2 D THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: NOVEMBER 12, 1916; HELP WANTED MALE Salesmen and Solicitors. : W8 REQUIRE the service of sev eral young men who In their face how character and responsibility, and who have noma successful ex perience In selling br personal etv Deflation to business and profe- v slonal men and woman. V Wa nffaf mn nf an ma earls! v and business acquaintance In Omaha and Council Bluffs, as this work will b chiefly with that claas of people. Applicants muit b competent and willing to meat theae people i "and interest them tn our high grade Una and bo la a poet t ion to aupport themselves while clos ing dealt, which when completed will pay the beet commissions aver offered In thia city for this line of work, and will offer an opportunity to become permanent- . ly connected with a growing con cern of ample financial etrength . and bualneaa standing. Apply la peraon mornings at 2201 Farnam treet and ask for Mr. Lawls or Mr. Clamant . W. M. CLEEMN TMdTORS CO, HIGH CLASS STOCK AND BOND ' SALESMAN WANTED. A middle west corporation of several years' stand Inf. and with rapidly ex pending business, require savers! ex perienced salesmen who have good char acter, who are aggressive and enthusias tic, to travel In Iowa. Nebraska. Kansas and Missouri. Prefer men at leaat II years of age. Who have had promotion or bond-selling experience, although such, experience Is not absolutely essential. Tha positions we have open lira the asms kind as are enabling other men In aur employ ta earn from $6,000 to $0,000 par year. . If your record will stand careful scrutiny write us, giving brief outline of experience in atrlrtest confidence. Ad dress Boa $01$, Bee. , WANTED SALESMEN. I . If yaw are a salesman of more than Average ability, If you can approach pee- tie and Intelligently present facta, keep ing in mind that our proposition requires o coloring or misrepresentation, you are iha man wa want We require above luaiincatiens and good references. Thla Is a commission proposition with iioerai expense save nee. We hav; men who, even though they have had but little previous experience, , are earning from $S,000 to $6,000 pr year. Writs for appointment. Address Bog ( tell. Baa, ; . , , , , TRAVKLINO salesmen get your Christmas money out of us. Wa have tha best side line premium proposition en tha market, Brand new and up to data. Big money to ' mere ban is who are alt anxloua to handle our assortment st thla time of tha year. Key seller ss wo pay all express charges and take back sll unsold goods. It. OA commlralons to you on each $4!.00 sal and sll repeats. This Is a dandy "After Supper Heller." $6.00 to $60.00 pr week without Interfering with vour resular Una. Write at once to the Old Reliable. Grove. Manufacturing tympany, 2002 Cottage Grave Ave,, Chicago. 1 JtBAD THIS aV FrWerfcks nmSTlfti "this past week selling SPRINO OILKflS for autoa In ons Nebraska aounty. Many genu making 4 to 110 per day; no ex perience required. A GOOD POSITION for thla winter with a steady income. $60.00 investment required, which Is well secured. Batik references aa to our re sponsibility. Dept. O. N. (I. L. W. flpRINQ .PJkKCQ.,Brandels BWOmah. If You are i aalsmanof mora than "sv orage ability; if you can approach bust nes men and present facta Intelligently, keeping In mind our propoaltlon requires no coloring or misrepresentation, you are th man we want. Wa require the above :;. qualifications and verlfted references. J Jemmies ion beet. If you can qualify and stand prosperity after you do qualify, call 412 Hotel Fist Iron. 10 to 11. 1:80 to 4. WANTED Regular side tins salsnmen to sail our popular priced Una of band col ored calendars, January 1. Snappy selling line. Exclusive designs. Bell for manufso- - turer direct Adrertislng novelties. Com mission paid promptly. Emp.rs Art Com pany, Chicago. aLKSMEN toselt new line 1U advertising calendar, fans, signs, leather, cloth, eel- laloid, aluminum, lead pencils, pennants, ate. Make contracts reeervlng you terrl tory at oooa. Liberal commission, exoluslve wrruory, u. r. RHA ffAFBR CO.. Omaha, itALtESMAN Excall.nt, pertnan.nt poittlon opan Nov. 14; eapabl. aalwman hi Na hraaka BUpl. Hn. (or f.n.r.1 ratl trada; llbaral contmlHlonsi 131 woakly advance Kalpk H. Ida, William. Bld lit UolL WAKtSO Thrao bright younn man. Pratar man with aataa axpartanofc On. tt tha faataat aalllng propoaltlon. .ffarod today. Apply batwaon It and 11 a. uaMgar. Ill Batrd Bldf. SALE81IBN A amalty (or narchantii larga demandj llbaral ooanralaalon; pocket ample.. Wlrth Balw Book Co., Cpt A S8, Chicago. 8AI.E8M EN Bright, energetic men to aell 111 Una calendars, advertising hoveltlea and alma. Barn big money. References required. Th. Southard Novelty Co., manufacturer Columbia, O, SALESMEN Live aide line, something new; mlMta time paya you ; pocket samples: prompt eommlsslons; atat. ter ritory eovared. Slwood Mfg. Ci, 111! "wiwen Ave., t;aioago. WANTBP Baleamen having automobtlea to aell our line. quick seller. Blcellent sld. line. Ton can easily earn lit per day. Rales Manager, lot Houser Bldlg., St. Louis. Mo. WANTEDAaieemen. experienced In eell lag pharmareullcala. Wall- eetabltsbed territory open. In reply glva full par- ' tleulare and reference. Standard Lab oratorleev J;l"8hlejdAva.,Chlcago. 