Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 14, 1916, Image 1

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Fair; Warmer
People don't like to buy
from ' unknown - merchant,
or unknown goods; adver
tising makes steady cus
tomers, i
VOL. XLV NO. 128.
Commander of Columbian Is
Taken on Board U-Boat as
Prisoner After His Vessel
Is Sent to Bottom.
Three Other Officers Kept in
Narrow Dark Boom on
. ' . Meager Diet.' !
Coruna, Spain, Nov., 13. (Vis
Paris.) Capt. Frederick Curtis, of
the i American steamer Columbian,
who arrived here with the rescued
crew, of this steamship, declared to
a representative of the Associated
Press today that he was a prisoner on
board the German submarine U-49
for six days after the destruction of
his vessel.
All of the 109 members of the Co
lumbian's crew were saved,' Capt.
Curtis stated. . Capt. Curtis said the
Columbian was warnc' before it was
torpedoed and sunk by the U-49. The
crew was left in life boats and the
captain was taken on board the sub
marine. . ' . . . ' '
' Captive for Eight Days.
Capt.! Arthur Patterson, of the
British steamer Seatonia, says that
he also was a prisoner on board the
U-49 for eight days,, during which
time he heard the guns of the sub
marine in action and also heard dis
tinctly the explosion of the torpedo
which he learned later blew up the
Norwegian ship Balto. Soon after
the captain of the Norwegian ship
Fordalen joined him in the narrow
prison on board the submarine, where
they were joined on the following
day by Capt. Curtis. ' -
"My ship, registered at New York,"
said Capt. Curtis to the correspond
ent, "carried a cargo of about 9,000
tons and a crew of 109, all of whom
were saved. I stopped on the com
mand of the submarine, whose com
mander ordered me to abandon ship
with the crew immediately, which we
did. without other baggage than two
satchels with documents and money.
Fires Two Torpedoes.
"Submarine U-49 fired at Once two
torpedoes at the Columbian, which
sank immediately. The crew. was leit
in life boats, while I was taken on
board the submarine, which plunged
immediately after I was taken into
the ' small " quartermaster's cabin,
where Ifound the captains ol the .Sea
tonia and the Balto.Vfter me came
Capt. Yelugsen, of the Fordalen..-
"The cabin was veryi small. It con
tained a little folding table, a folding
chair ' and) three bunks. "Everything
was permeated with the ejdor of ben
zine. There was no communication
with the exterior and the -cabin was
absolutely dark night and day. , ---
"Wewere fed in the .morning with
a few morsels of blsct bread, a cup
v of. cocoa and a small portion of bad
' butter; at noon with a stew bf canned
' meat and soup, and at supper, at 10
o'clock, with coffee or tea and black
bread, with butter or marmalade The
hours Spent in this narrow prison
were very long and disagreeable,"
- The captain of the submarine, Capt.
Curtis said, was about 36 years of
age, while his crew of forty sailors
were all very young. All were attired
in clothing of glossy leather,
California Begins v
The Official Count
.1 : v.--1.'.
Sacramento, Cal., Nov,' 14. The of
ficial canvass of the vote cast last
Tuesdaytin. the presidential election is
being made by the fifty-eight coun
ties of the state. It is expected that
within a week or ten days at the lat
est this will be completed in the
larger centers and the returns in the
hands of the secretary of state here
-for the final state canvass.
While it is impossible to state posi-.
tively when the final returns will be
ready, it is estimated that totals will
be known before the first of Decem
ber. .. ... -' - ,
The Weather
Fdr Xebraiika Fair.
with slowly rising
i ... TcmprftturM
Omaha YeatrdaT.
Hour,, Deij.
a. m 14
m... L 18
1 a. m.. llj
t a.
10 a, m.
11 a. m.
13 m
I p. m...
, 4 p. m...
5 p. m...
p. m...
S J P. B...
p. m.
lorapsratlve JLocal Record.
, fc 4 M- !-. 1914. 1919.
