THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: NOVEMBER 12, 1916. - 6 D GRAIN ANDPRODDCE Uncertain Futures Make Cash Wheat Market Quiet and "' Lower Prices Prevail. COjRN RECEIPTS ARE LIGHT 4 -. Omaha, November 11, 111. ' The caee, wawat market u rathar quiet today aa account of th uncertain condi tion f T h fviura market and wmeat prloee genc-rally ruled from ataady ta lo lower. The daifiand for hard artntar wheat waa not vary active, bat thara waa a pretty food rail far durum wheat and buyere ware pay ing ' -maud ll.ioei.ll (or (add milling wheat ; The No. J hard wheat aold (enarally at ll.4441.41 and the No. 1 hard ranged In prtra from tl.M01.ia. with the bulk ef the . eamptea going at 11.11. The demand for th. lower gredee f wheat waa vera alow, tha No. 4 grade aelllng at arid tha aample grade aelllng from II I1.T7. - - Tha neaepts at earn ware very light and 1hre ww a moderately active caah demand for lhi.aral at slightly higher prlcea. Thaarade In corn during the early trading hour waa alow, but tha aellera let go at tha rloao'iand moot of tha eemplea were aold, . taa commercial gradee af white and yellow .-ore -bringing 14c and the mixed eors af the'eame grade aelltng at 13c. The oata market waa moderately active ' and there waa a fair eaab demand for thla oaraal at practically tmahangad prlcea. Tha trade In rye waa vary good, while the barley market waa comparatively quiet. Rye waa queted from ataady to lie higher and kartev nilad unchanaed. Liverpool olsee: Wheat ateady: earn, Id 4a lUd hiaher. Primary wheat reretpte were 1.481,404 buahala, and ablpmante .04 buahela againat raeelpta of . 446. 404 buahala. and aklfunaata af l.lll.lai buahala laat year. Primary cam raeelpta were 441,000 buahala. and ehlpraenta I1T.400 buahala againat raeelpta of 014,000 buahele, and ahlareanta of 140.000 buahala laat year. - Primary oata raeelpta were 04T.000 buehetv and ahlpmenta 041,000 buahela a as met raeelpta of 1,141,000 buahela, ana ehlpmeittg of 1,111,000 buahela laat year, - CARLOT RECEIPTS. -'" Wheat. Carn. fhfAgo io . no Minneapolis ......,.... .070 ..... Xulwth ,..!. 00 , ... Omatia ', , 00 10 Xansa City , 117 11 Si. Louie 10 , II Winnipeg 101 Theaa Balaa were MDerted today) Oata. . I4 11 Wheat No. i hard winter: 1 car, 11.1714; teara, 411T; 1 1-1 care, 41.44; faar, tl.UU. 74o l hard winter: I oar. i ll.lU';" cart, 11.11; t car, 1114. Ha. 4 hard winter: 1 car, II 14; I ear, 11.11. PeinBle hard winter: 1 earn. -11.77: 1.71. No I .prlng: 1 car, fill; 1 car (light). ..' Na. I durum: 1 oar. 11.11; 1 car. nil No. 4 durum:- 1 car, list, Na. mlitd: l-l ear, 11.11; J care, 11.44. Ka l.wtlaad: 1 car. 11.14 RyeHe. : l-l car, I1.41H. ' rare. 11.41 14; I car, Ms. 4: l-l au II 40 Barlay .fa. I: 1 car, 11.14. Ne. 4: l-l air. II. eg. Corn Na. I white: 1 ear, !4o; 1 car (dam aaadl. lie No. 1 yellow: 1 oar. 04140. Ne. I yellow: 1 car (old), 01c: I can. 0o; 1 car, ' Na. 4 yellow: I l-l' care, flc. - No. I mlied! 1 car (eld), 11 Ho; 1 I I ears, tlo. Oafe-ilawiiaMI: 1 oar, II He. - Na. I whiter I care. 14c. Na. 4 whiter 4 oara, IHc. : Sample white: 1 otrvMc; l-l car, I1U.V - -- it Omaha, Caah Prima Wheat: No. I hard. II lltagtl.lfta: No. I hard. No. 4 hard. No. 1 earing. 11.11 1.14; No. I aprlng. Il.tldll.17; No. I durum.; Wo. t aamtn, uarn: No. s white. 0IUl4e: Ne. I white. 4 4; !o. I white, lll: No. 4 white, llttCllo; No. I white. Illl(i: Na. I veliaw. Ilemue: No. I yellow, OIUOllo Na. 4 yellow, salc: No. I yellow, lid) He: NO, 0 yellow, iss4o; jto, a imxeo livailc: No. 1 mlsed. tiuejtc; No. 4 mined, UOtl-.: Na. I mind,' 11 a lie; No. g miied. llliaime. Oata: Na. d white. lluailUc: atandard. Ilwl4c: Na. l white, iivailo: No. I white.' Itaimc Barley: Melting, ll.411.17: No, I feed, 10c ail. 00. Rye: na I,, ii.aivi.eiiti nw. e, 11. 44111,4114. .,"-.14., '.-, i ,. t; Omaha rvtaree. y ' "trading In tha local pit waa vary lively today and the heavy einort demand and unf.vArehla South American crop renorta ware hulllah factora In tha market. The market, lor tha moat part, waa vary atrang. but mere waa tha uauat latuTday . proflt laklng about the elaaa. Tha reported export bualnua yeeterday waa vary heavy, thlt rauntry aelllng aver 4 minion buahela af wteet, 100,000 buahela of cora and hileliola af oata. Tha acuta altuatlon In ' Argentina baa raueed tha foreign buyera to look to thla country for their wheat and corn aupply. and unteaa thara la a radical change In con dltlena In tha Argentina dlatrlcta tha ei portora will have to take aur wheat at our own prlcea. Corn and oata apanad ataady and a good apart Inquiry waa big hold to tha long elda of theoa marketa. Corn opeped ateady and gained about mo before tha cloaa, wrutd oata opened unchanged and cloaed lie higher on December and about higher oa tha ICay article. rncat range of prlcea: Art.. Open. High, 1 Lo