a A THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: NOVEMBER 12, 1916. f (BAR LONG READY TO ATTACK KAISER Alleged Text of Secret Order Issued Four Years Ago Published at Berlin. DETAILS OF THE SCHEME Berlin, Nov. ll.ABy Wiresless to Syville.) The assertion of Chan cellor von Bethmann-Holweg in his address to the Reichstag main com mittee that as long ago as 1912 Rus sia had made plans for war on Ger many was supplemented today by the semi-official Nordeutsche Al germein Zeitung, which published what is given as the text of the Rus sian government's general order to which the chancellor referred. In hit address Dr. von Bethmann-Hel-weg said at the time the war began there was still valid an order "from the highest place" that a proclamation of war against Germany. Text of the Order. The text of the order at given by the newspaper follows: "Secret Chief of Staff of the Warsaw Military District: "Quartermaster-general's section, moboilization department "September JO, 1912. Number 2,450. . "Urgent:' To the commander of the Sixth army, corps: Modifying all former orders, I communicate the following order of the chief com mander: "It is ordered from the highest place that a proclamation of mob ilization, at the same time is a procla mation of war against Germany. "The eGrman army, in full readi ness for war. can- complete the oc- Scnpation of strategic points in the district of the Mazorian lakes, on the thirteenth day of mobilization. The German vanguard corps may cross the frontier on the tenth day. "The armed forces of Russia will be divided .into several armies, previously assigned for simultaneous operations against Germany and Austria-Hungary.. The armies assigned for operations against Germany will be combined into one group under command of the chief commander of the group of armies before the Ger man front The second army, to which the Sixth corps belongs, will be incorporated in a group of armies on the northwest front The staff of the chief commander of the Second army will have quarters in Warsaw until the seventh day of mobilization and later on at Volkovisk. "The general task of mobilization on the northwest front, after the com pletion of mobilization, will be to march against the armed forces of Germany, with the objeet of carry ing the war into its territory. The tack of the second army will be the masking of mobilization and of the general concentration of armies. In any event the army must maintain control of the Bialystok-Grodno dis trict. Fr this purpose the second army will concentrate on tht front of Sopockini Lomza." .'.., - Order la Secret " Dialled orders are given, the news paper continues in regard to the dis position of troop, transports, etc, and finally the. high political im portance of tbe orders given are a strict secret, as follows: . , "The contents of this order are strict secret of state." , . "The order is aaid to have been signed by Lieutenant-General Kliou jew, Major.General Postovskl . and Senior Adjutant-Colonel Daler. The Nord Deutsche Allgemetine Zeitung says this order was not can celled and consequently was valid when the war began. . It add that judging by the 'colse co-operation of .1. - Ti ! i r- i. we noBiian ' spa rrencn general staffs the order also most have been known to the French government and through it to the British government, inasmuch at in the last few years before the war relation! had been built uo between the French and Brit ish staffs, as was shown by frequent trips of General French to France. Douglas Members Select Their Seats ? (From a Start GarrMpwtamt.) Lincoln, Nov. 11. (Special.) For tthe first time in many sessions Doug flas coanty members of the senate will have their seats on the south side of Jthe chamber instead of the north aide. jTheyt will occupy the extreme south tier of seats and will be next to the pjneattrr county delegation. r 'In the house they will occupy about the same position that the delegation Jhed last session except that they will be nearly all together on the rear peats on the north of the main aisle. Members are steering clear, of the (southeast corner, which shows signs tof dropping out. In the senate all but 'three seats have been selected. : Northwestern Train to ' i Speed Up. One Half Hour Beginning Sunday, the Northwest ern s So. i, run in connection with tthe Union Pacific Overland Limited. will leave Omaha, eastbound. at 8: JO. tinstead of at 9 o'clock