo to 2c higher tnan me aver ae price of anv other da v. The bulk of the No. 2 hard wheat sold today at 11.69 and 91.89; the No. 9 hard brought from 91.67 to 91-97. and th bulk or the No, 4 hard sold at .. io, while off arada wheat sold around. The light receipts of corn and the strong rash demand forced a sharp rise in this market. The car shortase has seriously affected the receipts of com at ail the Jea4 ins markets and buyers are Day ma emcep- Mortally high prices for the better grade of Host of th sellers on the local Boor were Inclined to hold out for higher prices to day, and the general run of samples sold around 96c, although old corn of good qual ity brought about 99c, The onu market was not very active, but the market waa strong and ruled from ic to lr hither. The bulk of samples graded No. 9 whits and sold at 6644c, while th Na 1 while nats brouch' 66 "Ac. The receipts of rye were fair, out in trade In this market was very quiet. Herlev waa afto a slow seller and prices on both ry and barley were quoted .un hanged. Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal to 1,051.000 bushels; corn, 212,000 bushels; oats. 260.009 bushels. Liverpool close: Wheat, steady to un- chanaed' corn, strona to lo kn. Primary wheat receipts were j.SFfl.eoo bushels, and shipments 1,173,009 bushels as-alnrit receipts of 9,712.000 bushels, and shipment of 1,401,000 bushels last year. Primary corn receipts were hm.vo ousneie, and shipments 116,009 bushels against re ceipts of 761,009 bushels, and shipment, of a 4 a.orjo ousneis last year. Primary oals receipts were 1,174,000 bush els, and shipments 902,000 bushels against receipts of 1,794,009 bushels, and shipments or 1,134,900 pus nets last year. . CAR LOT RECB1PTR. Wheat. ..9..,.....,.,,.. 69 Corn. Oats : 90 121 hlcsgo t. Minneapolis ... ,.. 666 109 162 ,..,,.....1.4 ..i6i ,...,.,.,.999 imiuth Omaha 19 44 71 Kansas City ., Winnipeg These sales were reported today: ' WheatNo. I hard winter: 1 car. 91.90. no. I hard winter: 9 car. 91. 19; S car. l.MH: 4 cars, 11.86. No. 1 hard winter: 6 cars, 91.91; 4 cars, 91.814 9 cars, 11.17; cars. ll. UU: 11-6 cars. 91.16: 1 car (light). 11.86. No. 4 hard winter: 1 car, 91.66; 1 car, 11.66V.; 1 cars, 91.86; 1 car, 1.64 ; 1 cars, 11.11. Sample hard winter; oar, 1.81;. I car. 91.80: 1 car (very poor), 91.79, Sample spring: 1 car (light), 11.86. NO. 9 durum: 1 car. 91.96. No. S durum: 1 car, 91-91. No. I durum mixed: 1 11.91: ,1 car. 11.92. No. 1 mixed: 1-6 car, 91.99; 1 ear, 1.; 1 oar, 91.67; 1 ear, 1.66. No. 4 mixed: 1 oar. 91.11: 1 ear. 91.99: Ik oar. 11.10. No. 4 durum: 44 car. '..i. . . . - nye - not a: s -cars. 91.41. no. 4.: l-b car, 11.9. Barley No. 1: 2-1 car, 91.14. No. 1 feed: car, 91.07: I oars. 41.06. Rejected. 1 car. 10c; Sample, 3-6 car, 91.07. uorn no. i white: l car (old) tic. No. white: 1 car (old) 91 c; 1 cars, 18 Vic; car. 99c. No. 9 yellow: 1 car. 96Uc: 7 cars, 9o.. No. 4 yellow: 1 oar, 66 4 r. No. I mixed: 1 car old) 97c; 1 oar (iJart old) 994c; 4 cars, 99c. No. I mixed: 1-9 oar, 99o. Oats Standard : 1 oar, 6IHo; No. I white: cars, 664c: 1 l-l cars. 66Ue. No. 4 white; 4 car, 6114o. Be tuple whit: 1 oar, 69c4 Omaha Cieh Prices Wheat No 3 hard. 91.97Hct01.99; No. I hard, 91.8601.18; No. hard, 91.81491.81; No. 3 spring, 1.924 6: NO 9 SDlinK. 