Cloae. jTea'y I tH 111 1 IIS 111 1 111 111 I 1114 i II 10 14. M - Ill4 1114 Wat. Oca. I I UK Hay 1 1114 -July III 1 II linn 1 iiiilinti 1 41 41I4 Carn. lac Map 1 I 1114 Oata. 1 f " ay I llttl Wee, May llkl 14 1114 1IH T:hlrago cloalng prlcaa. furnlahed The Bee liy Imogen a Bryan, atoca ana grain aroaora. Ill South (tlxteenth atreet, umana Art, Open. High. Low. I cloaa. To7y I II 11714 1 IM4 1 1414 lllVi I 11 11114 I II 14114 1 114 li'H II 1114 ll1444 UI4 : 01 01 14 14 1 14 11 4 17 11 It 11 .,11 II 10 40 H It II It II If II II 00 II II It II It to . II 00 It 11 It It It II It 10 II II II II II II II 10 II 1t 14 17 14 Tl II 10 14 II II tO II 1714 14 00 Wht. Dee. May: . July; 4rn. Tac ... Jul.. Oata, -viae.' Way Perk.! -Jan. . May I ll 1 1114 1 IIH i II 4 ; ii ' 1114 out a1 It II It II,.4 M II 1J4WC, nib. Jan, :JS. VI IIH I 14 1114 11 it CHICAGO UBA1N AWP rBOVIMOH. , tlcMra. Npv. 11. Bt iport nita In th. llBiiWdl BUs.t4MI tna 1HYI TTOtJ, asunxT-. in MttttaaV iin BtTMIBtk l th WhMt Bisr ktt loter. Th lo4M. I though nmia witdft He to IH4 nt hithor, with looni w. ii.ui4 o.nd M.y at ll.MUOl.lSU. rtirn dklnod lae. ul oU In prrtvloioM th ontcomo rangrd from Ifto arcUnf to rim ot c. ratlt tk fact u Mrr woll wubllshod mW ilbural oidotI bvotnoH tn th Unltod lit ton had follnwosj tha rocolpta of bulltoh rrop advtcoa from Argontlna, tho upturns d thi) ntavrlfot horo woro not of lutlnv chMctr 4tptto oottraotofj tht th ArcantlM oxporloMo ourplno had hott ro. durod is SI.QOft.AA buihtll. StroM tu HlBcod en th ctreumsUne (hat prtmory .inrnMtlts artivati wr I.19A.A04 buthl li then. duoT-nf th corrMpondtnt wk Uat year. - HfmM with Mkboard eonnUoni wor c.Vo parch r to3r of fvtur dltvti Hnr yrh Ob th othr khd wknd pro " fu'-takiitdf tT mlw:Uanou holdon operated at tlmoa at a decided of font, - lrn mounted to th hlvhoat pritm thl nhrnn - Koufh wathr, export burlnc and ."bullish crop oondlttona wr larsLv resDotufblt. In eat th prlnrlpal L farftwr waa th atrn-th of corn. . Thar wd aio a rood export domand. f Njlion avraied towor ln(luncd by t rfwdlcUona of lncraad arrival of hog it wMh. Bcald. ahlpmenta of lard and mftrtiowd a notahi failing OIF aa com- " prr! with a yoar ago. 1sr.t No. l rod. ii.ilttl.S1: No. , , rd, ll.UH.8r Na. S hard. .11.191,. No. S hsvrd. J.S01.IS. Cero-No. d yellow, nominal. No. 4 yal low. nf. tic: No. 4 whlto. nominal. Oat No. I whIW, t.lto, atandard. It Bye Nomlnat. ' Barlr lct..l. sf -, ' Timothy. f..2set..S. : ilovrtll.90lt.00. - I'rovlalon pork. 9Zt.U; Urd, 1T.H mm Ii4.a70i6.a-. "? Httr Htghr; eraamatry. SStfSlUa, Kgfi ftc)pta, t,n caaea; market aa- taiootaRoMlpta, 49 oara, markt W ' ' :tigd. Feuitrif AH. ininhangad. ....... Hn-Mrn dty Caaiarnl Kanaa City. Nov. 11. Wheat No. t hard, li 1,01, 8; No. i na. II ISOLIO; XMni iwr. ill: Mar. 11.11. ; Cvro No. mtzad. HQ tic; N. . SPEAKS AT THE Y. M. C. A. THIS AFTERNOON Ji.JOKGBWSCr Arthur Joreenstn. sisistant lecre tary of the Omaha Young Men'l Chrittian association aeveral years ago, later itutlerit aecretary 4t the Univeriity of Wisconsin and now student secretary at the University of Tokio, with 10,000 students, will speak at the Y Sunday at 4 p, m 4c; Na. I white, tic: Ne, I yellow, II c: December, llllo: May, 1414c. Oata c lower; No. 1 white, tcailc; No, i mixed, iiaiic- - NEW VOKK GKNBBAL MARKET. UMtattan af Iay e Tarlatta Iaeadlng CominodltifHi. New TtirV. NoV? 11. riour Unsteady. Wheat Spot, barely ateady: No. 1 durum, at 9at Nn i liivrd. 11.04 41 : No. 1 northern, Duloth, lk!.ll; No. 1 northern, Manitoba, $1.14. f. a. b. Now York. Corn Spot, firm; No. 1 yellow, 91.11 4 1. f. New York. Oale-r-Ht ; atandard, 11014.0. Hay FtrmT Hope Htnedy; aUt. 1010, 4llte. Hlde Firm. , v, ProVlVl03OPork. unsettleil. Beef, uneet tied; family, ia.oot4.vo, lard, ay, mtd dlf w. I1T.I491T.04. Butter Ktaady. " rerelpla. 7 4.138 tuba: creamery, htghri than extrta at Mt)MSi eramry extra. 11 ej ftrsta, I0927ci see Anita. MUtilUe. . Euro Firm; relpta, ,1 oaaea; fresh get he red extra fine, .44c; extra firsts. 404410, arsia, llo; eeewnae, ow-nc, nearby. Mnnary.wbltea, Una to fancy, 024) lloj nearby hennery Drown, v.c. Cksa mrong; rrlpt. . 