Highest yatenUyv.. H - 54 52 4fl
Loweit yesterday... 11 ? t as ' it
Mean temperature.... 14 v 40 44 3g
Precipitation ..04 1. ' ,00 00
' Tnmperature and precipitation departure
from th normal at Omaha alnce March
1 and compared with the last two years:
Normal temperature.... g
leffrlenfy for the day. .,...,.,,,,,,, ... 24
Total excess since March 1. . .1 ...... 287
Normal precipitation ......,., .04 Inch
Deficiency fur the day... 00 inch
Total rainfall since March J . . . 15.93 Inches
Uonciency since Meroi-l. 11. j hushes
Deficiency for cor, .period. Ilia.. 1,28 Inches
Ueflciency. forvror. period, 1814.. J.48 inches
Reports From Stations At 7 P. H.
y tat Ion and State Temp. Hlfh- Rain-
I, m. , . . , . n
of Wulhsr
7 p. m.
est. fall.
U .00
... .02
-a . .06
23 .06
18 - ' .OS
4 .00
I .01
1 .04
i ;
it .00
JS - .00
32 ,00
' 1 T.
. 14 . .00
1 10 .00
Cheyenne, lear..
Davenport, clear.
Denver, clear....
!ea Moines, clear
.. 10
.. 18
.. IS
1 wire vi ty, clear
T.aader. clear
North Platte, clear..,,,
: Omaha, clear. ,
Pueblo, clear
Rapid City, part cloudy
Salt Lake City, clear..,
Knnta f, clear
. rih.ertdan, snow,...,,,..,
Hlome City, clear.......
Valentine, clear. . ;
Indicate. t(clow -ro.
- U A. WELSH. MotroroloJI.L
Resigns Citizenship
Because Wilson Won
S Helena, Mont,' Nov. 13. Rer.
Francis von Claffenbeck of Tilla
mook, Ore, has sent his natural
ization paperVand letter resigning
his citiienship to the district court
here. The letter in part said that
to "see a man returned to power
after an administration and policy
such as we have seen during the
laat four years is too much lor
me. .....
Saloon Men Will Have to Put
Up Thousand Dollars to Keep
Open Four Months.
Much misinformation is current
about the Status of saloon licenses
after, the expiration of the current
municipal year, January 1 next, and
up to May 1, when the new prohibi
tion amendment becomes effective.
Some liquor dealers are under the im
pression that they can get a four
months' license for a half year's
lirensp f nf $500 whpn the law has
fieen that no license issued in Omaha
for less than the fee of $1,000 for a
whole year, whether the applicant
paying the money has 'the benefit of
the full year's period or notr
All the. liquor dealers had paid the
$1,000 license fee, supposed to author
ize them to operate until) midnight,
when the 8 o'clock closing law was
passed, cutting off a third of their
business hours, but no rebate or al-J
lowance was ever made on the license
money. So now the lawyers agree
that no new license can be granted in
Omaha after Januaiy 1 for less than
$1,000, even though the license can
serve its purpose for only four
months. ;
Section 3869 -of the statutes governs
the issucof licenses to sell liquor in
cities of the metropolitan class and
provides that they shall be granted
for the municipal year, which "in
citm of the metropolitan class, from
January 1 of one year to January 1
of the following year," and that the
amount to be paid for the license
shall be "not less than $1,000 in metro
politan cities. The courts have also
repeatedly held that the full license
fee must be -paid in before a valid
license can be issued, that the license
money belongs to the school fund,
and that there is no way of recovering
any part of it back when the license
lapses or is revoked.
Onlv outside of incornorated cities
of the first and metropolitan classes,
w tlM- unnmium- hcene tee $500. aitd
therefore the $500 exaction will apply
ony to liquor dealers doing business
in Douglas eountyj- beyon the tity
The highest license now being oaid
in the state is at Lincoln, where the
tax is. $2,000 for the year. '
The Omaha tax for running a sa
loon will be $1,000 for the four months
or $250 a month, which is practically
$10 a-day for each day the saloon is
open. ... . .