91.72Af.Rl: Nrt I itiirum 91.9291.96; No. 1 durum, 91.904 l.tS. Corn: No. I white, 94fJ96c; No. I white, 9a 94; No. 4 white, 96V.4J)94c; No. I white. 60961fcc: No. 9 white. Bifttfttr Nn S yellow, 9606440; No. 9 yellow, 9644 099c; No. 4 yellow. 960964c; No. 9 yellow, 944 096c; No. 9 yellow, 94094c; No. 2 mixed, 960164c: No. I mixed. 6U4e: Na. 4 mixed, 944&0964c; No. t mixed, 940944c; No. 9 mixed, 99494cOat: No, 2 White, 660llHo( standard, 664066c; No. I white, 66 4 0 66c; No. 4 white, 660664c. Bar ley: stalling. 91.9201.17; No. 1 feed, 80c 0 11.00. Rye: No. I, 91.4101.41; No. 9. 91.41 1.41. . i Omaha Futuree Market. Th Strong eXDOrt demand oeiieerl innlh.. sharp rise In th wheat market today, De cember wheat opening about lc higher and .VUy about 4 c abov Saturday's closing prices. The wheat situation has narrowed itself to a question of supply and demanrf and with foreigner taking all the wheat , th4 we oan supply and not regarding the,! i",uvi " mwmm iv m 411111 UvUOt among uunn WIBt wnon win Teacn me 92 level,, Th tout enports of wheat last week were about 10.000.009 bushel n . good part of this amount waa taken from the local market. There waa a fairly rood evnnrt innttin for both corn and oat and both of the markets' closed strong. ' wneat received a sliaht - nit .tut.. the- close, but elosed staadv. while Mr- declined about 40 from the high point of the day. December oat closed 1 4c higher on December and about 14c higher on th May. ; ,. i , . Local range of options: I Open. High. wFt. Deo. My I 964 4 1 164 111 1 16 1 1 90 1 634 964 964 644 ;"4 " 69 1844 1494 1 1 I 1 1 1804 July 92 M 4 4 12 161 4 Corn. Dec. May 92 93 94 844 684 ' 44 . W4 994 91 91 July Oats. Deo, May 64 4 644 66 4 614 Chicago closing price, furnished Tha Rm by Logan A Bryan, stock and grain broker. Art. 1 Open. High. J Low. Close. Sat. wi.t. 1 1 r f f Dec. 1 934 92 4 199 4 1 194 H9U May 1 964 1 964 14 1 944 1994 July a 99 1914 161.4 1 904 1684 Corn. Dec. 944 914 964 99 96 May 97 0 97 99 97 994 964 Jul ,974 994 974 994 994 Oats: y . Dec , 674 0 4 .684 674 184 17 May 61 4 0 Si 924 14 '', 124 404 Pork. , v" Jan. It T9 27 77 27 14 37. 47 37 16 May IT II 27 71 27 17 17 46 !T 70 Lard. i Jan. 19 49 19 19 II 16 14 lb II 96 May 19 47 II 47 16 20 14 39, 19 90 Rib. ' . " ' Jan.. 14 4T 14 T9 14 80 14 62 , 14 72 May 14 77 14 f7 14 46 14 47 14 T7 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. ; Bullish Foreign (live Whral Fresh UDWS4M Swtna-a Chicago. Nov, 13. Owlna- larselv to an Increase of the United States visible supr Ply total, wheat, after surpassing ths high-' est prices attained In many years, closed today unsettled at 91.99 4 to 91.894 for December and 91.944 for May. with the market as a whole varying from 4 decline n advance of 9 cents, as com oared 1th Saturday's flnlnh. Corn gained 14 44 and oats 14 to 14. Provisions showed a setback of 6 to 10 centti. Active export accompanied by bullish ad vices from Liverpool and Argentina, gave decided strength to the wheat mantel; until nances aisappearea tnai mere wouia be an Immediate-curtailment of the domestic vis ible supply figure. Liverpool had snt word that arrivals In Great Brttlan were, much under the requirements of th trade, and that stock were falling off In volume Drouth, frost, and locust were reported as continuing to damage the Argentine crop, and ths