1.1. box atata, freak special, l044HHi tat. aver a, fenrv. l.Uft.lVO, Poultry Alive, Arm; eMnkena, IOOIOp; fowls, lIHtlikc; lurneyi, xuviso frMd.,dull and wak; chickens, II Sic; fowl., lQHtto. turkys, ll3Uc, ; 's OMABA OKNRHAL IfAnTKET. tttier No, S ramary. ' la part&ns or tub. ITe; No. I. lie. Cho uaUtlon by tTrlko Co.! '' - ' Chas Imported Swiss, Oder domestlu wlaa, I0e; block Swiss, Ho; twin cbeeae, I 14o ; trlpiats, 14o: dalales, 14c; young America 14c; Blue Label brick, 20a; Um bo rger, 301 Nw ton. wane. tci Koqu-i fort, 4o. , Oyatora-s-'lClng Cola" Chapak Stand ards, gallon, 11.4l;(larg cans, lito; small eant, lie, - "King 'coi uneaapa,K ne ta, gallon, 11,71; large oans. Ho; smalt eana, lie "King Cola" North fitdanarda, gallon, 11.41; larg eana, Mo; smalt uana, lie. "King Col" Northern Selects, gallon, 11.04; Igrg can, 4 Jo: small oans. 18o, Kin Cuia" Northern Count, gallan. ti ll; larg eana, 4 to) email eana, 14. Celery jiammoin, per aoaaa, tbo, Fish Halibut, per lb.. UMo. P Ik, fancy eeed northern atook, par lb 11 ot Bull- head, fancy northern, per lb.. Uo. Pick- erel, fancy dressed, per lb.,- 13c, Catftah, larae and amail. Pr ID., ito, naimon, roa. per lb., 14o, SalntOD, fall, per lb., 12c. While- nan. nortnsra aiocK, par to., eo. troitm el tea to suit, per lb., l.o. Blgck Bsa, or der Im. Ilo; odd sixes, 17o. New froaep Whlteflah, fin stock, iso. tieaaieas nnnmp, pr gallon, IIH, Pted Shrimp, per gal lon. 91.71. Kippered Hal moo, 14 -lb. baskets per lb,, 17c, Smoked Whiisflsh (ahuba) 10 lb. baskota, par lt. nvjo, Hena. 4 lbs, and up, 1-mo; unner, no: spring, 10e; roosters, 1140, geeae, , 10c; dueks. Ho; turkeys., 14tf lie; Capons, 24c Outness, each loot Guinea, each, lAo; squab, Homer, per do'sen, 11.(0444.04; pig eons, per dosn, 70, Fruit and vegetable pneea rurnunsa oy OUlneky Fruit Co. Fruit Oranaee: 00. 100. i eoi.; 110s, box, II H; l&Os, box, fl.40; 170s, Ills, box. !S.7i; loos, lie, atos, box 10.00. Lemons: Fancy, box, st.oo; cnoioe, box, 10.10. Crapefrultr FloVlda 10s, 40 box. I SO; Florida 41a, box, 14 00; Florida 04s. I Os, pox,; Apples; zorn imp, va,. bbl., 14.10; Ben Davl bbl.. IS 60; win aaos. bbl.. 14.00: Jonathan, box, 91.06; Jon athan Ilia and larger, box, 11.74. Urapes: Tokays:, orat; smperora' crat. 91.40; Emperors' kegs. 94.10; Ue leges, ex tra Choic. keg, if.oo; Malagas, tanoy, a;. 97.00; Halagaa extra fancy, keg, 11.00. Pear; Bartletta, orat, 91.00; Kelfera, bu,, 91.11. Vegetable potato: Marxec pnea Sweet potetoea: Virginias, bbl.. 14.16: hamp er, 1.76. Honey; Ba4, ca , 91.76. CranbaT- nee: bbl.. 4. so; hoxea. ss.-o vsgoisoies: On ton oral, 92. 00; red or yellow, lb., ic; tomato, lug., 91.00; cuke do., ll.Tt; cabbage, lb., IHe; rutsbagoea lb., IVjOi ealary, Jflcklgan, dos., 4Uu; coioraao, ao 90e. Hlarellaneou Peanuts, No. 1 raw, lb. 9o; roast., lb., la; Jumbo, raw, lb,, c: Jum 91.70; figs. case. 9100; No, 1 English wal bo, roasted, lb, I0o; ., lrom. dates, case. nuts, itk, iivfce. Caff Market. New fork. Nov, 11. Oof fee Trad waa unusually active tn th coffee market for a Saturday, sale ror tn day aggregating si. 100 baas. Th trend of prlcea wee slightly downward, although considering the volume of business tn undertone wee wen main' talned. Opening I to 4 points lower, future kept within a narrow range all the forenoon with final prices 1 to 4 points lower. Heavy elllna bv trade interests was met ny good demand for Well street and cotton xohanao houses, wnich sustained tne mar ket, Deoember sold at tthc; March frkn I 49 O I lie. and May from 1.6001. 4c. Closing bids. November, I. Ilo; Ieoember, l.!4c; January, l.ssr; February. .34c; March.; April, l.40i;iMy, 1.40c; June, 1.64c; July, 1.61c; August 8. Ilo; September, MTo; October. ,1.710. Spot, ateady; Rio TS, Pc; Santos 4s, lOSc. Coat, and freight offers were more aentlful and slightly lower with Braill showing a dlanasltlnn to press coffee for sale. Unntoa 4 were quoted lfte cost and freight, London credit. The official cable reported Rio exenante n.lin lower and Santos lUture in if reis lower. . ' 1 '"' :- Cation Market. - New Tnffc, Nov. II. Cotton Futures opened firm: December, II. 11c; January, lt.lic; .. March, , li oiu; way, . i.7ao; July, 14.700. Cotton futures cloaed steady, neotmber 10.11c; January, 11.31c; March, 11.61c; May, 10.01c: July. ll.SCo. Spot cotton quiet; milling upland, 19,40c. Sal, non. r ' St. Lcrais Urate Market. 1 - St. Louis, Nov. 11. Wheat No. f. 1 Mft 1.49; No. 8 hard, !.; December, 91.17 May. 91-00. Corn No, t. new, lie; old, 91.01 1 No. ; whit old. 11.44; December, 3c; May, OOWe, Oats No. 1. I9V.c; No. I whit, nominal Decern 0r, 4Hd May, HHr. v Mlnneapott Grain Market, Minneapolis. Minn., Nov. 11, Wheat D- eember. 11.0614: May. 9t.01t4. Caah: hard. 91.00 92.02H i No. 1 northern, 91. 06 4Ji.i; wo. norinern. !4 vi.llH Corn No. 1 yeltnw, HV4c, Oata- No. 4 white. 4.464e. Flaxd 9ls7OJl01S. ' .. IJreviMtwt Uraln Market, Liverpool. 'Not. 11. Wheat iSoot, No. hard winter, la Td; No. 1 northern Du- luth. 14 Id; No. 1 Manitoba. 16a lid; No. 1. 1U d: No, 1. la 4d. Carn Spot, American salxed. new, lis Id LIVE ST0CK MARKET Cattle of d&U Kinds Higher for Week Sheep and Lambs . Make Big Jump. - HOGS 25c TO 30c HIGHER i Omaha, Becetple were: Official Monday Official Tuwdar .... November 11, lfll. rst t. Hon. Sheep. , f.09 7.UT II.1'0 1.14 ,637 1,471 1,107 7.-77 I. SIS 1.1.4 1.160 11,TM Official Wedneadar . Official Thuraday. . . . Official Friday , 1.104 1,14 betlmat Saturday. , 164 ftix day fhla week, .11,817 44.411 Sf.lOt Seme day last week.. 43. 