Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 12, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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3 A
Telephone 2020 Douglas
Beginning Monday, November 13, and continuing until November 27th,
we shall have with us
(The Story Telling Lady.)
Be sure to have your' children come and hear her, A line story
telling room has been fitted up on the Third Floor, and this Won
derful Story-Telling Lady will give all her little friends a simply won
derful time each day.
From 2 :15 to 3 :15 and 4 :00 to 5 :00. Saturdays at 10 :30 and 3:30
Curtains and Curtain Material
Cretonnes; we are showing an immense assortment of new Fall pat
terns. Monday, yard 25, 39. 49
Bungalow and Filet NaU, special showing of the very new patterns.
yr 65 and 85
Lace Panels for Window. We have these in all sizes. Nice assort
ment. Each , 50. 75, 85'
Laca Edga Curtains, the very latest, for most any room. The pair,
at $2.50. 83.50. 83.98
Third Floor.
mm 'm. ...m. i ""in.. m v w m m .-mi
dims jtos
In Abundance
Last year we were
very fortunate in secur
ing thousands of dol
lars' worth of Imported
Half the joy of a Christ
mas Doll lies in the fact that
the little girl can dress and
undress Dolly and please re
member that you simply can
not dothis with. an Ameri
can Doll.
That means that a Foreign
Doll brings the most pleasure
to your little girl. . Place
against this . the fact that
very, very few Dolls have ar
rived from abroad since last
year and then you will see the
full significance of our state
ment While the assortment
is complete, we haven't
half as many as we wish
we had.
Main Floor.
150 Stylish Tailored Suits at HALF-PRICE
Fine Choice For Women and Misses
CONSIDER well the wonderful
opportunity this sale presents.
A Tailored Suit is always an ac
quisition to any woman's ward-
, robe.
Then cap the climax with the
fact that you may purchase these
and you have a combination hard
to beat.
Suits formerly $25, now $12.50
Suits formerly $35 now $17.50
Suits formerly $39 now $19.50
Suits formerly $49 now $24.50
Women's Black Kid
8-Inch Lace Shoes
Beautiful soft black
kid lace shoes, 8 inches
high,, with light wood,
covered heels. Made
over this season's new
est models. All sizes
2i3 to 8; widths AA
Black, white and
colore. Values to $1. OQ,
Special, pair ycC
Monday we will place on sale
DRESSING; the boxes have
become slightly soiled, there
fore we are closing out 10c,
16c and 25c polishes E
for ...... C
Shoe Department, Main Floor.
Dresses $25.00
Monday we will offer a lot of smart and
dressy frocks for every occasion, including
Smart Serges, Cliarmeuse,
Crepe Meteor, Crepe de Chine, ,
Satins, Nets, Georgettes, Etc.
- Every good model for afternoon,
street, dinner, and dancing.
A large assortment.
. "piNE Broadcloths, Serges, Ga
bardines, Wool Velours, Vel
vets, Duvetynes, Poplins, etc., are
the popular materials, employed.
The styles are all so good, that
it would not be fair to describe
one and leave out the other
they are ALL worthy of special
mention. Many of these Suits
are fur trimmed and have large
fur collars.
Suits formerly $59 now $29.5,0
Suits formerly $69 now $34.50
Suits formerly $75 now $37.50
Suits formerly $98 now. ... .$49.00
Coats $1 9.00
Smartest of the season's models, with
the wide flared bottoms, full boxy backs,
large cape and Quaker collars; some collars
all fur, others fur trimmed.
loo Fine Cloth and Plush Coats.
Every good color in Women's, Misses' and
Junior's sizes. Many samples.
In many instances tire values are almost
Smart New Coats All High-Grade Garments
All the smart new fabrics and models. Coats, for every occasion, auto, street wear, evening, etc.
$25.00, $39.00, $49.00, $59.00 to $75.00
Second Floor.
Blankets ,
Soft and Comfortable.
Beautiful Bath Robe
Blanket, the product of
the -Nashua Woolnap
Mills. Size 72x90 inches.
Beautiful dark styles;
cords and frogstomatch.
$2.50 values, ea. $1.75
Woolnap Bad Blanket.,
size 66x80 inches. Extra fine
quality, in tan, white and
gray; also fancy plaids, $4.98
values, Monday, pair, $2.39
Salaan Covered Comfort.M,
in plain shade centers and
fancy figured bordem. Best
grade cotton filling. Fancy
scroll stitched. $2.50 values,
h $1.08
Bail Silkolin. Covered Com
forters, full site, extra weight,
sanitary cotton filled. Medium
light grounds. $2.00 values,
special, each $1.29
Bath Robes.