bears were further handicapped by the ainallneae of receipts at primary do mestic terminals, aapaclally In th northwest. Th more mat price tier advance, bow ever, buying power seemed to diminish, and holders displayed creator anxiety to secure proflts. Unloadtn by owner of wheat during th last part of the session was ace tiers ted by reports that Argentina flour wsa being offered at-11,69 a barrel cheaper than flour manufactured In the JtTnlted States. Sug gestions of possible "enlarged Imports of heat from-Auslralla at San Francisco and from Argentina at Galveston, counted also against the bulls a trading cam to an end. Corn rose to wttbm 40 or II a bushel for and July delivery, a I moat the wal htch extreme bulls have been predicting. There were numerous sale above 91 In spot trading, with Industrie buying freely. Crop dimtft In Araentlna did a good deal to lirt prices, and bo too did falling off In the stork on hand in Chicago an4 other leading rentem. Oats, like corn and wheat, went te new high record price. As In th case of the other cereal, the Argentine crvo aiiuBLioD waa m decided ouiluh factor. May reached to within a fraction of 91.00 a bushel, but Industrie remained free buy ers. Ths close was nervous at 24c to 441 net advance. - Liberal receipts of bom throughout the west had a depressing effect on provisions. Besides, exports for the week were much smaller tnan a year aao. Chlcaa-o Cash Pricoe-rWheat: No. 1 red, 91.89 01.894: No. I red, 91.9101.93; No. 2 hard, 91-93 01.96; No. 3 hard, 91-960 1.904. Corn: NO. 3 yellow. 91-0701. I4 No. 4 yellow, 91. 0001.02; No. 4 white. 91.00 ttl.43. Oats: No. I whit. 664 068 4c standard. 67 068 4c. Rye: No. 2, 91-490 1.61. Barley: 9Oc091.27. Seeds: Timothy, - OK a l ae. -I.uu 111 AA All AS Prnvlilnn. Pork, '29.99; lard, 914.934. rib, 14.16d 14.634. Butter firm; creamery, 330364c. Eggs Higher; receipts, 2,184 esses; firsts. 34026o; ordinary first. 22 0 32 4: at mark cases Included, 2B034c Potatoes steady: receipts. 75 cart: win nesota and Dakota whites, 91-6001. 4t; Min nesota and Dakota Ohlos, l.45(f l.t-.; Michl gan and Wisconsin whites, I1.O01.0. poultry All v. higher; lowis, . i4ttc spring, 17c NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. Quotations f th Day ea Varioos Im idlng New Tork, Nov. 12. Flour Firmer spring patents, 99.4609.90; winter patents. 18.9009.16; winter atralght. 69.6606.70. Wheat Spot, irregular; No. I durum, 92.29 4 ;No. 2 hard, 92.074! No. t northern, Duluth, 92.144: No. I northern, Manitoba, i7.iv, r. o. p., mow sora Corn Spot, atrong; No. 2 yellow, 91.19, fen-day shipment, o. 1. x., New Tork. oats spot, firmer: standard, iiugMa Hay Firm: No. 1. 11.0601.10: No. 2. 91.90; NO. 9, 90o: Shipping. 80c. Hop Steady;- state common to choice, lift, 46060c; 1916, 8016c; Pacific coast, 1914. 13019c: 1916. 9012c Hides Firm: Bogota. 444046c: Central America, 410414c. leather Firm; hemlock firsts, 62c; gee onds. 60c. Provisions -Pork, unsettled: mess, 911.90 32.0O; family, 932.00024.00: short clear, 929.60090.60. Beef, unsettled; mess, 122.60 O3I.I0; family. 926.1.0027.00. Lard, weak; middle west, 917.20017.30. Taitow Firm: city. idc: country. lQtt 012c; special, 114c. Hutter Firm: receipts, 7.042 tubs: cream ery, 894039c; creamery, extras, 274039c; nrsts, i.viikc; seconds, 2440164c. Wags Firm: receipt. 