8ALE8MRN Exceptional opportunity to make big money with Mueller Broe. Ex .lURtv. line glaa. and wood novelty cal endar, utather good, and novelties. Writs for excluatva territory. Mueller Broa.lMlPalk at, Chicago. ALE8UKN Blgmoney forlualnn. get. tars. Call at 1011 w. o. w mdar TCKJK ad bond saleamaa. TAN DAMP SBC. A 1NV. CO.. HIT W. W. Blg. TRAVELING aaleamea wanted. Beet aide line oa earth. Something new. Entirely differ ent; II eoramleelon on each order and re peats. Baa Mfg. Co., Ut Cottage Urova, Chicago. IDE Una aaleeman wanted. High olaas sales board, only, New (all and holiday Una . Bow ready. Largest concern In country. Commtaeloa It to 111 each order. Chicago Diamond Importing Oo lie a. lull gt, Chicago. VaNTEB ialeaman for live side Una for dry goods and general stores; liberal com mission. Felt Embroidery Form C. Dept. O. Marengo, SALESMEN WANTED Maa earning tl.tol ta 10,0 yearly, with aew propoaltlon for all retailer. Well advsrtlMd, staple Une. Blgeommlaajon. Bog 111, Iowa City, la. foUR p.cr.lir aalnmen. ManufacturenTof widely advertieed line aalllng to drug and general trade, deairea four good men qulok. P. O. Box 111, Iowa City, la. SALESMAN For general marcantlfe trade In Nabrasks, to sell a new proposition of msrll. Vacancy now. Attractive cornmta aloo eontract for balaaoa year and Itlli III weekly for expenses. Miles F. Blxlsr Co., all-tt Csrlln 8ldg Cleveland, O. HOW would ISO extra weekly look to youf T.u can make It aalllng our art advents- ' Ing fana aa aide line. Sella ta all kinds of business. Write Bow for offer. Fan Dept., felted States Calendar. Company. Cincinnati. BOOD MAN. part time while I am aouth to use my desk and kelp handle Insur ance and rest suu on commission, lni eluding Florida. Address Box Hit. Be.. V. Bow. rheel, loi Wanted a ty, over i. with whuY aiiarouna wora about store: good wagea PP'y King Phannacr. Jth and Ferriem! (TOUT bor wanted to learn trade. Chain." pton Iroa Worka,J6 h and Jackaon. OR l "b " steady worfc, good aa BOX tor grocery wagon. Centfe! Blvd. Gro cery, 701 N. S7th Av Trade Schools. AUTO MECMAKiCa . " KARM EIO MONET. -Sfavar IdlePlg Denatid, " ICaay ta--Learn ag Owr Mathoda. KATIOMAL AUTO rftAlNWO AMR , . lilt N. 10th St.. Omaha, trend for rreojCauhsTue. UObu MEN WANTBI To loara auto verk lor tke many '-pj. attleus now open, fine training work ta saw and eietrte starting aystena, AM KMC AH AUTO COLLBOfl, 100$ Faraaaa, OnaJuw Msa. , HELP WANTED MALE Trade Schools. WE WANT MEN TO LEARN THE BARBER TRAD HI. - few weeks qualify to run shop or work for others: years 01 appronticosnip savea by aur method; we have placed graduates m leaning positions everywnere: comptn Uvelr no sxpenae; catalog maileo xree. HOLER BARBER COLLKOkV U9 . 14th St.. Omaha, Neb. (Established U0$.) . LKARN barber trade; be Independent, more than make your expenses while learning. Wages or percentage. Wo won't over aharge you to begin; 140 Podge St. TRI-CITT BARBER COLL BOB. Miscellaneous. EkPERIENCED COAL DRIVERS With References. ROSENBLATT CUT PRICE COAL COMPANY, U3I Nicholas St. AHMY OF THE" UrilTBD STATES. MEN WANTED-Able-bodi vnrearnea mes nder age of tl; eltlaona of Unit States of good character and temperate kabita. WHO oan apeaa. rww tnu wm turn us ual, liunun. For Information a only ti Keorultlng Officer, Army Bldg., lftth and Dodge Sta, Omaha. Neb. 114 N. lth St, Lincoln. Men.; sit eta swan v.iy, Iowa; 191 eta Ave., pea Moines, town. The Bee carried 47,040 MORE PAID Want Ads first 10 months of 1011 than same period 1011. This Saurs EXCEEDS .THE COM BINKD GAIN of tha other two Omaha papers by over zo.odo rxiu au. Reason.' Better Results. Better Rates. IP vou are out of a lob and want a high claas selling position caning on tne housewife a l.cent .post card will put you In touch with a 940 to $10 a week proposition. Dlv. M.. 1400 American Aluminum Mfg. Co., Lament, 111; j - OOOD money made at home knitting hos iery: machines furnisnea 'on lime, we buy or sell your goods. Easy and oon slant work. Wbcsler Co.. Inc. 117 Madl son. Chicago. OVER 92 dally easily earned knitting at home. Auto-KDitters lumisneo on ume. Fl.ed rates of nay. Bend 2c stamp. Dept. 04 M, Auto Knitter Co., Franklin St., Buffalo. QECOMB detective; Inexperienced apptl cants every wnere. v riie oeriuion w cret Service Institute, Chicago. HU8TLKRS 10 to 110 made meekly dts trlbutlng circulars, samples, tacking signs, etc. Advertisers' National Agen cy, Dept. A 14, Chicago, EXPKRiHNCHD freight handlsrs; perma nent employment. C, a, ,Hu it a ana Farnsm. COMMON laborer, whits or colored. Union Pacinc Store; good wage; steady wora. Call at Cast st. gate, ask for ators-keeper. WANTED Toung man as railway mall alerka: 170 oer month: samp is exsminn tlon questlou free. Franklin Inatlteta. Dept. 121 R, Rocfcestar. W. . OMAHA railway mail clerk examinations coming, fve montn. nampie questions free. Writs Immediately. Franklin In st 1 tuts. Dept. til W. Rochester. N. T. WANTED" Names men wiShfng to become govsrnmsnt railway ma'i cierKe. lit month. Quick increase te $100. Vacattoaa ddresO T-030, Bee. ... CII ICKKN pickers wanted, highest pay, longest sesson, best worn in g condition, Steady work, flwlft a? Vtt., Iowa Fells, la. RENT (tl Pr month! returned If you can raise potatoes. House, wen, cave, sic. North of East OiTish. pouglas HOT. WANTED Experienced window washer, Apply housekeeper, riotaironieneiie MEN wanted to enlist In Signal Corps at once: report v ,'I!';MB,mi1Tn AGENTS AND CANVASSERS BoTtETHINO ABHOLUTBLT NEW Auto- matlo stova ana furnace aamper, gar anteetl; saves 10 per cent of fuel; keeps even firs automatically just at tampers turn veu wish. Anyons oan -pat It on In five minutes. Every home a eustemar right now. bow priced: SO0 per cent profit to agent. Prompt , shipments. Exclusive territory. Inlerborough Traction Co, of Nv Turk ueee thla automatic damper In their 000 stations at a saving of II 1-1 par Rtmt pf oal. You sell It every time you shew It. W, H, Pretsman of Washington Mist too. in ten dava. Tou ean do this your profit over cash. F. W. Lea also Of a IHtie town in waaninaion, nra i in ' 10 minutes. Biggest, quickest, cleanest niAnsv maker of the age sTor agents, gen era! agents, district managers. 60 a week to IT. 100 a year. Territory now being se al sned. t your eounty iree-!