r 11 THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY,. NOVEMBER 14, 1916. FOR RENT FURNISHED . Apartments and House. Apartment3L FURNISHED or snfurnished apt. I. I Harney, S3 up. Ernest Bwwt, D. H71 , Houses. URNISHEP I -room house, all modern; near car, " "" E'mi FOR RENT HOUSES West IN DUNDEE. Modern bungalow of large rooma and aun porch at 4801 Dodge St. Preaent oc cupant will enow this place at any tlm 642.60 per month. BENSON MYERS CO.. 434 Omaha Nat. Bk. Blag. Doug. T4t, 4OR RENT Six-room house, modern except wj heat. Three-quarter basement. I00 Web- modern houoe. Also 4-R. duplex, aioae hXr?7 4 x.t Vaniam ditirtOl. 66-00- Phone Doug. 3- North. '''"IVdi" N." 24TH ST.. 6 rooms, strictly modorn. J easily heated; $27.60. 4641 Seward 8u. a rooms; bungalow. T iitl Caaa St., 10 rooms: arranged lor :TP roomer or two families. ARMSTRONG-WALSH COMPANT, .t Si Anna Bids'. t ylPr ft?-ROOM HOUSE, 2827 Franklin, vacant Nov, 17; pavea sireeii w .us x nut 2t8. FOR RENT or sale. 6-room bungalow, all moaern. gooa u nw. vim - v.... ... Harney 634 FOR RENT 6-room bungalow, all modern, 4 block to car. Phone Webster 1888. 4nm hurt No car (are to pay, 6-r. cottage. Including water. 111. Call D. lift. V i-ROOM brick, modern except heat, 116, i Call Colfax 104. nmNT ST. T-r.. conm.. modern, 196 T. F. Hall, W Ramge Bldg. Doug. HQ iT&-Six-room. -604 N. 24th St. Wsb. 1177. South. """T0i Georgia avenue. It rooms, modern. o'lCEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., Dour 8711. 1018 Omaha Natl. Ben- Bids. if-ROOM modern brick, hardwood fmlah. 1303 Park Av. Phono Harney 8H8. 8TRICTLT modorn l-room boUM, $25. Call Harney 1811. Miscellaneous; SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS IN ANY OP THB FOLLOWING HOUSES AND COTTAGES , PARTLT JtOD-KW 4-R. S4M Maplo St 4-R. 3401 Parkor St 4-R. 1818 Cartor .Lake Blvd. l-R 111 Martha St.' . 8.08 30.00 14.00 1! SO 1-R. 018 North 43d St 1I0U MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. l-R. 3804 Saratoga St. ,. 128.08 l-R. !S1I N. 87th St. (colored)... 18.00 -R. 223 S. tth St. J-R. 131S Capitol Ave. STRICTLY MODERN. . sun, M Sfllh nt 13.80 38.00 si.ss 8-R, 1302 N. (tin St. loniy io April I.) f , , i.R. t8 Franklin St, l.t l-R. 31 N. 20th St. (Choloo buna- low. varase In roar) 32.10 t-R. 4112 Farnam St. 35.00 6- R. 1814 Laird St "00 J.R. 073 N. 27th Ave , 20.00 7- R. 2806 N,.llth St. 30.00 7-R. 4110 N. 20th St (Choloo de- lached house with rarase In the rear.) Reduced to 3M0 7-R. 4012 S 33d St 20.00 R. 3Mi Chance Bt. l-R. 2201 N. 17th St 30.00 l-R. 1717 Park Ave. (Choice brick . dwelllns. newly decorated tnatde n.1 mit 1 12.10 l-R. 2603 Dewey Ave. (Good brick dwelllns, very cloae In, well ar . ranged for keeptnr roomers.) ... 41.00 -. FLATS. .,. MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. l-R. 3111 N. 24th St. (2d floor).. 111.11 STRICTLY MODERN. l-R. 203 8. 30th St 121.00 . PORTER A SHOTWELL. 202 S. 17th St. Doui. 6013. WHAT HAVE YOU FOR RENT in the way of four, five or six room modern up-to-date apartments. Prefer ence will be given to those In better dUtrlcts of the city. Want to deal dlreot with owners, no ajcrnts. TELEPHONE DOUGLAS 1011. The Bee carried ' 47,040 MORE PAID Want Ads first If, " months of 1313 than same.perlod ltll. This figure EXCEEDS THB COM LINED GAIN of the other two Omr.Be papers by OVER 20.000 PAID ADS, ' Reason: Better Results. Better Rates. 1303201 Cass 8 rooms, mod, fins yard, 816 846 S. 24th, 8 rooms, bath. $16 624 N. S2d, 8 rooms, bath. 112.50 1654 N. 20th, 4 rooms, water paid. $12.60 2221 California, 5 rooms. . RINOWALT BROS., Brandels Thea. Big. I-ROOM house, strictly mod $20.00 6-room flat strictly mod 22.00 .10-room flat, strictly mod 36 .00 TOI.AND & TRUMBULL, ; 448 Bee Bldg. Doug. 8707,' HOUSES FOB KENT. CRBIGH. SONS A CO is bee Ri.rwi noun to. 1126 8. 31ST, with garage for I cars. 4110 North 88th St., I rooms, $12. JOHN N. FRENZER. DOUGLAS 164. FOR RENT Ap'ts and Flati West. R RENT Dundew five-room apartment. wr ibb.flo. i W. U UELBT ft SONS, DOUGLAS 1610. ST. CLARE. . 8 and 4-rro. apts.; 24th and Harney. Harney 647. ' North. 1914 BURT 4 rooms, new, mod.; winter 8.6. gmgwalt Bros.. Brandels Thea. Bldg. 4-R. APT. Downtown. $18, Including water ana gas range. 818 N. Zlst. D. 2161, 2-ROOM apt., modern. 2013 Chicago St. South. -ROOM modern flat, choice location. 1816 S, 2th St., $22.60, water free. Web. 816$ or Web. 2640. MiscellaneouF. 126.00221 S. 80th St., 6-r... flat, all modern. $7.601917 Clark fit., l-r. flat m $86.00 S8 N, lltb St., $-r. flat $27.60 1!30 Davenport St., 9-r., all mod. 135.00 6.'3 a 3.th St.. 6-r.. all modern bungalow. H. A" WOLF. 614 Ware Block. Douglas SORB. FIVE-ROOM modern bungalow, ,on car line and paved street. State Savings Loan Aftsociatlon, Douglas 2448. t-HOOM flat (or rent, $26 per month; olose . In. Phone- .Doug. 162. 