4U 41,074 12.011 Nam day Z wka. 31,101 11,040 Ham day- I wk. ago..M7 16,117 117,707 nam daye 4 wke ago.4s.U0 10,11 141.711 sam day lait yar..,0 24,141 00,401 Receipt and d)pltlon of live atock at th Union Hlock yards, Omaha, Neb., for twpnty-four hour wndlng at I o'clock p. m,. yeeterday; Wabash 1 ' " HBt'EII'TH CAR LOTS. CattI. Hog. BhP. n Ml r. 51. A 81. Paul 12 Wabaeli Mleaourl Vawlfifl . Union Par fj C, A N. W., eet , . , C. 4 N. W-, west .. (?,, t. P., M. O.e l, n. A Q. eaet..... C, B. 4 Q . west . . C, R. I. 4 P., tt . C. R. 1. 4 P., weat 1 11 1 Total recolnts . 03 . t!attl. Hos. Mortis 4 Co Swift 4 Co- Cudahy Packing Co. Armour 4 Co .! gchwarta 4 Co. .... , ' 111 J, W. Murphy 171 Totals . 4,016 Cattle Thar wr no cattt of any con sequence her tejdey to make a market, the receipts, aa usual, being extremely small on a Saturday. For the week receipts have also been wy under th avrag for th laat everl week, du to th Intervention of election day, as molt shlppsrs a taxed heme to vote. At th aam time that receipt hav Been small, th demand ha been actlv and prlcea have steadily firmed up, until at the close of the week the market on good 10 cholo corn fed beeves Is strong to 16c higher than th clos of laat week. Warmed up oornfeda are eteady, sucn cattl being mor or Ires neglected by buyer who prefer good greasers to poor eomfeda. Cows nd heifer hav been actlv illrs all th weak and they are Ilo higher. mocker and feeder hav been gradually crawling up and they ar 16tfI6o higher than on week ago. Quotations on rattle: Good to choice Mrnfed, 910.004)11. 10;. fat? to good corn feds, 9.60jp0.00; common to fair cornfeds, fS.60OI.60; fancy heavy grasaers, 91.600) 10,09; good to choice gris beeves, 97.769 9.S0; fair to good grasa bves. 90.760)7.76; common to fair, 96.760)0.76; good to cholo heifers. 90,604)7.26; good to choice cow. 14. 100)7. 00; fair to good cows, 66. Tl 4) 0.60; common -to fstr cows, 94.160)6.66; good to cholc feeders, 97. 600)1-00; fair to good feeder. 96.764)7,60; common to fair feed ers, 94.00 4) 0. 76 ; good to choice stoefcsrs. 97.60tJl.04; stock heifers. 90.0007.16; stock cows, 96.OA0C.6O; stock calves, 10.0001.00; veal calves, 91.00010.00; beef bulla, 96-600 I.I. ) Hogs On very first rounds buyers were a tittle slow about taking hold, and both shippers and packers succeeded In getting hog that wer no mor than 60 higher., Other markets reported sharp advance, however, and by th Urn th bulk of the hogs began to move price were up to a 10c higher basis, while towards th last nd of the trade a good many sales war mad hat war a much a 1001-0 higher, one th trad aot undr war It was active, and practice! I y all th early arrivals had cleared before 1:19. 1 The general market waa a big dim high er, bulk of th offering selling at 91.460 i ll, with more than one iota as aign as 90.00, the top. Prices r now at tha high tlm ef th weak, and kra th highest sine ten day ago, ahowlng an advance of a quarter to In most cases 90s over a week ago Whit a few of th poorer llghta have been Blow setters all ween, ugnt nog nave not a a general thing been th object of so much discrimination, and some of the mora desirable ones show th long na ot th advance. Beat butchers and heavies, which war oommandln? a substantial pre mium a week ago, have on th other hnd not moved up quit so much s oom other grade. No. Av. Sh. Pr . ; . 91 10 100 9 o 900 9 70 10 9 10 No. Af. 01, .104 00,. 106 01. .167 -61.. 11 Sh. Pr. 40 90 II 10 9 06 10 9 7 9 99 4, .166 61.171 1..II9 46. ,111 06.. 970 40 I 90 . . 9 79 PIOS. t T..110 Sheep--Th sheep and lamb run the laat week has been th smallest In month, and la very moderate ven for this lt In th season. ' Corn-fed Iambs ar beginning to come In good numbers, but while most of th supply is 01 th killer ciaas pacnera hav been unable to get all th lambs they wanted, and th result hss been a sharp upturn, especially towards th clos af the week. Monday's market waa dreggy, but th election day trad waa lively, and any weakneea shown on th opening session was more than made up. It was at mid-week that the advance started, value moving up 10016c, and repeating the performance th following day. Friday it wa a runaway affair, th market opening 160160 higher. whll some sales before the clos wer as mufh as 40o higher. A new top of 911.66 waa established, and on beat lamb price ara.6O0oo hlghr than a week gok Owing to supply snort: tn spread between th good and medium kind ha narrowed, com of the latter being aa much as T60 higher for th week. Clipped lamb, which ar not coming In any greet number, show as much advance ss anything, a bunch aelllng at 910.16 .yesterday. x 1 An advanc of 16 0 600 Is quotabl an aid sheep, Ewes retched 97.46, the highest price paid In several month, on th el of the week, while handywelght yearling established a new fell