-now. Write - today. Arnold pamper Co., 000 Pampar Bldg., HT W, Bchlllar ft. Chi cego, I1L tTooO FOR your net l4o days; spot easht new money-making Invention for agents, aeneral aaents. mansgera; recently ln- ventml; 1,000,000 already soldi 100 mora salesmen wanted at onoe; amating Auto matic Compressed Air Washing Machine; washes tub of clothes la six minutest no e ranks ta turn or lovers to push no rubbing; works Ilka magto. Prloa only 11.10 makes sale at avary hpuee 100 par ' cent proAt, L. Palmar. Qlen Allan, Ala., put out on trial 101 machlnea, sold 107; profit 01 07. Writs today. Wendell Co.. 118 Oak flt. Lelpslr, Ohio. ; BELL SOMETHING BEN8IBLE, Sweeping problem solved forever. Little Witch Vaouunl Sweeper. A breathing broom, aew, original, appealing, gives vacuum cleaning a now meaning, weighs 14 pounds, silently vacuum, clsana bars floors, oarpets, ruga, upholstered furniture. Results incomparable, aca'itlful In design and finish. Beat maf 4als. Money bark guarantee. Lowest In price, but bst. Writs for full illustrations and particulars to day. United Distributing Companies, 1012 Edison Bldg., Chicago. J WANT SELLING Atakf ft. Big money and Friends Tha Uaalyta Inverted Indeetruotlbio Oaa Mantis Hells at sight, owing to Its proven high mertt, . Millions In use. Uaalyta doubles tha light, saves onathtrd gas and outlasts a dosea others. Every sals of Vaalyta makes a steady customer and friend, avary Uaa lyte guaranteed perfect Don't nlss this opportunity. Writs today. J. 1. Bobln, Manufacturer and Patentee, 130th Street and Park Avenue, Naw fork. GARTBIDB'S Lron Rust Soap Co., 40B4 tan- caster Ave,, Philadelphia, Fa. oartsids's Iron Bust Soap (trade mar print and copyright registered In tha Urn ted States patent office) remove Iroa rust. Ink and all unwashable stains from clothing, marble, ate. Qood seller, big margins, sgenta wanted. Tha original, llo a tuba. Beware of tntrtngementa and the penalty for making, selling and using aa In fringed article. STATS, aounty. elty 'agents " . sell" Ford owners 100 per earn errtatant, absolutely neeesaary device; hundreds in naa, highly recommended j Inatantly demonatrated, quickly sold; generous eommlsslona, ax el ualva terrttoryt nominal capital re quired; stats experience and qualifications first letter. Lane Motor Uevloe Co., San Diego. Cal. 1" HAVE, a splendid' proposition for "men and women cnavassers who want to earn i a day and over. I pay &oo par eant profit on an article that looks and Is worth II, but you oan sell for lOo In every other home you solicit Exclusive territory to first applicants. Address Postofftcs Drawer it, Buffalo, N. T. - DEMONSTRATE "Demacou to auto own ers, tiuaraatsed to out coal gasoline al most half, aivee mora power. Immense seller Big proflta. Write quick. Da catur Vfg, Co., Decatur, 111. Aoic NTS Here's what they all want, con centrated liquor ex tree ta for making liquors at home; strictly legitimate, no license required; M to 111 a day easy; 'Just a postal today: ask for fres sample. Universal Import Co., Ill Third St. Cin cinnati, 0. i AM making' big money baking lings) rood cake .in. aquara. -ln. high, else other oakea. They bring l per loaf. Profit 11.60. Enormous demand. My methods are simple, original and differ ent 1 will shew you how. Address Mrs. Ormea Osborn, 100 Lincoln Place, Bay City, Mich. $00 WKRKI.T and up selling Mexican dla mondei exactly reeembla genuine; asms rainbow fire; stand teste, nail at bight; repeat orders. Writs quick (or sample case offer free. Mexican -Diamond Im porting Co., Ran A-4I-T0, Las truces, N. M. IIIS'S SENSATION Eleven-piece toilet article set celling ilka biases at II with 91 carving set free. Enormous profit. Tremendous hit Engla mads 5i first week. Write quick. Pierce Co., Ill Pierre h iqg., cnicago. ACTIVE man for only perfect gasoline saver. Ouataatred; exclusive terrtiory; loo per oMil profit. Carl L. Witt berg Ca. 1101 Mailers Bldg.. Chhaao. AOKNTS Free catalogue and earn pita, new goods, quick ssles, big profits, make to to ll dally, aa experience. World'a grsat aet special tiee, Cmver Co., Jaukson Campbell. Chleagtviii, AGENTS AND CANVASSERS AGENTS WANTED Own your own bus neas. Sail Flitch's Vegetable Soap. Write for free sample, J, A. Frltch, St Louis, MO. LA ROB manufacturer wants representatives to sell shirts, underwear, holsery, dresses. : wslsta, aklrta, direct to homes; write for ' rrea asmples. Had. eon Mills, 010 Broad way. New York City. AQENTSt-100 a week to special agents to travel by automobile selling our line of - new patented household specialties. Wo furnish automobile free. Write to l day for particulars. P. D. Conway, Sales Mgr., as American mg,, uincmnau, u. A LIVE representative wanted for Omaha and vicinity to sell a nowiy patented office device that every boslneso man wants. Sella for II, one-ha If profit. Free sample to workers. Write now.- Mel llcke Co., 48 Thompson Bldg.. Chicago. BIO textile mills want ambitious men ana women everywhere to ahow latest drees fabrics, neckwear, hosiery, underwear and westers; 400 styles; easy salsa; values boat stores. Many making over 130 weekly. All or spare time. Complete sampls outfit starts yon. Steadfast Mills, PeptB-20, Cohoes, N. T. AGENTS 600 per oent profit Free earn pies, uoia sign letters tor store and or flea windows. Anyone can put on. Metal' llo Letter Co., 431 N. Clark, Chicago. AGENTS WANTED No experience needed to earn big Income selling our goods. nend for our latest.jsiiinr. C. Bchlgl Supply House, sOlT W. Grand Ave., Chi cago, ' WANTED active men to sell Simplex; Gss r lanta. jvo experience required. Can make 1800 to 1000 per month. Others are tlolng It, so can you. Address Simplex Oas Plants Co.. 164 Whiting St.. Chicago, III, auknto make big profits handling our "Faat Belling Holiday Post Csrds. "Novelty Signs," "Holiday Decoration," "rennams, etc. s.nno varieties. Ds- itiand unlimited. Write today for free catalogue. Sullivan Co., 1133 Van Buren nt., cntcago, in. TOUR name, brings a copy of money -mak ing mess. Tha great agent s and mall dealer's magaxlne, A. H. Kraus, 318 Kraus Bldg., Milwaukee, Wis. CH HWlNu OUM-Hell grape juice gum new riavor, novel pseKage and Mountain Spearmint for eight years our biggest seller to all storekeepers. Oood profits mads quick. Writs today. Tha Helmet vo., Cincinnati, u. AGENTS Bell rich looking Imported 3ifi8 ruga, ft aacn. Lsrtcr, Tenn., sold lis In rour days. Front A7. Tou can do sams. Write for aamnle offer selllnv nlan x. nlustve territory. Sample rug by parcel post prepaid 01 cents. Con Don, Importer, Diomngion, ate. HOW men or a men ean make money. Sell ranoco complexion brusbes, mirrors and otnor French Ivory toilet scfessorlee. Ap. proprtate for Chrtstmsa gifts. Writ for particulars. Tanoco Ivory Co., Leominster, Mass, i HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. BOOKKEEPER and stenogrspher,' 10-160. Htenogrspner ana ass t bkkpr., 060. . Cashier, drug store, 181-140. ' Stenographer and office clerk, $46. Filing clerk, some experience. $30. NO FILING FEE, otNy $0 cent to In vestigate references. I THE MARTI CO,. 