8 A THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: NOVEMBER 12, 1916, FRENCH SCIENTIST ON RACE SUICIDE Prof. Pinard Urges School Girl Be Taught Laws of Eight Motherhood. KILL BLIND EEPBODUCTION (Correspondence of The Associated Press.) Paris, Oct. 24. "French families could be as large as those of any country, not excepting Germany, ' said Prof. A. Pinard of the French Academy of Medicine in an interview with the Associated Press. Prof. Pinard, who has devoted the last two years to the care of "war babies," is one of France's most emi nent physician and perhaps the best authority on the phsiology of re population. He declares that the trouble with the birth rate of France is a voluntary resistance, with econ omic reasons at the bottom of it. The state must get at those reasons, lie says, and overcome them by ap propriate legislation, while the in dividual must learn more concerning what makes a numerous and phys ically superior populaton. Eugenics he regards as certain to have an enormous influence on the future of the human race, while a theory of his own that he has named Eugen neticjue, will facilitate the practical application of eugenics. He is now appealing to parliament to enforce the applcation of his doctrine by ob ligatory education of the future mother while she is still a school girl Puericultute, as he calls it or moral and physical education combined he wants taught as currently as reading, writing and arithmetic. : Mother Against Mare. "Blind reproduction must disap pear," was the professor's comment on eugenics. "In our country the fu ture mother is not from any point of view placed on an equal footing with a thoroughbred brood mare. "We have laws for the protection of both animals and children after birth the child alone lacks protec tion before birth, and the result is such as shown by the statistics of the Baudelocque clinic; out of 10,000 chil dren that left the clinic alive, 5,397 were prematurely born. "Legislators look upon my propo sition as revolutionary even im moral. I am not afraid of their ap preciation, for I am Frenchman first, then a 'puericulteur.' To render the fatherland more powerful, to pre serve and improve the human species and tighten family ties, are ambitions that are moral enough for me even if they are revolutionary, , War Babies Best. "Nevelr before were there born in Paris such, strong and handsome babies as during this war," Prof. Pinard declared. "They are a strik ing example of what may be accom plished by better care of mothers and their offspring the result of a spontaneous effort from every direc tion to do something for France, for the defenders of France, and for the wives and children of the soldiers left at home without protection. At the bureau of vital statistics, upon the declaration of the birth of a child, every mother was sought out and, if she needed assitancc, she got it, while mothers were prevailed upon more than ever to nurse their own children; in consequence, the 'war generation' will be a rugged one. , ' "Large families are not found among the thoughtful and prudent,'.' Prof. Pinard points out, as proof that restriction of births is the result of reflection. "They are only among those whose circumstances permit them to neglect prudence, or amonf. those who do not think, who live from day to day. from hand to mouth, and never worry about the future. Prudence embracing economy a native quality in the French char acter, carried to excess, is, if not the only cause, the most potent influence in the restriction of births, "France of late years has been oc cupied in saving and spending; new social laws have continually increased public expenditures and added to the family man's taxes, until just before the war the budget amounted to 125 francs ($25) a head for every inhab itant. . , Cost of Children. ' " 'The man with a large family is more heavily taxed under our system than the childless couple or the bachelor, many of whom escape taxa tion altogether. The cost of raising a family went up continually, while the heads of families did not derive from these social laws the profit that was promised to offset the disad vantages. "The possibility of remedying the situation by legislation has already been proven," said Dr. Pinard, who urges the adoption of the law pro posed by Monsieur Benazet, deputy of the Indre. . "The law of 1813 that dispensed young married men from military service resulted in an in crease of 12 per cent in births in two years. " -" , "The 'regretted General Gallieni, who realized the danger and was a man of action, succeeded by mere ad ministrative measures in obtaining a like result in Madagascar wheri he was governor-general of that colony. In 1900 there were 38 births per 1,000 inhabitants there; they rose to 45 in m, to 47 in 1902 and to 51 in 1903. Parliamentary action on such ques tions is slow; it required some mo mentous event, such as the present war, to stir every mind to the neces sity of action. , Family System Right. "The bringing up of children in public institutions is a failure," Prof, Pinard declares. "France will re people itself only through the family. That systems which separate the mother from her offspring are de fective, is proven by the report of JJr. Drouincau on 200,000 children confided to the 'Assiastance Publipue,' of whom only a third were brought to manhood. "Instead of substituting itself for the mother, charity or common jus tice must enable the mother to raise ber own child properly." - Irish Health Fails to Please American Officials (Correspondence