in the morning, reaching Chicago half an hour ear lier. While there has been no cut in the running time between Omaha and Chicago, there has been a cut of thirty minutes between here and ban Iran- I This train will leave San Francisco at the same time as now, but between atiere and the coast it is to be speeded Sup, eliminating one-half hour of time. : , Don't Delude Yourself, Mr. Wet The atmosphere here in Omaha is just now super charged with talk by disappointed "wets" about the dry amendment being "unconstitutional" or having failed of car rying by the requisite "35 per cent majority." Don't delude yourself, Mr. Wet, with false hopes, for this is not a question of sympathy, but of stern reality. The claim that the amendment is "unconstitutional" rests upon the inclusion of the word "forever," so we are told, because nothing can be decreed "forever." That con tention is built upon sand for the adoption of a constitu tional amendment makes it constitutional until repealed, and the word "forever" neither lengthens nor shortens the time. Does any one believe all this fight would have been made and all this money spent to beat a proposal sure to be nullified because unconstitutional? As to the majority required to adopt an initiated amend ment, it is plain that all that is required is a larger vote "for" than "against," which vote must be not less than 35 per cent of the total number of ballots cast at the election. If the toul vote in the state goes up even to 300,000, (which it is scarcely likely to do) the 85 per cent will call for 105,000, and on the returns already in the vote "for" the dry amend ment exceeds that number. So, regardless of any wish in the matter one way or the other, we repeat: "Don't delude yourself, Mr. Wet." WILLCOX WAITS OFFICIAL COUNT IN CLOSE STATES (CsDtlaiMd from Pg One.) The various county hoards will meet Tuesday and count the ballots. Wilson Leads in New Mexico. Santa Fe, N. M., Nov. 11. Presi dent Wilson led Charles E. Hughes in the unofficial New Mexico returns early today by 1,184 votes, with twenty-nine of the 638 precincts missing. These precincts were small and wide ly scattered. Late returns on congress gave Wal ton (democrat) a lead of 1,776 in 542 precincts. For senator, A. A. Jones (democrat) has a lead of 3,695, with sixty precincts missing. In the gubernatorial race, De Baca (democrat) led Bursum (republican) by 1,050 votes, with 118 precincts not reported. Situation in California. San Francisco,' Cat., Nov. 11. An alysis by democratic leaders today of the popular vote in San Francisco failed to give much encouragement to the claim of the republican state cen tral committee that a split electoral vote would result from scratching of democratic electors. ! In this city the low democratic elec tor, Mrs, Carrie L. Tyler, received 77,830 votes, only 411 behind Francis J. Heney, high, with 78,241. If the same ratio were maintained through out the state, it was said. Mrs. Tvler would be approximately 2,466 votes behind the head of her ticket. The present democratic plurality, how ever, is 3,278, leaving the republicans approximately 800, short of even one elector. t , Louise Clarke, low republican elec tor, ran 292. votes behind Brittton, high, with 63,130 votes, in San Fran cisco. -'V ! , Eight precinct were vet missing early today, with a possibility that the unofficial state count would not be complete before the official canvass, which begin) Monday. Unofficial returns show both anti liquor amendments decisively beaten, although managers of the dry cam paign refuse to concede this aa yet. Legal counsel has been retained by republicans and democrats to aid in watching the final counts. In addi tion, Deputy United Statea marshals and secret service men have been de tailed in the large counties, notably Alameda (Oakland) with, roughly 100,000 votea and Los Angeles with 250,000 votes, on the two big tickets. Today being a half holiday, the count by clerks probably will start Monday and the final count in the of fice of the secretary of atate on Thuraday. Perhaps by a week from tomorrow the final official results may be known. , Thompson Urges Dry -. Workers Stay Organized (From a Start ComapondMit.) Lincoln, Nov. 11. (Special Tele gram.) W. T. Thompson, chairman of the Nebraska Dry Federation, in a statement today, after thanking the supporters ot the prohibition amend ment, says: "The county and local federations which did