Gompers arid Wilson
Address the American
Federation of Labor
Baltimore, Md., Nov. 13. Secre
tary of Labor William B. Wilson de
livered the principal address , at the
opening here today' of the thirty-sixth
annual convention of the American
Federation of Labor. He said he was
present for, the purpose of showing
which side he was on.
"The greatest of all the functions
of the Department of Labor," . said
the secretary, "is that of having the
hopes,; aspiration and philosophy of
the - wage workers of our country
come into the councils of the presi
dent of the United States."
Of the 300 disputes between labor
and capital that had come before his
department, Mr. Wilson said 473
had been settled in a manner satis
factory to both sides and before a
strike had been reached.
President Samuel Gomoers. in an
address, declared that in the relations
between the United States and Mex
ico the American Federation, of Labor
had a part in counselling the Mexican
working men so that they might exert
a steadying influence upon this people
and government of Mexico "and that
the exploiters of Wall street should
not drive us into passion and anger
and compel a conflict with our much
This statement evoked long-continued
fTho Lusitania situation was taken
well ,in hand by the officials of our
government," Mr. Gompers added,
"and instead of declaring war with
bluster, the aims and purposes of
that diplomacy haveaccomplishcd all
that a war could secure."
The passage by congress of the sea
men's act and the Clayton anti-trust
law were vindicated by the people of
the United States last Tuesday, Mr.
Gompers declared.
Invocations were offered by Car
dinal Gibbons and Bishop John Gard
ner Murray of the Protestant Epis
copal diosece of Maryland.' The two
prelates greeted each other heartily
when they were, escorted to the platform.-
. -
To Eree Americans
. In Jail at Juarez
' El Paso, , Tex., Nov. 13. Aafter
making an investigation of the cases
of Benjamin Brahan, scout for Gen
eral Pershing iri Mexico, and' Joseph
Williams, an American Mormon, both
of whom are in jail in Juarez, Car
ranza officials announced . tonight
that the Americans would be released
at orice unless additional evidence was
produced against them.
Danger of Nation-Wide Walk
but of Brotherhoods' Mem
bers Eai Not Entirely
Representatives of Carrier
'- Hen Fail to Reach an
i'T y: Agreement.
New" York, Nov. 13. QangeV of a
nation-wide railroad strike which was
believed to have been averaged by pas
sage of the Adamson eight-hour law,
has not entirely disappeared, it de
veloped here today when representa
tives of the, railroads and the four
brotherhoods, compromising 400,000
employes failed to reach an agree
ment as to-the proper application of
the new law. The stumbling block,
both sidjes admitted, was the existing
mileage system of compensation.
The announcement of the latest
deadlock between the railroads and
their employes came at the conclusion
of an all-day conference between the
national conference committee, of the
railways and the brotherhood chiefs,
which had been arranged in Septem
ber. ' ...- -.
Another' May Not Beheld.
"We met," said Elisha Lee, chair
man of the railroad managers and the
conference, "for the purpose of ex
changing ideas on the application and
operation .of the Adamson law. , We
failed to reach an agreement and we
are not .certain that another meeting
will take place." )
William G. Lee, president of the
Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen,
spokesman for the employes in the
absence of A. B. Garretson of the
Order of Railway Conductors, de
clared in a statement that in the event
of evasion by the railroads of , the
Adamson law, summary action would
be taken by the brotherhoods. He said
tnai ine sirixe oraer wnicn was ui
rectly responsible for the law, still
was in effect and the brotherhoods
wouldiiot hesitate to enforce it if the
occasion warranted t. ;
Ask for Conference. .
"The brotherhoods asked for this
Conference." said Mr. Lee. ''At the
morning session we discussed the ap
plication ot the Jaw and found ttiat
there was no basis upon . whicn : wt
could, possibly iftgreei APtner Set
back, besides the elemination of the
mileage system was the determination
of the railroads to continue their suits
to determine the Constitutionality of
the law. ' ' - .