1127 W. O W. Blda. STENOORaPhER ....$71 Steno, and Dictaphone Opf. 76 Stenographer , , , on Stenographer H0 Stenographer 4,.. 4B Srenngraphajr , 36 Office Clerk 30 WATTS BBF. CO., 140 Brand. Theater. AN KXPKRIENCED dlcUphsn. operator and Mtsnosraphcr, exceptionally food po altlon. hours ft to & salary to atart, $7ft. W.atern Reterenc. A Bond Aaa'n. Inc.. 762 Omaha National Bank Building. OFFICE clerk who can operate typewriter and is good penmsn, prefer one 10 to DO years of ago. pleasing personality; salary 940, with good future, WATTS ,RBF. CO., 140 Brand. Theater. AN experienced dictaphone operator, prefer young iaoy wno naa neen accustomed to considerable machine work, willing to pay 171 for flrst'Clasa operator.' Box 1007, Omaha Bes. 8TKNOORAPHER $W00 BTENO., (BKOINNER) J.,.. S5. Oft MTKNOORAPHRR ....,. 40.00 THE CANO AOBNCT. 000 BEE BLDO. Professions ana Trades. LADlES-eVa offer yoii an opportunity of drawing good wages ny making house dresses and aprons, Machines are driven by elertrte power and require no exertion, very bast of working conditions In a clean, modern factory. For further information apply to M, E. Smith uo., factory en trance, 9th and Douglaa. Call for Mr. Anderson, , FIVE girts for laundry work, experience not necessary, pleasant working condi tions. 8e Mrs. Do beck, factory entrance, tin and oougiss. m. b. smith co. WANTED A competent nurse for two lit tle boys, age I and I yearn. Mrs, W. A. prexer, 6ad and Davenport. Phone Wal nut sail. WANTEDwo'glrla tor film inspectors ; must be experienced. Apply Laammie Film Service, 1122 Farnam St. WANTED An experienced lady for prese- ing and reoalrlna. Seat ot waares. Call Web. 8t. WANTED AT ONCE Expert lady mas seuse, Btaat's institute, i&oe Harney St., in noor. WANTED Girls In flat work dept. Apply Evans Model Laundry, nth and Douglaa. EXPERIENCED cuatom shirt maker. Ap ply Mr. A. W. Neleen, Henshaw hotel. Saleswomen and Solicitors. LADY representatives wanted everywhere. zii to weeniy; wooie or pari time, Uklng orders for well advertised "KNIT TOP" and "CARLETON" made- to- meas ure silk petticoats. Factory to wsarer direct. Experience nnneceeaary. We show Jou how. Bpe.lln.an Co., (eat. U9i), nt Market St., Chicago..- WOMEN wanted. Full time 111, sspre time 10c an hour, selling gaoranteed wear Proof hosiery to wearer. Experience un necessary, enormous Chrlatmss business. Guaranteed Stocking Ml Ha, N orris town, Pa. lITo'oo SALART for 10 days work paid woman in aacn town to aiatnouta tree circulars and take orders for White Rib bon Concentrated Flavoring. J. 8. Zleg ler Co.. Chicago. FIVE bright, eapable ladles to travel, dem- onstrate ana sen aeaiere; ?xs to sag per week; railroad fare paid. Goodrich Drug oompany, Dept. 400, Omaha, Neb, SOLICITOR WANTED Oood proposition. 100, Bee Bldg. Household and Domestic. TRAVELING man wants 'young girl to "stay with bis wits lor noard ana room, ana give some help with housework. A nice home for some girl. Phone Colfax 1451. WANTED A good, competent girl for fam ily of two for general aouseworn; good wages) Swede or German preferred. Call Monday ooi s. istn Bt, GIRL tor general housework, small family, d wages, urs. Hsora, lis no. istn Harney I4M. ANTED A young girl to assist with gsn- oral housework and I children. Call Her nev tilt. K ANTE1 Bxperle'nc'eit girl for gen, house- warn. ref. req. Mrs. H. Fritcnelt. H. 04IJ. WANTlvIv-A second maid. Mra. L. C. Naah, HOT Burt Bt. Phone walnut m. WANTED A gtrl for general housework. good wages, I tn ramtiy. sis nv xtn. COMPETENT white girl for generalbouaa work. Phone Walnut I0T. WANTED Gtrl to assist with housework and care of child. Fhone wai. itdt. WANTKD A good cook .""Sigh wagea. tol- ephone Walnut sio. MIDDLE-AGED woman to help with aouee- work and rniidren. war, stti. Trsds Schools, WANTED Ladles to learn barber trade, apeotai rates ana inaucememe. TIlt-ClTI BARB Bit 1401 Dodge. Miscellaneous. WOMAN II to 40 yeare'oYd, unincumbered. ana with eoiiege education or teacning ex perience preferred, for htgh-clasa travel ing position. In oonneotlon with educa tional work; tact, personality and reason able aggressiveness eeeentlal. If you can meet theae requiremente we will guaran tee you 100 per month to atart with chance for advancement; muet be immedi ately available. J no. A. Hill. Room 111, 101 Webaeh Ave., Chicago. PHOTOPLAY POINTERS" and model scenario free. Write photoplays; experi ence unaeceaeery. paramount Photoplays Co., Box 1401-PPtl, Loa Angeles, Cal. WANTED Persons to color art pictures at home, easy work; no exnerlsnoe; good pay 1 aample free. Wheeler Co., 1ST Madi son. Chicago. WANTED Experienced ohambormalds. "'jkip- piy auuaemeeper, xtotei runteneue. HELP WANTED FEMALE Miscellaneous. EARN 111 weekly, spare time, writing for newspapers, magaxlnea. Exp. unnec.t de tails free. Press Syndicate, 141, St. Louis, 10. OIRLS "' WAITED Experience nol neces sary. Dcott, Omaha Tent and Awning Co. OIRL wanted at ISO . 33dSt. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE. WTD 3,0 00 men and women to eat chicken amner sun. ma uutcn Mill, Sell Harney EDUCATIONAL" GETTING A : ; BETTER POSITION Did It ever oconr to yon that the mat ter of gutting a BETTER POSITION Is merely the matter of preparing for it. The WORLD Is anxious for people who can do things particularly wall, especial ly tha business world. Wo have calls every day for thoroughly trained bookkeepers, stenographers, stsnotyplsts, penman, ac countants, telegraphers, etc., and we' are unable to fill many of these positions' be oause we do not havs young people ready to take them. ' If you are AMBITIOUS and are willing to work It will PAT you to begin our complete Businees Course at the EARLIEST POSSIBLE) moment, either In tho day school- or nlghl school. ' Send for a copy of our free catalogue, which will tell you all about our work BOYLES COLLEGE H. B. BOYLES, PRES.,. . BOYLES BLDG.. 18th and Harney its, Omaha, Neb, Douglas 118. BOYLES COLLsWB. ' DAT SCHOOL. ' f.y NIGHT SCHOOL. ' Every day Is enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, atenotype. typewrit Ing, telegraphy, civil service alt commer cial and English branches. Catalogue free. ttUXeUAVS UUeUliKUK, Douglas Ills. lta and Hartley Sta, VAN 8 A NT SCHOOL OP BUSINESS. . DAT AND EVENING SCHOOLS. Second Floor Omaha National Bank Bldg., nm trance, izo. uourias 081 o. TELKORAPHT, RAILROAD AND CUM MHKclal, Positions secured. Can earn board. Catalog free. Nebraska TolOgrapb (.'ouege, jumcom, jveo. THE BCfiOOL OF M6bBnN LANGUAGES. Class and privets Instructions, native teach ers, mi Lu st, v none web. oooo. T. M. C. A. Day and Night School. Musical. Harp Limited number pupils accepted com ing season; eariy applications favored. Harps fur. Loretta De Lone, 106 Lyric Bid. BOURICIUS MUSIC STUDIOS. 1611 Dodae. we snow me pupus now to study music in tne ngnc way. jj. an. PERSONAL PILES, FISTULA CURED ' Dr. H. R. Tarry curee ptlea, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid; until eured. Write for hook on roe tal diseases with testimonials. D&'E. r, TARRT, 140 Baa Bldg., Omaha, Men. . Corns or Bunions, - If you are troubled with either, -we wilt v send you a package of Com or Bunion Plasters on fifteen days- free trial. If not satlsfaotory NO PAT. - , Foot Relief Co., Amsterdam, N. Y. FAT How to reduce it. Full particulars mailed tree. ' Hall Chemical Co., Dept A 20, St. Louis. Mo. ECZEMA Is only skin deep. No Internal medicine win curs Ecsema. only by the application of Cranolene ran the Ecsema microbe be d octroyed. Ton pay us no money until you say you are cured. Writs today, Mills Chemical Co., too Mills Bldg., Girard, Kan. FITS I cured my daughter by simple dis covery; particulars tree. E, LtOpso, 800 lslend Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. MISS WKST Manicuring, facial and, scalp treat m'ta: refined patronage Invited. Con tinental Bldg. Douglas, cor. Ifith. Rra. 10. FRANCES LA FORE, foot specialist, mas sage, siectrie treatment. Room 0, Ottawa Bldg., 14th and Farnam. Douglaa 7 an. Open evenings. t THE Salvation Army Indue trial home so- Holts your old clouting, furniture, mage sines. We collect. We dletrlbuta. Phone Doug, sill and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new home, UlO-nu-Uto Dodge St, MEN treated and eured by Dr. Burke, Omaha a men's specialist, at 111 Crounse Btk. Opposlts P. O., east PTTPTTTPT?HuccMftllUf treated wlth ib U A 1 KJ X4 out a surgical operation. Call or writ Dr. Frank U. Wray, soo Bee Bldg. MAB BRUQMAN, E , SrlentifiQ masseuae bathe. 101 Karbaoh Blk. Bed KIT. BATHS of all kinds; maeaage and chiropody. aiv naira m. inn ana uougiae. D. less. EaTH0M15"0KED MEALS NEW DBLICATKSSEN. 1101 FARNAM. UIS3 L. LILLY Bath and raaaeage, lit. Farnara St, Id floor. Phone ioug. ,41. atiss WILSON Bath and manlouring7Sa7 , uanqga ma. rnone douglaa 1711. NOAH and rharlea write to yovr brother, rrank Chrtelte, at Seattle. Wajh. tURLLA. WEBSTER, masseuse. 51, ' Paxton ma., is a. m. to I p. m. Red 14,0. HISS CLARK, manicuring, II. I raream at. noom i. xHiugiaa .711. A PRIVATE matsrnltr hot.a, I41( J. Hth at. raona wuax iox. SCIENTIFIC massage S0 Bn Bldg. Phone UOUglSS SS7S, MASSAUS girl wanted. -Room 1,1, Navllla MASSAQR BATHS R, ,01, Nerllle Block. FURNACB8 cleaned, tl. Central Tin Shop. Manicuring and maas. 1013 Farnam. Rm. ta. MASSAOlii girl wanted. lillFaraam St Miss MAO Uaaaaga. Phone boug. I7B1. HorM Livs) Stock Vehicles For Sale. WORK team (ot sals, cheap (or cash. soutn 1.61. J. u alcKelrnan. v FOR SALE Teung work team cheap. Call at lews corn- at., city. I LIGHT tean.-tor aala or trada, Phon. Plor. 4,1; POULTRY jAND FET JTOCK CANART birds. lWutlful'tralnfd lingers: Uermen rollers, Juet nut ot Breeding room, at 17.10 and 10 apiece. 0U N.1 Jtk Harney 0042. BUFF ORPINGTONS and Black Minorca oocl DAMi cockerels. Hit S. Stth. Harney 1411. AMAOED WHEAT, ll.lo a hundred. . W. mgner, IUI is. loth, . h FOR RENT ROOMS ATTENTION, ROOM HUNTERS! If yon fall to find tha room yen desire among theae ads, eall at The Bee office for a Room List Gives complete detailed description of va cant roome In all parts of the city. If more convenient phone The Bee Want Ad Dept. and give your flame and address and a list will be mailed to you at once. New lists ars lesued every week. Furnished Rooms. ICool. With or with RESTFUL ROOMS ' AT REASONABLE RATES, POPULAR WELLINGTON INN. . tout bath. Public showers and tuba each floor. Hot and cold water. Clruu latlnr lea water. evator and pnone. Dally, weekly a n monthly rates, most .for money. Far nam. at istn. R. D. McFadden, Mgr. WANT two gentlsmea for attractive front room; excellent furntsninga; lwu telephone extension: modern; walking dis tance; breaktaet served. narnya. EXCEPTIONALLT attractive front parlor and poxIIv furnlahed bedroom Bieam heated: splendid location; half block to 14th St. car line. Webstar 3001. SINGLE man havlna aDartment alone will rent room with use or nucnen cbp w agreeable gentleman; desiranie locaiwn. Box 1088, Bee. NEATLY furnlahed room, breakfast If de sired, In strictly modern home, ngnt on . car line. In Bemls park, (( nyrita a H. 1008. - FOR RENT Steam-heated furnished rooms for man only, at ths Sunshine apart men ia. Rataa. 2.00 and up per week. Office. N. ,17tn Bt. 131 Si 26TH ST. Beautifully furnished mod ,0m front room, on first floor; also two on second floor, with board bf 4ay or week. Oouglaa 8001. FURNISH ED ROOM. 208 8. 41st St.. room with Uht. heat and bath. Private family. ! P" wpek. ROOM Lady employed or couple in private nome; every convenience; mocihob h-- eiass; no other roomers. Harney mte. THE COCHRANE. 