7.747 case: fresh gathered, extra fine, 43046c; extra firsts. IB 43c; nrsts, 38040c: seconds. 36087c; nearby hennry, whites, fine to fancy, 620 61c; nearby hennry, browns, 46062c, Cheese Firm: receipts. 1.609 boxes: stats. fresh, specials, 114c; same, average fancy, 23c. Poultry Live, firmer; no prices settled. Dressed, dull; chickens, 194031c; owls, 14423c; tin-key, 19030c. Kama City toaersl Market. Kansa City, Nov. 18. Wheat No. 3 hard, 1.9601.92: No. 2 red. 91.8601.92: Decem ber. 11.97 01.87 4: May, 91.89. corn No. 1 mixed, ttoi7c; no. 1 white. 99c; No. 3 yellow, 97 4c; December, 944c; May. 94c... oats o. 1 wnit. 6ic; no. mixea. 66 67o. . Butter Creamery, 844e; firsts, 12c; sec onds, 304c; packing. 28c. . Eggs Firsts, 864c. - Poultry Hen, 16c; roosters, 13c; broil er, 20c, 1 Mtsaespolle Orata Market. Minneapolis. Nov. 13. Wheat December, 91.0S4; May, 91.9144. Cash: No. 1 hard. 92.90 4 0 2.08; No. 1' northern, 91.94 4 0 .04; No. 2 northern. 11.91 1.27 4. corn No. 3 yeiiow, iiwnn. Oats No. I white, 6646664c. Heed Flax, 92.8902.934. Flour Fancy patents, 10c higher, quoted t 910.46; other grades unchanged. Barley 76c091.ll. : Ry 91.4601.47. ( ' Bran 924.90027.99. Ht. Louis Orals Market. St. 'Louts, Nov. 19. Wheat No, 1 red. 1.9801.92; No. 9 hard, 11.90; Dtrccmber, 1.974: May, 11.914. flnrn Mm. 1 tt SI eH 1 H9 nlrl 11 ilSt A. Nlf ' I white, new, fl. 900 1.02; December, 7e: May, mc .1 Oats No, 2, 674068c; NO. 2 white, nominal. ' B. .... IJrerpoel Grain Market. Liverpool. Nov. 11. Wheat Hoot. No. 2 hard winter, 16. 74d; No. 1 northern, Du luth, 16b, 9d; No. 1, Manitoba, 16a, 9d; No. I, 18s. fid. Corn Spot, American mixed, new 12s, Id, Flour Winter patents, 47s. Hops In London (Pacific coast). 4. 16s. t i&, 16. , . . . V . -v . . . New Torli Moaey Market. - " New Tork. Nov. II. Prime Mercantile Paper 14 per cent. sterling Kxcnange Htxty-day bill. 94.7141 commercial slity-dar bills, ''It. 70 V ; commercial sixty-day bills on banks, 94.794; demand, 94.764; cables, 94.744- . Silver Bar, 714c; Mexican dollar. 8640. Bond Oovernment, . strong; railroad. irrmuin, '-t Tim Loan Steady: sixty day. lltArl per ceni; mnoiy aaya, iik per cent; six montns, iwvht per cent. Call Money Steady; highest, 24 percent; lowest. 34 Per cent: ruling rate. 34 ner cent; last loan, 14 per cent; closing bid, 14 per cent; offered at 14 per cent. Oen. Elec. 6... 107 C. ft O. ev. 44.. 924 Qt. No. 1st 44. 99HC, B. ft Q. jt. 4s. .984 I. C. ref. 4.'...,.914C., I. M. M. 44s. , . ,734C, R. I. ft P. Ry. T K. C. a ref. 6M...914 ref. 4s 71 L. ft N. un. 4S...964C ft 8. ref. 44164 M., K. ft T. 11 4s.74D. A R. Q. con. 4. 134 Mo. P. con. 6s.l034Erle gen. 4s 744 Mont. Power 6s. .99 do 3s. ........ ,44 N, T. C. deb. 6.11340. B. L. ref. 4s. .984 N. T. City 14 Pc T. A T. 6s. 101 4 (1966) ........1184'P- con.N44s...!064 N. Y., N. H. ft do gen. 44s... 1034 H. ov. 6 119 Reading gen. 4s.. 964 No. Pacific 4.. ..94 St.L.&S.F, ref. 4s, 81 U. S, ref. 2s. reg.99V&So. Pac. cv. 6. .1044 do coupon. '....99 4 do ref. s......ti U. 8. 3s, reg,..1004So. Ry. 6s 10? do coupon. ...1004U. P. 4s V..994 V. 8. 4s, reg.aa.110 do cv. 4s.....96 ' do coupon 1104U. S. Rub. s...l024 Am. Smelt. 