5 AND 4-RM. Apts., The Sterling. Trust Co, D. 1161. MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Packing, storage and mov Ing. 21 N. llth 8L Phone Douglas 894. METROPOLITAN VAN AND ' STORAGE CO. Careiul attention given to orders for moving, packing or storage. Office at Ray- monu r urmiurw iu., inii ana Ibis Bow- ara a. mono u, oozi. BTt trt3T rtCW WiBtKDMTnn Separaitt locket) rooms for household i . ,"v'iui , H.uKUia- a i shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAOE CO., 802 a 18th St . Douglas 4181. si.is per nour. Van and Storage Co., Moving, Packing. Storage and shipping. Phone Doug. 1411. T P PTT.TT.t ExpresandnMovIng w. v. packing and storage. no? rarnam t uougias 8246. Globe Van and Storage Co" For real moving service try n. Largs $-horse padded vans. Storage, $1 month. Satisfaction guaranteed. We move you QUICKER, CHEAPER AND SAFER. rnonf ryier iw or Douglas 4818. , FIDELITY servkS FREE Phone Douglas 888 for compute list of vacant bouses and apart SBsnta. Also for storage, moving. - ttk and Jackson Sts. Hor$ IJve Stock Vehicles For Sale. WORK team (or sale, cheap for cash. Call South 1-61. J. L. HcKelman. TWO horses. 1.200 and 1,300 lbs., aheap. FOR RENT Bunneu PrVV Store STORK ROOM at i0T Farnam 81. T. F. Hall. 431 Ram. P. 7408. MODERN etore, 16th St., near postofflce; low rent. G. F. Btebbina. STORB room with four room In rear, 21 M Cumin 8t. Phone Web. 136., Offices and Desk Room. DESIRABLE studio location In Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam, and in Baitings mag., 10th and Farnam; rental reasonable. F. D. WEAD, Wead Bldg. DESIRABLE office rooms In the remodeled Crounee block, 119 N. ICth Bt (opposite poetof(lce), $10 to $18 per month. Conrad Toung. 822 Brandels Theater. Doug. 1571. OFFICE room (or rent, furnished or un- furntihed, very cheap. Call Pout. CHOICK ofllce space. Balrd Bid, 1 7th and jjougiaa. Mccague inv, co. MisceUaneous. X HAVE a splendid barn (or rent In rear or iiu n. Sfetn st. two largo roomy stalls, room (or wagom or carriages, har ness cjoset, electric lights, hay loft, etc Only & per month to good tenant. Call Harney 1204. FOR RENT Office , and warehouse, space with trackage. 914 Farnam Bt WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Houses and Plats. WANTED LUtlng on cottages or houses to rent or sell on easy payment., wave cus tomers waiting. Inquire 411 Karbecn Block. Douglas 8407. 1 GALLAGHER j NELSON will look afler your rentals. 144 Brandsis Bldg. Doug. 1321. Miscellaneous. WANTED Houses, stores and apartments for our rental department. N. r. uoage a Co.. Harney St at 16th. Telephone Doug. 821. WANTED Dead storage space tor Ford car. Will pay 18 per month. Douglas 8716; Harney 1848 In evenings. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West DESIRABLE NEW HOME CATHEDRAL DISTRICT Owner wilt consider l-room cottage or bungalow as part payment This Is a 7 room, 2 -story, modern home, having a large living room, fireplace, attractive dining room with built-in buffet, con venient kitchen and 4 good bedrooms with oak .finished floors; best of construction. Price, $8,500. Easy terms. GEORGE & COMPANY, Phone P. T6.. 802 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. BEAUTIFUL HOME. We have for aal on vary eaay farms a splendid residence at 1U N. 23d 8t This house has eight rooms, all In (In eon dltloa. The lot la 10x148. I' la In a very desirable neighborhood and tho prlco la tMM-tainly low. ALFRED THOMAS. ' ;' , . $08 First National Bank rlldt $260 CASH. $28.60 PER MO,, -will buy one of the niftlent bungalows in town; 6-r. and oath) strictly modern; oak finish; with a number of special features; high-grade iignttng ana plumbing nxturea: run ce ment basement, furnace; dandy east front lot: IK blocKs to car. Price only $3,100. , Let us show you this bargain. RASP BROS., Douglas 1858. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT 8 -room. T baths, nearly new; big discount, only 16,360. see it. iaa m. istn Ave. Mil LINCOLN BLVDll-room louse. strictly modern, with hot water beat Douglaa 1818. North. VERT SPECIAL BARGAIN. $3,250 Will buy modern home at 3588 Dav enport St.; worth $8,000; - family Illness reason for selling. JOHN W. ROB BINS. 1803 FARNAM ST. V NEW BUNGALOW. A five-room, strictly modern bungalow, with bath. It la finished In oak, up-to-date, built-in features and lighting fu ture.; full basement large attlo. Located at 2021 North 26th Bt Prlct,-$3,16Q; aiy terms. , NORRIS & NORRIS, 400 Bee Building. Phone Dnug. 42T0. KOUNTZE PLACE restricted district rest. dence for tale. A. V. Knleat, 161$ N. 18th. FOR SALE 2 acres Improved. Col. 1646. South. FIVE ROOMS-NEW ' All modern in every detail; living and dining room all oak finish, with built-in bookcases: pantry with elaborate . cup boards; Icebox room; full basement with floor drain; shades;, alectiio fixture and screens: an rum is bed. This is a real bar. gain at $1,750; $600 cash, balance on terms to suit. Others aak aa much as 8,260. Let us show you this weak, TRAVER BROS.. 10$ Omaha Nat. Bk. ' Doug, till Evenings Weh 4. SPECIAL BARGAIN. OWNER SATS MUST SELL. 1080 South 10th Ave., first-class l-room house, modern, In excellent condition; hot water heat: large garage for two care; beautiful lot Want an offer. House a anap at $0,600. . D. V. SHOLES COMPANT, 816 City National Bank Bldg. Doug. 48. HANSCOM ARK. $200 DOWN AND $30 PER MO. l-room, strictly modern bungalow. Io. eated on south 2Sd street, ons-half block from Hanscom park. Living room, dining room and kitchen downstairs. 