410-12 Sweetwood Ave, Clean, comfortable, modern, best rooms. best service, walking aistance. jjoug- sio fl. 3&TH AVS . nur Leavneworth. Com fortable, warm rooms, suitable for two respectable gent Tern en. Red bZib COMFORTABLE east room, suitable for 1 or 2 In Hanscom Park dlstrlot. ReasonaDts. Call Harney NICELY furnished room In private family to refined gentleman, until Jan. l oniy references. Webster, 194. 2417 CAPITOL AVE. walking distance. D. 0408. 2 clean modern rooms) Front ground , floor. NICELT furnlshsd 2 rooms, with board. 1714 Charles; gentlemen preferred. Web. ster 1065. v EXCEPTIONALLT fine room; 10 minutes' walk to city; very quiet; private family. 018 S. 20th St. 2 "FURNISHED or' unfurnished light house. keeping rooms, near Miller park. Phone Colfax 204$, FURNISHED ROOMS Modern; very sonabie; near Hanscnm ra car. Harney 1784. . ; IN orlvate modern home, one rtwlly fur nished room; 1 block to Harney car una. Harney 1800. 007 PARK AVE. Comfortable, home-like rooms;, walking distance. Phone Harney 0002. i MODERN ROOMS WITH CLOSETS. THREE BLOCKS FROM PO-Jll Nortn istn at. 1012 NORTH 2BTH ST.. cosy front room. private home. Web. 1241. LARGE south room; four windows; furnace heat; private home. Webster HB. CALDWELL ST., 2010 Two wall furnlahed roams; private family; modern; every thing cosy. Call Webater 1080. 1020 CASS Pleasant room In modern home; walking distance. Reasonable. Har. 2075. COMFORTABLE room: strictly modern; prl- vate family; walking distance. Tyler 717. EarOB front room, suitable for two, private family, B -Week. H. 4001. N. 20TH, Oil Large front room, well fur- nished. pougiaa ttoi. - ONE cosy room In private family, In Hans com park district, near ear line. Harney save. FURNISHED room In private family for ons or two gentlemen, . aim at. rym 861-JV I 2011 DEWEY AVE. Nicely furnished room. li.oo per week and up; all modern. CHICAGO 1010 In private kerne; large aouth (rent room wits eioove; also side room. 120 S. 24TH AVE. Furnished rooms for two or four men. tWith or without board. IZARD," 4526 Three pleasant rooms, one block to ear, 111. Walnut "i. DAVENPORT, 1011 Comfortable room for two; modern; home privileges. SOUTH front room, modern; furnace heat lady preferred. Harney 4640. 11-J 8. 2BTH ST. Comfortable warm room. Private home; board If desired. Steam heated rooms, tt per wk. Also' rooms. witn nitcnenetts. ugaon notei. uo. diuixb. FOR RENT Front room, furnished, privets oath If dsslred. 1121 Douglas. Doug. 171. NICELY furnished room, suitable for 1 or S. 2817 Douglas Bt. I LAROB nicely furnished roonu for gen ONB cosy furnished room, reasonable. phone Harney 4717. FOR RENT I nloe furnished rooms; N. 17th St. LARGE front room, private family. ney 41191. WORKWOMEN'S Hotel, 201 N. 18. T. 2B7I. Pleaaant, well furnished room. 1008 Farnam. ROOMS 101 S. tlth Ave. .Housekeeping; Rooms. STBAM-H HATED modern housekeeping rooms; also steam-heated sleeping room- Call Red 8050. ST. -MARY'S AVE 8&SS. two modern fur nished warm soutn rooms; not ana com water In room. SUl TBf'of oiaan, "nicely furnlsr.etT," heated Housekeeping rooms. Dodge St. No children, 20O2 110 N. 10TH Two housekeeping Close In; everything furnished. LIGHT housekeeping and sleeping rooms. 91. v per ween, witn natn. teai gurt at. SUITE modern housekeeping rooms; every thing furnished; steam heated, wai. lioa. Ill N. I0TH ST. Housekeeping rooms; everything furnlshsd. Douglas 7751. Ill N, 22D, modern housekeeping rooms; walking distance. Doug. 8041. Board and Room. A LARGE, beautifully furnished room, three wmaowa, targe eiosst, next oain, in new modern nouse: must oe seen to no ap preciated ; suitable for two ; best home cooking. 1148 a 18th St. Tyler 1700. IJNDER NEW MAN. THE PRATT VSTUSS'SSS 111 8. 26TH 8T. encea wanted. I X per day and up. WARM and cosily furnished room, suitable ror one or two; exceneni poera; very reasonable; walking distance. 188 Dodge Bt. 3424 JONES-Well furnished front room; board for two; private family; walking distance. Douglaa 1112. WILL give room and breakfast very cheap to young woman employed during tne nay. Tel. Colfai 1774. NICELY furnished room In new private home, clean and comfortable, nne location, 1 block to car. Webster 2018. PLEASANT large room for two In private family; meals If deelfisd; walking dis tance. 8111 Davenport- BOARD and room for gentleman, private home In Dundee, cloae to ear. Wai. 110. 10.00. NEAR two car tinea, cosily furnlshsd room. modern, new furnace; very reasonable. Harney SO II. . 1711 JACKSON Pleaaant front room. Gen tlemen preferred. Board optional. MODERN, new, pleasant, home-like, home halting, reasonable, year car, col iisa. 4111 IZARD Well furnished room for on and board, private family.' Box 0044, Bee. 3718 JACKSON Pleaaant front room. Oan- tlemen preferred. Board optional. OOOD board, modern and well heated room; private family. Harney 4701. ROOM and board in private family. 110 8. list at, Leug. vzoi. - Unfurnished Rooms. 2D AND ID FLOORS at 110 S. Hth St., 14 CITY TRUST COMPANY, Hth and Barney Sta. Phon Doug. 780. FOR RENT ROOMS Unfurnished Rooms. TWO front rooms; light, heat furnished, 111 per month; private family. 201 41et St NEW finished, modern except bea chlldren.2607 Douglas St 2 LARGE, modern, H per month. ' S. 8ftth St. Harney 8061. I ROOMS, modern except heat, on second poor. t:all walnut 2943. Rooms Wanted. TOU PEOPLE WHO KENT ROOMS, CALL THB BEE WANT-AD DEPT. end find out all about the FURNISHED ROOM QUIDS It 'a a plan that la nelplug ma ay people rent their roms - L LAWYER, clean habits, conaenlal. alrea room In pleasant quarters (walking uistance preferred), where there will no other men; state particular, giving pnone numoer. Box 80S, Bee. MAN and wife want modern furnlahed room in private family; must be within nrieen minutes from business district. Address Box 8000, Bee. A REFINED young lady 22 years of age and a nromsr is wants room and board with private raraily. Box No. 8021. Bee. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments and Houses. Apartments. FURNISHED or unfurnished apts., 2. I rooms; ztn and Karnam. or ifith and Harney, 330 up. Ernest Sweet. D. 1471. FOR i RENT fi -room apt., furnished, two months; one room reserved. , Telephone, Wen. 124 j. Houses. 