record of 91.16. Wethers, which were stopped at 91.16 early th week, would probably hav aold higher on the close had any been offered. with t'anty supplies and rat lam be ad vancing aharply the feeder trade ahowed a continuation of lest week's strenith and some traders quote nominal advsncea of aa much aa 16o on desire bl feeding lambs. There really hav been no real good light lamb her, and as this la the kind for which th demand 1 most urgent at pra ent th opinion ha been expressed by a number of trader that war any coming they would show considerate upturn. Tha highest sal actually mad thl wk was at iiu.uu, qui Severn i ouyors ar. quoting th right kind higher than that. Feeder aw snowed ntti onang during th week, a good kind being still available at 96.6006.79. While It Is getting pretty late tn th season there ts tlll a good call for breeders, but aimosi none were available in last week Quotation en sheen and lambe: Ijmhi. good to choice, 9U. 96 011. 66; lamb, fair to ooa. iambs, feeder. II. Tie) iv.uu; yearnng. gooa to caoic. 11.5001. II; yearling, fair to good, 97.1001.10; year Announcement .; . v You can( secure Preferred Shares in Home Builders (Inc.) at 1.20 per-share only until January 1st. ..t',-. These shares have increased' in value regularly for five years. Their values increase as the surplus grows. The Surplus Profits are divided January 1st. All shares issued now will participate in Surplus Profits, besides they will draw 1 from date of issue. The 7 f' accrued interest is payable January 1st and July 1st. This is your opportunity. Home Builders, Inc. AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY, Fkeal AfaiHa ;;. . C. C. Shinier, Secretary 17th and Douglas Sts. Omaha GENERAL VON BESELER, who, pending the asxension of the Polish throne by a German prince, is in su preme command in that an cient kindgom. X K 1 ( j I; ( v 5em - voK ersejvtaj , llnga, feeder., 17.0091. 00, wehera, fair to eholtfe: 7.00f'l-2l: awea, good to choice, 7.1IS7.4!:. ewee, fair to good, 11.1197.10: ewea, plain to cull. I4.00ei.7l:awea, feed In,, 14.1001.71; awea, braedera, all agea, H.ooei;io. , : CHICAUO LIVE STOCK MABKET. 1 Callle, Stead; Hoga, Strong; Sheep, - . Strong. ' Chicago, Nor! 11. Cattle Receipt., 100 head; market ateady; native beef, 17.10 11.01; weatern ateera, Il.7oai0.10; atorkera and feedera, 4.1oei.0O; cowa and belfera. l.'7l'et.70; calvea, ll.ioeil.00. Hoga Reoelpta, 11.000 head; market atrong. 100 above reaterdaya average; bulk of , ale,. IllieiO.OO; light, 11.1101.11; mlied. I1.40O10.I0; heavy, ll.SBaiO.10; rough, ll.liei.70: plga, l.7iei.4l. : ' Sheep and Lambe Becelpte. 1,000 head: market atrong: -wetthere, I7.7iei.00; ewea, 4.1ie7.ll: lamb,, 11.00011.10. St. Iult Lira Stook Market. St. Louie.' Nov. ll.-Catlle Recelpta, 400 head: market, ateady; native .beef eteera, I7.I0O11.I0; yearling ateere and helfera. l.loen,li: cwa. I6.I0O7.7I; atockannd feedera. 11.3007.10: prim aouUlern ateera. ll.009O.OO; cow, and helfera, I4.I0O7.00: prima yearling ateere and helfera, I7.I0O 1.00; native . calvea, 11.00 011. 00. Hoaa Raeelpta. .,00a neao. ngnia, tv.aao l.ll:, plga, i.0ei'00: mlaed and butchera, ILNOIO-OO;- good heavy, II.I0O10.00; bulk If aalaa. I.4IOI I0, Sheep and, Lamba Raeelpta, too head; market eteady; lambe, I7.I0OH.4I; awea. 11.7,17.11; yearling.. 11.001.71. L'" Kaaia. cflly Live Steele Market. ' Kanaaa City. Nov. 11. Cattle Raeelpta, 140 heed; market eteady; prima fad ateera 110.0011.10: drooeed beef ateera, 7.I0 l.7l; - weatern ateera, Il.l0l(r.g0.; cowa. 14.117.10: helfera, 14.0010.00: Blocker, aad feedera. 11.007.71; bulla, 11.001.10; calvaa, 14.0010.10. . Hnaa RanalntB. 10.000 1 head: market ateady to le lower; bulk of ealea, l.iOOI.IO: neavy,,.i; eiocaera ana ouicnere. 1.111.10; light, ll.40Ol.10i PH, 11.31 l.ll. ' - . Sheep and Lambe Recotpta, 10,000 llead;, market ateady; lambe, 111.0011.71; year Ilea,. 11.00 01.00: w, there. 17.1001. 10; twaa, Mill 7.71. lit, Joeeph Uve Stock Market. St. Joaeph. Mo., Nor. 11 Cattle Raeelpta, 100 head; surket ateady; eteera, 47.aoalo.IO: oowa and. helfara. 14.00 01.31; calvea, 17.0011.00. ,. ' Hdga Raeelpta, ' 1.100 head; market ateady to lo higher; top, 1:10; bulk af aalea, '11.101.10. ' Sheep and Lambe Receipt.. 100 head; market ateady; lambe, -111,0011.71; awea, 7.00l.iO.. . -. ' Shram City Live stack Market, f Sloni City, la., Nov. 11,-Cattlo Raeelpta, 700 head. Hoga Receipt.,' i.000 head; market 10 10c higher; light, mlaed, 01 tt; heavy, ll.I0tyl.40; bulk ot aalea, II. 10 0 4.74. Sheep and ' Lambe-Receipt., 1,000 head; market eteady; , ewea, 11.00 0 7,00; lamba, 11.0011.11. u 1 New York Money Market. . New .Tork, Nov. 11. Mercantile Paper 314 per cent. Sterling Eichange 40-day bill,. 14.7114: eommorclal 00-day bills on banka. 