2 bedrooms and bath upstairs. Full cement base ment, hot water heat. If sold this week will take 12,100. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. C37 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1781. MI7U7 A.urtiX UIIKT.AI CU rr easy terms. 1210 S. 26th Are. Red 1811. GET A HOME. READ THE SIGN. Hatlsoom Park, Field Club district. .... o. aia or. u. . yokel. Miscellaneous. A PIECE OF GROUND, 60 FOOT FRONT AliOi, 'Ot 1102. Wfi HAV Hr.Vfc.HAL PIECES OF THIS SIZE THAT CAN BE BOUGHT ON TERMS OF $2 CASH AND 61 1't.K WEEK. BOX 1121, OMABA $1,500 S-ROOM COTTAGE. All modern except heat; new maple floors; good bam and chicken house; close to car, school and stores. Tou should see this, it look good. Easy terms. SCOTT AND HILL CO., . Doug. 100$. Ground Floor McCague Bldg. ""STOP THAT RENT -BICE A new five-room cottage on large cor ner lot 64x126: Just being started; mod ern in every detail; oak floors; close In and near West Farnam car line. $2,360, $300 Down. $26 Per Month. Ready December 16th. SHULER & CARY, 204 Keellne Bldg. Phone Doug. 6074. i HOUSES WANTED. WE HAVE BITTERS FOR HOMES WORTH THE MONET IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. LIST TOUR PROPERTY WITH US FO RESULTS, O'NEILL'S REAL ESTATE Ik INS. AONCT. Brandels Theater Bldg. Tyler 1024. INVESTMENTS, INSURANCE 6400 Income on price, $2,600, being 3 houesg, 8 rooms each, near high school and Crslgbton college. Also I and 6-room bungalows, $200 down, and two l-room, $3$ down, balance monthly. CHA8. E. WILLIAMSON CO. NEW bungalow; also 81. and gardening, your terms and price; Inv with $4C0, rent 3 rumpus flst cost $3.600). 8.6QS D 310J FIVE rooms, new, oak finish, fully deco rated, all modern, etc.. 32,160; 8200 cash, balance monthly. Colfax 1621. REAL ESTATE B'ness Pr'pty INCOME property near Ford plant 16th St. uwnvr. narur ,, REAL ESTATE Unimproved North. AFTER looking at illNNE LUSA, 300 dif ferent Duyere doomed tnat It waa me Deal pronoitltlon on the market and they berKed their judgment by buying lots. IF YOU will come out today you will understand why others are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO., Tyler 117, 741 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. ' OWNER must M.I east front lot oa rut. nolle Blvd., I. Clalrssoot Will sell at oacrlSce prtc. tf take, at ooea Call Pouglss 1711 South. ACRES SOUTH. lmprovwl and snlmproved In ess to ten -acre tracts, on or near Bellow, ear lloe. Best at school tactllllee C B. COMBS, Phoos Doui ltll 80s Brandels Thsatsr. REAL ESTATE Suburban Benson. START. TOUK HOME IN BBNSONI ' BUT THIS LOT. I10.ll down and I1I.M per month: price I2MS0: else loslll; located on Locust St., between Clark and Bnrnham, not far from school and ear Una. Oeo. ft Wright Bee of(V'. Omaha. Dundee. DUNDEE BARGAINS. ' Have sightly lots and up.to-dats homes for sale In the besutlful and restricted additions of DUNDEE. HAPPY HOLLOW, and KVANBTON; come and see me be fore deciding elsewhere. C. A. GRIMMEL, 148 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. FAIR ACRE LOTS. We have nicked m 13 lota In one body Just north of Falraeres that we can ssll for $1,100. This is a nn. investment ana win sursiy grow Into big moosy fast. HIATT COMPANY, - 346 Omaha Natl'l. Bank Bldg. Tyler 80 Florence. NflfHAWAT haa I, 4, I, 10 and 136-aore Impr. tracts for city property. Flo. 838, South Side. FOR SALE. EU acres; 8-room house, chicken bouse, barn, fruit trees, grapes, on ear lino $4,000 I acres; l-room house, barn, fruit trees, alfalfa t.800 8 acres; 4 -room house, barn, bear Ing fruit trees and grapes, price. 3,800 8 acres; new i-room house 4,000 4H acres unimproved on ear line; t rich soil. Just the place for , gardening 1,100 J. H. KOPIETZ, 4788 South 24th St. I-ROOM residence. South Side H tf: 480 cash bslenf $16 per mcMh Tnng 8331 REAL ESTATE Investments v SEE US . . ' " FOR , INVESTMENT1 AND SPECULATIVE PROPERTY. A. P. TUKET SON, Phone Doug. 601. 1607-1 W. O. W. Bldg. . - $40,000 , The best buy on Harney street, corner lot, 70x120, close-In, with substantial Im provements In good condition; rented at $2,040 a year. 114,000 cash will hsndle; balance 6 per oent, long time. This prop erty will nil for $60,000 within a year, GLOVER & SPAIN, ' . . Douglas ! IH-$ City National; FOR MALE. Double brick fit. Louis flat, within lour blocks of loth and Marnayi olose ini oar gain pries). CALKINS CO.. Douglas lilt. City National Baak. Decrease. INVESTMENT. Corner, olos. In, two houses, annual rent illo. pries, n,sio. S. P. BOSTWICK SON. 300 Bee Bldg. Tyler 1608. REAL ESTATE. WM. COLFAX, 1H Keellne Bldg Dona. SITS. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Real Estate, Land, Etc. HALF section. Kimball Co., fine level land, $17.60 per acre, clear, for modern Omaha home. Dundee preferred. Level quarter. - west of Huron, S. D near R. R., clear, $30 per acre; for mod ern Omaha home. OEORGE Q, WALLACE, 814 Keellne Rldg. Omahs. HAVE two 160-acre farms and one 80-acrs farm, eastern Nebraska, to trade, lor city property. f . ARCHER REALTY CO.. 680 Brandels Bldg. 4 HOUSES NEAR FORD PLANT. Will exchange 4 good income properties, close In, value $11,000. for vacant lots or piece or land. t EDWARD F. WILLIAMS CO., P. 480. 