6-ROOM all modern furnished house, near ars, Dundee. Walnut 2608. FOR RENT HOUSES West. 5-R. COTTAGE, cluse In Ill 123 N. ' 34th. Desirsble neighborhood. A nice place. Looks like a home. Part mod.. Good repair. Phone Red 4002. FIVE-ROOM house, water, gas and else trie light ; large chicken houss. 4110 manes at.; iit. walnut 1700. FOR RENT 7 -room strictly modern buuga low. meiai wmaowa aave fuel. Call Liougias 14Z4, 33U nowara at. FOR RENT Six-room house, modern except neat, -rnree-quarier oaaement. 1008 Web ster, inquire next door. f CLOSE IN 7 -room modern bouss. 2011 St. .wary s Ave. jusi re-papered. Doug. 010. T-R. modern bouse. Also 4-R. duplex, close in. appij oo uapuoi Ave. BY .Leavenworth Heights. Bungalow. quoad to 118 Tel. Douglas 2107. , -ROOM 140.00. 3 baths. West Farnam district. rnons uoug. zt. North. 418 N. I0TH ST. Very fine brick house eight nice rooms; east front, large yard plenty of shade, select neighborhood; one diock to car: references required. ALFRED THOMAS. ' 308 First National Bank Bldg. ' FOR RENT 6-room cottage, 949 N. 25th ot., ilJt.OO. f ALFRED THOMAS. 101 First National Bank Bldg. 1000 LOTHROP ST. 8 rma., al) mod., 117 1834 No. 21st St., 0 rail,, mod. ex. bt. 111. - BltiKBilT A COM FAN T, 428 Bee Bldg. Doug. 183. NEW and nifty -room bungalow. EDWARD F. WILLIAMS CO.. Douglas 42tX . Webstsr 1220. BOOM house, flrst-claes condition, modern except neat, 317; one' block to Harney car. b,izb rarxer i. xei. woo, 6B&9, 0-ROOM HOUSE, newly decoratrd, modern except neat; good neighborhood. , Snap at Sis. iei, narnny oa. 2131 BROWN ST.- -8 -room, modern. Col fax 11 61. 1611 GRANT ST. 7-r., conm., modern. 131 T. F. Hall. 421 Bamgs Bldg. Doug. 7400- FOR RENT or sale. J-room bungalow, all moanrn, gooa as nsw. nose to car. fJail Harney 0344. 2018 BURT No car fare to pay, S-r. cottage, including water, sis. cjaii u. zii. ROOM house, partly modern. 111 per mo, 6339 n. ztun at. uougias tt. j-ROOM brick, modern except heat. Call Colfax 304. I-ROOM new house, 3208 Burt Bt, Call Harney MM. . . 136 Six-room. 3B04 N. 24th St. Web. 1877. South. A REAL OPPORTUNITY.' Brand new 6-room stucco house, Just completed, fireplace, butlt-ln bookcases, breakfast room, sun parlor, IAS South .let Bt. Price 1.9. PAYNE & SLATER CO.. 1 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bit. THmi. 1,1 . til SOUTH 1ITH ST., , noma modern. - . - CITT TRUST COMPANY. ISth and Harney Sta. Phone Dour. 19. $40.00 110, S. 83D ST., ,-room. modern thous., newly painted and decorated and in exoellent condition throughout. HLOVER SPAIN, Douaiaa ,,62. ,1,-1, Cltr National. FOR RENT Six-room cottafe, 3.0, S. loth Ara, ,14.0,. ALFRED THOMAS, ,0 First National Bank Bldx. FOR RENT 6.room cottage. 70S S. fiSd St., Sll.uu. ALFRED THOMAS. S0 FlrarNatlonal Bank Bldf. 70, Georgia avenue, IS rooms, modsra. 166. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. Dou. I7H. 1016 Omaha Natl. Bank Bid,. i-R 626 Bo. SOth, cloae tn, mod. ex. ht., $16. Hastlnlta Meyqen. ill, rtarney. Ty. DETACHED, modern house, 7 rooma and Bleeping porch, lis at. lotn at. Call Har ney SZ6&. - FIVE-ROOM cottage, modsra except heat; walking dtatance. ,66 a. 21at St. Call Red Sltl. IX I.AROE rooma, all modern. 1621 Vln ton at, only 1,0 a month. Phone Doug. e,is. -ROOM modern brick, hardwood finish. 1S0S Park Ave. Fhone Harney t,70. ISO. 00 STRICTLT modern l-room brick. 1S07 S. 28th Bt. Harney 1707. STRICTLY modern 6-room houae, $2S. Harney 1612. Miscellaneous. HOUSES. ALL MODERN. 1607 Spring St., I rnu Ill 76 ,1S 8. SUt St., I rma ,. Jl 10 S627 Charlea St.. S"rme....' S6.00 17,0 "B" St. & Side. 7 rma. Jl.iO 111 B. S6th Ays., I rm,....., 16.00 1406 SL Mary's Ave., S rma , 16.00 1411 St. M ry' Ave., , rm, 46.00 4110 Wakeley St., ( rma 46.0O 111 8. Sld St, rm, 76.00 HOUSES, PARTLY MODERN. 41S4 Hamilton St, 4 rma. and etore.IS0.00 464, Seward St., ft rma, 20.00 2622 Caaa St.. 10 rma 36.00 FLATS. MOD. AND PARTLY MODERN. Isos Leavenworth, rma ,13.60 146, S. Hth St, rms... 30.00 III! Cass St, arrangsd for two femlllee, 1, .rma 84.00 Two weeka rant allowad on sons of abov., 1 MODERV apartments. 181.10 $86.60 Two noma and bath. Tha Boaworth, 3817 Howard 8t, fur milled, walking dlstanc. IJ7.60-III 60 601 S. 21at St. i rms. and bath, ARMSTRONO-WALfw COMPANT. Tyler 1621. 838 Roae Bldg. FLATS FOR RENT. SSI So. Hth St, ll-r.. c W....II8.M 1607 So. 16th St., 7-r., modern is.oo 104, So. SOth St., T-r a. w., gas.. 11. ,0 6S1 So. Slth St., 4-r., a. w 13.00 1314 So. 17th St, l-r c. w., gaa. . 11. ,0 DETACHED HOUSES. 114 N. 17th St. ,-r., modsra.... 80. ,0 1646 Georgia Ave., 7-r., o. w.. bath. 31.10 1141 So. 17th St, ,-r,, modern 12 60 1278 Park Wild Ave., ,-r., & w. .,, 20.00 111$ So. SSth St., ,-r., modern S2.I0 8,38 No. 22d Ht, l-r., modern.... 13.00 0, No. 3th St, 7-r., O. w gas.. 10.00 31$ No. 16th St, 6-r., o. w.. hath. 14.00 SIS So. lth St, 6-r., e. water.. 16.00 111, Davennort St., ,-r., c. w., bath 14.00 SI, No. 84th, l-r.. c w 10.,, 3314 Hickory St, S-r., well 1, 00 SOU Burdette St., S-r well , 00 GARVIN BROS., S4B Omaha National Bank B7dg. The Ik. carried 47.(4, MORE PAID Want Ads first 1, months os lsi, taaa same period 1,1$. This furore BXCEalDS THB COM. BINKD OAIN of tha other tw. Omaha papers by OVER 10.000 PAID ADS, Better Beaiuta, setter Rataa. FOR RENT HOUSES Miscellaneous 8,2, N. 21st St, 7 rms., mod., $76. S0t Spencer St. rma.. mod.. 127.60. 281, Decatur St. 6 rms., mod., $11. ,21 N. S,th St.. S rma., mod. ex. beat, IIS. 20,0 N. llth St, , rms., mod.. $16. 22 N. 40th St, I rma., all mod., $26. 170, 8. 38th St., 6 rma., mod. ex. heat 820. 630 S. 24th St. 6 rms., mod. ex. heat, I2S. 644 8. 14th Ave., 7 rms., mod., $22.60 2424 Uj s. llth St., $ rma., md. ex. heat, $16. 1100 Miller St, $ rma., water, barn, 3 lots, $16. 411 S. 24th Ave., 4 rma., part mod., $16. McCAGUE INVESTMENT COMPANY 1608 Dodge St D- 4 ROOMS, 2018 Clark St 110.00 3 roomi, 1821 N. 17th St 12.60 4 roome. 3802 S. Hth St 0 00 7 rooma, $103 Marcy St 17 60 I rooma, 2600 Pierce, modern 23 0 0 roome, toil Fowler Ave., modem tivOO 7 roome. 