of ttu Asaoelaisa Frees.) Dublin, Oct. 5. The Irish Times reports the arrival of regular weekly batches of men and women stated to be compulsorily returned from the United States in consequence of the strict requirements of the American immigration law. Some of the home comers, it is said, will try again when their health gives -better prospect of satisfying the American medical offi-era. THE COUNTESS OF KINGSTON, hero in this country to .id disabled Irish soldiers and sailors. The Earl of Kingston, a captain in the" Irish Guard, had his legs shattered, but after a period at a base hospital in England returned to the front, where he now is. BRITAIN PLANS FOR POST-WAR TRADE London Financiers Prepare an Elastic Currency System to ' Compete With America. TO WORK WITH MERCHANT 4' . " ' V" ' ' - 'if t SI I l mk 7 1 1 a iy - A i f At Ak." TMEJ.COUNTESS . OF. KItt a S "TON. i 1 W 4 1 French Soldiers Get Tons of Mail (Corrpondiio of Th AuoclateS Prn.)' Paris, Oct 10. The French sol diers' correspondence now amounts to nearly 4,500,000 pieces per day. They receive an average of 4,000,000 ordinary letters, 300,000 registered letters, 10,000 postal and telegraphic money orders, and 50,000 newspapers. It keeps busy a staff of more than 2,000 special employes at the central clerks sufficed during the first three months of the war, for an average of 600,000 letters and 40 000 pacakages. i The present staff handles 220 tons of matter per day, and it requires forty-four cars of the French standard size to distribute it among the prin cipal headquarters behind the front. The soldiers' mail now equals the ordinary peace time postal traffic for the entire country and the letters alone are triple the ordinary distribu tions in the city of Paris. Persistence Is the Cardinal Virtue in Advertising. (Corr-Mpondenec of tho Associated Press) London, Oct. 10. The most definite attempt to deal with the financial side of the trade problems that will-arise after the war is proposed by the de partmental committee, , which sug gests the establishment of a British trade bank, under royal charter, with a capital of 10.000,000 sterling and a first issue of from 2,500,000 to 5,000,000, a further issue being made afterwards, if possible, at a premium. The bank would not accepti deposits t call or notice, and only open cur rent accounts for parties who pro posed to make use of the overseas facilities which it would afford. The bank would enter into bank ing agency arrangements with exist ing colonial or British foreign banks, and would have power to set up branches or agencies where no British-foreign bank of importance exists. Where desirable the bank would co operate with the merchant and manu facturer and possibly accept risks upon joint account, and would he come a center for syndicate operations, availing itself of the special knowl edge which it would possess through its information bureau. . British Equipped. In leading up to its conclusions (lie committee says that from careful study of the evidence taken and knowledge of banking arrangements and facilities, there exist to a con siderable extent afc, the present time in this country the machinery and fa cilities for the financing both of home trade and of large overseas contracts and for carrying through much of the business which has been done by for eign banks. "The British banks afford, we be lieve, liberal accommodations to the home producer," the eport proceeds. "Similarly the colonial banks and British foreign banks and banking houses render immense assistance to British trade abroad and certainly in the far east and in many' parts of South Africa banking facilities do not fall short of those of any other na tion. We find also that in the case of large contract operations British contractors, with the assistance of financial houses, have in the past been ready to provide large amounts of capital and to take considerable risks in connection with the oper ations which they have undertaken. Lack of Harmony. "Our arrangements r faulty in our not co-ordinating ..u. , of the facilities mentioned. We recognize also that the British manufacturers may be frequently in Want of finance of a kind which a British joint-stock bank with liabilities as above de scribed could not prudently provide, Goodrich BlackSafetyT read Tires Help the Grip of the Brake Goodrich Fair-List Prices Sum WjKlH til. IhfcgTr 30x3 $10.40 34x4 22.40 30x3H 13.40 34x4tt 30.05 32x3tt 15.45 36x414 31.60 33x4 I 22.00 1 1 37x5 I 37.35 WHEN you slam on the brakes in the tight pinch of sudden danger, it puts confi dence in your heart and firm ness in your hand to know that you have Goodrich Black Safety Tread Tires under you. i . i Note the common sense of the non-skid pattern of the Good rich Black Safety Tread. Its five parallel fingers and cross-tie throw a right-angled bar against any skid forward or side. ' That is why, rain or shine, it helps put fair weather under your car. Moreover, that simple, effect ive design takes the wear off the body of the tire, and gives it longer life. Small wonder that when one considers Goodrich Black Safety Tread Tires are sold on a one-price basis, the same prices to everyone the Fair List Prices knowing motor car owners regard them as the ideal fabric tires. Tfie B.F. Goodrich Qxsmkron,Ohio. Best m the Long Run LOCAL ADDRESS, 2034 FARNAM ST. Phono Douglas 3308. Omaha Tire Repair Go. ' HENRY NYGAARD, Proprietor 2201 Farnam Street Tyler 1552 whereas the German banks in par ticular seem to have been able to af ford special assistance at the inception of undertakings of the most varied description and to have laid them selves out for stimulating their pro motio i and for carrying them to a successful completion. "The trade bank would in many ways be benficial to the development of British industry and manufactures, ft might in certain cases, after care ful examination, agree to make ad vances for the extension of existing manufacturing plants or perhaps for the amalgamation or co-ordination of certain works, so as to reduce the cost of production. It would assist these works to obtain orders abroad and give them reasonable facilities for executing these orders. Socialistic Idea. 