14.71; commercial 10-day nllta, 14.70)4; demand, 14.71 11-11: cablea, 14.71 T-ll. Sliver Bar, 7114c; Mettcan dollara, 11 10. Bond. Ooveroment ateady; railroad Ir regular, U. a r. la, rag. I1HM., K. A T. 1 la 71 "do coupon ,.h nr.. f. con. e...,.io, 1. ve . ,,.iu. rer I, . IIV eb. 4,..iui ' Hii.-lll V. S. I.. reg.....l0l Mont. Power is ado coupon ...100414. T. c. deb. .TT H. 4e. rea...llO N. T. Cltv do eounon ...110V4N. T . N. H. at H. Am. Smelt, la.. Ill ev. la 113 Anglo-French la. IIUNo, Pacltlo 4a... 11 Atch. gen. 4a,... 14J4 do la 17 B. O. 4a....... llHOro. S. L. ref. 4a. 114; Beth. St. rat. te.lomPae. T. a T. la. .101 Central Par. let.. -tlPenn. eon. 414a. .1044, C. a U. av. 4141 . life do gen. . .1014, C, B. a 4. It. 4a IIKReadlng gen. 4a.. 16 H C. M. a St. P. ' 'St. U San F. cv. la 10114 ret. 4a II C, I, I. a P. Ry. . 80. Fac. cv. la. .IOSH ref. 4a 77 do ref. 4a..;... 1214 C. a 8. ref. 44t. lil4Sc. Railway la., .1034 D. a R. O. e. 4a. ISVIllnlon Pacific la. Ill, Kra gen. 4a...... 7414 do cv. 4a 14 Oen. Electric le. 1011'. 8. Rubber la. 1034, Ot. Na. let !.. 10M". 8. Steel ia..,.10s I. C. ret. 4a HHW. Union 414a... 17 Int. M. M. 411,. 101 Doin. of C. 11)1. ,114 K. I., So. rer. r,: .v -ma. U a N; un. 4... Ilij . - -i .- Klgta Batter Marlaat. Elgin. Illle.' 111.,, Nov. 11. Butter 11 tulw at NEW YORK STOCKS Various Seasons Account for Irregular and Even Unset tled Tone. PEACE RUMORS FACTOR New Tork. Nov. 11. Ilttviva! f rumori, tvhotm of th rttcient cmnlgn, and reports ot uvr-productlou tn curtain llnvft of Induitry, notably th fei(mtitlillti trud-, probably accounted to varying 6tT) for tha Irregular and at Mm-a tn uniottiet. tono of today' markt Hpecuiativa laiuea inciuauin central Leather, Industrial Alcohol anil Ihu va- oned tnduetrlala anil iiattmena wnr preeaed for aala by the pro ft union a i fJemant with U-txlcans, the latter yifldlnff on al- vlcea luKffeatlnv fresh uiaturbancia acrosi the aputhern border. Leather metdt an ox treme decline of 6 pointa, with at) for Alcohol, 10 for Bethlehum iStt, un a few traneaullona, 2 to I for mo ton and allied share, and 1 to t for hltjher grade apeclal- tiea, Marines and sugars. flitted States Steel was araln tho most a,ctlva atock, making an extrema less of 1A points, regaining lass than half. Ralls wars consistently heavy, fiLveatrr.ont tsseua as represented by Union Paolfle and Reading losing mora than a point, with Lehigh Val ley, Rook Island and less important sharea. - Copper! were tha main tav of tha mar ket, particularly Utah which rose 3"rj potpts to 111. a new record; Chlno and Kay Cop pers aisa seinng at new top prices. Metals were at -their beat tn the dealings and served to offset partial rallies elsewhere. Total ealea, of stocks it oorol mated ftflo.Dnft shares.' General newa of the day Included recur, rent weakness In exctiange on Petroerad. accompanied by unroiUlrined reports of a hitch In tha negotiations attending the lat est Russian commercial credit. ine nana statement was noteworthy for the enermoua expansion of almost $93,-000-900 shown in tho actual loan account, this being reflected la large part by Increased deposits. A decrease of mdore than 136, 000,000 tn reserves again brings1 tha total exceaa allghtly under 1100,000,009. Bonds were Irregular on limited dealtnga. Total sales, par value, 11,176,000. United States bonds wer unchanged on call during the week. Number of sales and Quotations oh lead ing stocks were; Aataag, Ulgela T i-twer Am. Beet Sugar... t.ftoo 102 101 101 American (.'an B,7o if. 3 Am. Car Foundry 0,700 72 U 70i 70 2 Am. Locomotive. .. 13,00 ' 3U 04 Am. flmslL Ref,, 16,100 113fc 111 11S-V Am. sugar Ref. .", . 117 Am. Tel 4 Tel., .. too H4 iri 1S3 Am. Z L. A S k.iaa Anaconda Copper.. 11,400 101 9 Atchison Bald. Locomotive. , , Baltimore A Ohio... Brook. Rapid Tran. B. A S. Cooner J.vvu 1UK 106 106 l.00 8 85 SU 1,10.0, 87 i' 1,400 TU Cal. Petroleum. . . . . 00 22 33 St 800 173 172 373 nad an Pacific Central Leather... Chesapeake ft Ohio :., m, st. p.... Chicago N. W. .. C R. I. P. A.. av.ovv inia Ji3 113 i.ivv Kfl4 1714 1,300 96 -a 14 1214 3J' 44 44 !4 1114 li.ioo .mi 33 I.IM 17 I1U 1,700 Bl -44 1,100 II 14U 11.100 1114 II U 1.400 i, Chlno Coppr v-oio. run iron. . Corn Prod net Hmr . Crucible Steel utstlllers' Securities' 5"e 1.000 34 S7U )1U Qeneral Kleotrlo,., 1,100 How 1713-1793 Great No. pfd 700 1114 111 117 Sr.1. Nli ' "' ' 1 400 4414, 13 4)2 Illinois Central.... 200 104 Z 101 108 Inter. Con. Corp... 1,100 II ll II V Inaplratlon Copper. 10,100 t 17 6f Inter. Harveater ..... jiju J"4- otfa. 11,300 lim il7"i 117U K. C. Southern 24.14 1544 Kennerott Copper.. 11,101 114 111 10114 4014 M i 1114 2114 10714 60 iJ Max. Petroleum.... 11.800 109 ; Ulamt Copper 4,000 41 M., K. a T. pfd..., . 400 1114 Mleaourl Pacific. . .. 1,000 10 Montana Power. ,, ,. 300 99 National Lead ' 900 -8114 Nevada Cooner 14 .na TZ 101 ,s 41 i 84 K 10714 oil New Tork Central.. . 