8310 Burt St., modern .... id. 00 T roome, 2430 Cmldwell St., modern. 21.60 7 rooms, 1308 S. 28th St. modern... 27.60 f roome, 3081 Pacific, modern SO. 00 10 roome, 2410 Case St. modern 40.00 10 rooms. 1031 8. SOth Ave., modern. 26.00 10 rooms, 3016 Parker St., suitable . . for two families 27.60 BENSON & MYERS CO., 424 Omaha Natl. Bank Bids. Douglas 748. FOR RENT. 7 rooms, with sieepins; porch and sun room. mantel and grate, hardwood finian. pol ished flooia, tiled baih room and every convenience; exceptional ly fine view; quiet nelft-hborhood: 160. 3 rooms, strictly modern and almost new. with large lot; one block from street car line. : Thia house has hardwood finish, oak floors, beamed celUnffs. mantel and grate, built-in bookcases and other features which represent the difference between a home-and a stopping place: 366. J. H. 1UTMONT & CO., 410-tT Keeltne Bldg. Phone Doug. 000. 4140 BURDETTE 6-r., mod. ex. heat. 112.60 1017 N. 31st St.- 7-r., part modern, 15.00 2014 Bancroft 6-r., part modern.. 13.00 2813 Harney 6-r., part modern..,. 12.60 2320 Castelar-6-r part modern.... 10.00 8031 Emmet 6-r., city water 10.00 2616 & 6th St. 4-r., city water.... 0.60 8327 Kmrrfet -r well f.00 1818 N. 35th St. 6-r., well 1.00 CREIOH, SONS ft CO., Douglas 200. 608 Bee Bldg. 1108 S. 32D ST., 8-r. mod. house, 140. 1122 8. 33d St., S-r. mod. house 380, 1010 Grace St.. 6-r. cart mod. house. 815. s 1841 N. 21st St., 4-r. part mod. house, -18. 001 N. ted St., 4-r houee, flO. 2018 Cuming St. (In rear), house, 88. ALFRED C. KENNEDY CO., 230 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 722. WE want more hounen and apartments to rem. Tne tact tnnt we have practically cleaned out our big list Is conclusive proof of the efficiency of out rental service. If you want to keep your places rented see Payne ft Slater Co., "Omaha'f Rental Men," Pit Om. Nat. Bk. BldyDoug. 1010. 1. 8-rm. Apt. In Sterling.;-. 336.00 ll So. lTtn St., 7 -rra 23.60 2430 Caldwell, 7-rm., mod. cottage. 21. SO 360 m. 40th, 11 -rm. and garage.... 70. On 2023 Locust St., 7-rm 12.00 FIRST TRUST CO., P. 1161. 303 So. Hth. 1300 8. 30TH AVE., 7-r. strictly mod., $25. szie n. 26th Ave., 6-room modern ex cept, hest 16. 1036 S. 22d St., 4 -room partly modern, f It, W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., Pouting 1064. 1320 Farnam St. 8-ROOM house, strictly mod., .120.00 .. 22.00 .. 26.00 -room fiat, strictly mod.. JO-room nat. strictly mod. TOI.AND TRUMBUT.L, Doug. Bee Bid k. HOUSES FOR RENT. CREIOH. SONS ft CO. BEE BLDO DOU3. 200 000 4-room house, 069 No. 26th St $ 0.00 ' f-r., modern, Dundee 26.00 4-r... modern. Dundee 10.00 N. P. DODGE ft CO., 16th and Harney. REDUCED rates. Ill for 6-room house, not an moaern, ana ois ror modern bungalow, Douglas 2107. FOR RENT Ap'to tmf Flats West FOR RENT Dundee five-room apartment. nr au.ev. . f ' W, U HELBY ft SONS.; ' " f DOUGLAS 1610. STEAM-HEATED apartments; 4 larga rooms ana pain; janitor service. 688 B, 38th su Wslnut 2267 or Harney 4141. ... ST. CLARE. , 2 and 4-rm. apts., 24th and Harney 047. Harney. DESIRABLE 6-room apartment in the Potter, at 33d and Farnam. Tel. Harney 3621. North. 7-RCOM APARTMENT. Located at 8117 Sherman Ave.; heat, water and janitor service; large rooms; all In (rood shape; only ? 12.60 winter, $26.00 summer. Phone Douglas 4810. RENT CUT TO $16. 1110 N. 23d., 4-r. flat, steel range, gaa plate, kitchen cabinet, watefbaid, $16, RASP BROS., Douglas 1653. 6 ROOMS. NEW . BRICK FLAT, 1107 N. :3d; first-class condition; all mtdern; $20 a month. Phone Doug. 4810. . MOST modern, up-to-date brick flat In city. ' not water neat. 3021 Cass St. 0, (Oil. Harney 1802. ELEGANTLY modern 4-room Apt, xiiT semi-basement, $26. Phone Web. Till. I-B. APT. Downtown. SIS, Including water anq gaa range, ill w. 21st. p. S161. South. 1 '. BARGAIN FLAT. 568 SOUTH 28TH ST. 0 nine room,' all neatly decorated. Thla flat la up to date In every particular. Nice neighborhood, easy walking dtstanoe: only $36. PAYNE & SLATER CO., 010 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1010. ROOMS, modern apartment, at 420 South 26th Ave.,' private basement, heat and Janitor service, $40. ' BENSON & MYERS CO., ... umana niiwoiusuK mag. 1431 Cuming Sll. 06 4- r., 708 Bo. 16th 14.0, 5- r., 708 So. 16th.: , 16,,, S-r., 16th ana Harney, ateam heat,. .14,0, ,' w. p. ppc COZT.W. DOB CO., 16th ana Harney. WARM, S-R. BRICK FLAT. SIS. Oaa, toilet, water . pd.: fine repair; l-story so. moa.. sat no ennareg: 3 nma xronx Owl car,, sot, t. 18th. ft. 4S03. ROOM modem flat, choice location. ISIS S.2lth St., 111.60, water free. Web. Hi, or Web. 8640. MiBcellaneonf. PAYNE & SLATER CO, "OMAHA'S RENTAL MEN." HOUSES AND COTTAGES. ' MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. Sr 880 8. 88d St., dandy cottage, easy walking dlatance, only S17.6Q. l-r. S616 Jones St., good cottage, easy walking dlatance, 117.60. ,-r., 60S S. 18th St.; baa been newly papered and painted throughout. Thla , houae la In fine condition. Her. you have no carfare. S3S. T-r., 8668 Seward, good neighborhood, ISO. . v-r., .... uvuilW Ot. HSrS IS Sit OS esllsnt plscs to rent out rooms: will put In good condition ISO. ALL MODERN, l-r., 8118 Maple St., aeatly decorated throughout. 120. l-r.. ,,17 North SOtb St, .looping porch. SS7.60. w t-r., S86S Farnam; will put ta good con dition. 6e. . l-r., ,801 orant St.: has Juet been newl. decorated and painted throughout. Oa rage. 180. l-r., 11SS South SSd St., 4 bedrooraa, east ririu cue uie.nci. ,,0, PAYNE A SLATER Ct II, -Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1016. ! ! t ATTENTION ! 1 I APARTMENT. HUNTER. v rum -rwum tiwniiitn, m me carlyle, . S26 South llth St., second floor, most desirable or all. Here you have no aar- (are; $36 summer, $42.60 winter. thb kuut. -a and Pacific Sis., l-room apartment, large living room with fire place. These apartments have unusually lai-ge rooma Price $60.. HART BLOCK Dundee. I riMM ik two dteappearing bads, $86 flat rata. Ai IN C. SLATER CO.. ' 01$ Omaha Nat. Bk Bldg. Doug. iil. klhjm nat ror rent. $26 per month; eles AND 4-RM. Ants.. The Strlin Trust Co. D. mi.