'If financial assistance is erven bv the government to undertakings in connection with what are known as 'key' industries, the business should. it possible, be done through the me dium of the institution, and it should be appointed an agent for carrying through the foreign commercial and financial transactions in which the government is interested." , 'Among many other suggestions is one for an up-to-date information bu reau which will be independent of the commercial intelligence depart ment of the Board of Trade, but in close touch with it. This bureau should organize and keep up to date the status of firms abroad. It should secure the earliest information from abroad of new business openings, large contracts offering state and other loans and issue proposals. The scheme has been fairly well received in commercial and banking circles. Cattle Show in Argentine Marked by Good Prices (Correspondence of Th Associated Press.) Riipnns Air, amntin. n. A The Argentine Rural society celebrat ed its fiftieth anniversary with the re cent annual cattle show at Palermo, which was favored by 6ne weather and good prices. For the first time American citizens acted as judges of the blooded stock shown. The Short horn bull, Camp Hero, bred in this country by Senor Pedro T, Pages, was given the championship, but the animal was not placed on sale, the owner choosing to retain it for stud purposes. The reserve champion Durham was disposed of for $50,000 paper and an other animal of the same category Drought $55,000. More sensational sales have been witnessed, but consid ering present conditions the recent show gave decisive proof of the repub lic's financial ability and confidence in the future of the grazing industry. A Good Cough Bomedr. Dr. Bell's Pins-Tar-Honey will esse your cough, soothe the raw spots and prevent serious hint aliments, ito. Atl drugftits Advertisement. Satisfactory Furniture iui i uui liumc This Is Our Interest in You We continue this interest from the time you enter our store until after the goods you purchase of us have been installed in your house and are proven to be all that our Guarantee of Future Satisfaction denotes. Our entire store is filled with the most com plete assortment of high quality lower priced home furnishings in every department, and you will enjoy selecting your desired pieces from such a showing, with the assurance that every article you select will be placed in your house in the best possible condition. You can readily see that a handsome, modern store building large enough to display our enormous stock would mean many times the amount of Rent we now pay. Our carefully Perfected Organization of the working forces employecltmeans Lower Expense, and our enormous pur chasing power materially reduces the cost of merchandise. Thus we are able to save you many dollars in your pur chases at the Central. As usual, you make your own terms. Beautifully Designed Period Dining Suite, as shown incut, $167.00 Three rooms completely furnished with dependable home furnishings, Sarlor, bed room and combined ining room and kitchen- QA ette, only P7l Four rooms completely furnished with stylish, lasting furniture for parlor, dining room, bed room and kitchen for ifje ..: VlOO Overstuffed Tapestry Rockers, in several different patterns of wool tapestry, Q y j" like cut, at. . . J 1 He O only. . Visit our Rug Department and see the hundreds of styles and de signs in floor covering for any de sired room in your home and note that our prices are extremely low, indicating our interest in your purchases by early buying of enormous quantities! Turned Poster Bed of Solid Wal nut. A neat design of the best workmanship, like cut $12.75 Quartered Oak, heavy mission style Library Table; a thoroughly well finished piece 1 O JV of work, like cut . . . J 1 - e D Quartered oak, handsomely up holstered Davenport, with heavy frame work and fine spring mech anism; makes as good a bed as it does an ornament. ttOiC 7 C Like cut eJCD.I O Massive Quartered Oak Dresser, plate mirror, like cut with beveled French d 1 7 EA ;P1 I eeJVT This is only one of many conven ient styles of Kitchen Cabinets we are showing in kitchen lurniture. Cabinet like cut, for You can rely on a mattress we sell you as being just as represented. Cotton Top Mattress, 2 Cotton Top and Bot tom Mattress, at Combination Mattress, at Felted Cotton Mat tress, at $3.50 $5.00 $6.75 COMFORT HOT BLAST HEATERS Most economical soft coal stove made. A fuel saver and enormous heat giving capacity have given this heater an enviable reputation. . in several sites, at irom $16.50 ta $32.50 Ya are invited to cone to our store and let us now yea oar enormous stoek wen though yon are net ready te bay. QIJ P made to your order. Curtain Stretchers, like cut. 75c All Enameled Savory 7? Roaster, turkey size, only, IOC YOU MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS on any pur chase you make at the CENTRAL