such aplendid work in car rying the amendment should not feel that their work is entirely over, and it is tecommended that these organi zations be maintained for the pur pose of co-operating in making pro- iiiuiuuk cuciiive. inc moral innu ence of these organizations for the enforcement of the amendment which has been adopted will prove of in estimable value to the law officers, who we have a right to expect will do their duty in that respect. If this is done, Nebraska will ah ow itself to be one of the cleanest, as it has shown itself to be one of the best and most progressive states in the union." BREWERIES WILL BE PUT TOOTHER USES Owners Already Figuring On Turning Plants Into Manu facturing Concerns. TO GROW WITH THE CITY One of the questions of the hour re lates to the future use of the brew eries after May 1, when Nebraska will begin its era of prohibition. Although the echoes of the recent election have barely died away, the brewers and distillers of Greater Omaha have taken thought of the morrow. They intend to keep right on growing wtih growing Omaha and whe nthey cannot make beer, they will make other products in their ex tensive plants. Albert Krug, vice president and general manager of the Fred Krug Brewing company, aaid: 1 "We have made no plans, but in alt probability the plant will be used for some other industry. It is a little early to speak of the matter." According to inside information, the Storz brewery will be used as an ice manufacturing plant. Gotlieb Storz is out of the city and it fa understood he is considering this proposition with eastern men. Figure on Catalogue House. Unless present plans miscarry the Metz brewery will be remodeled to suit the needs' of a catalogue house which the Metz brothers intend to start. They have been favirabty im pressed with the idea of opening a catalogue house in the west,' inas much as this trade territory has ex panded by leaps and bounds during the last few years.' There is no cata logue house of any pretentions west of Chicago. ' ' ':'-J a r ; ,J '.The Gate City. Malt company' will reorganize aa the Gate City Milting company and will manufacture alfalfa meal and poultry food, v 5 y" . No plans have been made for the use of the Willow Springa brewery. . Inquiries have been received at the Commercial club from outside pros pective manufacturers .asking for in formation regarding idle. plants after the' firai of the year.k ' " LIVELY BATTLES ON SOME FRONT British Troops Capture Thou sand Yards of German Trenches. BERLIN VIEW OF OUTLOOK Fife Commissioner Ridgell to Hospital (From 1 Staff Corrtapondant.) ' Lincoln, Nebv Nov. 1 1. (Special.) Fire Commissioner W.-S. Ridgell was taken to a local hospital this morning. A minor operation will be necessary, but it is not thought that he will be confined many days. London, Nov. 11. The war office announces that German trenches over a front of 1,000 yards on the Somme front were stormed last night by the British. The announcement follows: "Last night the eastern portion of Regina trench (on the northern end of the Somme front) being a continu ation of the length of trench captured by us in our successful assault of Oc tober 21 was stormed and captured on a front of 1,000 yards in spite of a heavy enemy barrage. The new trench has been joined up with the old line and the position secured. Pris oners of two regiments were taken." German forces attacked last night at Deniecourt on the Somme front and were repulsed by the French, who inflicted heavy losses On them, the French war office announced today. Entente Forcea Exhausted. Berlin, Nov. 11. (By Wireless to Sayville.) Berlin newspapers publish a statement from "competent military authorities" saying the Anglo-French drive on the Somme has been halted by the exhaustion of the entente troops and their heavy losses and by unfavorable weather. The statement says: "After the tremendous losses sus tained by the British and French on November 5, when they employed six British and four and a half French divisions without success in an at tempt to break our front between Le Sara and Bouchavesnes, they have been unable to drive forward for large attacks their exhausted and decimated troops over ground made impractica ble by rain. All attempts have been stifled immediately by the fire of our artillery and mechine guns and only south of the Somme, near Pre soire, did the French obtain insignifi cant local successes. "Attacks