801 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. CANADA LANDS Have several clients who will exchange lands In the U. a. for Can ada; what have you to offer in either country T oive legal numbers and good de scription. B. Van Metre, Cedar Rapids, la. TO exchange for ranch, new 43 flat court building, rental $36,000, showing a net Income of 8 per cent on fia&.ooo invest ment. For details on this property aee C. if. Antes. Lincoln, wen. A 1 2-ROOM rooming" ho use for sale or x change for equity In lots or house and lot or good car; good location, can Doug' las 6896 after 6 p. m. TRADES TRADES TRADES. Farms, Cattle, Ranches. New v Apart ments, Flats, etc. abhott, 4 Patterson Block. FIRST-CLASS west Iowa farm to deal for Nebraska or Colorado land. THOMAS CAMPBELL. KEBLINE BLDG. WANTED TO TRADE An 8-room modern Lhousegn paved street and oar line. 161$ N. 3 ad at. for property In Sallna, Kan. GOOD lot, desirable location, will take used Ford as part payment Webster 42 46. TO TRADE 400 acres In Polk county, Ne braska, for Omaha property. 888 Bran dies Bldg. Paul Sydow. Ranch specialist, sell or trade ranches for city property, a. n-rants, 1.7B Brandels Bldg. WE have some good homes and rental prop ertles for Neb. or la. land. ttdward F. Williams Co.. Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loang, Mortgages. MORTGAGE FOR SALE, 31.600 at 6U per cent, due In f years. optional; secured by first mortgage on store building worm ft.ouv. ask ror par' . titulars. T. H. DUMONT & CO., 413-18 Kesllne Bldg. Phone Doug. 610. C1TT and farm loans promptly made. Rates, ' 6, 644 and I psr cent. Reasonable com mlsttlou. f, UNITED STATES TRUST CO., 213 South 17 th, Omaha, Neb. BORROW the money you need. Tou can get It at once if your security Is good Cost you 7 per oent, Including my commis sion. Write or call today at once for particulars., joins, ssi urandela Bldg. umana, n.u, tvuuaiaa TTkR "CfcTNT to I per cenTon best class olty residences in amounts $3,000 up; also farm loans, neasonaute commissions. PUTEHS TRUST CO., 1822 Farnam St. $2,000 MORTGAGE, bearing 1 por cent soinl-ann,; secured by farm, 8 miles from tttwn, valued at $6,900. Talmage-Loomln Inv. co w. o. w, Bldg. REAL ESTATE loans, per cent See D. E. BUCK CO., $12 Omaha Nat Bank. NO DELAY. v, T. GRAHAM, BEE BLDG. OMAHA homes East Nebraska farms. O'KEKFK REAL EBTATE CO., 101$ Omaha Nat'l. Phone Doug. 2711. FINANCIAL "Real festatc. Loans, Mortgages. FARM and city loans. 6-64 and I per cent. H. Thomas. Keellne Bldg; uoug.. ie,. 11,600 UORTOAOK, besrlng H per rent seml-ann.; sscured by farms, 3 miles trom town, valued at 14,000. Talmadge-Loomie Inv. Co.. W. O. W. Bldg. (rr MONEY HARRISON 4 MORTON DA 111 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. MONET to loan on Improved farms and ranches. We also buy good farm mort- gagofc KloKo Inv. Co., Omaha. DON'T PAT IN INSTALLMENTS. PAT IN 1 1. 4 or I YKAHH, HKST PLAN. SHOPRN m CO.. KKKLINB BLPO. REAL ESTATE LOANS- WANTED. THOS. L. McOARRT, KK KLINE BLDG. ThlL. RED 4844. 6Ki;R CENT and 8 per cent money. Totand ft Trumbull, 446 Bee Bldg. Douglas tiQ7, $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D, Wead. wead Bldg., 16th and Farnam nta. MONET on hand for city and farm loans. H. W, Binder. City National Bank Bldg. GARVIN BROS. 341 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. C1TT and farm loans, I, m. I per cent. J. H. Dumont Co,, 411 Keellne wing. Abstracts of Title. Van Tf". Querent., and Aostreot Co., JVCIl 206 S. 17th St., around floor. Bonded by Mass. Bonding and Ins. Co. REED ABSTRACT CO., oldest abstract ot- Dol in Nebraska, sol Brandels Tneaier. MONEY TO LOAN FURNITURE, pianos, Ind. notes as security. $40 a-mo h. n. gas., total cost - $40 " Indorsed notes, total ooet, $3,80. Smaller, larger am'ta, proportionate rata. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIBTT, Organised by Omaha Business Men, 481 Rose Bldg., Ulh and Farnam, Ty. 881. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED 4, 8 and 8 -roomed houses that can be sold for $100 cash; balanoe 818 per month; give complete description first letter W FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1380 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1084. WB havo buyers for your property. INTER -8TATH RRALTT CO.. 821-86 City Nat'l Bldg. Doug. 8881. WANTED Listings of real estate In Omaha for sale, N. P. Dodge at Co., Harney Bt, at 16th. Telerhone Doug. 633, FOR SALES F, D. Wead. 810 S. 18th Bt FARM AND RANCH "LANDS Arkansas Lands. FOR SALE 1.200 acres rich, alluvial Ar kansas cotton bottom land, on drainage ditch; grow anything; timber fair; 3 houses; $18 per acre; terms. Address L. L. VanPervoort, Paragould, Ark. Florida Lands. PALM BEACH COUNTT heads the poll for net profits from Its truck farms and citrus groves, and Is also elected the finest climate In the world. For particulars and literature apply A. PARSON ft SON, Phone Doug. 7848. 