9S...111WU. 8. Steel 6s., ,1064 Am.T.AT.ov.44.1134W. U. 44 99 4 Anaio-rTencn as. ,t uom. 01 uan. AtchiaOB reB. 4a..l4' 4 (1,31) ..Mil B. 4 O. ref. 1.. .101!, Cent. fee. lit. ....01. "Uld. Oil and Itoilii. ' BavaBBah, Oa., ' Nov. 13. TurpentlB., firm, 41He; Bale., 417 bbla.: receipts, 411 bbl..; ehlpraenta, 116 Bbla.; stock., 11,110 bbla. Rosin Plrm; .ales, 1,141 bbls.; receipts, 1.411 bbls.; shipments. 1.110 bbls.! stocks, 74,071 bbls. Quotations: A, B, l 10; c. D, B, 11.11; r, O. H.; I, 14.87!.; K. 16.40; M, l.4Hi; N, 11.10; WO, 11.76; WW, 17.00. , .. i Bvaparatad AddI.. an. Dried Fruit. New Tork, Nov. II. Evaporated Applea Dull; fancy, lc; prime. tJ7i. Dried Prulta Prunu, firm; CallforBlaa, 7Hejl0H; Oregon.. 7011 Ho. Aprlcote, atrong; choice, umlc; extra choice, 110 lHc; fancy, l!l017c. Peachea, firm; choice. 7!,c; extra choice. 74.10;.. fanoy, 14914c. Ftaiatna, firm; choice to fancy, seeded, 10eiot,o; aaedleaa. lieilHc; Lon don .layers, tl.10. . Bank Clearliigi. Omaha. No. 11. Bank claarlnga for Oma ha today were 14,111,111.31, and for th. cor responding day last year. 1.III.44I.17. Congressman Lobeck is ' 'v Convalescent from Cold Charlei 0. Lobeck. re-elected to congress from this district last week, was downtown for the first time since election day. He contracted a severe cold while speaking in the open me night before election and was tl reat ened with pneumonia. ' ' - "tax-rend Him. . There 1. . atammerlng phyalclan out in one our auburba. A abort tl-.n. ago, whll. iob a caaa iflvotvlag a rfcw arrival, hla Infirmity led to a rather funBy mla apprehenalon. The auaband aBd prospeetlv. fathw. who, by th. way, had aet hla heart on a bob awd heir,, was aervouely pacing th. library when the .phyalclan .nt.r.d. "W.ll, doctor." aald tha huaband, forc ing a emtio, 'la It twine?" "Tr-tr-tr " began the doctor. "Trlplete! Oreat caeaar." Qu-qu-qu stammered tha doctor. , "Ouadrupteta!" Holy smoke!" N-b-bo," crtod the doctor. "Qh-qu-qulte th. ..ntrary. r-tr-try to take It ph-phll-oaophlcally, my fri.nd. If. Ju-Juet a girl." Boaton Tranacrtpt. Ttllntaa Fearle.. A W..t IkdV .mill. . I Knrn. T . If you rhep It It keala at onoe Water. Jw.iwo b"41.' nly aa. paraon waa aboard Rhoea. Tom, here:- he aava, but baa bo mouth, doWBPeB14 " M,'h"' ' " H . .W"1'. whl"-Viara only on. leaf Lighted cndl.. There are two prtneeesea who llr. aa th. two. aldee of a mountain; whan on. crl.a both cry Th. eye. ., Hi. worda are dlffloull to UBderat.Bd; when you look IB hie face you undereland what ha aaya t. lock. Boeton TranscrlpL , NEW YORK STOCKS Undercurrent of Heaviness and Uncertainty Prevails, Though Many Shares Are Strong. TRADING BBOAD BUT FITFUL New Tork, Nov. 13. An undercurrent of heaviness and uncertainty prevailed today even though many stock were strong at times and several new records 'were estab lished. Trading waa broad but. fitful, with Intervals of dullness during the Intermedi ate and later stages. Price movements war frequently so confuslna aa to indi cate buying and selling of a conflicting character. Sentiment anions the nrofea- olonal element seemed to favor lower prices. except m coppers. wnicn attain nnisned the list with most of Its stability. The motors, eauloments. and inririatrial. of varied descriptions were lower by 2 to points, ana central Leather made a fur ther extreme decline of 94 point from it recent meteoric rise. Shipping shares, At lantic, Gulf and West Indies excepted, were lower with Investment