launched repeatedly on Wednesday in St. Pierre Vaast wood, although continued until late in the night, were crushed. With the clear ing of the weather the artillery - be came more active, but the British and French were unable' to make an at tack. . "Fighting on Thuraday resulted in isolated violent encounters near Eau coort L'Abbaye, Guedecourt, Lea Boeufs and; Presoire, the entente at tacks being stifled by the German fire. In the vicinity of Sailly-Saillisel fierce fighting was renewed.! French storm ing columns were repulsed in san- ? unary hand-to-hand fighting. About resoire the fighting continued until evening, when it ended without suc cess for the French, r - "Among seventeen hostile air planes shot down on the western front was one large battle plane provided with two motors aftd three machine guns. The air plane carried three men." , North Platte Proves Strong Against Kearney Team North Platte, Neb., Nov. 11. (Spe cial Telegram.) Before a crowd, that shivered in a bitter wind and sought to warm numb hands and feet by fol lowing the players along the sidelines, North Platte this afternoon defeated Kearney, 25 to 9. A single pass and straight foot ball secured North Platte's first touchdown in five min utes. Captain Baker intercepted a Kearney forward pass and ran seventy-five yards for a touchdown. Straight foot ball brought another touchdown. Kearney made one touch back in the fourth quarter' and sent a runner over the goal on a fumble. Straight foot ball brought - North Platte another . touchdown ' in the fourth quarter. " - '. - Persistence Is the Cardinal Virtue in Advertising. ' Bee Want Ads Produce Results.- SFBAMw Sanatorium This institution ia th only en in the central wait with separata building, situated in their own ample grounds, yet entirely dis tinct, and rendering It possible to classify eases. The on building being fitted for and devoted to th treatment of non-contagious and non-mental diaeaaaa, no other ba mg admitted: the other Rest Cot tage being designed for and de rated to the excluaiv treatment of elect mental eaaea requiring or a time watchful car and spe .ial nursing. Order That Suit for Thanksgiving KOW! ... r Select it from my large - and beautiful stock of all-wool fabrics. I give you Btyle, fit and satis faction. Prices no high er than the ready-to-wear-after t they t alter them kind. 1512V Dodg Street Dr. Bradbury a Safe Dentiat GOT RHEUMATISM? . . Better see good Dentist first thing if you have. We hav known for several years that '. very often Rheumatism la caused by bad teeth, . diseased roots and a general unhealthy condi- . tion of the mouth, and Dentistry haa been the mean of relieving much Buffering. Often a physician la consulted where the cure lie with ' the Dentist .,,' ... Let me tell yon what you need in Dentistry. Maybe I can save you many unhappy hours. ' - Today i better than tomorrow. ' Telephone for an appointment NOW. " Pyorrhea successfully treated. ' QUALITY work to aati.fy in fillings, crowns, bridge work, extraction and plates. X-RAY to locate troubles not visible to the naked eye. DR. BRADBURY, Dentist 27 Year in Omaha. 21-23 Wodm.a of th World Building. Phon. D. 1756. 14th and Farnam Sts., Omaha. Hours S to 6 Sundays, 10 to 12. GOAL MINERS ASK FOOD PRICE PROBE Resolution Sent President and Governor Alleges Illegal Acts by Speculators. DEMAND MADE FOB ACTION r' YOU PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS In the month of October, 1916, THE BEE printed 104 More room-to-rent ads than in October, 1915, is a positive proof of results. Why not rent your spare room through The Bee columns? A better rate, le per word, than you can secure elsewhere. A better service is at the other end of your phone. Call TYLER 1000, Today. Columbus, O., Nov.'ll. The execu tive board of the United Mine Work ers of Ohio, representing 50,000 wage earners, today addressed to President Wilson and Governor Willis of Ohio a copy of a resolution adopted by miners' officials demanding that the various branches of the state and fed eral governments conduct an investi gation of the high cost of living. "We believe," reads the resolution, "that the high cost of living is oc casioned by unfair and illegal specu lation in foodstuffs and other neces sary commodities, thereby causing ac tual hunger and distress in families where the breadwinner is not stead ily employed." They ask that the government take such steps, after in