668 Brandels Bldg. Iowa Lands. ' AT AUCTION1 T Four good farms containing $0 acres each, will be sold at Public Auction on the farms, one mile east and 3ft miles south of Langdon. Mo., on easy terms. WEDNESDAT, NOV. 16TH, AT 1 P. M. These farms are about 14 miles south of Iowa state line are level and the best black soil; all in cultivation and all In winter wheat that go with farms; fair Improvements. If you want one of. the best producing farms lit the country at your own price, don't fall to attend this aale. The legal numbers are south half of Se. 33. Town. 64, Range 41, Atchison Co., Mo, These farms rent for 1-6 of wheat and corn, delivered. For further Information aee Frank Bobbltt, Langdon, Ho., or Dowd Auction Co., 1121 W. O. W. Bldg., Omaha, Neb, JAMES L. DOWD, Auctioneer. FRANK BOBBITT. Owner. PINE Iowa farms, close to Omaha, all slses. priced right, pee us nrst w. t. amun Co., 814 .city Nat l Sana Biqg.. umana. Miaaouri Lands. SMALL MISSOURI FARM $10 cash and $6 monthly; no Interest or taxes; highly pro ductive land; close to 8 big markets. Write for photographs and full Informa tion. Mungar, A-11B, N. T. Life Build Kansas City, Mo. r Nebraska Lands. AT AUCTION. : - ' 1,800 ACRES OF NEB. LAND to be sold at . PUBLIC AUCTION. SALE TAKES PLACE IN THB OFFICE OF DOWD AUCTION CO,, 1136 W. O. W. Bldg., Omaha, Neb. TUESDAY. NOV. 14. at I P. U. SHARP. Legal numbers, all of Section 8, Town ship 18. Range 4a, Arthur county, ne braska,, This section will be sold on terms of $1 per acre cash, balance payable 60 cents per acre per year until paid ror. Section No. 1, legal numbers ares west half of east half, and wsst half of Sec tion 1. and east halt of east half of Sec tion 8. Township 18, Range 41, Garden county, Nebraska. This section will be sold on terms of $1 per acre cash and 76 cents an acre per year tin paid for. The above land Is cheap western land Section No. 1 la pretty well Improved, and some In cultivation on each section; It will be sold to highest bidder on above date, retard less of value. For full Information regarding this land call or address Dowd Auction Co., 1111 w. o. w. mag., umana, insd, Remember the sale takes place In the Dowd Auction Co. office, Tuesday, Nov. ' 14, at 3 P. m. James L. Dowd, Auctioneer; IV W. Morse, Owner. J" A QUICK SALE BAROAIN. 400 acres In Logan county. Neb., fenced and cross-fenced, fair Improvements, 80 acres under cultivation, 160 can be culti vated, roat la grazing land. Write me for price and terms. Joseph Michener, Coun ell Bluffs, la. 660 ACRES. McPherson Co., rolling land. Fine for sheep or cattle. Fine valleys tor corn or grain, trice fie -acre. iong time. Will trade stock indue INTER-STATE REALTY CO., 828 City Nat. Dldg. Doug. 8863. I HAVE for sale 160 acres improved, eight miles west on Dodge street, paved ad joining Glaudt section on west. $200 psr acre now; after January 1, price will be $200 per acre. Good terms. Phone Har ney 718. W. 8. Biaokwell, $618 Farnam St., umana. SMOOTH 80 near town, Johnson Co., Neb. Reduced price for 10 days; possession given. Iflasy terms. STEWART, 816 S. Uth. ' FOR SALE Best large body high grade medium priced land in Nebraska; very utue money required, v. urauiey, wo bach, Neb. A HIGHLY Improved farm for grain rent TO LA IN 1J THUMWULL, Douglas 8707. 448 Bee Bldg. CAN eell or exchange any lands you have to offer. C. J. Uanan. McHague Bldg. Texas Lands. EAST TEXAS. Call or write for my free book describ ing good corn and alfalfa land In east Texas for $2ft per acre. W. 8. FRANK. 201 Neville Blk. Wisconsin Lands. UPPER WISCONSIN Best dairy and gen erai crop siate in in union, settlers wanted; lands ror sale at low prices easy terms; excellent landa - for stock raising. Ask for booklet 86 on Wisconsin Central Lana urant; state acres wanted. If Interested In fruit lands, ask foi book let on Apple Orchards. Address Land Com missioner Soo Railway, Minneapolis, Minn. FARM LAND WANTED LEAftK on Nebraska ranch of from 3,000 to 6,000 Acrfl, wanted by experienced cattle man. AO a reus uox 244, Rock Port, Mo. POULTRY AND PET STOCK CANARY birds, beautiful trained singers: German rollois, Just out of breeding room, Hi .,Bv una fiv apiece. szs H. ,tn. Harney smz. DAMAGED WHEAT, $1.60 a hundred. A. W. Wagner, 801 S. 18th. ANGORA kittens, pedigreed and housebroke. Walnut 1611. AUTOMOBILES W. M. CLEMENT MOTOR COMPANY 1917 model Chalmers seven- tassenger car, has been run ess than 200 miles, equipped with extra tire and tube. The new price at any Chalmers agency $1,413 My price on this car.. $1,165 This car was purchased new a short time ago by a gentle man who at that time had use (or a seven-passenger car, but owing to changed conditions in his family decided that a four-passenger car would bet ter suit hun and ht traded his Chalmers car in on a Scripps Booth eight cylinder car, pay ing me a difference of $60. thus making the full price of the Scripps- Booth car. His loss on the Chalmers is your gain of $250. . Hurry if you want this profit, , W.M. CLEMENT , 3301 Farnam St WllXYSTOVERa USED CAR DEPARTMENT. Phone D. 3338. 3041 Farnam St 21316 Overland, 6-pass. 2181$ Overland. 