1,600 101 . r H. H. H.. - 100 8014 141 nonarrn iacirie.. l.ioo 11114 4114 HiS 700 2ll4r14 31'4 PaclUoMail ncmc Te . t . Pennaylranla ', 17 32 32V nay ton. copper... 11,300 3114 ,,..uiu, ji,aiiu tu. Reo. Iron A Steel. . ,4 Kno 107 '4. 107K Shattuck Aria. Cop. S.800 12 Southern Paclflr... 1.101 101 C Southern Railway. . 3.000 2114 12 32li 10014 10114 Studobaker Co ll.ina i,tu .' Tenneaaee Copper. 100 12 - IS Texaa Company 1.000. 124 221 Union Pacific 11,100 14114 14814 14I44 union pacific pfd,. 300 13 .l -2ii U. S. Ind. Alcohol. 7,100 13IA 134- 134 H' f IIMOO 114 13214 12814 tl. 8. Steel pfd.... 1,000 121 12214 12ivj Utah Copper 10,100 111 111(4 114 Wabash pfd. "B". . 1,401 302 I0 3014 Weatern Union ... . 100 101 101 101 44 Weatlnghouae Elee. 7,700 6814 14 84U Total ealea lor tha day. 900.000 shares,, i Statement of Clearing Hone Bank. ' New York, Nov. 11. The atatement of actual condition of banka and truat com panies for tha. week ahowa that they hold 199,818,260 reaerva In excesa of legal ra qulremente. Thla la a decreaaa of 121.383. 710 from lost week. The statement followa; - Increaae. Loana . discounts, etc. 13,184,131,000 II7.7.74.00 Renrve In own vaults till, 724,900 7.IS1.000 Reaerva tn federal reserve banka . . Reserve' In other depositories Net demand ; de 170,110,100 BJIT.OOO 1, 408,000 111,000 posit! .......... 8,44T,&0t.OOO 87,167,000 Circulation 11.0S7.000 WB10.000 Aggregate reserve. etS.IOT.OOO s Excess reserve 08,808,160 2t,23l,70 tOf which $191, 165,000 la specie. : Decrease. Summary, of atate banks and trust com panies in Greater Ne'er Tork not Included In leering house statement: Increaae. Loans, ; discounts. etc, 9718.378, 600 Specie 0,SMOQ Legal tenders 10.014,000 Total depo.lU 047,311,000 I 1,171,300 . Mil, 100 411,000 12,(07,000 Banks cash reserve In vault 1 18.864.600 j Trust companies - cash reaerva in . t . .- , 'vsult 67,014,800 Decrease, Metal Market. New Tork. Nov. 11. Metale The copper market remained very firm.- with large in quiries from Franca reported, th aecond largtat ever received In this market. A sale waa reported at Utte, November shlp- l-vi V'rt-r . i - - Buy Shares in -Alfalfa Butter Company $100.00 Each Pays Th Per Cent Net. See us now regarding investment' , -s .... ALFALFA BUTTER CO. Cor. 11th St. and Capitol Ave. : Omaha, Neb. ment, a new high record. For firat quar ter leading producera were aeklng 29 14 1114c and aecond quarter, Z1O20C. Iron was unchanged. 7 I Aral Klerka and Bonda. Quotatlona furnished by Burna, Brlnker A Company, 449-61 Omaha National Bank Bultdiilf.. Omaha: STOClvfl. Bid. Asked. CuiUhy Park. Co , I p. c pfd. 104 106 IJeere Company, pfd IS 17 Csliftirnla Packing Corporation '17 31 Callfornii; Purk. Corpor'n pfd. 105 10114 Fairmont Creamery Co., coin.. 13714 Fairmont Crei'miTy Co.. pfd, 10314 1074 100 100 oooc', Mi:rg & i-;. Co., 7 p. c. p. l.tnocln Tel A Trlf. com..N7 p. c. Omaha Co. B. Ky. A B., pfd. Omaha A Co. B. Hi. Ry., pfd... OmaUa & Co. B. Sr.. Ily., com. Omiiha l-'irc. L. ft P. Co "14 I 60 74 16 78 12 H 10014 111 102 10614 Isited. 111014 114 100 17 1024 ioo 014 46 . 12 Petfis Mill C,,.. 1 v. c. pfd Swift snrt CotTiDiny 166 Vn'on Stock y. Co., I p. c. pfd. 101 Wilson A Co., pfd 106 .'i'-)UtA lnlun Stock V., 6 p. c 84 BONDS. Bid. Argentine Goverment 8s, 1120.. 100 Armour a Co. 414s. 121 93'i Booth-St. Louis M. 1131 Chicago Railways let I, 1927.. Chicane Telvphone 1st ts, 1923. 1014 Cudahy Pack Co. let 6a, 1124.. 10214 lowaiPort. Cm. Co. la. 1910-24 Kan. City Railway lit 6a. 1144. 714 Loa Angelea Ry. C. 1 r. 6a, 1S40 Her. Heat A L. let a r. la. 1131 Om. A Co. B. St. Ry. 6a, 1928. Pacific dsa A Elec. 6a. 1142., Paokard Motor C Co. 6a, 1119. Ruaelan Ooverment 8As, 1112 114 114 1 VI 101 100 HiH 1014 4 101 7 114 ternal Loan (1.000 Roubles) 104 -Spokane Heat, Light a Power Co. let 6a 1911 91 Swift and Coifir'Siiy 6a. 1144... 101 City of Toronto 44a. 1061 1114 Utah Pow. a L. Co. 1st is, 1114 16 Wilson a Co. 6s. 1941 10114 Wichita Union Stork Yarda la. 101 Bngar Market. New Tork. Nov. U. SugirHiturei mar ket waa eaeler today under scattered aelllng by Wall street and commission houses, clos ing 3 to 8 point net lower: Sales 8,300 -tons. December, B.t7c; January, . 4.dc; March. 4.24c; May, 4. 32c. Raw sugar, steady: molasses, 6.S5c centrifugal, t.tSo; refined steady; fine granulated, 7.60t&7.60c. Oil and Rosin. f Savannah, Nov. 11. Turpentine Firm, 4S-U-946I4C. aales, 287 bbl.; receipts, 120 bbls.; shipments, 209 bbl.: stock, 18,203 bbls. Rosin Firm; als. 1.377 casks; receipts. 80S casks; shipments. 8-3 casks; stock, 78,088 casks. Quote: A, B. I H.JO. C, D, K. Jti.:6; F, Q, Tl. I, t6.3&; K, W.37 4 ; M, $.40N, $6,00; WO, 86. 