The mileage system of compensa
tion, the basis of which is the num
ber of miles traversed by a train crew
and not the actual hours of work, is
the crux of the new problem that)
railroad authority said may result in
the development of a situation
similar to the one which brought into
being the Adamson law. -
"Frankly," said Chairman Lee of
the conference tommittee in discuss
ing this phase of the situation, "the
trouble ties in the fact that neither
the railroads nor the men know
definitely how the law ap
plied. . " 1 " , . -
We have our own ideas as to .how
the law shall be applied if at all, as
suits to test its validity are now pend
ing; while the brotherhoods have their
own ideas." v . '
Can't Predict Outcome.
Chairman Lee added that he could
not predict the probable outcome-of
the difficulty. He said that negotia
tions migljt be resumed by calling
another conference. This possibility
was strengthened" by the announce
ment of the brotherhood chiefs that
they, with the exception of President
Lee of the trainmen's organization,
proposed to remain here for several
days. President bee left for his home
in Cleveland tonight He said it was
his intention to join his conferees in
Washington Mondav. where thev will
go to attend trie opening session oh
tne wewiands investigating commit
tee. . '
Besides William G. Lee. the broth
erhood chief, at the conference were
Warren Stone of the Brotherhood of
Locomotive Engineers; W. S. Carter,
Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen
and Enginemen; E. L. Sheppard, act
ing president ot tne Urder of Kail
road Conductors in the absence of Mr.
Garretson, who is on an 'extended
vacation. .
Postoff ice Clerks -
Protest Against ,
r : Overtime Work
Mew Vnrk. Nnv 1.t-lTn a I-..- .A
President Wilson, made public today,
Thomas F. Flaherty, secretary and
treasurer nf the National PHratinM
of Postoffice Clerks, entered a protest
against worxing postottice clerks
more than eightSiours a day. The let
ter calls the attentinn rtf th n-,ej4nf
to the fact that a law passed by con
gress proviaca mat Clerks snail not be
required to - work more than eight
hours a day within ten hours and for
workinff in exrecv nf thta ... tn
paid overtime in proportion to their
Father Asks $10,000
For His Son's Death
'Ten thousand dollars amages are
asked by John W. Lund, whose son.
John W. Lund, jr., was struck and
killed by an automobile on the South
Side February 11. 1916. Tames Snitnek
and Charles Hrdlicka, proprietors of
a grocery store, are defendants in the
suit, which was filed with tlieNclerk
of the district court, -
Some Republican
Ambassador Will Try to Ascer
tain How They Were Taken
From Messenger.
Washington, Nov. 13. The German
embassy has reason to believe that a
number of highly important dis
patches at present missing were in
the packet from which Karl Arm-
gaard Graves extracted letters he is
charged with having used in an al
leged attempt to obtain $3,000 from
Countess von Bernstorff, wife of the
German ambassador.
The nature of the dispatches is un
known. The German government has
sent all available information regard
ing the packet's contents and an in
vestigation, it is said, will immediately
be made in Berlin, with a view of as
certaining what, if any. secret papers
are missing, as well as the identity of
the messenger trom whom braves se
cured the ttersi..':fef!'M ? r
i-it-w-made ctearrtoday that Prince
Hatzfeldt) counsellor of the embassy,
through whom Graves attempted to
get tne. $3,000, may testify against
him,-but would prefer hot t'. If his
testimony is deemed essential to the
prosecution of Graves, permission for
him to appear in court will be asked
of Emperor William. ; v
It was learned today that the' packet
from which Graves obtained the let
ters addressed to Country von Berns
torff had been officially sealed by the
German foreign office.' The' letters
which have so far been seen by em
bassy officials are dated early in Sep
tember, . It is presumed that they
were started on their way to the
United States some time between the
10th and 15th of that month. ,
All details of the story told by
Graves last night in New York were
ridiculed today at the German em
bassy. . - . - . . i-
Shortage of Freight
Cars Greater Than'
Has Been for Decade
New York. Nov. 13. The net short
age of freight cartoon American rail
roads on November 1, was the largest'
in nearly ten years, according to a
summary of surpluses and shortages
made public here today by the Ameri
can Railwav association at its semi
annual meeting, Wednesday the as
sociation will prepare plans which
will aim to solve the car shortage
November 1, according to the as
sociation's statistics, there were 108.-
010 fewer cars than required to trans
port snipmenis. ivot Detore sincaJ
I7K.....,r t, ion? .1. - .1 . 1
run higher than 100,000 fars. . On that
day it was 137,847, On the other
hand, the surplusage in April 1908
was as "high as 413,338 and at no,
time during that year were fewer
than 100,000 cars idle.