6-peas. 11814 Overland, 6-pass. - Will Overland Roadstor. 11613 Hupp, 6 -puna. , 1 1314 Ford, vl-paes. These cars ara In flrst clsaa condition and at prices of $186 and up. , Cars Demonstrated. List furnished to out-of-town pur chasers. Who's setting the pace now? Tn the first ten months of lflt . THE BEE gained 4T.340 Paid Ada. EXCEEDING the COMBINED GAIN of the other, two Omaha paper for name period by more than 10,000 PAID ADA. Oood Results. Oood Rates. Good Service. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE 1308 Farnam at. Douglas Ills. 1818 Stearns Knight 8, touring 31,400 1114 Hudson Six modal 64 318 1114 Hudson Coup. 160 1117 Maxwell Tour., brand new . , , 640 AUTO INSURANCE Fire, Thsft and Liability at lowest rates. KIIXT, ELLIS A THOMPSON, 311-14 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. Ills. Douglas 161. 1311-11 rarnam Bt. DON'T throw away old tires. Ws msfcs ons nsw tlrs from two old ones and oav. you II per c.nt. l-ln-1 Vulcanising Co., 1611 Davsnport Bt. Omaha, Neb. Douglas 1114. WB will trad, you a asw Ford for your oia ons, INDUSTRIAL OAR AO 19 CO.. 38th and Harn.y. Douglaa 8311. CROSSTOWN OARAOB, 111 & 14th. D. 4443. Farts for Hup "30." Flandsrs "30," Kis sel Kar, Oldsmoblls, Appqraon. K, C. truck, sto. ' l I USED CARS AT REAL PRICES. C. W. FRANCIS AUTO CO., Douglaa 888. 1111-11 Farnam St. CORD Urea for Fords, 80x8, 33.111 loifC ii.li. awiebai Broa. D. 4iti. s.is rar nam at. S.O.S. MOTOR QO. 0,SSI; 3406 Leavenworth, Used Care. 5-PASSENGER Overland, year and a hall1 old; will sell for $460, or trad for good lot or land. Douglas 6767. OUR REPAIR WORK WILL SATISFY TOU. TELL BINKLET, 111! Harney 8t Doug. 1840. FOR SALE Ford top for 6-passenger oar, "in good- order, rnone walnut i.i. 1814 S-CYL. Mitchell touring car for sale or trade. Roy Stranathan, Silver City, la. Auto LWery and Oarages. , EXPERT auto repairing, "service car al ways ready." Omaha Oarage, 101 Harney at. Tyier bsb. GARAGE for rent 3120 Sherman Ave. Web ster 2846. Auto Repairing and Painting. -STROMBERG BRR',ICB STXflOK. GEORGE W. WILLIAMS. 1608 Jackson Bt Carburatora my specialty. Red 414 2. $100 reward for magneto we can't repair, colls repaired. Baysdorfer. 310 N. 18th. NEB. Auto' Radiator Repair" Service, and prices rignt, an a. inn at. v, 7iso. I Automobiles (or Hire. FORD for rent tou may drive It. I charge by mile. Doug. 1883, Evenings. Tyler 1631. Motorcycles and Bicycles. HARLET-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bar gains In used machines, Victor Roos. "The motorcycle van," I7vi Mavenwortn, REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Orchard Investment company to fctjml Vancouwennergne ana wire, rorty fnurth street, eighty feet South of "O" street oast aide, 40x130, .$1,060 Carl A. cannon ana wire to tne Omaha Country club, northeast corner Fifty-fourth and . Arthur streets, Benson, 130x184...... 1 Reserve Realty company to . Mary Turner, Grand avenue, 130 feet aaet of ' Forty-flrat street, north side, 80x116; Forty-first, strcst $3,6 feet north of Grand avenue, east aide. 81.6x130 a 1 Hastings 4 Heyden to Mary Turner, Nebraska avenue, 12$ feet east of Forty-second street - north aids. 340x187, 1. $60 Emmet 9. Brumbaugh to Clinton A. Pesch, Brown street, 436.6 feet east of Thirtieth street, 42.6x186.. 1 F. J. McShane, Jr., sheriff, to Wll. helmlna Herake, Ohio etreet, 180 feet west of Twenty-fourth street. north side, 40x167..., 1,000 C. W. Calkins and wife to Mtnnle M. Schonbom, Thirty-fifth avenue, ninety-two feet north of Poppleton avenue, east aide, 60x94 1 Annie Rowley Casey and husband to Packers National bank, Thirty-third ' street, 160 feet south of Frances street, east, side, 160x200 , 1 Omaha Coal Supply Quite Adequate for All Present Needs So far as the coal situation was concerned, the present cold spell found Omaha in much better condi tion than was expected. Had the present cold snap come ten days ago there would have been a coal famine inside of twentv-four hours. Now. however, the situation is quite diff erent. . Last week for some unknown rea son, the car shortage became less acute. A large number of cars were released and they were hustled to the mines to be loaded back, with the result that Saturday and Sunday hun dreds of cars loaded with coal were pulled into the city. It is asserted now that there is an ample supply nt enal on hand, especially that for domestic use. The only prospect of a shortage is in steam coal, ot wnicn a arse surplus is never laid In. Since last Saturday the Missouri Pscific has brought in 250 carloads nf ens from Kansas and Missouri; the Northwestern, Burlington. Illi nois Central and Milwaukee, SUO car Inarla from Illinois, and the. North. western, Union Pacific-and Burling ton more than 350 carloads trom Wyoming and Colorado. It is con tended tnat wirn tnis stoca on nana, all fears nf a coal tamine nave been disiipated for the time Being, at least. W.ln Van. IJver It fL ' When your liver gets torpid and summon n.,..r taks ur. Kins s new i.ire n no. (You will feel better. Only lie. All drug gists . Advertisement. MORE JOHNSONS IN OMAHA THAN SMITHS , Directory Showi Variety of Common Names and