rails and l,nlt! States Steel lost point on the usual ( heavy offerings. . - i . J ! Re nub He Iron and the several Imum if th Oulf States Steel comnanv were nrnml. nent for their advance of 4 to 19 points, all i rwura quoiauons. as awn were Utah and flay Coppers. Atlantic, Oulf and West tooies ana several of the paper group. . These sains were larsrelv nr whnlttf Vt-. reitfd in the more reactionary tendencies niaiuieeiea in ins last half houe. when freeh selling of Mercurial Specialties -was Induced j laminar peace reports. - Unsettlement marked the feverish close, most leaders being then at or near 'minimum pr1i of the session. . Total sales, with, steel anri witni as-ain predominant, amounted to 1, ,'uv snares. lecnnicai rather than agt,iBl Mnriin.. acted asalnst tha hull Bi1(mml) flinrla. mentals being even more favorable that at last week's close. One of the largest of the i . 7 proaucing comianies increased lu dividend disbursement bv 100 ner eant and ! i W" ni'h certt ht rails and other .w ted and iron are m Pww of a.,a,,.Tyi upitira revision. Last Week'a annitnmia, mwni, n.ln l loans failed of reflection In the money mar itet, but was the occasion of much comment, pected pevuy recuiication 1 ex- Bond were IrrentUf. ih ,A.t..nt.. par value, 94 830,000. United States coupon ran 1 011 per cent onicatl. n-., a o""- nn. uow. uiose. American Can..,.. 10,400 644 624 624 Am. Car A Fndry., ,2flo 71 694 494 Am. Locomotive... 9.400 96 924 924 Am. Smelt A ntm ,77 .7 .ZiT Am. Sugar Refg..'. . 2,200 119 119 lis Am. T. ft T 700 1334 133 1H3 9,600 7 4 66 4 69 13,200 1014 984 98 4,100 1064 1044 1044 14.. tOO U 934 234 3,800 97 4 8 8U 200 144 844 844 4.200 47 94 9 -700 224 22 22 800 173 17241, 1791, Am. Z., L. ft S..., Anaconda Conner Atchison Baldwin Loco, . . . . Baltimore a Ohio.. Brook. Rapid Trajia B. 8. Copper. , , , Cal. Petroleum.... Canadian PaHflr. . Central Leather., V 81,800 1124 1064 1064 hesa. ft Ohio..., M. A St. p.. . A N. W 1"" " f 91 - 800 944 34 aiu C R.. I. ft p. Rv. 1 S.sno Ae lis Chi no Copper 16,100 Colo. Fuel A Iron. 6,209 Corn Prod. Refg.. 14,409 33 1S4 M'4 CI ruffhle Steel Distiller' Securities S.600 General Electric. Ot. No. Pfd Ot. No. Ore Ctfe. Illinois Central... .'. . . iBDUW 17 38 V4 4,1X1 lilt, 171 , s.sno 200 i.too 4! OS (4 105 U 1,1 in iv uon. corp... 11 tt 11 lit. Int. Harv., N. J 11V At. ml. pfd. ctf 1. 11, oo hi nu ns X: . ii ii u ii t ir. ltZ 15 1 seu TAB , 3K ... ii C Houthern . Kennecott Copper, itouis. nasn. Me. Petroleum.,. 11.10. 11)14, ll)l, 104 Mlml Copper .... ,,100 41 H 41 41 5 M.. K. h T. pfd. ..... II Mluouri Parlfln Montana Power. , . , Notional Lead..:.. i.eoo ir 17 Nevada Copper. ' 11,300 II 27 N. T. Central..... N. T.. N. H. H. Norfolk A Western Northern Pacific.. Pacific Mail Pennsylvania , . . 1.100 107 S 107 1.100 10 6V, 2,400 14174 141 1,100 illS 1 1 OV 111 100 21 25 26V4 1.300 17 Ray Con. Copper.. 11.100 Reading . 11.400 101 101(4 101 Rep. IroB ft Steel . , 71.100 4H 10U li Shattuck Aria. Cop. 2.300 11 12 S2 Southern Pacific, . , Southern Railway.. Studebaker Co t.00 10014 100 100 VI 1.200 21 27 27 1,700 124 1224 122U t,!00 2414 82 28A 1.100 221 220U ...I Tennessee Copper.. Texaa Company . . . 20,100 14 147ti 147U Union Pacific ' pfd. 100 13 lit. .2 U. V. 8. Ind. Alcohol. 