Kimonos and Vests
Soft Beacon Blankat Robe.,
with and without border ef
fects, trimmed with satin
bands down the front, on the
' collar and pockets. Some
fastened with new belt ef
fects, others with fancy silk
cords. Priced from $3.98
to $8.98
Very Attractive Assort
ment of Corduroy Bath and
Lounfinf Robes, in rose, Co
pen, sky, pink and tan; some
yoke lined, others lined
throughout body. Prices 85
to $8.98
Woman's Embroidered Jap
Kiraonoa, in silk or crepe. A
beautiful array of colors,
embroidered with floral de
signs, butterflies and dragons.
Cut good and full. , .
Crepe Kimonos, $1.98 to
Silk Kimonos, $7.50 to
Women's . Spencer and
Padded Voata, just the thing
10 wear unaer iignt-weight r
jbckcis or suits,
Second .Floor.
The Envelope Hat
Strongly featured last week in New York,
is very smart. iTade semi-soft, of velvet,,
turned at left side, in envelope effect and
flared at its points at the opposite side, front
and back. See the illustration. .
We have these at $10.00.
Gold and Silver
Lace Hats
And White Hats
beginning to show
White Hats and this
is the signal for every
devotee of Fashion that the reign of this
favorite has begun. v
White Panne Velvet Hats combined with
brown velvet or. fur or with fluffy white
beaver facing is correct, -
$10, $12.50, Up to $18
The popularity of the Gold and Silver Hat, i
all lace dr combined with velvet or fur, is on
the increase. , For semi or full-dress wear
these Hats are charmingly effective.
$12.50, $15, $18, $22.50
Fur and Fur-Trimmed Hats in Mole and
Hudson Seal; unusually smart, youthful and
"different," will be shown here Monday.
$16.50 to $30
Second Floor.
Silk and Velvet Sale of Absorbing Interest
$6.50 All-Silk Black A
Lyons Velvet, Yard
We have just received a belated shipment of 42-INCH
SUIT VELVET, .one of the scarcest and most wanted
fabrics of the season. On account of late delivery we
offer you this beautiful $6.50 velvet, per yard. .$4.75
40-tnch Black'Chiffon
Dress. Velvet, $2.95
AND SUITING VELVET, soft finish, beau
tiful, rich, deep black. Yard $2.95
28-INCH IMPORTED CORDUROY, twilled back,
guaranteed fast pile. The new dress fabric, in plum,
wine, purple, green, brown, gray, taupe,
black, etc., etc. Worth $1.50, yard 98c
22-INCH COSTUME VELVETEENS, good weight, fast
pile; navy, Copen, brown, green, Burgundy,
new plum, etc. Yard 59 C
40-Inch Soie de Roye a ct
Worth $2.50, Yard X-5U
40-INCH SOIE DE ROYE, the most beautiful and pop
ular silk of the season, in that new, exquisite, soft,
brilliant finish. All the new, wanted col- gn
orings. Regular $2.50 value, special, yard p i aOv
36-Inch Crepe de Chine, 79c
All-Silk Crepe de Chine, splendid weight. Black and
colors, not all shades. Special, per TQ
yard ...
New Novelty Dress Silks
36-inch Novelty Stripe, plaid and check ef- (tj
fects, in 2 and 3 colors and monotone. . . pl.eSO
$2.00 Georgette Crepe, $1.19
1,200 Yard, of 40-Inch All-Silk Georgette Crapa, in all the wanted
colors. Lengths ranging from one yard to full dress lengths. All
perfect goods. Values to (2.00, yard f 1.19
$1.00 and $1.25 Shirting Silk, 59c
5,000 Yard. o( 36-Inch Satin-Stripe All-Silk Shirting and Wai.ting
Silk, mill ends. Will tub perfectly. Lengths from ltt to 2
yards. Many matched pieces; all perfect goods. Worth $1.00 and
$1.25, per yard 59c
Main Floor.
Hair Goods
22-inch, wavy
switches of na
tural hair $1.50
full, wavy switches that render efficient aid
to the woman who would arrange her hair ac
cording to the new modes.
Wavy switches of natural Brittany hair,
20 inches in length, are priced 98c
24-Inch Natural Gray
Hair Switches, $3.95
these of exceptionally fine quality, and in
shades to match most any hair.
All-around transformations of Georgian hair,
very full and fluffy; regularly $8; special, $4.98
Facial Massage, Shampoo
Hot Oil Treatment, Electric Scalp Treatment,
Manicuring according to the latest approved
, Second Floor.