Some Not So Common. ALSO HUGHES AND WILSON By A. R. GROH. There wss once family in Penn sylvania named Burst. They had two sons and a daughter whom they named respectively John Will Burst. Harvey Wood Burs, and Alice May Burst. None of them ever did, how ever. What is the most common name among Omaha people? Nearly everybody would guess Smith," of course. After exhaustive researches in the city directory I find that, while there are many Smiths, there art more Johnsons. The figures are: Smith, 720;. Johnson, 765. These are estimated by counting the number of Smiths in an inch and then measuring the number of inches covered by the Smith names in the directory. i Of the Smith tribe in Omaha, forty seven are named John Smith and fif teen Mary smith. ; There are 255 Joneses,, including seventeen John Joneses and four Mary Joneses. Hughes and Wilson. There are 105 folks named Hughes. including three named Charles Hughes. There are 240 Wilsons, but none named Woodrow, Not a single Fairbanks is found in Omaha. There are sixty Marshall!. We have nineteen people named Lincoln, but none named Abraham Lincoln. We have thirty-one named Washington, including two George Washington!. ' i Napoleon Washington Is one of our Citizens. He combines more great ness in his name than any other. There are no people here surnamed Napoleon, though there is one Bis miirk. i, We have people by the name of Gold, Silver, Copper, Irons, Steele, Brass and'Tinney. We have them named Black, Blue, Green, Brown, White. You can see Mr, Dally daily or weekly and vou can see Mr. Weeklv daily or weekly. But there is no Mr. Monthly or Mr. .early. ' Five Named Prajr. We have twenty-five Bishops be sides the Methodist, Catholic and Episcopal bishops. 'Five people are named Prav and eleven have the name Church, i . There are two citizens named Sun day, but neither, is "Billy. The first name in the door is AaDei and the last is Zysk. Some of them defy pronunciation as, for Instance, Gsso and Gspri and Wawrzymkiewicz. ' Even the Smiths and Johnsons are outnumbered by the great "Mc" and "Mac" clan. Twenty-four pages of the directory, with an average of seventy-five names on each page, are devoted to the McDonalds. McCul- loughs,. McCarthys, McCaffreys, Mc- Csnns and so on aDout i.ouu aito gether. : tl. f-,'- rVu-.'- rlTrtH. J flG U V.UIIIIOI., vrli:,l.. - nells, O'Donnells, O'Gradys, O'- Hearns, O Tooles, O'Neills, U Xearys, O'Rileys and so on have a represen tation of about 500. The subject of names recalls also the famous Hogg sisters who were christened respectively Ima and Ufa. Postmaster to Get ' Five Dollars for Each New Soldier; One man each year out of 1000 pop ulation in the United States must take up the life of a soldier if the United States army is to be kept up to the standard it has set itself, The local army recruiting station has received orders to open sub-stations in a great many towns in Iowa and Nebraska. A half dozen men have just arrived from the Mexican border to enter the recruiting service in Iowa and Nebraska, and some ten or a dozen more are to follow. The War department has sent word here that from fifteen to eighteen men' will be sent to Omaha to be distributed to the various recruiting stations to be opened in both states. The order is that the army shall take in 100,000 recruits per year. Postmasters are to figure in this campaign for new soldiers. Postmas ters in all second, third and fourth class postoffices are to be paid $5 for every soldier enlisted through their ef forts or influence. It is quite natural that young men in any locality seek ing information about the United States army should go to the post master of their town, as he is about the only federal official they know of in the community. If that1 postmaster succeeds in convincing the young man that the army is a good place for him, and this conference results in the young man's enlistment, the post master is given credit for $5, L W. Carpenter May. Leave School Board Before leaving for an outing I. W. Carpenter, member of the Board of Education, confided to friends that he is contemplating resigning from the board at the close of this year. He has made no official announce ment of this, but it is expected that when he returns to the city at the end of next week he will make his decision known. Mr. Carpenter's term extends to the close of 1918. Should this member of the board decide to resign, it is be lieved that John Bekins, defeated member of , the recent "citizens' ticket," wilt be chosen to fill the va cancy. Kugel Wants to Reduce Chauffeur's License Fee Citv Commissioner Kugel will recommend to the city council a re duction of the annual chauffeur li cense fee from $3 to $1. This year 1,384 permits were issued, the city re ceiving $4,1... lhe original intention of this license fee was to over ex penses and we find that the $1 charge will meet that demand," explained Mr. Kugel. COLDEST NOVEMBER TOTHM RECORD Thermometer Drops to 26 Be low at Several Points in 1 Wyoming'. IT MAT BE WASHER SOON Old Man Winter has come down from the northwest and is stalking along into Nebraska. Although the middle of