1,300 14, 134 135U U. g. Steel 261,400 12814 120 It 1201, S 1214. u. .imi pi Utah Copper, Sj- Steel pfd.... 1,200 12141 121 1214. 41,400 121 1.000 30 lis 31 2,S IOljJ-10114 Western Union.,.. 1,000 101 4i 101 Weetinah. files 12.300 IE. e. a. ToUf aabw for the day, 1.525,000 aharea Drug-Craving Men , " . Steal Store's Dope Louis Assman's drug store at 1106 North Sixteenth street was broken into during the night by thieves, who made away, with a considerable quan tity of morphine, cocaine and heroin. Concussion of Brain May ' Result from Bad Fall -E. U.. Stillwell, 524 South Twen tieth street, felt from an Omaha Transfer truck and suffered severe bruises, lacerations and probable con cussion of the brain. He was at tended by Dr. O. Myers and taken to St Joseph hospital. . I ... v ' ' .-' . J Autoist Hits Street Car ' v And No One is Injured An automobile driven by-Herbert Lowe crashed into a Dodge street car at Eighteenth and Dodge streets. The running gear of the car was broken and the -glass in the front vestibule of the street car was smashed. No one was injured. - , ; . Baldrige Goes to Capital . For Commercial Club : H. H. Baldrige will leave on Tues day for Washington, D. C, and New York. In the national capital he will attend a meeting of the National Chamber of,Commerce as representa tive of , the . Commercial club of Omaha. Persistence Is the. Cardinal Virtue in Advertising. I. ' . ; Office Furniture Roll Top Desks ' as low as $27.50 The most complete line in Omaha of Office, Desks, Chain, Settees, Typewriter Desks, Etc. : . t Cfofo-Vterni'cAe ' Filing Catet Orchard & Wilhelm Co. ek. .1. Omaha Girl Named In Suit to Recoyer Ring and Freedom ' ' -' T i '' There's ' a spot" in the heart of Clarence Forbes,' Arkansas farm er, which is somewhat embittered against city girls. Asserting that he has been "stung" by ifiss- winifred Rowe, 2711 North Eighteenth street, an Omaha bookkeeper, he has filed suit with the clerk of the district COUrt asking: not nnlv the annulment of his engagement to her, but also the return ot a yis diamond ring. , orbes says he became engaged Miss Rowe December 18, 1914, when he gave her, as an earnest of his - love, the 'diamond eticae-.ment ring. Then he went back to hfs farm and returned to his Omaha sweet heart pi October, 1915. Instead of a warm welcome, she ' gave Tiim, he says, a cold reception. She refused to invite him out to her home md she did sundry . other things unbe-j lunimg in. Dnac-ro-oe. Also she ab solutely refused to release him from his engagement pact and scorned his request to return the diamond ring. Again Forbes went back to the cows and chickens. It was May1916, when he returned again to Omaha. He vows that she treated him with the, same frigidity as on his recent visit and that she again disdained his offer to cancel their engagement and to give back to him that $125 diamond. Forbes now asks the court to com pel Miss Kowe to do what she has refused repeatedly to do of her own volition. 