As recently is June 1. there was
a surplusage of more than 57,500 cars.
out tne situation since has changed
rapidly. Oiy" July 1, the surplusage
was about 52.000. and on August 1.
it was 9,762. One month later there
was a shortage of 19,873, which in
creased by October 1st to 60,697.
The number of freight cart owned
by American railroads increased from
I,W1,5W on July 1, 1907k to 2.447.178
on July 1, 1916, accotding to the as
sociation's statistics. -
French Writer Says
, For Britons
Lnndnn. Nov. 13. The- ExDress
features an article in today's issue
by a French military writer; Captain
Philippe Millet, i calling on ijreat
Britain to take over more of the
western front and relieve the French.
Cantain Mil et savs it is necessary
to speak plainly, that the alliance of
Great Britain and France cannot be
based on a mere exchange of com
pliments and that all frenchmen are
wondering, whether the English fully
realize what is happening in France.
He says the French recognize grate
fully what Great Britain has already
done, but feels that the time has
come for the British army to relieve
the French more efficiently.
Notables Who Will Sit
Letter ot Congratulation From
Republican Candidate to
the Winner.
' V.
Yesterday was statement and
thanks day for Judge A, L. Sutton
and Congressman Lobeck. Judge
Sutton sent his congratulations to
Governor-Elect eKith Neville and
Congressman Lobeck thanked -'the
voters for their supports
Judge Sutton's' message to Keijh
Neville was as follows:
"Omaha, Nev. 13. Keith Neville,
Governor-Elect, North Platte, Ne6.
My Dear Governor-Elect:- The -defeated
republican candidate for gov
ernor salutes you as the victorious
governor-elect of this stitt. ' I con
gratulate you on having' the oppor
tunity to act as chief executive to this
great state. ' I hope your administra
tion will be a, and that
you. can- see your- way clear to make
Nebraska 4rr, 4tf .fact. weH-as in
tneory.- very truly yours,
. .( "A. L. SUTTON.",.;
iM Statement to Voters, y,
At the same time the ' following
statement was issued; i
"To the Nebraska Voter:. The lateJ
election returns indicate my defeat
for governor of Nebraska, and 1 wish
the democratic governor-elect a suc
cessful administration. The people of
Nebraska are fair-minded and gener
ous, and believe, regardless of party
affiliations; a governor, like the presi
dent, is entitled to the confidence and
support of the people unW such time
as he has failed to carry out the will
of the people expressed at the polls.
I credit my defeat to the Wilson
landslide in Nebraska- and to the
falsehoods spread broadcast about
my connection with' what is termed
the 'underworld machine' in Omaha.
In this connection it might be inter
esting to the voters to know that in
the notorious Third ward, known as
the "Tom Dennison ward," I re
ceived, by- the .unofficial count, 396
votes, and the democratic candidate
received 1,087 votes.
"Irrespective 'of the unfair cam
paign made against me bv the brew
ery and lioJor forces ot the state,
I bow to (tie will of the people, as
expressed t the polls, and would
like to have all of my friends in Ne
braska join with me in assisting the
democratic governor-elect in enforc
ing the law in this state and making
Nebraska, after May 1, 1917, dry in
fact at well as in theory. a Yours
very truly,
- : "A. L. SUTTON."
' ' !' v Lobeck's ' Thanks.