November has not been reached, real winter weather is the rule all over the state, it being most severe in the western and northwest ern sections. It is the coldest Novem- ber weather recorded since the weath er bureau has been established. According to the railroads, the coldest spot in Nebraska Monday was at Belmont, the Burlington's last sta tion in this state on the line to- Bill,, ings, The agent there telegraphed to headquarters that at 7 o'clock the thermometer registered 20 degrees be low zero and that snow to the depth of ten inches.'most tit which fell Sun day, covered the ground. At Sheridan, Wyo., according to the Burlington's morning report, the tern- , perature was 26 degrees below aero and considerable wind blowing. Twelve inches of snow fell Sunday' and Sunday night and this came on top of eight inches that had fallen Saturday. Cold in Bute. Through northern Nebraska the , railroads reported temperatures from 3 degrees below to 18 above scro. Ill the central and eastern portions of the state cro weather was common, with temperatures running as high as M degrees above. The temperature waa lower in the southeast corner, in tna weat It was zero to 10 above. Along the Union Pacific through Wyoming, the cold was a record for this season oof the year, being 18 de grees below at Cheyenne, 22 at Sher man, 16 at L-ooKout ana i-aramic an. 14 at Rawlins. , There waa snow everywhere from mountains in Nebraska, ranging from one inch to ten and twelve inches in - the western portion of the state. Trains have been running during the entire day, but most of -them from one to three hours late. The snoW has not been the cause of the delay, but the engines were unable to make steam and push along against the strong wind. Railroad men are predicting tnat the storm and cold will cause consid erable stock loss to the farmers and ranchers. Their theory is that win- , ter, coming on so early and so sud denly, owners of live stock have not taken the necessary precaution, and that tn a great number of instances they have been so busy with their crops that they have not provided shelter for the animals. ; Cold Wave Covert Weat Washington, Nov. 13. A cold wave, with temperatures at various places lower than ever before recorded in November, overspreads the region west of the Mississippi river today and will move eastward to the At lantic coast. Sheridan, Wyo., re ported the lowest temperature with 26 degrees below zero; Lander, Wyo., 24 degrees below zero, and Cheyenne, Wyo., Yellowstone National park and Haver, Mont., 20 degrees below zero. The intense cold reaches southward into the interior of Texas. Weather bureau officials today said the cold wave perhaps would diminish tn in tensity as it moved eastward. Captain of Balloon . School is Due Soon Contain Charles DeFranee Chand- Icr, who is to be in charge of the bal loon school which is now to be es tablished at Fort Omaha, is probably at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., now on his way to Omaha to take up hit duties here, Word hat been received that he, left Washington for Omaha, but Col-V onel G. S. Bingham of .the quarter-, master's department in Omaha re-' ceived word that Captain Chandler would go by way of Fort Leaven worth, and the request wat made that Colenel Bingham hold the captain's mail here in Omaha until he arrived. Captain Chandler wat formerly sta tioned at Fort Omaha when tne sig nal corps wat located here. It it estimated that tome 250 of ficers and men will be attached to the cost in Omaha when the balloon school gets into operation. About four months ot training will Be, re quired in the officers' school. En listed men will be kept longer. The men will probably be trained here for border service. ! Boy Bandits Steal To Help Poor Polks Lyle: Newman and Harry Brown, 906 North Fifteenth street, both 14 years old, have been, arrested for breaking into the Capitol drug store. Seventeenth and Capitol avenue; Ray mond Robbins' grocery store at 614 North Sixteenth street, and a motion picture theater near their home. What little they got the youngsters sold and turned over to their parents, who are very poor. Each boy had been working as a messenger, but with winter coming on and numerous small brothers and sister needing shoes, they became burglars. Lyle's father is a telegraph operator, but is not living with his family, and Harry's father is dead. Detectives Unger and Brinkman made the arrest. After the boys had confessed they were taken by the juvenile authorities. Grandmother's Medicine. Our grandmothers were wise tn the virtues of the herbs of the field. They used to gather and store roots and heibs and use them to cure the ail ments of their families wormwood, thoroughwort, sage, rue, camomile the list might go on and on of the healing plants with which they made us familiar. ; Now their gand-daughters get the extracts from just such good old roots and herbs, from the nearest druggist, ready prepared for use. One such medicine, which women find best for their own ailments, is the well-known Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound. Advertisement .-..I''.