1 - . - - . ... v ... Patterson's Winter Fuel Was Much Firewater Tom Patterson of Mason City, Ia fortified himself for a cold, hard win ter by stealing a case of whisky from J. Klein's wholesale establishment at 1314 Douglas street. When arrested nine and one-half bottles were recovered. Patterson was sentenced to teir- days in the workhouse. - McKinsey Turns Cop When : . Man Prowls About Home Domingo Garcia. Mexican, anore- hended by M. McKinsey, 1722 South 1 hirteenth street, as he was prowling I afjout the McKinsey residence, was arraigned before the police magis trate and sentenced to fifteen days irr jail. . ' ; ... ; , - America. Mary Pickford In Her First Superfoature "Less Than the Dust" ' n i . Bight Parts. . Matinee Prices Same as Night. llllllllIBIll i , i 'annua loniini, mac. loaar. i , It Uf II : Matine.., 15c-25e. I in? ' AMVBVXKST. ; 1W IT ; NibU, 25c.75 Z-A 4Sk " " "-t mm -II Tkaa 1ftl'MagU...l Cklwaa. Mf h. I latlaaavaat I . i TiiunsTon &s Ol 1 1 World-. Create!! Magician. - Mi - :- i 10; II -- - ' yr , 1 1 Mm keucennv foubT tf, ' vaa -LMvr aaa rear wn w hhi I a ......... ... - "Yi I Sweetheart I 9. mjuji i e"i J - " i ' The Greatest Time and A Money Saver . . "t. We think of railroads, telephones, the tele- f graph and the wireless, but how about, Want Ads? jj They are in the same class. It used to be when M a man wanted help he asked among his. friends or ft- put a sign in his window where only a few people jj passed. Today he puts in a Want Ad and Tomor- If row he has a dozen to choose from. M Perhaps he has furniture td sell a Want Ad M brings many buyers. "v ' ' ' He has a. house to rent a Want Ad rents it. v jj Or he may want to sel it a .Want Ad will bring m the buyer to him. . -' v v ' '. H They are a great convenience?' . J . v: Let The Bee fill your wants. ." 1 '! ; M " - A competent ad-taker will help you your ad. : '.:':':. , ; Phone Tyler 1000 Today, Lower Rates Better Service "M- !. -- r,i?i-o AMl'SKMBNTS. NO CHILDREN ADMITTED Now Showing U i m. Continuous- 1 1 All Seat, 2S Cents. : "UIIEfi-E ARE UY CHILDREN" Th. motion picture eenaatlea an Omaha 1. talking about. ' Aa expoie of BIRTH CONTROL and MALPRACTICE. Dealing wltk the premeditated deetructioa el th. Innocent UNBORN. ., ,-; ., Mothe .otherhood Triumphant B0YD.0Va16 Thatr, Thura.a Th N. Y. WinUK GarcUn Show A WORLD OF PLEASURE 125 PEOPLE, 90 GIRLS Nine Huge Stage Pictures V All Star Cgt, Including Wm. Horn's, Conroy, Le Mailt Courtney I Collins I Margaret SUterg I A Hart I Edwards i .. '.THE BtST-QF VAUOEVILLC Dally Matinee. 3:U Night. g:ll Thl, We.. ww'i", punua? OT.Mnee, AO.einDer 12. I FAY TEMPLE TON DEIBO: ALAS Robert Dore A flpnnM . !z V.,,- n n u v K B: wSkly"1"' """" Fbb""i Orpheiun Tral PHce.: Mitlnee. raUery, 10, belt aU texcept git. urdar and SuncUf). 2Jc; alakta. 10c. 350. Ite iid 76o "OMAHA'S FUN CENTER." iCflt Li Ilk DaUyMata., 1I-I5-S0..-. 4a7'4-evaf-'''5d EtcbW 15-28-M-76e. V Vaaderllle'. Ureatest Entertainer BEN WELCH'S-BIG SHOW ' MUSIC AT. Bl BI-FSQIK Two snaDDy satires. A whirl of xhllsrRt- jbnT BE? operatic beauty ch Inv fun. Ben Welch and his faraou mono- nra in is easun. Bg chorus. (Final Performance Frlda? NltP.) LadlM Dim Matin Every Wek Day. Sat. Mat. ft Wk.i "PuM-Put" A Jean Bedinl HIPP i Paramount aV Bludllrd. . Always a Good Show. , ' Adatiaaioa 10c Todar and WadnMdar Th. Internationally Fanaoue Dancer. M.urice and Fesranc. Walton la h "THE QUEST OF LIFE." A Great Big Dramatic Story. KICC Paramount Pictures I.IUtjC Firat Showing -Blanche Sweet. -.' Tne.odore Roberts".' .':.'.".':: I .'-jn "UNPROTECTED"; JITNEY TAXI MAXWELL CARS Webster 202 write -w i 1 1 ' " ' . ' V ' "BEHIND THE SCREEN" X i I - i , , ; i ; . - ( i