7 , - n Londom tock Market. London, Nov. 11. American securities were steady on the stock exchange here to day. . , Silver Bar, S4 l-16d per ounce. Money 6 per cent. Discount Rates Short bills. per cant; three months' bills. hQb par cent Germans Trying i : ; - To Boom Marriage Berlin, Sept. 19. The magistracy and school board of Berlin-Schoene-berg have decided that women school teachers, who marry during the war shall be retained iii office and receive the pay drawn by them before. It will also be endeavored to secure for them the increased pay granted from state funds for length of service. Th.e authorities explain that "the situation created by the war makes it more and more requisite to encourage mar riage." .'.- Schoeneberg's action is a step in advance of any other Prussian city. Others, including Berlin proper, per mitted women teachers married to soldiers in the first days "bf 'the con flict to retain their positions, but they have not gone farther. Scientific men are advocating the removal of mv limitation in th marriaffe of women teachers. . Dr. Felix . TKeil- haper, a well-known authority, on social and sociological subjects, re cently directed attention to the fact that nearly 20 per cent of all women in Berlin 40 years old are single, a number almost double that of a gen eration ago. Germany's Lack of Mustard J Is the Latest War Injury (Correapondence of The Aasoolated Press.) Berlin, Oct. 9. A scarcity of mus tard is the newest thing in the pro visions line. Germany normally im ports tne bulk of its mustard frdm Russia. Holland, Italy and lately from Roumania. Ail supplies on hand have been appropriated, and restaurarit keepers have now begun to serve the condiment to guests only when re quested and then in limited quanti ties, instead of leaving 'the mustard pot on the table, as in former times. BUY , INTERNATIONAL PHARMACEUTICAL (LAX-OLA) SHARES 1 Buy Quick s AND BUY TO YOUR LIMIT We have inside information of a ''positive immediate 60 ad vance. Probably greatest oppor tunity for big share advances among industrials today. Send quick for full particulars. Harry J. Newton, Suite 333 Denham Building, Denver, Colorado. r 4Kb -utfr f s o i Sequoyah Oil and Refining IS GOING UP! From $1.25 to $1.75 And Still Advancing! We Told You So! Wa adrlf ti TO W tMlt w knaw what waa aoln en. w. of tha taprovamanta balng 4t In. Wa knaw of th. new walla balm bored. Wa knew of tha new pip. Una Coins in. Wa knaw how much oil and saa waa coming out of th. walls. So w. aeMaad yon to boy. Wa now tall you that thla stock is cotng to make poopl. (H-np-anA take notice. . It I Going Much Higher. How do w. know it I Jnst aa wa knaw when It waa due for a climb laat tlma. W. have.-'inside- infonnationy Private source of reliability keep us constantly informed aa to every aiove made. This time th. news la that a - Bigger Dividend ; V .!$l4 Cortbg Earnincs hav. been tremendously., in areaaed in th. laat month. Sevan new wella hav. been brought in. That means mora ersrninga. Tha company has been earning 1T and paying 12 dividends. The company ia now earning 40 on its entire ontatanding capitalisation. Watch for th. next dividend increase; it is go v uv m via "" BUY and get thii ntw diri- dnd a New Year's gift. I Why Thii Stock , It Good It wood bceaui tht eompany U n i lotid earnint baiit right now nd paylnr 12 dividends. Beoau it i mn on butiness principltt by tolld. tubsUntial banker and expert oil men. Beeauae it haa hardly acratched Hi reiourcca and haa already earned big dividends, which re growing bigger every day. Because the company owns 51 Active Walls. 30 MUm of Pip Line. 7 Pumping Plants. 3,000 Acres of Oil Lands ia the richest oil belt. The nernetua. gas franchise for the City of CollinsTille, Oklahoma. Because these natural resource are being actively developed -to earn greater divi dends and because the property of th ompany is capable of producing large dividends for msny years to come. Be cause we know what this property Is ac tually worth todsy. Write to These National Banks: First National Bank of Collinsville. First National Bank of Claremore. or any bank In the oil belt that keeps postftd on oil activities and knows "who i who" and "what ia what" In oitdom. They will tell you all you want to know. They will tell you what fine condition this nruperty is In, how strong th men be hind it are, how clean and capable is the management, how valuable are its hold ings and developments. And then if you car to put your dollars where they will earn some Real Money buy this stock and watch It Spout Profits. Send 'for Latest News From the Big Oil Fields. Send for President Ward's letter. Send for our fasMe information. Send for Facta, Hare facta, Honest facts. But if you want to get full benefit of the advances coming, of the increased dividends due, act at s-nce. Write Wir-sPhcme-Call E. A. FERRON & CO., . . Banker and Bralure. 226 Santh La Sail. Stmt, Suit 628, CHICAGO. tl UP.' UP! I" UP! A UP! NOW