vestigation, "as will reduce the cost of commodities and place the neces sities of life within the financial reach of the wage earner." Mine workers are hard hit by the high cost of living, the officials de clare, because the mines are not work ing more than half time, due to the coal car shortage. GOETHALS PREDICTS SUDESJONPRED Asserts Earth Movements Will Be Overcome "Finally and . for All Time." HE FLAYS "KNOW IT ALLS" Washington, Nov. 11. The predic tion that earth movements in the Panama canal would be overcome "finally and for all time" is re-affirmed by Major General Goethals, governor of the canal zone, in his annual re port made public today by the War department. This will be accomplish ed General Goethals says, "notwith standing the calamity howlers and in spite of diastrous predictions of the "know it alls." Referring to the slides, the general says he is moved to go into the subject again only because of the many false reports that have been published. "Such reports are false and there is no foundation for them," he de clares, "yet they seem to have gained credence, probably because a pending treaty between the United States and Nicaragua contemplates securing from the latter all rights for building a canal on its territory." Such reports. General Goethals added, serve to aid shipping compan ies to take advantage of present con ditions to charter ships at excessive rates and permit an increase in in surance rates. He protests particu larly against a widely published re port made by Prof. Benjamin Leroy Miller, of Lehigh university, on his return to the United States after spending three or four hours looking over the canal. General Goethals says Prof. Miller's statements were "erroneous, unwarranted and unfair." Persistence Is the Cardinal Virtue in Advertising. TIOIFSON-BEIDEN 6CO. H Fashion GmWof lUfUcMsr Established t88d Coat Fashions Truly Representative of the Season's Accepted Modes To be fully informed is but.to see these selections of New Coats now ready for viewing. ' Wonderful, combinations of soft velours and softer furs present ah ex-5 clusive appearance of - the highest character. I. . .. . . ; Fabrics are quite without limit in weave and rich colorings. A special value is a plush coat of an unusually . fine quality for $50. Yukon Seal the newest fur textile fabric is wonderfully popular, at $69.50. ' Velours, In very choice styles, range in price from $55 to $125. . I Private Display Rooms for Your Convenience. The Best Flannels Priced Right Genuine No. 1921 Amos- , keag and No. 740 Out ing Flannel, 12Vic . a yard. Neat stripes or checks, also white. ;;' Bathrobe Flannels, 40c a Yard 30 inches wide, varied range of styles, in "all colors; regular . blanket weight. Viyella Flannel, 75c a ,'Yard 31-Inch wide, guaran- . teed not to shrink or fade; complete variety, all the new stripes and check effects; correct weight for women' waists, men's shirts, slumber suits, etc. . , " Baaamant. , of Bedding for Cold Weather Can Be Bought Now at Interesting Prices Wool Nap Blankets, $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 a pair. Plain white, tan, and gray, also fancy block plaids in three-quarter and double-bed sizes, all ' good weights and bright, 1 clean stock. Comfortables, $2.50, $3.50 and $4.00. For full-size beds, filled with pure, sanitary cotton, . coverings of excellent silk oline, both sides figured, some with plain border. Wool Blankets, $6.50, $7.00, $8.50, $10.00 and $11.50 a pair. A complete range of plaids of all colors, also plain white with fancy borders, medium and ex tra large sizes, heavy weight. Lambs' Wool Comforts, $4.50, $5.00 and $7.00 a pair. Filled with a fine qual ity of wool, fancy cambric coverings, some with plain border effects, full size, 72x84. ' The Exquisite Flavor CANDY Refinement and delicacy in the flavor of Betsy Ross Candy gives it the wonderful popularity it enjoys. Purity is the reason for it. Purity in materials purity in the skillful methods of making purity in all the surroundings in which this charming candy is made. The model Betsy Ross kitchens are pure white and every worker dresses in spotless linen. We are exclusive dealers for Betsy Ross Candy. Our special arrangements for fresh shipments enable us to supply you always with fresh, wholesome, delightful Betsy Ross Candy. Always Fresh at Burgess-Nash Co. . s rr rr P. S. The price of Betsy Ross Candy has not been raised in Omaha. i i