'Congressman Lobeck .issued the
following statement:
;fTo the People of the Second Con
gressional District 'of Nebraska; It
is with a sincere and deep sense of
gratitude that 1 express my thanks
and appreciation . for the sd endid
vote given me on last Tuesday. Per
sonal friends and supporters unlim
ited by party affiliation united in ap
proving my re-election to congress,
and to all I owe a debt of gratitude.
I shall continue in the future at in
the past to be your servant and rep
resent you and the sentiments of this
district in the house of representa
tives, and whenever I can-be of serv
ice at any time I am yours to com
mand. . Gratefully and sincerely, I
have the honor to be,
"Yours very truly,
i- - -.''C O. LOBECK.'.'
it is Time
to Begin Fighting
The writer cites utterances of
French deputies to support his claim
and remarks that the British are
holding only 150 kilometers of the
front compared to the French 5W
kilometers. He adds :
"There is not one village in France
where the people do not expect our
friends to enable us after twenty
seven months' hard struggle, to have
some rest during the third winter
and prepare for an advance next year
without having to exhaust ourselves.
Thit it what our people feel. They
have put their trust in Great Britain
and thev all exnect the relief of a
good bit of the French line to be made I
toon." - ...
in Next Congress
Large Number of Prisoners
Taken on Northern Somme t
. Front, Says London.
London, Nov,'' 1'3-The British
troops in their, flew1 offensive rtorth
of the Ancrc river have advanced to a
maximum depth of One mile, captur
ing from the' Germans the towft of
Beaumont-Hamel and Saint Pierre
Divion, according to the correspond
ent of Reuter's Telegram company at
ti -. l i i
oriiisn ncauquaricra.
London, i- Nov. 13. The British
opened an attack thit morning on
both sides of the Ancre river, on the
northern part of the Somme front.
The war office reports the capture
of 'a considerable number of, pris
oners. (
r-The statement readt: . -m.
i" 'Thit morning we-attacked on both
tides-of the ftricrt, capturing a con
siderable number of prisoners. ' T
"Hottile artillery activity continued
during the night on our positions in
the neighborhood of Let Boeufa and
Guedecourt. Gat was successfully
discharged bv ua' affAinat . nmv
Wrenches opposite Rana. the ene-
m iiiwtt nciB ciucicu uy ua
southeast -of Armentieret."
Paris, Nov. 13. There wat only
the usual cannonading during the
night along the front in France, taya
today announcement by the war of
fice: Sunday's Ruth Repulted. '
Berlin, Nov. 13. (By Wirelett to
Sayville.) Attempts of entente
troopt to advance between the Ancre
and the Somme yesterday ' were
broken up by German -artillery fire,
the war office announced today. In
upper Alsace the . French took the
offensive, but their efforts to advance
failed completely. In the town of
Sailly-Saillisel. ' according to the
statement, the German forces continue
to hold the eatt edge of the town.
The ttatement readt:
Between the Ancre river and the
Somme river there wat intermittent
strong artillery fighting.
. "In Sailly-Saillisel we hold the east
edge of th town. On4oth tides of
the village the French attacked in the
afternoon, but were repulsed.
A f rench advance north of Doller,
in upper Alsace, failed." -. -i
Decree to Dissolve
' Corn Products Co.
Filed in New York
, New ! York, Nov. 13. A final de
cree that the Corn Products Refin
ing company and allied concerns, to
gether with a number of individual
defendants, had engaged in a Com
bination in restraint of trade in vio
lation of the Sherman law was filed
in the federal court here by Judge
Hand today in the government disso
lution suit.
The decree provided that within
120 days a plan for the dissolution of
the combination shall be filed by the
defendants with . the federal trade
commission. The decree takes into
account possible appeal to the United
States supreme court and provides
in that case, and if the Idwer court
it sustained, the plan must be filed
within 120 days after the supreme
court mandate. ' i ,
1 lie document also stated that in
case of failure of the defendants to
comply, the district court would take
further steps by receivership or other
wise to dissolve the combination. Ar
gument on a proposal plan has re
cently been heard. (
New Pastor Scores
One-Sided Religion
Robert F. ' Leavens, the' new Uni
tarian minister, preached to a large
congregation Sunday. Hit subject
was, "Religion and Life." He said
in part: --"
Religion it at large at life, and it
attractive or repellant as we make it.