Suit .
Now so fashion
able, here in
great assortment.
NEW RUSSIAN BLOUSES, Hand-Beaded or Wool-Embroidered
Models, Mr- . jor if
at $15 to $29.75
GEORGETTE BLOUSES, any color to match suits. These
blouses have arrived in the last few days. r . fc 1 E
Beautiful Braided Models 0 tO $13
Silk Blouses $0,170 tO i0
Blouse Shop, Second Floor.
Wall Paper Specials for Monday
A Large Assortment of 6c Papers, with 9 and 18-inch borders to
match. Suitable for kitchens, bedrooms and spare rooms. Mon
day, roll 1 . 3y2C
Imported Non-Fadable Plain Oatmeal Papers, 30 inches' wide.
All colors, with choice of large selection of cut-out borders. Up-to-date
decorations for downstairs rooms. Regular 25c and 30 values,
roll 19c
We Furnish First-Class Pap rh offers.
Third Floor.
Woman's Fiber Silk Hose, black,
white and colors; seamless. Dou
ble soles, heels and toes and wide
tops. Also Silk Lisle. Regular and
out sizes 35
Women's Silk Boot and Fiber
Silk Hosa, in black, white and col
ors. Fashioned and seamless. Dou
ble heels, toes and soles. Monday,
pair 59
Women's Silk Hosiery, plain and
fancy. Black, white and colors. Ex
tra quality. Fashioned. High
spliced heels and toes; garter tops.
Worth $1.00, at. 79,
Main Floor.
Knit Underwear
Woman's Union Suits, fine, me
dium and fleeced cottons. All
styles and sizes. Regular $1.00 val
ues 85
Woman's Munsinf Union Suits,
silk and wool and part wool. Dutch
neck, elbow sleeves; high neck,
long sleeves; ankle lengths. Sizes
4, 6 and 6 SI. 98
Woman's Union Suits, medium
and fleeced cottons. All styles and
sizes. Knee and ankle lengths. 75c
values 50
"M" Knit and Munsing Union
Suits, for girls and boys. Fleecy
lined, cottons. Ages 2 to 12 years.
Suit ....50t
Main' Floor.
Extra Special
$4 Spreads, at
Very Fine Cameo Satin
Finish, Marseilles Bed
Spreads, large size. In
the scalloped cut corners
or plain hemmed. Choice,
each'. $2.95
25c Turkish Towels
19c Each
Full bleached and fancy
colored Turkish Towels,
a timely suggestion for
holiday gifts. Special, at
each 19c
$2.50 and S3
Fancy Linens, $1.50
This lot consists of
Drawn Work and Em
broidered Tea Cloths,
hemstitched ends; Lace
Trimmed Lunch Cloths,
"Drawn Work Scarfs;
values regularly to $3;
choice $1.50
Main Floor. '
White and Colored
Wash Goods
Wash Silk, in every want
ed shade, used for all pur
poses linings, slips, under
muslins, art work, etc. 36
inches wide. Yard....35
36-Inch Striped Silk and
Cotton Cr.p. da China, ab
solutely fast colors. Dainty
for blouses and gowns. Three
shades only7therefore we are
selling it at this low price,
yard 15
Plaid Silk Foulard and Bro
caded Silk and Cotton Drass
Materials, 27 inches wide.
Worth 29c and 35c. Special,
Monday, yard,.. 18
Just Received One Case of
Plain Colored Crape for un-
dermuslins, in white, blue,
pink, yellow and lavendar, 30
inches wide. Yard 20?
18-Inch White and Natural
Color Art Linen, every thread
pure linen. Special, Monday,
yrd 39
White India Linon, 27 inch
es wide. Regular price, 12 He,
Monday, yard 10
t l
"Popular" Laurel
Cast Iron Ranges
They give more years of satisfactory ser
vice than any steel range made. Nicely
trimmed. Full size with a full size 18
inch oven. Only range made on which it is
possible to heat all six top covers alike, and '
without heating the oven.
"Popular" Laurel Cast Iron Ranges $35t00
"Laurel" Combination Coal and Gas Ranges. .$45 Up
Cast Iron Cook Stoves, up from . . . . $12.00
"Laurel" Base Burners, up from . . . . $50.00
"Laurel" High-Oven Gas Range, up from. . ..$25.00
Two Mops for the Price of One J&5,,i-On
4 m 1 CatBuNnanoa
or Kuitill
An Ezy-Slip-On, Chemically Treated
Dusting Mop, a Polishing Mop and a 25c
Can of Polish. Monday, all for , $1.19