It is the guiding tight, the motive
power of humanity and will grow, re
taining the good ot the past in what is
to be."
German-Bulgarian Force is
Compelled to Setire After
Battle Lasting for
v Two Days.
Von Maokensen Continues His
Retreat with Third of Army
Gone, Says London.
Pant, Nov. 13. The Serbians have
won a brilliant victory over the Ger
mans and Bulgarian! in the Cerna
district, aoutheast of Monastir, the
war office announced today. The Ser
bians, supported by French artillery,
forced the Teutonic allies to retire a
distance of nearly two miles and cap
tured about 1,000 prisoners.
The retreat of the German-Bulgarian
force wat compelled after a bat
tle lasting two days.
The prisoners raite-the total cap
tures since September 12, tayt the
statement, to 6.000 men, together with
teventy-two cannon and fifty-three
machine gum taken during tint pe-
riod. . 1 x.' ,
Serbt Crota Cerna River.
London, Nov. 13. The Serbian! .
ire continuing their pursuit of the de
feated Bulgarians in the Cerna Bend
and have captured the village of Iven,
according to a Reuter's dispatch from
Saloniki. Iven it five miles north
of Polog, reported captured yetter
day, and it about ten miles within
the Serbian border. Itt capture, if
confirmed, also means that the Ser
bians have effected a new crossing of
the Cerna river. J y
Sofia Admitt Reverse.
Sofia, Nov. 12. (Via London, Nov.
13.) An advance for the Serbians in
the Cerna Bend is admitted in the of
ficial statement issued by the war of
fice today. The statement follows:
"West of the Monastir-Florina
railway there was lively artillery ac
tion. Eastward and in the Cerna
Bend there was a desperate battle
throughout yesterday and part of last
night. All enemy attacks-were brok
en, but the enemy succeeded in hold
ing the heighti and making salient
before our poaitiont northeatt of
Polog. -
- "In the Moglenica valley there wat
weak artillery fire. West of the Var
dar vigorout.cannonading took, place.
It wat quiet on the front except in
the Dobrudja, where fighting occur
red at our advanced positions with
out, important, J,tlta,' ,M,- '
.. .-- Ruttiant Crota Danube. -r
Londonf Nov. 13. The Ruttiant
have crossed the Daunbe into Dob
rudja at two points touth of Tcherna
voda and the Russian fleet hat re
newed the bombardment of Constan
ta, according to ' Petrograd advices
received today by wireless by way
of Rome. :
Field Marshal von Mackensen is
Stockmen Call
For Inquiry Into
Market Conditions
Denver, Colo., Nov. 13. Investiga
tion of the live stock industry "front
the California to the Platte" la recom
mended in a call tent out today by the
American National Live Stock associ
ation'! market committee, which en
dorses the hearing to be conducted by
the national conference on marketing
and farm credits in Chicago December
4-9. .. ..
, "Unsatisfactory' conditions at th
leading live stock markets and tyt
tem of distribution involving much
waste are causing - dittatitfaction
among producers and eontumert
alike," said Edward L. Burke of Oma
ha, vice chairman of the market com
mittee, in commenting on the reason
for. sending out the call.
The committee will ask leaders of
the live stock business all over the
country, to furnish data on conditions
in the trade and an effort will be made
to have the National Farm Credits
meeting endorse a nation-wide inves
tigation. . ' -.....
Votes of Soldiers
'( Cut Hughes' Lead in
North Star State ;
.St. Paul,' Minn, Nov. 13. Two
more county soldiers' votes weree
ported today, . cutting the Hughes
lead in Minnesota to 229. Troops from
Brown county voted 27 to 16 in Wil
son't favor and Martin's soldiers 21
for Wilson and 11 for Hughes, a net
gain of twenty-one for Wilson. The
total now stands: wilson, 178,617;
Hughes, 178,846. , - '
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